diff options
4 files changed, 155 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/satgen.h b/kernel/satgen.h
index 7535c753..90e69ad2 100644
--- a/kernel/satgen.h
+++ b/kernel/satgen.h
@@ -73,29 +73,6 @@ struct SatGen
return vec;
- // ** cell types to be done: **
- // cell_types.insert("$pos");
- // cell_types.insert("$neg");
- // cell_types.insert("$xnor");
- // cell_types.insert("$reduce_and");
- // cell_types.insert("$reduce_or");
- // cell_types.insert("$reduce_xor");
- // cell_types.insert("$reduce_xnor");
- // cell_types.insert("$reduce_bool");
- // cell_types.insert("$shl");
- // cell_types.insert("$shr");
- // cell_types.insert("$sshl");
- // cell_types.insert("$sshr");
- // cell_types.insert("$mul");
- // cell_types.insert("$div");
- // cell_types.insert("$mod");
- // cell_types.insert("$pow");
- // cell_types.insert("$logic_not");
- // cell_types.insert("$logic_and");
- // cell_types.insert("$logic_or");
- // cell_types.insert("$pmux");
- // cell_types.insert("$safe_pmux");
void extendSignalWidth(std::vector<int> &vec_a, std::vector<int> &vec_b, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
bool is_signed_a = false, is_signed_b = false;
@@ -116,10 +93,10 @@ struct SatGen
- virtual void importCell(RTLIL::Cell *cell)
+ virtual bool importCell(RTLIL::Cell *cell)
if (cell->type == "$_AND_" || cell->type == "$_OR_" || cell->type == "$_XOR_" ||
- cell->type == "$and" || cell->type == "$or" || cell->type == "$xor" ||
+ cell->type == "$and" || cell->type == "$or" || cell->type == "$xor" || cell->type == "$xnor" ||
cell->type == "$add" || cell->type == "$sub") {
std::vector<int> a = importSigSpec(cell->"\\A"));
std::vector<int> b = importSigSpec(cell->"\\B"));
@@ -131,23 +108,91 @@ struct SatGen
ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(ez->vec_or(a, b), y));
if (cell->type == "$xor" || cell->type == "$_XOR")
ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(ez->vec_xor(a, b), y));
+ if (cell->type == "$xnor")
+ ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(ez->vec_not(ez->vec_xor(a, b)), y));
if (cell->type == "$add")
ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(ez->vec_add(a, b), y));
if (cell->type == "$sub")
ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(ez->vec_sub(a, b), y));
- } else
+ return true;
+ }
if (cell->type == "$_INV_" || cell->type == "$not") {
std::vector<int> a = importSigSpec(cell->"\\A"));
std::vector<int> y = importSigSpec(cell->"\\Y"));
ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(ez->vec_not(a), y));
- } else
+ return true;
+ }
if (cell->type == "$_MUX_" || cell->type == "$mux") {
std::vector<int> a = importSigSpec(cell->"\\A"));
std::vector<int> b = importSigSpec(cell->"\\B"));
std::vector<int> s = importSigSpec(cell->"\\S"));
std::vector<int> y = importSigSpec(cell->"\\Y"));
- ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(ez->vec_ite(s, b, a), y));
- } else
+ ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(ez->vec_ite(, b, a), y));
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (cell->type == "$pmux" || cell->type == "$safe_pmux") {
+ std::vector<int> a = importSigSpec(cell->"\\A"));
+ std::vector<int> b = importSigSpec(cell->"\\B"));
+ std::vector<int> s = importSigSpec(cell->"\\S"));
+ std::vector<int> y = importSigSpec(cell->"\\Y"));
+ std::vector<int> tmp = a;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
+ std::vector<int> part_of_b(b.begin()+i*a.size(), b.begin()+(i+1)*a.size());
+ tmp = ez->vec_ite(, part_of_b, tmp);
+ }
+ if (cell->type == "$safe_pmux")
+ tmp = ez->vec_ite(ez->onehot(s, true), tmp, a);
+ ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(tmp, y));
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (cell->type == "$pos" || cell->type == "$neg") {
+ std::vector<int> a = importSigSpec(cell->"\\A"));
+ std::vector<int> y = importSigSpec(cell->"\\Y"));
+ if (cell->type == "$pos") {
+ ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(a, y));
+ } else {
+ std::vector<int> zero(a.size(), ez->FALSE);
+ ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(ez->vec_sub(zero, a), y));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (cell->type == "$reduce_and" || cell->type == "$reduce_or" || cell->type == "$reduce_xor" ||
+ cell->type == "$reduce_xnor" || cell->type == "$reduce_bool" || cell->type == "$logic_not") {
+ std::vector<int> a = importSigSpec(cell->"\\A"));
+ std::vector<int> y = importSigSpec(cell->"\\Y"));
+ if (cell->type == "$reduce_and")
+ ez->SET(ez->expression(ez->OpAnd, a),;
+ if (cell->type == "$reduce_or" || cell->type == "$reduce_bool")
+ ez->SET(ez->expression(ez->OpOr, a),;
+ if (cell->type == "$reduce_xor")
+ ez->SET(ez->expression(ez->OpXor, a),;
+ if (cell->type == "$reduce_xnor")
+ ez->SET(ez->NOT(ez->expression(ez->OpXor, a)),;
+ if (cell->type == "$logic_not")
+ ez->SET(ez->NOT(ez->expression(ez->OpOr, a)),;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < y.size(); i++)
+ ez->SET(0,;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (cell->type == "$logic_and" || cell->type == "$logic_or") {
+ int a = ez->expression(ez->OpOr, importSigSpec(cell->"\\A")));
+ int b = ez->expression(ez->OpOr, importSigSpec(cell->"\\B")));
+ std::vector<int> y = importSigSpec(cell->"\\Y"));
+ if (cell->type == "$logic_and")
+ ez->SET(ez->expression(ez->OpAnd, a, b),;
+ else
+ ez->SET(ez->expression(ez->OpOr, a, b),;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < y.size(); i++)
+ ez->SET(0,;
+ return true;
+ }
if (cell->type == "$lt" || cell->type == "$le" || cell->type == "$eq" || cell->type == "$ne" || cell->type == "$ge" || cell->type == "$gt") {
bool is_signed = cell->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"].as_bool() && cell->parameters["\\B_SIGNED"].as_bool();
std::vector<int> a = importSigSpec(cell->"\\A"));
@@ -166,8 +211,13 @@ struct SatGen
ez->SET(is_signed ? ez->vec_ge_signed(a, b) : ez->vec_ge_unsigned(a, b),;
if (cell->type == "$gt")
ez->SET(is_signed ? ez->vec_gt_signed(a, b) : ez->vec_gt_unsigned(a, b),;
- } else
- log_error("Can't handle cell type %s in SAT generator yet.\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->type));
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < y.size(); i++)
+ ez->SET(0,;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Unsupported internal cell types: $shl $shr $sshl $sshr $mul $div $mod $pow
+ return false;
diff --git a/passes/sat/example.v b/passes/sat/example.v
index 45011f70..9e8c94b7 100644
--- a/passes/sat/example.v
+++ b/passes/sat/example.v
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-module example(a, y);
+module example001(a, y);
input [15:0] a;
output y;
@@ -10,3 +10,63 @@ assign y = !gt && !lt;
+// ------------------------------------
+module example002(a, y);
+input [3:0] a;
+output y;
+reg [1:0] t1, t2;
+always @* begin
+ casex (a)
+ 16'b1xxx:
+ t1 <= 1;
+ 16'bx1xx:
+ t1 <= 2;
+ 16'bxx1x:
+ t1 <= 3;
+ 16'bxxx1:
+ t1 <= 4;
+ default:
+ t1 <= 0;
+ endcase
+ casex (a)
+ 16'b1xxx:
+ t2 <= 1;
+ 16'b01xx:
+ t2 <= 2;
+ 16'b001x:
+ t2 <= 3;
+ 16'b0001:
+ t2 <= 4;
+ default:
+ t2 <= 0;
+ endcase
+assign y = t1 != t2;
+// ------------------------------------
+module example003(clk, rst, y);
+input clk, rst;
+output y;
+reg [3:0] counter;
+always @(posedge clk)
+ case (1)
+ rst, counter == 9:
+ counter <= 0;
+ default:
+ counter <= counter+1;
+ endcase
+assign y = counter == 12;
diff --git a/passes/sat/example.ys b/passes/sat/example.ys
index b6d131c9..d4037f78 100644
--- a/passes/sat/example.ys
+++ b/passes/sat/example.ys
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
read_verilog example.v
-techmap; opt; abc; opt
-sat_solve -set y 1'b1
+proc; opt_clean
+sat_solve -set y 1'b1 example001
+sat_solve -set y 1'b1 example002
+sat_solve -set y 1'b1 example003
diff --git a/passes/sat/ b/passes/sat/
index a7605b44..b71d0507 100644
--- a/passes/sat/
+++ b/passes/sat/
@@ -211,14 +211,16 @@ struct SatSolvePass : public Pass {
int import_cell_counter = 0;
for (auto &c : module->cells)
if (design->selected(module, c.second) && ct.cell_known(c.second->type)) {
- for (auto &p : c.second->connections)
- if (ct.cell_output(c.second->type, p.first))
- show_drivers.insert(sigmap(p.second), c.second);
- else
- show_driven[c.second].append(sigmap(p.second));
// log("Import cell: %s\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(c.first));
- satgen.importCell(c.second);
- import_cell_counter++;
+ if (satgen.importCell(c.second)) {
+ for (auto &p : c.second->connections)
+ if (ct.cell_output(c.second->type, p.first))
+ show_drivers.insert(sigmap(p.second), c.second);
+ else
+ show_driven[c.second].append(sigmap(p.second));
+ import_cell_counter++;
+ } else
+ log("Warning: failed to import cell %s (type %s) to SAT database.\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(c.first), RTLIL::id2cstr(c.second->type));
log("Imported %d cells to SAT database.\n", import_cell_counter);