path: root/techlibs/ice40/tests/test_bram_tb.v
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'techlibs/ice40/tests/test_bram_tb.v')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/techlibs/ice40/tests/test_bram_tb.v b/techlibs/ice40/tests/test_bram_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0ac0402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techlibs/ice40/tests/test_bram_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+module bram_tb #(
+ parameter ABITS = 8, DBITS = 8
+ reg clk;
+ reg [ABITS-1:0] WR_ADDR;
+ reg [DBITS-1:0] WR_DATA;
+ reg WR_EN;
+ reg [ABITS-1:0] RD_ADDR;
+ wire [DBITS-1:0] RD_DATA;
+ bram uut (
+ .clk (clk ),
+ .WR_EN (WR_EN ),
+ );
+ reg [63:0] xorshift64_state = 64'd88172645463325252 ^ (ABITS << 24) ^ (DBITS << 16);
+ task xorshift64_next;
+ begin
+ // see page 4 of Marsaglia, George (July 2003). "Xorshift RNGs". Journal of Statistical Software 8 (14).
+ xorshift64_state = xorshift64_state ^ (xorshift64_state << 13);
+ xorshift64_state = xorshift64_state ^ (xorshift64_state >> 7);
+ xorshift64_state = xorshift64_state ^ (xorshift64_state << 17);
+ end
+ endtask
+ reg [ABITS-1:0] randaddr1;
+ reg [ABITS-1:0] randaddr2;
+ reg [ABITS-1:0] randaddr3;
+ function [31:0] getaddr(input [3:0] n);
+ begin
+ case (n)
+ 0: getaddr = 0;
+ 1: getaddr = 2**ABITS-1;
+ 2: getaddr = 'b101 << (ABITS / 3);
+ 3: getaddr = 'b101 << (2*ABITS / 3);
+ 4: getaddr = 'b11011 << (ABITS / 4);
+ 5: getaddr = 'b11011 << (2*ABITS / 4);
+ 6: getaddr = 'b11011 << (3*ABITS / 4);
+ 7: getaddr = randaddr1;
+ 8: getaddr = randaddr2;
+ 9: getaddr = randaddr3;
+ default: begin
+ getaddr = 1 << (2*n-16);
+ if (!getaddr) getaddr = xorshift64_state;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ endfunction
+ reg [DBITS-1:0] memory [0:2**ABITS-1];
+ reg [DBITS-1:0] expected_rd, expected_rd_masked;
+ event error;
+ integer i, j;
+ initial begin
+ // $dumpfile("testbench.vcd");
+ // $dumpvars(0, bram_tb);
+ xorshift64_next;
+ xorshift64_next;
+ xorshift64_next;
+ xorshift64_next;
+ randaddr1 = xorshift64_state;
+ xorshift64_next;
+ randaddr2 = xorshift64_state;
+ xorshift64_next;
+ randaddr3 = xorshift64_state;
+ xorshift64_next;
+ clk <= 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 512; i = i+1) begin
+ WR_DATA <= xorshift64_state;
+ xorshift64_next;
+ WR_ADDR <= getaddr(i < 256 ? i[7:4] : xorshift64_state[63:60]);
+ xorshift64_next;
+ RD_ADDR <= getaddr(i < 256 ? i[3:0] : xorshift64_state[59:56]);
+ WR_EN <= xorshift64_state[55];
+ xorshift64_next;
+ #1; clk <= 1;
+ #1; clk <= 0;
+ expected_rd = memory[RD_ADDR];
+ if (WR_EN) memory[WR_ADDR] = WR_DATA;
+ for (j = 0; j < DBITS; j = j+1)
+ expected_rd_masked[j] = expected_rd[j] !== 1'bx ? expected_rd[j] : RD_DATA[j];
+ $display("#OUT# %3d | WA=%x WD=%x WE=%x | RA=%x RD=%x (%x) | %s", i, WR_ADDR, WR_DATA, WR_EN, RD_ADDR, RD_DATA, expected_rd, expected_rd_masked === RD_DATA ? "ok" : "ERROR");
+ if (expected_rd_masked !== RD_DATA) begin -> error; end
+ end
+ end