path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 115 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/tests/xsthammer/Makefile b/tests/xsthammer/Makefile
index 60aebcd3..792dce9e 100644
--- a/tests/xsthammer/Makefile
+++ b/tests/xsthammer/Makefile
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ check_vivado/%.log: rtl/%.v vivado/%.v
bash -vivado $(notdir $(basename $<))
check_quartus/%.log: rtl/%.v quartus/%.v
- # bash -quartus $(notdir $(basename $<))
+ bash -quartus $(notdir $(basename $<))
xst/%.v: rtl/%.v
bash $(notdir $(basename $<))
diff --git a/tests/xsthammer/cy_cells.v b/tests/xsthammer/cy_cells.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29161e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/xsthammer/cy_cells.v
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// Based on the simulation models from /opt/altera/13.0/quartus/eda/sim_lib/cycloneiii_atoms.v
+module cycloneiii_lcell_comb (dataa, datab, datac, datad, cin, combout, cout);
+input dataa, datab, datac, datad, cin;
+output combout, cout;
+parameter lut_mask = 16'hFFFF;
+parameter sum_lutc_input = "datac";
+parameter dont_touch = "off";
+parameter lpm_type = "cycloneiii_lcell_comb";
+reg cout_tmp, combout_tmp;
+reg [1:0] isum_lutc_input;
+// 4-input LUT function
+function lut4;
+ input [15:0] mask;
+ input dataa, datab, datac, datad;
+ begin
+ lut4 = datad ? ( datac ? ( datab ? ( dataa ? mask[15] : mask[14])
+ : ( dataa ? mask[13] : mask[12]))
+ : ( datab ? ( dataa ? mask[11] : mask[10])
+ : ( dataa ? mask[ 9] : mask[ 8])))
+ : ( datac ? ( datab ? ( dataa ? mask[ 7] : mask[ 6])
+ : ( dataa ? mask[ 5] : mask[ 4]))
+ : ( datab ? ( dataa ? mask[ 3] : mask[ 2])
+ : ( dataa ? mask[ 1] : mask[ 0])));
+ end
+ if (sum_lutc_input == "datac")
+ isum_lutc_input = 0;
+ else if (sum_lutc_input == "cin")
+ isum_lutc_input = 1;
+ else
+ isum_lutc_input = 2;
+always @* begin
+ if (isum_lutc_input == 0) // datac
+ combout_tmp = lut4(lut_mask, dataa, datab, datac, datad);
+ else if (isum_lutc_input == 1) // cin
+ combout_tmp = lut4(lut_mask, dataa, datab, cin, datad);
+ cout_tmp = lut4(lut_mask, dataa, datab, cin, 'b0);
+assign combout = combout_tmp;
+assign cout = cout_tmp;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+module cycloneiii_io_ibuf (i, ibar, o);
+parameter differential_mode = "false";
+parameter bus_hold = "false";
+parameter simulate_z_as = "Z";
+parameter lpm_type = "cycloneiii_io_ibuf";
+input i, ibar;
+output o;
+assign o = i;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+module cycloneiii_io_obuf (i, oe, seriesterminationcontrol, devoe, o, obar);
+parameter open_drain_output = "false";
+parameter bus_hold = "false";
+parameter lpm_type = "cycloneiii_io_obuf";
+input i, oe, devoe;
+input [15:0] seriesterminationcontrol;
+output o, obar;
+assign o = i;
+assign obar = ~i;
diff --git a/tests/xsthammer/ b/tests/xsthammer/
index 64f0da6d..99daa137 100644
--- a/tests/xsthammer/
+++ b/tests/xsthammer/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
if [ "$1" = "-vivado" ]; then
@@ -9,6 +10,12 @@ if [ "$1" = "-vivado" ]; then
+if [ "$1" = "-quartus" ]; then
+ use_quartus=true
+ checkdir="check_quartus"
+ shift
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <job_id>" >&2
exit 1
@@ -22,21 +29,23 @@ mkdir -p $checkdir check_temp/$job
cd check_temp/$job
- echo "module ${job}_top(a, b, y_rtl, y_xst);"
- sed -r '/^(input|output) / !d; /output/ { s/ y;/ y_rtl;/; p; }; s/ y_rtl;/ y_xst;/;' ../../rtl/$job.v
+ echo "module ${job}_top(a, b, y_rtl, y_syn);"
+ sed -r '/^(input|output) / !d; /output/ { s/ y;/ y_rtl;/; p; }; s/ y_rtl;/ y_syn;/;' ../../rtl/$job.v
echo "${job}_rtl rtl_variant (.a(a), .b(b), .y(y_rtl));"
- echo "${job}_xst xst_variant (.a(a), .b(b), .y(y_xst));"
+ echo "${job}_syn syn_variant (.a(a), .b(b), .y(y_syn));"
echo "endmodule"
} > ${job}_top.v
for mode in nomap techmap; do
- if $use_vivado; then
+ if $use_quartus; then
+ echo "read_verilog ../../quartus/$job.v"
+ elif $use_vivado; then
echo "read_verilog ../../vivado/$job.v"
echo "read_verilog -DGLBL ../../xst/$job.v"
- echo "rename $job ${job}_xst"
+ echo "rename $job ${job}_syn"
echo "read_verilog ../../rtl/$job.v"
echo "rename $job ${job}_rtl"
@@ -45,18 +54,24 @@ for mode in nomap techmap; do
echo "read_verilog ${job}_top.v"
- echo "read_verilog ../../xl_cells.v"
+ if $use_quartus; then
+ echo "read_verilog ../../cy_cells.v"
+ else
+ echo "read_verilog ../../xl_cells.v"
+ fi
echo "hierarchy -top ${job}_top"
- echo "flatten ${job}_xst"
+ echo "proc"
+ echo "flatten ${job}_syn"
echo "flatten ${job}_rtl"
echo "flatten ${job}_top"
echo "opt_clean"
- echo "rename ${job}_xst ${job}_xst_${mode}"
+ echo "rename ${job}_syn ${job}_syn_${mode}"
echo "rename ${job}_rtl ${job}_rtl_${mode}"
echo "rename ${job}_top ${job}_top_${mode}"
- echo "dump -outfile ${job}_top_${mode}.il ${job}_xst_${mode} ${job}_rtl_${mode} ${job}_top_${mode}"
+ echo "dump -outfile ${job}_top_${mode}.il ${job}_syn_${mode} ${job}_rtl_${mode} ${job}_top_${mode}"
} > ${job}_top_${mode}.ys
../../../../yosys -q ${job}_top_${mode}.ys
@@ -64,11 +79,11 @@ done
echo "read_ilang ${job}"
echo "read_ilang ${job}"
- echo "sat -timeout 60 -verify-no-timeout -show a,b,y_rtl,y_xst -prove y_rtl y_xst ${job}_top_nomap"
- echo "sat -timeout 60 -verify-no-timeout -show a,b,y_rtl,y_xst -prove y_rtl y_xst ${job}_top_techmap"
+ echo "sat -timeout 60 -verify-no-timeout -show a,b,y_rtl,y_syn -prove y_rtl y_syn ${job}_top_nomap"
+ echo "sat -timeout 60 -verify-no-timeout -show a,b,y_rtl,y_syn -prove y_rtl y_syn ${job}_top_techmap"
if [[ $job != expression_* ]]; then
- echo "eval -brute_force_equiv_checker ${job}_rtl_nomap ${job}_xst_nomap"
- echo "eval -brute_force_equiv_checker ${job}_rtl_techmap ${job}_xst_techmap"
+ echo "eval -brute_force_equiv_checker ${job}_rtl_nomap ${job}_syn_nomap"
+ echo "eval -brute_force_equiv_checker ${job}_rtl_techmap ${job}_syn_techmap"
} > ${job}_cmp.ys