path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 172 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/tests/fsm/ b/tests/fsm/
index b5b4626d..fc67543f 100644
--- a/tests/fsm/
+++ b/tests/fsm/
@@ -34,76 +34,78 @@ def random_expr(variables):
raise AssertionError
for idx in range(50):
- with file('temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx, 'w') as f, redirect_stdout(f):
- rst2 = random.choice([False, True])
- if rst2:
- print('module uut_%05d(clk, rst1, rst2, rst, a, b, c, x, y, z);' % (idx))
- print(' input clk, rst1, rst2;')
- print(' output rst;')
- print(' assign rst = rst1 || rst2;')
- else:
- print('module uut_%05d(clk, rst, a, b, c, x, y, z);' % (idx))
- print(' input clk, rst;')
- variables=['a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z']
- print(' input%s [%d:0] a;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
- print(' input%s [%d:0] b;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
- print(' input%s [%d:0] c;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
- print(' output reg%s [%d:0] x;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
- print(' output reg%s [%d:0] y;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
- print(' output reg%s [%d:0] z;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
- state_bits = random.randint(5, 16);
- print(' %sreg [%d:0] state;' % (random.choice(['', '(* fsm_encoding = "one-hot" *)',
- '(* fsm_encoding = "binary" *)']), state_bits-1))
- states=[]
- for i in range(random.randint(2, 10)):
- n = random.randint(0, 2**state_bits-1)
- if n not in states:
- states.append(n)
- print(' always @(posedge clk) begin')
- print(' if (%s) begin' % ('rst1' if rst2 else 'rst'))
- print(' x <= %d;' % random.randint(0, 2**31-1))
- print(' y <= %d;' % random.randint(0, 2**31-1))
- print(' z <= %d;' % random.randint(0, 2**31-1))
- print(' state <= %d;' % random.choice(states))
- print(' end else begin')
- print(' case (state)')
- for state in states:
- print(' %d: begin' % state)
- for var in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
- print(' %s <= %s;' % (var, random_expr(variables)))
- next_states = states[:]
- for i in range(random.randint(0, len(states))):
- next_state = random.choice(next_states)
- next_states.remove(next_state)
- print(' if ((%s) %s (%s)) state <= %s;' % (random_expr(variables),
- random.choice(['<', '<=', '>=', '>']), random_expr(variables), next_state))
- print(' end')
- print(' endcase')
- if rst2:
- print(' if (rst2) begin')
- print(' x <= a;')
- print(' y <= b;')
- print(' z <= c;')
- print(' state <= %d;' % random.choice(states))
- print(' end')
- print(' end')
- print(' end')
- print('endmodule')
- with file('temp/uut_%05d.ys' % idx, 'w') as f, redirect_stdout(f):
- if test_verific:
- print('read_verilog temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx)
- print('proc;; rename uut_%05d gold' % idx)
- print('verific -vlog2k temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx)
- print('verific -import uut_%05d' % idx)
- print('rename uut_%05d gate' % idx)
- else:
- print('read_verilog temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx)
- print('proc;;')
- print('copy uut_%05d gold' % idx)
- print('rename uut_%05d gate' % idx)
- print('cd gate')
- print('opt; wreduce; share%s; opt; fsm;;' % random.choice(['', ' -aggressive']))
- print('cd ..')
- print('miter -equiv -flatten -ignore_gold_x -make_outputs -make_outcmp gold gate miter')
- print('sat -verify-no-timeout -timeout 20 -seq 5 -set-at 1 %s_rst 1 -prove trigger 0 -prove-skip 1 -show-inputs -show-outputs miter' % ('gold' if rst2 else 'in'))
+ with file('temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx, 'w') as f:
+ with redirect_stdout(f):
+ rst2 = random.choice([False, True])
+ if rst2:
+ print('module uut_%05d(clk, rst1, rst2, rst, a, b, c, x, y, z);' % (idx))
+ print(' input clk, rst1, rst2;')
+ print(' output rst;')
+ print(' assign rst = rst1 || rst2;')
+ else:
+ print('module uut_%05d(clk, rst, a, b, c, x, y, z);' % (idx))
+ print(' input clk, rst;')
+ variables=['a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z']
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] a;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] b;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] c;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
+ print(' output reg%s [%d:0] x;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
+ print(' output reg%s [%d:0] y;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
+ print(' output reg%s [%d:0] z;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 31)))
+ state_bits = random.randint(5, 16);
+ print(' %sreg [%d:0] state;' % (random.choice(['', '(* fsm_encoding = "one-hot" *)',
+ '(* fsm_encoding = "binary" *)']), state_bits-1))
+ states=[]
+ for i in range(random.randint(2, 10)):
+ n = random.randint(0, 2**state_bits-1)
+ if n not in states:
+ states.append(n)
+ print(' always @(posedge clk) begin')
+ print(' if (%s) begin' % ('rst1' if rst2 else 'rst'))
+ print(' x <= %d;' % random.randint(0, 2**31-1))
+ print(' y <= %d;' % random.randint(0, 2**31-1))
+ print(' z <= %d;' % random.randint(0, 2**31-1))
+ print(' state <= %d;' % random.choice(states))
+ print(' end else begin')
+ print(' case (state)')
+ for state in states:
+ print(' %d: begin' % state)
+ for var in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
+ print(' %s <= %s;' % (var, random_expr(variables)))
+ next_states = states[:]
+ for i in range(random.randint(0, len(states))):
+ next_state = random.choice(next_states)
+ next_states.remove(next_state)
+ print(' if ((%s) %s (%s)) state <= %s;' % (random_expr(variables),
+ random.choice(['<', '<=', '>=', '>']), random_expr(variables), next_state))
+ print(' end')
+ print(' endcase')
+ if rst2:
+ print(' if (rst2) begin')
+ print(' x <= a;')
+ print(' y <= b;')
+ print(' z <= c;')
+ print(' state <= %d;' % random.choice(states))
+ print(' end')
+ print(' end')
+ print(' end')
+ print('endmodule')
+ with file('temp/uut_%05d.ys' % idx, 'w') as f:
+ with redirect_stdout(f):
+ if test_verific:
+ print('read_verilog temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx)
+ print('proc;; rename uut_%05d gold' % idx)
+ print('verific -vlog2k temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx)
+ print('verific -import uut_%05d' % idx)
+ print('rename uut_%05d gate' % idx)
+ else:
+ print('read_verilog temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx)
+ print('proc;;')
+ print('copy uut_%05d gold' % idx)
+ print('rename uut_%05d gate' % idx)
+ print('cd gate')
+ print('opt; wreduce; share%s; opt; fsm;;' % random.choice(['', ' -aggressive']))
+ print('cd ..')
+ print('miter -equiv -flatten -ignore_gold_x -make_outputs -make_outcmp gold gate miter')
+ print('sat -verify-no-timeout -timeout 20 -seq 5 -set-at 1 %s_rst 1 -prove trigger 0 -prove-skip 1 -show-inputs -show-outputs miter' % ('gold' if rst2 else 'in'))
diff --git a/tests/realmath/ b/tests/realmath/
index 972021dc..24d13561 100644
--- a/tests/realmath/
+++ b/tests/realmath/
@@ -40,52 +40,55 @@ def random_expression(depth = 3, maxparam = 0):
for idx in range(100):
- with file('temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx, 'w') as f, redirect_stdout(f):
- print('module uut_%05d(output [63:0] %s);\n' % (idx, ', '.join(['y%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
- for i in range(30):
- if idx < 10:
- print('localparam p%02d = %s;' % (i, random_expression()))
- else:
- print('localparam%s p%02d = %s;' % (random.choice(['', ' real', ' integer']), i, random_expression()))
- for i in range(30, 60):
- if idx < 10:
- print('localparam p%02d = %s;' % (i, random_expression(maxparam = 30)))
- else:
- print('localparam%s p%02d = %s;' % (random.choice(['', ' real', ' integer']), i, random_expression(maxparam = 30)))
- for i in range(100):
- print('assign y%02d = 65536 * (%s);' % (i, random_expression(maxparam = 60)))
- print('endmodule')
- with file('temp/uut_%05d.ys' % idx, 'w') as f, redirect_stdout(f):
- print('read_verilog uut_%05d.v' % idx)
- print('rename uut_%05d uut_%05d_syn' % (idx, idx))
- print('write_verilog uut_%05d_syn.v' % idx)
- with file('temp/uut_%05d_tb.v' % idx, 'w') as f, redirect_stdout(f):
- print('module uut_%05d_tb;\n' % idx)
- print('wire [63:0] %s;' % (', '.join(['r%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
- print('wire [63:0] %s;' % (', '.join(['s%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
- print('uut_%05d ref(%s);' % (idx, ', '.join(['r%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
- print('uut_%05d_syn syn(%s);' % (idx, ', '.join(['s%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
- print('task compare_ref_syn;')
- print(' input [7:0] i;')
- print(' input [63:0] r, s;')
- print(' reg [64*8-1:0] buffer;')
- print(' integer j;')
- print(' begin')
- print(' if (-1 <= $signed(r-s) && $signed(r-s) <= +1) begin')
- print(' // $display("%d: %b %b", i, r, s);')
- print(' end else if (r === s) begin ')
- print(' // $display("%d: %b %b", i, r, s);')
- print(' end else begin ')
- print(' for (j = 0; j < 64; j = j+1)')
- print(' buffer[j*8 +: 8] = r[j] !== s[j] ? "^" : " ";')
- print(' $display("\\n%3d: %b %b", i, r, s);')
- print(' $display(" %s %s", buffer, buffer);')
- print(' end')
- print(' end')
- print('endtask')
- print('initial begin #1;')
- for i in range(100):
- print(' compare_ref_syn(%2d, r%02d, s%02d);' % (i, i, i))
- print('end')
- print('endmodule')
+ with file('temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx, 'w') as f:
+ with redirect_stdout(f):
+ print('module uut_%05d(output [63:0] %s);\n' % (idx, ', '.join(['y%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
+ for i in range(30):
+ if idx < 10:
+ print('localparam p%02d = %s;' % (i, random_expression()))
+ else:
+ print('localparam%s p%02d = %s;' % (random.choice(['', ' real', ' integer']), i, random_expression()))
+ for i in range(30, 60):
+ if idx < 10:
+ print('localparam p%02d = %s;' % (i, random_expression(maxparam = 30)))
+ else:
+ print('localparam%s p%02d = %s;' % (random.choice(['', ' real', ' integer']), i, random_expression(maxparam = 30)))
+ for i in range(100):
+ print('assign y%02d = 65536 * (%s);' % (i, random_expression(maxparam = 60)))
+ print('endmodule')
+ with file('temp/uut_%05d.ys' % idx, 'w') as f:
+ with redirect_stdout(f):
+ print('read_verilog uut_%05d.v' % idx)
+ print('rename uut_%05d uut_%05d_syn' % (idx, idx))
+ print('write_verilog uut_%05d_syn.v' % idx)
+ with file('temp/uut_%05d_tb.v' % idx, 'w') as f:
+ with redirect_stdout(f):
+ print('module uut_%05d_tb;\n' % idx)
+ print('wire [63:0] %s;' % (', '.join(['r%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
+ print('wire [63:0] %s;' % (', '.join(['s%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
+ print('uut_%05d ref(%s);' % (idx, ', '.join(['r%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
+ print('uut_%05d_syn syn(%s);' % (idx, ', '.join(['s%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
+ print('task compare_ref_syn;')
+ print(' input [7:0] i;')
+ print(' input [63:0] r, s;')
+ print(' reg [64*8-1:0] buffer;')
+ print(' integer j;')
+ print(' begin')
+ print(' if (-1 <= $signed(r-s) && $signed(r-s) <= +1) begin')
+ print(' // $display("%d: %b %b", i, r, s);')
+ print(' end else if (r === s) begin ')
+ print(' // $display("%d: %b %b", i, r, s);')
+ print(' end else begin ')
+ print(' for (j = 0; j < 64; j = j+1)')
+ print(' buffer[j*8 +: 8] = r[j] !== s[j] ? "^" : " ";')
+ print(' $display("\\n%3d: %b %b", i, r, s);')
+ print(' $display(" %s %s", buffer, buffer);')
+ print(' end')
+ print(' end')
+ print('endtask')
+ print('initial begin #1;')
+ for i in range(100):
+ print(' compare_ref_syn(%2d, r%02d, s%02d);' % (i, i, i))
+ print('end')
+ print('endmodule')
diff --git a/tests/share/ b/tests/share/
index a06a642d..bb96fec6 100644
--- a/tests/share/
+++ b/tests/share/
@@ -25,49 +25,51 @@ def maybe_plus_x(expr):
return expr
for idx in range(100):
- with file('temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx, 'w') as f, redirect_stdout(f):
- if random.choice(['bin', 'uni']) == 'bin':
- print('module uut_%05d(a, b, c, d, x, s, y);' % (idx))
- op = random.choice([
- random.choice(['+', '-', '*', '/', '%']),
- random.choice(['<', '<=', '==', '!=', '===', '!==', '>=', '>' ]),
- random.choice(['<<', '>>', '<<<', '>>>']),
- random.choice(['|', '&', '^', '~^', '||', '&&']),
- ])
- print(' input%s [%d:0] a;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
- print(' input%s [%d:0] b;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
- print(' input%s [%d:0] c;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
- print(' input%s [%d:0] d;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
- print(' input%s [%d:0] x;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
- print(' input s;')
- print(' output [%d:0] y;' % random.randint(0, 8))
- print(' assign y = (s ? %s(%s %s %s) : %s(%s %s %s))%s;' %
- (random.choice(['', '$signed', '$unsigned']), maybe_plus_x('a'), op, maybe_plus_x('b'),
- random.choice(['', '$signed', '$unsigned']), maybe_plus_x('c'), op, maybe_plus_x('d'),
- random_plus_x() if random.randint(0, 4) == 0 else ''))
- print('endmodule')
- else:
- print('module uut_%05d(a, b, x, s, y);' % (idx))
- op = random.choice(['~', '-', '!'])
- print(' input%s [%d:0] a;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
- print(' input%s [%d:0] b;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
- print(' input%s [%d:0] x;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
- print(' input s;')
- print(' output [%d:0] y;' % random.randint(0, 8))
- print(' assign y = (s ? %s(%s%s) : %s(%s%s))%s;' %
- (random.choice(['', '$signed', '$unsigned']), op, maybe_plus_x('a'),
- random.choice(['', '$signed', '$unsigned']), op, maybe_plus_x('b'),
- random_plus_x() if random.randint(0, 4) == 0 else ''))
- print('endmodule')
- with file('temp/uut_%05d.ys' % idx, 'w') as f, redirect_stdout(f):
- print('read_verilog temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx)
- print('proc;;')
- print('copy uut_%05d gold' % idx)
- print('rename uut_%05d gate' % idx)
- print('tee -a temp/all_share_log.txt log')
- print('tee -a temp/all_share_log.txt log #job# uut_%05d' % idx)
- print('tee -a temp/all_share_log.txt wreduce')
- print('tee -a temp/all_share_log.txt share -aggressive gate')
- print('miter -equiv -flatten -ignore_gold_x -make_outputs -make_outcmp gold gate miter')
- print('sat -set-def-inputs -verify -prove trigger 0 -show-inputs -show-outputs miter')
+ with file('temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx, 'w') as f:
+ with redirect_stdout(f):
+ if random.choice(['bin', 'uni']) == 'bin':
+ print('module uut_%05d(a, b, c, d, x, s, y);' % (idx))
+ op = random.choice([
+ random.choice(['+', '-', '*', '/', '%']),
+ random.choice(['<', '<=', '==', '!=', '===', '!==', '>=', '>' ]),
+ random.choice(['<<', '>>', '<<<', '>>>']),
+ random.choice(['|', '&', '^', '~^', '||', '&&']),
+ ])
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] a;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] b;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] c;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] d;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] x;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
+ print(' input s;')
+ print(' output [%d:0] y;' % random.randint(0, 8))
+ print(' assign y = (s ? %s(%s %s %s) : %s(%s %s %s))%s;' %
+ (random.choice(['', '$signed', '$unsigned']), maybe_plus_x('a'), op, maybe_plus_x('b'),
+ random.choice(['', '$signed', '$unsigned']), maybe_plus_x('c'), op, maybe_plus_x('d'),
+ random_plus_x() if random.randint(0, 4) == 0 else ''))
+ print('endmodule')
+ else:
+ print('module uut_%05d(a, b, x, s, y);' % (idx))
+ op = random.choice(['~', '-', '!'])
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] a;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] b;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
+ print(' input%s [%d:0] x;' % (random.choice(['', ' signed']), random.randint(0, 8)))
+ print(' input s;')
+ print(' output [%d:0] y;' % random.randint(0, 8))
+ print(' assign y = (s ? %s(%s%s) : %s(%s%s))%s;' %
+ (random.choice(['', '$signed', '$unsigned']), op, maybe_plus_x('a'),
+ random.choice(['', '$signed', '$unsigned']), op, maybe_plus_x('b'),
+ random_plus_x() if random.randint(0, 4) == 0 else ''))
+ print('endmodule')
+ with file('temp/uut_%05d.ys' % idx, 'w') as f:
+ with redirect_stdout(f):
+ print('read_verilog temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx)
+ print('proc;;')
+ print('copy uut_%05d gold' % idx)
+ print('rename uut_%05d gate' % idx)
+ print('tee -a temp/all_share_log.txt log')
+ print('tee -a temp/all_share_log.txt log #job# uut_%05d' % idx)
+ print('tee -a temp/all_share_log.txt wreduce')
+ print('tee -a temp/all_share_log.txt share -aggressive gate')
+ print('miter -equiv -flatten -ignore_gold_x -make_outputs -make_outcmp gold gate miter')
+ print('sat -set-def-inputs -verify -prove trigger 0 -show-inputs -show-outputs miter')