path: root/frontends/ilang/ilang_lexer.l
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* New upstream version 0.9Ruben Undheim2019-10-18
* New upstream version 0.7+20180830git0b7a184Ruben Undheim2018-08-30
* Imported yosys 0.7Ruben Undheim2016-11-03
* Adjust makefiles to work with out-of-tree buildsClifford Wolf2015-08-12
| | | | This is based on work done by Larry Doolittle
* Fixed trailing whitespacesClifford Wolf2015-07-02
* Re-introduced Yosys::readsome() helper functionClifford Wolf2014-10-23
| | | | ( + f.gcount() made problems with lines > 16kB)
* Updated lexers & parsers to include prefixesWilliam Speirs2014-10-15