Notes on building yosys with verific support on amd64 when you only have the i386 eval version of Verific: 1.) Use a Makefile.conf like the following one: --snip-- CONFIG := clang ENABLE_TCL := 0 ENABLE_QT4 := 0 ENABLE_ABC := 0 ENABLE_PLUGINS := 0 ENABLE_VERIFIC := 1 CXXFLAGS += -m32 LDFLAGS += -m32 VERIFIC_DIR = /usr/local/src/verific_lib_eval --snap-- 2.) Install the necessary multilib packages Hint: On debian/ubuntu the multilib packages have names such as libreadline-dev:i386 or lib32readline6-dev, depending on the exact version of debian/ubuntu you are working with. 3.) Build and test make -j8 ./yosys frontends/verific/test_navre.ys