\chapter{Application Notes} \label{chapter:appnotes} % \begin{fixme} % This appendix will cover some typical use-cases of Yosys in the form of application notes. % \end{fixme} % % \section{Synthesizing using a Cell Library in Liberty Format} % \section{Reverse Engineering the MOS6502 from an NMOS Transistor Netlist} % \section{Reconfigurable Coarse-Grain Synthesis using Intersynth} This appendix contains copies of the Yosys application notes. \begin{itemize} \item Yosys AppNote 010: Converting Verilog to BLIF \dotfill Page \pageref{app:010} \hskip2cm\null \item Yosys AppNote 011: Interactive Design Investigation \dotfill Page \pageref{app:011} \hskip2cm\null \end{itemize} \eject\label{app:010} \includepdf[pages=-,pagecommand=\thispagestyle{plain}]{APPNOTE_010_Verilog_to_BLIF.pdf} \eject\label{app:011} \includepdf[pages=-,pagecommand=\thispagestyle{plain}]{APPNOTE_011_Design_Investigation.pdf}