module testbench(); reg clock , reset ; reg req_0 , req_1 , req_2 , req_3; wire gnt_0 , gnt_1 , gnt_2 , gnt_3 ; initial begin $display("Time\t R0 R1 R2 R3 G0 G1 G2 G3"); $monitor("%g\t %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b", $time, req_0, req_1, req_2, req_3, gnt_0, gnt_1, gnt_2, gnt_3); clock = 0; reset = 0; req_0 = 0; req_1 = 0; req_2 = 0; req_3 = 0; #10 reset = 1; #10 reset = 0; #10 req_0 = 1; #20 req_0 = 0; #10 req_1 = 1; #20 req_1 = 0; #10 req_2 = 1; #20 req_2 = 0; #10 req_3 = 1; #20 req_3 = 0; #10 $finish; end initial begin #1; forever #2 clock = ~clock; end fsm_full U_fsm_full( clock , // Clock reset , // Active high reset req_0 , // Active high request from agent 0 req_1 , // Active high request from agent 1 req_2 , // Active high request from agent 2 req_3 , // Active high request from agent 3 gnt_0 , // Active high grant to agent 0 gnt_1 , // Active high grant to agent 1 gnt_2 , // Active high grant to agent 2 gnt_3 // Active high grant to agent 3 ); endmodule