// test case taken from amber23 Verilog code module a23_barrel_shift_fpga_rotate(i_in, direction, shift_amount, rot_prod); input [31:0] i_in; input direction; input [4:0] shift_amount; output [31:0] rot_prod; // Generic rotate. Theoretical cost: 32x5 4-to-1 LUTs. // Practically a bit higher due to high fanout of "direction". generate genvar i, j; for (i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) begin : netgen wire [31:0] in; reg [31:0] out; for (j = 0; j < 32; j = j + 1) begin : net always @* out[j] = in[j] & (~shift_amount[i] ^ direction) | in[wrap(j, i)] & (shift_amount[i] ^ direction); end end // Order is reverted with respect to volatile shift_amount[0] assign netgen[4].in = i_in; for (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) begin : router assign netgen[i-1].in = netgen[i].out; end endgenerate // Aliasing assign rot_prod = netgen[0].out; function [4:0] wrap; input integer pos; input integer level; integer out; begin out = pos - (1 << level); wrap = out[4:0]; end endfunction endmodule