path: root/sql/generic-postgresql.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'sql/generic-postgresql.lisp')
1 files changed, 429 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql/generic-postgresql.lisp b/sql/generic-postgresql.lisp
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+++ b/sql/generic-postgresql.lisp
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+;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
+;;;; *************************************************************************
+;;;; Generic postgresql layer, used by db-postgresql and db-postgresql-socket
+;;;; This file is part of CLSQL.
+;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
+;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
+;;;; (, also known as the LLGPL.
+;;;; *************************************************************************
+(in-package #:clsql-sys)
+(defclass generic-postgresql-database (database)
+ ((has-table-pg_roles :type boolean :reader has-table-pg_roles :initform nil))
+ (:documentation "Encapsulate same behavior across postgresql and postgresql-socket backends."))
+;; Object functions
+(defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type symbol) args database
+ (db-type (eql :postgresql)))
+ "Special database types for POSTGRESQL backends"
+ (declare (ignore database db-type))
+ (case type
+ (wall-time ;; TODO: why is this WITHOUT...
+ (string
+ ;; TODO: the default to CHAR here seems specious as the PG docs claim
+ ;; that char is slower than varchar
+ (if args
+ (format nil "CHAR(~A)" (car args))
+ (number
+ (cond
+ ((and (consp args) (= (length args) 2))
+ (format nil "NUMERIC(~D,~D)" (first args) (second args)))
+ ((and (consp args) (= (length args) 1))
+ (format nil "NUMERIC(~D)" (first args)))
+ (t "NUMERIC")))
+ ((tinyint smallint) "INT2")
+ (t (call-next-method))))
+;;; Backend functions
+(defun owner-clause (owner)
+ (cond
+ ((stringp owner)
+ (format
+ nil
+ " AND (relowner=(SELECT usesysid FROM pg_user WHERE (usename='~A')))"
+ owner))
+ ((null owner)
+ (format nil " AND (relowner<>(SELECT usesysid FROM pg_user WHERE usename='postgres'))"))
+ (t "")))
+(defun has-table (name database)
+ (let ((name-retrieved
+ (caar (database-query
+ (format nil "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname='~A'"
+ name)
+ database nil nil))))
+ (if (and (stringp name-retrieved) (plusp (length name-retrieved)))
+ t
+ nil)))
+(defmethod slot-unbound (class (obj generic-postgresql-database)
+ (slot (eql 'has-table-pg_roles)))
+ ;; Lazily cache slot value
+ (declare (ignore class))
+ (setf (slot-value obj 'has-table-pg_roles) (has-table "pg_roles" obj)))
+(defun database-list-objects-of-type (database type owner)
+ (mapcar #'car
+ (database-query
+ (format nil
+ (if (and (has-table-pg_roles database)
+ (not (eq owner :all)))
+ "
+ SELECT c.relname
+ FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
+ LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles r ON r.oid = c.relowner
+ LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
+ WHERE c.relkind IN ('~A','')
+ AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
+ AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
+ ~A"
+ "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE (relkind =
+ type
+ (owner-clause owner))
+ database nil nil)))
+(defmethod database-list-tables ((database generic-postgresql-database)
+ &key (owner nil))
+ (database-list-objects-of-type database "r" owner))
+(defmethod database-list-views ((database generic-postgresql-database)
+ &key (owner nil))
+ (database-list-objects-of-type database "v" owner))
+(defmethod database-list-indexes ((database generic-postgresql-database)
+ &key (owner nil))
+ (database-list-objects-of-type database "i" owner))
+(defmethod database-list-table-indexes (table (database generic-postgresql-database)
+ &key (owner nil))
+ (let ((indexrelids
+ (database-query
+ (format
+ nil
+ "select indexrelid from pg_index where indrelid=(select relfilenode from pg_class where LOWER(relname)='~A'~A)"
+ (string-downcase (unescaped-database-identifier table))
+ (owner-clause owner))
+ database :auto nil))
+ (result nil))
+ (dolist (indexrelid indexrelids (nreverse result))
+ (push
+ (caar (database-query
+ (format nil "select relname from pg_class where relfilenode='~A'"
+ (car indexrelid))
+ database nil nil))
+ result))))
+(defmethod database-list-attributes ((table %database-identifier)
+ (database generic-postgresql-database)
+ &key (owner nil))
+ (let* ((table (unescaped-database-identifier table))
+ (owner-clause
+ (cond ((stringp owner)
+ (format nil " AND (relowner=(SELECT usesysid FROM pg_user WHERE usename='~A'))" owner))
+ ((null owner) " AND (not (relowner=1))")
+ (t "")))
+ (result
+ (mapcar #'car
+ (database-query
+ (format nil "SELECT attname FROM pg_class,pg_attribute WHERE pg_class.oid=attrelid AND attisdropped = FALSE AND relname='~A'~A"
+ (string-downcase table)
+ owner-clause)
+ database nil nil))))
+ (if result
+ (remove-if #'(lambda (it) (member it '("cmin"
+ "cmax"
+ "xmax"
+ "xmin"
+ "oid"
+ "ctid"
+ ;; kmr -- added tableoid
+ "tableoid") :test #'equal))
+ result))))
+(defmethod database-attribute-type ((attribute %database-identifier)
+ (table %database-identifier)
+ (database generic-postgresql-database)
+ &key (owner nil)
+ &aux (table (unescaped-database-identifier table))
+ (attribute (unescaped-database-identifier attribute)))
+ (let ((row (car (database-query
+ (format nil "SELECT pg_type.typname,pg_attribute.attlen,pg_attribute.atttypmod,pg_attribute.attnotnull FROM pg_type,pg_class,pg_attribute WHERE pg_class.oid=pg_attribute.attrelid AND pg_class.relname='~A' AND pg_attribute.attname='~A' AND pg_attribute.atttypid=pg_type.oid~A"
+ (string-downcase table)
+ (string-downcase attribute)
+ (owner-clause owner))
+ database nil nil))))
+ (when row
+ (destructuring-bind (typname attlen atttypmod attnull) row
+ (setf attlen (%get-int attlen)
+ atttypmod (%get-int atttypmod))
+ (let ((coltype (ensure-keyword typname))
+ (colnull (typecase attnull
+ (string (if (string-equal "f" attnull) 1 0))
+ (null 1)
+ (T 0)))
+ collen
+ colprec)
+ (setf (values collen colprec)
+ (case coltype
+ ((:numeric :decimal)
+ (if (= -1 atttypmod)
+ (values nil nil)
+ (values (ash (- atttypmod 4) -16)
+ (boole boole-and (- atttypmod 4) #xffff))))
+ (otherwise
+ (values
+ (cond ((and (= -1 attlen) (= -1 atttypmod)) nil)
+ ((= -1 attlen) (- atttypmod 4))
+ (t attlen))
+ nil))))
+ (values coltype collen colprec colnull))))))
+(defmethod database-create-sequence (sequence-name
+ (database generic-postgresql-database))
+ (let ((cmd (concatenate
+ 'string "CREATE SEQUENCE " (escaped-database-identifier sequence-name database))))
+ (database-execute-command cmd database)))
+(defmethod database-drop-sequence (sequence-name
+ (database generic-postgresql-database))
+ (database-execute-command
+ (concatenate 'string "DROP SEQUENCE " (escaped-database-identifier sequence-name database))
+ database))
+(defmethod database-list-sequences ((database generic-postgresql-database)
+ &key (owner nil))
+ (database-list-objects-of-type database "S" owner))
+(defmethod database-set-sequence-position (name (position integer)
+ (database generic-postgresql-database))
+ (values
+ (%get-int
+ (caar
+ (database-query
+ (format nil "SELECT SETVAL ('~A', ~A)" (escaped-database-identifier name) position)
+ database nil nil)))))
+(defmethod database-sequence-next (sequence-name
+ (database generic-postgresql-database))
+ (values
+ (%get-int
+ (caar
+ (database-query
+ (concatenate 'string "SELECT NEXTVAL ('" (escaped-database-identifier sequence-name) "')")
+ database nil nil)))))
+(defmethod database-sequence-last (sequence-name (database generic-postgresql-database))
+ (values
+ (%get-int
+ (caar
+ (database-query
+ (concatenate 'string "SELECT LAST_VALUE FROM " (escaped-database-identifier sequence-name))
+ database nil nil)))))
+(defmethod auto-increment-sequence-name (table column (database generic-postgresql-database))
+ (let* ((sequence-name (or (database-identifier (slot-value column 'autoincrement-sequence))
+ (combine-database-identifiers
+ (list table column 'seq)
+ database))))
+ (when (search "'" (escaped-database-identifier sequence-name)
+ :test #'string-equal)
+ (signal-database-too-strange
+ "PG Sequence names shouldnt contain single quotes for the sake of sanity"))
+ sequence-name))
+(defmethod database-last-auto-increment-id ((database generic-postgresql-database) table column)
+ (let ((seq-name (auto-increment-sequence-name table column database)))
+ (first (clsql:query (format nil "SELECT currval ('~a')"
+ (escaped-database-identifier seq-name))
+ :flatp t
+ :database database
+ :result-types '(:int)))))
+(defmethod database-generate-column-definition
+ (class slotdef (database generic-postgresql-database))
+ (when (member (view-class-slot-db-kind slotdef) '(:base :key))
+ (let ((cdef
+ (list (sql-expression :attribute (database-identifier slotdef database))
+ (specified-type slotdef)
+ (view-class-slot-db-type slotdef)))
+ (const (listify (view-class-slot-db-constraints slotdef)))
+ (seq (auto-increment-sequence-name class slotdef database)))
+ (when seq
+ (setf const (remove :auto-increment const))
+ (unless (member :default const)
+ (let* ((next (format nil " nextval('~a')" (escaped-database-identifier seq))))
+ (setf const (append const (list :default next))))))
+ (append cdef const))))
+(defmethod database-add-autoincrement-sequence
+ ((self standard-db-class) (database generic-postgresql-database))
+ (let ((ordered-slots (slots-for-possibly-normalized-class self)))
+ (dolist (slotdef ordered-slots)
+ ;; ensure that referenceed sequences actually exist before referencing them
+ (let ((sequence-name (auto-increment-sequence-name self slotdef database)))
+ (when (and sequence-name
+ (not (sequence-exists-p sequence-name :database database)))
+ (create-sequence sequence-name :database database))))))
+(defmethod database-remove-autoincrement-sequence
+ ((table standard-db-class)
+ (database generic-postgresql-database))
+ (let ((ordered-slots (slots-for-possibly-normalized-class table)))
+ (dolist (slotdef ordered-slots)
+ ;; ensure that referenceed sequences are dropped with the table
+ (let ((sequence-name (auto-increment-sequence-name table slotdef database)))
+ (when sequence-name (drop-sequence sequence-name))))))
+(defun postgresql-database-list (connection-spec type)
+ (destructuring-bind (host name &rest other-args) connection-spec
+ (declare (ignore name))
+ (let ((database (database-connect (list* host "template1" other-args)
+ type)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setf (slot-value database 'clsql-sys::state) :open)
+ (mapcar #'car (database-query "select datname from pg_database"
+ database nil nil)))
+ (progn
+ (database-disconnect database)
+ (setf (slot-value database 'clsql-sys::state) :closed))))))
+(defmethod database-list (connection-spec (type (eql :postgresql)))
+ (postgresql-database-list connection-spec type))
+(defmethod database-list (connection-spec (type (eql :postgresql-socket)))
+ (postgresql-database-list connection-spec type))
+(defmethod database-describe-table ((database generic-postgresql-database) table)
+ ;; MTP: LIST-ATTRIBUTE-TYPES currently executes separate queries for
+ ;; each attribute. It would be more efficient to have a single SQL
+ ;; query return the type data for all attributes. This code is
+ ;; retained as an example of how to do this for PostgreSQL.
+ (database-query
+ (format nil "select a.attname, t.typname
+ from pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t
+ where c.relname = '~a'
+ and a.attnum > 0
+ and a.attrelid = c.oid
+ and a.atttypid = t.oid"
+ (sql-escape (string-downcase table)))
+ database :auto nil))
+;;; Prepared statements
+(defvar *next-prepared-id-num* 0)
+(defun next-prepared-id ()
+ (let ((num (incf *next-prepared-id-num*)))
+ (format nil "CLSQL_PS_~D" num)))
+(defclass postgresql-stmt ()
+ ((database :initarg :database :reader database)
+ (id :initarg :id :reader id)
+ (bindings :initarg :bindings :reader bindings)
+ (field-names :initarg :field-names :accessor stmt-field-names)
+ (result-types :initarg :result-types :reader result-types)))
+(defun clsql-type->postgresql-type (type)
+ (cond
+ ((in type :int :integer) "INT4")
+ ((in type :short) "INT2")
+ ((in type :bigint) "INT8")
+ ((in type :float :double :number) "NUMERIC")
+ ((and (consp type) (in (car type) :char :varchar)) "VARCHAR")
+ (t
+ (error 'sql-user-error
+ :message
+ (format nil "Unknown clsql type ~A." type)))))
+(defun prepared-sql-to-postgresql-sql (sql)
+ ;; FIXME: Convert #\? to "$n". Don't convert within strings
+ (declare (simple-string sql))
+ (with-output-to-string (out)
+ (do ((len (length sql))
+ (param 0)
+ (in-str nil)
+ (pos 0 (1+ pos)))
+ ((= len pos))
+ (declare (fixnum len param pos))
+ (let ((c (schar sql pos)))
+ (declare (character c))
+ (cond
+ ((or (char= c #\") (char= c #\'))
+ (setq in-str (not in-str))
+ (write-char c out))
+ ((and (char= c #\?) (not in-str))
+ (write-char #\$ out)
+ (write-string (write-to-string (incf param)) out))
+ (t
+ (write-char c out)))))))
+(defmethod database-prepare (sql-stmt types (database generic-postgresql-database) result-types field-names)
+ (let ((id (next-prepared-id)))
+ (database-execute-command
+ (format nil "PREPARE ~A (~{~A~^,~}) AS ~A"
+ id
+ (mapcar #'clsql-type->postgresql-type types)
+ (prepared-sql-to-postgresql-sql sql-stmt))
+ database)
+ (make-instance 'postgresql-stmt
+ :id id
+ :database database
+ :result-types result-types
+ :field-names field-names
+ :bindings (make-list (length types)))))
+(defmethod database-bind-parameter ((stmt postgresql-stmt) position value)
+ (setf (nth (1- position) (bindings stmt)) value))
+(defun binding-to-param (binding)
+ (typecase binding
+ (string
+ (concatenate 'string "'" (sql-escape-quotes binding) "'"))
+ (t
+ binding)))
+(defmethod database-run-prepared ((stmt postgresql-stmt))
+ (with-slots (database id bindings field-names result-types) stmt
+ (let ((query (format nil "EXECUTE ~A (~{~A~^,~})"
+ id (mapcar #'binding-to-param bindings))))
+ (cond
+ ((and field-names (not (consp field-names)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (res names)
+ (database-query query database result-types field-names)
+ (setf field-names names)
+ (values res names)))
+ (field-names
+ (values (nth-value 0 (database-query query database result-types nil))
+ field-names))
+ (t
+ (database-query query database result-types field-names))))))
+;;; Capabilities
+(defmethod db-type-has-fancy-math? ((db-type (eql :postgresql)))
+ t)
+(defmethod db-type-default-case ((db-type (eql :postgresql)))
+ :lower)
+(defmethod db-type-has-prepared-stmt? ((db-type (eql :postgresql)))
+ t)
+(defmethod db-type-has-prepared-stmt? ((db-type (eql :postgresql-socket)))
+ t)
+(defmethod db-type-has-auto-increment? ((db-type (eql :postgresql)))
+ t)