path: root/sql/operations.lisp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/operations.lisp')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql/operations.lisp b/sql/operations.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faa22b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/operations.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
+;;;; *************************************************************************
+;;;; Definition of SQL operations used with the symbolic SQL syntax.
+;;;; This file is part of CLSQL.
+;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
+;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
+;;;; (, also known as the LLGPL.
+;;;; *************************************************************************
+(in-package #:clsql-sys)
+;; Keep a hashtable for mapping symbols to sql generator functions,
+;; for use by the bracketed reader syntax.
+(defvar *sql-op-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+;; Define an SQL operation type.
+(defmacro defsql (function definition-keys &body body)
+ `(progn
+ (defun ,function ,@body)
+ (let ((symbol (cadr (member :symbol ',definition-keys))))
+ (setf (gethash (if symbol (symbol-name-default-case symbol) ',function)
+ *sql-op-table*)
+ ',function))))
+;; SQL operations
+(defsql sql-query (:symbol "select") (&rest args)
+ (apply #'make-query args))
+(defsql sql-any (:symbol "any") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'any :args rest))
+(defsql sql-some (:symbol "some") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'some :args rest))
+(defsql sql-all (:symbol "all") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'all :args rest))
+(defsql sql-e-string (:symbol "E") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-escape-string-exp :string (first rest)))
+(defsql sql-not (:symbol "not") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-value-exp
+ :modifier 'not :components rest))
+(defsql sql-union (:symbol "union") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-set-exp
+ :operator 'union :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-intersect (:symbol "intersect") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-set-exp
+ :operator 'intersect :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-except (:symbol "except") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-set-exp
+ :operator 'except :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-minus (:symbol "minus") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-set-exp
+ :operator 'minus :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-limit (:symbol "limit") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-query-modifier-exp
+ :modifier 'limit :components rest))
+(defsql sql-group-by (:symbol "group-by") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-query-modifier-exp
+ :modifier '|GROUP BY| :components rest))
+(defsql sql-order-by (:symbol "order-by") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-query-modifier-exp
+ :modifier '|ORDER BY| :components rest))
+(defsql sql-having (:symbol "having") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-query-modifier-exp
+ :modifier 'having :components rest))
+(defsql sql-null (:symbol "null") (&optional not-null-thing)
+ (if not-null-thing
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp :operator 'is
+ :sub-expressions (list not-null-thing nil))
+ (make-instance 'sql-value-exp :components 'null)))
+(defsql sql-not-null (:symbol "not-null") (&optional not-null-thing)
+ (if not-null-thing
+ (make-instance
+ 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator 'IS
+ :sub-expressions (list not-null-thing
+ (sql-expression :string "NOT NULL")))
+ (sql-expression :string "NOT NULL")))
+(defsql sql-exists (:symbol "exists") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'exists :args rest))
+(defsql sql-* (:symbol "*") (&rest rest)
+ (if (zerop (length rest))
+ (make-instance 'sql-ident :name '*)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp :operator '* :sub-expressions rest)))
+(defsql sql-+ (:symbol "+") (&rest rest)
+ (if (cdr rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator '+ :sub-expressions rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-value-exp :modifier '+ :components rest)))
+(defsql sql-/ (:symbol "/") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator '/ :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-- (:symbol "-") (&rest rest)
+ (if (cdr rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator '- :sub-expressions rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-value-exp :modifier '- :components rest)))
+(defsql sql-like (:symbol "like") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator 'like :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-uplike (:symbol "uplike") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-upcase-like
+ :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-and (:symbol "and") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator 'and :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-or (:symbol "or") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator 'or :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-in (:symbol "in") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator 'in :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-concat-op (:symbol "concat-op") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator '\|\| :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-concat (:symbol "concat") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'concat :args rest))
+(defsql sql-substr (:symbol "substr") (&rest rest)
+ (if (= (length rest) 3)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'substr :args rest)
+ (error 'sql-user-error :message "SUBSTR must have 3 arguments.")))
+(defsql sql-substring (:symbol "substring") (&rest rest)
+ (if (= (length rest) 3)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'substring :args rest)
+ (error 'sql-user-error :message "SUBSTRING must have 3 arguments.")))
+(defsql sql-is (:symbol "is") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator 'is :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-= (:symbol "=") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator '= :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-== (:symbol "==") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-assignment-exp
+ :operator '= :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-< (:symbol "<") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator '< :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-> (:symbol ">") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator '> :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-<> (:symbol "<>") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator '<> :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql->= (:symbol ">=") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator '>= :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-<= (:symbol "<=") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp
+ :operator '<= :sub-expressions rest))
+(defsql sql-count (:symbol "count") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'count :args rest))
+(defsql sql-max (:symbol "max") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'max :args rest))
+(defsql sql-min (:symbol "min") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'min :args rest))
+(defsql sql-avg (:symbol "avg") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'avg :args rest))
+(defsql sql-sum (:symbol "sum") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'sum :args rest))
+(defsql sql-the (:symbol "the") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-typecast-exp
+ :modifier (first rest) :components (second rest)))
+(defsql sql-function (:symbol "function") (&rest args)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name (make-symbol (car args)) :args (cdr args)))
+(defsql sql-between (:symbol "between") (&rest rest)
+ (if (= (length rest) 3)
+ (make-instance 'sql-between-exp :name 'between :args rest)
+ (error 'sql-user-error :message "BETWEEN must have 3 arguments.")))
+(defsql sql-distinct (:symbol "distinct") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-query-modifier-exp :modifier 'distinct
+ :components rest))
+(defsql sql-coalesce (:symbol "coalesce") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'coalesce :args rest))
+(defsql sql-nvl (:symbol "nvl") (&rest rest)
+ (if (= (length rest) 2)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'coalesce :args rest)
+ (error 'sql-user-error :message "NVL accepts exactly 2 arguments.")))
+(defsql sql-userenv (:symbol "userenv") (&rest rest)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'userenv :args rest))
+(defsql sql-lower (:symbol "lower") (&rest rest)
+ (if (= (length rest) 1)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'lower :args rest)
+ (error 'sql-user-error :message "LOWER must have 1 argument.")))
+(defsql sql-upper (:symbol "upper") (&rest rest)
+ (if (= (length rest) 1)
+ (make-instance 'sql-function-exp
+ :name 'upper :args rest)
+ (error 'sql-user-error :message "UPPER must have 1 argument.")))