path: root/t/dsl/uri_for_route.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/dsl/uri_for_route.t')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/dsl/uri_for_route.t b/t/dsl/uri_for_route.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c327b884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dsl/uri_for_route.t
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More 'tests' => 3;
+use Plack::Test;
+use Plack::Builder;
+use HTTP::Request::Common;
+use JSON::MaybeXS;
+ package App;
+ use Dancer2;
+ our $tested;
+ # Static with route params
+ # Static with code
+ # Static with options and code
+ get 'view_entry_static1' => '/view1/:id' => sub {1};
+ get 'view_entry_static2' => '/view2/:id' => { 'user_agent' => 'UA/1.0' }, sub {1};
+ # static with typed route param
+ get 'view_user' => '/:prefix/user/:username[Str]' => sub {1};
+ # splat / megasplat
+ get 'view_entry_splat' => '/viewsplat/*/*/**' => sub {1};
+ # Mixed with splat/megasplat
+ # Different method
+ patch 'view_entry_mixed' => '/view_mixed/*/**/:id' => sub {1};
+ # Regexp - fails
+ get 'view_entry_regexp1' => qr{/rview1/[0-9]+} => sub {1};
+ post '/uri_for_route' => sub {
+ my $params = JSON::MaybeXS::decode_json( request->content );
+ return uri_for_route(
+ $params->{'route_name'},
+ $params->{'route_params'},
+ $params->{'query_params'} // {},
+ !!$params->{'dont_escape'},
+ );
+ };
+ get '/fail_uri_for_route' => sub {
+ my $failed = 0;
+ eval {
+ uri_for_route('vvv');
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ ::like(
+ $@,
+ qr/\QCannot find route named 'vvv'\E/xms,
+ 'Cannot retrieve nonexistent route',
+ );
+ $failed++;
+ };
+ return $failed;
+ };
+ get '/fail_uri_for_route_splat_args' => sub {
+ my $failed = 0;
+ eval {
+ uri_for_route(
+ 'view_entry_splat',
+ ['foo'],
+ );
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ ::like(
+ $@,
+ qr/\QMismatch in amount of splat args and splat elements\E/xms,
+ 'Cannot handle mismatched splat args and elements',
+ );
+ $failed++;
+ };
+ return $failed;
+ };
+ get '/fail_uri_for_route_leftovers' => sub {
+ my $failed = 0;
+ eval {
+ uri_for_route('view_entry_static1');
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ my $msg = 'Route view_entry_static1 uses the parameter \'id\', '
+ . 'which was not provided';
+ ::like(
+ $@,
+ qr/\Q$msg\E/xms,
+ 'Cannot handle leftover route parameters',
+ );
+ $failed++;
+ };
+ return $failed;
+ };
+ # Error defining two routes with the same name, regardless of method
+ eval {
+ get 'view_entry_splat' => '/' => sub {1};
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ ::like(
+ $@,
+ qr/\QRoute with this name (view_entry_splat) already exists\E/xms,
+ 'Cannot register two routes with same name',
+ );
+ $tested = 1;
+ };
+sub test_app {
+ my ( $app, $mount_path ) = @_;
+ my $prefix = 'http://localhost';
+ $mount_path
+ and $prefix .= $mount_path;
+ my ( $path, $res );
+ # Test static paths
+ foreach my $idx ( 1 .. 2 ) {
+ $res = $app->request(
+ "$prefix/uri_for_route",
+ 'Content' => JSON::MaybeXS::encode_json({
+ 'route_name' => "view_entry_static$idx",
+ 'route_params' => { 'id' => $idx },
+ 'query_params' => { 'foo' => $idx },
+ }),
+ )
+ );
+ $path = "$prefix/view$idx/$idx?foo=$idx";
+ ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
+ is( $res->content, $path, "Correct path: $path" );
+ }
+ # Test splat + megasplat
+ $res = $app->request(
+ "$prefix/uri_for_route",
+ 'Content' => JSON::MaybeXS::encode_json({
+ 'route_name' => 'view_entry_splat',
+ 'route_params' => [ 'foo', 'bar', [ 'baz', 'quux' ] ],
+ 'query_params' => { 'id' => 'di' },
+ }),
+ )
+ );
+ $path = "$prefix/viewsplat/foo/bar/baz/quux?id=di";
+ ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
+ is( $res->content, $path, "Correct path: $path" );
+ # Test mixed
+ $res = $app->request(
+ "$prefix/uri_for_route",
+ 'Content' => JSON::MaybeXS::encode_json(
+ { 'route_name' => 'view_entry_mixed',
+ 'route_params' => {
+ 'id' => 'di',
+ 'splat' => ['foo', ['bar', 'baz']]
+ },
+ 'query_params' => {'foo' => 'bar'},
+ }
+ ),
+ )
+ );
+ $path = "$prefix/view_mixed/foo/bar/baz/di?foo=bar";
+ ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
+ is( $res->content, $path, "Correct path: $path" );
+ # Test escaping
+ $res = $app->request(
+ "$prefix/uri_for_route",
+ 'Content' => JSON::MaybeXS::encode_json({
+ 'route_name' => 'view_entry_static1',
+ 'route_params' => { 'id' => '!@£$%' },
+ }),
+ )
+ );
+ $path = "$prefix/view1/!@%C3%82%C2%A3\$%";
+ ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
+ is( $res->content, $path, "Correct path: $path" );
+ # Test nonexistent route name
+ $res = $app->request( GET "$prefix/fail_uri_for_route" );
+ ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
+ is( $res->content, '1', 'Successfully tested nonexistent failure mode' );
+ # Test splat + megasplat (incorrect amount)
+ $res = $app->request( GET "$prefix/fail_uri_for_route_splat_args" );
+ ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
+ is( $res->content, '1', 'Successfully tested mismatch splat args/elements failure mode' );
+ # Test mixed with not all filled (named args left)
+ $res = $app->request( GET "$prefix/fail_uri_for_route_leftovers" );
+ ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
+ is( $res->content, '1', 'Successfully tested leftover args failure mode' );
+ # Static with typed route parameters
+ $res = $app->request(
+ "$prefix/uri_for_route",
+ 'Content' => JSON::MaybeXS::encode_json({
+ 'route_name' => 'view_user',
+ 'route_params' => { 'prefix' => 'foo', 'username' => 'sawyer' },
+ 'query_params' => { 'foo' => 1 },
+ }),
+ )
+ );
+ $path = "$prefix/foo/user/sawyer?foo=1";
+ ok( $res->is_success, 'Successful request' );
+ is( $res->content, $path, "Correct path for typed route param: $path" );
+subtest 'Non-mounted app' => sub {
+ my $app = Plack::Test->create( App->to_app );
+ test_app($app);
+ ok( $App::tested, 'Check for duplicate route names done successfully' );
+subtest 'Mounted app' => sub {
+ my $app = Plack::Test->create(
+ builder {
+ mount '/mount' => App->to_app;
+ mount '/' => sub {
+ return { Plack::Response->new(200, [], ['OK'] ) }
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ test_app( $app, '/mount' );