path: root/lib/Graphics/ColorNames/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Graphics/ColorNames/')
1 files changed, 728 insertions, 694 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Graphics/ColorNames/ b/lib/Graphics/ColorNames/
index 481f329..35c413e 100755
--- a/lib/Graphics/ColorNames/
+++ b/lib/Graphics/ColorNames/
@@ -1,9 +1,712 @@
package Graphics::ColorNames::X;
+# ABSTRACT: X-Windows color names and equivalent RGB values
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = 'v3.5.0';
+sub NamesRgbTable() {
+ use integer;
+ return {
+ "snow" => 0xfffafa,
+ "ghostwhite" => 0xf8f8ff,
+ "whitesmoke" => 0xf5f5f5,
+ "gainsboro" => 0xdcdcdc,
+ "floralwhite" => 0xfffaf0,
+ "oldlace" => 0xfdf5e6,
+ "linen" => 0xfaf0e6,
+ "antiquewhite" => 0xfaebd7,
+ "papayawhip" => 0xffefd5,
+ "blanchedalmond" => 0xffebcd,
+ "bisque" => 0xffe4c4,
+ "peachpuff" => 0xffdab9,
+ "navajowhite" => 0xffdead,
+ "moccasin" => 0xffe4b5,
+ "cornsilk" => 0xfff8dc,
+ "ivory" => 0xfffff0,
+ "lemonchiffon" => 0xfffacd,
+ "seashell" => 0xfff5ee,
+ "honeydew" => 0xf0fff0,
+ "mintcream" => 0xf5fffa,
+ "azure" => 0xf0ffff,
+ "aliceblue" => 0xf0f8ff,
+ "lavender" => 0xe6e6fa,
+ "lavenderblush" => 0xfff0f5,
+ "mistyrose" => 0xffe4e1,
+ "white" => 0xffffff,
+ "black" => 0x000000,
+ "darkslategray" => 0x2f4f4f,
+ "darkslategrey" => 0x2f4f4f,
+ "dimgray" => 0x696969,
+ "dimgrey" => 0x696969,
+ "slategray" => 0x708090,
+ "slategrey" => 0x708090,
+ "lightslategray" => 0x778899,
+ "lightslategrey" => 0x778899,
+ "gray" => 0xbebebe,
+ "grey" => 0xbebebe,
+ "x11gray" => 0xbebebe,
+ "x11grey" => 0xbebebe,
+ "webgray" => 0x808080,
+ "webgrey" => 0x808080,
+ "lightgrey" => 0xd3d3d3,
+ "lightgray" => 0xd3d3d3,
+ "midnightblue" => 0x191970,
+ "navy" => 0x000080,
+ "navyblue" => 0x000080,
+ "cornflowerblue" => 0x6495ed,
+ "darkslateblue" => 0x483d8b,
+ "slateblue" => 0x6a5acd,
+ "mediumslateblue" => 0x7b68ee,
+ "lightslateblue" => 0x8470ff,
+ "mediumblue" => 0x0000cd,
+ "royalblue" => 0x4169e1,
+ "blue" => 0x0000ff,
+ "dodgerblue" => 0x1e90ff,
+ "deepskyblue" => 0x00bfff,
+ "skyblue" => 0x87ceeb,
+ "lightskyblue" => 0x87cefa,
+ "steelblue" => 0x4682b4,
+ "lightsteelblue" => 0xb0c4de,
+ "lightblue" => 0xadd8e6,
+ "powderblue" => 0xb0e0e6,
+ "paleturquoise" => 0xafeeee,
+ "darkturquoise" => 0x00ced1,
+ "mediumturquoise" => 0x48d1cc,
+ "turquoise" => 0x40e0d0,
+ "cyan" => 0x00ffff,
+ "aqua" => 0x00ffff,
+ "lightcyan" => 0xe0ffff,
+ "cadetblue" => 0x5f9ea0,
+ "mediumaquamarine" => 0x66cdaa,
+ "aquamarine" => 0x7fffd4,
+ "darkgreen" => 0x006400,
+ "darkolivegreen" => 0x556b2f,
+ "darkseagreen" => 0x8fbc8f,
+ "seagreen" => 0x2e8b57,
+ "mediumseagreen" => 0x3cb371,
+ "lightseagreen" => 0x20b2aa,
+ "palegreen" => 0x98fb98,
+ "springgreen" => 0x00ff7f,
+ "lawngreen" => 0x7cfc00,
+ "green" => 0x00ff00,
+ "lime" => 0x00ff00,
+ "x11green" => 0x00ff00,
+ "webgreen" => 0x008000,
+ "chartreuse" => 0x7fff00,
+ "mediumspringgreen" => 0x00fa9a,
+ "greenyellow" => 0xadff2f,
+ "limegreen" => 0x32cd32,
+ "yellowgreen" => 0x9acd32,
+ "forestgreen" => 0x228b22,
+ "olivedrab" => 0x6b8e23,
+ "darkkhaki" => 0xbdb76b,
+ "khaki" => 0xf0e68c,
+ "palegoldenrod" => 0xeee8aa,
+ "lightgoldenrodyellow" => 0xfafad2,
+ "lightyellow" => 0xffffe0,
+ "yellow" => 0xffff00,
+ "gold" => 0xffd700,
+ "lightgoldenrod" => 0xeedd82,
+ "goldenrod" => 0xdaa520,
+ "darkgoldenrod" => 0xb8860b,
+ "rosybrown" => 0xbc8f8f,
+ "indianred" => 0xcd5c5c,
+ "saddlebrown" => 0x8b4513,
+ "sienna" => 0xa0522d,
+ "peru" => 0xcd853f,
+ "burlywood" => 0xdeb887,
+ "beige" => 0xf5f5dc,
+ "wheat" => 0xf5deb3,
+ "sandybrown" => 0xf4a460,
+ "tan" => 0xd2b48c,
+ "chocolate" => 0xd2691e,
+ "firebrick" => 0xb22222,
+ "brown" => 0xa52a2a,
+ "darksalmon" => 0xe9967a,
+ "salmon" => 0xfa8072,
+ "lightsalmon" => 0xffa07a,
+ "orange" => 0xffa500,
+ "darkorange" => 0xff8c00,
+ "coral" => 0xff7f50,
+ "lightcoral" => 0xf08080,
+ "tomato" => 0xff6347,
+ "orangered" => 0xff4500,
+ "red" => 0xff0000,
+ "hotpink" => 0xff69b4,
+ "deeppink" => 0xff1493,
+ "pink" => 0xffc0cb,
+ "lightpink" => 0xffb6c1,
+ "palevioletred" => 0xdb7093,
+ "maroon" => 0xb03060,
+ "x11maroon" => 0xb03060,
+ "webmaroon" => 0x800000,
+ "mediumvioletred" => 0xc71585,
+ "violetred" => 0xd02090,
+ "magenta" => 0xff00ff,
+ "fuchsia" => 0xff00ff,
+ "violet" => 0xee82ee,
+ "plum" => 0xdda0dd,
+ "orchid" => 0xda70d6,
+ "mediumorchid" => 0xba55d3,
+ "darkorchid" => 0x9932cc,
+ "darkviolet" => 0x9400d3,
+ "blueviolet" => 0x8a2be2,
+ "purple" => 0xa020f0,
+ "x11purple" => 0xa020f0,
+ "webpurple" => 0x800080,
+ "mediumpurple" => 0x9370db,
+ "thistle" => 0xd8bfd8,
+ "snow1" => 0xfffafa,
+ "snow2" => 0xeee9e9,
+ "snow3" => 0xcdc9c9,
+ "snow4" => 0x8b8989,
+ "seashell1" => 0xfff5ee,
+ "seashell2" => 0xeee5de,
+ "seashell3" => 0xcdc5bf,
+ "seashell4" => 0x8b8682,
+ "antiquewhite1" => 0xffefdb,
+ "antiquewhite2" => 0xeedfcc,
+ "antiquewhite3" => 0xcdc0b0,
+ "antiquewhite4" => 0x8b8378,
+ "bisque1" => 0xffe4c4,
+ "bisque2" => 0xeed5b7,
+ "bisque3" => 0xcdb79e,
+ "bisque4" => 0x8b7d6b,
+ "peachpuff1" => 0xffdab9,
+ "peachpuff2" => 0xeecbad,
+ "peachpuff3" => 0xcdaf95,
+ "peachpuff4" => 0x8b7765,
+ "navajowhite1" => 0xffdead,
+ "navajowhite2" => 0xeecfa1,
+ "navajowhite3" => 0xcdb38b,
+ "navajowhite4" => 0x8b795e,
+ "lemonchiffon1" => 0xfffacd,
+ "lemonchiffon2" => 0xeee9bf,
+ "lemonchiffon3" => 0xcdc9a5,
+ "lemonchiffon4" => 0x8b8970,
+ "cornsilk1" => 0xfff8dc,
+ "cornsilk2" => 0xeee8cd,
+ "cornsilk3" => 0xcdc8b1,
+ "cornsilk4" => 0x8b8878,
+ "ivory1" => 0xfffff0,
+ "ivory2" => 0xeeeee0,
+ "ivory3" => 0xcdcdc1,
+ "ivory4" => 0x8b8b83,
+ "honeydew1" => 0xf0fff0,
+ "honeydew2" => 0xe0eee0,
+ "honeydew3" => 0xc1cdc1,
+ "honeydew4" => 0x838b83,
+ "lavenderblush1" => 0xfff0f5,
+ "lavenderblush2" => 0xeee0e5,
+ "lavenderblush3" => 0xcdc1c5,
+ "lavenderblush4" => 0x8b8386,
+ "mistyrose1" => 0xffe4e1,
+ "mistyrose2" => 0xeed5d2,
+ "mistyrose3" => 0xcdb7b5,
+ "mistyrose4" => 0x8b7d7b,
+ "azure1" => 0xf0ffff,
+ "azure2" => 0xe0eeee,
+ "azure3" => 0xc1cdcd,
+ "azure4" => 0x838b8b,
+ "slateblue1" => 0x836fff,
+ "slateblue2" => 0x7a67ee,
+ "slateblue3" => 0x6959cd,
+ "slateblue4" => 0x473c8b,
+ "royalblue1" => 0x4876ff,
+ "royalblue2" => 0x436eee,
+ "royalblue3" => 0x3a5fcd,
+ "royalblue4" => 0x27408b,
+ "blue1" => 0x0000ff,
+ "blue2" => 0x0000ee,
+ "blue3" => 0x0000cd,
+ "blue4" => 0x00008b,
+ "dodgerblue1" => 0x1e90ff,
+ "dodgerblue2" => 0x1c86ee,
+ "dodgerblue3" => 0x1874cd,
+ "dodgerblue4" => 0x104e8b,
+ "steelblue1" => 0x63b8ff,
+ "steelblue2" => 0x5cacee,
+ "steelblue3" => 0x4f94cd,
+ "steelblue4" => 0x36648b,
+ "deepskyblue1" => 0x00bfff,
+ "deepskyblue2" => 0x00b2ee,
+ "deepskyblue3" => 0x009acd,
+ "deepskyblue4" => 0x00688b,
+ "skyblue1" => 0x87ceff,
+ "skyblue2" => 0x7ec0ee,
+ "skyblue3" => 0x6ca6cd,
+ "skyblue4" => 0x4a708b,
+ "lightskyblue1" => 0xb0e2ff,
+ "lightskyblue2" => 0xa4d3ee,
+ "lightskyblue3" => 0x8db6cd,
+ "lightskyblue4" => 0x607b8b,
+ "slategray1" => 0xc6e2ff,
+ "slategray2" => 0xb9d3ee,
+ "slategray3" => 0x9fb6cd,
+ "slategray4" => 0x6c7b8b,
+ "lightsteelblue1" => 0xcae1ff,
+ "lightsteelblue2" => 0xbcd2ee,
+ "lightsteelblue3" => 0xa2b5cd,
+ "lightsteelblue4" => 0x6e7b8b,
+ "lightblue1" => 0xbfefff,
+ "lightblue2" => 0xb2dfee,
+ "lightblue3" => 0x9ac0cd,
+ "lightblue4" => 0x68838b,
+ "lightcyan1" => 0xe0ffff,
+ "lightcyan2" => 0xd1eeee,
+ "lightcyan3" => 0xb4cdcd,
+ "lightcyan4" => 0x7a8b8b,
+ "paleturquoise1" => 0xbbffff,
+ "paleturquoise2" => 0xaeeeee,
+ "paleturquoise3" => 0x96cdcd,
+ "paleturquoise4" => 0x668b8b,
+ "cadetblue1" => 0x98f5ff,
+ "cadetblue2" => 0x8ee5ee,
+ "cadetblue3" => 0x7ac5cd,
+ "cadetblue4" => 0x53868b,
+ "turquoise1" => 0x00f5ff,
+ "turquoise2" => 0x00e5ee,
+ "turquoise3" => 0x00c5cd,
+ "turquoise4" => 0x00868b,
+ "cyan1" => 0x00ffff,
+ "cyan2" => 0x00eeee,
+ "cyan3" => 0x00cdcd,
+ "cyan4" => 0x008b8b,
+ "darkslategray1" => 0x97ffff,
+ "darkslategray2" => 0x8deeee,
+ "darkslategray3" => 0x79cdcd,
+ "darkslategray4" => 0x528b8b,
+ "aquamarine1" => 0x7fffd4,
+ "aquamarine2" => 0x76eec6,
+ "aquamarine3" => 0x66cdaa,
+ "aquamarine4" => 0x458b74,
+ "darkseagreen1" => 0xc1ffc1,
+ "darkseagreen2" => 0xb4eeb4,
+ "darkseagreen3" => 0x9bcd9b,
+ "darkseagreen4" => 0x698b69,
+ "seagreen1" => 0x54ff9f,
+ "seagreen2" => 0x4eee94,
+ "seagreen3" => 0x43cd80,
+ "seagreen4" => 0x2e8b57,
+ "palegreen1" => 0x9aff9a,
+ "palegreen2" => 0x90ee90,
+ "palegreen3" => 0x7ccd7c,
+ "palegreen4" => 0x548b54,
+ "springgreen1" => 0x00ff7f,
+ "springgreen2" => 0x00ee76,
+ "springgreen3" => 0x00cd66,
+ "springgreen4" => 0x008b45,
+ "green1" => 0x00ff00,
+ "green2" => 0x00ee00,
+ "green3" => 0x00cd00,
+ "green4" => 0x008b00,
+ "chartreuse1" => 0x7fff00,
+ "chartreuse2" => 0x76ee00,
+ "chartreuse3" => 0x66cd00,
+ "chartreuse4" => 0x458b00,
+ "olivedrab1" => 0xc0ff3e,
+ "olivedrab2" => 0xb3ee3a,
+ "olivedrab3" => 0x9acd32,
+ "olivedrab4" => 0x698b22,
+ "darkolivegreen1" => 0xcaff70,
+ "darkolivegreen2" => 0xbcee68,
+ "darkolivegreen3" => 0xa2cd5a,
+ "darkolivegreen4" => 0x6e8b3d,
+ "khaki1" => 0xfff68f,
+ "khaki2" => 0xeee685,
+ "khaki3" => 0xcdc673,
+ "khaki4" => 0x8b864e,
+ "lightgoldenrod1" => 0xffec8b,
+ "lightgoldenrod2" => 0xeedc82,
+ "lightgoldenrod3" => 0xcdbe70,
+ "lightgoldenrod4" => 0x8b814c,
+ "lightyellow1" => 0xffffe0,
+ "lightyellow2" => 0xeeeed1,
+ "lightyellow3" => 0xcdcdb4,
+ "lightyellow4" => 0x8b8b7a,
+ "yellow1" => 0xffff00,
+ "yellow2" => 0xeeee00,
+ "yellow3" => 0xcdcd00,
+ "yellow4" => 0x8b8b00,
+ "gold1" => 0xffd700,
+ "gold2" => 0xeec900,
+ "gold3" => 0xcdad00,
+ "gold4" => 0x8b7500,
+ "goldenrod1" => 0xffc125,
+ "goldenrod2" => 0xeeb422,
+ "goldenrod3" => 0xcd9b1d,
+ "goldenrod4" => 0x8b6914,
+ "darkgoldenrod1" => 0xffb90f,
+ "darkgoldenrod2" => 0xeead0e,
+ "darkgoldenrod3" => 0xcd950c,
+ "darkgoldenrod4" => 0x8b6508,
+ "rosybrown1" => 0xffc1c1,
+ "rosybrown2" => 0xeeb4b4,
+ "rosybrown3" => 0xcd9b9b,
+ "rosybrown4" => 0x8b6969,
+ "indianred1" => 0xff6a6a,
+ "indianred2" => 0xee6363,
+ "indianred3" => 0xcd5555,
+ "indianred4" => 0x8b3a3a,
+ "sienna1" => 0xff8247,
+ "sienna2" => 0xee7942,
+ "sienna3" => 0xcd6839,
+ "sienna4" => 0x8b4726,
+ "burlywood1" => 0xffd39b,
+ "burlywood2" => 0xeec591,
+ "burlywood3" => 0xcdaa7d,
+ "burlywood4" => 0x8b7355,
+ "wheat1" => 0xffe7ba,
+ "wheat2" => 0xeed8ae,
+ "wheat3" => 0xcdba96,
+ "wheat4" => 0x8b7e66,
+ "tan1" => 0xffa54f,
+ "tan2" => 0xee9a49,
+ "tan3" => 0xcd853f,
+ "tan4" => 0x8b5a2b,
+ "chocolate1" => 0xff7f24,
+ "chocolate2" => 0xee7621,
+ "chocolate3" => 0xcd661d,
+ "chocolate4" => 0x8b4513,
+ "firebrick1" => 0xff3030,
+ "firebrick2" => 0xee2c2c,
+ "firebrick3" => 0xcd2626,
+ "firebrick4" => 0x8b1a1a,
+ "brown1" => 0xff4040,
+ "brown2" => 0xee3b3b,
+ "brown3" => 0xcd3333,
+ "brown4" => 0x8b2323,
+ "salmon1" => 0xff8c69,
+ "salmon2" => 0xee8262,
+ "salmon3" => 0xcd7054,
+ "salmon4" => 0x8b4c39,
+ "lightsalmon1" => 0xffa07a,
+ "lightsalmon2" => 0xee9572,
+ "lightsalmon3" => 0xcd8162,
+ "lightsalmon4" => 0x8b5742,
+ "orange1" => 0xffa500,
+ "orange2" => 0xee9a00,
+ "orange3" => 0xcd8500,
+ "orange4" => 0x8b5a00,
+ "darkorange1" => 0xff7f00,
+ "darkorange2" => 0xee7600,
+ "darkorange3" => 0xcd6600,
+ "darkorange4" => 0x8b4500,
+ "coral1" => 0xff7256,
+ "coral2" => 0xee6a50,
+ "coral3" => 0xcd5b45,
+ "coral4" => 0x8b3e2f,
+ "tomato1" => 0xff6347,
+ "tomato2" => 0xee5c42,
+ "tomato3" => 0xcd4f39,
+ "tomato4" => 0x8b3626,
+ "orangered1" => 0xff4500,
+ "orangered2" => 0xee4000,
+ "orangered3" => 0xcd3700,
+ "orangered4" => 0x8b2500,
+ "red1" => 0xff0000,
+ "red2" => 0xee0000,
+ "red3" => 0xcd0000,
+ "red4" => 0x8b0000,
+ "deeppink1" => 0xff1493,
+ "deeppink2" => 0xee1289,
+ "deeppink3" => 0xcd1076,
+ "deeppink4" => 0x8b0a50,
+ "hotpink1" => 0xff6eb4,
+ "hotpink2" => 0xee6aa7,
+ "hotpink3" => 0xcd6090,
+ "hotpink4" => 0x8b3a62,
+ "pink1" => 0xffb5c5,
+ "pink2" => 0xeea9b8,
+ "pink3" => 0xcd919e,
+ "pink4" => 0x8b636c,
+ "lightpink1" => 0xffaeb9,
+ "lightpink2" => 0xeea2ad,
+ "lightpink3" => 0xcd8c95,
+ "lightpink4" => 0x8b5f65,
+ "palevioletred1" => 0xff82ab,
+ "palevioletred2" => 0xee799f,
+ "palevioletred3" => 0xcd6889,
+ "palevioletred4" => 0x8b475d,
+ "maroon1" => 0xff34b3,
+ "maroon2" => 0xee30a7,
+ "maroon3" => 0xcd2990,
+ "maroon4" => 0x8b1c62,
+ "violetred1" => 0xff3e96,
+ "violetred2" => 0xee3a8c,
+ "violetred3" => 0xcd3278,
+ "violetred4" => 0x8b2252,
+ "magenta1" => 0xff00ff,
+ "magenta2" => 0xee00ee,
+ "magenta3" => 0xcd00cd,
+ "magenta4" => 0x8b008b,
+ "orchid1" => 0xff83fa,
+ "orchid2" => 0xee7ae9,
+ "orchid3" => 0xcd69c9,
+ "orchid4" => 0x8b4789,
+ "plum1" => 0xffbbff,
+ "plum2" => 0xeeaeee,
+ "plum3" => 0xcd96cd,
+ "plum4" => 0x8b668b,
+ "mediumorchid1" => 0xe066ff,
+ "mediumorchid2" => 0xd15fee,
+ "mediumorchid3" => 0xb452cd,
+ "mediumorchid4" => 0x7a378b,
+ "darkorchid1" => 0xbf3eff,
+ "darkorchid2" => 0xb23aee,
+ "darkorchid3" => 0x9a32cd,
+ "darkorchid4" => 0x68228b,
+ "purple1" => 0x9b30ff,
+ "purple2" => 0x912cee,
+ "purple3" => 0x7d26cd,
+ "purple4" => 0x551a8b,
+ "mediumpurple1" => 0xab82ff,
+ "mediumpurple2" => 0x9f79ee,
+ "mediumpurple3" => 0x8968cd,
+ "mediumpurple4" => 0x5d478b,
+ "thistle1" => 0xffe1ff,
+ "thistle2" => 0xeed2ee,
+ "thistle3" => 0xcdb5cd,
+ "thistle4" => 0x8b7b8b,
+ "gray0" => 0x000000,
+ "grey0" => 0x000000,
+ "gray1" => 0x030303,
+ "grey1" => 0x030303,
+ "gray2" => 0x050505,
+ "grey2" => 0x050505,
+ "gray3" => 0x080808,
+ "grey3" => 0x080808,
+ "gray4" => 0x0a0a0a,
+ "grey4" => 0x0a0a0a,
+ "gray5" => 0x0d0d0d,
+ "grey5" => 0x0d0d0d,
+ "gray6" => 0x0f0f0f,
+ "grey6" => 0x0f0f0f,
+ "gray7" => 0x121212,
+ "grey7" => 0x121212,
+ "gray8" => 0x141414,
+ "grey8" => 0x141414,
+ "gray9" => 0x171717,
+ "grey9" => 0x171717,
+ "gray10" => 0x1a1a1a,
+ "grey10" => 0x1a1a1a,
+ "gray11" => 0x1c1c1c,
+ "grey11" => 0x1c1c1c,
+ "gray12" => 0x1f1f1f,
+ "grey12" => 0x1f1f1f,
+ "gray13" => 0x212121,
+ "grey13" => 0x212121,
+ "gray14" => 0x242424,
+ "grey14" => 0x242424,
+ "gray15" => 0x262626,
+ "grey15" => 0x262626,
+ "gray16" => 0x292929,
+ "grey16" => 0x292929,
+ "gray17" => 0x2b2b2b,
+ "grey17" => 0x2b2b2b,
+ "gray18" => 0x2e2e2e,
+ "grey18" => 0x2e2e2e,
+ "gray19" => 0x303030,
+ "grey19" => 0x303030,
+ "gray20" => 0x333333,
+ "grey20" => 0x333333,
+ "gray21" => 0x363636,
+ "grey21" => 0x363636,
+ "gray22" => 0x383838,
+ "grey22" => 0x383838,
+ "gray23" => 0x3b3b3b,
+ "grey23" => 0x3b3b3b,
+ "gray24" => 0x3d3d3d,
+ "grey24" => 0x3d3d3d,
+ "gray25" => 0x404040,
+ "grey25" => 0x404040,
+ "gray26" => 0x424242,
+ "grey26" => 0x424242,
+ "gray27" => 0x454545,
+ "grey27" => 0x454545,
+ "gray28" => 0x474747,
+ "grey28" => 0x474747,
+ "gray29" => 0x4a4a4a,
+ "grey29" => 0x4a4a4a,
+ "gray30" => 0x4d4d4d,
+ "grey30" => 0x4d4d4d,
+ "gray31" => 0x4f4f4f,
+ "grey31" => 0x4f4f4f,
+ "gray32" => 0x525252,
+ "grey32" => 0x525252,
+ "gray33" => 0x545454,
+ "grey33" => 0x545454,
+ "gray34" => 0x575757,
+ "grey34" => 0x575757,
+ "gray35" => 0x595959,
+ "grey35" => 0x595959,
+ "gray36" => 0x5c5c5c,
+ "grey36" => 0x5c5c5c,
+ "gray37" => 0x5e5e5e,
+ "grey37" => 0x5e5e5e,
+ "gray38" => 0x616161,
+ "grey38" => 0x616161,
+ "gray39" => 0x636363,
+ "grey39" => 0x636363,
+ "gray40" => 0x666666,
+ "grey40" => 0x666666,
+ "gray41" => 0x696969,
+ "grey41" => 0x696969,
+ "gray42" => 0x6b6b6b,
+ "grey42" => 0x6b6b6b,
+ "gray43" => 0x6e6e6e,
+ "grey43" => 0x6e6e6e,
+ "gray44" => 0x707070,
+ "grey44" => 0x707070,
+ "gray45" => 0x737373,
+ "grey45" => 0x737373,
+ "gray46" => 0x757575,
+ "grey46" => 0x757575,
+ "gray47" => 0x787878,
+ "grey47" => 0x787878,
+ "gray48" => 0x7a7a7a,
+ "grey48" => 0x7a7a7a,
+ "gray49" => 0x7d7d7d,
+ "grey49" => 0x7d7d7d,
+ "gray50" => 0x7f7f7f,
+ "grey50" => 0x7f7f7f,
+ "gray51" => 0x828282,
+ "grey51" => 0x828282,
+ "gray52" => 0x858585,
+ "grey52" => 0x858585,
+ "gray53" => 0x878787,
+ "grey53" => 0x878787,
+ "gray54" => 0x8a8a8a,
+ "grey54" => 0x8a8a8a,
+ "gray55" => 0x8c8c8c,
+ "grey55" => 0x8c8c8c,
+ "gray56" => 0x8f8f8f,
+ "grey56" => 0x8f8f8f,
+ "gray57" => 0x919191,
+ "grey57" => 0x919191,
+ "gray58" => 0x949494,
+ "grey58" => 0x949494,
+ "gray59" => 0x969696,
+ "grey59" => 0x969696,
+ "gray60" => 0x999999,
+ "grey60" => 0x999999,
+ "gray61" => 0x9c9c9c,
+ "grey61" => 0x9c9c9c,
+ "gray62" => 0x9e9e9e,
+ "grey62" => 0x9e9e9e,
+ "gray63" => 0xa1a1a1,
+ "grey63" => 0xa1a1a1,
+ "gray64" => 0xa3a3a3,
+ "grey64" => 0xa3a3a3,
+ "gray65" => 0xa6a6a6,
+ "grey65" => 0xa6a6a6,
+ "gray66" => 0xa8a8a8,
+ "grey66" => 0xa8a8a8,
+ "gray67" => 0xababab,
+ "grey67" => 0xababab,
+ "gray68" => 0xadadad,
+ "grey68" => 0xadadad,
+ "gray69" => 0xb0b0b0,
+ "grey69" => 0xb0b0b0,
+ "gray70" => 0xb3b3b3,
+ "grey70" => 0xb3b3b3,
+ "gray71" => 0xb5b5b5,
+ "grey71" => 0xb5b5b5,
+ "gray72" => 0xb8b8b8,
+ "grey72" => 0xb8b8b8,
+ "gray73" => 0xbababa,
+ "grey73" => 0xbababa,
+ "gray74" => 0xbdbdbd,
+ "grey74" => 0xbdbdbd,
+ "gray75" => 0xbfbfbf,
+ "grey75" => 0xbfbfbf,
+ "gray76" => 0xc2c2c2,
+ "grey76" => 0xc2c2c2,
+ "gray77" => 0xc4c4c4,
+ "grey77" => 0xc4c4c4,
+ "gray78" => 0xc7c7c7,
+ "grey78" => 0xc7c7c7,
+ "gray79" => 0xc9c9c9,
+ "grey79" => 0xc9c9c9,
+ "gray80" => 0xcccccc,
+ "grey80" => 0xcccccc,
+ "gray81" => 0xcfcfcf,
+ "grey81" => 0xcfcfcf,
+ "gray82" => 0xd1d1d1,
+ "grey82" => 0xd1d1d1,
+ "gray83" => 0xd4d4d4,
+ "grey83" => 0xd4d4d4,
+ "gray84" => 0xd6d6d6,
+ "grey84" => 0xd6d6d6,
+ "gray85" => 0xd9d9d9,
+ "grey85" => 0xd9d9d9,
+ "gray86" => 0xdbdbdb,
+ "grey86" => 0xdbdbdb,
+ "gray87" => 0xdedede,
+ "grey87" => 0xdedede,
+ "gray88" => 0xe0e0e0,
+ "grey88" => 0xe0e0e0,
+ "gray89" => 0xe3e3e3,
+ "grey89" => 0xe3e3e3,
+ "gray90" => 0xe5e5e5,
+ "grey90" => 0xe5e5e5,
+ "gray91" => 0xe8e8e8,
+ "grey91" => 0xe8e8e8,
+ "gray92" => 0xebebeb,
+ "grey92" => 0xebebeb,
+ "gray93" => 0xededed,
+ "grey93" => 0xededed,
+ "gray94" => 0xf0f0f0,
+ "grey94" => 0xf0f0f0,
+ "gray95" => 0xf2f2f2,
+ "grey95" => 0xf2f2f2,
+ "gray96" => 0xf5f5f5,
+ "grey96" => 0xf5f5f5,
+ "gray97" => 0xf7f7f7,
+ "grey97" => 0xf7f7f7,
+ "gray98" => 0xfafafa,
+ "grey98" => 0xfafafa,
+ "gray99" => 0xfcfcfc,
+ "grey99" => 0xfcfcfc,
+ "gray100" => 0xffffff,
+ "grey100" => 0xffffff,
+ "darkgrey" => 0xa9a9a9,
+ "darkgray" => 0xa9a9a9,
+ "darkblue" => 0x00008b,
+ "darkcyan" => 0x008b8b,
+ "darkmagenta" => 0x8b008b,
+ "darkred" => 0x8b0000,
+ "lightgreen" => 0x90ee90,
+ "crimson" => 0xdc143c,
+ "indigo" => 0x4b0082,
+ "olive" => 0x808000,
+ "rebeccapurple" => 0x663399,
+ "silver" => 0xc0c0c0,
+ "teal" => 0x008080,
+ };
+=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Graphics::ColorNames::X - X-Windows color names and equivalent RGB values
+=head1 VERSION
+version v3.5.0
require Graphics::ColorNames::X;
@@ -14,714 +717,45 @@ Graphics::ColorNames::X - X-Windows color names and equivalent RGB values
This module defines color names and their associated RGB values used in
-X-Windows (from the X-Windows C<rgb.txt> file).
-=head1 SEE ALSO
+It is based on the 2014 version of the F<rgb.txt> file, which includes
+colors from CSS4.
-L<Graphics::ColorNames>, rgb.txt
+=head1 SEE ALSO
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Robert Rothenberg <rrwo at>
-=head2 Acknowledgements
-Steve Pomeroy <steve_x at> -- fixed the broken color definitions
+=head1 SOURCE
-=head1 LICENSE
+The development version is on github at L<>
+and may be cloned from L<git://>
-Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Robert Rothenberg. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
+L<> or
+by email to
-use strict;
-use warnings;
+When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
+patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired
-our $VERSION = '2.11';
+=head1 AUTHOR
-# Original name and colors (v1.01 and earlier) from Kevin J. Walsh,
+Robert Rothenberg <>
-# Afterwards, XConsortium: rgb.txt,v 10.41 94/02/20 18:39:36 rws Exp
-# Verified with Xorg: rgb.txt,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:00 cpqbld Exp
-# Duplicate namesiwth spaces were removed in v2.10.
+This software is Copyright (c) 2001-2019 by Robert Rothenberg.
-sub NamesRgbTable() {
- use integer;
- return {
- "snow" => 0xfffafa,
- "ghostwhite" => 0xf8f8ff,
- "whitesmoke" => 0xf5f5f5,
- "gainsboro" => 0xdcdcdc,
- "floralwhite" => 0xfffaf0,
- "oldlace" => 0xfdf5e6,
- "linen" => 0xfaf0e6,
- "antiquewhite" => 0xfaebd7,
- "papayawhip" => 0xffefd5,
- "blanchedalmond" => 0xffebcd,
- "bisque" => 0xffe4c4,
- "peachpuff" => 0xffdab9,
- "navajowhite" => 0xffdead,
- "moccasin" => 0xffe4b5,
- "cornsilk" => 0xfff8dc,
- "ivory" => 0xfffff0,
- "lemonchiffon" => 0xfffacd,
- "seashell" => 0xfff5ee,
- "honeydew" => 0xf0fff0,
- "mintcream" => 0xf5fffa,
- "azure" => 0xf0ffff,
- "aliceblue" => 0xf0f8ff,
- "lavender" => 0xe6e6fa,
- "lavenderblush" => 0xfff0f5,
- "mistyrose" => 0xffe4e1,
- "white" => 0xffffff,
- "black" => 0x000000,
- "darkslategray" => 0x2f4f4f,
- "darkslategrey" => 0x2f4f4f,
- "dimgray" => 0x696969,
- "dimgrey" => 0x696969,
- "slategray" => 0x708090,
- "slategrey" => 0x708090,
- "lightslategray" => 0x778899,
- "lightslategrey" => 0x778899,
- "gray" => 0xbebebe,
- "grey" => 0xbebebe,
- "lightgrey" => 0xd3d3d3,
- "lightgray" => 0xd3d3d3,
- "midnightblue" => 0x191970,
- "navy" => 0x000080,
- "navyblue" => 0x000080,
- "cornflowerblue" => 0x6495ed,
- "darkslateblue" => 0x483d8b,
- "slateblue" => 0x6a5acd,
- "mediumslateblue" => 0x7b68ee,
- "lightslateblue" => 0x8470ff,
- "mediumblue" => 0x0000cd,
- "royalblue" => 0x4169e1,
- "blue" => 0x0000ff,
- "dodgerblue" => 0x1e90ff,
- "deepskyblue" => 0x00bfff,
- "skyblue" => 0x87ceeb,
- "lightskyblue" => 0x87cefa,
- "steelblue" => 0x4682b4,
- "lightsteelblue" => 0xb0c4de,
- "lightblue" => 0xadd8e6,
- "powderblue" => 0xb0e0e6,
- "paleturquoise" => 0xafeeee,
- "darkturquoise" => 0x00ced1,
- "mediumturquoise" => 0x48d1cc,
- "turquoise" => 0x40e0d0,
- "cyan" => 0x00ffff,
- "lightcyan" => 0xe0ffff,
- "cadetblue" => 0x5f9ea0,
- "mediumaquamarine" => 0x66cdaa,
- "aquamarine" => 0x7fffd4,
- "darkgreen" => 0x006400,
- "darkolivegreen" => 0x556b2f,
- "darkseagreen" => 0x8fbc8f,
- "seagreen" => 0x2e8b57,
- "mediumseagreen" => 0x3cb371,
- "lightseagreen" => 0x20b2aa,
- "palegreen" => 0x98fb98,
- "springgreen" => 0x00ff7f,
- "lawngreen" => 0x7cfc00,
- "green" => 0x00ff00,
- "chartreuse" => 0x7fff00,
- "mediumspringgreen" => 0x00fa9a,
- "greenyellow" => 0xadff2f,
- "limegreen" => 0x32cd32,
- "yellowgreen" => 0x9acd32,
- "forestgreen" => 0x228b22,
- "olivedrab" => 0x6b8e23,
- "darkkhaki" => 0xbdb76b,
- "khaki" => 0xf0e68c,
- "palegoldenrod" => 0xeee8aa,
- "lightgoldenrodyellow" => 0xfafad2,
- "lightyellow" => 0xffffe0,
- "yellow" => 0xffff00,
- "gold" => 0xffd700,
- "lightgoldenrod" => 0xeedd82,
- "goldenrod" => 0xdaa520,
- "darkgoldenrod" => 0xb8860b,
- "rosybrown" => 0xbc8f8f,
- "indianred" => 0xcd5c5c,
- "saddlebrown" => 0x8b4513,
- "sienna" => 0xa0522d,
- "peru" => 0xcd853f,
- "burlywood" => 0xdeb887,
- "beige" => 0xf5f5dc,
- "wheat" => 0xf5deb3,
- "sandybrown" => 0xf4a460,
- "tan" => 0xd2b48c,
- "chocolate" => 0xd2691e,
- "firebrick" => 0xb22222,
- "brown" => 0xa52a2a,
- "darksalmon" => 0xe9967a,
- "salmon" => 0xfa8072,
- "lightsalmon" => 0xffa07a,
- "orange" => 0xffa500,
- "darkorange" => 0xff8c00,
- "coral" => 0xff7f50,
- "lightcoral" => 0xf08080,
- "tomato" => 0xff6347,
- "orangered" => 0xff4500,
- "red" => 0xff0000,
- "hotpink" => 0xff69b4,
- "deeppink" => 0xff1493,
- "pink" => 0xffc0cb,
- "lightpink" => 0xffb6c1,
- "palevioletred" => 0xdb7093,
- "maroon" => 0xb03060,
- "mediumvioletred" => 0xc71585,
- "violetred" => 0xd02090,
- "magenta" => 0xff00ff,
- "violet" => 0xee82ee,
- "plum" => 0xdda0dd,
- "orchid" => 0xda70d6,
- "mediumorchid" => 0xba55d3,
- "darkorchid" => 0x9932cc,
- "darkviolet" => 0x9400d3,
- "blueviolet" => 0x8a2be2,
- "purple" => 0xa020f0,
- "mediumpurple" => 0x9370db,
- "thistle" => 0xd8bfd8,
- "snow1" => 0xfffafa,
- "snow2" => 0xeee9e9,
- "snow3" => 0xcdc9c9,
- "snow4" => 0x8b8989,
- "seashell1" => 0xfff5ee,
- "seashell2" => 0xeee5de,
- "seashell3" => 0xcdc5bf,
- "seashell4" => 0x8b8682,
- "antiquewhite1" => 0xffefdb,
- "antiquewhite2" => 0xeedfcc,
- "antiquewhite3" => 0xcdc0b0,
- "antiquewhite4" => 0x8b8378,
- "bisque1" => 0xffe4c4,
- "bisque2" => 0xeed5b7,
- "bisque3" => 0xcdb79e,
- "bisque4" => 0x8b7d6b,
- "peachpuff1" => 0xffdab9,
- "peachpuff2" => 0xeecbad,
- "peachpuff3" => 0xcdaf95,
- "peachpuff4" => 0x8b7765,
- "navajowhite1" => 0xffdead,
- "navajowhite2" => 0xeecfa1,
- "navajowhite3" => 0xcdb38b,
- "navajowhite4" => 0x8b795e,
- "lemonchiffon1" => 0xfffacd,
- "lemonchiffon2" => 0xeee9bf,
- "lemonchiffon3" => 0xcdc9a5,
- "lemonchiffon4" => 0x8b8970,
- "cornsilk1" => 0xfff8dc,
- "cornsilk2" => 0xeee8cd,
- "cornsilk3" => 0xcdc8b1,
- "cornsilk4" => 0x8b8878,
- "ivory1" => 0xfffff0,
- "ivory2" => 0xeeeee0,
- "ivory3" => 0xcdcdc1,
- "ivory4" => 0x8b8b83,
- "honeydew1" => 0xf0fff0,
- "honeydew2" => 0xe0eee0,
- "honeydew3" => 0xc1cdc1,
- "honeydew4" => 0x838b83,
- "lavenderblush1" => 0xfff0f5,
- "lavenderblush2" => 0xeee0e5,
- "lavenderblush3" => 0xcdc1c5,
- "lavenderblush4" => 0x8b8386,
- "mistyrose1" => 0xffe4e1,
- "mistyrose2" => 0xeed5d2,
- "mistyrose3" => 0xcdb7b5,
- "mistyrose4" => 0x8b7d7b,
- "azure1" => 0xf0ffff,
- "azure2" => 0xe0eeee,
- "azure3" => 0xc1cdcd,
- "azure4" => 0x838b8b,
- "slateblue1" => 0x836fff,
- "slateblue2" => 0x7a67ee,
- "slateblue3" => 0x6959cd,
- "slateblue4" => 0x473c8b,
- "royalblue1" => 0x4876ff,
- "royalblue2" => 0x436eee,
- "royalblue3" => 0x3a5fcd,
- "royalblue4" => 0x27408b,
- "blue1" => 0x0000ff,
- "blue2" => 0x0000ee,
- "blue3" => 0x0000cd,
- "blue4" => 0x00008b,
- "dodgerblue1" => 0x1e90ff,
- "dodgerblue2" => 0x1c86ee,
- "dodgerblue3" => 0x1874cd,
- "dodgerblue4" => 0x104e8b,
- "steelblue1" => 0x63b8ff,
- "steelblue2" => 0x5cacee,
- "steelblue3" => 0x4f94cd,
- "steelblue4" => 0x36648b,
- "deepskyblue1" => 0x00bfff,
- "deepskyblue2" => 0x00b2ee,
- "deepskyblue3" => 0x009acd,
- "deepskyblue4" => 0x00688b,
- "skyblue1" => 0x87ceff,
- "skyblue2" => 0x7ec0ee,
- "skyblue3" => 0x6ca6cd,
- "skyblue4" => 0x4a708b,
- "lightskyblue1" => 0xb0e2ff,
- "lightskyblue2" => 0xa4d3ee,
- "lightskyblue3" => 0x8db6cd,
- "lightskyblue4" => 0x607b8b,
- "slategray1" => 0xc6e2ff,
- "slategray2" => 0xb9d3ee,
- "slategray3" => 0x9fb6cd,
- "slategray4" => 0x6c7b8b,
- "slategrey1" => 0xc6e2ff,
- "slategrey2" => 0xb9d3ee,
- "slategrey3" => 0x9fb6cd,
- "slategrey4" => 0x6c7b8b,
- "lightsteelblue1" => 0xcae1ff,
- "lightsteelblue2" => 0xbcd2ee,
- "lightsteelblue3" => 0xa2b5cd,
- "lightsteelblue4" => 0x6e7b8b,
- "lightblue1" => 0xbfefff,
- "lightblue2" => 0xb2dfee,
- "lightblue3" => 0x9ac0cd,
- "lightblue4" => 0x68838b,
- "lightcyan1" => 0xe0ffff,
- "lightcyan2" => 0xd1eeee,
- "lightcyan3" => 0xb4cdcd,
- "lightcyan4" => 0x7a8b8b,
- "paleturquoise1" => 0xbbffff,
- "paleturquoise2" => 0xaeeeee,
- "paleturquoise3" => 0x96cdcd,
- "paleturquoise4" => 0x668b8b,
- "cadetblue1" => 0x98f5ff,
- "cadetblue2" => 0x8ee5ee,
- "cadetblue3" => 0x7ac5cd,
- "cadetblue4" => 0x53868b,
- "turquoise1" => 0x00f5ff,
- "turquoise2" => 0x00e5ee,
- "turquoise3" => 0x00c5cd,
- "turquoise4" => 0x00868b,
- "cyan1" => 0x00ffff,
- "cyan2" => 0x00eeee,
- "cyan3" => 0x00cdcd,
- "cyan4" => 0x008b8b,
- "darkslategray1" => 0x97ffff,
- "darkslategray2" => 0x8deeee,
- "darkslategray3" => 0x79cdcd,
- "darkslategray4" => 0x528b8b,
- "darkslategrey1" => 0x97ffff,
- "darkslategrey2" => 0x8deeee,
- "darkslategrey3" => 0x79cdcd,
- "darkslategrey4" => 0x528b8b,
- "aquamarine1" => 0x7fffd4,
- "aquamarine2" => 0x76eec6,
- "aquamarine3" => 0x66cdaa,
- "aquamarine4" => 0x458b74,
- "darkseagreen1" => 0xc1ffc1,
- "darkseagreen2" => 0xb4eeb4,
- "darkseagreen3" => 0x9bcd9b,
- "darkseagreen4" => 0x698b69,
- "seagreen1" => 0x54ff9f,
- "seagreen2" => 0x4eee94,
- "seagreen3" => 0x43cd80,
- "seagreen4" => 0x2e8b57,
- "palegreen1" => 0x9aff9a,
- "palegreen2" => 0x90ee90,
- "palegreen3" => 0x7ccd7c,
- "palegreen4" => 0x548b54,
- "springgreen1" => 0x00ff7f,
- "springgreen2" => 0x00ee76,
- "springgreen3" => 0x00cd66,
- "springgreen4" => 0x008b45,
- "green1" => 0x00ff00,
- "green2" => 0x00ee00,
- "green3" => 0x00cd00,
- "green4" => 0x008b00,
- "chartreuse1" => 0x7fff00,
- "chartreuse2" => 0x76ee00,
- "chartreuse3" => 0x66cd00,
- "chartreuse4" => 0x458b00,
- "olivedrab1" => 0xc0ff3e,
- "olivedrab2" => 0xb3ee3a,
- "olivedrab3" => 0x9acd32,
- "olivedrab4" => 0x698b22,
- "darkolivegreen1" => 0xcaff70,
- "darkolivegreen2" => 0xbcee68,
- "darkolivegreen3" => 0xa2cd5a,
- "darkolivegreen4" => 0x6e8b3d,
- "khaki1" => 0xfff68f,
- "khaki2" => 0xeee685,
- "khaki3" => 0xcdc673,
- "khaki4" => 0x8b864e,
- "lightgoldenrod1" => 0xffec8b,
- "lightgoldenrod2" => 0xeedc82,
- "lightgoldenrod3" => 0xcdbe70,
- "lightgoldenrod4" => 0x8b814c,
- "lightyellow1" => 0xffffe0,
- "lightyellow2" => 0xeeeed1,
- "lightyellow3" => 0xcdcdb4,
- "lightyellow4" => 0x8b8b7a,
- "yellow1" => 0xffff00,
- "yellow2" => 0xeeee00,
- "yellow3" => 0xcdcd00,
- "yellow4" => 0x8b8b00,
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+This is free software, licensed under:
+ The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)