path: root/lib/Parse/
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1 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Parse/ b/lib/Parse/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6965009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Parse/
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+package Parse::Distname;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+use Exporter 5.57 'import';
+our $VERSION = '0.05';
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw/parse_distname/;
+our $SUFFRE = qr/\.(?:tgz|tbz|tar[\._-]gz|tar\.bz2|tar\.Z|zip)$/;
+sub parse_distname {
+ my $distname = shift;
+ my %res;
+ # Stringify first, in case $distname is some kind of an object
+ my $path = "$distname";
+ $res{arg} = $path;
+ # Small path normalization
+ $path =~ s!\\!/!g;
+ $path =~ s!//+!/!g;
+ $path =~ s!/\./!/!g;
+ $path =~ s!^(.*?/)?(?:authors/)?id/!!;
+ # Get pause_id
+ my ($pause_id, $author_dir);
+ # A/AU/AUTHOR/Dist-Version.ext
+ if ($path =~ s!^(([A-Z])/(\2[A-Z0-9])/(\3[A-Z0-9-]{0,7})/)!!) {
+ $author_dir = $1;
+ $pause_id = $4;
+ }
+ # AUTHOR/Dist-Version.ext as a handy shortcut (esp. for testing)
+ elsif ($path =~ s!^([A-Z][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9-]{0,7})/!!) {
+ $pause_id = $1;
+ $author_dir = join '/',
+ substr($pause_id, 0, 1),
+ substr($pause_id, 0, 2),
+ $pause_id,
+ "";
+ }
+ # A little backward incompatibility here (id/A/AU/AUTHOR etc)
+ # but I believe nobody cares.
+ else {
+ $pause_id = "";
+ # Assume it's a local distribution
+ $author_dir = "L/LO/LOCAL/";
+ }
+ $res{pause_id} = $pause_id;
+ $res{cpan_path} = "$author_dir$path";
+ # Now the path should be (subdir/)dist-version
+ if ($path =~ s!^(.+/)!!) {
+ $res{subdir} = $1;
+ # Typical Perl6 distributions are located under Perl6/ directory
+ $res{perl6} = 1 if $res{subdir} =~ m!^Perl6/!;
+ }
+ # PAUSE allows only a few extensions ($PAUSE::dist::SUFFQR + zip)
+ $path =~ s/($SUFFRE)//i or return;
+ $res{extension} = $1;
+ $res{name_and_version} = $path;
+ # Parse dist-version
+ my $info = _parse_distv($path);
+ $res{$_} = $info->{$_} for keys %$info;
+ return \%res;
+sub _parse_distv {
+ my $distv = shift;
+ my %res;
+ # Remove potential -withoutworldwriteables suffix
+ $distv =~ s/-withoutworldwriteables$//;
+ my $trial;
+ # Remove TRIAL (PAUSE::dist::isa_dev_version seems to be
+ # a little too strict)
+ if ($distv =~ s/([_\-])(TRIAL(?:[0-9]*|[_.\-].+))$//) {
+ $trial = [$1, $2];
+ }
+ # Remove RC for perl as well
+ my $rc;
+ if ($distv =~ /^perl/ and $distv =~ s/\-(RC[0-9]*)$//) {
+ $rc = $1;
+ }
+ my $version;
+ # Usually a version, which starts with a number (or a 'v'-number),
+ # is the last part of the name.
+ if ($distv =~ s/\-((?:[vV][0-9]|[0-9.])[^-]*)$//) {
+ $version = $1;
+ }
+ # However, there may be a trailing part.
+ elsif ($distv =~ s/\-((?:[vV][0-9]|[0-9.])(?![A-Z]).*?)$//) {
+ $version = $1;
+ # Special case
+ if ($distv eq 'perl' and $version !~ /\./) {
+ $distv = "$distv-$version";
+ $version = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ # If the name still contains a dot between numbers,
+ # it's probably a part of the version.
+ if ($distv =~ s/([_\.-]?)([vV]?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+.*)$//) {
+ my $separator = $1 || '';
+ $version = defined $version ? "$2-$version" : $2;
+ $version =~ s/^\.//;
+ # Special case
+ if ($distv =~ s/_v$//) {
+ $version = "v$separator$version";
+ }
+ }
+ # If we still don't have a version and the name has a tailing number
+ # with a small-letter prefix (other than 'v')
+ if (!defined $version and $distv =~ s/\-([a-z]+[0-9][0-9_]*)$//) {
+ $version = $1;
+ }
+ # If we still don't have a version, and the name doesn't have a hyphen,
+ # and it has a tailing number... (and an occasional alpha/beta marker)
+ # (and the number is not a part of a few proper names)
+ if (!defined $version and $distv !~ /\-(?:S3|MSWin32|OS2|(?:[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)?SSL3)$/i and $distv =~ s/([_\.]?)([vV]?[0-9_]+[ab]?)$//) {
+ my $separator = $1;
+ $version = $2;
+ # Special case
+ if (!$separator and $distv =~ s/_([a-z])$//) {
+ $version = "$1$version";
+ }
+ }
+ # Special case that should be put at the end
+ if (!defined $version and $distv =~ s/\-undef$//) {
+ $version = undef;
+ }
+ my $dist = $distv;
+ my $dev;
+ if ($dist eq 'perl') {
+ if ($version =~ /\d\.(\d+)(?:\D(\d+))?/) {
+ $dev = 1 if ($1 > 6 and $1 & 1) or ($2 and $2 >= 50);
+ }
+ if ($rc) {
+ $version = "$version-$rc";
+ $dev = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (($version and $version =~ /\d\.\d+_\d/) or $trial) {
+ $dev = 1;
+ }
+ if ($trial) {
+ $version = defined $version ? "$version$trial->[0]$trial->[1]" : $trial->[1];
+ $dev = 1;
+ }
+ # Normalize the convention which and
+ # a few others use.
+ $dist =~ s/\.pm$//;
+ # Remove apparent remnants that can't be a part of a package name
+ $dist =~ s/[\-\.]+$//;
+ my $version_number;
+ if (defined $version) {
+ if ($version =~ /^([vV]?[0-9._]+)(?:\-|$)/) {
+ $version_number = $1;
+ $version_number =~ s/[\._]+$//;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ name => $dist,
+ version => $version,
+ version_number => $version_number,
+ is_dev => $dev,
+ };
+# for compatibility with CPAN::DistnameInfo
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $distname) = @_;
+ my $info = parse_distname($distname) || {};
+ bless $info, $class;
+sub distname_info {
+ my $distname = shift;
+ my $info = parse_distname($distname);
+ @$info{qw/name version is_dev/};
+sub dist { shift->{name} }
+sub version { shift->{version} }
+sub maturity { shift->{is_dev} ? 'developer' : 'released' }
+sub filename {
+ my $self = shift;
+ join "", grep defined $_, @$self{qw/subdir name_and_version extension/};
+sub cpanid { shift->{pause_id} }
+sub distvname { shift->{name_and_version} }
+sub extension { substr(shift->{extension}, 1) }
+sub pathname { shift->{arg} }
+sub properties {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @methods = qw/
+ dist version maturity filename
+ cpanid distvname extension pathname
+ /;
+ my %properties;
+ for my $method (@methods) {
+ $properties{$method} = $self->$method;
+ }
+ %properties;
+# extra accessors
+sub is_perl6 { shift->{perl6} }
+sub version_number { shift->{version_number} }
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 NAME
+Parse::Distname - parse a distribution name
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Parse::Distname 'parse_distname';
+ my $info = parse_distname('ISHIGAKI/Parse-Distname-0.01.tar.gz');
+ # for compatibility with CPAN::DistnameInfo
+ my $info_obj = Parse::Distname->new('ISHIGAKI/Parse-Distname-0.01.tar.gz');
+ say $info_obj->dist; # Parse-Distname
+Parse::Distname is yet another distribution name parser. It works
+almost the same as L<CPAN::DistnameInfo>, but Parse::Distname takes
+a different approach. It tries to extract a version part of a
+distribution and treat the rest as a distribution name, contrary to
+CPAN::DistnameInfo which tries to define a name part and treat
+the rest as a version.
+Because of this difference, when Parse::Distname parses a weird
+distribution name such as "AUTHOR/v1.0.tar.gz", it says the name
+is empty and the version is "v1.0", while CPAN::DistnameInfo
+says the name is "v" and the version is "1.0". See test files
+in this distribution if you need more details. As of this writing,
+Parse::Distname returns a different result for about 200+
+distributions among about 320000 BackPan distributions.
+=head1 FUNCTION
+Parse::Distname exports one function C<parse_distname> if requested.
+It returns a hash reference, with the following keys as of this
+=over 4
+=item arg
+The path you passed to the function. If what you passed is some kind
+of an object (of Path::Tiny, for example), it's stringified.
+=item cpan_path
+A relative path to the distribution, whose base directory is
+assumed CPAN/authors/id/. If org_path doesn't contain a pause_id,
+the distribution is assumed to belong to LOCAL user. For example,
+ say parse_distname('Dist-0.01.tar.gz')->{cpan_path};
+ # L/LO/LOCAL/Dist-0.01.tar.gz
+If you only gives a pause_id, parent directories are supplemented.
+ say parse_distname('ISHIGAKI/Dist-0.01.tar.gz')->{cpan_path};
+ # I/IS/ISHIGAKI/Dist-0.01.tar.gz
+=item pause_id
+The pause_id of the distribution. Contrary to the above, this is
+empty if you don't give a pause_id.
+ say parse_distname('Dist-0.01.tar.gz')->{pause_id};
+ # (undef, not LOCAL)
+=item subdir
+A PAUSE distribution may be put into a subdirectory under the author
+directory. If the name contains such a subdirectory, it's kept here.
+ say parse_distname('AUTHOR/sub/Dist-0.01.tar.gz')->{subdir};
+ # sub
+Perl 6 distributions are (almost) always put under Perl6/
+subdirectory under each author's directory (with a few exceptions).
+=item name_and_version
+The name and version of the distribution, without an extension and
+directory parts, which should not be empty as long as the
+distribution has an extension that PAUSE accepts.
+ say parse_distname('AUTHOR/sub/Dist-0.01.tar.gz')->{name_and_version};
+ # Dist-0.01
+=item name
+The name part of the distribution. This may be empty if no valid
+name is found
+ say parse_distname('AUTHOR/sub/Dist-0.01.tar.gz')->{name};
+ # Dist
+ say parse_distname('AUTHOR/v0.1.tar.gz')->{name};
+ # (empty)
+=item version
+The version part of the distribution. This also may be empty, and
+this may not always be a valid version, and may have a following
+part such as C<-TRIAL>.
+ say parse_distname('AUTHOR/Dist.tar.gz')->{version};
+ # (undef)
+ say parse_distname('AUTHOR/Dist-0.01-TRIAL.tar.gz')->{version};
+ # 0.01-TRIAL
+=item version_number
+The first numerical part of the version. This also may be empty, and
+this may not always be a valid version.
+ say parse_distname('AUTHOR/Dist-0.01-TRIAL.tar.gz')->{version_number};
+ # 0.01
+ say parse_distname('AUTHOR/Dist-0_0_1.tar.gz')->{version_number};
+ # 0_0_1
+=item extension
+The extension of the distribution. If no valid extension is found,
+parse_distname returns false (undef).
+=item is_perl6
+For convenience, if subdir exists and it starts with Perl6/,
+this becomes true.
+=item is_dev
+If the version looks like C<\d+.\d+_\d+>, or contains C<-TRIAL>,
+this becomes true. PAUSE treats such a distribution as a developer's
+release and doesn't list it in its indices.
+=head1 METHODS
+For compatibility with CPAN::DistnameInfo, Parse::Distname has the
+same methods/accessors, so you can use it as a drop-in replacement.
+In addition, C<is_perl6> and C<version_number> are available.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Kenichi Ishigaki, E<lt>ishigaki@cpan.orgE<gt>
+This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Kenichi Ishigaki.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.