diff options
authorperlancar (on netbook-zenbook-ux305) <>2018-09-10 09:47:01 +0700
committerperlancar (on netbook-zenbook-ux305) <>2018-09-10 09:47:01 +0700
commite32a830fdb05e16c3ffa694e067f3a746f93754d (patch)
Initial commit
8 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..407f106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/.tag-implements-Regexp-Pattern b/.tag-implements-Regexp-Pattern
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.tag-implements-Regexp-Pattern
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a85c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+0.001 2018-09-10 (PERLANCAR) (unreleased)
+ - First release.
diff --git a/dist.ini b/dist.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dd0855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+[Prereqs / TestRequires]
+[Prereqs / DevelopX_spec]
diff --git a/lib/Test/Regexp/ b/lib/Test/Regexp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c33fb5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Test/Regexp/
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+package Test::Regexp::Pattern;
+use 5.010001;
+use strict 'subs', 'vars';
+use warnings;
+use File::Spec;
+use Test::Builder;
+use Test::More ();
+my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
+sub import {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $caller = caller;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{$caller.'::regexp_patterns_in_module_ok'} = \&regexp_patterns_in_module_ok;
+ *{$caller.'::regexp_patterns_in_all_modules_ok'} = \&regexp_patterns_in_all_modules_ok;
+ $Test->exported_to($caller);
+ $Test->plan(@_);
+sub _test_regexp_pattern {
+ my ($re, $opts) = @_;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ unless ($re->{pat} xor $re->{gen}) {
+ $Test->ok(0, "Must have pat OR gen but not both") or $ok = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ last unless $opts->{test_examples} && $re->{examples};
+ my $i = 0;
+ for my $eg (@{ $re->{examples} }) {
+ $i++;
+ next unless $eg->{test} // 1;
+ $Test->subtest(
+ "example #$i" .
+ ($eg->{name} ? " ($eg->{name})" :
+ ($eg->{summary} ? " ($eg->{summary})" : "")),
+ sub {
+ $Test->ok(defined($eg->{str}), 'No string to match') or do {
+ $ok = 0;
+ next EXAMPLE;
+ };
+ my $pat;
+ if ($eg->{gen_args}) {
+ $pat = $re->{gen}->(%{ $eg->{gen_args} });
+ } else {
+ $pat = $re->{pat};
+ }
+ my $actual_match = $eg->{str} =~ $pat ? 1:0;
+ if (ref $eg->{matches} eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my $len = @{ $eg->{matches} };
+ my @actual_matches;
+ for (1..$len) {
+ push @actual_matches, ${$_};
+ }
+ my $should_match = $len ? 1:0;
+ if ($should_match) {
+ $Test->ok( $actual_match, 'string should match') or do {
+ $ok = 0;
+ next EXAMPLE;
+ };
+ $Test->is_deeply(\@actual_matches, $eg->{matches}, 'matches') or do {
+ Test::More::diag(
+ Test::More::explain(\@actual_matches));
+ $ok = 0;
+ };
+ } else {
+ $Test->ok(!$actual_match, 'string should not match') or do {
+ $ok = 0;
+ next EXAMPLE;
+ };
+ }
+ } elsif (ref $eg->{matches} eq 'HASH') {
+ my %actual_matches = %+;
+ my $should_match = %{ $eg->{matches} } ? 1:0;
+ if ($should_match) {
+ $Test->ok( $actual_match, 'string should match') or do {
+ $ok = 0;
+ next EXAMPLE;
+ };
+ $Test->is_deeply(\%actual_matches, $eg->{matches}, 'matches') or do {
+ Test::More::diag(
+ Test::More::explain(\%actual_matches));
+ $ok = 0;
+ };
+ } else {
+ $Test->ok(!$actual_match, 'string should not match') or do {
+ $ok = 0;
+ next EXAMPLE;
+ };
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($eg->{matches}) {
+ $Test->ok( $actual_match, 'string should match') or do {
+ $ok = 0;
+ next EXAMPLE;
+ };
+ } else {
+ $Test->ok(!$actual_match, 'string should not match') or do {
+ $ok = 0;
+ next EXAMPLE;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }) or $ok = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $ok;
+sub regexp_patterns_in_module_ok {
+ my $module = shift;
+ my %opts = (@_ && (ref $_[0] eq "HASH")) ? %{(shift)} : ();
+ my $msg = @_ ? shift : "Regexp patterns in module $module";
+ my $res;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ $opts{test_examples} //= 1;
+ my $has_tests;
+ $Test->subtest(
+ $msg,
+ sub {
+ (my $modulepm = "$") =~ s!::!/!g;
+ require $modulepm;
+ for my $name (sort keys %{ "$module\::RE" }) {
+ my $re = ${"$module\::RE"}{$name};
+ $has_tests++;
+ _test_regexp_pattern($re, \%opts) or $ok = 0;
+ }
+ } # subtest
+ ) or $ok = 0;
+ unless ($has_tests) {
+ $Test->ok(1);
+ $Test->diag("No regexp patterns to test");
+ }
+ $ok;
+# BEGIN copy-pasted from Test::Pod::Coverage, with a bit modification
+sub all_modules {
+ my @starters = @_ ? @_ : _starting_points();
+ my %starters = map {$_,1} @starters;
+ my @queue = @starters;
+ my @modules;
+ while ( @queue ) {
+ my $file = shift @queue;
+ if ( -d $file ) {
+ local *DH;
+ opendir DH, $file or next;
+ my @newfiles = readdir DH;
+ closedir DH;
+ @newfiles = File::Spec->no_upwards( @newfiles );
+ @newfiles = grep { $_ ne "CVS" && $_ ne ".svn" } @newfiles;
+ push @queue, map "$file/$_", @newfiles;
+ }
+ if ( -f $file ) {
+ next unless $file =~ /\.pm$/;
+ my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir( $file );
+ shift @parts if @parts && exists $starters{$parts[0]};
+ shift @parts if @parts && $parts[0] eq "lib";
+ $parts[-1] =~ s/\.pm$// if @parts;
+ # Untaint the parts
+ for ( @parts ) {
+ if ( /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]*)$/ && ($_ eq $1) ) {
+ $_ = $1; # Untaint the original
+ }
+ else {
+ die qq{Invalid and untaintable filename "$file"!};
+ }
+ }
+ my $module = join( "::", grep {length} @parts );
+ push( @modules, $module );
+ }
+ } # while
+ return @modules;
+sub _starting_points {
+ return 'blib' if -e 'blib';
+ return 'lib';
+# END copy-pasted from Test::Pod::Coverage
+sub regexp_patterns_in_all_modules_ok {
+ my $opts = (@_ && (ref $_[0] eq "HASH")) ? shift : {};
+ my $msg = shift;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my @starters = _starting_points();
+ local @INC = (@starters, @INC);
+ $Test->plan(tests => 1);
+ my @modules = all_modules(@starters);
+ if (@modules) {
+ $Test->subtest(
+ "Regexp patterns on all dist's modules",
+ sub {
+ for my $module (@modules) {
+ my $thismsg = defined $msg ? $msg :
+ "Regexp patterns in module $module";
+ my $thisok = regexp_patterns_in_module_ok(
+ $module, $opts, $thismsg)
+ or $ok = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ) or $ok = 0;
+ } else {
+ $Test->ok(1, "No modules found.");
+ }
+ $ok;
+# ABSTRACT: Test Regexp::Pattern patterns
+=for Pod::Coverage ^(all_modules)$
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+To check all regexp patterns in a module:
+ use Test::Regexp::Patterns tests=>1;
+ regexp_patterns_in_module_ok("Foo::Bar", {opt => ...}, $msg);
+Alternatively, you can check all regexp patterns in all modules in a distro:
+ # save in release-regexp-pattern.t, put in distro's t/ subdirectory
+ use Test::More;
+ plan skip_all => "Not release testing" unless $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING};
+ eval "use Test::Regexp::Pattern";
+ plan skip_all => "Test::Regexp::Pattern required for testing Regexp::Pattern patterns" if $@;
+ regexp_patterns_in_all_modules_ok({opt => ...}, $msg);
+This module performs various checks on a module's L<Regexp::Pattern> patterns.
+It is recommended that you include something like C<release-regexp-pattern.t> in
+your distribution if you add regexp patterns to your code. If you use
+L<Dist::Zilla> to build your distribution, there is
+L<[Test::Regexp::Pattern]|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Regexp::Pattern> to make it
+easy to do so.
+All these functions are exported by default.
+=head2 regexp_patterns_in_module_ok($module [, \%opts ] [, $msg])
+Load C<$module> and perform test for regexp patterns (C<%RE>) in the module.
+Available options:
+=over 4
+=item * test_examples => bool (default: 1)
+=head2 regexp_patterns_in_all_modules_ok([ \%opts ] [, $msg])
+Look for modules in directory C<lib> (or C<blib> instead, if it exists), and run
+C<regexp_patterns_in_module_ok()> against each of them.
+Options are the same as in C<regexp_patterns_in_module_ok()>.
+Some code taken from L<Test::Pod::Coverage> by Andy Lester.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<test-regexp-pattern>, a command-line interface for
diff --git a/script/test-rinci b/script/test-rinci
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9831466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/test-rinci
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+use 5.010;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_help auto_version);
+use Test::Rinci;
+my %opts = (
+ exclude_packages => [],
+ exclude_functions => [],
+ wrap_function => 1,
+ test_function_examples => 1,
+ 'exclude-package=s' => $opts{exclude_packages},
+ 'exclude-function=s' => $opts{exclude_functions},
+ 'W' => sub { $opts{wrap_function} = 0 },
+ 'E' => sub { $opts{test_function_examples} = 0 },
+ \%opts,
+# ABSTRACT: Test Rinci metadata in all dist's modules
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+In your dist directory:
+ % test-rinci [options]
+This script is an command-line interface for L<Test::Rinci>'s
+C<metadata_in_all_modules_ok()> function.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item * --exclude-package=s
+Exclude a package. Can be specified multiple times.
+=item * --exclude-function=s
+Exclude a function. Can be specified multiple times.
+=item * -E
+This sets C<test_function_examples> to 0.
+=item * -W
+This sets C<wrap_function> to 0.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/t/.exists b/t/.exists
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/.exists
diff --git a/weaver.ini b/weaver.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b85c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weaver.ini
@@ -0,0 +1 @@