diff options
authorJulien Puydt <>2022-08-15 13:59:22 +0200
committerJulien Puydt <>2022-08-15 13:59:22 +0200
commitb0292b78bed3be1301edd77d712de8f86cec714e (patch)
parent3aa58303c4d5f409cd71414da9cd497e5deaf14f (diff)
parentaa0b49810808485e222ade34feef98152ef378bf (diff)
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.15.1'
Update to upstream version '0.15.1' with Debian dir 1b647c90b7ca49ed76b6b2244fce2897f5451d0e
16 files changed, 736 insertions, 776 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ef90205..daed9c4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2005--2020 Jane Street Group, LLC <>
+Copyright (c) 2005--2022 Jane Street Group, LLC <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6977148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+"Sexplib0 - a low-dep version of Sexplib"
+`sexplib0` is a lightweight portion of `sexplib`, for situations where a
+dependency on `sexplib` is problematic.
+It has the type definition and the printing functions, but not parsing.
+See [sexplib]( for documentation.
diff --git a/sexplib0.opam b/sexplib0.opam
index 80d083b..0bcc2a1 100644
--- a/sexplib0.opam
+++ b/sexplib0.opam
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
opam-version: "2.0"
-version: "v0.14.0"
-maintainer: ""
-authors: ["Jane Street Group, LLC <>"]
+version: "v0.15.0"
+maintainer: "Jane Street developers"
+authors: ["Jane Street Group, LLC"]
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8481668..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-(** Why allocate a ref instead of storing the int directly?
- We generate many more sexp grammars than actually get used, so we prefer to defer the
- id until we need it. The compiler can optimize away allocations that nobody touches.
-type t = int Lazy.t
-let create =
- let next = ref 0 in
- fun () -> lazy (
- (* As long as we don't give up the global Ocaml runtime lock by allocating, we can
- treat the read and write as atomic. See "20.12.2 Parallel execution of long-running
- C code" in the 4.09 manual. *)
- let id = !next in
- next := id + 1;
- id)
-let force (t : t) = Lazy.force t
-let compare a b = compare (force a) (force b)
diff --git a/src/lazy_group_id.mli b/src/lazy_group_id.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index c02568c..0000000
--- a/src/lazy_group_id.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-(** [Lazy_group_id] is a cheap way to allocate unique integer identifiers for sexp
- grammars. See [] for details. *)
-type t
-val compare : t -> t -> int
-val create : unit -> t
-val force : t -> int
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index e6e4396..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-(** Representation of S-expression grammars *)
-(** This module defines the representation of S-expression grammars produced by
- [@@deriving sexp_grammar]. It introduces an AST to represent these grammars and a
- notion of "group" to represent the grammars of a mutually recursive set of OCaml
- type declaration.
- The grammar for a given type expression can be constructed via: {[
- [%sexp_grammar: <type>]
- ]}
- {3 Goals and non-goals}
- Functionality goals: With post-processing, sexp grammars can be pretty-printed in a
- human-readable format and provides enough information to implement completion and
- validation tools.
- Performance goals: [@@deriving sexp_grammar] adds minimal overhead and introduces no
- toplevel side effect. The compiler can lift the vast majority of ASTs generated by
- [@@deriving sexp_grammar] as global constants. Common sub-grammars are usually shared,
- particularly when they derive from multiple applications of the same functor.
- Non-goals: Stability, although we will make changes backwards-compatible or at least
- provide a reasonable upgrade path.
- In what follows, we describe how this is achieved.
- {3 Encoding of generated grammars to maximize sharing}
- A [group] contains the grammars for all types of a mutually recursive group of OCaml
- type declarations.
- To ensure maximum sharing, a group is split into two parts:
- - The [generic_group] depends only on the textual type declarations. Where the type
- declaration refers to an existing concrete type, the generic group takes a variable
- to represent the grammar of that type. This means that the compiler can lift each
- type declaration in the source code to a shared global constant.
- - The [group] binds the type variables of the [generic_group], either to concrete
- grammars where the type declaration refers to a concrete type, or to another
- variable where the type declaration itself was polymorphic.
- To understand this point better, imagine the following type declaration {[
- type t = X of u
- ]} were explicitly split into its [generic_group] and [group] parts: {[
- type 'u t_generic = X of 'u
- type t = u t_generic
- ]}
- If [u] came from a functor argument, it's easy to see that [t_generic] would be
- exactly the same in all applications of the functor and only [t] would vary. The
- grammar of [t_generic], which is the biggest part, would be shared between all
- applications of the functor.
- {3 Processing of grammars}
- The [Raw_grammar.t] type optimizes for performance over ease of use. To help users
- process the raw grammars into a more usable form, we keep two identifiers in the
- generated grammars:
- - The [generic_group_id] uniquely identifies a [generic_group]. It is a hash of the
- generic group itself. (It is okay that this scheme would conflate identical type
- declarations, because the resulting generic groups would be identical as well.)
- - The [group_id] uniquely identifies a [group]. It is a unique integer, generated
- lazily so that we don't create a side effect at module creation time.
- The exact processing would depend on the final application. We expect that a typical
- consumer of sexp grammars would define less-indirected equivalents of the [t] and
- [group] types, possibly re-using the [_ type_] and [Atom.t] types.
-(** The label of a field, constructor, or constant. *)
-type label = string
-type generic_group_id = string
-type group_id = Lazy_group_id.t
-(** Variable names. These are used to improve readability of the printed grammars.
- Internally, we use numerical indices to represent variables; see [Implicit_var]
- below. *)
-type var_name = string
-type type_name = string
-(** A grammatical type which classifies atoms. *)
-module Atom = struct
- type t =
- | String (** Any atom. *)
- | Bool (** One of [true], [false], [True], or [False]. *)
- | Char (** A single-character atom. *)
- | Float (** An atom which parses as a {!float}. *)
- | Int (** An atom which parses as an integer, such as {!int} or {!int64}. *)
- | This of { ignore_capitalization : bool; string : string }
- (** Exactly that string, possibly modulo case in the first character. *)
-(** A grammatical type which classifies sexps. Corresponds to a non-terminal in a
- context-free grammar. *)
-type 't type_ =
- | Any (** Any list or atom. *)
- | Apply of 't type_ * 't type_ list (** Assign types to (explicit) type variables. *)
- | Atom of Atom.t (** An atom, in particular one of the given {!Atom.t}. *)
- | Explicit_bind of var_name list * 't type_
- (** In [Bind ([ "a"; "b" ], Explicit_var 0)], [Explicit_var 0] is ["a"]. One must bind
- all available type variables: free variables are not permitted. *)
- | Explicit_var of int
- (** Indices for type variables, e.g. ['a], introduced by polymorphic definitions.
- Unlike de Bruijn indices, these are always bound by the nearest ancestral
- [Explicit_bind]. *)
- | Grammar of 't (** Embeds other types in a grammar. *)
- | Implicit_var of int
- (** Indices for type constructors, e.g. [int], in scope. Unlike de Bruijn indices, these
- are always bound by the [implicit_vars] of the nearest enclosing [generic_groups].
- *)
- | List of 't sequence_type
- (** A list of a certain form. Depending on the {!sequence_type}, this might
- correspond to an OCaml tuple, list, or embedded record. *)
- | Option of 't type_
- (** An optional value. Either syntax recognized by [option_of_sexp] is supported:
- [(Some 42)] or [(42)] for a value and [None] or [()] for no value. *)
- | Record of 't record_type
- (** A list of lists, representing a record of the given {!record_type}. For
- validation, [Record recty] is equivalent to [List [Fields recty]]. *)
- | Recursive of type_name
- (** A type in the same mutually recursive group, possibly the current one. *)
- | Union of 't type_ list
- (** Any sexp matching any of the given types. {!Variant} should be preferred when
- possible, especially for complex types, since validation and other algorithms may
- behave exponentially.
- One useful special case is [Union []], the empty type. This is occasionally
- generated for things such as abstract types. *)
- | Variant of 't variant_type (** A sexp which matches the given {!variant_type}. *)
-(** A grammatical type which classifies sequences of sexps. Here, a "sequence" may mean
- either a list on its own or, say, the sexps following a constructor in a list
- matching a {!variant_type}.
- Certain operations may greatly favor simple sequence types. For example, matching
- [List [ Many type_ ]] is easy for any type [type_] (assuming [type_] itself is
- easy), but [List [ Many type1; Many type2 ]] may require backtracking. Grammars
- derived from OCaml types will only have "nice" sequence types. *)
-and 't sequence_type = 't component list
-(** Part of a sequence of sexps. *)
-and 't component =
- | One of 't type_ (** Exactly one sexp of the given type. *)
- | Optional of 't type_ (** One sexp of the given type, or nothing at all. *)
- | Many of 't type_ (** Any number of sexps, each of the given type. *)
- | Fields of 't record_type
- (** A succession of lists, collectively defining a record of the given {!record_type}.
- The fields may appear in any order. The number of lists is not necessarily fixed,
- as some fields may be optional. In particular, if all fields are optional, there
- may be zero lists. *)
-(** A tagged union of grammatical types. Grammars derived from OCaml variants will have
- variant types. *)
-and 't variant_type =
- { ignore_capitalization : bool
- (** If true, the grammar is insensitive to the case of the first letter of the label.
- This matches the behavior of derived [sexp_of_t] functions. *)
- ; alts : (label * 't sequence_type) list
- (** An association list of labels (constructors) to sequence types. A matching sexp is
- a list whose head is the label as an atom and whose tail matches the given
- sequence type. As a special case, an alternative whose sequence is empty matches
- an atom rather than a list (i.e., [label] rather than [(label)]). This is in
- keeping with generated [t_of_sexp] functions.
- As a workaround, to match [(label)] one could use
- [("label", [ Optional (Union []) ])]. *)
- }
-(** A collection of field definitions specifying a record type. Consists only of an
- association list from labels to fields. *)
-and 't record_type =
- { allow_extra_fields: bool
- ; fields: (label * 't field) list
- }
-(** A field in a record. *)
-and 't field =
- { optional : bool (** If true, the field is optional. *)
- ; args : 't sequence_type
- (** A sequence type which the arguments to the field must match. An empty sequence is
- permissible but would not be generated for any OCaml type. *)
- }
-type t =
- | Ref of type_name * group
- | Inline of t type_
-and group =
- { gid : group_id
- ; generic_group : generic_group
- ; origin : string
- (** [origin] provides a human-readable hint as to where the type was defined.
- For a globally unique identifier, use [gid] instead.
- See [ppx/ppx_sexp_conv/test/expect/] for examples. *)
- ; apply_implicit : t list
- }
-and generic_group =
- { implicit_vars : var_name list
- ; ggid : generic_group_id
- ; types : (type_name * t type_) list
- }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index c23ca2d..d706fee 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -3,41 +3,42 @@
(* blit_string doesn't exist in [StdLabels.Bytes]... *)
let bytes_blit_string ~src ~src_pos ~dst ~dst_pos ~len =
Bytes.blit_string src src_pos dst dst_pos len
open StdLabels
open Format
(** Type of S-expressions *)
-type t = Atom of string | List of t list
+type t =
+ | Atom of string
+ | List of t list
let sexp_of_t t = t
let t_of_sexp t = t
-let t_sexp_grammar = Raw_grammar.Inline Any
let rec compare_list a b =
match a, b with
- | [] , [] -> 0
- | [] , _ -> -1
- | _ , [] -> 1
- | x::xs, y::ys ->
+ | [], [] -> 0
+ | [], _ -> -1
+ | _, [] -> 1
+ | x :: xs, y :: ys ->
let res = compare x y in
- if res <> 0 then res
- else compare_list xs ys
+ if res <> 0 then res else compare_list xs ys
and compare a b =
- if a == b then
- 0
- else
+ if a == b
+ then 0
+ else (
match a, b with
| Atom a, Atom b -> a b
| Atom _, _ -> -1
| _, Atom _ -> 1
- | List a, List b -> compare_list a b
+ | List a, List b -> compare_list a b)
let equal a b = compare a b = 0
exception Not_found_s of t
exception Of_sexp_error of exn * t
module Printing = struct
@@ -49,69 +50,94 @@ module Printing = struct
let must_escape str =
let len = String.length str in
- len = 0 ||
+ len = 0
+ ||
let rec loop str ix =
match str.[ix] with
| '"' | '(' | ')' | ';' | '\\' -> true
- | '|' -> ix > 0 && let next = ix - 1 in Char.equal str.[next] '#' || loop str next
- | '#' -> ix > 0 && let next = ix - 1 in Char.equal str.[next] '|' || loop str next
+ | '|' ->
+ ix > 0
+ &&
+ let next = ix - 1 in
+ Char.equal str.[next] '#' || loop str next
+ | '#' ->
+ ix > 0
+ &&
+ let next = ix - 1 in
+ Char.equal str.[next] '|' || loop str next
| '\000' .. '\032' | '\127' .. '\255' -> true
| _ -> ix > 0 && loop str (ix - 1)
loop str (len - 1)
+ ;;
let escaped s =
let n = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
- n := !n +
- (match String.unsafe_get s i with
- | '\"' | '\\' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' | '\b' -> 2
- | ' ' .. '~' -> 1
- | _ -> 4)
+ n
+ := !n
+ +
+ match String.unsafe_get s i with
+ | '\"' | '\\' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' | '\b' -> 2
+ | ' ' .. '~' -> 1
+ | _ -> 4
- if !n = String.length s then s else begin
+ if !n = String.length s
+ then s
+ else (
let s' = Bytes.create !n in
n := 0;
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
- begin match String.unsafe_get s i with
- | ('\"' | '\\') as c ->
- Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n c
- | '\n' ->
- Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 'n'
- | '\t' ->
- Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 't'
- | '\r' ->
- Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 'r'
- | '\b' ->
- Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 'b'
- | (' ' .. '~') as c -> Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n c
- | c ->
- let a = Char.code c in
- Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
- incr n;
- Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + a / 100));
- incr n;
- Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + (a / 10) mod 10));
- incr n;
- Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + a mod 10));
- end;
+ (match String.unsafe_get s i with
+ | ('\"' | '\\') as c ->
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
+ incr n;
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n c
+ | '\n' ->
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
+ incr n;
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 'n'
+ | '\t' ->
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
+ incr n;
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 't'
+ | '\r' ->
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
+ incr n;
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 'r'
+ | '\b' ->
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
+ incr n;
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 'b'
+ | ' ' .. '~' as c -> Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n c
+ | c ->
+ let a = Char.code c in
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
+ incr n;
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + (a / 100)));
+ incr n;
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + (a / 10 mod 10)));
+ incr n;
+ Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + (a mod 10))));
incr n
- Bytes.unsafe_to_string s'
- end
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string s')
+ ;;
let esc_str str =
let estr = escaped str in
let elen = String.length estr in
let res = Bytes.create (elen + 2) in
bytes_blit_string ~src:estr ~src_pos:0 ~dst:res ~dst_pos:1 ~len:elen;
- Bytes.unsafe_set res 0 '"';
+ Bytes.unsafe_set res 0 '"';
Bytes.unsafe_set res (elen + 1) '"';
Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
+ ;;
let index_of_newline str start =
- try Some (String.index_from str start '\n')
- with Not_found -> None
+ try Some (String.index_from str start '\n') with
+ | Not_found -> None
+ ;;
let get_substring str index end_pos_opt =
let end_pos =
@@ -120,24 +146,26 @@ module Printing = struct
| Some end_pos -> end_pos
String.sub str ~pos:index ~len:(end_pos - index)
+ ;;
let is_one_line str =
match index_of_newline str 0 with
| None -> true
| Some index -> index + 1 = String.length str
+ ;;
let pp_hum_maybe_esc_str ppf str =
- if not (must_escape str) then
- pp_print_string ppf str
- else if is_one_line str then
- pp_print_string ppf (esc_str str)
- else begin
+ if not (must_escape str)
+ then pp_print_string ppf str
+ else if is_one_line str
+ then pp_print_string ppf (esc_str str)
+ else (
let rec loop index =
let next_newline = index_of_newline str index in
let next_line = get_substring str index next_newline in
pp_print_string ppf (escaped next_line);
match next_newline with
- | None -> ()
+ | None -> ()
| Some newline_index ->
pp_print_string ppf "\\";
pp_force_newline ppf ();
@@ -149,11 +177,10 @@ module Printing = struct
pp_print_string ppf " \"";
loop 0;
pp_print_string ppf "\"";
- pp_close_box ppf ();
- end
+ pp_close_box ppf ())
+ ;;
- let mach_maybe_esc_str str =
- if must_escape str then esc_str str else str
+ let mach_maybe_esc_str str = if must_escape str then esc_str str else str
(* Output of S-expressions to formatters *)
@@ -174,6 +201,7 @@ module Printing = struct
| [] ->
pp_print_string ppf ")";
pp_close_box ppf ()
+ ;;
let rec pp_mach_internal may_need_space ppf = function
| Atom str ->
@@ -187,24 +215,27 @@ module Printing = struct
let may_need_space = pp_mach_internal false ppf h in
pp_mach_rest may_need_space ppf t;
- | List [] -> pp_print_string ppf "()"; false
+ | List [] ->
+ pp_print_string ppf "()";
+ false
and pp_mach_rest may_need_space ppf = function
| h :: t ->
let may_need_space = pp_mach_internal may_need_space ppf h in
pp_mach_rest may_need_space ppf t
| [] -> pp_print_string ppf ")"
+ ;;
let pp_hum ppf sexp = pp_hum_indent !default_indent ppf sexp
let pp_mach ppf sexp = ignore (pp_mach_internal false ppf sexp)
let pp = pp_mach
(* Sexp size *)
- let rec size_loop (v, c as acc) = function
+ let rec size_loop ((v, c) as acc) = function
| Atom str -> v + 1, c + String.length str
| List lst -> List.fold_left lst ~init:acc ~f:size_loop
+ ;;
let size sexp = size_loop (0, 0) sexp
@@ -213,6 +244,7 @@ module Printing = struct
let to_buffer_hum ~buf ?(indent = !default_indent) sexp =
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
Format.fprintf ppf "%a@?" (pp_hum_indent indent) sexp
+ ;;
let to_buffer_mach ~buf sexp =
let rec loop may_need_space = function
@@ -227,13 +259,17 @@ module Printing = struct
let may_need_space = loop false h in
loop_rest may_need_space t;
- | List [] -> Buffer.add_string buf "()"; false
+ | List [] ->
+ Buffer.add_string buf "()";
+ false
and loop_rest may_need_space = function
| h :: t ->
let may_need_space = loop may_need_space h in
loop_rest may_need_space t
- | [] -> Buffer.add_char buf ')' in
+ | [] -> Buffer.add_char buf ')'
+ in
ignore (loop false sexp)
+ ;;
let to_buffer = to_buffer_mach
@@ -250,13 +286,17 @@ module Printing = struct
let may_need_space = loop false h in
loop_rest may_need_space t;
- | List [] -> add_string buf "()"; false
+ | List [] ->
+ add_string buf "()";
+ false
and loop_rest may_need_space = function
| h :: t ->
let may_need_space = loop may_need_space h in
loop_rest may_need_space t
- | [] -> add_char buf ')' in
+ | [] -> add_char buf ')'
+ in
ignore (loop false sexp)
+ ;;
(* The maximum size of a thing on the minor heap is 256 words.
Previously, this size of the returned buffer here was 4096 bytes, which
@@ -275,12 +315,15 @@ module Printing = struct
(* String conversions *)
let to_string_hum ?indent = function
- | Atom str when (match index_of_newline str 0 with None -> true | Some _ -> false) ->
- mach_maybe_esc_str str
+ | Atom str
+ when match index_of_newline str 0 with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some _ -> false -> mach_maybe_esc_str str
| sexp ->
let buf = buffer () in
to_buffer_hum ?indent sexp ~buf;
Buffer.contents buf
+ ;;
let to_string_mach = function
| Atom str -> mach_maybe_esc_str str
@@ -288,59 +331,27 @@ module Printing = struct
let buf = buffer () in
to_buffer_mach sexp ~buf;
Buffer.contents buf
+ ;;
let to_string = to_string_mach
include Printing
let of_float_style : [ `Underscores | `No_underscores ] ref = ref `No_underscores
-let of_int_style : [ `Underscores | `No_underscores ] ref = ref `No_underscores
+let of_int_style : [ `Underscores | `No_underscores ] ref = ref `No_underscores
module Private = struct
include Printing
- module Raw_grammar = struct
- include Raw_grammar
- module Builtin = struct
- let unit_sexp_grammar = Inline (List [])
- let bool_sexp_grammar = Inline (Atom Bool)
- let string_sexp_grammar = Inline (Atom String)
- let bytes_sexp_grammar = string_sexp_grammar
- let char_sexp_grammar = Inline (Atom Char)
- let int_sexp_grammar = Inline (Atom Int)
- let float_sexp_grammar = Inline (Atom Float)
- let int32_sexp_grammar = Inline (Atom Int)
- let int64_sexp_grammar = Inline (Atom Int)
- let nativeint_sexp_grammar = Inline (Atom Int)
- let ref_sexp_grammar = Inline (Explicit_bind ([ "'a" ], Explicit_var 0))
- let lazy_t_sexp_grammar = Inline (Explicit_bind ([ "'a" ], Explicit_var 0))
- let option_sexp_grammar = Inline (Explicit_bind ([ "'a" ], Option (Explicit_var 0)))
- let list_sexp_grammar =
- Inline (Explicit_bind ([ "'a" ], List [ Many (Explicit_var 0) ]))
- ;;
- let array_sexp_grammar = list_sexp_grammar
- end
- let empty_sexp_grammar = Inline (Union [])
- let opaque_sexp_grammar = empty_sexp_grammar
- let fun_sexp_grammar = empty_sexp_grammar
- let tuple2_sexp_grammar =
- Inline
- (Explicit_bind
- ([ "'a"; "'b" ], List [ One (Explicit_var 0); One (Explicit_var 1) ]))
- ;;
- end
let message name fields =
let rec conv_fields = function
| [] -> []
| (fname, fsexp) :: rest ->
- match fname with
- | "" -> fsexp :: conv_fields rest
- | _ -> List [ Atom fname; fsexp ] :: conv_fields rest
+ (match fname with
+ | "" -> fsexp :: conv_fields rest
+ | _ -> List [ Atom fname; fsexp ] :: conv_fields rest)
List (Atom name :: conv_fields fields)
diff --git a/src/sexp.mli b/src/sexp.mli
index 4d3f1cf..fe68a3c 100644
--- a/src/sexp.mli
+++ b/src/sexp.mli
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
(** Type of S-expressions *)
-type t = Atom of string | List of t list
+type t =
+ | Atom of string
+ | List of t list
(*_ We don't use [@@deriving sexp] as this would generated references to [Sexplib],
creating a circular dependency *)
val t_of_sexp : t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> t
-val t_sexp_grammar : Raw_grammar.t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
string in human readable form with indentation level [indent].
@param indent default = [!default_indent] *)
-val to_string_hum : ?indent : int -> t -> string
+val to_string_hum : ?indent:int -> t -> string
(** [to_string_mach sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a string in
machine readable (i.e. most compact) form. *)
@@ -88,60 +88,28 @@ val to_string : t -> string
(** {1 Styles} *)
val of_float_style : [ `Underscores | `No_underscores ] ref
-val of_int_style : [ `Underscores | `No_underscores ] ref
+val of_int_style : [ `Underscores | `No_underscores ] ref
(*_ See the Jane Street Style Guide for an explanation of [Private] submodules: *)
module Private : sig
- (*_ exported for downstream tools *)
- module Raw_grammar : sig
- include module type of struct
- include Raw_grammar
- end
- module Builtin : sig
- val unit_sexp_grammar : t
- val bool_sexp_grammar : t
- val string_sexp_grammar : t
- val bytes_sexp_grammar : t
- val char_sexp_grammar : t
- val int_sexp_grammar : t
- val float_sexp_grammar : t
- val int32_sexp_grammar : t
- val int64_sexp_grammar : t
- val nativeint_sexp_grammar : t
- val ref_sexp_grammar : t
- val lazy_t_sexp_grammar : t
- val option_sexp_grammar : t
- val list_sexp_grammar : t
- val array_sexp_grammar : t
- end
- val empty_sexp_grammar : t
- val opaque_sexp_grammar : t
- val fun_sexp_grammar : t
- val tuple2_sexp_grammar : t
- end
(*_ Exported for sexplib *)
val size : t -> int * int
val buffer : unit -> Buffer.t
+ val to_buffer : buf:Buffer.t -> t -> unit
+ val to_buffer_hum : buf:Buffer.t -> ?indent:int -> t -> unit
+ val to_buffer_mach : buf:Buffer.t -> t -> unit
- val to_buffer : buf:Buffer.t -> t -> unit
- val to_buffer_hum : buf:Buffer.t -> ?indent:int -> t -> unit
- val to_buffer_mach : buf:Buffer.t -> t -> unit
val to_buffer_gen
- : buf : 'buffer
- -> add_char : ('buffer -> char -> unit)
- -> add_string : ('buffer -> string -> unit)
+ : buf:'buffer
+ -> add_char:('buffer -> char -> unit)
+ -> add_string:('buffer -> string -> unit)
-> t
-> unit
val mach_maybe_esc_str : string -> string
val must_escape : string -> bool
val esc_str : string -> string
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index c185c02..9cc83e7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
(* Utility Module for S-expression Conversions *)
-let polymorphic_compare = compare
open StdLabels
open MoreLabels
open Printf
open Sexp
-type sexp_bool = bool
-type 'a sexp_option = 'a option
-type 'a sexp_list = 'a list
-type 'a sexp_array = 'a array
-type 'a sexp_opaque = 'a
(* Conversion of OCaml-values to S-expressions *)
external format_float : string -> float -> string = "caml_format_float"
@@ -20,22 +14,17 @@ external format_float : string -> float -> string = "caml_format_float"
which was converted from a decimal (string) with <= 15 significant digits. So it's
worth trying first to avoid things like "3.1400000000000001".
- See comment above [to_string_round_trippable] in {!Core_kernel.Float} for
+ See comment above [to_string_round_trippable] in {!Core.Float} for
detailed explanation and examples. *)
let default_string_of_float =
ref (fun x ->
let y = format_float "%.15G" x in
- if (float_of_string y) = x then
- y
- else
- format_float "%.17G" x)
+ if float_of_string y = x then y else format_float "%.17G" x)
let read_old_option_format = ref true
let write_old_option_format = ref true
let list_map f l = List.rev (List.rev_map l ~f)
let sexp_of_unit () = List []
let sexp_of_bool b = Atom (string_of_bool b)
let sexp_of_string str = Atom str
@@ -50,16 +39,17 @@ let sexp_of_ref sexp_of__a rf = sexp_of__a !rf
let sexp_of_lazy_t sexp_of__a lv = sexp_of__a (Lazy.force lv)
let sexp_of_option sexp_of__a = function
- | Some x when !write_old_option_format -> List [sexp_of__a x]
- | Some x -> List [Atom "some"; sexp_of__a x]
+ | Some x when !write_old_option_format -> List [ sexp_of__a x ]
+ | Some x -> List [ Atom "some"; sexp_of__a x ]
| None when !write_old_option_format -> List []
| None -> Atom "none"
-let sexp_of_pair sexp_of__a sexp_of__b (a, b) =
- List [sexp_of__a a; sexp_of__b b]
+let sexp_of_pair sexp_of__a sexp_of__b (a, b) = List [ sexp_of__a a; sexp_of__b b ]
let sexp_of_triple sexp_of__a sexp_of__b sexp_of__c (a, b, c) =
- List [sexp_of__a a; sexp_of__b b; sexp_of__c c]
+ List [ sexp_of__a a; sexp_of__b b; sexp_of__c c ]
(* List.rev (List.rev_map ...) is tail recursive, the OCaml standard
library is NOT. *)
@@ -71,15 +61,16 @@ let sexp_of_array sexp_of__a ar =
lst_ref := sexp_of__a ar.(i) :: !lst_ref
List !lst_ref
let sexp_of_hashtbl sexp_of_key sexp_of_val htbl =
- let coll ~key:k ~data:v acc = List [sexp_of_key k; sexp_of_val v] :: acc in
+ let coll ~key:k ~data:v acc = List [ sexp_of_key k; sexp_of_val v ] :: acc in
List (Hashtbl.fold htbl ~init:[] ~f:coll)
let sexp_of_opaque _ = Atom "<opaque>"
let sexp_of_fun _ = Atom "<fun>"
(* Exception converter registration and lookup *)
module Exn_converter = struct
@@ -90,94 +81,52 @@ module Exn_converter = struct
(* Fast and automatic exception registration *)
- module Int = struct
- type t = int
- let compare t1 t2 = polymorphic_compare (t1 : int) t2
+ module Registration = struct
+ type t =
+ { sexp_of_exn : exn -> Sexp.t
+ ; (* If [printexc = true] then this sexp converter is used for Printexc.to_string *)
+ printexc : bool
+ }
- module Exn_ids = Map.Make (Int)
- module Obj = struct
- module Extension_constructor = struct
- [@@@ocaml.warning "-3"]
+ module Exn_table = Ephemeron.K1.Make (struct
type t = extension_constructor
- let id = Obj.extension_id
- let of_val = Obj.extension_constructor
- end
- end
- let exn_id_map
- : (Obj.Extension_constructor.t, exn -> Sexp.t) Ephemeron.K1.t Exn_ids.t ref =
- ref Exn_ids.empty
- (* [Obj.extension_id] works on both the exception itself, and the extension slot of the
- exception. *)
- let rec clean_up_handler (slot : Obj.Extension_constructor.t) =
- let id = slot in
- let old_exn_id_map = !exn_id_map in
- let new_exn_id_map = Exn_ids.remove id old_exn_id_map in
- (* This trick avoids mutexes and should be fairly efficient *)
- if !exn_id_map != old_exn_id_map then
- clean_up_handler slot
- else
- exn_id_map := new_exn_id_map
+ let equal = ( == )
+ let hash =
+ end)
+ let the_exn_table : Registration.t Exn_table.t = Exn_table.create 17
(* Ephemerons are used so that [sexp_of_exn] closure don't keep the
extension_constructor live. *)
- let add ?(finalise = true) extension_constructor sexp_of_exn =
- let id = extension_constructor in
- let rec loop () =
- let old_exn_id_map = !exn_id_map in
- let ephe = Ephemeron.K1.create () in
- Ephemeron.K1.set_data ephe sexp_of_exn;
- Ephemeron.K1.set_key ephe extension_constructor;
- let new_exn_id_map = Exn_ids.add old_exn_id_map ~key:id ~data:ephe in
- (* This trick avoids mutexes and should be fairly efficient *)
- if !exn_id_map != old_exn_id_map then
- loop ()
- else begin
- exn_id_map := new_exn_id_map;
- if finalise then
- try
- Gc.finalise clean_up_handler extension_constructor
- with Invalid_argument _ ->
- (* Pre-allocated extension constructors cannot be finalised *)
- ()
- end
- in
- loop ()
- let add_auto ?finalise exn sexp_of_exn =
- add ?finalise (Obj.Extension_constructor.of_val exn) sexp_of_exn
- let find_auto exn =
- let id = (Obj.Extension_constructor.of_val exn) in
- match Exn_ids.find id !exn_id_map with
- | exception Not_found -> None
- | ephe ->
- match Ephemeron.K1.get_data ephe with
- | None -> None
- | Some sexp_of_exn -> Some (sexp_of_exn exn)
+ let add ?(printexc = true) ?finalise:_ extension_constructor sexp_of_exn =
+ Exn_table.add the_exn_table extension_constructor { sexp_of_exn; printexc }
+ ;;
+ let find_auto ~for_printexc exn =
+ let extension_constructor = Obj.Extension_constructor.of_val exn in
+ match Exn_table.find_opt the_exn_table extension_constructor with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some { sexp_of_exn; printexc } ->
+ (match for_printexc, printexc with
+ | false, _ | _, true -> Some (sexp_of_exn exn)
+ | true, false -> None)
+ ;;
module For_unit_tests_only = struct
- let size () = Exn_ids.fold !exn_id_map ~init:0 ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:ephe acc ->
- match Ephemeron.K1.get_data ephe with
- | None -> acc
- | Some _ -> acc + 1
- )
+ let size () = (Exn_table.stats_alive the_exn_table).num_bindings
-let sexp_of_exn_opt exn = Exn_converter.find_auto exn
+let sexp_of_exn_opt_for_printexc exn = Exn_converter.find_auto ~for_printexc:true exn
+let sexp_of_exn_opt exn = Exn_converter.find_auto ~for_printexc:false exn
let sexp_of_exn exn =
match sexp_of_exn_opt exn with
- | None -> List [Atom (Printexc.to_string exn)]
+ | None -> List [ Atom (Printexc.to_string exn) ]
| Some sexp -> sexp
let exn_to_string e = Sexp.to_string_hum (sexp_of_exn e)
@@ -187,269 +136,280 @@ let exn_to_string e = Sexp.to_string_hum (sexp_of_exn e)
registered, which is what we want. *)
let () =
Printexc.register_printer (fun exn ->
- match sexp_of_exn_opt exn with
+ match sexp_of_exn_opt_for_printexc exn with
| None -> None
- | Some sexp ->
- Some (Sexp.to_string_hum ~indent:2 sexp))
+ | Some sexp -> Some (Sexp.to_string_hum ~indent:2 sexp))
+let printexc_prefer_sexp exn =
+ match sexp_of_exn_opt exn with
+ | None -> Printexc.to_string exn
+ | Some sexp -> Sexp.to_string_hum ~indent:2 sexp
(* Conversion of S-expressions to OCaml-values *)
exception Of_sexp_error = Sexp.Of_sexp_error
let record_check_extra_fields = ref true
let of_sexp_error_exn exc sexp = raise (Of_sexp_error (exc, sexp))
let of_sexp_error what sexp = raise (Of_sexp_error (Failure what, sexp))
-let unit_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let unit_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| List [] -> ()
| Atom _ | List _ -> of_sexp_error "unit_of_sexp: empty list needed" sexp
-let bool_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let bool_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| Atom ("true" | "True") -> true
| Atom ("false" | "False") -> false
| Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "bool_of_sexp: unknown string" sexp
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "bool_of_sexp: atom needed" sexp
-let string_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let string_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| Atom str -> str
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "string_of_sexp: atom needed" sexp
-let bytes_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let bytes_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| Atom str -> Bytes.of_string str
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "bytes_of_sexp: atom needed" sexp
-let char_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let char_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| Atom str ->
- if String.length str <> 1 then
- of_sexp_error
- "char_of_sexp: atom string must contain one character only" sexp;
+ if String.length str <> 1
+ then of_sexp_error "char_of_sexp: atom string must contain one character only" sexp;
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "char_of_sexp: atom needed" sexp
-let int_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let int_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| Atom str ->
- (try int_of_string str
- with exc -> of_sexp_error ("int_of_sexp: " ^ exn_to_string exc) sexp)
+ (try int_of_string str with
+ | exc -> of_sexp_error ("int_of_sexp: " ^ exn_to_string exc) sexp)
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "int_of_sexp: atom needed" sexp
-let float_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let float_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| Atom str ->
- (try float_of_string str
- with exc ->
- of_sexp_error ("float_of_sexp: " ^ exn_to_string exc) sexp)
+ (try float_of_string str with
+ | exc -> of_sexp_error ("float_of_sexp: " ^ exn_to_string exc) sexp)
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "float_of_sexp: atom needed" sexp
-let int32_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let int32_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| Atom str ->
- (try Int32.of_string str
- with exc ->
- of_sexp_error ("int32_of_sexp: " ^ exn_to_string exc) sexp)
+ (try Int32.of_string str with
+ | exc -> of_sexp_error ("int32_of_sexp: " ^ exn_to_string exc) sexp)
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "int32_of_sexp: atom needed" sexp
-let int64_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let int64_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| Atom str ->
- (try Int64.of_string str
- with exc ->
- of_sexp_error ("int64_of_sexp: " ^ exn_to_string exc) sexp)
+ (try Int64.of_string str with
+ | exc -> of_sexp_error ("int64_of_sexp: " ^ exn_to_string exc) sexp)
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "int64_of_sexp: atom needed" sexp
-let nativeint_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let nativeint_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| Atom str ->
- (try Nativeint.of_string str
- with exc ->
- of_sexp_error ("nativeint_of_sexp: " ^ exn_to_string exc) sexp)
+ (try Nativeint.of_string str with
+ | exc -> of_sexp_error ("nativeint_of_sexp: " ^ exn_to_string exc) sexp)
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "nativeint_of_sexp: atom needed" sexp
let ref_of_sexp a__of_sexp sexp = ref (a__of_sexp sexp)
let lazy_t_of_sexp a__of_sexp sexp = Lazy.from_val (a__of_sexp sexp)
let option_of_sexp a__of_sexp sexp =
- if !read_old_option_format then
+ if !read_old_option_format
+ then (
match sexp with
| List [] | Atom ("none" | "None") -> None
- | List [el] | List [Atom ("some" | "Some"); el] -> Some (a__of_sexp el)
- | List _ ->
- of_sexp_error "option_of_sexp: list must represent optional value" sexp
- | Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "option_of_sexp: only none can be atom" sexp
- else
+ | List [ el ] | List [ Atom ("some" | "Some"); el ] -> Some (a__of_sexp el)
+ | List _ -> of_sexp_error "option_of_sexp: list must represent optional value" sexp
+ | Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "option_of_sexp: only none can be atom" sexp)
+ else (
match sexp with
| Atom ("none" | "None") -> None
- | List [Atom ("some" | "Some"); el] -> Some (a__of_sexp el)
+ | List [ Atom ("some" | "Some"); el ] -> Some (a__of_sexp el)
| Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "option_of_sexp: only none can be atom" sexp
- | List _ -> of_sexp_error "option_of_sexp: list must be (some el)" sexp
+ | List _ -> of_sexp_error "option_of_sexp: list must be (some el)" sexp)
-let pair_of_sexp a__of_sexp b__of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
- | List [a_sexp; b_sexp] ->
+let pair_of_sexp a__of_sexp b__of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
+ | List [ a_sexp; b_sexp ] ->
let a = a__of_sexp a_sexp in
let b = b__of_sexp b_sexp in
a, b
| List _ ->
- of_sexp_error
- "pair_of_sexp: list must contain exactly two elements only" sexp
+ of_sexp_error "pair_of_sexp: list must contain exactly two elements only" sexp
| Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "pair_of_sexp: list needed" sexp
-let triple_of_sexp a__of_sexp b__of_sexp c__of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
- | List [a_sexp; b_sexp; c_sexp] ->
+let triple_of_sexp a__of_sexp b__of_sexp c__of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
+ | List [ a_sexp; b_sexp; c_sexp ] ->
let a = a__of_sexp a_sexp in
let b = b__of_sexp b_sexp in
let c = c__of_sexp c_sexp in
a, b, c
| List _ ->
- of_sexp_error
- "triple_of_sexp: list must contain exactly three elements only" sexp
+ of_sexp_error "triple_of_sexp: list must contain exactly three elements only" sexp
| Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "triple_of_sexp: list needed" sexp
-let list_of_sexp a__of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let list_of_sexp a__of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| List lst ->
let rev_lst = List.rev_map lst ~f:a__of_sexp in
List.rev rev_lst
| Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "list_of_sexp: list needed" sexp
-let array_of_sexp a__of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let array_of_sexp a__of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| List [] -> [||]
| List (h :: t) ->
let len = List.length t + 1 in
let res = Array.make len (a__of_sexp h) in
let rec loop i = function
| [] -> res
- | h :: t -> res.(i) <- a__of_sexp h; loop (i + 1) t in
+ | h :: t ->
+ res.(i) <- a__of_sexp h;
+ loop (i + 1) t
+ in
loop 1 t
| Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "array_of_sexp: list needed" sexp
-let hashtbl_of_sexp key_of_sexp val_of_sexp sexp = match sexp with
+let hashtbl_of_sexp key_of_sexp val_of_sexp sexp =
+ match sexp with
| List lst ->
let htbl = Hashtbl.create 0 in
let act = function
- | List [k_sexp; v_sexp] ->
+ | List [ k_sexp; v_sexp ] ->
Hashtbl.add htbl ~key:(key_of_sexp k_sexp) ~data:(val_of_sexp v_sexp)
- | List _ | Atom _ ->
- of_sexp_error "hashtbl_of_sexp: tuple list needed" sexp
+ | List _ | Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "hashtbl_of_sexp: tuple list needed" sexp
List.iter lst ~f:act;
| Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "hashtbl_of_sexp: list needed" sexp
let opaque_of_sexp sexp =
of_sexp_error "opaque_of_sexp: cannot convert opaque values" sexp
+let fun_of_sexp sexp = of_sexp_error "fun_of_sexp: cannot convert function values" sexp
+(* Sexp Grammars *)
-let fun_of_sexp sexp =
- of_sexp_error "fun_of_sexp: cannot convert function values" sexp
+include Sexp_conv_grammar
(* Registering default exception printers *)
-let get_flc_error name (file, line, chr) =
- Atom (sprintf "%s %s:%d:%d" name file line chr)
+let get_flc_error name (file, line, chr) = Atom (sprintf "%s %s:%d:%d" name file line chr)
let () =
- ~f:(fun (extension_constructor, handler) -> Exn_converter.add ~finalise:false extension_constructor handler)
- [
- (
- [%extension_constructor Assert_failure],
- (function
- | Assert_failure arg -> get_flc_error "Assert_failure" arg
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Exit],
- (function
- | Exit -> Atom "Exit"
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor End_of_file],
- (function
- | End_of_file -> Atom "End_of_file"
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Failure],
- (function
- | Failure arg -> List [Atom "Failure"; Atom arg ]
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Not_found],
- (function
- | Not_found -> Atom "Not_found"
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Invalid_argument],
- (function
- | Invalid_argument arg -> List [Atom "Invalid_argument"; Atom arg ]
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Match_failure],
- (function
- | Match_failure arg -> get_flc_error "Match_failure" arg
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Not_found_s],
- (function
- | Not_found_s arg -> List [Atom "Not_found_s"; arg ]
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Sys_error],
- (function
- | Sys_error arg -> List [Atom "Sys_error"; Atom arg ]
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Arg.Help],
- (function
- | Arg.Help arg -> List [Atom "Arg.Help"; Atom arg ]
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Arg.Bad],
- (function
- | Arg.Bad arg -> List [Atom "Arg.Bad"; Atom arg ]
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Lazy.Undefined],
- (function
- | Lazy.Undefined -> Atom "Lazy.Undefined"
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Parsing.Parse_error],
- (function
- | Parsing.Parse_error -> Atom "Parsing.Parse_error"
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Queue.Empty],
- (function
- | Queue.Empty -> Atom "Queue.Empty"
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Scanf.Scan_failure],
- (function
- | Scanf.Scan_failure arg -> List [Atom "Scanf.Scan_failure"; Atom arg ]
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Stack.Empty],
- (function
- | Stack.Empty -> Atom "Stack.Empty"
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Stream.Failure],
- (function
- | Stream.Failure -> Atom "Stream.Failure"
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Stream.Error],
- (function
- | Stream.Error arg -> List [Atom "Stream.Error"; Atom arg ]
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Sys.Break],
- (function
- | Sys.Break -> Atom "Sys.Break"
- | _ -> assert false)
- );(
- [%extension_constructor Of_sexp_error],
- (function
- | Of_sexp_error (exc, sexp) ->
- List [Atom "Sexplib.Conv.Of_sexp_error"; sexp_of_exn exc; sexp]
- | _ -> assert false)
- );
+ ~f:(fun (extension_constructor, handler) ->
+ Exn_converter.add ~printexc:false ~finalise:false extension_constructor handler)
+ [ ( [%extension_constructor Assert_failure]
+ , function
+ | Assert_failure arg -> get_flc_error "Assert_failure" arg
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Exit]
+ , function
+ | Exit -> Atom "Exit"
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor End_of_file]
+ , function
+ | End_of_file -> Atom "End_of_file"
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Failure]
+ , function
+ | Failure arg -> List [ Atom "Failure"; Atom arg ]
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Not_found]
+ , function
+ | Not_found -> Atom "Not_found"
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Invalid_argument]
+ , function
+ | Invalid_argument arg -> List [ Atom "Invalid_argument"; Atom arg ]
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Match_failure]
+ , function
+ | Match_failure arg -> get_flc_error "Match_failure" arg
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Not_found_s]
+ , function
+ | Not_found_s arg -> List [ Atom "Not_found_s"; arg ]
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Sys_error]
+ , function
+ | Sys_error arg -> List [ Atom "Sys_error"; Atom arg ]
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Arg.Help]
+ , function
+ | Arg.Help arg -> List [ Atom "Arg.Help"; Atom arg ]
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Arg.Bad]
+ , function
+ | Arg.Bad arg -> List [ Atom "Arg.Bad"; Atom arg ]
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Lazy.Undefined]
+ , function
+ | Lazy.Undefined -> Atom "Lazy.Undefined"
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Parsing.Parse_error]
+ , function
+ | Parsing.Parse_error -> Atom "Parsing.Parse_error"
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Queue.Empty]
+ , function
+ | Queue.Empty -> Atom "Queue.Empty"
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Scanf.Scan_failure]
+ , function
+ | Scanf.Scan_failure arg -> List [ Atom "Scanf.Scan_failure"; Atom arg ]
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Stack.Empty]
+ , function
+ | Stack.Empty -> Atom "Stack.Empty"
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ; ( [%extension_constructor Sys.Break]
+ , function
+ | Sys.Break -> Atom "Sys.Break"
+ | _ -> assert false )
+let () =
+ List.iter
+ ~f:(fun (extension_constructor, handler) ->
+ Exn_converter.add ~printexc:true ~finalise:false extension_constructor handler)
+ [ ( [%extension_constructor Of_sexp_error]
+ , function
+ | Of_sexp_error (exc, sexp) ->
+ List [ Atom "Sexplib.Conv.Of_sexp_error"; sexp_of_exn exc; sexp ]
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ ]
external ignore : _ -> unit = "%ignore"
external ( = ) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%equal"
diff --git a/src/sexp_conv.mli b/src/sexp_conv.mli
index 90c2625..5690eb2 100644
--- a/src/sexp_conv.mli
+++ b/src/sexp_conv.mli
@@ -1,34 +1,20 @@
(** Utility Module for S-expression Conversions *)
-(** Dummy definitions for "optional" options, lists, and for opaque types *)
-type sexp_bool = bool
-[@@deprecated "[since 2019-03] use [@sexp.bool] instead"]
-type 'a sexp_option = 'a option
-[@@deprecated "[since 2019-03] use [@sexp.option] instead"]
-type 'a sexp_list = 'a list
-[@@deprecated "[since 2019-03] use [@sexp.list] instead"]
-type 'a sexp_array = 'a array
-[@@deprecated "[since 2019-03] use [@sexp.array] instead"]
-type 'a sexp_opaque = 'a
-[@@deprecated "[since 2019-03] use [@sexp.opaque] instead"]
(** {6 Conversion of OCaml-values to S-expressions} *)
-val default_string_of_float : (float -> string) ref
(** [default_string_of_float] reference to the default function used
to convert floats to strings.
Initially set to [fun n -> sprintf "%.20G" n]. *)
+val default_string_of_float : (float -> string) ref
-val write_old_option_format : bool ref
(** [write_old_option_format] reference for the default option format
used to write option values. If set to [true], the old-style option
format will be used, the new-style one otherwise.
Initially set to [true]. *)
+val write_old_option_format : bool ref
-val read_old_option_format : bool ref
(** [read_old_option_format] reference for the default option format
used to read option values. [Of_sexp_error] will be raised
with old-style option values if this reference is set to [false].
@@ -37,241 +23,259 @@ val read_old_option_format : bool ref
the only way to avoid breaking old code with the standard macros.
Initially set to [true]. *)
+val read_old_option_format : bool ref
(** We re-export a tail recursive map function, because some modules
override the standard library functions (e.g. [StdLabels]) which
wrecks havoc with the camlp4 extension. *)
val list_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
-val sexp_of_unit : unit -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_unit ()] converts a value of type [unit] to an S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_unit : unit -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_bool : bool -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_bool b] converts the value [x] of type [bool] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_bool : bool -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_string : string -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_bool str] converts the value [str] of type [string] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_string : string -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_bytes : bytes -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_bool str] converts the value [str] of type [bytes] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_bytes : bytes -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_char : char -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_char c] converts the value [c] of type [char] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_char : char -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_int : int -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_int n] converts the value [n] of type [int] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_int : int -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_float : float -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_float n] converts the value [n] of type [float] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_float : float -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_int32 : int32 -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_int32 n] converts the value [n] of type [int32] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_int32 : int32 -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_int64 : int64 -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_int64 n] converts the value [n] of type [int64] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_int64 : int64 -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_nativeint : nativeint -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_nativeint n] converts the value [n] of type [nativeint] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_nativeint : nativeint -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_ref : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a ref -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_ref conv r] converts the value [r] of type ['a ref] to
an S-expression. Uses [conv] to convert values of type ['a] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_ref : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a ref -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_lazy_t : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a lazy_t -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_lazy_t conv l] converts the value [l] of type ['a lazy_t] to
an S-expression. Uses [conv] to convert values of type ['a] to an
S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_lazy_t : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a lazy_t -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_option : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a option -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_option conv opt] converts the value [opt] of type ['a
option] to an S-expression. Uses [conv] to convert values of type
['a] to an S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_option : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a option -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_pair : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> ('b -> Sexp.t) -> 'a * 'b -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_pair conv1 conv2 pair] converts a pair to an S-expression.
It uses its first argument to convert the first element of the pair,
and its second argument to convert the second element of the pair. *)
+val sexp_of_pair : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> ('b -> Sexp.t) -> 'a * 'b -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_triple :
- ('a -> Sexp.t) -> ('b -> Sexp.t) -> ('c -> Sexp.t) -> 'a * 'b * 'c -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_triple conv1 conv2 conv3 triple] converts a triple to
an S-expression using [conv1], [conv2], and [conv3] to convert its
elements. *)
+val sexp_of_triple
+ : ('a -> Sexp.t)
+ -> ('b -> Sexp.t)
+ -> ('c -> Sexp.t)
+ -> 'a * 'b * 'c
+ -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_list : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a list -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_list conv lst] converts the value [lst] of type ['a
list] to an S-expression. Uses [conv] to convert values of type
['a] to an S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_list : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a list -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_array : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a array -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_array conv ar] converts the value [ar] of type ['a
array] to an S-expression. Uses [conv] to convert values of type
['a] to an S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_array : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a array -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_hashtbl :
- ('a -> Sexp.t) -> ('b -> Sexp.t) -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_hashtbl conv_key conv_value htbl] converts the value [htbl]
of type [('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t] to an S-expression. Uses [conv_key]
to convert the hashtable keys of type ['a], and [conv_value] to
convert hashtable values of type ['b] to S-expressions. *)
+val sexp_of_hashtbl : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> ('b -> Sexp.t) -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_opaque : 'a -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_opaque x] converts the value [x] of opaque type to an
S-expression. This means the user need not provide converters,
but the result cannot be interpreted. *)
+val sexp_of_opaque : 'a -> Sexp.t
-val sexp_of_fun : ('a -> 'b) -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_fun f] converts the value [f] of function type to a
dummy S-expression. Functions cannot be serialized as S-expressions,
but at least a placeholder can be generated for pretty-printing. *)
+val sexp_of_fun : ('a -> 'b) -> Sexp.t
(** {6 Conversion of S-expressions to OCaml-values} *)
-exception Of_sexp_error of exn * Sexp.t
(** [Of_sexp_error (exn, sexp)] the exception raised when an S-expression
could not be successfully converted to an OCaml-value. *)
+exception Of_sexp_error of exn * Sexp.t
-val record_check_extra_fields : bool ref
(** [record_check_extra_fields] checks for extra (= unknown) fields
in record S-expressions. *)
+val record_check_extra_fields : bool ref
-val of_sexp_error : string -> Sexp.t -> 'a
(** [of_sexp_error reason sexp] @raise Of_sexp_error (Failure reason, sexp). *)
+val of_sexp_error : string -> Sexp.t -> 'a
-val of_sexp_error_exn : exn -> Sexp.t -> 'a
(** [of_sexp_error exc sexp] @raise Of_sexp_error (exc, sexp). *)
+val of_sexp_error_exn : exn -> Sexp.t -> 'a
-val unit_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> unit
(** [unit_of_sexp sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value of type
[unit]. *)
+val unit_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> unit
-val bool_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> bool
(** [bool_of_sexp sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value of type
[bool]. *)
+val bool_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> bool
-val string_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> string
(** [string_of_sexp sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value of type
[string]. *)
+val string_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> string
-val bytes_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> bytes
(** [bytes_of_sexp sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value of type
[bytes]. *)
+val bytes_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> bytes
-val char_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> char
(** [char_of_sexp sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value of type
[char]. *)
+val char_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> char
-val int_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> int
(** [int_of_sexp sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value of type
[int]. *)
+val int_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> int
-val float_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> float
(** [float_of_sexp sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value of type
[float]. *)
+val float_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> float
-val int32_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> int32
(** [int32_of_sexp sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value of type
[int32]. *)
+val int32_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> int32
-val int64_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> int64
(** [int64_of_sexp sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value of type
[int64]. *)
+val int64_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> int64
-val nativeint_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> nativeint
(** [nativeint_of_sexp sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value
of type [nativeint]. *)
+val nativeint_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> nativeint
-val ref_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a ref
(** [ref_of_sexp conv sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value
of type ['a ref] using conversion function [conv], which converts
an S-expression to a value of type ['a]. *)
+val ref_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a ref
-val lazy_t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a lazy_t
(** [lazy_t_of_sexp conv sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value
of type ['a lazy_t] using conversion function [conv], which converts
an S-expression to a value of type ['a]. *)
+val lazy_t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a lazy_t
-val option_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a option
(** [option_of_sexp conv sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value
of type ['a option] using conversion function [conv], which converts
an S-expression to a value of type ['a]. *)
+val option_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a option
-val pair_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> (Sexp.t -> 'b) -> Sexp.t -> 'a * 'b
(** [pair_of_sexp conv1 conv2 sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a pair
of type ['a * 'b] using conversion functions [conv1] and [conv2],
which convert S-expressions to values of type ['a] and ['b]
respectively. *)
+val pair_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> (Sexp.t -> 'b) -> Sexp.t -> 'a * 'b
-val triple_of_sexp :
- (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> (Sexp.t -> 'b) -> (Sexp.t -> 'c) -> Sexp.t -> 'a * 'b * 'c
(** [triple_of_sexp conv1 conv2 conv3 sexp] converts S-expression [sexp]
to a triple of type ['a * 'b * 'c] using conversion functions [conv1],
[conv2], and [conv3], which convert S-expressions to values of type
['a], ['b], and ['c] respectively. *)
+val triple_of_sexp
+ : (Sexp.t -> 'a)
+ -> (Sexp.t -> 'b)
+ -> (Sexp.t -> 'c)
+ -> Sexp.t
+ -> 'a * 'b * 'c
-val list_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a list
(** [list_of_sexp conv sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value
of type ['a list] using conversion function [conv], which converts
an S-expression to a value of type ['a]. *)
+val list_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a list
-val array_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a array
(** [array_of_sexp conv sexp] converts S-expression [sexp] to a value
of type ['a array] using conversion function [conv], which converts
an S-expression to a value of type ['a]. *)
+val array_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a array
-val hashtbl_of_sexp :
- (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> (Sexp.t -> 'b) -> Sexp.t -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t
(** [hashtbl_of_sexp conv_key conv_value sexp] converts S-expression
[sexp] to a value of type [('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t] using conversion
function [conv_key], which converts an S-expression to hashtable
key of type ['a], and function [conv_value], which converts an
S-expression to hashtable value of type ['b]. *)
+val hashtbl_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> (Sexp.t -> 'b) -> Sexp.t -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t
-val opaque_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> 'a
(** [opaque_of_sexp sexp] @raise Of_sexp_error when attempting to
convert an S-expression to an opaque value. *)
+val opaque_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> 'a
-val fun_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> 'a
(** [fun_of_sexp sexp] @raise Of_sexp_error when attempting to
convert an S-expression to a function. *)
+val fun_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> 'a
+(** Sexp Grammars *)
+include module type of struct
+ include Sexp_conv_grammar
(** Exception converters *)
-val sexp_of_exn : exn -> Sexp.t
(** [sexp_of_exn exc] converts exception [exc] to an S-expression.
If no suitable converter is found, the standard converter in
[Printexc] will be used to generate an atomic S-expression. *)
+val sexp_of_exn : exn -> Sexp.t
+(** Converts an exception to a string via sexp, falling back to [Printexc.to_string] if no
+ sexp conversion is registered for this exception.
+ This is different from [Printexc.to_string] in that it additionally uses the sexp
+ converters registered with [~printexc:false]. Another difference is that the behavior
+ of [Printexc] can be overridden with [Printexc.register], but here we always try sexp
+ conversion first.
+val printexc_prefer_sexp : exn -> string
-val sexp_of_exn_opt : exn -> Sexp.t option
(** [sexp_of_exn_opt exc] converts exception [exc] to [Some sexp].
If no suitable converter is found, [None] is returned instead. *)
+val sexp_of_exn_opt : exn -> Sexp.t option
module Exn_converter : sig
- val add_auto : ?finalise : bool -> exn -> (exn -> Sexp.t) -> unit
- [@@deprecated "[since 2016-07] use Conv.Exn_converter.add"]
- val add : ?finalise : bool -> extension_constructor -> (exn -> Sexp.t) -> unit
- (** [add ?finalise constructor sexp_of_exn] registers exception S-expression
+ (** [add constructor sexp_of_exn] registers exception S-expression
converter [sexp_of_exn] for exceptions with the given [constructor].
- NOTE: If [finalise] is [true], then the exception will be automatically
- registered for removal with the GC (default). Finalisation will not work
- with exceptions that have been allocated outside the heap, which is the
- case for some standard ones e.g. [Sys_error].
- @param finalise default = [true] *)
+ NOTE: [finalise] is ignored, and provided only for backward compatibility. *)
+ val add
+ : ?printexc:bool
+ -> ?finalise:bool
+ -> extension_constructor
+ -> (exn -> Sexp.t)
+ -> unit
module For_unit_tests_only : sig
val size : unit -> int
@@ -279,7 +283,7 @@ module Exn_converter : sig
(*_ For the syntax extension *)
external ignore : _ -> unit = "%ignore"
external ( = ) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%equal"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index c41a375..6272673 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -11,117 +11,130 @@ exception Of_sexp_error = Of_sexp_error
let tuple_of_size_n_expected loc n sexp =
of_sexp_error (sprintf "%s_of_sexp: tuple of size %d expected" loc n) sexp
(* Errors concerning sum types *)
let stag_no_args loc sexp =
- of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: sum tag does not take arguments") sexp
+ of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: this constructor does not take arguments") sexp
let stag_incorrect_n_args loc tag sexp =
- let msg =
- sprintf "%s_of_sexp: sum tag %S has incorrect number of arguments" loc tag
- in
+ let msg = sprintf "%s_of_sexp: sum tag %S has incorrect number of arguments" loc tag in
of_sexp_error msg sexp
let stag_takes_args loc sexp =
- of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: sum tag must be a structured value") sexp
+ of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: this constructor requires arguments") sexp
let nested_list_invalid_sum loc sexp =
- of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: a nested list is an invalid sum") sexp
+ of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: expected a variant type, saw a nested list") sexp
let empty_list_invalid_sum loc sexp =
- of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: the empty list is an invalid sum") sexp
+ of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: expected a variant type, saw an empty list") sexp
let unexpected_stag loc sexp =
- of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: unexpected sum tag") sexp
+ of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: unexpected variant constructor") sexp
(* Errors concerning records *)
let record_sexp_bool_with_payload loc sexp =
let msg =
- loc ^
- "_of_sexp: record conversion: a [sexp.bool] field was given a payload." in
+ loc ^ "_of_sexp: record conversion: a [sexp.bool] field was given a payload."
+ in
of_sexp_error msg sexp
let record_only_pairs_expected loc sexp =
let msg =
- loc ^
- "_of_sexp: record conversion: only pairs expected, \
- their first element must be an atom" in
+ loc
+ ^ "_of_sexp: record conversion: only pairs expected, their first element must be an \
+ atom"
+ in
of_sexp_error msg sexp
let record_superfluous_fields ~what ~loc rev_fld_names sexp =
let fld_names_str = String.concat (List.rev rev_fld_names) ~sep:" " in
let msg = sprintf "%s_of_sexp: %s: %s" loc what fld_names_str in
of_sexp_error msg sexp
let record_duplicate_fields loc rev_fld_names sexp =
record_superfluous_fields ~what:"duplicate fields" ~loc rev_fld_names sexp
let record_extra_fields loc rev_fld_names sexp =
record_superfluous_fields ~what:"extra fields" ~loc rev_fld_names sexp
let rec record_get_undefined_loop fields = function
| [] -> String.concat (List.rev fields) ~sep:" "
| (true, field) :: rest -> record_get_undefined_loop (field :: fields) rest
| _ :: rest -> record_get_undefined_loop fields rest
let record_undefined_elements loc sexp lst =
let undefined = record_get_undefined_loop [] lst in
let msg =
- sprintf "%s_of_sexp: the following record elements were undefined: %s"
- loc undefined
+ sprintf "%s_of_sexp: the following record elements were undefined: %s" loc undefined
of_sexp_error msg sexp
let record_list_instead_atom loc sexp =
let msg = loc ^ "_of_sexp: list instead of atom for record expected" in
of_sexp_error msg sexp
let record_poly_field_value loc sexp =
let msg =
- loc ^
- "_of_sexp: cannot convert values of types resulting from polymorphic \
- record fields"
+ loc
+ ^ "_of_sexp: cannot convert values of types resulting from polymorphic record fields"
of_sexp_error msg sexp
(* Errors concerning polymorphic variants *)
exception No_variant_match
-let no_variant_match () =
- raise No_variant_match
+let no_variant_match () = raise No_variant_match
let no_matching_variant_found loc sexp =
of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: no matching variant found") sexp
let ptag_no_args loc sexp =
- of_sexp_error (
- loc ^ "_of_sexp: polymorphic variant does not take arguments") sexp
+ of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: polymorphic variant does not take arguments") sexp
let ptag_incorrect_n_args loc cnstr sexp =
let msg =
"%s_of_sexp: polymorphic variant tag %S has incorrect number of arguments"
- loc cnstr
+ loc
+ cnstr
of_sexp_error msg sexp
let ptag_takes_args loc sexp =
- of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: polymorphic variant tag takes an argument")
- sexp
+ of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: polymorphic variant tag takes an argument") sexp
let nested_list_invalid_poly_var loc sexp =
- of_sexp_error (
- loc ^ "_of_sexp: a nested list is an invalid polymorphic variant") sexp
+ of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: a nested list is an invalid polymorphic variant") sexp
let empty_list_invalid_poly_var loc sexp =
- of_sexp_error (
- loc ^ "_of_sexp: the empty list is an invalid polymorphic variant") sexp
+ of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: the empty list is an invalid polymorphic variant") sexp
let empty_type loc sexp =
of_sexp_error (loc ^ "_of_sexp: trying to convert an empty type") sexp
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8fd7ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+let unit_sexp_grammar : unit Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = List Empty }
+let bool_sexp_grammar : bool Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = Bool }
+let string_sexp_grammar : string Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = String }
+let bytes_sexp_grammar : bytes Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = String }
+let char_sexp_grammar : char Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = Char }
+let int_sexp_grammar : int Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = Integer }
+let float_sexp_grammar : float Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = Float }
+let int32_sexp_grammar : int32 Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = Integer }
+let int64_sexp_grammar : int64 Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = Integer }
+let nativeint_sexp_grammar : nativeint Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = Integer }
+let sexp_t_sexp_grammar : Sexp.t Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = Any "Sexp.t" }
+let ref_sexp_grammar grammar = Sexp_grammar.coerce grammar
+let lazy_t_sexp_grammar grammar = Sexp_grammar.coerce grammar
+let option_sexp_grammar ({ untyped } : _ Sexp_grammar.t) : _ option Sexp_grammar.t =
+ { untyped = Option untyped }
+let list_sexp_grammar ({ untyped } : _ Sexp_grammar.t) : _ list Sexp_grammar.t =
+ { untyped = List (Many untyped) }
+let array_sexp_grammar ({ untyped } : _ Sexp_grammar.t) : _ array Sexp_grammar.t =
+ { untyped = List (Many untyped) }
+let empty_sexp_grammar : _ Sexp_grammar.t = { untyped = Union [] }
+let opaque_sexp_grammar = empty_sexp_grammar
+let fun_sexp_grammar = empty_sexp_grammar
diff --git a/src/sexp_conv_grammar.mli b/src/sexp_conv_grammar.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb2fcca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sexp_conv_grammar.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(** Sexp grammar definitions. *)
+val unit_sexp_grammar : unit Sexp_grammar.t
+val bool_sexp_grammar : bool Sexp_grammar.t
+val string_sexp_grammar : string Sexp_grammar.t
+val bytes_sexp_grammar : bytes Sexp_grammar.t
+val char_sexp_grammar : char Sexp_grammar.t
+val int_sexp_grammar : int Sexp_grammar.t
+val float_sexp_grammar : float Sexp_grammar.t
+val int32_sexp_grammar : int32 Sexp_grammar.t
+val int64_sexp_grammar : int64 Sexp_grammar.t
+val nativeint_sexp_grammar : nativeint Sexp_grammar.t
+val sexp_t_sexp_grammar : Sexp.t Sexp_grammar.t
+val ref_sexp_grammar : 'a Sexp_grammar.t -> 'a ref Sexp_grammar.t
+val lazy_t_sexp_grammar : 'a Sexp_grammar.t -> 'a lazy_t Sexp_grammar.t
+val option_sexp_grammar : 'a Sexp_grammar.t -> 'a option Sexp_grammar.t
+val list_sexp_grammar : 'a Sexp_grammar.t -> 'a list Sexp_grammar.t
+val array_sexp_grammar : 'a Sexp_grammar.t -> 'a array Sexp_grammar.t
+val opaque_sexp_grammar : 'a Sexp_grammar.t
+val fun_sexp_grammar : 'a Sexp_grammar.t
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00bfdca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+(** Representation of S-expression grammars *)
+(** This module defines a representation for s-expression grammars. Using ppx_sexp_conv
+ and [[@@deriving sexp_grammar]] produces a grammar that is compatible with the derived
+ [of_sexp] for a given type.
+ As with other derived definitions, polymorphic types derive a function that takes a
+ grammar for each type argument and produces a grammar for the monomorphized type.
+ Monomorphic types derive a grammar directly. To avoid top-level side effects,
+ [[@@deriving sexp_grammar]] wraps grammars in the [Lazy] constructor as needed.
+ This type may change over time as our needs for expressive grammars change. We will
+ attempt to make changes backward-compatible, or at least provide a reasonable upgrade
+ path. *)
+[@@@warning "-30"] (* allow duplicate field names *)
+(** Grammar of a sexp. *)
+type grammar =
+ | Any of string (** accepts any sexp; string is a type name for human readability *)
+ | Bool (** accepts the atoms "true" or "false", modulo capitalization *)
+ | Char (** accepts any single-character atom *)
+ | Integer (** accepts any atom matching ocaml integer syntax, regardless of bit width *)
+ | Float (** accepts any atom matching ocaml float syntax *)
+ | String (** accepts any atom *)
+ | Option of grammar (** accepts an option, both [None] vs [Some _] and [()] vs [(_)]. *)
+ | List of list_grammar (** accepts a list *)
+ | Variant of variant (** accepts clauses keyed by a leading or sole atom *)
+ | Union of grammar list (** accepts a sexp if any of the listed grammars accepts it *)
+ | Tagged of grammar with_tag
+ (** annotates a grammar with a client-specific key/value pair *)
+ | Tyvar of string
+ (** Name of a type variable, e.g. [Tyvar "a"] for ['a]. Only meaningful when the body of
+ the innermost enclosing [defn] defines a corresponding type variable. *)
+ | Tycon of string * grammar list
+ (** Type constructor applied to arguments. For example, [Tycon ("list", [ Integer ])]
+ represents [int list]. Only meaningful when the innermost enclosing [Recursive]
+ grammar defines a corresponding type constructor. *)
+ | Recursive of grammar * defn list
+ (** [Recursive (grammar, definitions)] allows [grammar] to refer to type constructors
+ from the mutually recursive [definitions]. The definitions may also refer to each
+ others' type constructors.
+ Ordinarily, [grammar] itself is just a [Tycon] argument, although technically it can
+ be any grammar.
+ For example, the following definitions define a binary tree parameterized by a type
+ stored at its leaves.
+ {[
+ let defns =
+ [ { tycon = "tree"
+ ; tyvars = ["a"]
+ ; grammar =
+ Variant
+ { name_kind = Capitalized
+ ; clauses =
+ [ { name = "Node"
+ ; args = Cons (Tycon ("node", [Tyvar "a"]), Empty)
+ }
+ ; { name = "Tree"
+ ; args = Cons (Tycon ("leaf", [Tyvar "a"]), Empty)
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ; { tycon = "node"
+ ; tyvars = ["a"]
+ ; grammar = List (Many (Tycon "tree", [Tyvar "a"]))
+ }
+ ; { tycon = "leaf"
+ ; tyvars = ["a"]
+ ; grammar = [Tyvar "a"]
+ }
+ ]
+ ;;
+ ]}
+ Normally, the type of a tree storing integers would be written like this:
+ {[
+ Recursive (Tycon ("tree", [ Integer ]), defns)
+ ]}
+ It is equivalent, though needlessly verbose, to replace the [Tycon] reference with
+ the grammar of ["tree"], substituting [Integer] for [Tyvar "a"]:
+ {[
+ Recursive
+ ( Variant
+ { name_kind = Capitalized
+ ; clauses =
+ [ { name = "Node"
+ ; args = Cons (Tycon ("node", [Tyvar "a"]), Empty)
+ }
+ ; { name = "Tree"
+ ; args = Cons (Tycon ("leaf", [Tyvar "a"]), Empty)
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ , defns )
+ ]}
+ *)
+ | Lazy of grammar lazy_t
+ (** Lazily computed grammar. Use [Lazy] to avoid top-level side effects. To define
+ recursive grammars, use [Recursive] instead. *)
+(** Grammar of a list of sexps. *)
+and list_grammar =
+ | Empty (** accepts an empty list of sexps *)
+ | Cons of grammar * list_grammar
+ (** accepts a non-empty list with head and tail matching the given grammars *)
+ | Many of grammar (** accepts zero or more sexps, each matching the given grammar *)
+ | Fields of record (** accepts sexps representing fields of a record *)
+(** Case sensitivity options for names of variant constructors. *)
+and case_sensitivity =
+ | Case_insensitive (** Comparison is case insensitive. Used for custom parsers. *)
+ | Case_sensitive (** Comparison is case sensitive. Used for polymorphic variants. *)
+ | Case_sensitive_except_first_character
+ (** Comparison is case insensitive for the first character and case sensitive afterward.
+ Used for regular variants. *)
+(** Grammar of variants. Accepts any sexp matching one of the clauses. *)
+and variant =
+ { case_sensitivity : case_sensitivity
+ ; clauses : clause with_tag_list list
+ }
+(** Grammar of a single variant clause. Accepts sexps based on the [clause_kind]. *)
+and clause =
+ { name : string
+ ; clause_kind : clause_kind
+ }
+(** Grammar of a single variant clause's contents. [Atom_clause] accepts an atom matching
+ the clause's name. [List_clause] accepts a list whose head is an atom matching the
+ clause's name and whose tail matches [args]. The clause's name is matched modulo the
+ variant's [name_kind]. *)
+and clause_kind =
+ | Atom_clause
+ | List_clause of { args : list_grammar }
+(** Grammar of a record. Accepts any list of sexps specifying each of the fields,
+ regardless of order. If [allow_extra_fields] is specified, ignores sexps with names
+ not found in [fields]. *)
+and record =
+ { allow_extra_fields : bool
+ ; fields : field with_tag_list list
+ }
+(** Grammar of a record field. A field must show up exactly once in a record if
+ [required], or at most once otherwise. Accepts a list headed by [name] as an atom,
+ followed by sexps matching [args]. *)
+and field =
+ { name : string
+ ; required : bool
+ ; args : list_grammar
+ }
+(** Grammar tagged with client-specific key/value pair. *)
+and 'a with_tag =
+ { key : string
+ ; value : Sexp.t
+ ; grammar : 'a
+ }
+and 'a with_tag_list =
+ | Tag of 'a with_tag_list with_tag
+ | No_tag of 'a
+(** Grammar of a recursive type definition. Names the [tycon] being defined, and the
+ [tyvars] it takes as parameters. Specifies the [grammar] of the [tycon]. The grammar
+ may refer to any of the [tyvars], and to any of the [tycon]s from the same set of
+ [Recursive] definitions. *)
+and defn =
+ { tycon : string
+ ; tyvars : string list
+ ; grammar : grammar
+ }
+(** Top-level grammar type. Has a phantom type parameter to associate each grammar with
+ the type its sexps represent. This makes it harder to apply grammars to the wrong
+ type, while grammars can still be easily coerced to a new type if needed. *)
+type _ t = { untyped : grammar } [@@unboxed]
+let coerce (type a b) ({ untyped = _ } as t : a t) : b t = t
+(** This reserved key is used for all tags generated from doc comments. *)
+let doc_comment_tag = "sexp_grammar.doc_comment"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4049fa2..4d62f4f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -23,10 +23,16 @@ module type S3 = sig
type ('a, 'b, 'c) t
val t_of_sexp
- : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> (Sexp.t -> 'b) -> (Sexp.t -> 'c) -> Sexp.t
+ : (Sexp.t -> 'a)
+ -> (Sexp.t -> 'b)
+ -> (Sexp.t -> 'c)
+ -> Sexp.t
-> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
val sexp_of_t
- : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> ('b -> Sexp.t) -> ('c -> Sexp.t) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
+ : ('a -> Sexp.t)
+ -> ('b -> Sexp.t)
+ -> ('c -> Sexp.t)
+ -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
-> Sexp.t
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 48c7527..b13037a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
module Sexp = Sexp
module Sexp_conv = Sexp_conv
module Sexp_conv_error = Sexp_conv_error
+module Sexp_grammar = Sexp_grammar
module Sexpable = Sexpable
-module Private = struct
- module Lazy_group_id = Lazy_group_id
- module Raw_grammar = Raw_grammar