diff options
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..412cbe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+## Copyright 2015-2016 Mike Miller
+## Copyright 2015-2016 Carnë Draug
+## Copyright 2015-2016 Oliver Heimlich
+## Copyright 2018-2023 John Donoghue
+## Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
+## are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
+## notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
+## without any warranty.
+## Makefile to simplify Octave Forge package maintenance tasks
+TOPDIR := $(shell pwd)
+## Some shell programs
+MD5SUM ?= md5sum
+SED ?= sed
+GREP ?= grep
+TAR ?= tar
+TEXI2PDF ?= texi2pdf -q
+MAKEINFO ?= makeinfo
+CUT ?= cut
+TR ?= tr
+# work out a possible help generator
+ifeq ($(strip $(QHELPGENERATOR)),)
+ ifneq ($(shell qhelpgenerator-qt5 -v 2>/dev/null),)
+ QHELPGENERATOR = qhelpgenerator-qt5
+ #else ifneq ($(shell qhelpgenerator -qt5 -v 2>/dev/null),)
+ # v4 wont process collection files, but returns ok status on version
+ # QHELPGENERATOR = qhelpgenerator -qt5
+ else ifneq ($(shell qcollectiongenerator -qt5 -v 2>/dev/null),)
+ QHELPGENERATOR = qcollectiongenerator -qt5
+ else ifneq ($(shell qcollectiongenerator-qt5 -v 2>/dev/null),)
+ QHELPGENERATOR = qcollectiongenerator-qt5
+ else
+ endif
+## Detect which VCS is used
+vcs := $(if $(wildcard .hg),hg,$(if $(wildcard .git),git,unknown))
+ifeq ($(vcs),hg)
+release_dir_dep := .hg/dirstate
+HG := hg
+HG_CMD = $(HG) --config alias.$(1)=$(1) --config defaults.$(1)= $(1)
+HG_ID := $(shell $(call HG_CMD,identify) --id | sed -e 's/+//' )
+REPO_TIMESTAMP := $(firstword $(shell $(call HG_CMD,log) --rev $(HG_ID) --template '{date|hgdate}'))
+ifeq ($(vcs),git)
+release_dir_dep := .git/index
+GIT := git
+REPO_TIMESTAMP := $(firstword $(shell $(GIT) log -n1 --date=unix --format="%ad"))
+TAR_REPRODUCIBLE_OPTIONS := --sort=name --mtime="@$(REPO_TIMESTAMP)" --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner
+### Note the use of ':=' (immediate set) and not just '=' (lazy set).
+PACKAGE := $(shell $(GREP) "^Name: " DESCRIPTION | $(CUT) -f2 -d" " | \
+$(TR) '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+VERSION := $(shell $(GREP) "^Version: " DESCRIPTION | $(CUT) -f2 -d" ")
+DEPENDS := $(shell $(SED) -n -e 's/^Depends[^,]*, \(.*\)/\1/p' DESCRIPTION | $(SED) 's/ *([^()]*),*/ /g')
+DATE := $(shell $(SED) -n -e 's/^Date: *\(\w\+\)/\1/p' DESCRIPTION)
+## This are the files that will be created for the releases.
+TARGET_DIR := release
+## Octave binaries
+MKOCTFILE ?= mkoctfile
+OCTAVE ?= octave
+## Targets that are not filenames.
+.PHONY: help dist html release install all check run clean
+## make will display the command before runnning them. Use @command
+## to not display it (makes specially sense for echo).
+ @echo "Targets:"
+ @echo " dist - Create $(RELEASE_TARBALL) for release"
+ @echo " html - Create $(HTML_TARBALL) for release"
+ @echo " release - Create both of the above and show md5sums"
+ @echo
+ @echo " install - Install the package in GNU Octave"
+ @echo " all - Build all oct files"
+ @echo " run - Run Octave with development in PATH (no install)"
+ @echo " check - Execute package tests (w/o install)"
+ @echo " doctest - Tests only the help text via the doctest package"
+ @echo
+ @echo " clean - Remove releases, html documentation, and oct files"
+# dist and html targets are only PHONY/alias targets to the release
+# and html tarballs.
+html: $(HTML_TARBALL)
+# An implicit rule with a recipe to build the tarballs correctly.
+%.tar.gz: %
+ tar -cf - $(TAR_OPTIONS) -C "$(TARGET_DIR)/" "$(notdir $<)" | gzip -9n > "$@"
+# Some packages are distributed outside Octave Forge in non tar.gz format. %
+ cd "$(TARGET_DIR)" ; zip -9qr - "$(notdir $<)" > "$(notdir $@)"
+# Create the unpacked package.
+# Notes:
+# * having release_dir_dep as a prerequesite means it is only rebuilt
+# if we are at a different commit.
+# * the variable RM usually defaults to "rm -f"
+# * having this recipe separate from the one that makes the tarball
+# makes it easy to have packages in alternative formats (such as zip)
+# * note that if a commands needs to be ran in a specific directory,
+# the command to "cd" needs to be on the same line. Each line restores
+# the original working directory.
+$(RELEASE_DIR): $(release_dir_dep)
+ @echo "Creating package version $(VERSION) release ..."
+ $(RM) -r "$@"
+ifeq (${vcs},hg)
+ $(HG) archive --exclude ".hg*" --type files "$@"
+ifeq (${vcs},git)
+ $(GIT) archive --format=tar --prefix="$@/" HEAD | $(TAR) -x
+ $(RM) "$@/.gitignore"
+ $(MAKE) -C "$@" docs
+ # remove dev stuff
+ cd "$@" && $(RM) -rf "devel/" && $(RM) -rf "deprecated/"
+ # && $(RM) -f doc/ doc/
+ cd "$@" && $(RM) Makefile
+ chmod -R a+rX,u+w,go-w "$@"
+.PHONY: docs
+docs: doc/$(PACKAGE).pdf doc/$(PACKAGE).qhc doc/$(PACKAGE).html
+ $(RM) -f doc/$(PACKAGE).info
+ $(RM) -f doc/$(PACKAGE).pdf
+ $(RM) -f doc/$(PACKAGE).html
+ $(RM) -f doc/functions.texi
+ $(RM) -f doc/version.texi
+ $(RM) -f doc/$(PACKAGE).qhc doc/$(PACKAGE).qch
+doc/version.texi: $(release_dir_dep)
+ @echo Generating $@
+ @echo "@c autogenerated from Makefile" > $@
+ @echo "@set VERSION $(VERSION)" >> $@
+ @echo "@set PACKAGE $(PACKAGE)" >> $@
+ @echo "@set DATE $(DATE)" >> $@
+doc/$(PACKAGE).pdf: doc/$(PACKAGE).texi doc/functions.texi doc/version.texi
+ # remove temp files
+ cd doc && $(RM) -f arduino.aux arduino.cp arduino.cps arduino.fn arduino.fns arduino.log arduino.toc
+doc/$(PACKAGE).html: doc/$(PACKAGE).texi doc/functions.texi doc/version.texi
+ cd doc && SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(REPO_TIMESTAMP) $(MAKEINFO) --html --css-ref=$(PACKAGE).css --no-split --output=${PACKAGE}.html $(PACKAGE).texi
+doc/$(PACKAGE).qhc: doc/$(PACKAGE).html
+ # try also create qch file if can
+ cd doc && ./ $(PACKAGE) && $(QHELPGENERATOR) $(PACKAGE).qhcp -o $(PACKAGE).qhc
+ cd doc && $(RM) -f $(PACKAGE).qhcp $(PACKAGE).qhp
+doc/functions.texi: $(release_dir_dep)
+ cd doc && ./ --src-dir=../inst/ --src-dir=../inst/sensors/ ../INDEX | $(SED) 's/@seealso/@xseealso/g' > functions.texi
+# install is a prerequesite to the html directory (note that the html
+# tarball will use the implicit rule for ".tar.gz" files).
+html_options = --eval 'options = get_html_options ("octave-forge");' \
+ --eval 'options.package_doc = "$(PACKAGE).texi";' \
+ --eval 'options.package_doc_options = [options.package_doc_options " --css-include=$(PACKAGE).css"];'
+$(HTML_DIR): install
+ @echo "Generating HTML documentation. This may take a while ..."
+ $(RM) -r "$@"
+ $(OCTAVE) --no-gui --no-window-system --silent \
+ --eval "pkg load generate_html; " \
+ --eval "pkg load $(PACKAGE);" \
+ $(html_options) \
+ --eval 'generate_package_html ("${PACKAGE}", "$@", options);'
+ chmod -R a+rX,u+w,go-w $@
+# To make a release, build the distribution and html tarballs.
+release: dist html
+ @echo "Upload @"
+ @echo " and inform to rebuild release with '$$($(HG) id)'"
+ @echo 'Execute: hg tag "release-${VERSION}"'
+install: $(RELEASE_TARBALL)
+ @echo "Installing package locally ..."
+ $(OCTAVE) --no-gui --silent --eval 'pkg ("install", "-verbose", "$(RELEASE_TARBALL)")'
+clean: cleandocs
+# Recipes for testing purposes
+# Build any requires oct files. Some packages may not need this at all.
+# Other packages may require a configure file to be created and run first.
+# Start an Octave session with the package directories on the path for
+# interactice test of development sources.
+run: all
+ $(OCTAVE) --no-gui --silent --persist --path "$(TOPDIR)/inst/" \
+ --eval 'if(!isempty("$(DEPENDS)")); pkg load $(DEPENDS); endif;'
+rungui: all
+ $(OCTAVE) --silent --gui --persist --path "$(TOPDIR)/inst/" \
+ --eval 'if(!isempty("$(DEPENDS)")); pkg load $(DEPENDS); endif;'
+# Test example blocks in the documentation. Needs doctest package
+doctest: all
+ $(OCTAVE) --no-gui --path "$(TOPDIR)/inst/" \
+ --eval 'if(!isempty("$(DEPENDS)")); pkg load $(DEPENDS); endif;' \
+ --eval 'pkg load doctest;' \
+ --eval 'doctest ("$(TOPDIR)/inst/");'
+# Note "doctest" as prerequesite. When testing the package, also check
+# the documentation.
+check: all
+ $(OCTAVE) --no-gui --silent --path "$(TOPDIR)/inst/" \
+ --eval 'if(!isempty("$(DEPENDS)")); pkg load $(DEPENDS); endif;' \
+ --eval "__run_test_suite__ ({'$(TOPDIR)/inst'}, {})"