path: root/pyaxmlparser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pyaxmlparser/')
1 files changed, 784 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyaxmlparser/ b/pyaxmlparser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ef5772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyaxmlparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+# This file is part of Androguard.
+# Copyright (C) 2012/2013, Anthony Desnos <desnos at>
+# All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+from pyaxmlparser import bytecode
+import collections
+from struct import unpack
+from pyaxmlparser.arscutil import ARSCHeader, ARSCResTablePackage, \
+ ARSCResTypeSpec, ARSCResType, ARSCResTableEntry, ARSCResTableConfig
+from pyaxmlparser.stringblock import StringBlock
+import pyaxmlparser.constants as const
+from pyaxmlparser.utils import complexToFloat
+from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
+log = logging.getLogger("pyaxmlparser.arscparser")
+class ARSCParser(object):
+ """
+ Parser for resource.arsc files
+ """
+ def __init__(self, raw_buff):
+ self.analyzed = False
+ self._resolved_strings = None
+ self.buff = bytecode.BuffHandle(raw_buff)
+ self.header = ARSCHeader(self.buff)
+ # TODO: assert header type
+ self.packageCount = unpack('<I',[0]
+ self.packages = {}
+ self.values = {}
+ self.resource_values = collections.defaultdict(collections.defaultdict)
+ self.resource_configs = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(set))
+ self.resource_keys = collections.defaultdict(
+ lambda: collections.defaultdict(collections.defaultdict))
+ self.stringpool_main = None
+ # skip to the start of the first chunk data, skipping trailing header bytes
+ self.buff.set_idx(self.header.start + self.header.header_size)
+ # Gives the offset inside the file of the end of this chunk
+ data_end = self.header.start + self.header.size
+ while self.buff.get_idx() <= data_end - ARSCHeader.SIZE:
+ res_header = ARSCHeader(self.buff)
+ if res_header.start + res_header.size > data_end:
+ # this inner chunk crosses the boundary of the table chunk
+ break
+ if res_header.type == const.RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE and not self.stringpool_main:
+ self.stringpool_main = StringBlock(self.buff, res_header)
+ elif res_header.type == const.RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE:
+ assert len(self.packages) < self.packageCount, "Got more packages than expected"
+ current_package = ARSCResTablePackage(self.buff, res_header)
+ package_name = current_package.get_name()
+ package_data_end = res_header.start + res_header.size
+ self.packages[package_name] = []
+ # After the Header, we have the resource type symbol table
+ self.buff.set_idx(current_package.header.start + current_package.typeStrings)
+ type_sp_header = ARSCHeader(self.buff)
+ assert type_sp_header.type == const.RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE, \
+ "Expected String Pool header, got %x" % type_sp_header.type
+ mTableStrings = StringBlock(self.buff, type_sp_header)
+ # Next, we should have the resource key symbol table
+ self.buff.set_idx(current_package.header.start + current_package.keyStrings)
+ key_sp_header = ARSCHeader(self.buff)
+ assert key_sp_header.type == const.RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE, \
+ "Expected String Pool header, got %x" % key_sp_header.type
+ mKeyStrings = StringBlock(self.buff, key_sp_header)
+ # Add them to the dict of read packages
+ self.packages[package_name].append(current_package)
+ self.packages[package_name].append(mTableStrings)
+ self.packages[package_name].append(mKeyStrings)
+ pc = PackageContext(current_package, self.stringpool_main,
+ mTableStrings, mKeyStrings)
+ # skip to the first header in this table package chunk
+ # FIXME is this correct? We have already read the first two sections!
+ # self.buff.set_idx(res_header.start + res_header.header_size)
+ # this looks more like we want: (???)
+ self.buff.set_idx(res_header.start + res_header.header_size + type_sp_header.size + key_sp_header.size)
+ # Read all other headers
+ while self.buff.get_idx() <= package_data_end - ARSCHeader.SIZE:
+ pkg_chunk_header = ARSCHeader(self.buff)
+ log.debug("Found a header: {}".format(pkg_chunk_header))
+ if pkg_chunk_header.start + pkg_chunk_header.size > package_data_end:
+ # we are way off the package chunk; bail out
+ break
+ self.packages[package_name].append(pkg_chunk_header)
+ if pkg_chunk_header.type == const.RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE:
+ self.packages[package_name].append(ARSCResTypeSpec(self.buff, pc))
+ elif pkg_chunk_header.type == const.RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE:
+ a_res_type = ARSCResType(self.buff, pc)
+ self.packages[package_name].append(a_res_type)
+ self.resource_configs[package_name][a_res_type].add(a_res_type.config)
+ log.debug("Config: {}".format(a_res_type.config))
+ entries = []
+ for i in range(0, a_res_type.entryCount):
+ current_package.mResId = current_package.mResId & 0xffff0000 | i
+ entries.append((unpack('<i',[0], current_package.mResId))
+ self.packages[package_name].append(entries)
+ for entry, res_id in entries:
+ if self.buff.end():
+ break
+ if entry != -1:
+ ate = ARSCResTableEntry(self.buff, res_id, pc)
+ self.packages[package_name].append(ate)
+ if ate.is_weak():
+ # FIXME we are not sure how to implement the FLAG_WEAk!
+ # We saw the following: There is just a single Res_value after the ARSCResTableEntry
+ # and then comes the next ARSCHeader.
+ # Therefore we think this means all entries are somehow replicated?
+ # So we do some kind of hack here. We set the idx to the entry again...
+ # Now we will read all entries!
+ # Not sure if this is a good solution though
+ self.buff.set_idx(ate.start)
+ elif pkg_chunk_header.type == const.RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE:
+ log.warning("RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE chunk is not supported")
+ else:
+ # FIXME: silently skip other chunk types
+ pass
+ # skip to the next chunk
+ self.buff.set_idx(pkg_chunk_header.start + pkg_chunk_header.size)
+ # move to the next resource chunk
+ self.buff.set_idx(res_header.start + res_header.size)
+ def _analyse(self):
+ if self.analyzed:
+ return
+ self.analyzed = True
+ for package_name in self.packages:
+ self.values[package_name] = {}
+ nb = 3
+ while nb < len(self.packages[package_name]):
+ header = self.packages[package_name][nb]
+ if isinstance(header, ARSCHeader):
+ if header.type == const.RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE:
+ a_res_type = self.packages[package_name][nb + 1]
+ locale = a_res_type.config.get_language_and_region()
+ c_value = self.values[package_name].setdefault(locale, {"public": []})
+ entries = self.packages[package_name][nb + 2]
+ nb_i = 0
+ for entry, res_id in entries:
+ if entry != -1:
+ ate = self.packages[package_name][nb + 3 + nb_i]
+ self.resource_values[ate.mResId][a_res_type.config] = ate
+ self.resource_keys[package_name][a_res_type.get_type()][ate.get_value()] = ate.mResId
+ if ate.get_index() != -1:
+ c_value["public"].append(
+ (a_res_type.get_type(), ate.get_value(),
+ ate.mResId))
+ if a_res_type.get_type() not in c_value:
+ c_value[a_res_type.get_type()] = []
+ if a_res_type.get_type() == "string":
+ c_value["string"].append(
+ self.get_resource_string(ate))
+ elif a_res_type.get_type() == "id":
+ if not ate.is_complex():
+ c_value["id"].append(
+ self.get_resource_id(ate))
+ elif a_res_type.get_type() == "bool":
+ if not ate.is_complex():
+ c_value["bool"].append(
+ self.get_resource_bool(ate))
+ elif a_res_type.get_type() == "integer":
+ c_value["integer"].append(
+ self.get_resource_integer(ate))
+ elif a_res_type.get_type() == "color":
+ c_value["color"].append(
+ self.get_resource_color(ate))
+ elif a_res_type.get_type() == "dimen":
+ c_value["dimen"].append(
+ self.get_resource_dimen(ate))
+ nb_i += 1
+ nb += 3 + nb_i - 1 # -1 to account for the nb+=1 on the next line
+ nb += 1
+ def get_resource_string(self, ate):
+ return [ate.get_value(), ate.get_key_data()]
+ def get_resource_id(self, ate):
+ x = [ate.get_value()]
+ if ate.key.get_data() == 0:
+ x.append("false")
+ elif ate.key.get_data() == 1:
+ x.append("true")
+ return x
+ def get_resource_bool(self, ate):
+ x = [ate.get_value()]
+ if ate.key.get_data() == 0:
+ x.append("false")
+ elif ate.key.get_data() == -1:
+ x.append("true")
+ return x
+ def get_resource_integer(self, ate):
+ return [ate.get_value(), ate.key.get_data()]
+ def get_resource_color(self, ate):
+ entry_data = ate.key.get_data()
+ return [
+ ate.get_value(),
+ "#%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (
+ ((entry_data >> 24) & 0xFF),
+ ((entry_data >> 16) & 0xFF),
+ ((entry_data >> 8) & 0xFF),
+ (entry_data & 0xFF))
+ ]
+ def get_resource_dimen(self, ate):
+ try:
+ return [
+ ate.get_value(), "%s%s" % (
+ complexToFloat(ate.key.get_data()),
+ const.DIMENSION_UNITS[ate.key.get_data() & const.COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK])
+ ]
+ except IndexError:
+ log.debug("Out of range dimension unit index for %s: %s" % (
+ complexToFloat(ate.key.get_data()),
+ ate.key.get_data() & const.COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK))
+ return [ate.get_value(), ate.key.get_data()]
+ def get_resource_style(self, ate):
+ return ["", ""]
+ def get_packages_names(self):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of all package names, which are available
+ in the given resources.arsc.
+ """
+ return list(self.packages.keys())
+ def get_locales(self, package_name):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of all available locales in a given packagename.
+ :param package_name: the package name to get locales of
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ return list(self.values[package_name].keys())
+ def get_types(self, package_name, locale='\x00\x00'):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of all types which are available in the given
+ package and locale.
+ :param package_name: the package name to get types of
+ :param locale: the locale to get types of (default: '\x00\x00')
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ return list(self.values[package_name][locale].keys())
+ def get_public_resources(self, package_name, locale='\x00\x00'):
+ """
+ Get the XML (as string) of all resources of type 'public'.
+ The public resources table contains the IDs for each item.
+ :param package_name: the package name to get the resources for
+ :param locale: the locale to get the resources for (default: '\x00\x00')
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ buff = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
+ buff += '<resources>\n'
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["public"]:
+ buff += '<public type="%s" name="%s" id="0x%08x" />\n' % (
+ i[0], i[1], i[2])
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ buff += '</resources>\n'
+ return buff.encode('utf-8')
+ def get_string_resources(self, package_name, locale='\x00\x00'):
+ """
+ Get the XML (as string) of all resources of type 'string'.
+ Read more about string resources:
+ :param package_name: the package name to get the resources for
+ :param locale: the locale to get the resources for (default: '\x00\x00')
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ buff = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
+ buff += '<resources>\n'
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["string"]:
+ if any(map(i[1].__contains__, '<&>')):
+ value = '<![CDATA[%s]]>' % i[1]
+ else:
+ value = i[1]
+ buff += '<string name="%s">%s</string>\n' % (i[0], value)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ buff += '</resources>\n'
+ return buff.encode('utf-8')
+ def get_strings_resources(self):
+ """
+ Get the XML (as string) of all resources of type 'string'.
+ This is a combined variant, which has all locales and all package names
+ stored.
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ buff = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
+ buff += "<packages>\n"
+ for package_name in self.get_packages_names():
+ buff += "<package name=\"%s\">\n" % package_name
+ for locale in self.get_locales(package_name):
+ buff += "<locale value=%s>\n" % repr(locale)
+ buff += '<resources>\n'
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["string"]:
+ buff += '<string name="%s">%s</string>\n' % (i[0], escape(i[1]))
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ buff += '</resources>\n'
+ buff += '</locale>\n'
+ buff += "</package>\n"
+ buff += "</packages>\n"
+ return buff.encode('utf-8')
+ def get_id_resources(self, package_name, locale='\x00\x00'):
+ """
+ Get the XML (as string) of all resources of type 'id'.
+ Read more about ID resources:
+ :param package_name: the package name to get the resources for
+ :param locale: the locale to get the resources for (default: '\x00\x00')
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ buff = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
+ buff += '<resources>\n'
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["id"]:
+ if len(i) == 1:
+ buff += '<item type="id" name="%s"/>\n' % (i[0])
+ else:
+ buff += '<item type="id" name="%s">%s</item>\n' % (i[0],
+ escape(i[1]))
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ buff += '</resources>\n'
+ return buff.encode('utf-8')
+ def get_bool_resources(self, package_name, locale='\x00\x00'):
+ """
+ Get the XML (as string) of all resources of type 'bool'.
+ Read more about bool resources:
+ :param package_name: the package name to get the resources for
+ :param locale: the locale to get the resources for (default: '\x00\x00')
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ buff = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
+ buff += '<resources>\n'
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["bool"]:
+ buff += '<bool name="%s">%s</bool>\n' % (i[0], i[1])
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ buff += '</resources>\n'
+ return buff.encode('utf-8')
+ def get_integer_resources(self, package_name, locale='\x00\x00'):
+ """
+ Get the XML (as string) of all resources of type 'integer'.
+ Read more about integer resources:
+ :param package_name: the package name to get the resources for
+ :param locale: the locale to get the resources for (default: '\x00\x00')
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ buff = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
+ buff += '<resources>\n'
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["integer"]:
+ buff += '<integer name="%s">%s</integer>\n' % (i[0], i[1])
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ buff += '</resources>\n'
+ return buff.encode('utf-8')
+ def get_color_resources(self, package_name, locale='\x00\x00'):
+ """
+ Get the XML (as string) of all resources of type 'color'.
+ Read more about color resources:
+ :param package_name: the package name to get the resources for
+ :param locale: the locale to get the resources for (default: '\x00\x00')
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ buff = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
+ buff += '<resources>\n'
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["color"]:
+ buff += '<color name="%s">%s</color>\n' % (i[0], i[1])
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ buff += '</resources>\n'
+ return buff.encode('utf-8')
+ def get_dimen_resources(self, package_name, locale='\x00\x00'):
+ """
+ Get the XML (as string) of all resources of type 'dimen'.
+ Read more about Dimension resources:
+ :param package_name: the package name to get the resources for
+ :param locale: the locale to get the resources for (default: '\x00\x00')
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ buff = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
+ buff += '<resources>\n'
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["dimen"]:
+ buff += '<dimen name="%s">%s</dimen>\n' % (i[0], i[1])
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ buff += '</resources>\n'
+ return buff.encode('utf-8')
+ def get_id(self, package_name, rid, locale='\x00\x00'):
+ """
+ Returns the tuple (resource_type, resource_name, resource_id)
+ for the given resource_id.
+ :param package_name: package name to query
+ :param rid: the resource_id
+ :param locale: specific locale
+ :return: tuple of (resource_type, resource_name, resource_id)
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["public"]:
+ if i[2] == rid:
+ return i
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return None, None, None
+ class ResourceResolver(object):
+ """
+ Resolves resources by ID
+ """
+ def __init__(self, android_resources, config=None):
+ self.resources = android_resources
+ self.wanted_config = config
+ def resolve(self, res_id):
+ result = []
+ self._resolve_into_result(result, res_id, self.wanted_config)
+ return result
+ def _resolve_into_result(self, result, res_id, config):
+ configs = self.resources.get_res_configs(res_id, config)
+ if configs:
+ for config, ate in configs:
+ self.put_ate_value(result, ate, config)
+ def put_ate_value(self, result, ate, config):
+ if ate.is_complex():
+ complex_array = []
+ result.append((config, complex_array))
+ for _, item in ate.item.items:
+ self.put_item_value(complex_array, item, config, complex_=True)
+ else:
+ self.put_item_value(result, ate.key, config, complex_=False)
+ def put_item_value(self, result, item, config, complex_):
+ if item.is_reference():
+ res_id = item.get_data()
+ if res_id:
+ self._resolve_into_result(
+ result,
+ item.get_data(),
+ self.wanted_config)
+ else:
+ if complex_:
+ result.append(item.format_value())
+ else:
+ result.append((config, item.format_value()))
+ def get_resolved_res_configs(self, rid, config=None):
+ resolver = ARSCParser.ResourceResolver(self, config)
+ return resolver.resolve(rid)
+ def get_resolved_strings(self):
+ self._analyse()
+ if self._resolved_strings:
+ return self._resolved_strings
+ r = {}
+ for package_name in self.get_packages_names():
+ r[package_name] = {}
+ k = {}
+ for locale in self.values[package_name]:
+ v_locale = locale
+ if v_locale == '\x00\x00':
+ v_locale = 'DEFAULT'
+ r[package_name][v_locale] = {}
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["public"]:
+ if i[0] == 'string':
+ r[package_name][v_locale][i[2]] = None
+ k[i[1]] = i[2]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["string"]:
+ if i[0] in k:
+ r[package_name][v_locale][k[i[0]]] = i[1]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ self._resolved_strings = r
+ return r
+ def get_res_configs(self, rid, config=None, fallback=True):
+ """
+ Return the resources found with the ID `rid` and select
+ the right one based on the configuration, or return all if no configuration was set.
+ But we try to be generous here and at least try to resolve something:
+ This method uses a fallback to return at least one resource (the first one in the list)
+ if more than one items are found and the default config is used and no default entry could be found.
+ This is usually a bad sign (i.e. the developer did not follow the android documentation:
+ In practise an app might just be designed to run on a single locale and thus only has those locales set.
+ You can disable this fallback behaviour, to just return exactly the given result.
+ :param rid: resource id as int
+ :param config: a config to resolve from, or None to get all results
+ :param fallback: Enable the fallback for resolving default configuration (default: True)
+ :return: a list of ARSCResTableConfig: ARSCResTableEntry
+ """
+ self._analyse()
+ if not rid:
+ raise ValueError("'rid' should be set")
+ if not isinstance(rid, int):
+ raise ValueError("'rid' must be an int")
+ if rid not in self.resource_values:
+"The requested rid could not be found in the resources.")
+ return []
+ res_options = self.resource_values[rid]
+ if len(res_options) > 1 and config:
+ if config in res_options:
+ return [(config, res_options[config])]
+ elif fallback and config == ARSCResTableConfig.default_config():
+ log.warning("No default resource config could be found for the given rid, using fallback!")
+ return [list(self.resource_values[rid].items())[0]]
+ else:
+ return []
+ else:
+ return list(res_options.items())
+ def get_string(self, package_name, name, locale='\x00\x00'):
+ self._analyse()
+ try:
+ for i in self.values[package_name][locale]["string"]:
+ if i[0] == name:
+ return i
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def get_res_id_by_key(self, package_name, resource_type, key):
+ try:
+ return self.resource_keys[package_name][resource_type][key]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def get_items(self, package_name):
+ self._analyse()
+ return self.packages[package_name]
+ def get_type_configs(self, package_name, type_name=None):
+ if package_name is None:
+ package_name = self.get_packages_names()[0]
+ result = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for res_type, configs in list(self.resource_configs[package_name].items()):
+ if res_type.get_package_name() == package_name and (
+ type_name is None or res_type.get_type() == type_name):
+ result[res_type.get_type()].extend(configs)
+ return result
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_id(name):
+ """
+ Resolves an id from a binary XML file in the form "@[package:]DEADBEEF"
+ and returns a tuple of package name and resource id.
+ If no package name was given, i.e. the ID has the form "@DEADBEEF",
+ the package name is set to None.
+ Raises a ValueError if the id is malformed.
+ :param name: the string of the resource, as in the binary XML file
+ :return: a tuple of (resource_id, package_name).
+ """
+ if not name.startswith('@'):
+ raise ValueError("Not a valid resource ID, must start with @: '{}'".format(name))
+ # remove @
+ name = name[1:]
+ package = None
+ if ':' in name:
+ package, res_id = name.split(':', 1)
+ else:
+ res_id = name
+ if len(res_id) != 8:
+ raise ValueError("Numerical ID is not 8 characters long: '{}'".format(res_id))
+ try:
+ return int(res_id, 16), package
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("ID is not a hex ID: '{}'".format(res_id))
+ def get_resource_xml_name(self, r_id, package=None):
+ """
+ Returns the XML name for a resource, including the package name if package is None.
+ A full name might look like `@com.example:string/foobar`
+ Otherwise the name is only looked up in the specified package and is returned without
+ the package name.
+ The same example from about without the package name will read as `@string/foobar`.
+ If the ID could not be found, `None` is returned.
+ A description of the XML name can be found here:
+ :param r_id: numerical ID if the resource
+ :param package: package name
+ :return: XML name identifier
+ """
+ if package:
+ resource, name, i_id = self.get_id(package, r_id)
+ if not i_id:
+ return None
+ return "@{}/{}".format(resource, name)
+ else:
+ for p in self.get_packages_names():
+ r, n, i_id = self.get_id(p, r_id)
+ if i_id:
+ # found the resource in this package
+ package = p
+ resource = r
+ name = n
+ break
+ if not package:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return "@{}:{}/{}".format(package, resource, name)
+class PackageContext(object):
+ def __init__(self, current_package, stringpool_main, mTableStrings,
+ mKeyStrings):
+ self.stringpool_main = stringpool_main
+ self.mTableStrings = mTableStrings
+ self.mKeyStrings = mKeyStrings
+ self.current_package = current_package
+ def get_mResId(self):
+ return self.current_package.mResId
+ def set_mResId(self, mResId):
+ self.current_package.mResId = mResId
+ def get_package_name(self):
+ return self.current_package.get_name()