path: root/pyaxmlparser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pyaxmlparser/')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyaxmlparser/ b/pyaxmlparser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e9d81a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyaxmlparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+import io
+import os.path
+from xml.dom.pulldom import SAX2DOM
+from zipfile import ZipFile
+import pyaxmlparser.constants as const
+from struct import unpack, pack
+import lxml.sax
+import asn1crypto
+NS_ANDROID = '{}'
+RADIX_MULTS = [0.00390625, 3.051758E-005, 1.192093E-007, 4.656613E-010]
+def parse_lxml_dom(tree):
+ handler = SAX2DOM()
+ lxml.sax.saxify(tree, handler)
+ return handler.document
+def _range(a, b, step=None):
+ if step is None:
+ return range(int(a), int(b))
+ return range(int(a), int(b), step)
+def get_zip_file(resource):
+ if isinstance(resource, bytes):
+ return ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resource))
+ if os.path.isfile(resource):
+ return ZipFile(resource)
+ raise TypeError('Resource should be file or bytes stream')
+def is_str(item, string=False):
+ if string:
+ return str(item)
+ return item
+def complexToFloat(xcomplex):
+ return float(xcomplex & 0xFFFFFF00) * RADIX_MULTS[(xcomplex >> 4) & 3]
+def long2int(input_l):
+ if input_l > 0x7fffffff:
+ input_l = (0x7fffffff & input_l) - 0x80000000
+ return input_l
+def getPackage(i):
+ if i >> 24 == 1:
+ return "android:"
+ return ""
+def format_value(_type, _data, lookup_string=lambda ix: "<string>"):
+ if _type == const.TYPE_STRING:
+ return lookup_string(_data)
+ elif _type == const.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE:
+ return "?%s%08X" % (getPackage(_data), _data)
+ elif _type == const.TYPE_REFERENCE:
+ return "@%s%08X" % (getPackage(_data), _data)
+ elif _type == const.TYPE_FLOAT:
+ return "%f" % unpack("=f", pack("=L", _data))[0]
+ elif _type == const.TYPE_INT_HEX:
+ return "0x%08X" % _data
+ elif _type == const.TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN:
+ if _data == 0:
+ return "false"
+ return "true"
+ elif _type == const.TYPE_DIMENSION:
+ return "%f%s" % (
+ complexToFloat(_data),
+ )
+ elif _type == const.TYPE_FRACTION:
+ return "%f%s" % (
+ complexToFloat(_data) * 100,
+ )
+ elif const.TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT <= _type <= const.TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT:
+ return "#%08X" % _data
+ elif const.TYPE_FIRST_INT <= _type <= const.TYPE_LAST_INT:
+ return "%d" % long2int(_data)
+ return "<0x%X, type 0x%02X>" % (_data, _type)
+def read(filename, binary=True):
+ """
+ Open and read a file
+ :param filename: filename to open and read
+ :param binary: True if the file should be read as binary
+ :return: bytes if binary is True, str otherwise
+ """
+ with open(filename, 'rb' if binary else 'r') as f:
+ return
+def get_certificate_name_string(name, short=False, delimiter=', '):
+ """
+ Format the Name type of a X509 Certificate in a human readable form.
+ :param name: Name object to return the DN from
+ :param short: Use short form (default: False)
+ :param delimiter: Delimiter string or character between two parts (default: ', ')
+ :type name: dict or :class:`asn1crypto.x509.Name`
+ :type short: boolean
+ :type delimiter: str
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ if isinstance(name, asn1crypto.x509.Name):
+ name = name.native
+ # For the shortform, we have a lookup table
+ # See RFC4514 for more details
+ _ = {
+ 'business_category': ("businessCategory", "businessCategory"),
+ 'serial_number': ("serialNumber", "serialNumber"),
+ 'country_name': ("C", "countryName"),
+ 'postal_code': ("postalCode", "postalCode"),
+ 'state_or_province_name': ("ST", "stateOrProvinceName"),
+ 'locality_name': ("L", "localityName"),
+ 'street_address': ("street", "streetAddress"),
+ 'organization_name': ("O", "organizationName"),
+ 'organizational_unit_name': ("OU", "organizationalUnitName"),
+ 'title': ("title", "title"),
+ 'common_name': ("CN", "commonName"),
+ 'initials': ("initials", "initials"),
+ 'generation_qualifier': ("generationQualifier", "generationQualifier"),
+ 'surname': ("SN", "surname"),
+ 'given_name': ("GN", "givenName"),
+ 'name': ("name", "name"),
+ 'pseudonym': ("pseudonym", "pseudonym"),
+ 'dn_qualifier': ("dnQualifier", "dnQualifier"),
+ 'telephone_number': ("telephoneNumber", "telephoneNumber"),
+ 'email_address': ("E", "emailAddress"),
+ 'domain_component': ("DC", "domainComponent"),
+ 'name_distinguisher': ("nameDistinguisher", "nameDistinguisher"),
+ 'organization_identifier': ("organizationIdentifier", "organizationIdentifier"),
+ }
+ return delimiter.join(["{}={}".format(_.get(attr, (attr, attr))[0 if short else 1], name[attr]) for attr in name])