path: root/
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1 files changed, 4434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
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--- /dev/null
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+# Copyright 2010, Michael Cohen <>.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Documentation regarding the Python bounded code.
+This code originally released as part of the AFF4 project
+Memory Management
+AFF4 uses a reference count system for memory management similar in
+many ways to the native Python system. The basic idea is that memory
+returned by the library always carries a new reference. When the
+caller is done with the memory, they must call aff4_free() on the
+memory, afterwhich the memory is considered invalid. The memory may
+still not be freed at this point depending on its total reference
+New references may be taken to the same memory at any time using the
+aff4_incref() function. This increases the reference count of the
+object, and prevents it from being really freed until the correct
+number of aff4_free() calls are made to it.
+This idea is important for example in the following sequence:
+FileLikeObject fd = resolver->create(resolver, "w");
+RDFURN uri = fd->urn;
+Now uri hold a reference to the urn attribute of fd, but that
+attribute is actually owned by fd. If fd is freed in future, e.g. (the
+close method actually frees the fd implicitely):
+Now the uri object is dangling. To prevent fd->urn from disappearing
+when fd is freed, we need to take another reference to it:
+FileLikeObject fd = resolver->create(resolver, "w");
+RDFURN uri = fd->urn;
+Now uri is valid (but fd is no longer valid). When we are finished
+with uri we just call:
+Python Integration
+For every AFF4 object, we create a Python wrapper object of the
+corresponding type. The wrapper object contains Python wrapper methods
+to allow access to the AFF4 object methods, as well as getattr methods
+for attributes. It is very important to allow Python to inherit from C
+classes directly - this requires every internal C method call to be
+diverted to the Python object.
+The C object looks like this normally:
+struct obj {
+ __class__ pointer to static struct initialised with C method pointers
+... Some private members
+... Attributes;
+/* Following are the methods */
+ int (*method)(struct obj *self, ....);
+I.e. when the method is called the struct.method member is
+dereferenced to find the location of the function handling it, the
+object is stuffed into the first arg, and the parameters are stuffed
+into following args.
+Directing Python calls
+The Python object which is created is a proxy for the c object. When
+Python methods are called in the Python object, they need to be
+directed into the C structure and a C call must be made, then the
+return value must be reconverted into Python objects and returned into
+Python. This occurs automatically by the wrapper:
+struct PythonWrapper {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ void *base;
+When a Python method is called on this new Python type this is what happens:
+ 1) The method name is looked up in the PyMethodDef struct as per normal.
+ 2) If the method is recognised as a valid method the Python wrapper
+ function is called (pyCLASSNAME_method)
+ 3) This method is broken into the general steps:
+PyObject *pyCLASSNAME_method(PythonWrapper self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
+ set up c declerations for all args - call .definition() on all the args and return type
+ parse argument using PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords
+ Precall preparations
+ Make the C call
+ Post call processing of the returned value (check for errors etc)
+ Convert the return value to a Python object using:
+ return_type.to_Python_object()
+ return the Python object or raise an exception
+So the aim of the wrapper function is to convert Python args to C
+args, find the C method corresponding to the method name by
+dereferencing the c object and then call it.
+The problem now is what happens when a C method internally calls
+another method. This is a problem because the C method has no idea its
+running within Python and so will just call the regular C method that
+was there already. This makes it impossible to subclass the class and
+update the C method with a Python method. What we really want is when
+a C method is called internally, we want to end up calling the Python
+object instead to allow a purely Python implementation to override the
+C method.
+This happens by way of a ProxiedMethod - A proxied method is in a
+sense the reverse of the wrapper method:
+return_type ProxyCLASSNAME_method(CLASSNAME self, ....) {
+ Take all C args and create Python objects from them
+ Dereference the object extension ((Object) self)->extension to
+ obtain the Python object which wraps this class.
+ If an extension does not exist, just call the method as normal,
+ otherwise make a Python call on the wrapper object.
+ Convert the returned Python object to a C type and return it.
+To make all this work we have the following structures:
+struct PythonWrapper {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ struct CLASSNAME *base
+ - This is a copy of the item, with all function pointer
+ pointing at proxy functions. We can always get the original C
+ function pointers through base->__class__
+ - We also set the base object extension to be the Python
+ object: ((Object) base)->extension = PythonWrapper. This
+ allows us to get back the Python object from base.
+When a Python method is invoked, we use cbase to find the C method
+pointer, but we pass to it base:
+self->base->__class__->method(self->base, ....)
+base is a proper C object which had its methods dynamically replaced
+with proxies. Now if an internal C method is called, the method will
+dereference base and retrieve the proxied method. Calling the
+proxied method will retreive the original Python object from the
+object extension and make a Python call.
+In the case where a method is not overridden by Python, internal C
+method calls will generate an unnecessary conversion from C to Python
+and then back to C.
+Memory management in Python extension
+When calling a method which returns a new reference, we just store the
+reference in the "base" member of the Python object. When Python
+garbage collects our Python object, we call aff4_free() on it.
+The getattr method creates a new Python wrapper object of the correct
+type, and sets its base attribute to point at the target AFF4
+object. We then aff4_incref() the target to ensure that it does not
+get freed until we are finished with it.
+ Python Object
+ -----
+ | P1 | C Object
+ | Base|-->+------+
+ | | | C1 |
+ | | | |
+ ----- |Member|--------------+-->+----+
+ +------+ | | C2 |
+ | | |
+ Getattr ------- | | |
+ Member | P2 | | +----+
+ | Base |--+ New reference
+ -------
+ Python Object
+ Figure 1: Python object 1 owns C1's memory (when P1 is GC'ed C1 is
+ freed). A reference to a member of C1 is made via P1's
+ getattr method. The getattr method creates P2 to provide
+ access to C2 by setting base to C2's address. We need to
+ guarantee however, that C2 will not be freed suddenly
+ (e.g. if C1 is freed). We therefore increase C2's
+ reference count using aff4_incref();
+import io
+import os
+import pdb
+import re
+import sys
+import lexer
+DEBUG = 0
+# The pytsk3 version.
+VERSION = "20200117"
+# These functions are used to manage library memory.
+FREE = "aff4_free"
+INCREF = "aff4_incref"
+CURRENT_ERROR_FUNCTION = "aff4_get_current_error"
+# Some constants.
+DOCSTRING_RE = re.compile("[ ]*\n[ \t]+[*][ ]?")
+def dispatch(name, type, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not type:
+ return PVoid(name)
+ m = re.match("struct ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)_t *", type)
+ if m:
+ type =
+ type_components = type.split()
+ attributes = set()
+ if type_components[0] in method_attributes:
+ attributes.add(type_components.pop(0))
+ type = " ".join(type_components)
+ result = type_dispatcher[type](name, type, *args, **kwargs)
+ result.attributes = attributes
+ return result
+def log(msg):
+ if DEBUG > 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("{0:s}\n".format(msg))
+def format_as_docstring(string):
+ # Remove C/C++ comment code statements.
+ string = DOCSTRING_RE.sub("\n", string)
+ byte_string = string.encode("unicode-escape")
+ # Escapes double quoted string. We need to run this after unicode-escape to
+ # prevent this operation to escape the escape character (\). In Python 3
+ # the replace method requires the arguments to be byte strings.
+ byte_string = byte_string.replace(b"\"", b"\\\"")
+ # Make sure to return the string a Unicode otherwise in Python 3 the string
+ # is prefixed with b when written or printed.
+ return byte_string.decode("utf-8")
+class Module(object):
+ public_api = None
+ public_header = None
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+ self.constants = set()
+ self.constants_blacklist = CONSTANTS_BLACKLIST
+ self.classes = {}
+ self.headers = "#include <Python.h>\n"
+ self.files = []
+ self.active_structs = set()
+ self.function_definitions = set()
+ init_string = ""
+ def initialization(self):
+ result = self.init_string + (
+ "\n"
+ "talloc_set_log_fn((void (*)(const char *)) printf);\n"
+ "// DEBUG: talloc_enable_leak_report();\n"
+ "// DEBUG: talloc_enable_leak_report_full();\n")
+ for cls in self.classes.values():
+ if cls.is_active():
+ result += cls.initialise()
+ return result
+ def add_constant(self, constant, type="numeric"):
+ """This will be called to add #define constant macros."""
+ self.constants.add((constant, type))
+ def add_class(self, cls, handler):
+ self.classes[cls.class_name] = cls
+ # Make a wrapper in the type dispatcher so we can handle
+ # passing this class from/to Python
+ type_dispatcher[cls.class_name] = handler
+ def get_string(self):
+ """Retrieves a string representation."""
+ result = "Module {0:s}\n".format(
+ classes_list = list(self.classes.values())
+ classes_list.sort(key=lambda cls: cls.class_name)
+ for cls in classes_list:
+ if cls.is_active():
+ result += " {0:s}\n".format(cls.get_string())
+ constants_list = list(self.constants)
+ constants_list.sort()
+ result += "Constants:\n"
+ for name, _ in constants_list:
+ result += " {0:s}\n".format(name)
+ return result
+ def private_functions(self):
+ """Emits hard coded private functions for doing various things"""
+ values_dict = {
+ "classes_length": len(self.classes) + 1,
+ "get_current_error": CURRENT_ERROR_FUNCTION}
+ return """
+/* The following is a static array mapping CLASS() pointers to their
+ * Python wrappers. This is used to allow the correct wrapper to be
+ * chosen depending on the object type found - regardless of the
+ * prototype.
+ *
+ * This is basically a safer way for us to cast the correct Python type
+ * depending on context rather than assuming a type based on the .h
+ * definition. For example consider the function
+ *
+ * AFFObject, mode)
+ *
+ * The .h file implies that an AFFObject object is returned, but this is
+ * not true as most of the time an object of a derived class will be
+ * returned. In C we cast the returned value to the correct type. In the
+ * Python wrapper we just instantiate the correct Python object wrapper
+ * at runtime depending on the actual returned type. We use this lookup
+ * table to do so.
+ */
+static int TOTAL_CLASSES=0;
+/* This is a global reference to this module so classes can call each
+ * other.
+ */
+static PyObject *g_module = NULL;
+#define CONSTRUCT_INITIALIZE(class, virt_class, constructor, object, ...) \\
+ (class)(((virt_class) (&__ ## class))->constructor(object, ## __VA_ARGS__))
+#undef BUFF_SIZE
+#define BUFF_SIZE 10240
+/* Python compatibility macros
+ */
+#if !defined( PyMODINIT_FUNC )
+#define PyMODINIT_FUNC PyObject *
+#define PyMODINIT_FUNC void
+#endif /* !defined( PyMODINIT_FUNC ) */
+#if !defined( PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT )
+#define PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT( type, size ) \\
+ PyObject_HEAD_INIT( type ) \\
+ size,
+#endif /* !defined( PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT ) */
+#if !defined( Py_TYPE )
+#define Py_TYPE( object ) \\
+ ( ( (PyObject *) object )->ob_type )
+#endif /* !defined( Py_TYPE ) */
+/* Generic wrapper type
+ */
+typedef struct Gen_wrapper_t *Gen_wrapper;
+struct Gen_wrapper_t {{
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ void *base;
+ /* Value to indicate the base is a Python object.
+ */
+ int base_is_python_object;
+ /* Value to indicate the base is managed internal.
+ */
+ int base_is_internal;
+ PyObject *python_object1;
+ PyObject *python_object2;
+static struct python_wrapper_map_t {{
+ Object class_ref;
+ PyTypeObject *python_type;
+ void (*initialize_proxies)(Gen_wrapper self, void *item);
+}} python_wrappers[{classes_length:d}];
+/* Create the relevant wrapper from the item based on the lookup table.
+ */
+Gen_wrapper new_class_wrapper(Object item, int item_is_python_object) {{
+ Gen_wrapper result = NULL;
+ Object cls = NULL;
+ struct python_wrapper_map_t *python_wrapper = NULL;
+ int cls_index = 0;
+ // Return a Py_None object for a NULL pointer
+ if(item == NULL) {{
+ Py_IncRef((PyObject *) Py_None);
+ return (Gen_wrapper) Py_None;
+ }}
+ // Search for subclasses
+ for(cls = (Object) item->__class__; cls != cls->__super__; cls = cls->__super__) {{
+ for(cls_index = 0; cls_index < TOTAL_CLASSES; cls_index++) {{
+ python_wrapper = &(python_wrappers[cls_index]);
+ if(python_wrapper->class_ref == cls) {{
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ result = (Gen_wrapper) _PyObject_New(python_wrapper->python_type);
+ result->base = item;
+ result->base_is_python_object = item_is_python_object;
+ result->base_is_internal = 1;
+ result->python_object1 = NULL;
+ result->python_object2 = NULL;
+ python_wrapper->initialize_proxies(result, (void *) item);
+ return result;
+ }}
+ }}
+ }}
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unable to find a wrapper for object %s", NAMEOF(item));
+ return NULL;
+static PyObject *resolve_exception(char **error_buff) {{
+ int *type = (int *){get_current_error:s}(error_buff);
+ switch(*type) {{
+ case EProgrammingError:
+ return PyExc_SystemError;
+ case EKeyError:
+ return PyExc_KeyError;
+ case ERuntimeError:
+ return PyExc_RuntimeError;
+ case EInvalidParameter:
+ return PyExc_TypeError;
+ case EWarning:
+ return PyExc_AssertionError;
+ case EIOError:
+ return PyExc_IOError;
+ default:
+ return PyExc_RuntimeError;
+ }}
+static int type_check(PyObject *obj, PyTypeObject *type) {{
+ PyTypeObject *tmp = NULL;
+ // Recurse through the inheritance tree and check if the types are expected
+ if(obj) {{
+ for(tmp = Py_TYPE(obj);
+ tmp && tmp != &PyBaseObject_Type;
+ tmp = tmp->tp_base) {{
+ if(tmp == type) return 1;
+ }}
+ }}
+ return 0;
+static int check_error() {{
+ char *buffer = NULL;
+ int *error_type = (int *)aff4_get_current_error(&buffer);
+ if(*error_type != EZero) {{
+ PyObject *exception = resolve_exception(&buffer);
+ if(buffer != NULL) {{
+ PyErr_Format(exception, "%s", buffer);
+ }} else {{
+ PyErr_Format(exception, "Unable to retrieve exception reason.");
+ }}
+ ClearError();
+ return 1;
+ }}
+ return 0;
+/* This function checks if a method was overridden in self over a
+ * method defined in type. This is used to determine if a Python class is
+ * extending this C type. If not, a proxy function is not written and C
+ * calls are made directly.
+ *
+ * This is an optimization to eliminate the need for a call into Python
+ * in the case where Python objects do not actually extend any methods.
+ *
+ * We basically just iterate over the MRO and determine if a method is
+ * defined in each level until we reach the base class.
+ */
+static int check_method_override(PyObject *self, PyTypeObject *type, char *method) {{
+ struct _typeobject *ob_type = NULL;
+ PyObject *mro = NULL;
+ PyObject *py_method = NULL;
+ PyObject *item_object = NULL;
+ PyObject *dict = NULL;
+ Py_ssize_t item_index = 0;
+ Py_ssize_t number_of_items = 0;
+ int found = 0;
+ ob_type = Py_TYPE(self);
+ if(ob_type == NULL ) {{
+ return 0;
+ }}
+ mro = ob_type->tp_mro;
+ py_method = PyUnicode_FromString(method);
+ py_method = PyString_FromString(method);
+ number_of_items = PySequence_Size(mro);
+ for(item_index = 0; item_index < number_of_items; item_index++) {{
+ item_object = PySequence_GetItem(mro, item_index);
+ // Ok - we got to the base class - finish up
+ if(item_object == (PyObject *) type) {{
+ Py_DecRef(item_object);
+ break;
+ }}
+ /* Extract the dict and check if it contains the method (the
+ * dict is not a real dictionary so we can not use
+ * PyDict_Contains).
+ */
+ dict = PyObject_GetAttrString(item_object, "__dict__");
+ if(dict != NULL && PySequence_Contains(dict, py_method)) {{
+ found = 1;
+ }}
+ Py_DecRef(dict);
+ Py_DecRef(item_object);
+ if(found != 0) {{
+ break;
+ }}
+ }}
+ Py_DecRef(py_method);
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return found;
+/* Fetches the Python error (exception)
+ */
+void pytsk_fetch_error(void) {{
+ PyObject *exception_traceback = NULL;
+ PyObject *exception_type = NULL;
+ PyObject *exception_value = NULL;
+ PyObject *string_object = NULL;
+ char *str_c = NULL;
+ char *error_str = NULL;
+ int *error_type = (int *) {get_current_error:s}(&error_str);
+ PyObject *utf8_string_object = NULL;
+ // Fetch the exception state and convert it to a string:
+ PyErr_Fetch(&exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_traceback);
+ string_object = PyObject_Repr(exception_value);
+ utf8_string_object = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(string_object);
+ if(utf8_string_object != NULL) {{
+ str_c = PyBytes_AsString(utf8_string_object);
+ }}
+ str_c = PyString_AsString(string_object);
+ if(str_c != NULL) {{
+ strncpy(error_str, str_c, BUFF_SIZE-1);
+ error_str[BUFF_SIZE - 1] = 0;
+ *error_type = ERuntimeError;
+ }}
+ PyErr_Restore(exception_type, exception_value, exception_traceback);
+ if( utf8_string_object != NULL ) {{
+ Py_DecRef(utf8_string_object);
+ }}
+ Py_DecRef(string_object);
+ return;
+/* Copies a Python int or long object to an unsigned 64-bit value
+ */
+uint64_t integer_object_copy_to_uint64(PyObject *integer_object) {{
+#if defined( HAVE_LONG_LONG )
+ PY_LONG_LONG long_value = 0;
+ long long_value = 0;
+ int result = 0;
+ if(integer_object == NULL) {{
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Missing integer object");
+ return (uint64_t) -1;
+ }}
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ result = PyObject_IsInstance(integer_object, (PyObject *) &PyLong_Type);
+ if(result == -1) {{
+ pytsk_fetch_error();
+ return (uint64_t) -1;
+ }} else if(result != 0) {{
+ PyErr_Clear();
+#if defined( HAVE_LONG_LONG )
+ long_value = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(integer_object);
+ long_value = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(integer_object);
+ }}
+ if(result == 0) {{
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ result = PyObject_IsInstance(integer_object, (PyObject *) &PyInt_Type);
+ if(result == -1) {{
+ pytsk_fetch_error();
+ return (uint64_t) -1;
+ }} else if(result != 0) {{
+ PyErr_Clear();
+#if defined( HAVE_LONG_LONG )
+ long_value = PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLongMask(integer_object);
+ long_value = PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask(integer_object);
+ }}
+ }}
+#endif /* PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 */
+ if(result == 0) {{
+ if(PyErr_Occurred()) {{
+ pytsk_fetch_error();
+ return (uint64_t) -1;
+ }}
+ }}
+#if defined( HAVE_LONG_LONG )
+#if ( SIZEOF_LONG_LONG > 8 )
+ if((long_value < (PY_LONG_LONG) 0) || (long_value > (PY_LONG_LONG) UINT64_MAX)) {{
+ if(long_value < (PY_LONG_LONG) 0) {{
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Integer object value out of bounds");
+ return (uint64_t) -1;
+ }}
+#if ( SIZEOF_LONG > 8 )
+ if((long_value < (long) 0) || (long_value > (long) UINT64_MAX)) {{
+ if(long_value < (PY_LONG_LONG) 0) {{
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Integer object value out of bounds");
+ return (uint64_t) -1;
+ }}
+ return (uint64_t) long_value;
+ def initialise_class(self, class_name, out, done=None):
+ if done and class_name in done:
+ return
+ done.add(class_name)
+ cls = self.classes[class_name]
+ """Write out class initialisation code into the main init function."""
+ if cls.is_active():
+ base_class = self.classes.get(cls.base_class_name)
+ if base_class and base_class.is_active():
+ # We have a base class - ensure it gets written out
+ # first:
+ self.initialise_class(cls.base_class_name, out, done)
+ # Now assign ourselves as derived from them
+ out.write(
+ " {0:s}_Type.tp_base = &{1:s}_Type;".format(
+ cls.class_name, cls.base_class_name))
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": cls.class_name}
+ out.write((
+ " {name:s}_Type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;\n"
+ " if (PyType_Ready(&{name:s}_Type) < 0) {{\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " Py_IncRef((PyObject *)&{name:s}_Type);\n"
+ " PyModule_AddObject(module, \"{name:s}\", (PyObject *)&{name:s}_Type);\n").format(
+ **values_dict))
+ def write(self, out):
+ # Write the headers
+ if self.public_api:
+ self.public_api.write(
+ "#ifdef BUILDING_DLL\n"
+ "#include \"misc.h\"\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ "#include \"aff4_public.h\"\n"
+ "#endif\n")
+ # Prepare all classes
+ for cls in self.classes.values():
+ cls.prepare()
+ out.write((
+ "/*************************************************************\n"
+ " * Autogenerated module {0:s}\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * This module was autogenerated from the following files:\n").format(
+ for filename in self.files:
+ out.write(" * {0:s}\n".format(filename))
+ out.write(
+ " *\n"
+ " * This module implements the following classes:\n")
+ out.write(self.get_string())
+ out.write(
+ " ************************************************************/\n")
+ out.write(self.headers)
+ out.write(self.private_functions())
+ for cls in self.classes.values():
+ if cls.is_active():
+ out.write(
+ "/******************** {0:s} ***********************/".format(
+ cls.class_name))
+ cls.struct(out)
+ cls.prototypes(out)
+ out.write(
+ "/*****************************************************\n"
+ " * Implementation\n"
+ " ****************************************************/\n"
+ "\n")
+ for cls in self.classes.values():
+ if cls.is_active():
+ cls.PyMethodDef(out)
+ cls.PyGetSetDef(out)
+ cls.code(out)
+ cls.PyTypeObject(out)
+ # Write the module initializer
+ values_dict = {
+ "module":,
+ "version": VERSION,
+ "version_length": len(VERSION)}
+ out.write((
+ "/* Retrieves the {module:s} version\n"
+ " * Returns a Python object if successful or NULL on error\n"
+ " */\n"
+ "PyObject *{module:s}_get_version(PyObject *self, PyObject *arguments) {{\n"
+ " const char *errors = NULL;\n"
+ " return(PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(\"{version:s}\", (Py_ssize_t) {version_length:d}, errors));\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "static PyMethodDef {module:s}_module_methods[] = {{\n"
+ " {{ \"get_version\",\n"
+ " (PyCFunction) {module:s}_get_version,\n"
+ " \"get_version() -> String\\n\"\n"
+ " \"\\n\"\n"
+ " \"Retrieves the version.\" }},\n"
+ "\n"
+ " {{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}} /* Sentinel */\n"
+ "}};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/* The {module:s} module definition\n"
+ " */\n"
+ "PyModuleDef {module:s}_module_definition = {{\n"
+ " PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /* m_name */\n"
+ " \"{module:s}\",\n"
+ " /* m_doc */\n"
+ " \"Python {module:s} module.\",\n"
+ " /* m_size */\n"
+ " -1,\n"
+ " /* m_methods */\n"
+ " {module:s}_module_methods,\n"
+ " /* m_reload */\n"
+ " NULL,\n"
+ " /* m_traverse */\n"
+ " NULL,\n"
+ " /* m_clear */\n"
+ " NULL,\n"
+ " /* m_free */\n"
+ " NULL,\n"
+ "}};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#endif /* PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 */\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/* Initializes the {module:s} module\n"
+ " */\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ "PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_{module:s}(void) {{\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ "PyMODINIT_FUNC init{module:s}(void) {{\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " PyGILState_STATE gil_state;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " PyObject *module = NULL;\n"
+ " PyObject *d = NULL;\n"
+ " PyObject *tmp = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /* Create the module\n"
+ " * This function must be called before grabbing the GIL\n"
+ " * otherwise the module will segfault on a version mismatch\n"
+ " */\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " module = PyModule_Create(\n"
+ " &{module:s}_module_definition );\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " module = Py_InitModule3(\n"
+ " \"{module:s}\",\n"
+ " {module:s}_module_methods,\n"
+ " \"Python {module:s} module.\" );\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " if (module == NULL) {{\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " return(NULL);\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " d = PyModule_GetDict(module);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /* Make sure threads are enabled */\n"
+ " PyEval_InitThreads();\n"
+ " gil_state = PyGILState_Ensure();\n"
+ "\n"
+ " g_module = module;\n").format(**values_dict))
+ # The trick is to initialise the classes in order of their
+ # inheritance. The following code will order initializations
+ # according to their inheritance tree
+ done = set()
+ for class_name in self.classes.keys():
+ self.initialise_class(class_name, out, done)
+ # Add the constants in here
+ for constant, type in self.constants:
+ if type == "integer":
+ out.write(
+ " tmp = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong((uint64_t) {0:s});\n".format(constant))
+ elif type == "string":
+ if constant == "TSK_VERSION_STR":
+ out.write((
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " tmp = PyUnicode_FromString((char *){0:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " tmp = PyString_FromString((char *){0:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(constant))
+ else:
+ out.write((
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " tmp = PyBytes_FromString((char *){0:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " tmp = PyString_FromString((char *){0:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(constant))
+ else:
+ out.write(
+ " /* I dont know how to convert {0:s} type {1:s} */\n".format(
+ constant, type))
+ continue
+ out.write((
+ " PyDict_SetItemString(d, \"{0:s}\", tmp);\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(tmp);\n").format(constant))
+ out.write(self.initialization())
+ out.write(
+ " PyGILState_Release(gil_state);\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " return module;\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "\n"
+ "on_error:\n"
+ " PyGILState_Release(gil_state);\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " return NULL;\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "}\n")
+class Type(object):
+ interface = None
+ buildstr = "O"
+ sense = "IN"
+ error_value = "return 0;"
+ active = True
+ def __init__(self, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Type, self).__init__()
+ = name
+ self.type = type
+ self.attributes = set()
+ self.additional_args = kwargs
+ def comment(self):
+ return "{0:s} {1:s} ".format(self.type,
+ def get_string(self):
+ """Retrieves a string representation."""
+ if == "func_return":
+ return self.type
+ if "void" in self.type:
+ return ""
+ return "{0:s} : {1:s}".format(self.type,
+ def python_name(self):
+ return
+ def python_proxy_post_call(self):
+ """This is called after a proxy call"""
+ return ""
+ def returned_python_definition(self, *arg, **kwargs):
+ return self.definition(*arg, **kwargs)
+ def definition(self, default=None, **kwargs):
+ if default:
+ return "{0:s} {1:s}={2:s};\n".format(
+ self.type,, default)
+ elif "array_size" in self.additional_args:
+ return (
+ "int array_index = 0;\n"
+ "{0:s} UNUSED *{1:s};\n").format(
+ self.type,
+ else:
+ return "{0:s} UNUSED {1:s};\n".format(
+ self.type,
+ def local_definition(self, default=None, **kwargs):
+ return ""
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&{0:s}".format(
+ def call_arg(self):
+ return
+ def passthru_call(self):
+ """Returns how we should call the function when simply passing args directly"""
+ return self.call_arg()
+ def pre_call(self, method, **kwargs):
+ return ""
+ def assign(self, call, method, target=None, **kwargs):
+ return (
+ "{0:s} = {1:s};\n"
+ "Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS\n").format(
+ target or, call)
+ def post_call(self, method):
+ # Check for errors
+ result = (
+ "if(check_error()) {\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ "}\n")
+ if "DESTRUCTOR" in self.attributes:
+ result += "self->base = NULL; //DESTRUCTOR - C object no longer valid\n"
+ return result
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ return ""
+ def return_value(self, value):
+ return "return {0!s};".format(value)
+class String(Type):
+ interface = "string"
+ buildstr = "s"
+ error_value = "return NULL;"
+ def __init__(self, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(String, self).__init__(name, type, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.length = "strlen({0:s})".format(name)
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&{0:s}".format(
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "length": self.length,
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ result = (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(!{name:s}) {{\n"
+ " Py_IncRef(Py_None);\n"
+ " {result:s} = Py_None;\n"
+ " }} else {{\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char *){name:s}, {length:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *){name:s}, {length:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " if(!{result:s}) {{\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ if "BORROWED" not in self.attributes and "BORROWED" not in kwargs:
+ result += "talloc_unlink(NULL, {0:s});\n".format(name)
+ return result
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, context="NULL"):
+ method.error_set = True
+ values_dict = {
+ "context": context,
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source}
+ return (
+ "{{\n"
+ " char *buff = NULL;\n"
+ " Py_ssize_t length = 0;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " if(PyBytes_AsStringAndSize({source:s}, &buff, &length) == -1) {{\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " if(PyString_AsStringAndSize({source:s}, &buff, &length) == -1) {{\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " {destination:s} = talloc_size({context:s}, length + 1);\n"
+ " memcpy({destination:s}, buff, length);\n"
+ " {destination:s}[length] = 0;\n"
+ "}};\n").format(**values_dict)
+class ZString(String):
+ interface = "null_terminated_string"
+class BorrowedString(String):
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "length": self.length,
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char *){name:s}, {length:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *){name:s}, {length:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(**values_dict)
+class Char_and_Length(Type):
+ interface = "char_and_length"
+ buildstr = "s#"
+ error_value = "return NULL;"
+ def __init__(self, data, data_type, length, length_type, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Char_and_Length, self).__init__(data, data_type, *args, **kwargs)
+ = data
+ self.data_type = data_type
+ self.length = length
+ self.length_type = length_type
+ def comment(self):
+ return "{0:s} {1:s}, {2:s} {3:s}".format(
+ self.data_type,, self.length_type, self.length)
+ def definition(self, default="\"\"", **kwargs):
+ return (
+ "char *{0:s}={1:s};\n"
+ "Py_ssize_t {2:s}=strlen({3:s});\n").format(
+, default, self.length, default)
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&{0:s}, &{1:s}".format(, self.length)
+ def call_arg(self):
+ return "({0:s}){1:s}, ({2:s}){3:s}".format(
+ self.data_type,, self.length_type, self.length)
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "length": self.length,
+ "name":,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char *){name:s}, {length:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *){name:s}, {length:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(!{result:s}) {{\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict)
+class Integer(Type):
+ interface = "integer"
+ buildstr = "i"
+ int_type = "int"
+ def __init__(self, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Integer, self).__init__(name, type, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.type = self.int_type
+ self.original_type = type
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyLong_FromLong({name:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyInt_FromLong({name:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyLong_AsLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyInt_AsLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def comment(self):
+ return "{0:s} {1:s} ".format(self.original_type,
+class IntegerUnsigned(Integer):
+ buildstr = "I"
+ int_type = "unsigned int"
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ if "array_size" in self.additional_args:
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result,
+ "array_size": self.additional_args["array_size"]
+ }
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyList_New(0);\n"
+ " for(array_index = 0; array_index < {array_size:s}; array_index++) {{\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " PyList_Append({result:s}, PyLong_FromLong((long) {name:s}[array_index]));\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " PyList_Append({result:s}, PyInt_FromLong((long) {name:s}[array_index]));\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ ).format(**values_dict)
+ else:
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyLong_FromLong((long) {name:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyInt_FromLong((long) {name:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(**values_dict)
+class Integer8(Integer):
+ int_type = "int8_t"
+class Integer8Unsigned(IntegerUnsigned):
+ int_type = "uint8_t"
+class Integer16(Integer):
+ int_type = "int16_t"
+class Integer16Unsigned(IntegerUnsigned):
+ int_type = "uint16_t"
+class Integer32(Integer):
+ int_type = "int32_t"
+class Integer32Unsigned(IntegerUnsigned):
+ int_type = "uint32_t"
+class Integer64(Integer):
+ buildstr = "L"
+ int_type = "int64_t"
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if defined( HAVE_LONG_LONG )\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyLong_FromLongLong({name:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyLong_FromLong({name:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ "#if defined( HAVE_LONG_LONG )\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyLong_AsLongLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyLong_AsLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ "#if defined( HAVE_LONG_LONG )\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyInt_AsLongLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyInt_AsLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "#endif /* PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 */\n").format(**values_dict)
+class Integer64Unsigned(Integer):
+ buildstr = "K"
+ int_type = "uint64_t"
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if defined( HAVE_LONG_LONG )\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong({name:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong({name:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source}
+ # TODO: use integer_object_copy_to_uint64 instead to support both
+ # long and int objects.
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ "#if defined( HAVE_LONG_LONG )\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ "#if defined( HAVE_LONG_LONG )\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {destination:s} = PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask({source:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "#endif /* PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 */\n").format(**values_dict)
+class Long(Integer):
+ buildstr = "l"
+ int_type = "long"
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ "PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "{result:s} = PyLong_FromLongLong({name:s});\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source}
+ return (
+ "PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "{destination:s} = PyLong_AsLongMask({source:s});\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+class LongUnsigned(Integer):
+ buildstr = "k"
+ int_type = "unsigned long"
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ "PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "{result:s} = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong({name:s});\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source}
+ return (
+ "PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "{destination:s} = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask({source:s});\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+class Char(Integer):
+ buildstr = "s"
+ interface = "small_integer"
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ # We really want to return a string here
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ "{{\n"
+ " char *str_{name:s} = &{name:s};\n"
+ "\n"
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(str_{name:s}, 1);\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyString_FromStringAndSize(str_{name:s}, 1);\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(!{result:s}) {{\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ "}}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def definition(self, default="\"\\x0\"", **kwargs):
+ # Shut up unused warnings
+ return (
+ "char {0:s} UNUSED=0;\n"
+ "char *str_{0:s} UNUSED = {1:s};\n").format(
+, default)
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&str_{0:s}".format(
+ def pre_call(self, method, **kwargs):
+ method.error_set = True
+ values_dict = {
+ "name":}
+ return (
+ " if(strlen(str_{name:s}) != 1) {\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"You must only provide a single character for arg {name:s}\");\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " {name:s} = str_{name:s}[0];\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+class StringOut(String):
+ sense = "OUT"
+class IntegerOut(Integer):
+ """Handle Integers pushed out through OUT int *result."""
+ sense = "OUT_DONE"
+ buildstr = ""
+ int_type = "int *"
+ def definition(self, default=0, **kwargs):
+ # We need to make static storage for the pointers
+ storage = "storage_{0:s}".format(
+ bare_type = self.type.split()[0]
+ type_definition = Type.definition(
+ self, "&{0:s}".format(storage))
+ return (
+ "{0:s} {1:s} = 0;\n"
+ "{2:s}\n").format(
+ bare_type, storage, type_definition)
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ "PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "{result:s} = PyLong_FromLongLong(*{name:s});\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+ def python_name(self):
+ return None
+ def byref(self):
+ return
+ def call_arg(self):
+ return "{0:s}".format(
+ def passthru_call(self):
+ return
+class PInteger32UnsignedOut(IntegerOut):
+ buildstr = ""
+ int_type = "uint32_t *"
+class PInteger64UnsignedOut(IntegerOut):
+ buildstr = ""
+ int_type = "uint64_t *"
+class Char_and_Length_OUT(Char_and_Length):
+ sense = "OUT_DONE"
+ buildstr = "l"
+ def definition(self, default=0, **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "default": default,
+ "length": self.length,
+ "name":}
+ return (
+ " char *{name:s} = NULL;\n"
+ " Py_ssize_t {length:s} = {default:d};\n"
+ " PyObject *tmp_{name:s} = NULL;\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+ def error_cleanup(self):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name":}
+ return (
+ " if(tmp_{name:s} != NULL) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(tmp_{name:s});\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def python_name(self):
+ return self.length
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&{0:s}".format(self.length)
+ def pre_call(self, method, **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "length": self.length,
+ "name":}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " tmp_{name:s} = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, {length:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " tmp_{name:s} = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, {length:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " if(!tmp_{name:s}) {{\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(tmp_{name:s}, &{name:s}, (Py_ssize_t *)&{length:s});\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " PyString_AsStringAndSize(tmp_{name:s}, &{name:s}, (Py_ssize_t *)&{length:s});\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", sense="in", **kwargs):
+ if "results" in kwargs:
+ kwargs["results"].pop(0)
+ if sense == "proxied":
+ return "py_{0:s} = PyLong_FromLong({1:s});\n".format(
+, self.length)
+ values_dict = {
+ "length": self.length,
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ " /* NOTE - this should never happen\n"
+ " * it might indicate an overflow condition.\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " if(func_return > {length:s}) {{\n"
+ " printf(\"Programming Error - possible overflow!!\\n\");\n"
+ " abort();\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Do we need to truncate the buffer for a short read?\n"
+ " }} else if(func_return < {length:s}) {{\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " _PyBytes_Resize(&tmp_{name:s}, (Py_ssize_t)func_return);\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " _PyString_Resize(&tmp_{name:s}, (Py_ssize_t)func_return);\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " {result:s} = tmp_{name:s};\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def python_proxy_post_call(self, result="Py_result"):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name":,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ "{{\n"
+ " char *tmp_buff = NULL;\n"
+ " Py_ssize_t tmp_len = 0;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " if(PyBytes_AsStringAndSize({result:s}, &tmp_buff, &tmp_len) == -1) {{\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " if(PyString_AsStringAndSize({result:s}, &tmp_buff, &tmp_len) == -1) {{\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " memcpy({name:s}, tmp_buff, tmp_len);\n"
+ " Py_DecRef({result:s});\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyLong_FromLong(tmp_len);\n"
+ "}}\n").format(**values_dict)
+class TDB_DATA_P(Char_and_Length_OUT):
+ bare_type = "TDB_DATA"
+ def __init__(self, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(TDB_DATA_P, self).__init__(name, type, *args, **kwargs)
+ def definition(self, default=None, **kwargs):
+ return Type.definition(self)
+ def byref(self):
+ return "{0:s}.dptr, &{0:s}.dsize".format(
+ def pre_call(self, method, **kwargs):
+ return ""
+ def call_arg(self):
+ return Type.call_arg(self)
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char *){name:s}->dptr, {name:s}->dsize);\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *){name:s}->dptr, {name:s}->dsize);\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " talloc_free({name:s});\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ method.error_set = True
+ values_dict = {
+ "bare_type": self.bare_type,
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source}
+ return (
+ "{destination:s} = talloc_zero(self, {bare_type:s});\n"
+ "{{\n"
+ " char *buf = NULL;\n"
+ " Py_ssize_t tmp = 0;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " if(PyBytes_AsStringAndSize({source:s}, &buf, &tmp) == -1) {{\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " if(PyString_AsStringAndSize({source:s}, &buf, &tmp) == -1) {{\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Take a copy of the Python string\n"
+ " {destination:s}->dptr = talloc_memdup({destination:s}, buf, tmp);\n"
+ " {destination:s}->dsize = tmp;\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "// We no longer need the Python object\n"
+ "Py_DecRef({source:s});\n").format(**values_dict)
+ error_value = (
+ "{result:s}.dptr = NULL;\n"
+ "return {result:s};")
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ method.error_set = True
+ values_dict = {
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source}
+ return (
+ "{{\n"
+ " char *buf = NULL;\n"
+ " Py_ssize_t tmp = 0;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " if(PyBytes_AsStringAndSize({source:s}, &buf, &tmp) == -1) {{\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " if(PyString_AsStringAndSize({source:s}, &buf, &tmp) == -1) {{\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " // Take a copy of the Python string - This leaks - how to fix it?\n"
+ " {destination:s}.dptr = talloc_memdup(NULL, buf, tmp);\n"
+ " {destination:s}.dsize = tmp;\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "// We no longer need the Python object\n"
+ "Py_DecRef({source:s});\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char *){name:s}.dptr, {name:s}.dsize);\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {result:s} = PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *){name:s}.dptr, {name:s}.dsize);\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(**values_dict)
+class Void(Type):
+ buildstr = ""
+ error_value = "return;"
+ original_type = ""
+ def __init__(self, name, type="void", *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Void, self).__init__(name, type, *args, **kwargs)
+ def comment(self):
+ return "void *ctx"
+ def definition(self, default=None, **kwargs):
+ return ""
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ return (
+ "Py_IncRef(Py_None);\n"
+ "Py_result = Py_None;\n")
+ def call_arg(self):
+ return "NULL"
+ def byref(self):
+ return None
+ def assign(self, call, method, target=None, **kwargs):
+ # We don't assign the result to anything.
+ return (
+ " (void) {0:s};\n"
+ " Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS\n").format(call)
+ def return_value(self, value):
+ return "return;"
+class PVoid(Void):
+ def __init__(self, name, type="void *", *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PVoid, self).__init__(name, type, *args, **kwargs)
+class StringArray(String):
+ interface = "array"
+ buildstr = "O"
+ def definition(self, default="\"\"", **kwargs):
+ return (
+ "char **{0:s} = NULL;\n"
+ "PyObject *py_{0:s} = NULL;\n").format(
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&py_{0:s}".format(
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, context="NULL"):
+ method.error_set = True
+ values_dict = {
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source}
+ return (
+ "{{\n"
+ " Py_ssize_t i = 0;\n"
+ " Py_ssize_t size = 0;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if({source:s}) {{\n"
+ " if(!PySequence_Check({source:s})) {{\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, \"{destination:s} must be a sequence\");\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " size = PySequence_Size({source:s});\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " {destination:s} = talloc_zero_array(NULL, char *, size + 1);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {{\n"
+ " PyObject *tmp = PySequence_GetItem({source:s}, i);\n"
+ " if(!tmp) {{\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " {destination:s}[i] = PyBytes_AsString(tmp);\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " {destination:s}[i] = PyString_AsString(tmp);\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(!{destination:s}[i]) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(tmp);\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(tmp);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "}}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def pre_call(self, method, **kwargs):
+ return self.from_python_object(
+ "py_{0:s}".format(,, method)
+ def error_condition(self):
+ return (
+ " if({0:s}) {{\n"
+ " talloc_free({0:s});\n"
+ " }}\n").format(
+class Wrapper(Type):
+ """This class represents a wrapped C type """
+ sense = "IN"
+ error_value = "return NULL;"
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "destination": destination,
+ "source": source,
+ "type": self.type}
+ return (
+ " /* First check that the returned value is in fact a Wrapper */\n"
+ " if(!type_check({source:s}, &{type:s}_Type)) {{\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"function must return an {type:s} instance\");\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " {destination:s} = ((Gen_wrapper) {source:s})->base;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(!{destination:s}) {{\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"{type:s} instance is no longer valid (was it gc'ed?)\");\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def to_python_object(self, **kwargs):
+ return ""
+ def returned_python_definition(self, default="NULL", sense="in", **kwargs):
+ return "{0:s} {1:s} = {2:s};\n".format(
+ self.type,, default)
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&wrapped_{0:s}".format(
+ def definition(self, default="NULL", sense="in", **kwargs):
+ result = " Gen_wrapper wrapped_{0:s} UNUSED = {1:s};\n".format(
+, default)
+ if sense == "in" and not "OUT" in self.attributes:
+ result += " {0:s} UNUSED {1:s};\n".format(
+ self.type,
+ return result
+ def call_arg(self):
+ return "{0:s}".format(
+ def pre_call(self, method, python_object_index=1, **kwargs):
+ if "OUT" in self.attributes or self.sense == "OUT":
+ return ""
+ self.original_type = self.type.split()[0]
+ values_dict = {
+ "name":,
+ "original_type": self.original_type,
+ "python_object_index": python_object_index}
+ return (
+ " if(wrapped_{name:s} == NULL || (PyObject *)wrapped_{name:s} == Py_None) {{\n"
+ " {name:s} = NULL;\n"
+ " }} else if(!type_check((PyObject *)wrapped_{name:s},&{original_type:s}_Type)) {{\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"{name:s} must be derived from type {original_type:s}\");\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }} else if(wrapped_{name:s}->base == NULL) {{\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"{original_type:s} instance is no longer valid (was it gc'ed?)\");\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }} else {{\n"
+ " {name:s} = wrapped_{name:s}->base;\n"
+ " if(self->python_object{python_object_index:d} == NULL) {{\n"
+ " self->python_object{python_object_index:d} = (PyObject *) wrapped_{name:s};\n"
+ " Py_IncRef(self->python_object{python_object_index:d});\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def assign(self, call, method, target=None, **kwargs):
+ method.error_set = True;
+ values_dict = {
+ "call": call.strip(),
+ "incref": INCREF,
+ "name": target or,
+ "type": self.type}
+ result = (
+ " {{\n"
+ " Object returned_object = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " ClearError();\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // This call will return a Python object if the base is a proxied Python object\n"
+ " // or a talloc managed object otherwise.\n"
+ " returned_object = (Object) {call:s};\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(check_error()) {{\n"
+ " if(returned_object != NULL) {{\n"
+ " if(self->base_is_python_object != 0) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef((PyObject *) returned_object);\n"
+ " }} else if(self->base_is_internal != 0) {{\n"
+ " talloc_free(returned_object);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ # Is NULL an acceptable return type? In some Python code NULL
+ # can be returned (e.g. in iterators) but usually it should
+ # be converted to Py_None.
+ if "NULL_OK" in self.attributes:
+ result += (
+ " if(returned_object == NULL) {\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }\n")
+ result += (
+ " wrapped_{name:s} = new_class_wrapper(returned_object, self->base_is_python_object);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(wrapped_{name:s} == NULL) {{\n"
+ " if(returned_object != NULL) {{\n"
+ " if(self->base_is_python_object != 0) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef((PyObject *) returned_object);\n"
+ " }} else if(self->base_is_internal != 0) {{\n"
+ " talloc_free(returned_object);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ if "BORROWED" in self.attributes:
+ result += (
+ " #error unchecked BORROWED code segment\n"
+ " {incref:s}(wrapped_{name:s}->base);\n"
+ " if(((Object) wrapped_{name:s}->base)->extension) {{\n"
+ " Py_IncRef((PyObject *) ((Object) wrapped_{name:s}->base)->extension);\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ result += (
+ " }\n")
+ return result
+ def to_python_object(
+ self, name=None, result="Py_result", sense="in", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ if sense == "proxied":
+ return (
+ "{result:s} = (PyObject *) new_class_wrapper((Object){name:s}, 0);\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+ return "{result:s} = (PyObject *) wrapped_{name:s};\n".format(
+ **values_dict)
+class PointerWrapper(Wrapper):
+ """ A pointer to a wrapped class """
+ def __init__(self, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
+ type = type.split()[0]
+ super(PointerWrapper, self).__init__(name, type, *args, **kwargs)
+ def comment(self):
+ return "{0:s} *{1:s}".format(self.type,
+ def definition(self, default="NULL", sense="in", **kwargs):
+ result = "Gen_wrapper wrapped_{0:s} = {1:s};".format(
+, default)
+ if sense == "in" and not "OUT" in self.attributes:
+ result += " {0:s} *{1:s};\n".format(self.type,
+ return result
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&wrapped_{0:s}".format(
+ def pre_call(self, method, **kwargs):
+ if "OUT" in self.attributes or self.sense == "OUT":
+ return ""
+ self.original_type = self.type.split()[0]
+ values_dict = {
+ "name":,
+ "original_type": self.original_type}
+ return (
+ "if(!wrapped_{name:s} || (PyObject *)wrapped_{name:s}==Py_None) {{\n"
+ " {name:s} = NULL;\n"
+ "}} else if(!type_check((PyObject *)wrapped_{name:s},&{original_type:s}_Type)) {{\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"{name:s} must be derived from type {original_type:s}\");\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ "}} else {{\n"
+ " {name:s} = ({original_type:s} *)&wrapped_{name:s}->base;\n"
+ "}};\n").format(**values_dict)
+class StructWrapper(Wrapper):
+ """ A wrapper for struct classes """
+ active = False
+ def __init__(self, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(StructWrapper, self).__init__(name, type, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.original_type = type.split()[0]
+ def assign(self, call, method, target=None, borrowed=True, **kwargs):
+ self.original_type = self.type.split()[0]
+ values_dict = {
+ "call": call.strip(),
+ "name": target or,
+ "type": self.original_type}
+ result = (
+ "\n"
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s} = (Gen_wrapper) PyObject_New(py{type:s}, &{type:s}_Type);\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict)
+ if borrowed:
+ result += (
+ " // Base is borrowed from another object.\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s}->base = {call:s};\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s}->base_is_python_object = 0;\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s}->base_is_internal = 0;\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s}->python_object1 = NULL;\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s}->python_object2 = NULL;\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict)
+ else:
+ result += (
+ " wrapped_{name:s}->base = {call:s};\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s}->base_is_python_object = 0;\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s}->base_is_internal = 1;\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s}->python_object1 = NULL;\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s}->python_object2 = NULL;\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict)
+ if "NULL_OK" in self.attributes:
+ result += (
+ " if(wrapped_{name:s}->base == NULL) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef((PyObject *) wrapped_{name:s});\n"
+ " return NULL;\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ result += (
+ " // A NULL object gets translated to a None\n"
+ " if(wrapped_{name:s}->base == NULL) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef((PyObject *) wrapped_{name:s});\n"
+ " Py_IncRef(Py_None);\n"
+ " wrapped_{name:s} = (Gen_wrapper) Py_None;\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ # TODO: with the following code commented out is makes no sense to have the else clause here.
+ # " }} else {{\n").format(**values_dict)
+ # if "FOREIGN" in self.attributes:
+ # result += "// Not taking references to foreign memory\n"
+ # elif "BORROWED" in self.attributes:
+ # result += "talloc_reference({name:s}->ctx, {name:s}->base);\n".format(**values_dict)
+ # else:
+ # result += "talloc_steal({name:s}->ctx, {name:s}->base);\n".format(**values_dict)
+ # result += "}}\n"
+ return result
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&{0:s}".format(
+ def definition(self, default="NULL", sense="in", **kwargs):
+ result = "Gen_wrapper wrapped_{0:s} = {1:s};".format(
+, default)
+ if sense == "in" and not "OUT" in self.attributes:
+ result += " {0:s} *{1:s} = NULL;\n".format(
+ self.original_type,
+ return result;
+class PointerStructWrapper(StructWrapper):
+ def from_python_object(self, source, destination, method, **kwargs):
+ return "{0:s} = ((Gen_wrapper) {1:s})->base;\n".format(
+ destination, source)
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&wrapped_{0:s}".format(
+class Timeval(Type):
+ """Handle struct timeval values."""
+ interface = "numeric"
+ buildstr = "f"
+ def definition(self, default=None, **kwargs):
+ return (
+ "struct timeval {0:s};\n".format( +
+ self.local_definition(default, **kwargs))
+ def local_definition(self, default=None, **kwargs):
+ return "float {0:s}_flt;\n".format(
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&{0:s}_flt".format(
+ def pre_call(self, method, **kwargs):
+ return (
+ "{0:s}.tv_sec = (int){0:s}_flt;\n"
+ "{0:s}.tv_usec = ({0:s}_flt - {0:s}.tv_sec) * 1e6;\n").format(
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ values_dict = {
+ "name": name or,
+ "result": result}
+ return (
+ "{name:s}_flt = (double)({name:s}.tv_sec) + {name:s}.tv_usec;\n"
+ "{result:s} = PyFloat_FromDouble({name:s}_flt);\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+class PyObject(Type):
+ """Accept an opaque Python object."""
+ interface = "opaque"
+ buildstr = "O"
+ def definition(self, default="NULL", **kwargs):
+ self.default = default
+ values_dict = {
+ "default": self.default,
+ "name":}
+ return (
+ "PyObject *{name:s} = {default:s};\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+ def byref(self):
+ return "&{0:s}".format(
+type_dispatcher = {
+ "IN unsigned char *": String,
+ "IN char *": String,
+ "unsigned char *": String,
+ "char *": String,
+ "ZString": ZString,
+ "OUT unsigned char *": StringOut,
+ "OUT char *": StringOut,
+ "OUT uint64_t *": PInteger64UnsignedOut,
+ "OUT uint32_t *": PInteger32UnsignedOut,
+ "void *": PVoid,
+ "void": Void,
+ "TSK_INUM_T": Integer,
+ "off_t": Integer64,
+ "size_t": Integer64Unsigned,
+ "ssize_t": Integer64,
+ "time_t": Integer64,
+ "unsigned long": LongUnsigned,
+ "long": Long,
+ "unsigned long int": LongUnsigned,
+ "long int": Integer,
+ "unsigned int": Integer,
+ "int": Integer,
+ "uint64_t": Integer64Unsigned,
+ "uint32_t": Integer32Unsigned,
+ "uint16_t": Integer16Unsigned,
+ "uint8_t": Integer8Unsigned,
+ "int64_t": Integer64,
+ "int32_t": Integer32,
+ "int16_t": Integer16,
+ "int8_t": Integer8,
+ "char": Char,
+ "struct timeval": Timeval,
+ "char **": StringArray,
+ "PyObject *": PyObject,
+method_attributes = ["BORROWED", "DESTRUCTOR", "IGNORE"]
+class ResultException(object):
+ value = 0
+ exception = "PyExc_IOError"
+ def __init__(self, check, exception, message):
+ self.check = check
+ self.exception = exception
+ self.message = message
+ def write(self, out):
+ out.write((
+ "\n"
+ "/* Handle exceptions */\n"
+ "if({0:s}) {{\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_{1:s}, {2:s});\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "\n").format(self.check, self.exception, self.message))
+class Method(object):
+ default_re = re.compile("DEFAULT\(([A-Z_a-z0-9]+)\) =(.+);")
+ exception_re = re.compile("RAISES\(([^,]+),\s*([^\)]+)\) =(.+);")
+ typedefed_re = re.compile(r"struct (.+)_t \*")
+ def __init__(
+ self, class_name, base_class_name, name, args, return_type,
+ myclass=None):
+ if not isinstance(myclass, ClassGenerator):
+ raise RuntimeError("myclass must be a class generator")
+ self.args = []
+ self.base_class_name = base_class_name
+ self.class_name = class_name
+ self.defaults = {}
+ self.definition_class_name = class_name
+ self.docstring = ""
+ self.error_set = False
+ self.exception = None
+ = name
+ self.myclass = myclass
+ for type, name in args:
+ self.add_arg(type, name)
+ try:
+ self.return_type = dispatch("func_return", return_type)
+ self.return_type.attributes.add("OUT")
+ self.return_type.original_type = return_type
+ except KeyError:
+ # Is it a wrapped type?
+ if return_type:
+ log("Unable to handle return type {0:s}.{1:s} {2:s}".format(
+ self.class_name,, return_type))
+ # pdb.set_trace()
+ self.return_type = PVoid("func_return")
+ def get_string(self):
+ """Retrieves a string representation."""
+ return "def {0:s} {1:s}({2:s}):".format(
+ self.return_type.get_string(),,
+ " , ".join([a.get_string() for a in self.args]))
+ def clone(self, new_class_name):
+ self.find_optional_vars()
+ result = self.__class__(
+ new_class_name, self.base_class_name,, [], "void *",
+ myclass=self.myclass)
+ result.args = self.args
+ result.return_type = self.return_type
+ result.definition_class_name = self.definition_class_name
+ result.defaults = self.defaults
+ result.exception = self.exception
+ return result
+ def find_optional_vars(self):
+ for line in self.docstring.splitlines():
+ m =
+ if m:
+ name =
+ value =
+ log("Setting default value for {0:s} of {1:s}".format(
+ self.defaults[name] = value
+ m =
+ if m:
+ self.exception = ResultException(
+ def write_local_vars(self, out):
+ self.find_optional_vars()
+ # We do it in two passes - first mandatory then optional
+ kwlist = " static char *kwlist[] = {"
+ # Mandatory
+ for type in self.args:
+ python_name = type.python_name()
+ if python_name and python_name not in self.defaults:
+ kwlist += "\"{0:s}\",".format(python_name)
+ for type in self.args:
+ python_name = type.python_name()
+ if python_name and python_name in self.defaults:
+ kwlist += "\"{0:s}\",".format(python_name)
+ kwlist += " NULL};\n"
+ for type in self.args:
+ out.write(
+ " // DEBUG: local arg type: {0:s}\n".format(
+ type.__class__.__name__))
+ python_name = type.python_name()
+ try:
+ out.write(type.definition(default=self.defaults[python_name]))
+ except KeyError:
+ out.write(type.definition())
+ # Make up the format string for the parse args in two pases
+ parse_line = ""
+ for type in self.args:
+ python_name = type.python_name()
+ if type.buildstr and python_name not in self.defaults:
+ parse_line += type.buildstr
+ optional_args = ""
+ for type in self.args:
+ python_name = type.python_name()
+ if type.buildstr and python_name in self.defaults:
+ optional_args += type.buildstr
+ if optional_args:
+ parse_line += "|" + optional_args
+ # Iterators have a different prototype and do not need to
+ # unpack any args
+ if not "iternext" in
+ # Now parse the args from Python objects
+ out.write("\n")
+ out.write(kwlist)
+ out.write((
+ "\n"
+ " if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, \"{0:s}\", ").format(
+ parse_line))
+ tmp = ["kwlist"]
+ for type in self.args:
+ ref = type.byref()
+ if ref:
+ tmp.append(ref)
+ out.write(",".join(tmp))
+ self.error_set = True
+ out.write(
+ ")) {\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }\n")
+ def error_condition(self):
+ result = ""
+ if "DESTRUCTOR" in self.return_type.attributes:
+ result += "self->base = NULL;\n"
+ if hasattr(self, "args"):
+ for type in self.args:
+ if hasattr(type, "error_cleanup"):
+ result += type.error_cleanup()
+ result += " return NULL;\n";
+ return result
+ def write_definition(self, out):
+ out.write(
+ "\n"
+ "/********************************************************\n"
+ "Autogenerated wrapper for function:\n")
+ out.write(self.comment())
+ out.write("********************************************************/\n")
+ self._prototype(out)
+ out.write((
+ "{{\n"
+ " PyObject *returned_result = NULL;\n"
+ " PyObject *Py_result = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // DEBUG: return type: {0:s}\n"
+ " ").format(
+ self.return_type.__class__.__name__))
+ out.write(self.return_type.definition())
+ self.write_local_vars(out)
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "method":}
+ out.write((
+ "\n"
+ " // Make sure that we have something valid to wrap\n"
+ " if(self->base == NULL) {{\n"
+ " return PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"{class_name:s} object no longer valid\");\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+ # Precall preparations
+ out.write(" // Precall preparations\n")
+ out.write(self.return_type.pre_call(self))
+ for type in self.args:
+ out.write(type.pre_call(self))
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "def_class_name": self.definition_class_name,
+ "method":}
+ out.write((
+ " // Check the function is implemented\n"
+ " {{\n"
+ " void *method = (({def_class_name:s}) self->base)->{method:s};\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(method == NULL || (void *) unimplemented == (void *) method) {{\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"{class_name:s}.{method:s} is not implemented\");\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Make the call\n"
+ " ClearError();\n").format(**values_dict))
+ base = "(({0:s}) self->base)".format(self.definition_class_name)
+ call = " {0:s}->{1:s}({2:s}".format(base,, base)
+ tmp = ""
+ for type in self.args:
+ tmp += ", " + type.call_arg()
+ call += "{0:s})".format(tmp)
+ # Now call the wrapped function
+ out.write(self.return_type.assign(call, self, borrowed=False))
+ if self.exception:
+ self.exception.write(out)
+ self.error_set = True
+ out.write(
+ " };\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Postcall preparations\n")
+ # Postcall preparations
+ post_calls = []
+ post_call = self.return_type.post_call(self)
+ post_calls.append(post_call)
+ out.write(" {0:s}".format(post_call))
+ for type in self.args:
+ post_call = type.post_call(self)
+ if post_call not in post_calls:
+ post_calls.append(post_call)
+ out.write(" {0:s}".format(post_call))
+ # Now assemble the results
+ results = [self.return_type.to_python_object()]
+ for type in self.args:
+ if type.sense == "OUT_DONE":
+ results.append(type.to_python_object(results=results))
+ # If all the results are returned by reference we dont need
+ # to prepend the void return value at all.
+ if isinstance(self.return_type, Void) and len(results) > 1:
+ results.pop(0)
+ out.write(
+ "\n"
+ " // prepare results\n")
+ # Make a tuple of results and pass them back
+ if len(results) > 1:
+ out.write("returned_result = PyList_New(0);\n")
+ for result in results:
+ out.write(result)
+ out.write(
+ "PyList_Append(returned_result, Py_result);\n"
+ "Py_DecRef(Py_result);\n")
+ out.write("return returned_result;\n")
+ else:
+ out.write(results[0])
+ # This useless code removes compiler warnings
+ out.write(
+ " returned_result = Py_result;\n"
+ " return returned_result;\n")
+ # Write the error part of the function
+ if self.error_set:
+ out.write((
+ "\n"
+ "on_error:\n"
+ "{0:s}").format(self.error_condition()))
+ out.write("};\n\n")
+ def add_arg(self, type, name):
+ try:
+ t = type_dispatcher[type](name, type)
+ except KeyError:
+ # Sometimes types must be typedefed in advance
+ try:
+ m = self.typedefed_re.match(type)
+ type =
+ log("Trying {0:s} for {1:s}".format(type,
+ t = type_dispatcher[type](name, type)
+ except (KeyError, AttributeError):
+ log("Unable to handle type {0:s}.{1:s} {2:s}".format(
+ self.class_name,, type))
+ return
+ # Here we collapse char * + int type interfaces into a
+ # coherent string like interface.
+ try:
+ previous = self.args[-1]
+ if t.interface == "integer" and previous.interface == "string":
+ # We make a distinction between IN variables and OUT
+ # variables
+ if previous.sense == "OUT":
+ cls = Char_and_Length_OUT
+ else:
+ cls = Char_and_Length
+ cls = cls(
+ previous.type,
+ name, type)
+ self.args[-1] = cls
+ return
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ self.args.append(t)
+ def comment(self):
+ args = []
+ for type in self.args:
+ args.append(type.comment())
+ return "{0:s} {1:s}.{2:s}({3:s});\n".format(
+ self.return_type.original_type, self.class_name,,
+ ",".join(args))
+ def prototype(self, out):
+ self._prototype(out)
+ out.write(";\n")
+ def _prototype(self, out):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "method":}
+ out.write(
+ "static PyObject *py{class_name:s}_{method:s}(py{class_name:s} *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)".format(
+ **values_dict))
+ def PyMethodDef(self, out):
+ docstring = self.comment() + "\n\n" + self.docstring.strip()
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "docstring": format_as_docstring(docstring),
+ "name":}
+ out.write((
+ " {{ \"{name:s}\",\n"
+ " (PyCFunction) py{class_name:s}_{name:s},\n"
+ " \"{docstring:s}\" }},\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+class IteratorMethod(Method):
+ """A method which implements an iterator."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(IteratorMethod, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Tell the return type that a NULL Python return is ok
+ self.return_type.attributes.add("NULL_OK")
+ def get_string(self):
+ """Retrieves a string representation."""
+ return "Iterator returning {0:s}.".format(self.return_type.get_string())
+ def _prototype(self, out):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "method":}
+ out.write(
+ "static PyObject *py{class_name:s}_{method:s}(py{class_name:s} *self)".format(
+ **values_dict))
+ def PyMethodDef(self, out):
+ # This method should not go in the method table as its linked
+ # in directly.
+ pass
+class SelfIteratorMethod(IteratorMethod):
+ def write_definition(self, out):
+ out.write(
+ "\n"
+ "/********************************************************\n"
+ " * Autogenerated wrapper for function:\n")
+ out.write(self.comment())
+ out.write(
+ "********************************************************/\n")
+ self._prototype(out)
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "method":}
+ out.write((
+ "{{\n"
+ " (({class_name:s}) self->base)->{method:s}(({class_name:s}) self->base);\n"
+ " return PyObject_SelfIter((PyObject *) self);\n"
+ "}}\n").format(**values_dict))
+class ConstructorMethod(Method):
+ # Python constructors are a bit different than regular methods
+ def _prototype(self, out):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "method":}
+ out.write(
+ "static int py{class_name:s}_init(py{class_name:s} *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)\n".format(
+ **values_dict))
+ def prototype(self, out):
+ self._prototype(out)
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ out.write((
+ ";\n"
+ "static void py{class_name:s}_initialize_proxies(py{class_name:s} *self, void *item);\n").format(
+ **values_dict))
+ def write_destructor(self, out):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "free": FREE}
+ out.write((
+ "static void {class_name:s}_dealloc(py{class_name:s} *self) {{\n"
+ " struct _typeobject *ob_type = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(self != NULL) {{\n"
+ " if(self->base != NULL) {{\n"
+ " if(self->base_is_python_object != 0) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef((PyObject*) self->base);\n"
+ " }} else if(self->base_is_internal != 0) {{\n"
+ " {free:s}(self->base);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " self->base = NULL;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " if(self->python_object2 != NULL) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(self->python_object2);\n"
+ " self->python_object2 = NULL;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " if(self->python_object1 != NULL) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(self->python_object1);\n"
+ " self->python_object1 = NULL;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " ob_type = Py_TYPE(self);\n"
+ " if(ob_type != NULL && ob_type->tp_free != NULL) {{\n"
+ " ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*) self);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+ def error_condition(self):
+ return " return -1;";
+ def initialise_proxies(self, out):
+ self.myclass.module.function_definitions.add(
+ "py{0:s}_initialize_proxies".format(self.class_name))
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ out.write((
+ "static void py{class_name:s}_initialize_proxies(py{class_name:s} *self, void *item) {{\n"
+ " {class_name:s} target = ({class_name:s}) item;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /* Maintain a reference to the Python object\n"
+ " * in the C object extension\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " ((Object) item)->extension = self;\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+ # Install proxies for all the method in the current class.
+ for method in self.myclass.module.classes[self.class_name].methods:
+ if"_"):
+ continue
+ # Since the SleuthKit uses close method also for freeing it needs
+ # to be handled separately to prevent the C/C++ code calling back
+ # into a garbage collected Python object. For close we keep the
+ # default implementation and have its destructor deal with
+ # correctly closing the SleuthKit object.
+ if != "close":
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": method.class_name,
+ "definition_class_name": method.definition_class_name,
+ "name":,
+ "proxied_name": method.proxied.get_name()}
+ out.write((
+ " if(check_method_override((PyObject *) self, &{class_name:s}_Type, \"{name:s}\")) {{\n"
+ " // Proxy the {name:s} method\n"
+ " (({definition_class_name:s}) target)->{name:s} = {proxied_name:s};\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict))
+ out.write("}\n\n")
+ def write_definition(self, out):
+ self.initialise_proxies(out)
+ self._prototype(out)
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "definition_class_name": self.definition_class_name}
+ out.write((
+ "{{\n"
+ " {class_name:s} result_constructor = NULL;\n").format(
+ **values_dict))
+ # pdb.set_trace()
+ self.write_local_vars(out)
+ # Assign the initialise_proxies handler
+ out.write((
+ " self->python_object1 = NULL;\n"
+ " self->python_object2 = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /* Initialise is used to keep a reference on the object?\n"
+ " * If not called no longer valid warnings have been seen\n"
+ " * on Windows.\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " self->initialise = (void *) py{class_name:s}_initialize_proxies;\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+ # Precall preparations
+ python_object_index = 1
+ for type in self.args:
+ out.write(type.pre_call(
+ self, python_object_index=python_object_index))
+ python_object_index += 1
+ # Now call the wrapped function
+ out.write((
+ " ClearError();\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /* Allocate a new instance */\n"
+ " self->base = ({class_name:s}) alloc_{class_name:s}();\n"
+ " self->base_is_python_object = 0;\n"
+ " self->base_is_internal = 1;\n"
+ " self->object_is_proxied = 0;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /* Update the target by replacing its methods with proxies\n"
+ " * to call back into Python\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " py{class_name:s}_initialize_proxies(self, self->base);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /* Now call the constructor */\n"
+ " result_constructor = CONSTRUCT_INITIALIZE({class_name:s}, {definition_class_name:s}, Con, self->base").format(
+ **values_dict))
+ tmp = ""
+ for type in self.args:
+ tmp += ", " + type.call_arg()
+ self.error_set = True
+ out.write(tmp)
+ out.write((
+ ");\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(!CheckError(EZero)) {{\n"
+ " char *buffer = NULL;\n"
+ " PyObject *exception = resolve_exception(&buffer);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(exception, \"%s\", buffer);\n"
+ " ClearError();\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " if(result_constructor == NULL) {{\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_IOError, \"Unable to construct class {class_name:s}\");\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " return 0;\n").format(**values_dict))
+ # Write the error part of the function.
+ if self.error_set:
+ out.write((
+ "\n"
+ "on_error:\n"
+ " if(self->python_object2 != NULL) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(self->python_object2);\n"
+ " self->python_object2 = NULL;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " if(self->python_object1 != NULL) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(self->python_object1);\n"
+ " self->python_object1 = NULL;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " if(self->base != NULL) {{\n"
+ " talloc_free(self->base);\n"
+ " self->base = NULL;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "{0:s}\n").format(self.error_condition()))
+ out.write("}\n\n")
+class GetattrMethod(Method):
+ def __init__(self, class_name, base_class_name, myclass):
+ # Cannot use super here due to certain logic in Method.__init__().
+ self._attributes = []
+ self.base_class_name = base_class_name
+ self.class_name = class_name
+ self.error_set = True
+ self.myclass = myclass
+ = ""
+ self.return_type = Void("")
+ self.rename_class_name(class_name)
+ def get_string(self):
+ """Retrieves a string representation."""
+ result = ""
+ for class_name, attr in self.get_attributes():
+ result += " {0:s}\n".format(attr.get_string())
+ return result
+ def add_attribute(self, attr):
+ if
+ self._attributes.append([self.class_name, attr])
+ def rename_class_name(self, new_name):
+ """This allows us to rename the class_name at a later stage.
+ Required for late initialization of Structs whose name is not
+ know until much later on.
+ """
+ # TODO fix this behavior, new_name can be None but it is unclear what
+ # the behavious should be. Python 3 requires the values to be set to
+ # string types.
+ if not new_name:
+ self.class_name = ""
+ = ""
+ else:
+ self.class_name = new_name
+ = "py{0:s}_getattr".format(new_name)
+ for attribure in self._attributes:
+ attribure[0] = new_name
+ def get_attributes(self):
+ for class_name, attr in self._attributes:
+ try:
+ # If its not an active struct, skip it
+ if (not type_dispatcher[attr.type].active and
+ not attr.type in self.myclass.module.active_structs):
+ continue
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ yield class_name, attr
+ def clone(self, class_name):
+ result = self.__class__(class_name, self.base_class_name, self.myclass)
+ result._attributes = self._attributes[:]
+ return result
+ def prototype(self, out):
+ if not
+ return
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "name":}
+ # Define getattr.
+ out.write(
+ "static PyObject *{name:s}(py{class_name:s} *self, PyObject *name);\n".format(
+ **values_dict))
+ # Define getters.
+ for _, attr in self.get_attributes():
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "name":}
+ out.write(
+ "PyObject *py{class_name:s}_{name:s}_getter(py{class_name:s} *self, PyObject *arguments);\n".format(
+ **values_dict))
+ def built_ins(self, out):
+ """Check for some built in attributes we need to support."""
+ out.write(
+ " if(strcmp(name, \"__members__\") == 0) {\n"
+ " PyMethodDef *i = NULL;\n"
+ " PyObject *list_object = NULL;\n"
+ " PyObject *string_object = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " list_object = PyList_New(0);\n"
+ " if(list_object == NULL) {\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n")
+ # Add attributes
+ for class_name, attr in self.get_attributes():
+ values_dict = {
+ "name":}
+ out.write((
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " string_object = PyUnicode_FromString(\"{name:s}\");\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " string_object = PyString_FromString(\"{name:s}\");\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " PyList_Append(list_object, string_object);\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(string_object);\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+ # Add methods
+ out.write((
+ "\n"
+ " for(i = {0:s}_methods; i->ml_name; i++) {{\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " string_object = PyUnicode_FromString(i->ml_name);\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " string_object = PyString_FromString(i->ml_name);\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " PyList_Append(list_object, string_object);\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(string_object);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " if( utf8_string_object != NULL ) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(utf8_string_object);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " return list_object;\n"
+ " }}\n").format(self.class_name))
+ def write_definition(self, out):
+ if not
+ return
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "name":}
+ out.write((
+ "static PyObject *py{class_name:s}_getattr(py{class_name:s} *self, PyObject *pyname) {{\n"
+ " PyObject *result = NULL;\n"
+ " char *name = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " PyObject *utf8_string_object = NULL;\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Try to hand it off to the Python native handler first\n"
+ " result = PyObject_GenericGetAttr((PyObject*) self, pyname);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(result) {{\n"
+ " return result;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ " // No - nothing interesting was found by python\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " utf8_string_object = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(pyname);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(utf8_string_object != NULL) {{\n"
+ " name = PyBytes_AsString(utf8_string_object);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " name = PyString_AsString(pyname);\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(!self->base) {{\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " if( utf8_string_object != NULL ) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(utf8_string_object);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " return PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"Wrapped object ({class_name:s}.{name:s}) no longer valid\");\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " if(!name) {{\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n").format(**values_dict))
+ self.built_ins(out)
+ out.write(
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " if( utf8_string_object != NULL ) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(utf8_string_object);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " return PyObject_GenericGetAttr((PyObject *) self, pyname);\n")
+ # Write the error part of the function.
+ if self.error_set:
+ out.write(
+ "on_error:\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " if( utf8_string_object != NULL ) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(utf8_string_object);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "#endif\n" + self.error_condition())
+ out.write("}\n\n")
+ self.write_definition_getters(out)
+ def write_definition_getters(self, out):
+ for _, attr in self.get_attributes():
+ if self.base_class_name:
+ call = "((({0:s}) self->base)->{1:s})".format(
+ self.class_name,
+ else:
+ call = "(self->base->{0:s})".format(
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "name":,
+ "python_obj": attr.to_python_object(),
+ "python_assign": attr.assign(call, self, borrowed=True),
+ "python_def": attr.definition(sense="out")}
+ out.write((
+ "PyObject *py{class_name:s}_{name:s}_getter(py{class_name:s} *self, PyObject *arguments) {{\n"
+ " PyObject *Py_result = NULL;\n"
+ "{python_def:s}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "{python_assign:s}\n"
+ "{python_obj:s}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " return Py_result;\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+ # Work-around for the String class that generates code that contains "goto on_error".
+ if isinstance(attr, String):
+ out.write((
+ "on_error:\n"
+ " {0:s}\n").format(attr.error_value))
+ out.write("}\n\n")
+ def PyGetSetDef(self, out):
+ for _, attr in self.get_attributes():
+ # TODO: improve docstring.
+ docstring = "{0:s}.".format(
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "docstring": format_as_docstring(docstring),
+ "name":}
+ out.write((
+ " {{ \"{name:s}\",\n"
+ " (getter) py{class_name:s}_{name:s}_getter,\n"
+ " (setter) 0,\n"
+ " \"{docstring:s}\",\n"
+ " NULL }},\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+class ProxiedMethod(Method):
+ def __init__(self, method, myclass):
+ # Cannot use super here due to certain logic in Method.__init__().
+ self.args = method.args
+ self.base_class_name = method.base_class_name
+ self.class_name = method.class_name
+ self.defaults = {}
+ self.definition_class_name = method.definition_class_name
+ self.docstring = "Proxy for {0:s}".format(
+ self.error_set = False
+ self.exception = None
+ self.method = method
+ self.myclass = myclass
+ =
+ self.return_type = method.return_type
+ def get_name(self):
+ return "Proxied{0:s}_{1:s}".format(
+ self.myclass.class_name,
+ def _prototype(self, out):
+ out.write("static {0:s} {1:s}({2:s} self".format(
+ self.return_type.type.strip(), self.get_name(),
+ self.definition_class_name))
+ for arg in self.args:
+ tmp = arg.comment().strip()
+ if tmp:
+ out.write(", {0:s}".format(tmp))
+ out.write(")")
+ def prototype(self, out):
+ self._prototype(out)
+ out.write(";\n")
+ def write_definition(self, out):
+ name = self.get_name()
+ if name in self.myclass.module.function_definitions:
+ return
+ else:
+ self.myclass.module.function_definitions.add(name)
+ self._prototype(out)
+ self._write_definition(out)
+ def _write_definition(self, out):
+ out.write(
+ " {\n"
+ " PyGILState_STATE gil_state;\n"
+ " PyObject *Py_result = NULL;\n"
+ " PyObject *method_name = NULL;\n")
+ out.write(self.return_type.returned_python_definition())
+ for arg in self.args:
+ out.write(arg.local_definition())
+ out.write("PyObject *py_{0:s} = NULL;\n".format(
+ out.write((
+ "\n"
+ " // Grab the GIL so we can do Python stuff\n"
+ " gil_state = PyGILState_Ensure();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " method_name = PyUnicode_FromString(\"{0:s}\");\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " method_name = PyString_FromString(\"{0:s}\");\n"
+ "#endif\n").format(
+ out.write("\n// Obtain Python objects for all the args:\n")
+ for arg in self.args:
+ out.write(arg.to_python_object(
+ result=("py_{0:s}".format(, sense="proxied",
+ out.write((
+ " if(((Object) self)->extension == NULL) {{\n"
+ " RaiseError(ERuntimeError, \"No proxied object in {0:s}\");\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n").format(self.myclass.class_name))
+ out.write(
+ "\n"
+ " // Now call the method\n"
+ " PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ " Py_result = PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(((Object) self)->extension, method_name, ")
+ for arg in self.args:
+ out.write("py_{0:s},".format(
+ # Sentinal
+ out.write(
+ "NULL);\n"
+ "\n")
+ self.error_set = True
+ out.write((
+ " /* Check for Python errors */\n"
+ " if(PyErr_Occurred()) {{\n"
+ " pytsk_fetch_error();\n"
+ "\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ for arg in self.args:
+ out.write(arg.python_proxy_post_call())
+ # Now convert the Python value back to a value
+ out.write(self.return_type.from_python_object(
+ "Py_result",, self, context="self"))
+ out.write(
+ " if(Py_result != NULL) {\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(Py_result);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(method_name);\n"
+ "\n")
+ # Decref all our Python objects:
+ for arg in self.args:
+ out.write((
+ " if(py_{0:s} != NULL) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(py_{0:s});\n"
+ " }}\n").format(
+ out.write((
+ " PyGILState_Release(gil_state);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " {0:s}\n").format(
+ self.return_type.return_value("func_return")))
+ if self.error_set:
+ out.write(
+ "\n"
+ "on_error:\n"
+ " if(Py_result != NULL) {\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(Py_result);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(method_name);\n"
+ "\n")
+ # Decref all our Python objects:
+ for arg in self.args:
+ out.write((
+ " if(py_{0:s} != NULL) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(py_{0:s});\n"
+ " }}\n").format(
+ out.write((
+ " PyGILState_Release(gil_state);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " {0:s}\n").format(
+ self.error_condition()))
+ out.write(
+ "}\n"
+ "\n")
+ def error_condition(self):
+ values_dict = {
+ "result": "func_return"}
+ return self.return_type.error_value.format(**values_dict)
+class StructConstructor(ConstructorMethod):
+ """ A constructor for struct wrappers - basically just allocate
+ memory for the struct.
+ """
+ def prototype(self, out):
+ return Method.prototype(self, out)
+ def write_destructor(self, out):
+ """We do not deallocate memory from structs.
+ This is a real problem since struct memory is usually
+ allocated in some proprietary way and we cant just call free
+ on it when done.
+ """
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ out.write((
+ "static void {class_name:s}_dealloc(py{class_name:s} *self) {{\n"
+ " struct _typeobject *ob_type = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(self != NULL) {{\n"
+ " if(self->base != NULL) {{\n"
+ " self->base = NULL;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " ob_type = Py_TYPE(self);\n"
+ " if(ob_type != NULL && ob_type->tp_free != NULL) {{\n"
+ " ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*) self);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+ def write_definition(self, out):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ out.write((
+ "static int py{class_name:s}_init(py{class_name:s} *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {{\n"
+ " // Base is borrowed from another object.\n"
+ " self->base = NULL;\n"
+ " return 0;\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+class EmptyConstructor(ConstructorMethod):
+ def prototype(self, out):
+ return Method.prototype(self, out)
+ def write_definition(self, out):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ out.write(
+ "static int py{class_name:s}_init(py{class_name:s} *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {{\n"
+ " return 0;\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "\n".format(**values_dict))
+class ClassGenerator(object):
+ docstring = ""
+ def __init__(self, class_name, base_class_name, module):
+ self.class_name = class_name
+ self.methods = []
+ # self.methods = [DefinitionMethod(
+ # class_name, base_class_name, "_definition", [], "",
+ # myclass=self)]
+ self.module = module
+ self.constructor = EmptyConstructor(
+ class_name, base_class_name, "Con", [], "", myclass=self)
+ self.base_class_name = base_class_name
+ self.attributes = GetattrMethod(
+ self.class_name, self.base_class_name, self)
+ self.modifier = set()
+ = True
+ self.iterator = None
+ def get_string(self):
+ """Retrieves a string representation."""
+ result = (
+ "#{0:s}\n"
+ "Class {1:s}({2:s}):\n"
+ " Constructor:{3:s}\n"
+ " Attributes:\n{4:s}\n"
+ " Methods:\n").format(
+ self.docstring, self.class_name, self.base_class_name,
+ self.constructor.get_string(), self.attributes.get_string())
+ for method in self.methods:
+ result += " {0:s}\n".format(method.get_string())
+ return result
+ def prepare(self):
+ """ This method is called just before we need to write the
+ output and allows us to do any last minute fixups.
+ """
+ pass
+ def is_active(self):
+ """Returns true if this class is active and should be generated"""
+ if self.class_name in self.module.active_structs:
+ return True
+ if (not or self.modifier and
+ ("PRIVATE" in self.modifier or "ABSTRACT" in self.modifier)):
+ log("{0:s} is not active {1!s}".format(
+ self.class_name, self.modifier))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def clone(self, new_class_name):
+ """Creates a clone of this class - usefull when implementing
+ class extensions.
+ """
+ result = ClassGenerator(new_class_name, self.class_name, self.module)
+ result.constructor = self.constructor.clone(new_class_name)
+ result.methods = [
+ method.clone(new_class_name) for method in self.methods]
+ result.attributes = self.attributes.clone(new_class_name)
+ return result
+ def add_attribute(self, attr_name, attr_type, modifier, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ if not self.module.classes[attr_type].is_active():
+ return
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ # All attribute references are always borrowed - that
+ # means we dont want to free them after accessing them
+ type_class = dispatch(
+ attr_name, "BORROWED {0:s}".format(attr_type), *args, **kwargs)
+ except KeyError:
+ # TODO: fix that self.class_name is None.
+ log("Unknown attribute type {0:s} for {1!s}.{2:s}".format(
+ attr_type, self.class_name, attr_name))
+ return
+ type_class.attributes.add(modifier)
+ self.attributes.add_attribute(type_class)
+ def add_constructor(self, method_name, args, return_type, docstring):
+ if method_name.startswith("Con"):
+ self.constructor = ConstructorMethod(
+ self.class_name, self.base_class_name, method_name, args,
+ return_type, myclass=self)
+ self.constructor.docstring = docstring
+ def struct(self, out):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ out.write((
+ "\n"
+ "typedef struct {{\n"
+ " PyObject_HEAD\n"
+ " {class_name:s} base;\n"
+ " int base_is_python_object;\n"
+ " int base_is_internal;\n"
+ " PyObject *python_object1;\n"
+ " PyObject *python_object2;\n"
+ " int object_is_proxied;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " void (*initialise)(Gen_wrapper self, void *item);\n"
+ "}} py{class_name:s};\n").format(**values_dict))
+ def code(self, out):
+ if not self.constructor:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "No constructor found for class {0:s}".format(self.class_name))
+ self.constructor.write_destructor(out)
+ self.constructor.write_definition(out)
+ if self.attributes:
+ self.attributes.write_definition(out)
+ for method in self.methods:
+ method.write_definition(out)
+ if hasattr(method, "proxied"):
+ method.proxied.write_definition(out)
+ def initialise(self):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ result = (
+ "python_wrappers[TOTAL_CLASSES].class_ref = (Object)&__{class_name:s};\n"
+ "python_wrappers[TOTAL_CLASSES].python_type = &{class_name:s}_Type;\n").format(**values_dict)
+ func_name = "py{class_name:s}_initialize_proxies".format(**values_dict)
+ if func_name in self.module.function_definitions:
+ result += (
+ "python_wrappers[TOTAL_CLASSES].initialize_proxies = (void (*)(Gen_wrapper, void *)) &{0:s};\n").format(
+ func_name)
+ result += "TOTAL_CLASSES++;\n"
+ return result
+ def PyGetSetDef(self, out):
+ out.write(
+ "static PyGetSetDef {0:s}_get_set_definitions[] = {{\n".format(
+ self.class_name))
+ if self.attributes:
+ self.attributes.PyGetSetDef(out)
+ out.write(
+ " {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} /* Sentinel */\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n")
+ def PyMethodDef(self, out):
+ out.write("static PyMethodDef {0:s}_methods[] = {{\n".format(
+ self.class_name))
+ for method in self.methods:
+ method.PyMethodDef(out)
+ out.write(
+ " {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n")
+ def prototypes(self, out):
+ """Write prototype suitable for .h file"""
+ out.write("static PyTypeObject {0:s}_Type;\n".format(self.class_name))
+ self.constructor.prototype(out)
+ if self.attributes:
+ self.attributes.prototype(out)
+ for method in self.methods:
+ method.prototype(out)
+ # Each method, except for close, needs a proxy method that
+ # is called when the object is sub typed.
+ if == "close":
+ continue
+ method.proxied = ProxiedMethod(method, method.myclass)
+ method.proxied.prototype(out)
+ def numeric_protocol_int(self):
+ pass
+ def numeric_protocol_nonzero(self):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ return (
+ "static int {class_name:s}_nonzero(py{class_name:s} *v) {{\n"
+ " return v->base != 0;\n"
+ "}}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def numeric_protocol(self, out):
+ args = {
+ "class": self.class_name}
+ for type, func in [
+ ("nonzero", self.numeric_protocol_nonzero),
+ ("int", self.numeric_protocol_int)]:
+ definition = func()
+ if definition:
+ out.write(definition)
+ args[type] = "{0:s}_{1:s}".format(self.class_name, type)
+ else:
+ args[type] = "0"
+ out.write((
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ "static PyNumberMethods {class:s}_as_number = {{\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_add */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_subtract */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_multiply */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_remainder */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_divmod */\n"
+ " (ternaryfunc) 0, /* nb_power */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_negative */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_positive */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_absolute */\n"
+ " (inquiry) {nonzero:s}, /* nb_bool */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_invert */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_lshift */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_rshift */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_and */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_xor */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_or */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) {int:s}, /* nb_int */\n"
+ " (void *) NULL, /* nb_reserved */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_float */\n"
+ "\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_add */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_subtract */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_multiply */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_remainder */\n"
+ " (ternaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_power */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_lshift */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_rshift */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_and */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_xor */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_or */\n"
+ "\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_floor_divide */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_true_divide */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_floor_divide */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_true_divide */\n"
+ "\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_index */\n"
+ "}};\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ "static PyNumberMethods {class:s}_as_number = {{\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_add */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_subtract */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_multiply */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_divide */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_remainder */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_divmod */\n"
+ " (ternaryfunc) 0, /* nb_power */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_negative */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_positive */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_absolute */\n"
+ " (inquiry) {nonzero:s}, /* nb_nonzero */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_invert */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_lshift */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_rshift */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_and */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_xor */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_or */\n"
+ " (coercion) 0, /* nb_coerce */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) {int:s}, /* nb_int */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_long */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_float */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_oct */\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_hex */\n"
+ "\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_add */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_subtract */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_multiply */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_divide */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_remainder */\n"
+ " (ternaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_power */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_lshift */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_rshift */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_and */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_xor */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_or */\n"
+ "\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_floor_divide */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_true_divide */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_floor_divide */\n"
+ " (binaryfunc) 0, /* nb_inplace_true_divide */\n"
+ "\n"
+ " (unaryfunc) 0, /* nb_index */\n"
+ "}};\n"
+ "#endif /* PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 */\n"
+ "\n").format(**args))
+ return "&{class:s}_as_number".format(**args)
+ def PyTypeObject(self, out):
+ docstring = "{0:s}: {1:s}".format(
+ self.class_name, format_as_docstring(self.docstring))
+ args = {
+ "class": self.class_name,
+ "module":,
+ "iterator": 0,
+ "iternext": 0,
+ "tp_str": 0,
+ "tp_eq": 0,
+ "getattr_func": 0,
+ "docstring": docstring}
+ if self.attributes:
+ args["getattr_func"] =
+ args["numeric_protocol"] = self.numeric_protocol(out)
+ if "ITERATOR" in self.modifier:
+ args["iterator"] = "PyObject_SelfIter"
+ args["iternext"] = "py{0:s}_iternext".format(self.class_name)
+ if "SELF_ITER" in self.modifier:
+ args["iterator"] = "py{0:s}___iter__".format(self.class_name)
+ if "TP_STR" in self.modifier:
+ args["tp_str"] = "py{0:s}___str__".format(self.class_name)
+ if "TP_EQUAL" in self.modifier:
+ args["tp_eq"] = "{0:s}_eq".format(self.class_name)
+ out.write((
+ "static PyTypeObject {class:s}_Type = {{\n"
+ " PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)\n"
+ " /* tp_name */\n"
+ " \"{module:s}.{class:s}\",\n"
+ " /* tp_basicsize */\n"
+ " sizeof(py{class:s}),\n"
+ " /* tp_itemsize */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_dealloc */\n"
+ " (destructor) {class:s}_dealloc,\n"
+ " /* tp_print */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_getattr */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_setattr */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_compare */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_repr */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_as_number */\n"
+ " {numeric_protocol:s},\n"
+ " /* tp_as_sequence */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_as_mapping */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_hash */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_call */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_str */\n"
+ " (reprfunc) {tp_str!s},\n"
+ " /* tp_getattro */\n"
+ " (getattrofunc) {getattr_func!s},\n"
+ " /* tp_setattro */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_as_buffer */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_flags */\n"
+ " /* tp_doc */\n"
+ " \"{docstring:s}\",\n"
+ " /* tp_traverse */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_clear */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_richcompare */\n"
+ " {tp_eq!s},\n"
+ " /* tp_weaklistoffset */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_iter */\n"
+ " (getiterfunc) {iterator!s},\n"
+ " /* tp_iternext */\n"
+ " (iternextfunc) {iternext!s},\n"
+ " /* tp_methods */\n"
+ " {class:s}_methods,\n"
+ " /* tp_members */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_getset */\n"
+ " {class:s}_get_set_definitions,\n"
+ " /* tp_base */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_dict */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_descr_get */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_descr_set */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_dictoffset */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_init */\n"
+ " (initproc) py{class:s}_init,\n"
+ " /* tp_alloc */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ " /* tp_new */\n"
+ " 0,\n"
+ "}};\n"
+ "\n").format(**args))
+class StructGenerator(ClassGenerator):
+ """A wrapper generator for structs."""
+ def __init__(self, class_name, module):
+ self.class_name = class_name
+ self.methods = []
+ self.module = module
+ self.base_class_name = None
+ = False
+ self.modifier = set()
+ self.constructor = None
+ self.attributes = GetattrMethod(
+ self.class_name, self.base_class_name, self)
+ def get_string(self):
+ """Retrieves a string representation."""
+ return (
+ "# {0:s}\n"
+ "Struct {1:s}:\n"
+ "{2:s}\n").format(
+ self.docstring, self.class_name, self.attributes.get_string())
+ def prepare(self):
+ # This is needed for late stage initialization - sometimes
+ # our class_name is not know until now.
+ if not self.constructor:
+ self.constructor = StructConstructor(
+ self.class_name, self.base_class_name, "Con", [], "void",
+ myclass=self)
+ self.attributes.rename_class_name(self.class_name)
+ for x in self.attributes._attributes:
+ x[1].attributes.add("FOREIGN")
+ def struct(self, out):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ out.write((
+ "\n"
+ "typedef struct {{\n"
+ " PyObject_HEAD\n"
+ " {class_name:s} *base;\n"
+ " int base_is_python_object;\n"
+ " int base_is_internal;\n"
+ " PyObject *python_object1;\n"
+ " PyObject *python_object2;\n"
+ " int object_is_proxied;\n"
+ " {class_name:s} *cbase;\n"
+ "}} py{class_name:s};\n").format(
+ **values_dict))
+ def initialise(self):
+ return ""
+class EnumConstructor(ConstructorMethod):
+ def prototype(self, out):
+ return Method.prototype(self, out)
+ def write_destructor(self, out):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ out.write((
+ "static void {class_name:s}_dealloc(py{class_name:s} *self) {{\n"
+ " struct _typeobject *ob_type = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(self != NULL) {{\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(self->value);\n"
+ " ob_type = Py_TYPE(self);\n"
+ " if(ob_type != NULL && ob_type->tp_free != NULL) {{\n"
+ " ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*) self);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "}}\n").format(**values_dict))
+ def write_definition(self, out):
+ self.myclass.modifier.add("TP_STR")
+ self.myclass.modifier.add("TP_EQUAL")
+ self._prototype(out)
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ out.write((
+ "{{\n"
+ " static char *kwlist[] = {{\"value\", NULL}};\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, \"O\", kwlist, &self->value)) {{\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " Py_IncRef(self->value);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " return 0;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "on_error:\n"
+ " return -1;\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "static PyObject *py{class_name:s}___str__(py{class_name:s} *self) {{\n"
+ " PyObject *result = PyDict_GetItem({class_name:s}_rev_lookup, self->value);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(result) {{\n"
+ " Py_IncRef(result);\n"
+ " }} else {{\n"
+ " result = PyObject_Str(self->value);\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " return result;\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "static PyObject * {class_name:s}_eq(PyObject *me, PyObject *other, int op) {{\n"
+ " py{class_name:s} *self = (py{class_name:s} *)me;\n"
+ " int other_int = PyLong_AsLong(other);\n"
+ " int my_int = 0;\n"
+ " PyObject *result = Py_False;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if(CheckError(EZero)) {{\n"
+ " my_int = PyLong_AsLong(self->value);\n"
+ " switch(op) {{\n"
+ " case Py_EQ:\n"
+ " result = my_int == other_int? Py_True: Py_False;\n"
+ " break;\n"
+ " case Py_NE:\n"
+ " result = my_int != other_int? Py_True: Py_False;\n"
+ " break;\n"
+ " default:\n"
+ " return Py_NotImplemented;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ " }} else {{\n"
+ " return NULL;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "\n"
+ " ClearError();\n"
+ "\n"
+ " Py_IncRef(result);\n"
+ " return result;\n"
+ "}}\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict))
+class Enum(StructGenerator):
+ def __init__(self, name, module):
+ super(Enum, self).__init__(name, module)
+ self.values = []
+ = name
+ self.attributes = None
+ = True
+ def get_string(self):
+ """Retrieves a string representation."""
+ result = "Enum {0:s}:\n".format(
+ for attr in self.values:
+ result += " {0:s}\n".format(attr)
+ return result
+ def prepare(self):
+ self.constructor = EnumConstructor(
+ self.class_name, self.base_class_name, "Con", [], "void",
+ myclass=self)
+ StructGenerator.prepare(self)
+ def struct(self, out):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ out.write((
+ "\n"
+ "typedef struct {{\n"
+ " PyObject_HEAD\n"
+ " PyObject *value;\n"
+ "}} py{class_name:s};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "PyObject *{class_name:s}_Dict_lookup;\n"
+ "PyObject *{class_name:s}_rev_lookup;\n").format(
+ **values_dict))
+ def PyGetSetDef(self, out):
+ out.write((
+ "static PyGetSetDef {0:s}_get_set_definitions[] = {{\n"
+ " {{NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}} /* Sentinel */\n"
+ "}};\n"
+ "\n").format(self.class_name))
+ def PyMethodDef(self, out):
+ out.write((
+ "static PyMethodDef {0:s}_methods[] = {{\n"
+ " {{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}} /* Sentinel */\n"
+ "}};\n"
+ "\n").format(self.class_name))
+ def numeric_protocol_nonzero(self):
+ pass
+ def numeric_protocol_int(self):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ return (
+ "static PyObject *{class_name:s}_int(py{class_name:s} *self) {{\n"
+ " Py_IncRef(self->value);\n"
+ " return self->value;\n"
+ "}}\n").format(**values_dict)
+ def initialise(self):
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name}
+ result = (
+ "{class_name:s}_Dict_lookup = PyDict_New();\n"
+ "{class_name:s}_rev_lookup = PyDict_New();\n").format(
+ **values_dict)
+ if self.values:
+ result += (
+ "{\n"
+ " PyObject *integer_object = NULL;\n"
+ " PyObject *string_object = NULL;\n")
+ for attr in self.values:
+ values_dict = {
+ "class_name": self.class_name,
+ "value": attr}
+ result += (
+ " integer_object = PyLong_FromLong({value:s});\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3\n"
+ " string_object = PyUnicode_FromString(\"{value:s}\");\n"
+ "#else\n"
+ " string_object = PyString_FromString(\"{value:s}\");\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ " PyDict_SetItem({class_name:s}_Dict_lookup, string_object, integer_object);\n"
+ " PyDict_SetItem({class_name:s}_rev_lookup, integer_object, string_object);\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(integer_object);\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(string_object);\n"
+ "\n").format(**values_dict)
+ result += "}\n"
+ return result
+class EnumType(Integer):
+ buildstr = "i"
+ def __init__(self, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(EnumType, self).__init__(name, type, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.type = type
+ def definition(self, default=None, **kwargs):
+ # Force the enum to be an int just in case the compiler chooses
+ # a random size.
+ if default:
+ return " int {0:s} = {1:s};\n".format(, default)
+ else:
+ return " int UNUSED {0:s} = 0;\n".format(
+ def to_python_object(self, name=None, result="Py_result", **kwargs):
+ name = name or
+ return (
+ "PyErr_Clear();\n"
+ "{0:s} = PyObject_CallMethod(g_module, \"{1:s}\", \"K\", (uint64_t){2:s});\n").format(
+ result, self.type, name)
+ def pre_call(self, method, **kwargs):
+ method.error_set = True
+ values_dict = {
+ "name":,
+ "type": self.type}
+ return (
+ "/* Check if the integer passed is actually a valid member\n"
+ " * of the enum. Enum value of 0 is always allowed.\n"
+ " */\n"
+ "if({name:s}) {{\n"
+ " PyObject *py_{name:s} = NULL;\n"
+ " PyObject *tmp = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " py_{name:s} = PyLong_FromLong({name:s});\n"
+ " tmp = PyDict_GetItem({type:s}_rev_lookup, py_{name:s});\n"
+ "\n"
+ " Py_DecRef(py_{name:s});\n"
+ " if(!tmp) {{\n"
+ " PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"value %lu is not valid for Enum {type:s} of arg '{name:s}'\", (unsigned long){name:s});\n"
+ " goto on_error;\n"
+ " }}\n"
+ "}}\n").format(**values_dict)
+class HeaderParser(lexer.SelfFeederMixIn):
+ tokens = [
+ ["INITIAL", r"#define\s+", "PUSH_STATE", "DEFINE"],
+ ["DEFINE", r"([A-Za-z_0-9]+)\s+[^\n]+", "DEFINE,POP_STATE", None],
+ ["DEFINE", r"\n", "POP_STATE", None],
+ # Ignore macros with args
+ ["DEFINE", r"\([^\n]+", "POP_STATE", None],
+ # Recognize ansi c comments
+ [".", r"/\*(.)", "PUSH_STATE", "COMMENT"],
+ ["COMMENT", r"(.+?)\*/\s+", "COMMENT_END,POP_STATE", None],
+ ["COMMENT", r"(.+)", "COMMENT", None],
+ # And c++ comments
+ [".", r"//([^\n]+)", "COMMENT", None],
+ # An empty line clears the current comment
+ [".", r"\r?\n\r?\n", "CLEAR_COMMENT", None],
+ # Ignore whitespace
+ [".", r"\s+", "SPACE", None],
+ [".", r"\\\n", "SPACE", None],
+ # Recognize CLASS() definitions
+ ["INITIAL", r"^([A-Z]+)?\s*CLASS\(([A-Z_a-z0-9]+)\s*,\s*([A-Z_a-z0-9]+)\)",
+ ["CLASS", r"^\s*(FOREIGN|ABSTRACT|PRIVATE)?([0-9A-Z_a-z ]+( |\*))METHOD\(([A-Z_a-z0-9]+),\s*([A-Z_a-z0-9]+),?",
+ ["METHOD", r"\s*([0-9A-Z a-z_]+\s+\*?\*?)([0-9A-Za-z_]+),?", "METHOD_ARG", None],
+ ["METHOD", r"\);", "POP_STATE,METHOD_END", None],
+ ["CLASS", r"^\s*(FOREIGN|ABSTRACT)?([0-9A-Z_a-z ]+\s+\*?)\s*([A-Z_a-z0-9]+)\s*;",
+ # Recognize struct definitions (With name)
+ ["INITIAL", "([A-Z_a-z0-9 ]+)?struct\s+([A-Z_a-z0-9]+)\s+{",
+ # Without name (using typedef)
+ ["INITIAL", "typedef\s+struct\s+{",
+ ["STRUCT", r"^\s*([0-9A-Z_a-z ]+\s+\*?)\s*([A-Z_a-z0-9]+)(?:\[([A-Z_a-z0-9]+)\])?\s*;",
+ ["STRUCT", r"^\s*([0-9A-Z_a-z ]+)\*\s+([A-Z_a-z0-9]+)\s*;",
+ # Struct ended with typedef
+ ["STRUCT", "}\s+([0-9A-Za-z_]+);", "POP_STATE,TYPEDEF_STRUCT_END", None],
+ ["STRUCT", "}", "POP_STATE,STRUCT_END", None],
+ # Handle recursive struct or union definition (At the moment
+ # we cant handle them at all)
+ ["(RECURSIVE_)?STRUCT", "(struct|union)\s+([_A-Za-z0-9]+)?\s*{", "PUSH_STATE", "RECURSIVE_STRUCT"],
+ ["RECURSIVE_STRUCT", "}\s+[0-9A-Za-z]+", "POP_STATE", None],
+ # Process enums (2 forms - named and typedefed)
+ ["INITIAL", r"enum\s+([0-9A-Za-z_]+)\s+{", "PUSH_STATE,ENUM_START", "ENUM"],
+ # Unnamed
+ ["INITIAL", r"typedef\s+enum\s+{", "PUSH_STATE,TYPEDEF_ENUM_START", "ENUM"],
+ ["ENUM", r"([0-9A-Za-z_]+)\s+=[^\n]+", "ENUM_VALUE", None],
+ # Typedefed ending
+ ["ENUM", r"}\s+([0-9A-Za-z_]+);", "POP_STATE,TYPEDEFED_ENUM_END", None],
+ ["ENUM", r"}", "POP_STATE,ENUM_END", None],
+ ["INITIAL", r"BIND_STRUCT\(([0-9A-Za-z_ \*]+)\)", "BIND_STRUCT", None],
+ # A simple typedef of one type for another type:
+ ["INITIAL", r"typedef ([A-Za-z_0-9]+) +([^;]+);", "SIMPLE_TYPEDEF", None],
+ # Handle proxied directives
+ ["INITIAL", r"PXXROXY_CLASS\(([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\)", "PROXY_CLASS", None],
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, name, verbose=1, base=""):
+ self.module = Module(name)
+ self.base = base
+ super(HeaderParser, self).__init__(verbose=0)
+ file_object = io.BytesIO(
+ b"// Base object\n"
+ b"CLASS(Object, Obj)\n"
+ b"END_CLASS\n")
+ self.parse_fd(file_object)
+ current_comment = ""
+ def COMMENT(self, t, m):
+ self.current_comment += + "\n"
+ def COMMENT_END(self, t, m):
+ self.current_comment +=
+ def CLEAR_COMMENT(self, t, m):
+ self.current_comment = ""
+ def DEFINE(self, t, m):
+ line =
+ line = line.split("/*")[0]
+ if "\"" in line:
+ type = "string"
+ else:
+ type = "integer"
+ name =
+ if (len(name) > 3 and name[0] != "_" and name == name.upper() and
+ name not in self.module.constants_blacklist):
+ self.module.add_constant(name, type)
+ current_class = None
+ def CLASS_START(self, t, m):
+ class_name =
+ base_class_name =
+ try:
+ self.current_class = self.module.classes[base_class_name].clone(class_name)
+ except (KeyError, AttributeError):
+ log("Base class {0:s} is not defined !!!!".format(base_class_name))
+ self.current_class = ClassGenerator(class_name, base_class_name, self.module)
+ self.current_class.docstring = self.current_comment
+ self.current_class.modifier.add(
+ self.module.add_class(self.current_class, Wrapper)
+ identifier = "{0:s} *".format(class_name)
+ type_dispatcher[identifier] = PointerWrapper
+ current_method = None
+ def METHOD_START(self, t, m):
+ return_type =
+ method_name =
+ modifier = or ""
+ if "PRIVATE" in modifier:
+ return
+ # Is it a regular method or a constructor?
+ self.current_method = Method
+ if (return_type == self.current_class.class_name and
+ method_name.startswith("Con")):
+ self.current_method = ConstructorMethod
+ elif method_name == "iternext":
+ self.current_method = IteratorMethod
+ self.current_class.modifier.add("ITERATOR")
+ elif method_name == "__iter__":
+ self.current_method = SelfIteratorMethod
+ self.current_class.modifier.add("SELF_ITER")
+ elif method_name == "__str__":
+ self.current_class.modifier.add("TP_STR")
+ self.current_method = self.current_method(
+ self.current_class.class_name,
+ self.current_class.base_class_name,
+ method_name, [], return_type,
+ myclass=self.current_class)
+ self.current_method.docstring = self.current_comment
+ self.current_method.modifier = modifier
+ def METHOD_ARG(self, t, m):
+ name =
+ type =
+ if self.current_method:
+ self.current_method.add_arg(type, name)
+ def METHOD_END(self, t, m):
+ if not self.current_method:
+ return
+ if isinstance(self.current_method, ConstructorMethod):
+ self.current_class.constructor = self.current_method
+ else:
+ found = False
+ for i in range(len(self.current_class.methods)):
+ # Try to replace existing methods with this new method
+ method = self.current_class.methods[i]
+ if ==
+ self.current_class.methods[i] = self.current_method
+ self.current_method = None
+ return
+ # Method does not exist, just add to the end
+ self.current_class.methods.append(self.current_method)
+ self.current_method = None
+ def CLASS_ATTRIBUTE(self, t, m):
+ modifier = or ""
+ type =
+ name =
+ self.current_class.add_attribute(name, type, modifier)
+ def END_CLASS(self, t, m):
+ self.current_class = None
+ current_struct = None
+ def STRUCT_START(self, t, m):
+ self.current_struct = StructGenerator(, self.module)
+ self.current_struct.docstring = self.current_comment
+ self.current_struct.modifier.add(
+ def TYPEDEF_STRUCT_START(self, t, m):
+ self.current_struct = StructGenerator(None, self.module)
+ self.current_struct.docstring = self.current_comment
+ def STRUCT_ATTRIBUTE(self, t, m):
+ name =
+ type =
+ array_size =
+ if array_size is not None:
+ array_size = array_size.strip()
+ self.current_struct.add_attribute(name, type, "", array_size=array_size)
+ else:
+ self.current_struct.add_attribute(name, type, "")
+ def STRUCT_ATTRIBUTE_PTR(self, t, m):
+ type = "{0:s} *".format(
+ name =
+ self.current_struct.add_attribute(name, type, "")
+ def STRUCT_END(self, t, m):
+ self.module.add_class(self.current_struct, StructWrapper)
+ identifier = "{0:s} *".format(self.current_struct.class_name)
+ type_dispatcher[identifier] = PointerStructWrapper
+ self.current_struct = None
+ def TYPEDEF_STRUCT_END(self, t, m):
+ self.current_struct.class_name =
+ self.STRUCT_END(t, m)
+ current_enum = None
+ def ENUM_START(self, t, m):
+ self.current_enum = Enum(, self.module)
+ def TYPEDEF_ENUM_START(self, t, m):
+ self.current_enum = Enum(None, self.module)
+ def ENUM_VALUE(self, t, m):
+ self.current_enum.values.append(
+ def ENUM_END(self, t, m):
+ self.module.classes[] = self.current_enum
+ # For now we just treat enums as an integer, and also add
+ # them to the constant table. In future it would be nice to
+ # have them as a proper Python object so we can override
+ # __unicode__, __str__ and __int__.
+ for attr in self.current_enum.values:
+ self.module.add_constant(attr, "integer")
+ # type_dispatcher[] = Integer
+ type_dispatcher[] = EnumType
+ self.current_enum = None
+ def TYPEDEFED_ENUM_END(self, t, m):
+ = self.current_enum.class_name =
+ self.ENUM_END(t, m)
+ def BIND_STRUCT(self, t, m):
+ self.module.active_structs.add(
+ self.module.active_structs.add("{0:s} *".format(
+ def SIMPLE_TYPEDEF(self, t, m):
+ # We basically add a new type as a copy of the old
+ # type
+ old, new =,
+ if old in type_dispatcher:
+ type_dispatcher[new] = type_dispatcher[old]
+ def PROXY_CLASS(self, t, m):
+ base_class_name =
+ class_name = "Proxied{0:s}".format(base_class_name)
+ try:
+ proxied_class = self.module.classes[base_class_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise RuntimeError((
+ "Need to create a proxy for {0:s} but it has not been "
+ "defined (yet). You must place the PROXIED_CLASS() "
+ "instruction after the class definition").format(
+ base_class_name))
+ current_class = ProxyClassGenerator(class_name,
+ base_class_name, self.module)
+ # self.current_class.constructor.args += proxied_class.constructor.args
+ current_class.docstring = self.current_comment
+ # Create proxies for all these methods
+ for method in proxied_class.methods:
+ if[0] != "_":
+ current_class.methods.append(ProxiedMethod(method, current_class))
+ self.module.add_class(current_class, Wrapper)
+ def parse_filenames(self, filenames):
+ for f in filenames:
+ self._parse(f)
+ # Second pass
+ for f in filenames:
+ self._parse(f)
+ def _parse(self, filename):
+ file_object = open(filename, "rb")
+ self.parse_fd(file_object)
+ file_object.close()
+ if filename not in self.module.files:
+ if filename.startswith(self.base):
+ filename = filename[len(self.base):]
+ self.module.headers += "#include \"{0:s}\"\n".format(filename)
+ self.module.files.append(filename)
+ def write(self, out):
+ try:
+ self.module.write(out)
+ except:
+ # pdb.post_mortem()
+ raise
+ def write_headers(self):
+ pass
+ # pdb.set_trace()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ p = HeaderParser("pytsk3", verbose=1)
+ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+ p.parse_fd(open(arg, "rb"))
+ log("second parse")
+ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+ p.parse_fd(open(arg, "rb"))
+ p.write(sys.stdout)
+ p.write_headers()