path: root/urwid/
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Diffstat (limited to 'urwid/')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/urwid/ b/urwid/
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index 0000000..3af4e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/urwid/
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Urwid basic widget classes
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Ian Ward
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Urwid web site:
+from urwid import Edit
+from decimal import Decimal
+import re
+class NumEdit(Edit):
+ """NumEdit - edit numerical types
+ based on the characters in 'allowed' different numerical types
+ can be edited:
+ + regular int: 0123456789
+ + regular float: 0123456789.
+ + regular oct: 01234567
+ + regular hex: 0123456789abcdef
+ """
+ def __init__(self, allowed, caption, default, trimLeadingZeros=True):
+ super(NumEdit, self).__init__(caption, default)
+ self._allowed = allowed
+ self.trimLeadingZeros = trimLeadingZeros
+ def valid_char(self, ch):
+ """
+ Return true for allowed characters.
+ """
+ return len(ch) == 1 and ch.upper() in self._allowed
+ def keypress(self, size, key):
+ """
+ Handle editing keystrokes. Remove leading zeros.
+ >>> e, size = NumEdit("0123456789", u"", "5002"), (10,)
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'home')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'delete')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "002"
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "2"
+ >>> # binary only
+ >>> e, size = NumEdit("01", u"", ""), (10,)
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == ""
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '1')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '0')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '1')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "101"
+ """
+ (maxcol,) = size
+ unhandled = Edit.keypress(self, (maxcol,), key)
+ if not unhandled:
+ if self.trimLeadingZeros:
+ # trim leading zeros
+ while self.edit_pos > 0 and self.edit_text[:1] == "0":
+ self.set_edit_pos(self.edit_pos - 1)
+ self.set_edit_text(self.edit_text[1:])
+ return unhandled
+class IntegerEdit(NumEdit):
+ """Edit widget for integer values"""
+ def __init__(self, caption="", default=None, base=10):
+ """
+ caption -- caption markup
+ default -- default edit value
+ >>> IntegerEdit(u"", 42)
+ <IntegerEdit selectable flow widget '42' edit_pos=2>
+ >>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", "5002"), (10,)
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'home')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'delete')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "002"
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "2"
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '9')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '0')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "290"
+ >>> e, size = IntegerEdit("", ""), (10,)
+ >>> assert e.value() is None
+ >>> # binary
+ >>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", "1010", base=2), (10,)
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '1')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "10101"
+ >>> assert e.value() == Decimal("21")
+ >>> # HEX
+ >>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", "10", base=16), (10,)
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'F')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'f')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "10Ff"
+ >>> assert e.keypress(size, 'G') == 'G' # unhandled key
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "10Ff"
+ >>> # keep leading 0's when not base 10
+ >>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", "10FF", base=16), (10,)
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "10FF"
+ >>> assert e.value() == Decimal("4351")
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'home')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'delete')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '0')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "00FF"
+ >>> # test exception on incompatable value for base
+ >>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", "10FG", base=16), (10,)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: invalid value: 10FG for base 16
+ >>> # test exception on float init value
+ >>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", 10.0), (10,)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: default: Only 'str', 'int', 'long' or Decimal input allowed
+ >>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", Decimal("10.0")), (10,)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: not an 'integer Decimal' instance
+ """
+ self.base = base
+ val = ""
+ allowed_chars = self.ALLOWED[:self.base]
+ if default is not None:
+ if not isinstance(default, (int, str, Decimal)):
+ raise ValueError("default: Only 'str', 'int', "
+ "'long' or Decimal input allowed")
+ # convert to a long first, this will raise a ValueError
+ # in case a float is passed or some other error
+ if isinstance(default, str) and len(default):
+ # check if it is a valid initial value
+ validation_re = "^[{}]+$".format(allowed_chars)
+ if not re.match(validation_re, str(default), re.IGNORECASE):
+ raise ValueError("invalid value: {} for base {}".format(
+ default, base))
+ elif isinstance(default, Decimal):
+ # a Decimal instance with no fractional part
+ if default.as_tuple()[2] != 0:
+ raise ValueError("not an 'integer Decimal' instance")
+ # convert possible int, long or Decimal to str
+ val = str(default)
+ super(IntegerEdit, self).__init__(allowed_chars, caption, val,
+ trimLeadingZeros=(self.base == 10))
+ def value(self):
+ """
+ Return the numeric value of self.edit_text.
+ >>> e, size = IntegerEdit(), (10,)
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '5')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '1')
+ >>> assert e.value() == 51
+ """
+ if self.edit_text:
+ return Decimal(int(self.edit_text, self.base))
+ return None
+class FloatEdit(NumEdit):
+ """Edit widget for float values."""
+ def __init__(self, caption="", default=None,
+ preserveSignificance=True, decimalSeparator='.'):
+ """
+ caption -- caption markup
+ default -- default edit value
+ preserveSignificance -- return value has the same signif. as default
+ decimalSeparator -- use '.' as separator by default, optionally a ','
+ >>> FloatEdit(u"", "1.065434")
+ <FloatEdit selectable flow widget '1.065434' edit_pos=8>
+ >>> e, size = FloatEdit(u"", "1.065434"), (10,)
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'home')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'delete')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == ".065434"
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'backspace')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == ".06543"
+ >>> e, size = FloatEdit(), (10,)
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '5')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '1')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '.')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '5')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '1')
+ >>> assert e.value() == Decimal("51.51")
+ >>> e, size = FloatEdit(decimalSeparator=":"), (10,)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: invalid decimalSeparator: :
+ >>> e, size = FloatEdit(decimalSeparator=","), (10,)
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '5')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '1')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, ',')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '5')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '1')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "51,51"
+ >>> e, size = FloatEdit("", "3.1415", preserveSignificance=True), (10,)
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'backspace')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, 'backspace')
+ >>> assert e.edit_text == "3.14"
+ >>> assert e.value() == Decimal("3.1400")
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '1')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '5')
+ >>> e.keypress(size, '9')
+ >>> assert e.value() == Decimal("3.1416")
+ >>> e, size = FloatEdit("", ""), (10,)
+ >>> assert e.value() is None
+ >>> e, size = FloatEdit(u"", 10.0), (10,)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: default: Only 'str', 'int', 'long' or Decimal input allowed
+ """
+ self.significance = None
+ self._decimalSeparator = decimalSeparator
+ if decimalSeparator not in ['.', ',']:
+ raise ValueError("invalid decimalSeparator: {}".format(
+ decimalSeparator))
+ val = ""
+ if default is not None and default is not "":
+ if not isinstance(default, (int, str, Decimal)):
+ raise ValueError("default: Only 'str', 'int', "
+ "'long' or Decimal input allowed")
+ if isinstance(default, str) and len(default):
+ # check if it is a float, raises a ValueError otherwise
+ float(default)
+ default = Decimal(default)
+ if preserveSignificance:
+ self.significance = abs(default.as_tuple()[2])
+ val = str(default)
+ super(FloatEdit, self).__init__(self.ALLOWED[0:10] + decimalSeparator,
+ caption, val)
+ def value(self):
+ """
+ Return the numeric value of self.edit_text.
+ """
+ if self.edit_text:
+ # integer part (before .) and fractional part (after .)
+ fmt = "{ip}.{fp}"
+ if self.significance:
+ # in case of preserved significance, construct the
+ # format string to fill with trailing 0
+ fmt = "{{ip}}.{{fp:<0{sig}d}}".format(sig=self.significance)
+ # get the ip and fp, handles also the case that there is no '.'
+ ip, fp = ([v for v in
+ self.edit_text.split(self._decimalSeparator)] + [0])[0:2]
+ # in case the fp part surpasses the significance we round it
+ if self.significance and len(str(fp)) > self.significance:
+ fp = float(fp) / 10**(len(str(fp)) - self.significance)
+ fp = int(round(fp))
+ return Decimal(fmt.format(ip=ip, fp=int(fp)))
+ return None