path: root/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0
diff options
authorCamm Maguire <>2017-05-08 12:58:52 -0400
committerCamm Maguire <>2017-05-08 12:58:52 -0400
commit092176848cbfd27b96c323cc30c54dff4c4a6872 (patch)
tree91b91b4db76805fd2a09de0745b22080a9ebd335 /books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0
Import acl2_7.4dfsg.orig.tar.gz
[dgit import orig acl2_7.4dfsg.orig.tar.gz]
Diffstat (limited to 'books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0')
22 files changed, 6447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/Readme.lsp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/Readme.lsp
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index 0000000..d8902c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/Readme.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+((:FILES "
+ (:TITLE "GeNoC: A Generic Network On Chip")
+ (:AUTHOR/S "J. Schmaltz") ; non-empty list of author strings
+ (:KEYWORDS ; non-empty list of keywords, case-insensitive
+ "networks on chip" "formal methods" "system design"
+ )
+"GeNoC is a generic network model intended to serve as a reference for
+the validation of high-level descriptions of networks on chip (NoCs). It formalizes
+the interaction between three key components: interfaces, routing algorithms,
+and scheduling policies. It also defines a global correctness property: messages reach their expected destination
+without modification of their content. To abstract from particular implementations,
+GeNoC's components are not explicitly defined. They are constrained to satisfy a
+set of properties. Using encapsulation and functional-instantiation, the constrained
+for particular components of a given NoC are automatically generated. Their proof is sufficient
+to guarantee the overall correctness of this given NoC.
+ (:PERMISSION ; author/s permission for distribution and copying:
+"GeNoC v1.0
+Copyright (C) 2007 J. Schmaltz
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+02110-1301, USA."))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-interfaces.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-interfaces.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa962a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-interfaces.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Interface Module of GeNoC
+;; June 17th
+;; File: GeNoC-interfaces.lisp
+(in-package "ACL2")
+ (
+ ;; Any peer has an interface that can send and receive messages
+ ;; Function p2psend
+ ;; argument: a message msg and [options]
+ ;; output: a frame frm
+ ((p2psend *) => *)
+ ;; Function p2precv
+ ;; argument: a frame frm and [options]
+ ;; output: a message msg
+ ((p2precv *) => *)
+ )
+ (local (defun p2psend (msg) msg))
+ (local (defun p2precv (frm) frm))
+ (defthm p2p-Correctness
+ ;; the composition of p2precv and p2psend
+ ;; is the identity function
+ (equal (p2precv (p2psend msg)) msg))
+ (defthm p2psend-nil
+ ;; if msg is nil then p2psend is nil too
+ (not (p2psend nil)))
+(defthm p2psend-not-nil
+ ;; if msg is not nil then p2psend is not nil too
+ (implies msg
+ (p2psend msg)))
+) ;; end of interfaces
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-misc.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-misc.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22b2593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-misc.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Misceaneous definitions and lemmas
+;; June 20th 2005
+;; File: GeNoC-misc.lisp
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "GeNoC-types")
+;; The predicates associated with the routing part are:
+;; - ValidRoutep
+;; - CorrectRoutesp
+(defun ValidRoutep (r m)
+ ;; a route r is valid according to a missive m if:
+ ;; a/ the origin of the r is the source node of m
+ ;; b/ the destination of r is the destination node of m
+ ;; c/ r is a subset of NodeSet
+ ;; d/ a route r has a len >= 2
+ (and (equal (car r) (OrgM m))
+ (equal (car (last r)) (DestM m))
+ (not (equal (car R) (car (last R))))))
+(defun CheckRoutes (routes m NodeSet)
+ ;; checks that a list of routes is correct according to a missive m
+ (if (endp routes)
+ t
+ (let ((r (car routes)))
+ (and (ValidRoutep r m)
+ (subsetp r NodeSet)
+ (CheckRoutes (cdr routes) m NodeSet)))))
+(defun CorrectRoutesp (TrLst M NodeSet)
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ (if (endp M)
+ t
+ nil)
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (msv (car M))
+ (routes (RoutesV tr)))
+ (and (CheckRoutes routes msv NodeSet)
+ (equal (IdV tr) (IdM msv))
+ (equal (FrmV tr) (FrmM msv))
+ (CorrectRoutesp (cdr TrLst) (cdr M) NodeSet)))))
+(defun ToMissives (TrLst)
+ ;; convert a Travel List to a Missive
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (frm (FrmV Tr))
+ (routes (RoutesV Tr))
+ (id (IdV tr)))
+ (cons (list Id (caar routes) frm (car (last (car routes))))
+ (ToMissives (cdr TrLst))))))
+(defthm correctroutesp-=>-tomissives
+ (implies (and (CorrectRoutesp TrLst M NodeSet)
+ (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (TrLstp TrLst))
+ (equal (ToMissives TrLst) M)))
+(defthm M-ids-ToMissives-V-ids
+ (equal (M-ids (ToMissives x)) (V-ids x)))
+(defthm CorrectRoutesp-member-equal
+ (implies (and (correctRoutesp TrLst (ToMissives TrLst) NodeSet)
+ (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (member-equal e (v-ids TrLst)))
+ (checkroutes (nth 2 (assoc-equal e TrLst))
+ (assoc-equal e (ToMissives TrLst))
+ NodeSet)))
+(defun extract-sublst (Lst Ids)
+ ;; extracts the element with the Id in Ids
+ ;; the output is ordered according to Ids
+ (if (endp Ids)
+ nil
+ (append (list (assoc-equal (car Ids) Lst))
+ (extract-sublst Lst (cdr Ids)))))
+;; for the proof of the correctness of GeNOC
+;; two important lemmas are needed
+;; the first one rewrites (ToMissives (extract-sublst ..))
+;; to (extract-sublst (tomissives) ... )
+(defthm ToMissives-append
+ ;; we first link ToMissives and append
+ (equal (ToMissives (append A B))
+ (append (ToMissives A) (ToMissives B))))
+(defthm member-equal-assoc-equal-not-nil
+ ;; if e is an Id of a travel of L
+ ;; then (assoc-equal e L) is not nil
+ (implies (and (member-equal e (V-ids L))
+ (TrLstp L))
+ (assoc-equal e L)))
+(defthm ToMissives-assoc-equal
+ ;; if (assoc-equal e L) is not nil then we can link
+ ;; assoc-equal and ToMissives as follows:
+ ;; (this lemma is needed to prove the next defthm)
+ (implies (assoc-equal e L)
+ (equal (ToMissives (list (assoc-equal e L)))
+ (list (assoc-equal e (ToMissives L))))))
+(defthm ToMissives-extract-sublst
+ ;; now we prove our main lemma
+ (implies (and (subsetp ids (V-ids L))
+ (TrLstp L))
+ (equal (ToMissives (extract-sublst L ids))
+ (extract-sublst (ToMissives L) ids)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :induct (extract-sublst L ids)
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :in-theory (disable ToMissives append))))
+;; the second lemma we need, allow us to cancel
+;; one successive call of extract-sublst
+(defthm member-equal-assoc-equal-not-nil-m-ids
+ ;; if a is ain the ids of L then (assoc-equal e L)
+ ;; is not nil
+ (implies (and (member-equal e (M-ids L))
+ (validfields-m L))
+ (assoc-equal e L)))
+(defthm member-equal-M-ids-assoc-equal
+ ;; obviously if e in not in the ids of L
+ ;; then (assoc-equal e L) is nil
+ (implies (not (member-equal e (M-ids L)))
+ (not (assoc-equal e L))))
+(defthm Missivesp-not-assoc-equal
+ ;; if M is Missivesp then nil is not a key in L
+ (implies (ValidFields-M M)
+ (not (assoc-equal nil M))))
+(defthm assoc-equal-not-nil
+ ;; if (assoc-equal e L) is not nil, then
+ ;; its car is e !!
+ (implies (assoc-equal e L)
+ (equal (car (assoc-equal e L))
+ e)))
+(defthm assoc-equal-extract-sublst-M-lemma
+ ;; if e is not in id1 there is no key equal to e
+ ;; after filtering according to id1
+ (implies (and (not (member-equal e id1))
+ (ValidFields-M M))
+ (not (assoc-equal e (extract-sublst M id1)))))
+(defthm assoc-equal-extract-sublst-M
+ ;; if e is a key in id1 then e is still a key
+ ;; after filtering according to id1
+ (implies (and (member-equal e id1)
+ (ValidFields-M M))
+ (equal (assoc-equal e (extract-sublst M id1))
+ (assoc-equal e M)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :induct (extract-sublst M id1))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :cases ((member-equal (car id1) (M-ids M))))))
+(defthm extract-sublst-cancel-M
+ ;; and now we can prove our second main lemma
+ (implies (and (subsetp id2 id1)
+ (ValidFields-M M))
+ (equal (extract-sublst (extract-sublst M id1) id2)
+ (extract-sublst M id2))))
+;; Finally, we prove that the correctness of the routes
+;; is preserved by extract-sublst
+(defthm extract-sublst-identity
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (equal (extract-sublst TrLst (V-ids TrLst))
+ TrLst)))
+(defthm assoc-equal-tomissives-not-nil
+ ;; if e is in the ids of L then there is a key equal to
+ ;; e in (ToMissives L)
+ (implies (and (TrLstp L) (member-equal e (V-ids L)))
+ (assoc-equal e (ToMissives L))))
+(defthm ToMissives-CorrectRoutesp-Extract-sublst
+ ;; we prove the current lemma
+ (implies (and (subsetp ids (V-ids TrLst))
+ (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (CorrectRoutesp TrLst (ToMissives TrLst) NodeSet))
+ (CorrectRoutesp (extract-sublst TrLst ids)
+ (ToMissives (extract-sublst TrLst ids))
+ NodeSet)))
+;; NOT IN
+(defun not-in (x y)
+ (if (or (endp x) (endp y))
+ t
+ (and (not (member (car x) y))
+ (not-in (cdr x) y))))
+;; we prove some useful lemmas about subsetp
+(defthm subsetp-expand
+ (implies (subsetp x y)
+ (subsetp x (cons z y))))
+(defthm subsetp-x-x
+ (subsetp x x))
+(defthm subsetp-append
+ (implies (and (subsetp x S)
+ (subsetp y S))
+ (subsetp (append x y) S)))
+(defthm member-equal-subsetp-last
+ (implies (and (subsetp x NodeSet) (consp x))
+ (member-equal (car (last x)) NodeSet)))
+;; Finally, we prove that converting a list of travels
+;; to a list of missives gives something that is recoginized
+;; by Missivesp
+(defthm checkroutes-caar
+ (implies (and (checkroutes Routes M NodeSet)
+ (validfield-route Routes) (consp routes))
+ (member-equal (caar routes) NodeSet)))
+(defthm checkroutes-car-last-car
+ (implies (and (checkroutes Routes M NodeSet)
+ (validfield-route Routes) (consp routes))
+ (member-equal (car (last (car routes))) NodeSet)))
+(defthm Missivesp-ToMissives
+ (implies (and (correctroutesp TrLst (ToMissives TrLst) NodeSet)
+ (TrLstp TrLst))
+ (Missivesp (ToMissives TrLst) NodeSet)))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-nodeset.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-nodeset.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35698c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-nodeset.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Generic Set of Nodes
+;; June 17th 2005
+;; File: GeNoC-nodeset.lisp
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(encapsulate ;; GenericNodeSet
+ ;; abstract set of nodes
+ ;; the set is generated by the following function
+ ;; its argument is the parameters
+ (((NodesetGenerator *) => *)
+ ;; the following predicate recognizes valid parameters
+ ((ValidParamsp *) => *)
+ ;; the following predicate recognizes a valid node
+ ((NodeSetp *) => *))
+ ;; local witnesses
+ (local (defun ValidParamsp (x) (declare (ignore x)) t))
+ (local (defun NodesetGenerator (x)
+ (if (zp x) nil
+ (cons x (NodesetGenerator (1- x))))))
+ (local (defun NodeSetp (l)
+ (if (endp l) t
+ (and (natp (car l))
+ (NodeSetp (cdr l))))))
+ (defthm nodeset-generates-valid-nodes
+ (implies (ValidParamsp params)
+ (NodeSetp (NodesetGenerator params))))
+ ;; we add a generic lemma
+ (defthm subsets-are-valid
+ ;; this lemma is used to prove that routes are made of valid nodes
+ (implies (and (NodeSetp x)
+ (subsetp y x))
+ (NodeSetp y)))
+) ;; end GenericNodeSet
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-routing.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-routing.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..799e4f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-routing.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Generic Routing Module of GeNoC
+;; June 20th 2005
+;; File: GeNoC-routing.lisp
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;; we import the books for the set of nodes and about the data-types
+(include-book "GeNoC-nodeset")
+(include-book "GeNoC-misc") ;; import also GeNoC-types
+ ;; Routing computes the route of each message within the network
+ ;; It takes as arguments: M and NodeSet
+ ;; It outputs a list of travel TrLst = (... (Id frm Route) ...)
+ ;; Constraints:
+ ;; 1/ If the input is a list of valid missives, the output must be
+ ;; a list of valid travels (Ids are still unique)
+ ;; 2/ Every route of every travel must be correct
+ ;; 3/ Frms of the output must be equal to the frms of the input
+ (((Routing * *) => *))
+ ;; local witnesses
+ (local (defun route (M)
+ ;; this would be the routing in a bus
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (let* ((msv (car M))
+ (Id (IdM msv))
+ (frm (FrmM msv))
+ (origin (OrgM msv))
+ (destination (DestM msv)))
+ (cons (list Id frm (list (list origin destination)))
+ (route (cdr M)))))))
+ (local (defun routing (M NodeSet)
+ (declare (ignore NodeSet))
+ (route M)))
+ ;; 1/ If the input is a list of valid missives, the output must be
+ ;; a list of valid travels (Ids are still unique)
+ ;; local lemmas
+ (local (defthm route-ids
+ ;; ids of the output TrLst are equal to the ids of
+ ;; the initital missives
+ (equal (V-Ids (route M)) (M-Ids M))))
+ (local (defthm validfields-route
+ (implies (Validfields-M M)
+ (validfields-TrLst (route M)))))
+ (local (defthm TrLstp-route
+ (implies (and (Validfields-M M)
+ (No-duplicatesp (M-ids M)))
+ (TrLstp (route M)))))
+ (defthm TrLstp-routing
+ ;; 1st constraint
+ ;; the travel list is recognized by TrLst
+ ;; Params is a free variable
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (TrLstp (routing M NodeSet)))))
+ ;; 2/ Routes must satisfy the predicate CorrectRoutesp
+ (local
+ (defthm correctroutesp-route
+ (implies (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (CorrectRoutesp (route M) M NodeSet))))
+ (defthm Routing-CorrectRoutesp
+ ;; 2nd constraint
+ ;; The routes produced by routing are correct
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (CorrectRoutesp (Routing M NodeSet) M NodeSet))))
+ ;; some additional constraints
+ (defthm true-listp-routing
+ (true-listp (routing M NodeSet))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+ (defthm routing-nil
+ ;; the routing has to return nil if the list of missives is nil
+ (not (routing nil NodeSet)))
+ ) ;; end of routing
+(defthm tomissives-routing
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (equal (ToMissives (routing M NodeSet)) M)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :use (:instance correctroutesp-=>-tomissives
+ (TrLst (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ :in-theory (disable Missivesp
+ correctroutesp-=>-tomissives)
+ :do-not-induct t)))
+;; A useful theorem.
+(defthm ids-routing
+ ;; the ids of the output of routing are equal to the ids
+ ;; of the initial list of missives
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (equal (V-ids (routing M NodeSet))
+ (M-ids M))))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :use ((:instance ToMissives-Routing))
+ :in-theory (disable ToMissives-Routing))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-scheduling.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-scheduling.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..599feb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-scheduling.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Generic Scheduling Module of GeNoC
+;; Feb 16th 2005
+;; File: GeNoC-scheduling.lisp
+;; Rev. Nov. 22nd 2005
+;; JS: NodeSet is not necessary in practice and fundamentally
+;; so I remove it from the scheduling definition
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "GeNoC-nodeset")
+(include-book "GeNoC-misc") ;; imports also GeNoC-types
+;; Inputs: TrLst = ( ... (Id frm route) ...)
+;; outputs: Scheduled and Delayed (which are both TrLst)
+ ;; Function Scheduling represents the scheduling policy of the
+ ;; network.
+ ;; arguments: TrLst att
+ ;; outputs: Scheduled Delayed newatt
+ (((scheduling * *) => (mv * * *)))
+ (local (defun consume-attempts (att)
+ ;; function that consumes one attempt for each node
+ ;; which has still at least one left
+ (if (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ att
+ (let* ((top (car att))
+ (node (car top))
+ (atti (cadr top)))
+ (if (zp atti)
+ (cons top
+ (consume-attempts (cdr att)))
+ (cons (list node (1- atti))
+ (consume-attempts (cdr att))))))))
+ (local (defun scheduling (TrLst att)
+ ;; local witness
+ (mv
+ ;; scheduled frames
+ (if (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ nil ;; no attempt left -> nothing is scheduled
+ TrLst) ;; otherwise everything is scheduled
+ ;; delayed frames
+ (if (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ TrLst ;; no attempt left -> everything is delayed
+ nil) ;; otherwise nothing is delayed
+ (if (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ att ;; no attempt left -> no modification on att
+ (consume-attempts att))))) ;; newatt has less attempts than att
+ ;; Proof obligations (also named constraints)
+ ;; -----------------------------------------
+ ;; 1/Type of Scheduled and Delayed travels
+ ;; ---------------------------------------
+ ;; The list of scheduled travels is a valid travel list
+ (defthm trlstp-scheduled
+ (implies (trlstp TrLst)
+ (trlstp (mv-nth 0 (scheduling TrLst att)))))
+ ;; so is the list of delayed travels
+ (defthm trlstp-delayed
+ (implies (trlstp TrLst)
+ (trlstp (mv-nth 1 (scheduling TrLst att)))))
+ ;; 2/ consume at least one attempt to ensure termination.
+ ;; ------------------------------------------------------
+ (defthm consume-at-least-one-attempt
+ ;; the scheduling policy should consume at least one attempt
+ ;; this is a sufficient condition to prove that
+ ;; the full network function terminates
+ (mv-let (Scheduled Delayed newatt)
+ (scheduling TrLst att)
+ (declare (ignore Scheduled Delayed))
+ (implies (not (zp (SumOfAttempts att)))
+ (< (SumOfAttempts newatt) (SumOfAttempts att)))))
+ ;; 3/ Correctness of the scheduled travels
+ ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; For any scheduled travel sched-tr, there exists a unique travel
+ ;; tr in the initial TrLst, such that IdV(sched-tr) = IdV(tr)
+ ;; and FrmV(sched-tr) = FrmV(tr) and RoutesV(sched-tr) is a
+ ;; sublist of RoutesV(tr).
+ ;; In ACL2, the uniqueness of the ids is given by the predicate
+ ;; TrLstp.
+ ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; First, let us define this correctness
+ (defun s/d-travel-correctness (sd-TrLst TrLst/sd-ids)
+ ;; sd-TrLst is the list of scheduled or delayed travels
+ ;; TrLst/sd-ids is the filtering of the initial TrLst
+ ;; according to the ids of the scheduled or delayed travels
+ (if (endp sd-TrLst)
+ (if (endp TrLst/sd-ids)
+ t
+ nil)
+ (let* ((sd-tr (car sd-TrLst))
+ (tr (car TrLst/sd-ids)))
+ (and (equal (FrmV sd-tr) (FrmV tr))
+ (equal (IdV sd-tr) (IdV tr))
+ (subsetp (RoutesV sd-tr) (RoutesV tr))
+ (s/d-travel-correctness (cdr sd-TrLst)
+ (cdr TrLst/sd-ids))))))
+ (defthm scheduled-travels-correctness
+ (mv-let (Scheduled Delayed newatt)
+ (scheduling TrLst att)
+ (declare (ignore Delayed newatt))
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (s/d-travel-correctness
+ scheduled
+ (extract-sublst TrLst (V-ids Scheduled))))))
+ (defthm subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ ;; this should be provable from the two lemmas above
+ ;; but it will always be trivial to prove, and it is
+ ;; useful in subsequent proofs.
+ (mv-let (scheduled delayed newatt)
+ (scheduling TrLst att)
+ (declare (ignore newatt))
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (and (subsetp (v-ids scheduled) (v-ids Trlst))
+ (subsetp (v-ids delayed) (v-ids TrLst))))))
+ ;; 4. Correctness of the delayed travels
+ ;; -------------------------------------
+ ;; the correctness of the delayed travels differs from
+ ;; the correctness of the scheduled travels because,
+ ;; for the scheduled travels we will generally keep only
+ ;; one route, but for the delayed travels we will not modify
+ ;; the travels and keep all the routes. In fact, by
+ ;; converting a travel back to a missive we will remove the
+ ;; routes.
+ ;; ---------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; the list Delayed is equal to filtering the initial
+ ;; TrLst according to the Ids of Delayed
+ (defthm delayed-travel-correctness
+ ;; this is a looping rule !!! should be disabled and used
+ ;; at the right time
+ (mv-let (Scheduled Delayed newatt)
+ (scheduling TrLst att)
+ (declare (ignore newatt scheduled))
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (equal Delayed
+ (extract-sublst TrLst (V-ids Delayed)))))
+ :rule-classes nil)
+ ;; 6/ if the initial AttLst contains only 0, we do not modify it
+ (defthm mv-nth-2-scheduling-on-zero-attlst
+ ;; if every attempt has been consumed
+ ;; the new att is equal to the initial one
+ (implies (and (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ (TrLstp trlst))
+ (equal
+ (mv-nth 2 (scheduling TrLst att));; new att
+ att)))
+ (defthm mv-nth-1-scheduling-on-zero-attlst
+ ;; if every attempt has been consumed
+ ;; the set of delayed orders is equal to the initial TrLst
+ (implies (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ (equal
+ (mv-nth 1 ;; delayed travels
+ (scheduling TrLst att))
+ TrLst)))
+ ;; 7/ The intersection of the ids of the scheduled travels and those
+ ;; of the delayed travels is empty
+ ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ (defthm not-in-delayed-scheduled
+ (mv-let (scheduled delayed newatt)
+ (scheduling TrLst att)
+ (declare (ignore newatt))
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (not-in (v-ids delayed) (v-ids scheduled)))))
+ ;; some constraints required because we do not have a definition
+ ;; for scheduling
+ (defthm consp-scheduling
+ ;; for the mv-nth
+ (consp (scheduling TrLst att))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+ (defthm true-listp-car-scheduling
+ (implies (true-listp TrLst)
+ (true-listp (mv-nth 0 (scheduling TrLst att))))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+ (defthm true-listp-mv-nth-1-sched
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (true-listp (mv-nth 1 (scheduling TrLst att))))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+) ;; end of scheduling
+(defthm checkroutes-member-equal
+ (implies (and (checkroutes routes m NodeSet)
+ (member-equal r Routes))
+ (validroutep r m)))
+(defthm checkroutes-subsetp-validroute
+ (implies (and (checkroutes routes m NodeSet)
+ (consp r)
+ (subsetp r routes))
+ (and (validroutep (car r) m)
+ (subsetp (car r) NodeSet))))
+(defthm checkroutes-subsetp
+ (implies (and (checkroutes routes m NodeSet)
+ (subsetp routes1 routes))
+ (checkroutes routes1 m NodeSet)))
+(defthm correctroutesp-s/d-travel-correctness
+ (implies (and (CorrectRoutesp TrLst/ids (ToMissives TrLst/ids) NodeSet)
+ (s/d-travel-correctness TrLst1 TrLst/ids))
+ (CorrectRoutesp TrLst1
+ (ToMissives TrLst/ids) NodeSet)))
+(defthm scheduling-preserves-route-correctness
+ (mv-let (Scheduled Delayed newatt)
+ (scheduling TrLst att)
+ (declare (ignore Delayed newatt))
+ (implies (and (CorrectRoutesp TrLst (ToMissives TrLst) NodeSet)
+ (TrLstp TrLst))
+ (CorrectRoutesp Scheduled
+ (ToMissives
+ (extract-sublst
+ TrLst
+ (V-ids scheduled)))
+ NodeSet)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :in-theory
+ (disable mv-nth ;; to have my rules used
+ tomissives-extract-sublst TrLstp))))
+(defthm scheduling-preserves-route-correctness-delayed
+ (mv-let (Scheduled Delayed newatt)
+ (scheduling TrLst att)
+ (declare (ignore scheduled newatt))
+ (implies (and (CorrectRoutesp TrLst (ToMissives TrLst) NodeSet)
+ (TrLstp TrLst))
+ (CorrectRoutesp Delayed
+ (ToMissives Delayed)
+ NodeSet)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use
+ ((:instance delayed-travel-correctness))
+ :in-theory (disable tomissives-extract-sublst TrLstp))))
+;; the three defthms are similar to the three used to prove
+;; missivesp-extract-sublst in GeNoC.lisp ... (proof by analogy)
+(defthm valid-trlstp-assoc-equal
+ (implies (and (TrLstp L)
+ (member-equal e (V-ids L)))
+ (TrLstp (list (assoc-equal e L)))))
+(defthm TrLstp-cons
+ ;; lemma used in the next defthm
+ ;; if we cons a valid travel to a filtered valid list
+ ;; of travel, we obtain a valid list of travel if the
+ ;; consed travel has an id less than the first of the filter
+ ;; and this id is not in the filter
+ (implies (and (trlstp (extract-sublst L ids))
+ (trlstp (list (assoc-equal e L)))
+ (not (member-equal e ids))
+ (subsetp ids (V-ids L)))
+ (trlstp (cons (assoc-equal e L)
+ (extract-sublst L ids)))))
+(defthm trlstp-extract-sublst
+ (implies (and (TrLstp TrLst) (subsetp ids (v-ids TrLst))
+ (no-duplicatesp ids) (true-listp ids))
+ (trlstp (extract-sublst TrLst ids)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable TrLstp))))
+(defthm extract-sublst-subsetp-v-ids
+ (implies (and (subsetp ids (V-ids l))
+ (true-listp ids)
+ (TrLstp l))
+ (equal (v-ids (extract-sublst l ids))
+ ids)))
+(defthm Missivesp-mv-nth-1-scheduling
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (CorrectRoutesp TrLst (ToMissives TrLst) NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params)
+ (TrLstp TrLst))
+ (Missivesp (ToMissives
+ (mv-nth 1
+ (scheduling TrLst att)))
+ NodeSet)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use ((:instance delayed-travel-correctness)
+ (:instance trlstp-delayed))
+ :in-theory (disable Missivesp trlstp-delayed
+ TrLstp mv-nth))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-types.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-types.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad8721e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC-types.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Definition of the data-types used in GeNoC:
+;; Transactions, missives, travels, results and attempts
+;; June 20th 2005
+;; File: GeNoC-types.lisp
+;; rev. July 14th 2007
+;; js: adding guards
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;; book paths on my laptop
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defuns" :dir :system)
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defthms" :dir :system)
+(include-book "textbook/chap11/qsort" :dir :system)
+;; A transaction is a tuple t = (id A msg B)
+;; Accessors are IdT, OrgT, MsgT and DestT
+(defun Idt (trans) (car trans))
+(defun OrgT (trans) (nth 1 trans))
+(defun MsgT (trans) (nth 2 trans))
+(defun DestT (trans) (nth 3 trans))
+(defun T-ids (Transts)
+ ;; function that grabs the ids of a list of trans.
+ (if (endp Transts)
+ nil
+ (append (list (caar Transts)) (T-ids (cdr Transts)))))
+(defun T-dests (Trs)
+ ;; function that grabs the destinatiions of a list of trans.
+ (if (endp Trs)
+ nil
+ (cons (DestT (car trs))
+ (T-dests (cdr Trs)))))
+(defun T-msgs (Trs)
+ ;; function that grabs the messages of a list of trans.
+ (if (endp Trs)
+ nil
+ (cons (MsgT (car trs))
+ (T-msgs (cdr Trs)))))
+(defun T-orgs (Trs)
+ ;; function that grabs the origins of a list of trans
+ (if (endp Trs)
+ nil
+ (cons (OrgT (car trs))
+ (T-orgs (cdr Trs)))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each transaction has
+;; the right number of arguments
+(defun validfield-transactionp (trans)
+ ;; trans = (id A msg B)
+ (and (consp trans)
+ (consp (cdr trans)) ;; (A msg B)
+ (consp (cddr trans)) ;; (msg B)
+ (consp (cdddr trans)) ;; (B)
+ (null (cddddr trans))))
+;; The following predicate recognizes a valid list of transactions
+(defun Validfields-T (Transts)
+ (if (endp Transts)
+ t
+ (let ((trans (car Transts)))
+ (and (validfield-transactionp trans)
+ (natp (Idt trans)) ;; id is a natural
+ (MsgT trans) ;; msg /= nil
+ (eqlablep (OrgT trans)) ;; needed to prove guard of Transactionsp
+ (eqlablep (DestT trans))
+ (not (equal (OrgT trans) (DestT trans))) ;; A /= B
+ (Validfields-T (cdr Transts))))))
+;; now we define the predicate that recognizes a valid list of
+;; transactions
+(defun Transactionsp (Transts NodeSet)
+ (let ((T-ids (T-ids Transts)))
+ (and (Validfields-T Transts)
+ (true-listp Transts)
+ (subsetp (T-orgs Transts) NodeSet)
+ (subsetp (T-dests Transts) NodeSet)
+ (No-Duplicatesp T-ids))))
+;;------------------ end of Transactions ----------------------------------
+;; A missive is a tuple m = (id A frm B)
+;; Accessors are IdM, OrgM, FrmM and DestM
+(defun IdM (m) (car m))
+(defun OrgM (m) (nth 1 m))
+(defun FrmM (m) (nth 2 m))
+(defun DestM (m) (nth 3 m))
+;; We need a function that grabs the ids of a list of missives
+(defun M-ids (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (append (list (caar M)) (M-ids (cdr M)))))
+;; We need a function that grabs the origins of Missives
+(defun M-orgs (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (append (list (OrgM (car M))) (M-orgs (cdr M)))))
+;; The same for the destinations
+(defun M-dests (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (append (list (DestM (car M))) (M-dests (cdr M)))))
+;; We also need a function that grabs the frames of
+;; a list of missives
+(defun M-frms (M)
+ ;; grabs the frames of M
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (let* ((msv (car M))
+ (m-frm (FrmM msv)))
+ (append (list m-frm) (M-frms (cdr M))))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each missive has
+;; the right number of arguments
+(defun validfield-missivep (m)
+ ;; m = (id A frm B)
+ (and (consp m)
+ (consp (cdr m)) ;; (A frm B)
+ (consp (cddr m)) ;; (frm B)
+ (consp (cdddr m)) ;; (B)
+ (null (cddddr m))))
+;; The following predicate recognizes a valid list of missives (partially)
+(defun Validfields-M (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ t
+ (let ((msv (car M)))
+ (and (validfield-missivep msv)
+ (natp (IdM msv)) ;; id is a natural
+ (FrmM msv) ;; frm /= nil
+ (not (equal (OrgM msv) (DestM msv))) ;; A /= B
+ (Validfields-M (cdr M))))))
+;; now we define the predicate that recognizes a valid list of
+;; transactions
+(defun Missivesp (M NodeSet)
+ (let ((M-ids (M-ids M)))
+ (and (Validfields-M M)
+ (subsetp (M-orgs M) NodeSet)
+ (subsetp (M-dests M) NodeSet)
+ (true-listp M)
+ (No-Duplicatesp M-ids))))
+;;-------------------- end of Missives -------------------------------------
+;; A travel is a tuple tr = (id frm Routes)
+;; Accessors are IdV, FrmV and RoutesV
+;; (JS: V comes from the french word for travel, voyage :-)
+(defun IdV (tr) (car tr))
+(defun FrmV (tr) (nth 1 tr))
+(defun RoutesV (tr) (nth 2 tr))
+;; We need a function that grabs the ids of a list of travels
+(defun V-ids (TrLst)
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (append (list (caar TrLst)) (V-ids (cdr TrLst)))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each route of routes
+;; has at least two elements
+(defun validfield-route (routes)
+ ;; checks that every route has at least two elements
+ (if (endp routes)
+ t
+ (let ((r (car routes)))
+ (and (consp r)
+ (consp (cdr r))
+ (validfield-route (cdr routes))))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each travel has
+;; the right number of arguments
+(defun validfield-travelp (tr)
+ ;; tr = (id frm Routes)
+ (and (consp tr)
+ (consp (cdr tr)) ;; (frm Routes)
+ (consp (cddr tr)) ;; (Routes) = ( ((R1) (R2) ...))
+ (consp (caddr tr)) ;; ((R1) (R2) ...)
+ (validfield-route (caddr tr))
+ (null (cdddr tr))))
+;; The following predicate recognizes a valid list of missives (partially)
+(defun Validfields-TrLst (TrLst)
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ t
+ (let ((tr (car TrLst)))
+ (and (validfield-travelp tr)
+ (natp (IdV tr)) ;; id is a natural
+ (FrmV tr) ;; frm /= nil
+ (true-listp (RoutesV tr))
+ (Validfields-TrLst (cdr TrLst))))))
+;; now we define the predicate that recognizes a valid list of
+;; transactions
+(defun TrLstp (TrLst )
+ (let ((V-ids (V-ids TrLst)))
+ (and (Validfields-TrLst TrLst)
+ (true-listp TrLst)
+ (No-Duplicatesp V-ids))))
+(defun V-frms (TrLst)
+ ;; grabs the frames of TrLst
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (let* ((tr (car Trlst))
+ (v-frm (FrmV tr)))
+ (append (list v-frm) (V-frms (cdr TrLst))))))
+;;-------------------- end of Travels -------------------------------------
+;; A result is a tuple rst = (Id Dest Msg)
+;; Accessors are IdR, DestR and MsgR
+(defun IdR (rst) (car rst))
+(defun DestR (rst) (nth 1 rst))
+(defun MsgR (rst) (nth 2 rst))
+(defun R-ids (R)
+ ;; function that grabs the ids of a list of results
+ (if (endp R)
+ nil
+ (append (list (caar R)) (R-ids (cdr R)))))
+(defun R-dests (Results)
+ ;; function that grabs the destinations of a list of results
+ (if (endp Results)
+ nil
+ (cons (DestR (car Results))
+ (R-dests (cdr Results)))))
+(defun R-msgs (Results)
+ ;; function that grabs the messages of a list of results
+ (if (endp Results)
+ nil
+ (cons (MsgR (car results))
+ (R-msgs (cdr Results)))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each result has
+;; the right number of arguments
+(defun validfield-resultp (rst)
+ ;; tr = (Id Dest Msg)
+ (and (consp rst)
+ (consp (cdr rst)) ;; (Dest Msg)
+ (consp (cddr rst)) ;; (Msg)
+ (null (cdddr rst))))
+;; The following predicate recognizes a valid list of results (partially)
+(defun Validfields-R (R NodeSet)
+ (if (endp R)
+ t
+ (let ((rst (car R)))
+ (and (validfield-resultp rst)
+ (natp (IdR rst)) ;; id is a natural
+ (MsgR rst) ;; msg /= nil
+ (member (DestR rst) NodeSet)
+ (Validfields-R (cdr R) NodeSet)))))
+;; now we define the predicate that recognizes a valid list of
+;; results
+(defun Resultsp (R NodeSet)
+ (let ((R-ids (R-ids R)))
+ (and (Validfields-R R NodeSet)
+ (true-listp R)
+ (No-Duplicatesp R-ids))))
+;;-------------------- end of Results -------------------------------------
+;; we just need to define the sum of the attempts
+(defun SumOfAttempts (att)
+ ;; this is the measure for sigma-t
+ ;; att has the following form:
+ ;; ( ... (i RemAtt) ...)
+ (if (endp att)
+ 0
+ (let* ((top (car att))
+ (rem-att (cadr top)))
+ (+ (nfix rem-att)
+ (SumOfAttempts (cdr att))))))
+;;-------------------- end of Attempts -------------------------------------
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37072b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/GeNoC.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Generic Routing Module of GeNoC
+;; June 20th 2005
+;; File: GeNoC-routing.lisp
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;; we import the previous books
+(include-book "GeNoC-scheduling") ;; imports GeNoC-misc and GeNoC-nodeset
+(include-book "GeNoC-routing")
+(in-theory (disable mv-nth))
+;; GeNoC_t
+;; Tail definition of GeNoC_t
+;; --------------------------
+(defun GeNoC_t (M NodeSet att TrLst)
+ ;; The composition of Routing and Scheduling is built by function GeNoC_t.
+ ;; It takes as arguments:
+ ;; - a list of missives, M
+ ;; - the set of existing nodes, NodeSet
+ ;; - the list of attempts, att
+ ;; - an accumulator of travels, TrLst
+ ;;
+ ;; we set the measure to be SumOfAttempts(att)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (SumOfAttempts att)))
+ (if (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ ;; if every attempt has been consumed, we return the accumulator
+ ;; TrLst and the remaining missives M
+ (mv TrLst M)
+ ;; else,
+ (let ((V (Routing M NodeSet)))
+ ;; we compute the routes. This produces the travel list V.
+ (mv-let (Scheduled Delayed newAtt)
+ ;; we call function scheduling
+ (Scheduling V att)
+ ;; we enter the recursive call and accumulate the
+ ;; scheduled travels
+ (GeNoC_t (ToMissives Delayed) NodeSet newAtt
+ (append Scheduled TrLst))))))
+;; Correctness of GeNoC_t
+;; ----------------------
+(defun CorrectRoutes-GeNoC_t (routes m-dest)
+ ;; GeNoC_t is correct if every element ctr of the output list
+ ;; is such that (a) FrmV(ctr) = FrmM(m) and (b) forall r in
+ ;; RoutesV(ctr) Last(r) = DestM(m). For the m such that
+ ;; IdM(m) = IdV(ctr).
+ ;; This function checks that (b) holds.
+ (if (endp routes)
+ t
+ (let ((r (car routes)))
+ (and (equal (car (last r)) m-dest)
+ (CorrectRoutes-GeNoC_t (cdr routes) m-dest)))))
+(defun GeNoC_t-correctness1 (TrLst M/TrLst)
+ ;; we complement the correctness of GeNoC_t
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ (if (endp M/TrLst)
+ t
+ nil)
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (v-frm (FrmV tr))
+ (routes (RoutesV tr))
+ (m (car M/TrLst))
+ (m-frm (FrmM m))
+ (m-dest (DestM m)))
+ (and (equal v-frm m-frm)
+ (CorrectRoutes-GeNoC_t routes m-dest)
+ (GeNoC_t-correctness1 (cdr TrLst)
+ (cdr M/TrLst))))))
+(defun GeNoC_t-correctness (TrLst M)
+ ;; before checking correctness we filter M
+ ;; according to the ids of TrLst
+ (let ((M/TrLst (extract-sublst M (V-ids TrLst))))
+ (GeNoC_t-correctness1 TrLst M/TrLst)))
+;; Non tail definition of GeNoC_t
+;; ------------------------------
+(defun GeNoC_t-non-tail-Comp (M NodeSet att)
+ ;; we define a non tail function that computes the
+ ;; first output of GeNoC_t, i.e the completed transactions
+ (declare (xargs :measure (SumOfAttempts att)))
+ (if (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ ;; if every attempt has been consumed, we return the accumulator
+ ;; TrLst and the remaining missives M
+ nil
+ ;; else,
+ (let ((V (Routing M NodeSet)))
+ ;; we compute the routes. This produces the travel list V.
+ (mv-let (Scheduled Delayed newAtt)
+ ;; we call function scheduling
+ (Scheduling V att)
+ ;; we enter the recursive call and accumulate the
+ ;; scheduled travels
+ (append (GeNoC_t-non-tail-Comp (ToMissives Delayed)
+ NodeSet newAtt)
+ Scheduled)))))
+;; we now prove that this function is right
+(defthm true-listp-GeNoC_t-non-tail-comp
+ (true-listp (GeNoC_t-non-tail-Comp M NodeSet att))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+(defthm GeNoC_t-non-tail-=-tail-comp
+ (implies (true-listp TrLst)
+ (equal (car (GeNoC_t M NodeSet att TrLst))
+ (append (GeNoC_t-non-tail-Comp M NodeSet Att)
+ TrLst))))
+;; Proof of GeNoC_t correctness
+;; ----------------------------
+;; first we add a lemma that tells ACL2 that
+;; converting the travels that are routed and delayed
+;; produced a valid list of missives
+(defthm missivesp-mv-nth1-scheduling-routing
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (Missivesp
+ (ToMissives (mv-nth 1
+ (scheduling (routing M NodeSet)
+ att)))
+ NodeSet)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable
+ TrLstp Missivesp))))
+;; the recursive call of genoc_t-non-tail-comp calls append
+;; we put the append at the top.
+;; to do so we add the two rules below:
+(defthm v-ids-append
+ ;; the ids of an append is the append of the ids
+ (equal (v-ids (append a b))
+ (append (v-ids a) (v-ids b))))
+(defthm extract-sublst-append
+ ;; filtering according to an append is the append
+ ;; of the filtering.
+ (equal (extract-sublst M (append id1 id2))
+ (append (extract-sublst M id1)
+ (extract-sublst M id2))))
+;; then to split the proof is two cases, we replace the
+;; append by a conjunction.
+;; the rule below allows this decomposition:
+(defthm correctroutess1-append
+ (implies (and (equal (len a) (len c))
+ (equal (len b) (len d)))
+ (equal (genoc_t-correctness1 (append a b)
+ (append c d))
+ (and (Genoc_T-Correctness1 a c)
+ (Genoc_T-Correctness1 b d)))))
+;; To have this lemma used we need to prove some
+;; additional properties between len and extract-sublst
+;; and len and v-ids (e.g. a is a call to v-ids)
+(defthm len-extract-sublst
+ (equal (len (extract-sublst L ids))
+ (len ids)))
+(defthm len-v-ids
+ (equal (len (v-ids x))
+ (len x)))
+;; now we need to prove some lemmas so that previous rules
+;; (from GeNoC-misc) about extract-sublst, tomissives, etc could
+;; fire.
+(defthm subsetp-trans
+ ;; transitivity of subsetp
+ (implies (and (subsetp x y)
+ (subsetp y z))
+ (subsetp x z)))
+(defthm v-ids-GeNoC_t-non-tail-comp
+ ;; the ids of the output of genoc_t-non-tail-comp is a
+ ;; subset of those of M
+ ;; for this theorem the rule ids-routing is useful
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (let ((Gnt (Genoc_T-Non-Tail-Comp M NodeSet att)))
+ (subsetp (V-ids Gnt) (M-ids M)))))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory
+ (disable missivesp TrLstp))
+ ("Subgoal *1/3"
+ :use
+ ((:instance subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ (TrLst (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params)))))
+ :in-theory
+ (disable subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids Missivesp TrLstp))))
+(defthm not-in-no-duplicatesp-equal-append
+ ;; if x is not in y and both do not have duplicates then
+ ;; their append has no duplicate too
+ (implies (and (no-duplicatesp-equal x)
+ (not-in x y)
+ (no-duplicatesp-equal y))
+ (no-duplicatesp-equal (append x y))))
+(defthm subsetp-not-in
+ ;; if a list y and no element in common with z
+ ;; then any sublist x of y has no element in z
+ (implies (and (not-in delayed scheduled)
+ (subsetp x delayed))
+ (not-in x scheduled)))
+(defthm not-in-v-ids-genoc_t-non-tail-comp
+ ;; if the ids of a list have no common element with
+ ;; another ids then the output of genoc_t-non-tail-comp does
+ ;; not introduce any new id
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (not-in (m-ids delayed) Sched-ids)
+ (Missivesp delayed NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (not-in (v-ids (genoc_t-non-tail-comp delayed NodeSet att))
+ Sched-ids)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :in-theory (disable missivesp))))
+(defthm fwd-trlstp
+ ;; because we disable trlstp, this rule adds its content
+ ;; as hypotheses
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (and (validfields-trlst trlst)
+ (true-listp trlst)
+ (no-duplicatesp-equal (v-ids trlst))))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm v-ids-GeNoC_t-non-tail-comp-no-dup
+ ;; the ids of the output of genoc_t-non-tail-comp have no dup
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (let ((Gnt (Genoc_T-Non-Tail-Comp M NodeSet att)))
+ (no-duplicatesp-equal (V-ids Gnt)))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :induct (genoc_t-non-tail-comp M (nodeSetGenerator Params) att)
+ :in-theory (disable missivesp TrLstp))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :use
+ ((:instance
+ not-in-v-ids-genoc_t-non-tail-comp
+ (delayed (tomissives
+ (mv-nth 1 (scheduling
+ (routing M (nodeSetGenerator Params))
+ att))))
+ (att (mv-nth 2 (scheduling
+ (routing M (nodeSetGenerator Params))
+ att)))
+ (Sched-ids (v-ids (mv-nth 0 (scheduling
+ (routing M (nodeSetGenerator Params))
+ att)))))
+ (:instance trlstp-scheduled
+ (TrLst (routing M (Nodesetgenerator Params)))))
+ :in-theory
+ (disable trlstp-scheduled mv-nth trlstp
+ not-in-v-ids-genoc_t-non-tail-comp Missivesp))))
+(defthm extract-sublst-subsetp-m-ids
+ ;; filtering a list l according to a subset ids of its identifiers
+ ;; produces a list the ident. of which are ids
+ (implies (and (subsetp ids (M-ids l))
+ (true-listp ids)
+ (Validfields-M l))
+ (equal (M-ids (extract-sublst l ids))
+ ids)))
+(defthm ToMissives-Delayed/Rtg
+ ;; we prove that the conversion of the delayed travels
+ ;; into a list of missives is equal to the filtering
+ ;; of the initial list of missives M according to the ids
+ ;; of the delayed travels.
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (mv-let (Scheduled/Rtg Delayed/Rtg newAtt)
+ (scheduling (Routing M NodeSet) att)
+ (declare (ignore Scheduled/Rtg newAtt))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (equal (ToMissives Delayed/Rtg)
+ (extract-sublst M (V-ids Delayed/Rtg))))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :use ((:instance ToMissives-extract-sublst
+ (L (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (ids
+ (V-ids (mv-nth 1
+ (scheduling
+ (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))
+ att)))))
+ (:instance delayed-travel-correctness
+ (TrLst (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))))
+ (:instance subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ (TrLst (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params)))))
+ :in-theory (disable TrLstp Missivesp
+ ToMissives-extract-sublst
+ subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids))))
+(defthm valid-missive-assoc-equal
+ ;; a list of a member of a valid list of missives
+ ;; is a valid list of missives
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (member-equal e (M-ids M)))
+ (Missivesp (list (assoc-equal e M)) NodeSet)))
+(defthm missivesp-cons
+ ;; lemma used in the next defthm
+ ;; if we cons a valid missive to a filtered valid list
+ ;; of missives, we obtain a valid list of missives if the
+ ;; the id of the consed missive is not in the filter
+ (implies (and (missivesp (extract-sublst M ids) nodeset)
+ (missivesp (list (assoc-equal e M)) nodeset)
+ (not (member-equal e ids))
+ (subsetp ids (M-ids M)))
+ (missivesp (cons (assoc-equal e M)
+ (extract-sublst M ids))
+ nodeset)))
+(defthm missivesp-extract-sublst
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params)
+ (true-listp ids)
+ (no-duplicatesp-equal ids)
+ (subsetp ids (M-ids M)))
+ (Missivesp (extract-sublst M ids) NodeSet)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable missivesp))
+ ("Subgoal *1/1"
+ :in-theory (enable missivesp))))
+(defthm fwd-missivesp
+ ;; as missivesp is disabled we prove this rule to add
+ ;; the content of missivesp as hypotheses
+ (implies (missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (and (Validfields-M M)
+ (subsetp (M-orgs M) NodeSet)
+ (subsetp (M-dests M) NodeSet)
+ (True-listp M)
+ (No-duplicatesp (M-ids M))))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm v-ids_G_nt_sigma_subsetp-v-ids-delayed/rtg
+ ;; this lemma is used in the subsequent proofs
+ ;; it makes a fact "explicit"
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (mv-let (scheduled/rtg delayed/rtg newAtt)
+ (scheduling (routing M NodeSet) att)
+ (declare (ignore scheduled/rtg))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (subsetp
+ (V-ids
+ (genoc_t-non-tail-comp
+ (extract-sublst M (v-ids delayed/rtg))
+ NodeSet newAtt))
+ (V-ids delayed/rtg)))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use
+ ((:instance subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ (TrLst (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))))
+ (:instance trlstp-delayed
+ (TrLst (routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))))
+ ;; the following is required because in the conclusion of the
+ ;; rule there is no call to extract-sublst
+ (:instance v-ids-GeNoC_t-non-tail-comp
+ (M (extract-sublst
+ M
+ (V-ids (mv-nth 1 (scheduling
+ (routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))
+ att)))))
+ (att (mv-nth 2 (scheduling
+ (routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))
+ att)))))
+ :in-theory (disable subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ trlstp-delayed
+ v-ids-GeNoC_t-non-tail-comp
+ trlstp missivesp))))
+;; Scheduled/Rtg does not modify frames
+;; ---------------------------------------
+(defthm s/d-travel-v-frms
+ (implies (and (TrLstp sd-trlst)
+ (s/d-travel-correctness sd-trlst TrLst/sd-ids))
+ (equal (V-frms sd-trlst) (V-frms TrLst/sd-ids))))
+(defthm m-frms-to-v-frms
+ ;; this rule is only used to rewrite the next theorem to
+ ;; the previous one.
+ (equal (m-frms (toMissives x))
+ (v-frms x)))
+(defthm Scheduled-v-frms-m-frms
+ ;; we prove that the frames of the scheduled travels
+ ;; are equal to the frames of the conversion of the initial list of travels
+ ;; filtered according to the ids of the scheduled travels
+ (mv-let (Scheduled Delayed newAtt)
+ (scheduling TrLst att)
+ (declare (ignore Delayed newAtt))
+ (implies (and (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (equal
+ (V-frms scheduled)
+ (M-frms
+ (ToMissives (extract-sublst TrLst
+ (v-ids scheduled)))))))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :use ((:instance s/d-travel-v-frms
+ (sd-trlst
+ (mv-nth 0 (scheduling TrLst att)))
+ (TrLst/sd-ids
+ (extract-sublst
+ TrLst
+ (v-ids
+ (mv-nth 0 (scheduling TrLst att))))))
+ (:instance scheduled-travels-correctness))
+ :in-theory (disable TrLstp s/d-travel-v-frms mv-nth))))
+(in-theory (disable m-frms-to-v-frms))
+(defthm Scheduled/Rtg_not_modify_frames
+ ;; we prove the the frames of the scheduled travels produced
+ ;; by scheduling and routing are equal to the frames
+ ;; of the initial list of missives
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (mv-let (Scheduled/Rtg Delayed/Rtg newAtt)
+ (scheduling (routing M NodeSet) att)
+ (declare (ignore Delayed/Rtg newAtt))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (equal (V-frms Scheduled/Rtg)
+ (M-frms
+ (extract-sublst
+ M (v-ids Scheduled/Rtg)))))))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :use ((:instance Scheduled-v-frms-m-frms
+ (TrLst (routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))))
+ (:instance subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ (TrLst (routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params)))))
+ :in-theory (disable TrLstp Missivesp
+ subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ scheduled-v-frms-m-frms))))
+(defthm correctroutesp-vm-frms-gc1
+ ;; the correctness of routes and equality of frames imply
+ ;; the main predicate (correctness of genoc_t-non-tail-comp)
+ (implies (and (correctroutesp L (extract-sublst M (v-ids L))
+ NodeSet)
+ (equal (V-frms L)
+ (m-frms (extract-sublst M (v-ids L)))))
+ (Genoc_T-Correctness1 L
+ (extract-sublst m (v-ids L)))))
+(defthm GC1_scheduled/Rtg
+ ;; we prove the correctness of the scheduled travels
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (And (missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (mv-let (scheduled/rtg delayed/rtg newAtt)
+ (scheduling (routing M NodeSet) att)
+ (declare (ignore delayed/rtg newAtt))
+ (genoc_t-correctness1
+ scheduled/rtg
+ (extract-sublst M (v-ids scheduled/rtg))))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :use
+ ((:instance Scheduled/Rtg_not_modify_frames)
+ (:instance subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ (TrLst (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))))
+ (:instance
+ scheduling-preserves-route-correctness
+ (NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params))
+ (TrLst (routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))))
+ (:instance correctroutesp-vm-frms-gc1
+ (NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params))
+ (L (mv-nth 0 (scheduling
+ (routing m (NodeSetGenerator Params))
+ att)))))
+ :in-theory (disable TrLstp Missivesp
+ Correctroutesp-Vm-Frms-Gc1
+ subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ Scheduling-Preserves-Route-Correctness
+ Scheduled/Rtg_not_modify_frames))))
+(defthm GeNoC_t-thm
+ ;; now we can prove the correctness of GeNoC_t
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (mv-let (Cplt Abt)
+ (GeNoC_t M NodeSet att nil)
+ (declare (ignore Abt))
+ (GeNoC_t-correctness Cplt M))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :induct (GeNoC_t-non-tail-comp M (NodeSetGenerator Params) Att)
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :in-theory (disable TrLstp Missivesp)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :use
+ ((:instance trlstp-delayed
+ (TrLst (routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))))
+ (:instance subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ (TrLst (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))))
+ (:instance GC1_scheduled/Rtg))
+ :in-theory (e/d (mv-nth)
+ (TrLstp missivesp trlstp-delayed
+ subsetp-scheduled-delayed-ids
+ GC1_scheduled/Rtg)))))
+;; Definition and Validation of GeNoC
+;; we load the generic definitions of the interfaces
+(include-book "GeNoC-interfaces")
+;; ComputeMissives
+;; --------------
+(defun ComputeMissives (Transactions)
+ ;; apply the function p2psend to build a list of missives
+ ;; from a list of transactions
+ (if (endp Transactions)
+ nil
+ (let* ((trans (car Transactions))
+ (id (IdT trans))
+ (org (OrgT trans))
+ (msg (MsgT trans))
+ (dest (DestT trans)))
+ (cons (list id org (p2psend msg) dest)
+ (ComputeMissives (cdr Transactions))))))
+;; ComputeResults
+;; -------------
+(defun ComputeResults (TrLst)
+ ;; apply the function p2precv to build a list of results
+ ;; from a list of travels
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (id (IdV tr))
+ (r (car (routesV tr)))
+ (dest (car (last r)))
+ (frm (FrmV tr)))
+ (cons (list id dest (p2precv frm))
+ (ComputeResults (cdr TrLst))))))
+;; GeNoC
+;; -----
+(defun GeNoC (Trs NodeSet att)
+ ;; main function
+ (mv-let (Responses Aborted)
+ (GeNoC_t (ComputeMissives Trs) NodeSet att nil)
+ (mv (ComputeResults Responses) Aborted)))
+;; GeNoC Correctness
+;; -----------------
+(defun genoc-correctness (Results Trs/ids)
+ ;; Trs/ids is the initial list of transactions filtered according
+ ;; to the ids of the list of results.
+ ;; We check that the messages and the destinations of these two lists
+ ;; are equal.
+ (and (equal (R-msgs Results)
+ (T-msgs Trs/ids))
+ (equal (R-dests Results)
+ (T-dests Trs/ids))))
+(defthm M-ids-computesmissives
+ ;; lemma for the next defthm
+ (equal (M-ids (computemissives Trs))
+ (T-ids trs)))
+(defthm missivesp-computemissives
+ (implies (transactionsp trs NodeSet)
+ (missivesp (ComputeMissives trs) NodeSet)))
+(defun all-frms-equal-to-p2psend (TrLst Trs)
+ ;; check that every frame of TrLst is equal to the application
+ ;; of p2psend to the corresponding message in the list of
+ ;; transactions Trs
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ (if (endp Trs)
+ t
+ nil)
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (trans (car Trs))
+ (tr-frm (FrmV tr))
+ (t-msg (MsgT trans)))
+ (and (equal tr-frm (p2psend t-msg))
+ (all-frms-equal-to-p2psend (cdr TrLst) (cdr Trs))))))
+(defthm GC1-=>-all-frms-equal-to-p2psend
+ (implies (GeNoC_t-correctness1 TrLst (ComputeMissives Trs))
+ (all-frms-equal-to-p2psend TrLst Trs)))
+(defthm all-frms-equal-r-msgs-t-msgs
+ ;; if frames have been computed by p2psend then
+ ;; computeresults applies p2precv. We get thus the initial msg.
+ (implies (and (all-frms-equal-to-p2psend TrLst Trs)
+ (validfields-trlst TrLst))
+ (equal (R-msgs (ComputeResults TrLst))
+ (T-msgs Trs))))
+(defthm R-ids-computeresults
+ (equal (R-ids (computeresults x))
+ (V-ids x)))
+(defthm m-dests-computemissives
+ (equal (M-dests (computeMissives trs))
+ (T-dests trs)))
+(defthm GC1-r-dest-m-dests
+ (implies (and (GeNoC_t-correctness1 TrLst M/TrLst)
+ (validfields-trlst TrLst)
+ (Missivesp M/TrLst NodeSet))
+ (equal (R-dests (ComputeResults TrLst))
+ (M-dests M/TrLst))))
+(defthm validfields-append
+ ;; lemma for the next defthm
+ (implies (and (validfields-trlst l1)
+ (validfields-trlst l2))
+ (validfields-trlst (append l1 l2))))
+(defthm validfields-trlst-GeNoC_nt
+ ;; to use the lemma all-frms-equal-to-p2psend we need to establish
+ ;; that GeNoC_nt contains travels with validfields
+ ;; and that it contains no duplicated ids
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (validfields-trlst (genoc_t-non-tail-comp M NodeSet att))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :induct (Genoc_T-Non-Tail-Comp M (NodeSetGenerator Params) att))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :use ((:instance trlstp-delayed
+ (TrLst (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))))
+ (:instance trlstp-scheduled
+ (TrLst (Routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params))))
+ (:instance Missivesp-mv-nth-1-scheduling
+ (TrLst (routing M (NodeSetGenerator Params)))))
+ :in-theory (disable trlstp-delayed trlstp-scheduled
+ Missivesp-mv-nth-1-scheduling))))
+;; the next four lemmas are similar to those used to prove
+;; the lemma tomissives-extract-sublst .... (proof by analogy)
+(defthm computemissives-append
+ (equal (computemissives (append a b))
+ (append (computemissives a) (computemissives b))))
+(defthm member-equal-assoc-equal-not-nil-t-ids
+ ;; if e is an Id of a travel of L
+ ;; then (assoc-equal e L) is not nil
+ (implies (and (member-equal e (T-ids Trs))
+ (Validfields-T Trs))
+ (assoc-equal e Trs)))
+(defthm computemissives-assoc-equal
+ ;; if (assoc-equal e L) is not nil then we can link
+ ;; assoc-equal and computemissives as follows:
+ ;; (this lemma is needed to prove the next defthm)
+ (implies (assoc-equal e L)
+ (equal (computemissives (list (assoc-equal e L)))
+ (list (assoc-equal e (computemissives L))))))
+(defthm computemissives-extract-sublst
+ ;; calls of computemissives are moved into calls
+ ;; of extract-sublst
+ (implies (and (subsetp ids (t-ids trs))
+ (validfields-t trs))
+ (equal (ComputeMissives (extract-sublst trs ids))
+ (extract-sublst (ComputeMissives trs) ids)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :induct (extract-sublst Trs ids)
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :in-theory (disable computemissives append))))
+(defthm m-dest-t-dests-extract-sublst
+ (implies (and (subsetp ids (t-ids trs))
+ (validfields-t trs))
+ (equal (m-dests (extract-sublst (computemissives Trs) ids))
+ (t-dests (extract-sublst trs ids))))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use (:instance m-dests-computemissives
+ (Trs (extract-sublst Trs ids)))
+ :in-theory (disable m-dests-computemissives))))
+(defthm fwd-chaining-transactionsp
+ (implies (Transactionsp Trs NodeSet)
+ (and (validfields-t Trs)
+ (true-listp trs)
+ (subsetp (t-orgs trs) nodeset)
+ (subsetp (t-dests trs) nodeset)
+ (no-duplicatesp-equal (t-ids trs))))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm GeNoC-is-correct
+ (let ((NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params)))
+ (mv-let (results aborted)
+ (GeNoC Trs NodeSet att)
+ (declare (ignore aborted))
+ (implies (and (Transactionsp Trs NodeSet)
+ (equal NodeSet (NodeSetGenerator Params))
+ (ValidParamsp Params))
+ (GeNoC-correctness
+ results
+ (extract-sublst Trs (R-ids results))))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use ((:instance GeNoC_t-thm
+ (M (ComputeMissives Trs)))
+ (:instance v-ids-GeNoC_t-non-tail-comp
+ (M (computemissives trs)))
+ (:instance all-frms-equal-r-msgs-t-msgs
+ (TrLst (genoc_t-non-tail-comp
+ (computeMissives trs)
+ (Nodesetgenerator params) att))
+ (Trs (extract-sublst Trs
+ (v-ids
+ (genoc_t-non-tail-comp
+ (computeMissives trs)
+ (nodesetgenerator params)
+ att)))))
+ (:instance GC1-r-dest-m-dests
+ (TrLst (genoc_t-non-tail-comp
+ (computeMissives trs)
+ (nodesetgenerator params) att))
+ (M/TrLst
+ (extract-sublst (ComputeMissives Trs)
+ (V-ids (genoc_t-non-tail-comp
+ (computeMissives trs)
+ (nodesetgenerator params)
+ att))))
+ (NodeSet (Nodesetgenerator params))))
+ :in-theory (e/d (mv-nth)
+ (GeNoC_t-thm missivesp trlstp
+ all-frms-equal-r-msgs-t-msgs
+ v-ids-GeNoC_t-non-tail-comp
+ transactionsp GC1-r-dest-m-dests)))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/readme b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/readme
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..60c7232
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+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/generic-modules/readme
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+* *
+* *
+* GeNoC ACL2 scripts *
+* *
+* Julien Schmaltz *
+* *
+* *
+* 29/01/06 *
+1 Structure of the books for GeNoC
+1.1 GeNoC-types
+ This book defines the data types used in GeNoC: transactions,
+missives, travels, etc. It contains basic functions used to manipulate
+these datatypes.
+ It does not import any book.
+1.2 GeNoC-misc
+ This book imports GeNoC-types.
+ This book contains miscellaneous definitions. For instance, it
+defines predicates like CorrectRoutep, the filtering operator extrac-sublst,
+some lemmas about subsetp, etc.
+1.3 GeNoC-nodeset
+ This book contains functions about the definition and the validation
+of the set of the existing nodes of a particular network.
+ It does not import any book.
+1.4 GeNoC-routing
+ This book imports GeNoC-nodeset and GeNoC-misc.
+ It contains functions about the definition and the validation
+of the routing algorithm.
+1.5 GeNoC-scheduling
+ This book imports GeNoC-misc and GeNoC-nodeset.
+ It contains functions about the scheduling policy of GeNoC. It
+also adds some lemmas used in the final proof. These lemmas link
+functions like extract-sublst, missivesp, etc. They are about NodeSet
+and this is why we need the corresponding book.
+1.7 GeNoC-interfaces
+ This book contains functions about the definition and the validation
+of the interfaces.
+ It does not import any book.
+1.7 GeNoC
+ This book imports the previous books. It contains the definition
+of GeNoC and its proof of correctness.
+1.8 Global Structure
+ The global "book tree" is the following:
+ GeNoC
+ / | \
+ GeNoC-scheduling GeNoC-routing GeNoC-interfaces
+ | | | |
+ GeNoC-nodeset GeNoC-misc GeNoC-nodeset
+ |
+ GeNoC-types
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/interfaces/bi-phi-m.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/interfaces/bi-phi-m.lisp
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index 0000000..673ef95
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+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/interfaces/bi-phi-m.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; definition of the send side of the biphase mark protocol
+;; definition taken from Moore's paper
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(defun listn (n x)
+ ;; makes a list of n copies of x
+ (if (zp n)
+ nil
+ (cons x (listn (1- n) x))))
+;; Sending
+;; -------
+;; Moore wrote:
+;; "A cell encodes one bit, b, of the message, but the encoding depends
+;; upon the signal, x, output immediately before the cell.
+;; Let csig be x if b is t and not(x) otherwise.
+;; Then a cell is defined as the concatenation of a "mark" subcell containing n
+;; repetitions of not(x), followed by a "code" subcell containing k repetitions
+;; of csig."
+(defun csig (x b)
+ (if b x (not x)))
+(defun cell (x n k bit)
+ ;; encodes bit in a cell of size n+k
+ (append (listn n (not x))
+ (listn k (csig x bit))))
+;; "To encode a bit vector, msg, with cell size n+k, assuming
+;; that the previously otput signal is x we merely concatenate
+;; successive cells, being careful to pass the correct value
+;; for the "previous signal"."
+(defun cells (x n k msg)
+ (if (endp msg)
+ nil
+ (append (cell x n k (car msg))
+ (cells (csig x (car msg)) n k (cdr msg)))))
+;; "We adopt the convention that the sender holds the line high
+;; before and after the message is sent. Thus, on either side
+;; of the encoded cells we include "pads" of t, of arbitrary
+;; lengths p1 and p2.
+;(defun send (msg p1 n k p2)
+; (append (listn p1 t)
+; (append (cells t n k msg) (listn p2 t))))
+(defun send (msg p1 n k flg)
+ ;; I consider a more general function, that takes the initial
+ ;; signal as a parameter
+ (append (listn p1 flg)
+ (cells flg n k msg)))
+;; Receiving
+;; ---------
+;; "Scan takes a signal x, and a list of signals, lst, and
+;; scans lst until it finds the first signal different from x.
+;; If lst happens to begin with a string of xs, scan finds the
+;; first edge."
+(defun scan (x lst)
+ (if (endp lst)
+ nil
+ (if (xor x (car lst))
+ lst
+ (scan x (cdr lst)))))
+;; "Recv-bit is the function that recovers the bit encoded in a
+;; cell. It takes two arguments. The first is the 0-based sampling
+;; distance, j, at which it is supposed to sample [...].
+;; The second argument is the list of signals, starting with the
+;; first signal in the mark subcell of the cell."
+(defun recv-bit (k lst)
+ ;; "The bit received is t if the first signal of the mark is
+ ;; different from the signal sampled in the code subcell;
+ ;; otherwise the bit received is f."
+ (if (xor (car lst) (nth k lst))
+ t
+ nil))
+;; The receive function receives i bits.
+;; "The list of signals on which recv operates should be thought
+;; of as starting with the signal, x, sampled in the code subcell
+;; of previous cell. If i is 0, the empty message is recovered.
+;; Otherwise, recv scans to the next edge (i.e., it scans past the
+;; initial xs to get past the code subcell of the previous cell
+;; and to the mark of the next cell). Recv then used recv-bit
+;; to recover the bit in that cell and conses it to the result
+;; of recursively recovering i - 1 more bits."
+(defun recv (i x k lst)
+ (if (zp i)
+ nil
+ (cons (recv-bit k (scan x lst))
+ (recv (1- i) (nth k (scan x lst))
+ k (nthcdr k (scan x lst))))))
+;; Correctness
+;; -----------
+(defun bvp (x)
+ (if (endp x)
+ t
+ (and (booleanp (car x))
+ (bvp (cdr x)))))
+;; I remove the end of the line .... does not seem to be necessary
+;; I load books on lists
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defuns" :dir :system)
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defthms" :dir :system)
+;; I load the book for arithmetic
+(include-book "arithmetic-3/bind-free/top" :dir :system)
+;; we want to prove that the composition of send and recv
+;; is an identity.
+(defthm car-cells
+ ;; if the size of the cells is properly set up and
+ ;; if there is at least one bit in the message
+ ;; the first bit of the cell is the opposite of the previous
+ ;; signal on the line.
+ (implies (and (booleanp flg) (integerp n) (integerp k)
+ (< 0 n) (< 0 k) (consp msg))
+ (xor flg (car (cells flg n k msg)))))
+(defthm scan-cells-cancel
+ ;; if scan works properly then if applied to a list of cells
+ ;; it returns this list of cells
+ (implies (and (booleanp flg) (integerp n) (integerp k)
+ (< 0 n) (< 0 k) (consp msg))
+ (equal (scan flg (cells flg n k msg))
+ (cells flg n k msg))))
+;; using this rule we could prove theorems on cells only
+(defthm true-listp-cells
+ ;; cells returns a true-listp
+ (true-listp (cells flg n k msg))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+(defthm bvp-cells
+ ;; if flg is a Boolean and lst a list of Booleans, then
+ ;; cells is still a list of Booleans.
+ (implies (and (bvp msg) (booleanp flg))
+ (bvp (cells flg n k msg))))
+(defthm consp-cells
+ (implies (and (consp msg) (integerp n) (integerp k)
+ (< 0 n) (<= 0 k))
+ (consp (cells flg n k msg))))
+(defthm len-listn
+ (implies (and (integerp n) (<= 0 n))
+ (equal (len (listn n x)) n)))
+(defun induct-i-k (i k)
+ (if (or (zp i) (zp k))
+ 0
+ (induct-i-k (1- i) (1- k))))
+(defthm car-listn
+ (implies (and (integerp k) (< 0 k))
+ (equal (car (listn k x)) x))
+ :hints (("Subgoal *1/3"
+ :expand (listn 1 x))))
+(defthm consp-listn
+ (implies (and (integerp k) (< 0 k))
+ (consp (listn k x)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :expand (listn 1 x))))
+(defthm nth-listn
+ (implies (and (integerp i) (<= 0 i) (< i k) (integerp k))
+ (equal (nth i (listn k x)) x))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :induct (induct-i-k i k))))
+(defthm scan-cells-nth
+ ;; if rclock is in the code cell (n <= rclock < k) then
+ ;; the rclock'th bit of scan is the first coded bit
+ (implies (and (integerp rclock) (<= n rclock)
+ (< rclock (+ n k))
+ (integerp n) (< 0 n) (integerp k) (< 0 k)
+ (booleanp flg) (bvp msg) (consp msg))
+ (equal (nth rclock (cells flg n k msg))
+ (csig flg (car msg))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :in-theory (disable REMOVE-WEAK-INEQUALITIES-ONE)
+ :induct (cells flg n k msg))))
+(defthm car-append
+ (implies (consp a)
+ (equal (car (append a b))
+ (car a))))
+(defthm recv-bit-first-cell
+ (implies (and (integerp rclock) (<= n rclock)
+ (< rclock (+ n k))
+ (integerp n) (< 0 n) (integerp k) (< 0 k)
+ (booleanp flg) (bvp msg) (consp msg))
+ (equal (recv-bit rclock (cells flg n k msg))
+ (car msg)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t)))
+(in-theory (disable recv-bit))
+(defthm nthcdr-listn
+ (implies (and (integerp i) (integerp k) (< 0 k) (<= 0 i)
+ (<= i k))
+ (equal (nthcdr i (listn k bit))
+ (listn (- k i) bit))))
+(defthm scan-cells-nthcdr
+ ;; if rclock is in the code cell (n <= rclock < k) then
+ ;; the msg after rclock is an append of n+k-rclock coded
+ ;; signals and the next cell.
+ (implies (and (integerp rclock) (<= n rclock)
+ (< rclock (+ n k))
+ (integerp n) (< 0 n) (integerp k) (< 0 k)
+ (booleanp flg) (bvp msg) (consp msg))
+ (equal (nthcdr rclock (cells flg n k msg))
+ (append (listn (- (+ n k) rclock)
+ (csig flg (car msg)))
+ (cells (csig flg (car msg)) n k
+ (cdr msg)))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :induct (cells flg n k msg))))
+(defthm recv-cells-base-case-1
+ (implies (and (not (consp msg)) (true-listp msg))
+ (equal (recv (len msg) flg rclock (cells flg n k msg))
+ msg)))
+(defthm true-listp-scan
+ (implies (true-listp msg)
+ (true-listp (scan flg msg)))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+(defthm bvp-scan
+ (implies (bvp msg)
+ (bvp (scan flg msg))))
+(defthm bvp-nthcdr
+ (implies (bvp msg)
+ (bvp (nthcdr n msg)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<))))
+(defthm scan-append
+ (equal (scan flg (append (listn n flg) lst))
+ (scan flg lst)))
+(defthm recv-append
+ (equal (recv i flg rclock (append (listn n flg) msg))
+ (recv i flg rclock msg)))
+(defthm recv-cells
+ (implies (and (integerp rclock) (<= n rclock)
+ (< rclock (+ n k))
+ (true-listp msg)
+ (integerp n) (< 0 n) (integerp k) (< 0 k)
+ (booleanp flg) (bvp msg) (consp msg))
+ (equal (recv (len msg) flg rclock (cells flg n k msg))
+ msg))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :expand (recv 1 flg rclock (cells flg n k msg))
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :in-theory (disable (:definition cells))
+ :induct (cells flg n k msg))))
+(defthm recv-send-is-id
+ (implies (and (integerp rclock) (<= n rclock)
+ (< rclock (+ n k))
+ (true-listp msg) (natp p1)
+ (integerp n) (< 0 n) (integerp k) (< 0 k)
+ (booleanp flg) (bvp msg) (consp msg))
+ (equal (recv (len msg) flg rclock
+ (send msg p1 n k flg))
+ msg))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :cases ((and (consp msg) (consp (cdr msg))))
+ :expand (recv 1 flg rclock (cells flg n k msg))
+ :in-theory (disable recv len)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal 2"
+ :in-theory (enable len))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/nodeset/2D-mesh-nodeset.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/nodeset/2D-mesh-nodeset.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55e2934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/nodeset/2D-mesh-nodeset.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; July 28th 2005
+;; File: 2D-mesh-nodeset.lisp
+;; We define here the coordinates of the nodes in
+;; a 2D mesh.
+;; We show that it is a valid instance of the
+;; generic nodeset definition.
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../generic-modules/GeNoC-nodeset")
+;; functions to put elsewhere
+(defun rev (x)
+ ;; reverse a true-list
+ (if (endp x)
+ nil
+ (append (rev (cdr x)) (list (car x)))))
+;; 1 type of nodes (NodeSetp)
+;; ------------------------------
+;; in the mesh topology, nodes are coordinates
+(defun coordinatep (x)
+ (and (consp x)
+ (consp (cdr x))
+ (null (cddr x))
+ (natp (car x)) (natp (cadr x))))
+(defun 2D-mesh-NodeSetp (x)
+ (if (endp x)
+ t
+ (and (coordinatep (car x))
+ (2D-mesh-NodeSetp (cdr x)))))
+;; this function will be mapped to NodeSetp in
+;; the functional instanciation
+;; 2 nodeset generator (NodeSetGenerator)
+;; ---------------------------------------
+(defun x-dim-gen (X y)
+ ;; generate the nodes along the x-dim, y is a constant
+ (declare (xargs :guard (and (natp X) (natp y))))
+ (if (zp X)
+ nil
+ (cons (list (1- X) y) (x-dim-gen (1- X) y))))
+(defthm all-coordinatep-x-dim-gen
+ ;; x-dim-gen produces valid coordinates
+ (implies (and (natp x) (natp y))
+ (2D-mesh-NodeSetp (x-dim-gen x y))))
+(defun coord-generator-1 (X Y)
+ ;; generate a list of coordinates
+ (if (zp Y)
+ nil
+ (append (x-dim-gen X (1- y))
+ (coord-generator-1 X (1- Y)))))
+(defthm valid-coordinates-coord-gen-1
+ (implies (and (natp x) (natp y))
+ (2D-mesh-NodeSetp (coord-generator-1 x y))))
+(defun coord-gen (X Y)
+ (rev (coord-generator-1 X Y)))
+(defthm valid-coordinates-coord-gen
+ (implies (and (natp x) (natp y))
+ (2D-mesh-NodeSetp (coord-gen x y))))
+;; as coord-gen is non-recursive function, we disable it
+(in-theory (disable coord-gen))
+;; 3. Parameters
+;; ------------
+(defun mesh-hyps (Params)
+ ;; hyps on the parameters
+ ;; Params is a consp as well as its cdr
+ ;; each element of the cons is a natural
+ (and (consp Params) (consp (cdr Params)) (null (cddr Params))
+ (natp (car Params)) (natp (cadr Params))))
+(defun mesh-nodeset-gen (P)
+ (coord-gen (car P) (cadr P)))
+;; this function will be mapped to
+;; NodeSetGenerator
+;; 4. Prove the last constraint (subsetp)
+;; --------------------------------------
+(defthm subsets-are-valid-mesh-nodesetp
+ (implies (and (2D-mesh-NodeSetp x)
+ (subsetp y x))
+ (2D-mesh-NodeSetp y)))
+;; the next lemma is needed for the instances (like XY Routing)
+;(defthm 2d-mesh-nodesetgenerator
+; (implies (mesh-hyps params)
+; (2d-mesh-nodesetp (mesh-nodeset-gen params))))
+;; 5. check that these definitions are compliant
+;; with the generic encapsulate
+;; ---------------------------------------------
+(defthm check-2D-mesh-nodeset
+; (implies (true-listp x) (equal (rev (rev x)) x))
+ t
+ :rule-classes nil
+; :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :use
+ (:functional-instance nodeset-generates-valid-nodes
+ (NodeSetp 2D-mesh-NodeSetp)
+ (NodeSetGenerator mesh-nodeset-gen)
+ (ValidParamsp mesh-hyps))
+ :in-theory (disable nodeset-generates-valid-nodes))))
+;; end of file
+;; time on my laptop (MAC) 0.00 prove
+;Form: (CERTIFY-BOOK "2D-mesh-nodeset" ...)
+;Rules: NIL
+;Warnings: Free and Non-rec
+;Time: 1.22 seconds (prove: 0.74, print: 0.36, other: 0.12)
+; "/Users/julien/research/genoc/genoc_v0/2dmesh-nodeset/2D-mesh-nodeset.lisp" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/nodeset/octagon-nodeset.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/nodeset/octagon-nodeset.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eef082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/nodeset/octagon-nodeset.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; File: octagon-nodeset.lisp
+;; August 15th
+;; definition and validation of the nodes of the Octagon
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;; we import the book containing the generic definition of NodeSet
+(include-book "../../generic-modules/GeNoC-nodeset")
+;; 1. OctagonNodeSetGenerator
+;; -------------------------
+(defun naturals (bound)
+ ;; define the naturals up to bound
+ ;; they are the nodes of the Octagon
+ (if (zp bound)
+ (list 0)
+ (cons bound (naturals (1- bound)))))
+(defun OctagonNodeSetGenerator (bound)
+ ;; more precisely we choose the bound to be the
+ ;; number of nodes in one quarter of the Octagon
+ (naturals (+ -1 (* 4 bound))))
+(defun OctagonValidParamsp (x)
+ ;; the parameter is a positive integer and not zero
+ (and (integerp x) (< 0 x)))
+;; 2. OctagonNodeSetp
+;; -----------------
+(defun OctagonValidNodep (x)
+ ;; a valid node is simply a natural
+ (natp x))
+(defun OctagonNodeSetp (x)
+ ;; corresponds to the predicate NodeSetp
+ (if (endp x)
+ t
+ (and (OctagonValidNodep (car x))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (cdr x)))))
+;; 3. Validation of the nodes of the Octagon
+;; -----------------------------------------
+;; we need to prove
+(defthm octagon-subsets-are-valid
+ (implies (and (OctagonNodeSetp x)
+ (subsetp y x))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp y)))
+(defthm OctagonNodeSetp-naturals
+ ;; lemma needed for the next theorem
+ (implies (and (integerp bound) (< 0 bound))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (naturals bound))))
+(defthm check-compliance-octagon-nodeset
+ t
+ :rule-classes nil
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :use (:functional-instance
+ nodeset-generates-valid-nodes
+ (ValidParamsp OctagonValidParamsp)
+ (NodeSetp OctagonNodeSetp)
+ (Nodesetgenerator OctagonNodeSetGenerator))
+ :in-theory (disable nodeset-generates-valid-nodes))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/doubleY-routing/doubleY-routing.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/doubleY-routing/doubleY-routing.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84f01c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/doubleY-routing/doubleY-routing.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,1223 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Sept. 19th 2005
+;; File: doubleY-routing.lisp
+;; modeling of an adaptive routing algorithm
+;; we consider a 2D-mesh. We compute all possible minimal paths
+;; between two nodes.
+;; The algorithm is an interleaving of XY and YX.
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;;; we need the xy routing algorithm
+(include-book "../xy-routing/xy-routing")
+;; I. Definition of the YX routing algorithm
+;; the distance between two nodes is the sum of the absolute values of the difference of
+;; the coordinates
+(defun yx-routing (from to)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (dist from to)))
+ ;; from = (x_o y_o) dest = (x_d y_d)
+ (if (or (not (coordinatep from))
+ (not (coordinatep to)))
+ nil
+ (let ((x_d (car to))
+ (y_d (cadr to))
+ (x_o (car from))
+ (y_o (cadr from)))
+ (if (and (equal x_d x_o) ;; x_d = x_o
+ (equal y_d y_o)) ;; y_d = y_o
+ ;; if the destination is equal to the current node, we stop
+ (cons from nil)
+ (if (not (equal y_d y_o)) ;; y_d /= y_o
+ (if (< y_d y_o)
+ ;; the y-destination is on the descending y
+ (cons from (yx-routing (list x_o (- y_o 1)) to))
+ ;; y_d > x_o
+ (cons from (yx-routing (list x_o (+ 1 y_o)) to)))
+ ;; otherwise we test the y-direction
+ ;; y_d = y_o
+ ;; x_d /= x_o
+ (if (< x_d x_o)
+ (cons from (yx-routing (list (- x_o 1) y_o) to))
+ ;; x_d > x_o
+ (cons from (yx-routing (list (+ 1 x_o) y_o) to))))))))
+(defthm first-YX-routing
+ ;; the first element the origin
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from)
+ (coordinatep to))
+ (equal (car (YX-routing from to))
+ from)))
+(defthm consp-yx-routing
+ ;; should be systematically added
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from)
+ (coordinatep to))
+ (consp (yx-routing from to))))
+(defun CloserListp (r d)
+ ;; recognizes a list r of nodes such that any higher position
+ ;; of the list gives a nodes that is closer to d than lower
+ ;; positions. More extactly, the distance decreases by 1
+ ;; if the position increases by 1,
+ (if (or (endp r) (endp (cdr r)))
+ t
+ (and (equal (dist (cadr r) d) (1- (dist (car r) d)))
+ (closerlistp (cdr r) d))))
+(defthm closertlistp-yx-routing
+ (closerlistp (yx-routing from to) to))
+;; we now prove that it is a valid instance of GeNoC
+;; most of the lemmas are deduced from theorems proven for the xy algorithm using
+;; basic facts about rev
+;; I.1. Validation of the basic routing function
+;; -------------------------------------------
+;; we prove first some lemmas on the basic function
+;; I.1.a/ some trivial properties
+;; --------------------------
+(defthm last-YX-routing
+ ;; the last element is the destination
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from)
+ (coordinatep to))
+ (equal (car (last (YX-routing from to)))
+ to)))
+(defthm last-cdr-YX-routing
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from) (not (equal from to))
+ (coordinatep to))
+ (equal (car (last (cdr (YX-routing from to)))) to)))
+(defthm YX-routing-len->=-2
+ ;; a route has at least two elements
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from) (coordinatep to)
+ (not (equal from to)))
+ (<= 2 (len (yx-routing from to)))))
+;; 3.b A route is a subset of nodeset
+;; now we prove that a route is a subsetp of the set of existing nodes
+;; NodeSet
+;; we reuse the strategy
+(defthm 2D-mesh-nodesetp-yx-routing
+ (2D-mesh-nodesetp (yx-routing from to)))
+;; First, every x-coord of any nodes produced by function yx-routing2
+;; is strictly less than 1 + Max(from_x, to_x)
+(defthm yx-routing-all-x-less
+ (all-x-<-max (yx-routing from to)
+ (1+ (max (car from) (car to)))))
+;; and every y-coord is strictly less than 1 + Max(from_y, to_y)
+(defthm yx-routing-all-y-less
+ (all-y-<-max (yx-routing from to)
+ (1+ (max (cadr from) (cadr to)))))
+(defthm yx-routing-subsetp-coord-max
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from) (coordinatep to))
+ (subsetp (yx-routing from to)
+ (coord-gen (1+ (max (car from) (car to)))
+ (1+ (max (cadr from) (cadr to))))))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable max))))
+(defthm yx-routing-subsetp-nodeset
+ ;; now we want to prove that if NodeSet = coord-gen x y, then
+ ;; route is a subsetp of NodeSet.
+ ;; from and to must be members of NodeSet
+ ;; from and to must not be equal
+ (implies (and (not (equal from to))
+ (coordinatep from) (coordinatep to)
+ (natp X) (natp Y)
+ ;; it should be member-equal
+ (member-equal from (coord-gen X Y))
+ (member-equal to (coord-gen X Y)))
+ (subsetp (yx-routing from to) (coord-gen X Y)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :use ((:instance all-max-member-equal
+ (L (coord-gen X Y))
+ (x from) (y to)
+ (x-max X) (y-max Y))
+ (:instance yx-routing-subsetp-coord-max))
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :in-theory (disable coord-gen coordinatep natp subsetp
+ all-max-member-equal
+ yx-routing-subsetp-coord-max)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal 4"
+ :use (:instance subsetp-coord-plus
+ (x1 (+ 1 (car from))) (x2 x)
+ (y1 (+ 1 (cadr from))) (y2 y))
+ :in-theory (disable subsetp-coord-plus
+ coord-gen subsetp))
+ ("Subgoal 3"
+ :use (:instance subsetp-coord-plus
+ (x1 (+ 1 (car from))) (x2 x)
+ (y1 (+ 1 (cadr to))) (y2 y))
+ :in-theory (disable subsetp-coord-plus
+ coord-gen subsetp))
+ ("Subgoal 2"
+ :use (:instance subsetp-coord-plus
+ (x1 (+ 1 (car to))) (x2 x)
+ (y1 (+ 1 (cadr from))) (y2 y))
+ :in-theory (disable subsetp-coord-plus
+ coord-gen subsetp))
+ ("Subgoal 1"
+ :use (:instance subsetp-coord-plus
+ (x1 (+ 1 (car to))) (x2 x)
+ (y1 (+ 1 (cadr to))) (y2 y))
+ :in-theory (disable subsetp-coord-plus
+ coord-gen subsetp))))
+;; Definition compatible with GeNoC
+;; -----------------------------------
+;; a Definition of the function
+(defun yx-routing-top (Missives)
+ (if (endp Missives)
+ nil
+ (let* ((miss (car Missives))
+ (from (OrgM miss))
+ (to (DestM miss))
+ (id (IdM miss))
+ (frm (FrmM miss)))
+ (cons (list id frm (list (yx-routing from to)))
+ (yx-routing-top (cdr Missives))))))
+(defun YXRouting (Missives NodeSet)
+ (declare (ignore NodeSet))
+ (yx-routing-top Missives))
+;; Proof of compliance
+;; ------------------------
+;; need to prove CorrectRoutesp and TrLstp and ToMissives
+;; 1. ToMissives seems to be simple
+(defthm YXRouting-Missives
+ (let ((NodeSet (mesh-nodeset-gen Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp Missives NodeSet)
+ (mesh-hyps Params))
+ (equal (ToMissives (yx-routing-top Missives))
+ Missives)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :induct (yx-routing-top Missives)
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :in-theory (disable coordinatep)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :use ((:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (OrgM (car Missives))))
+ (:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (DestM (car Missives)))))
+ :in-theory (disable 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ coordinatep))))
+;; 2. TrLstp
+(defthm consp-yx-routing-cdr
+ ;; should be systematically added
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from) (not (equal from to))
+ (coordinatep to))
+ (consp (cdr (yx-routing from to)))))
+(defthm V-ids-yx-routing-=-M-ids
+ ;; this one too ...
+ (equal (V-ids (yx-routing-top Missives))
+ (M-ids Missives)))
+(defthm TrLstp-YXRouting
+ (let ((NodeSet (mesh-nodeset-gen Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp Missives NodeSet)
+ (mesh-hyps Params))
+ (TrLstp (yx-routing-top Missives))))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :induct (yx-routing-top missives))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :use ((:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (OrgM (car Missives))))
+ (:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (DestM (car Missives)))))
+ :in-theory (disable 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ coordinatep))))
+;; 3. CorrectRoutesp
+(defthm CorrectRoutesp-YXRouting
+ (let ((NodeSet (mesh-nodeset-gen Params)))
+ (implies (and (mesh-hyps Params)
+ (Missivesp Missives NodeSet))
+ (CorrectRoutesp (yx-routing-top Missives)
+ Missives NodeSet)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :induct (yx-routing-top Missives)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :use ((:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (OrgM (car Missives))))
+ (:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (DestM (car Missives)))))
+ :in-theory (disable 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ coordinatep))))
+;; now we can prove that the XY-routing algorithm is compliant
+;; to the GeNoC-routing.
+(defthm check-compliance-YXRouting
+ t
+ :rule-classes nil
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use (:functional-instance
+ ToMissives-Routing
+ (NodeSetGenerator mesh-nodeset-gen)
+ (NodeSetp 2D-mesh-nodesetp)
+ (ValidParamsp mesh-hyps)
+ (Routing YXRouting))
+ :in-theory (disable ToMissives-Routing
+ mesh-nodeset-gen
+ trlstp mesh-hyps
+ Missivesp))
+ ("Subgoal 3" ; changed after v4-3 from "Subgoal 4", for tau system
+ :in-theory (enable mesh-hyps))))
+;; this concludes the verification of the YX algorithm.
+;; ----------------------------------------------------
+;; II. Definition of the Double-Y routing algorithm
+;; in this algorithm, at each node two paths are possible, along the X or the Y axis.
+;; We model it as the alternative application of the xy and the yx algorithms.
+;; We compute all possible minimal paths between any pair of nodes.
+;; Note that for all nodes that share one coordinate with a destination,
+;; there is no choice: the shortest path is to travel along the opposite axis.
+;; For a given source node s, all possible routes obtained by first
+;; applying the xy algorithm are computed by (a) r = xy(s,d),
+;; (b) applying yx for all nodes of r that do not share
+;; a coordinate with d, (c) for all such routes, applying the xy algorithm to
+;; each node that do not share a coordinate with d, ...
+;; II.1. Basic definitions
+;; -----------------------
+;; we will need to append an element to every list of a list of lists.
+(defun append-e-all (e L)
+ ;; L is a list of list
+ ;; we append e to every list of L
+ (if (endp L)
+ nil
+ (cons (cons e (car L))
+ (append-e-all e (cdr L)))))
+;; we can easily prove that the length of L is not modified
+(defthm len-append-e-all
+ (equal (len (append-e-all e L))
+ (len L)))
+;; we will also need to append a list l to every list of a list of lists
+(defun append-l-all (l Lst)
+ ;; l is a list and we append it to every list in Lst
+ (if (endp Lst)
+ nil
+ (cons (append l (car lst))
+ (append-l-all l (cdr Lst)))))
+;; again, the length of L is not modified by this operation
+(defthm len-append-l-all
+ (equal (len (append-l-all l Lst))
+ (len Lst)))
+;; II.2. Prefix computation
+;; ------------------------
+;; A subroute of a route from s to d, consists of a route from s to some
+;; intermediate node.
+;; Prefixes of a route r w.r.t. a destination d, are all the subroutes
+;; where each node does not share a coordinate with d.
+(defun extract-prefixes (r d)
+ ;; compute all the possible prefixes suggested by the route
+ ;; r for the destination d
+ (if (or (not (coordinatep d)) (not (2D-mesh-nodesetp r)))
+ nil
+ (if (endp r)
+ nil
+ (let* ((n1 (car r)) ;; n1 is the first node of r
+ (n1_x (car n1))
+ (n1_y (cadr n1))
+ (d_x (car d))
+ (d_y (cadr d)))
+ (if (or (equal n1_x d_x) (equal n1_y d_y))
+ ;; nodes with one common coordinate with the destination
+ ;; do not allow any choice.
+ nil
+ (cons (list n1) ;; n1 is a prefix
+ (append-e-all n1 ;; all other prefixes start with n1 and the recursive call
+ (extract-prefixes (cdr r) d))))))))
+;(extract-prefixes (xy-routing '(0 0) '(3 3)) '(3 3))
+;(((0 0))
+; ((0 0) (1 0))
+; ((0 0) (1 0) (2 0)))
+;; II.3. Get Sources
+;; --------------------
+;; For a route r, the "sources" w.r.t. a destination d, are the nodes that do not
+;; share a coordinate with destination d.
+(defun GetSources1 (r d)
+ (if (or (endp r) (not (coordinatep d))
+ (not (2d-mesh-nodesetp r)))
+ nil
+ (let* ((n1 (car r))
+ (n1_x (car n1))
+ (n1_y (cadr n1))
+ (d_x (car d))
+ (d_y (cadr d)))
+ (if (or (equal n1_x d_x) (equal n1_y d_y))
+ nil ;; n1 shares a coordinate with d
+ (cons n1 (GetSources1 (cdr r) d))))))
+(defun GetSources (r d)
+ ;; we remove the first node because it has already been computed.
+ ;; (it is already in the prefix)
+ (GetSources1 (cdr r) d))
+;; II.4 Double Y Routing
+;; ---------------------
+;; We need some lemmas to prove that the main function (dy1) terminates
+;; the next three defthm's are used to prove that the distance from s to d decreases
+;; also from the successor of s. These lemmas consider the application
+;; of the xy algorithm
+(defthm cadr-xy-routing
+ (implies (and (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d)
+ (< (car d) (car s)))
+ (equal (cadr (xy-routing s d))
+ (list (+ -1 (car s)) (cadr s)))))
+(defthm dist-cadr-dx-<-sx
+ (implies (and (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d)
+ (< (car d) (car s)))
+ (equal (dist (cadr (xy-routing s d)) d)
+ (1- (dist s d)))))
+(defthm dist-cadr-xy
+ ;; now we prove the main theorem for xy-routing and the distance
+ (implies (and (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d)
+ (or (not (equal (car s) (car d)))
+ (not (equal (cadr s) (cadr d)))))
+ (equal (dist (cadr (xy-routing s d)) d)
+ (1- (dist s d))))
+ :hints (("Subgoal *1/1"
+ :use dist-cadr-dx-<-sx
+ :in-theory (disable dist-cadr-dx-<-sx))))
+;; we need to prove an equivalent theorem for the application of the yx algorithm
+; lemmas for the other definition
+(defthm cadr-yx-routing
+ (implies (and (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d)
+ (< (cadr d) (cadr s)))
+ (equal (cadr (yx-routing s d))
+ (list (car s) (- (cadr s) 1)))))
+(defthm dist-cadr-dx-<-sx-yx
+ (implies (and (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d)
+ (< (cadr d) (cadr s)))
+ (equal (dist (cadr (yx-routing s d)) d)
+ (1- (dist s d)))))
+(defthm dist-cadr-yx-routing
+ ;; now we prove the main theorem for xy-routing and the distance
+ (implies (and (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d)
+ (or (not (equal (car s) (car d)))
+ (not (equal (cadr s) (cadr d)))))
+ (equal (dist (cadr (yx-routing s d)) d)
+ (1- (dist s d))))
+ :hints (("Subgoal *1/1"
+ :use dist-cadr-dx-<-sx-yx
+ :in-theory (disable dist-cadr-dx-<-sx-yx))))
+;; -------------------
+;; to prove termination, we need to know what is the first candidate
+(defthm car-getsources1
+ (let ((c (getsources1 r d)))
+ (implies (consp (getsources1 r d))
+ (equal (car c) (car r)))))
+(defun dy1 (sources d flg prefixes)
+ (declare (xargs :measure
+ (dist (car sources) d)
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable reduce-integerp-+)
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize))
+ ("Subgoal 3"
+ :cases
+ ((consp (getsources1
+ (cdr (yx-routing (car sources) d))
+ d))))
+ ("Subgoal 2"
+ :cases
+ ((consp (getsources1
+ (cdr (xy-routing (car sources) d))
+ d))))
+ ("[1]Subgoal 2"
+ :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-equal))
+ ("[1]Subgoal 1"
+ :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-equal)))))
+ ;; sources = a list of nodes, on which xy and yx are applied
+ ;; d = destination
+ ;; flg = t means "apply xy", nil means "apply yx"
+ ;; prefixes = a list of prefixes that are appended to the routes
+ ;; obtained by xy or yx on the nodes of sources.
+ ;; The function works as follows. First, sources contains
+ ;; only one node. We apply either xy or yx to get one route.
+ ;; From this route we extract a list of nodes (of "sources")
+ ;; that constitutes the new sources. On each of these nodes
+ ;; we apply either yx or xy, und so weiter ....
+ ;; We stop when the first node in list sources shares one coordinate
+ ;; with the destination.
+ ;; The first test gets rid of bad inputs.
+ ;; To prove that this function terminates, the nodes in
+ ;; sources must be such that nodes with a higher position in
+ ;; sources are closer to the destination d.
+ (if (or (endp sources) (not (CloserListp sources d))
+ (not (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources))
+ (not (coordinatep d)))
+ nil
+ (let* ((prefix (car prefixes))
+ (s (car sources))
+ (s_x (car s))
+ (s_y (cadr s))
+ (d_x (car d))
+ (d_y (cadr d)))
+ (cond ((or (equal s_x d_x) (equal s_y d_y))
+ ;; if one of the coordinate has been reached,
+ ;; we stop
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (let ((routes
+ (cond (flg ;; last was yx-routing, next is xy-routing
+ (let ((suffix (xy-routing s d)))
+ ;; the new route is made of the prefix and
+ ;; the new suffix of the route.
+ (cons
+ (append prefix suffix)
+ (dy1
+ (getSources suffix d)
+ d nil ;; next is YX
+ (append-l-all
+ prefix
+ (extract-prefixes suffix d))))))
+ (t ;; last was xy-routing, next is yx
+ (let ((suffix (yx-routing s d)))
+ (cons (append prefix suffix)
+ (dy1
+ (getSources suffix d)
+ d t ;;next is XY
+ (append-l-all
+ prefix
+ (extract-prefixes suffix d)))))))))
+ (append routes
+ (dy1 (cdr sources)
+ d flg prefixes))))))))
+(defun dy (s d)
+ ;; if s and d share a coordinate, we have a "border" case. No minimal adaptive path
+ ;; is available, thus we have apply either xy or yx. But, in that case, they both
+ ;; return the same path.
+ ;; Note: it is not possible to add this special case in the previous function, because
+ ;; this would add routes in the computation.
+ (if (and (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d)
+ (or (equal (car s) (car d))
+ (equal (cadr s) (cadr d))))
+ (list (xy-routing s d))
+ ;; when calling the "full" algorithm, we know that adapative behaviors are possible
+ ;; note: this is required as an invariant in the proof
+ (append (dy1 (list s) d t nil) ;; flag is true,we start with xy
+ (dy1 (list s) d nil nil)))) ;; flag is false, we start with yx
+;; we define the last functions to match the signature of the generic routing function
+(defun DoubleYRouting1 (Missives)
+ (if (endp Missives)
+ nil
+ (let* ((miss (car Missives))
+ (org (OrgM miss))
+ (dest (DestM miss))
+ (Id (IdM miss))
+ (frm (FrmM miss)))
+ (cons (list id frm (dy org dest))
+ (DoubleYRouting1 (cdr Missives))))))
+(defun DoubleYRouting (Missives NodeSet)
+ (declare (ignore NodeSet))
+ (DoubleYRouting1 Missives))
+;; this concludes the definition of the doube Y algorithm
+;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; III. Validation of the Double-Y routing algorithm
+;; now, we want to prove that this algorithms is a valid instance of the
+;; generic routing function.
+;; The function here at the same level as xy-routing is dy.
+;; The function at the same leval as xy-routing-top is doubleyRouting1.
+;; the final theorem we want to prove is:
+;(defthm compliance-dbleYrouting
+; t
+; :rule-classes nil
+; :otf-flg t
+; :hints (("GOAL"
+; :do-not-induct t
+; :use (:functional-instance
+; ToMissives-Routing
+; (NodeSetGenerator mesh-nodeset-gen)
+; (NodeSetp 2D-mesh-nodesetp)
+; (ValidParamsp mesh-hyps)
+; (Routing DoubleYRouting))
+; :in-theory (disable ToMissives-Routing
+; mesh-nodeset-gen
+; trlstp mesh-hyps
+; Missivesp))))
+;; we can submit this theorem to see which properties have to be proven.
+;; the two remaining goals are correctroutesp (routes are correct) and trlstp (travels are
+;; well-formed)
+;; III.1. Proving Correctroutesp of DoubleYRouting1
+;; ------------------------------------------------
+;; the constraint we need to relieve is the following:
+;; the strategy is to prove validroutes and subsetp
+(defun all-validroutep (routes s d)
+ ;; this predicate recognizes a list of routes where every route r starts in s and ends with d
+ (if (endp routes) t
+ (let ((r (car routes)))
+ (and (equal (car r) s)
+ (equal (car (last r)) d)
+ (not (equal (car r) (car (last r))))
+ (all-validroutep (cdr routes) s d)))))
+(defun all-subsetp (routes nodeset)
+ ;; checks that all elements of routes is a subset of nodeset
+ (if (endp routes)
+ t
+ (let ((r (car routes)))
+ (and (subsetp r nodeset)
+ (all-subsetp (cdr routes) nodeset)))))
+(defthm tactic-is-good
+ (implies (and (all-subsetp routes nodeset)
+ (all-validroutep routes (orgm msv) (destm msv)))
+ (checkroutes routes msv nodeset)))
+;; III.1.a/ all-validroutep
+;; --------------------
+;; we want to prove that dy1 satisfies this property
+(defthm all-validroutep-append
+ ;; removing append's by conjunctions
+ (equal (all-validroutep (append l1 l2) s d)
+ (and (all-validroutep l1 s d)
+ (all-validroutep l2 s d))))
+(defun all-2d-mesh-nodesetp (lst)
+ ;; checks that all lists in lst are lists of valid nodes
+ (if (endp lst)
+ t
+ (let ((r (car lst)))
+ (and (and (consp r) (2d-mesh-nodesetp r))
+ ;; we check that if lst is not empty, then
+ ;; its elements are not empty either
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp (cdr lst))))))
+(defthm all-2d-mesh-nodesetp-extract-prefixes
+ (implies (2d-mesh-nodesetp lst)
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp (extract-prefixes lst d))))
+(defthm all-2d-mesh-nodesetp-append-l-all
+ (implies (and (2d-mesh-nodesetp l)
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp LST))
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp (append-l-all l LST))))
+(defthm all-2d-mesh-append-l-all-xy-routing
+ ;; this lemma might not be useful to prove validroutep-apply-DoubleY-all-nodeset
+ ;; also s is free ... s is now (car sources) ...
+ (implies (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp prefixes)
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp (append-l-all (car prefixes)
+ (extract-prefixes
+ (xy-routing (car sources) d) d)))))
+(defthm all-2d-mesh-append-l-all-yx-routing2
+ (implies (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp prefixes)
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp (append-l-all (car prefixes)
+ (extract-prefixes
+ (yx-routing (car sources) d) d)))))
+(defthm car-last-append
+ (implies (consp l2)
+ (equal (car (last (append l1 l2)))
+ (car (last l2)))))
+(defthm not-member-equal-getSources
+ (not (member-equal d (getSources1 L d))))
+(defthm not-member-equal-with-car
+ (implies (and (not (member-equal d sources)) (consp sources))
+ (not (equal (car sources) d)))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm 2d-mesh-coordinatep-forward
+ (implies (and (2d-mesh-nodesetp lst) (consp lst))
+ (coordinatep (car lst)))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm 2d-mesh-nodesetp-cdr
+ (implies (2d-mesh-nodesetp lst)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp (cdr lst)))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm 2d-mesh-nodesetp-getSources1
+ (implies (and (2d-mesh-nodesetp r) (coordinatep d))
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp (getSources1 r d))))
+(defthm 2D-nodesetp-cdr-yx-routing
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp (getSources1 (cdr (yx-routing from to)) to)))
+(defthm true-list-getSources1
+ (true-listp (getSources1 lst d))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+(defun no-common-coordinate (lst d)
+ ;; check that nodes of lst do not share a coordinate with d
+ ;; this holds in case of "adaptiveness"
+ (if (endp lst)
+ t
+ (let ((n (car lst)))
+ (and (not (equal (car n) (car d)))
+ (not (equal (cadr n) (cadr d)))
+ (no-common-coordinate (cdr lst) d)))))
+(defthm no-common-coordinate-cdr-fwd
+ (implies (no-common-coordinate lst d)
+ (no-common-coordinate (cdr lst) d))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm all-2d-mesh-cdr
+ (implies (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp lst)
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp (cdr lst)))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm no-common-coordinate-getSources1
+ (no-common-coordinate (getSources1 lst d) d))
+(defthm no-common-not-equal
+ (implies (and (no-common-coordinate sources d)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources)
+ (consp sources))
+ (not (equal (car sources) d)))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm last-cdr-xy-routing
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from) (coordinatep to)
+ (not (equal from to)))
+ (equal (car (last (cdr (xy-routing from to)))) to)))
+(defun inv-sources (sources s)
+ (if (endp sources)
+ t
+ (and (equal (car sources) s)
+ (inv-sources (cdr sources) s))))
+(defun inv-prefixes (prefixes s)
+ (if (endp prefixes)
+ t
+ (and (equal (caar prefixes) s)
+ (inv-prefixes (cdr prefixes) s))))
+(defun inv (prefixes sources s)
+ (if (endp prefixes)
+ (inv-sources sources s)
+ (inv-prefixes prefixes s)))
+(defthm inv-cdr
+ (implies (inv prefixes sources s)
+ (inv prefixes (cdr sources) s))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm car-xy-routing-append-prefixes
+ (implies (and (inv prefixes sources s)
+ (consp sources)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources)
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp prefixes)
+ (coordinatep d)
+ )
+ (equal (car (append (car prefixes)
+ (xy-routing (car sources) d)))
+ s)))
+(defthm car-yx-routing-append-prefixes
+ (implies (and (inv prefixes sources s) (consp sources)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources)
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp prefixes)
+ (coordinatep d))
+ (equal (car (append (car prefixes)
+ (yx-routing (car sources) d)))
+ s)))
+(defthm consp-car-all-2d-mesh
+ (implies (and (consp lst) (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp lst))
+ (consp (car lst)))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm append-l-all-nil
+ (implies (true-listp lst)
+ (equal (append-l-all nil lst)
+ lst)))
+(defthm inv-append-e-all-s
+ (implies (consp lst)
+ (inv (append-e-all s lst) sources s)))
+(defthm inv-prefixes-append-e-all
+ (implies (consp lst)
+ (inv-prefixes (append-e-all s lst) s)))
+(defthm inv-prefixes-append-l-all
+ (implies (and (consp lst) (inv-prefixes prefixes s) (consp prefixes)
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp prefixes))
+ (inv-prefixes (append-l-all (car prefixes) lst) s)))
+(defthm consp-append-e-all
+ (implies (consp lst)
+ (consp (append-e-all e lst))))
+;; we first link car and append
+(defthm car-append
+ (implies (consp a)
+ (equal (car (append a b))
+ (car a))))
+(defthm inv-append-l-all-xy-routing
+ (implies (and (inv prefixes sources s)
+ (no-common-coordinate sources d)
+ (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d) (consp sources)
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp prefixes)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources))
+ D))
+ D)
+ S))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :cases ((consp prefixes))
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize))
+ ("Subgoal 2.2.1"
+ :cases ((consp (extract-prefixes (cdr (xy-routing s d)) d))))
+ ("Subgoal 1.2.1"
+ :cases ((consp (extract-prefixes (cdr (xy-routing (car sources) d)) d))))))
+(defthm inv-append-l-all-comprefix-getcand-yx-routing
+ (implies (and (inv prefixes sources s)
+ (no-common-coordinate sources d)
+ (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d) (consp sources)
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp prefixes)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources))
+ D))
+ D)
+ S))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :cases ((consp prefixes))
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal 2.2.1"
+ :cases ((consp (extract-prefixes (cdr (yx-routing s d)) d))))
+ ("Subgoal 1.2.1"
+ :cases ((consp (extract-prefixes (cdr (yx-routing (car sources) d)) d))))))
+(defthm validroutep-apply-DoubleY-all-nodeset
+ (implies (and (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp prefixes) ;; this true even if prefixes is empty
+ (coordinatep d) (coordinatep s)
+ (not (equal s d))
+ (no-common-coordinate sources d)
+ (consp sources)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources)
+ (inv prefixes sources s)
+ )
+ (all-validroutep (dy1 sources d flg prefixes)
+ s d))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (e/d ()
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp member-equal 2d-mesh-nodesetp coordinatep
+ no-common-coordinate xy-routing yx-routing extract-prefixes
+ getSources1 append-e-all append-l-all closerlistp inv))
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize))))
+;; III.1.b/ all-subsetp
+;; --------------------
+;; we now prove that the routes produced by the double Y routing algorithm use only existing
+;; nodes
+;; we need to prove that the routes computed by apply-doubleY-all are
+;; subsets of NodeSet = coord-gen(X,Y), i.e. the following theorem:
+;;(defthm subsetp-apply-DoubleY-all-nodeset
+;; (implies (and (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources) (coordinatep d)
+;; (member-equal d (coord-gen X Y))
+;; (not (member-equal d sources))
+;; (natp X) (natp Y)
+;; (subsetp sources (coord-gen X Y))
+;; (all-subsetp prefixes (coord-gen X Y)))
+;; (all-subsetp (dy1 sources d flg prefixes)
+;; (coord-gen X Y)))
+(defthm subsetp-cdr-fwd
+ (implies (subsetp l lst)
+ (subsetp (cdr l) lst))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm all-subsetp-append
+ (equal (all-subsetp (append l1 l2) S)
+ (and (all-subsetp l1 S)
+ (all-subsetp l2 S))))
+(defthm subsetp-append-better
+ (equal (subsetp (append l1 l2) S)
+ (and (subsetp l1 S)
+ (subsetp l2 S))))
+(defthm subsetp-member-equal
+ (implies (and (subsetp sources S)
+ (consp sources))
+ (member-equal (car sources) S))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm subsetp-append-l-all
+ (equal (all-subsetp (append-l-all l l1) s)
+ (if (consp l1)
+ (and (subsetp l s) (all-subsetp l1 s))
+ t)))
+(defthm all-subsetp-subsetp-extract-prefixes
+ (implies (subsetp l s)
+ (all-subsetp (extract-prefixes l d) s)))
+(defthm subsetp-trans
+ (implies (and (subsetp s1 s2)
+ (subsetp s2 s3))
+ (subsetp s1 s3)))
+(defthm subsetp-getSources
+ (subsetp (getSources1 lst d) lst))
+(defthm subsetp-cdr-rev
+ (implies (subsetp l s)
+ (subsetp (cdr l) s)))
+(defthm subsetp-getSources1-xy-routing
+ (implies (and (not (equal s d))
+ (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d)
+ (natp X) (natp Y)
+ (member-equal s (coord-gen X Y))
+ (member-equal d (coord-gen X Y)))
+ (subsetp (getSources1 (cdr (xy-routing s d)) d)
+ (coord-gen x y)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use (:instance subsetp-trans
+ (s1 (getSources1 (cdr (xy-routing s d)) d))
+ (s2 (cdr (xy-routing s d)))
+ (s3 (coord-gen x y)))
+ :in-theory (disable coordinatep natp subsetp-trans)
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize))))
+(defthm subsetp-getSources1-yx-routing
+ (implies (and (not (equal s d))
+ (coordinatep s) (coordinatep d)
+ (natp X) (natp Y)
+ (member-equal s (coord-gen X Y))
+ (member-equal d (coord-gen X Y)))
+ (subsetp (getSources1 (cdr (yx-routing s d)) d)
+ (coord-gen x y)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use (:instance subsetp-trans
+ (s1 (getSources1 (cdr (yx-routing s d)) d))
+ (s2 (cdr (yx-routing s d)))
+ (s3 (coord-gen x y)))
+ :in-theory (disable coordinatep natp subsetp-trans)
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize))))
+(defthm subsetp-apply-DoubleY-all-nodeset
+ (implies (and (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp prefixes)
+ (coordinatep d) (member-equal d (coord-gen X Y))
+ (consp sources)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources)
+ (no-common-coordinate sources d)
+ (natp X) (natp Y)
+ (subsetp sources (coord-gen X Y))
+ (all-subsetp prefixes (coord-gen X Y)))
+ (all-subsetp (dy1 sources d flg prefixes)
+ (coord-gen X Y)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (e/d ()
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp member-equal 2d-mesh-nodesetp coordinatep
+ no-common-coordinate xy-routing yx-routing extract-prefixes
+ getSources1 append-e-all append-l-all closerlistp subsetp))
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize))))
+;; III.1 c/ checkroutes of dy1
+;; -------------------------------------------
+;; now we put all-validroutep and all-subsetp together to prove checkroutes
+(defthm checkroutes-apply-doubleY
+ (implies (and (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp prefixes)
+ (coordinatep (destm msv)) (member-equal (destm msv) (coord-gen X Y))
+ (consp sources)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources)
+ (no-common-coordinate sources (destm msv))
+ (natp X) (natp Y)
+ (subsetp sources (coord-gen X Y))
+ (all-subsetp prefixes (coord-gen X Y))
+ (not (equal (orgm msv) (destm msv)))
+ (coordinatep (orgm msv))
+ (inv prefixes sources (orgm msv)))
+ (checkroutes (dy1 sources (destm msv) flg prefixes)
+ msv
+ (coord-gen X Y)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :use (:instance tactic-is-good
+ (routes (dy1 sources (destm msv) flg prefixes))
+ (nodeset (coord-gen X Y)))
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :in-theory (e/d () (coordinatep natp dy1 inv checkroutes
+ tactic-is-good))
+ :do-not-induct t)))
+;; III.1 d/ correctroutesp of dy1
+;; ---------------------------------------------
+;; we can now conclude III.1
+(defthm checkroutes-append
+ (equal (checkroutes (append l1 l2) nodes S)
+ (and (checkroutes l1 nodes s)
+ (checkroutes l2 nodes s))))
+(defthm nth3-cdddr
+ (implies (and (consp x) (consp (cdr x)) (consp (cddr x)) (consp (cdddr x)))
+ (equal (nth 3 x)
+ (car (cdddr x)))))
+(defthm CorrectRoutesp-DoubleYRouting1
+ (let ((NodeSet (mesh-nodeset-gen Params)))
+ (implies (and (mesh-hyps Params)
+ (Missivesp Missives NodeSet))
+ (CorrectRoutesp (DoubleYRouting1 Missives)
+ Missives NodeSet)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :in-theory (e/d () (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp coordinatep coord-gen
+ all-subsetp))
+ :induct (DoubleYRouting1 Missives)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal *1/2.3.2"
+ :use (:instance checkroutes-apply-doubleY
+ (sources (list (cadar missives)))
+ (msv (car missives)) (flg T) (prefixes nil)
+ (x (car params)) (y (cadr params)))
+ :in-theory (e/d (coordinatep) (checkroutes-apply-doubleY)))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2.3.1"
+ :use (:instance checkroutes-apply-doubleY
+ (sources (list (cadar missives)))
+ (msv (car missives)) (flg nil) (prefixes nil)
+ (x (car params)) (y (cadr params)))
+ :in-theory (e/d (coordinatep) (checkroutes-apply-doubleY)))))
+;; III.2. Proving TrLstp of DoubleYRouting1
+;; ------------------------------------------------
+(defthm V-ids-dy-=-M-ids
+ (equal (V-ids (DoubleYRouting1 Missives))
+ (M-ids Missives)))
+(defthm consp-dy1
+ (implies (and (consp sources)
+ (closerlistp sources d)
+ (no-common-coordinate sources d)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources)
+ (coordinatep d))
+ (consp (dy1 sources d flg prefixes)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (e/d ()
+ (all-2d-mesh-nodesetp member-equal 2d-mesh-nodesetp coordinatep
+ xy-routing yx-routing extract-prefixes
+ getSources1 append-e-all append-l-all closerlistp subsetp))
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize))))
+(defthm validfield-route-append
+ (equal (validfield-route (append l1 l2))
+ (and (validfield-route l1)
+ (validfield-route l2))))
+(defthm consp-cdr-append
+ (implies (consp (cdr x))
+ (consp (cdr (append y x)))))
+(defthm validfield-route-apply-doubleY-all
+ (implies (and (consp sources)
+ (closerlistp sources d)
+ (no-common-coordinate sources d)
+ (2d-mesh-nodesetp sources)
+ (coordinatep d))
+ (validfield-route (dy1 sources d flg prefixes)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :in-theory (e/d () (2d-mesh-nodesetp coordinatep xy-routing yx-routing
+ coordinatep extract-prefixes getSources1 closerlistp
+ no-common-coordinate))))
+ )
+(defthm TrLstp-DoubleYRouting1
+ (let ((NodeSet (mesh-nodeset-gen Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp Missives NodeSet)
+ (mesh-hyps Params))
+ (TrLstp (DoubleYRouting1 Missives))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :induct (doubleYRouting1 missives))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :use ((:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (OrgM (car Missives))))
+ (:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (DestM (car Missives)))))
+ :in-theory (disable 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ coordinatep))))
+;; III.3. Checking Compliance with GeNoC
+;; -------------------------------------
+(defthm check-compliance-DoubleYRouting
+ t
+ :rule-classes nil
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use (:functional-instance
+ ToMissives-Routing
+ (NodeSetGenerator mesh-nodeset-gen)
+ (NodeSetp 2D-mesh-nodesetp)
+ (ValidParamsp mesh-hyps)
+ (Routing DoubleYRouting))
+ :in-theory (disable ToMissives-Routing
+ mesh-nodeset-gen
+ trlstp mesh-hyps
+ Missivesp))
+ ("Subgoal 4" ; changed after v4-3 from "Subgoal 5", for tau system
+ :in-theory (enable mesh-hyps))))
+;; Q.E.D. ! \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/getting_rid_of_mod.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/getting_rid_of_mod.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73e1a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/getting_rid_of_mod.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+;; Functional Specification and Validation of the Octagon Network on
+;; Chip using the ACL2 Theorem Prover
+;; Proof Script
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Joseph Fourier University
+;; 46, av. Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex
+;; File: getting_rid_of_mod.lisp
+;; Implements a strategy to rewrite the function Route to functions that
+;; create lists and do not use the function mod
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;; we import the definition of the functio Route
+(include-book "routing_defuns")
+(set-non-linearp t)
+;; To reason about function "route", I define, for each possible case of
+;; (mod (+ dest (- from)) n) a function that computes a list of nodes and
+;; that does not use function mod. Then, the properties are generally
+;; trivial on these small functions and the properties on route are
+;; proved by a simple case split.
+;; We divide the Octagon in quarters and bound, according to the value
+;; of (- dest from).
+;; Quarter 1
+;; (and (<= (- to from) n)
+;; (<= 0 (- to from))))
+(defun quarter_1_list (from to)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (nfix (+ to (- from)))
+ :hints
+ (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<
+ simplify-sums-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal)))))
+ (if (zp (- to from))
+ (cons from nil)
+ (cons from (quarter_1_list (+ 1 from) to))))
+;; I prove that route is equal to this function in this quarter
+(defthm route_=_quarter_1
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to)
+ (< to (* 4 n)) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n) (< 0 n)
+ (and (<= (- to from) n)
+ (<= 0 (- to from))))
+ (equal (route from to n)
+ (quarter_1_list from to)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable
+ prefer-positive-addends-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal)
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize))))
+;; Quarter -4
+;; (and (<= (- to from) (* -3 n))
+;; (< (- (* 4 n)) (- to from))))
+;; comes next because defined using quarter_1_list
+(defun quarter_minus_4_list (from to n)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (nfix (- (+ -1 (* 4 n)) from))
+ :hints
+ (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<
+ simplify-sums-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal)))))
+ (cond ((equal (- to from) 0) (cons from nil))
+ ((zp (- (+ (* 4 n) -1) from))
+ (cons from (quarter_1_list 0 to)))
+ (t
+ (cons from (quarter_minus_4_list (+ 1 from) to n)))))
+(defthm route_=_quarter_minus_4_list
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (<= 0 from)
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (and (<= (- to from) (* -3 n))
+ (< (- (* 4 n)) (- to from))))
+ (equal (route from to n)
+ (quarter_minus_4_list from to n)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable (:REWRITE MOD-POSITIVE . 1)))))
+;; Quarter 3
+;; (and (< (- to from) (* 3 n))
+;; (< (* 2 n) (- to from))))
+(defun quarter_3_list (from to n)
+ (cons from
+ (cons (+ from (* 2 n))
+ (quarter_1_list (+ from (* 2 n) 1) to))))
+(defthm route_=_quarter_3
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (<= 0 from)
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (and (< (- to from) (* 3 n))
+ (< (* 2 n) (- to from))))
+ (equal (route from to n)
+ (quarter_3_list from to n)))
+ :hints (("GOAL" :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal))))
+;; Quarter -2
+;; (and (< (- to from) (- n))
+;; (< (* -2 n) (- to from))))
+(defun quarter_minus_2_list (from to n)
+ (if (<= (* 2 n) from)
+ (cons from
+ (cons (+ from (* -2 n))
+ (quarter_1_list (+ 1 from (* -2 n)) to)))
+ (cons from
+ (quarter_minus_4_list (+ from (* 2 n)) to n))))
+(defthm route_=_quarter_minus_2_list
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (<= 0 from)
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (and (< (- to from) (- n))
+ (< (* -2 n) (- to from))))
+ (equal (route from to n)
+ (quarter_minus_2_list from to n)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal
+ prefer-positive-addends-<))))
+;; Quarter -1
+;; (and (< (- to from) 0)
+;; (<= (- n) (- to from))))
+(defun quarter_minus_1_list (from to)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (nfix (- from to))
+ :hints
+ (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal)))))
+ (if (zp (- from to))
+ (cons from nil)
+ (cons from (quarter_minus_1_list (+ -1 from) to))))
+(defthm route_=_quarter_minus_1_list
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (integerp n)
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (and (< (- to from) 0)
+ (<= (- n) (- to from))))
+ (equal (route from to n)
+ (quarter_minus_1_list from to)))
+ :hints (("GOAL" :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal))))
+;; Quarter -3
+;; (and (< (* -3 n) (- to from))
+;; (< (- to from) (* -2 n))))
+(defun quarter_minus_3_list (from to n)
+ (cons from
+ (cons (+ from (* -2 n))
+ (quarter_minus_1_list (+ -1 from (* -2 n)) to))))
+(defthm route_=_quarter_minus_3_list
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (<= 0 from)
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n)
+ (and (< (* -3 n) (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* -2 n))))
+ (equal (route from to n)
+ (quarter_minus_3_list from to n)))
+ :hints (("GOAL" :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal))))
+;; Quarter 4
+;; (and (<= (* 3 n) (- to from))
+;; (< (- to from) (* 4 n))))
+(defun quarter_4_list (from to n)
+ (declare (xargs :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal
+ simplify-sums-<)))))
+ (cond ((zp from)
+ (cons from (quarter_minus_1_list (+ -1 (* 4 n)) to)))
+ ((equal (- to from) 0)
+ (cons from nil))
+ (t
+ (cons from (quarter_4_list (+ -1 from) to n)))))
+(defthm route_=_quarter_4_list_lemma_1
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n)
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (<= 0 from)
+ (and (< (- to from) 1)
+ (<= (+ 1 (- n)) (- to from))))
+ (equal (route from to n)
+ (quarter_minus_1_list from to)))
+ :hints (("GOAL" :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal))))
+(defthm route_=_quarter_4_list
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (<= 0 from)
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (< 0 n)
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n)
+ (and (<= (* 3 n) (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* 4 n))))
+ (equal (route from to n)
+ (quarter_4_list from to n)))
+ :hints (("GOAL" :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal))))
+;; Quarter -2
+;; (and (< n (- to from))
+;; (< (- to from) (* 2 n))))
+(defun quarter_2_list (from to n)
+ (if (< from (* 2 n))
+ (cons from
+ (cons (+ from (* 2 n))
+ (quarter_minus_1_list (+ -1 from (* 2 n)) to)))
+ (cons from
+ (quarter_4_list (+ from (* -2 n)) to n))))
+(defthm route_=_quarter_2_list
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (<= 0 from)
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n)
+ (and (< n (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* 2 n))))
+ (equal (route from to n)
+ (quarter_2_list from to n)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal))))
+;; +/- (* 2 n)
+(defun bounds (from n)
+ (if (<= (* 2 n) from)
+ (cons from (cons (+ from (* -2 n)) nil))
+ (cons from
+ (cons (+ from (* 2 n)) nil))))
+(defthm route_=_bounds
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (<= 0 from)
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n)
+ (or (equal (+ to (- from)) (* 2 n))
+ (equal (+ to (- from)) (* -2 n))))
+ (equal (route from to n)
+ (bounds from n))))
+;; End of the "splitting"
+;; now we have rules for all the possible cases, we can disable route
+(in-theory (disable route))
+;; A useful computed hint
+;; and for all theorem we will split into all these cases
+;; To help, we define the following computed hint:
+(defun computed_hint_route (id clause world)
+ (declare (ignore clause world))
+ (if (equal id '((0) NIL . 0))
+ '(:cases ((and (<= (- to from) n)
+ (<= 0 (- to from)))
+ (and (<= (- to from) (* -3 n))
+ (< (- (* 4 n)) (- to from)))
+ (and (< (- to from) (* 3 n))
+ (< (* 2 n) (- to from)))
+ (and (< (- to from) (- n))
+ (< (* -2 n) (- to from)))
+ (and (< (- to from) 0)
+ (<= (- n) (- to from)))
+ (and (< (* -3 n) (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* -2 n)))
+ (and (<= (* 3 n) (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* 4 n)))
+ (and (< n (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* 2 n)))
+ (equal (+ to (- from)) (* 2 n))
+ (equal (+ to (- from)) (* -2 n))))
+ nil))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/mod_lemmas.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/mod_lemmas.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d41c057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/mod_lemmas.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+;; Functional Specification and Validation of the Octagon Network on
+;; Chip using the ACL2 Theorem Prover
+;; Proof Script
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Joseph Fourier University
+;; 46, av. Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex
+;; File: mod_lemmas.lisp
+;; all the lemmas about mod needed to prove that the routing algorithm
+;; terminates
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "arithmetic-3/bind-free/top" :dir :system)
+(set-default-hints '((nonlinearp-default-hint stable-under-simplificationp
+ hist pspv)))
+(include-book "arithmetic-3/floor-mod/floor-mod" :dir :system)
+(defthm mod-x-=-x
+ (implies (and (rationalp x)
+ (integerp n)
+ (<= 0 x)
+ (< 0 n)
+ (< x n))
+ (equal (mod x n) x)))
+ (defthm lemma_for_next_theorem
+ (implies (and (rationalp x)
+ (< 0 x)
+ (< x n)
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n))
+ (equal (mod (- x) n)
+ (+ (- x) n))))
+(defthm mod-x-=-x-+-n
+ (implies (and (rationalp x)
+ (< x 0)
+ (< (- x) n)
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n))
+ (equal (mod x n)
+ (+ x n)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :use (:instance lemma_for_next_theorem
+ (x (- x))))))
+(defthm abs-<-1-imp-not-int
+ (implies (and (< (abs x) 1)
+ (not (equal x 0)))
+ (not (integerp x))))
+(defthm mod-x-=-minusx-pos
+ (implies (and (rationalp x)
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n)
+ (<= n x)
+ (< x (* 2 n)))
+ (equal (mod x n)
+ (- x n))))
+(defthm mod-+-n/2-pos
+ (implies (and (< x n)
+ (rationalp x)
+ (integerp n)
+ (<= (* 1/2 n) x)
+ (< 2 n)
+ )
+ (< (mod (+ x (* 1/2 n)) n)
+ (mod x n))))
+(defthm mod-+-n/2-neg
+ (implies (and (< x 0)
+ (< (- x) n)
+ (rationalp x)
+ (<= (- x) (* 1/2 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n))
+ (< (mod (+ x (* 1/2 n)) n)
+ (mod x n))))
+(defthm mod-+-1/2-=-mod-minus-1/2
+ (implies (and (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n)
+ (rationalp x)
+ (< (abs x) n))
+ (equal (mod (+ x (* -1/2 n)) n)
+ (mod (+ x (* 1/2 n)) n)))
+ :hints (("GOAL" :in-theory (enable mod))))
+(defthm mod-n/2-pos
+ (implies (and (< 0 x)
+ (< x n)
+ (rationalp x)
+ (integerp n)
+ (<= (* 1/2 n) x)
+ (< 0 n)
+ )
+ (< (mod (+ x (* -1/2 n)) n)
+ (mod x n))))
+(defthm mod-n/2-neg
+ (implies (and (< x 0)
+ (< (- x) n)
+ (rationalp x)
+ (<= (- x) (* 1/2 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n))
+ (< (mod (+ x (* -1/2 n)) n)
+ (mod x n))))
+;;Form: (CERTIFY-BOOK "mod_lemmas" ...)
+;;Rules: NIL
+;;Warnings: Guards
+;;Time: 2.91 seconds (prove: 0.84, print: 0.04, other: 2.03)
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/routing_defuns.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/routing_defuns.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bf1dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/routing_defuns.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+;; Functional Specification and Validation of the Octagon Network on
+;; Chip using the ACL2 Theorem Prover
+;; Proof Script
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Joseph Fourier University
+;; 46, av. Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex
+;; File: routing.lisp
+;; Proof of the Routing Algorithm
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;; we define the three possible moves in the Octagon
+(defun n_clockwise (from n)
+ (mod (+ from 1) (* 4 n)))
+(defun n_counter_clockwise (from n)
+ (mod (- from 1) (* 4 n)))
+(defun n_across (from n)
+ (mod (+ from (* 2 n)) (* 4 n)))
+(include-book "mod_lemmas")
+;; this book also import the books on Arithmetic
+;; the following lemmas are used to force some behavior of ACL2
+(defthm force_case_split
+ (implies (and (integerp dest)
+ (integerp from)
+ (<= 0 dest)
+ (<= 0 from))
+ (iff (not (equal dest from))
+ (or (< (+ dest (- from)) 0)
+ (< 0 (+ dest (- from))))))
+ :rule-classes nil)
+(defthm <=_=_<_or_=
+ (implies (and (acl2-numberp a)
+ (acl2-numberp b)
+ )
+ (equal (<= a b)
+ (or (< a b)
+ (= a b))))
+ :rule-classes nil)
+;; to simplify a little the ACL2 proof, n represents the number of nodes
+;; in one quarter of the Octagon. So, there are 4*n nodes in the network!
+(defun route (from dest n)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (min (nfix (mod (- dest from) (* 4 n)))
+ (nfix (mod (- from dest) (* 4 n))))
+ :hints
+ (("GOAL"
+ :use ((:instance force_case_split)
+ (:instance <=_=_<_or_=
+ (a dest) (b (+ -1 (* 4 n))))
+ (:instance <=_=_<_or_=
+ (a from) (b (+ -1 (* 4 n))))
+ (:instance mod-+-n/2-pos
+ (n (* 4 n))
+ (x (+ (- dest) from))))
+ :in-theory (disable PREFER-POSITIVE-ADDENDS-<
+ prefer-positive-addends-equal
+ reduce-integerp-+
+ mod-+-n/2-pos))
+ ("Subgoal 330.4" :cases ((<= 0 (+ -1 from))
+ (< (+ -1 from) 0))))))
+ (cond ((or
+ (not (integerp dest)) ;; dest must be an integer
+ (< dest 0) ;; dest must be positive
+ (< (- (* 4 n) 1) dest) ;; dest must be lower than the number of nodes
+ (not (integerp from)) ;; from must be an integer
+ (< from 0) ;; from must be positive
+ (< (- (* 4 n) 1) from) ;; from must be lower than the number of nodes
+ (not (integerp n)) ;; the number of nodes must be an integer
+ (<= n 0)) ;; n must be positive
+ nil) ;; if all the conditions are not OK then we return nil
+ ((equal (- dest from) 0) (cons from nil));; process at node
+ ((and (< 0 (mod (- dest from) (* 4 n)))
+ (<= (mod (- dest from) (* 4 n)) n))
+ ;;If we go clock wise the dest is the next of the next next
+ ;;but dest is in the same quarter
+ (cons from (route (n_clockwise from n) dest n)))
+ (;(and (<= (* 3 n) (mod (- dest from) (* 4 n)))
+ ; (< (mod (- dest from) (* 4 n)) (* 4 n)))
+ (<= (* 3 n) (mod (- dest from) (* 4 n)))
+ ;;If we go cc dest is in the same quarter too
+ (cons from (route (n_counter_clockwise from n) dest n)))
+ (t
+ ;; else we cross and then the dest will be in the same quarter
+ (cons from (route (n_across from n) dest n)))))
+;; ACL2 finds the :type-prescription (TRUE-LISTP (N_GO_TO_NODE FROM DEST N))
+;;Warnings: None
+;;Time: 85.04 seconds (prove: 80.95, print: 4.02, other: 0.07)
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/routing_local_lemmas.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/routing_local_lemmas.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dded6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/routing_local_lemmas.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+;; Functional Specification and Validation of the Octagon Network on
+;; Chip using the ACL2 Theorem Prover
+;; Proof Script
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Joseph Fourier University
+;; 46, av. Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex
+;; File: routing_local_lemmas.lisp
+;; Contains lemmas needed to prove the main theorem on Route.
+;; This book will be included locally in the next one, so that we do
+;; not export the lemmas herein in the main proof about Octagon.
+;; August 15th
+;; JS: I update this file to match the last version of GeNoC
+;; I remove the proof that there is no duplicate and everything
+;; in relation with the predicate availablemovep, which is no
+;; longer present in GeNoC.
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;; we import definitions and theorems to work on lists
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defuns" :dir :system)
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defthms" :dir :system)
+;; To reason about function "route", I define, for each possible case of
+;; (mod (+ dest (- from)) n) a function that computes a list of nodes and
+;; that does not use function mod. Then, the properties are generally
+;; trivial on these small functions and the properties on route are
+;; proved by a simple case split.
+;; We divide the Octagon in quarters and bound, according to the value
+;; of (- dest from).
+;; this strategy is embedded inside a book.
+(include-book "getting_rid_of_mod")
+;; we first prove some useful lemmas about the different moves
+(defthm natp_n_across
+ (implies (and (natp x) (integerp n) (< 0 n))
+ (natp (n_across x n))))
+(defthm n_across_<_n
+ (implies (and (natp x) (integerp n) (< 0 n))
+ (< (n_across x n) (* 4 n))))
+(defthm natp_counterclockwise
+ (implies (and (natp x) (integerp n) (< 0 n))
+ (natp (n_counter_clockwise x n))))
+(defthm n_counter_clockwise_<_n
+ (implies (and (natp x) (integerp n) (< 0 n))
+ (< (n_counter_clockwise x n) (* 4 n))))
+;; 1. true-listp, consp, len
+(defthm true-listp_route
+ ;; route produces a true-listp
+ (true-listp (route from to n))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+(defthm consp_route
+ ;; route is a consp
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to) (integerp n) (< 0 n)
+ (< to (* 4 n)) (< from (* 4 n)))
+ (consp (route from to n)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (enable route)
+ :induct (route from to n))))
+(defthm len_route_>=_2
+ ;; if from /= to, then route produces a path with at least
+ ;; two nodes
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to)
+ (integerp n) (< 0 n)
+ (< to (* 4 n)) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (not (equal from to)))
+ (<= 2 (len (route from to n))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :in-theory (e/d (route) (n_across n_counter_clockwise))
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :induct (route from to n))))
+; 2. Last of route(from,to) is to
+(defthm lemma1_last_route_is_to
+ ;; any route ends with the correct destination
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (< 0 n) (integerp n))
+ (equal (car (last (route from to n)))
+ to))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (e/d (route)
+ (route_=_QUARTER_4_LIST_LEMMA_1
+ route_=_QUARTER_1
+;; 3. First of route(from,to) is from
+(defthm lemma2_first_of_route_is_from
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (< 0 n) (integerp n))
+ (equal (car (route from to n))
+ from))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (e/d (route)
+ (route_=_QUARTER_4_LIST_LEMMA_1
+ route_=_QUARTER_1
+;; 4. Every node is less that 4*n
+(defun all_inf_np (l n)
+ ;; recognizes a list in which every element is less than n
+ (if (endp l)
+ t
+ (and (< (car l) n)
+ (all_inf_np (cdr l) n))))
+(defthm lemma3_all_inf_n_route
+ ;; we prove that each node is less than the number of nodes
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (< 0 n) (integerp n))
+ (all_inf_np (route from to n)
+ (* 4 n)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (e/d (route)
+ (route_=_QUARTER_4_LIST_LEMMA_1
+ route_=_QUARTER_1
+;; 5. every node is recognized by OctagonNodeSetp
+(include-book "../../nodeset/octagon-nodeset")
+;; to prove this we use the strategy that considers
+;; the problem quarter by quarter.
+;; We first prove that each quarter is OK.
+(defthm OctagonNodeSetp_quarter_1_list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (quarter_1_list from to))))
+(defthm OctagonNodeSetp_quarter_minus_4_list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to)
+ (integerp n))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (quarter_minus_4_list from to n))))
+(defthm OctagonNodeSetp_quarter-3-list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to)
+ (integerp n) (< 0 n))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (quarter_3_list from to n))))
+(defthm OctagonNodeSetp_quarter-minus-2-list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to) (integerp n))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (quarter_minus_2_list from to n))))
+(defthm OctagonNodeSetp_quarter-minus-1-list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (quarter_minus_1_list from to))))
+(defthm OctagonNodeSetp_quarter-minus-3-list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to) (integerp n) (< 0 n))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (quarter_3_list from to n))))
+(defthm OctagonNodeSetp_quarter-4-list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to) (integerp n) (< 0 n))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (quarter_4_list from to n))))
+(defthm OctagonNodeSetp_quarter-2-list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (natp to) (integerp n) (< 0 n))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (quarter_2_list from to n))))
+(defthm lemma5_OctagonNodeSetp_n-go-to-node-top
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n) (< 0 n))
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (route from to n)))
+ :hints (computed_hint_route))
+;; 6. Routing terminates in N steps
+;; we prove it for every quarter
+;; and we first prove what is the exact length of
+;; the route for each quarter
+;; each lemma is proven in less than 1 second
+(defthm len_quarter_1_list
+ (implies (and (natp from)
+ (natp to)
+ (<= 0 (- to from)))
+ (equal (len (quarter_1_list from to))
+ (+ 1 (+ to (- from))))))
+(defthm len_quarter_minus_4_list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (and (<= (- to from) (* -3 n))
+ (< (- (* 4 n)) (- to from))))
+ (equal (len (quarter_minus_4_list from to n))
+ (+ 1 (* 4 n) to (- from)))))
+;; for some lemma we will need to disable prefer-blah-blah-blah
+;; so we do a computed hint, and we want it inherited to children!
+;; So, we use the :computed-hint-replacement feature.
+(defun computed_hint_prefer_positive_addends (id clause world)
+ (declare (ignore clause world))
+ (if (equal id '((0) NIL . 0))
+ '(:computed-hint-replacement t
+ :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-equal
+ reduce-integerp-+
+ prefer-positive-addends-<))
+ nil))
+(defthm len_quarter_minus_1_list
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (integerp to))
+ (equal (len (quarter_minus_1_list from to))
+ (if (< to from)
+ (+ 1 from (- to))
+ 1)))
+ :hints (computed_hint_prefer_positive_addends))
+(defthm len_quarter_minus_3_list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n)
+ (and (< (* -3 n) (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* -2 n))))
+ (equal (len (quarter_minus_3_list from to n))
+ (+ 1 1 (* -2 n) (- to) from))))
+(defthm len_quarter_4_list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (< 0 n) (integerp n)
+ (and (<= (* 3 n) (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* 4 n))))
+ (equal (len (quarter_4_list from to n))
+ (+ 1 (* 4 n) from (- to)))))
+(defthm len_quarter_2_list
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (< 0 n) (integerp n)
+ (and (< n (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* 2 n))))
+ (equal (len (quarter_2_list from to n))
+ (+ 1 1 (* 2 n) from (- to)))))
+;; we prove the exact value of the length of the route,
+;; for every possible
+;; we merge the previous computed hints into one
+(defun merged_computed_hints_1 (id clause world)
+ (declare (ignore clause world))
+ (if (equal id '((0) NIL . 0))
+ '(:computed-hint-replacement t ;; to have the theory inherited
+ :cases ((and (<= (- to from) n)
+ (<= 0 (- to from)))
+ (and (<= (- to from) (* -3 n))
+ (< (- (* 4 n)) (- to from)))
+ (and (< (- to from) (* 3 n))
+ (< (* 2 n) (- to from)))
+ (and (< (- to from) (- n))
+ (< (* -2 n) (- to from)))
+ (and (< (- to from) 0)
+ (<= (- n) (- to from)))
+ (and (< (* -3 n) (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* -2 n)))
+ (and (<= (* 3 n) (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* 4 n)))
+ (and (< n (- to from))
+ (< (- to from) (* 2 n)))
+ (equal (+ to (- from)) (* 2 n))
+ (equal (+ to (- from)) (* -2 n)))
+ :in-theory (disable prefer-positive-addends-equal
+ prefer-positive-addends-<))
+ nil))
+(defthm len_route_lemma1
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (< 0 n) (integerp n))
+ (equal (len (route from to n))
+ (cond ((and (<= (- to from) N)
+ (<= 0 (- to from))) ;; Q 1
+ (+ 1 to (- from)))
+ ((AND (<= (- TO FROM) (* -3 N))
+ (< (- (* 4 N)) (- TO FROM))) ;; Q -4
+ (+ 1 (* 4 n) to (- from)))
+ ((AND (< (- TO FROM) (* 3 N))
+ (< (* 2 N) (- TO FROM))) ;; Q 3
+ (+ 1 1 (* -2 n) to (- from)))
+ ((AND (< (- TO FROM) (- N))
+ (< (* -2 N) (- TO FROM))) ;; Q -2
+ (+ 1 1 (* 2 n) to (- from)))
+ ((AND (< (- TO FROM) 0)
+ (<= (- N) (- TO FROM))) ;;Q -1
+ (+ 1 from (- to)))
+ ((AND (< (* -3 N) (- TO FROM))
+ (< (- TO FROM) (* -2 N))) ;; Q -3
+ (+ 1 1 (* -2 n) (- to) from))
+ ((AND (<= (* 3 N) (- TO FROM))
+ (< (- TO FROM) (* 4 N))) ;; Q 4
+ (+ 1 (* 4 n) from (- to)))
+ ((AND (< N (- TO FROM))
+ (< (- TO FROM) (* 2 N))) ;; Q 2
+ (+ 1 1 (* 2 n) from (- to)))
+ ((EQUAL (+ TO (- FROM)) (* 2 N))
+ 2)
+ ((EQUAL (+ TO (- FROM)) (* -2 N))
+ 2)
+ (t 0))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (merged_computed_hints_1
+ ("Subgoal 5"
+ :in-theory (disable quarter_minus_3_list))
+ ("Subgoal 3"
+ :in-theory (disable quarter_2_list))))
+;; Now we can consider we have enough properties on route
+;; So, we disable all the rules that map route to lists
+(in-theory (disable ROUTE_=_QUARTER_1
+;; For the last theorem we want is that the length is
+;; less than 1+N
+(defthm bound_route_lemma
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (<= 0 from)
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n))
+ (< (len (route from to n))
+ (+ 1 1 n)))
+ :hints (merged_computed_hints_1)
+ :rule-classes :linear)
+;; This rule is fine to export but does not state the theorem we want.
+;; The final directly follows but is not stored as a rule
+;; Moreover we need to disable the rule LEN_ROUTE_LEMMA1, because
+;; it will remove (len ...) and the rule above will never be applied.
+(in-theory (disable LEN_ROUTE_LEMMA1))
+(defthm bound_route-main
+ (implies (and (integerp from)
+ (<= 0 from)
+ (< from (* 4 n))
+ (integerp to)
+ (<= 0 to)
+ (< to (* 4 n))
+ (integerp n)
+ (< 0 n))
+ (<= (len (route from to n))
+ (+ 1 N)))
+ :rule-classes nil)
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/routing_main.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/routing_main.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c27b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/octagon-routing/routing_main.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+;; File: routing_main.lisp
+;; Proof of the main theorem of Route
+;; August 15th 2005
+;; proof of compliance with GeNoC
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;; we import the definition of route and lemmas that prove its
+;; correctness
+(include-book "routing_local_lemmas")
+;; 1. Correction of function Route
+;; ------------------------------
+;; we group the main properties of Route in one theorem
+ (defthm consp_len_>_0
+ (implies (consp x)
+ (< 0 (len x)))))
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (not (equal from to))
+ (< 0 n) (integerp n))
+ (and ;; Route contains at least two nodes
+ (<= 2 (len (route from to n)))
+ ;; it is a consp
+ (consp (route from to n))
+ ;; every node is an integer
+ (OctagonNodeSetp (route from to n))
+ ;; every node is less than the maximum of nodes
+ (all_inf_np (route from to n) (* 4 n))
+ ;; the first node is the starting node
+ (equal (car (route from to n)) from)
+ ;; the last node is the final node
+ (equal (car (last (route from to n))) to))))
+;; we load the book about the generic routing
+;; it also imports the types and misc. of GeNoC
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/GeNoC-routing")
+;; 2. Definition of OctagonRouting
+;; -------------------------------
+(defun octagon-routing (Missives Bound)
+ (if (endp Missives)
+ nil
+ (let* ((miss (car Missives))
+ (Id (IdM miss))
+ (frm (FrmM miss))
+ (origin (OrgM miss))
+ (destination (DestM miss)))
+ (cons (list Id frm (list
+ (route origin destination
+ (/ Bound 4))))
+ (octagon-routing (cdr Missives) Bound)))))
+;; 3. Matching the hyps
+;; --------------------
+;; in order to use the theorem CORRECTNESS_OF_ROUTE
+;; we need to go from GeNoC hyps to the Octagon hyps
+(defthm member-of-naturals-hyp
+ (implies (and (member-equal e (naturals N))
+ (natp N))
+ (and (natp e) (< e (+ 1 N)))))
+(defthm len-naturalsp
+ (implies (natp N)
+ (equal (len (naturals N)) (+ 1 N))))
+(defthm V-ids-M-ids-octagon-routing
+ ;; this is the same lemma as for the witness
+ (equal (V-ids (octagon-routing Missives NodeSet))
+ (M-ids Missives)))
+(defthm len->=-2-=>-consp-cdr
+ (implies (<= 2 (len x))
+ (consp (cdr x))))
+;; the next theorem does not go through ... but should !!
+;; check what's wrong ...
+(defthm trlstp-octagon-routing
+ ;; octagon-routing returns a TrLstp
+ ;; the hints are very ugly.
+ ;; They are all the same, but the proof does not go through
+ ;; if I put the :use at the goal Subgoal *1/2.
+ (let ((NodeSet (OctagonNodeSetGenerator Bound)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+; (equal NodeSet (Octagonnodesetgenerator Bound))
+ (OctagonValidParamsp Bound))
+ (TrLstp (octagon-routing M (* 4 bound)))))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :induct (octagon-routing M (len (OctagonNodeSetGenerator Bound)))
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :in-theory (disable len))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2.2"
+ :use ((:instance member-of-naturals-hyp
+ (e (cadar M))
+ (N (+ -1 (* 4 Bound))))
+ (:instance member-of-naturals-hyp
+ (e (cadddr (car M)))
+ (N (+ -1 (* 4 Bound)))))
+ :in-theory (disable member-of-naturals-hyp))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2.1"
+ :use ((:instance member-of-naturals-hyp
+ (e (cadar M))
+ (N (+ -1 (* 4 Bound))))
+ (:instance member-of-naturals-hyp
+ (e (cadddr (car M)))
+ (N (+ -1 (* 4 Bound)))))
+ :in-theory (disable member-of-naturals-hyp))))
+(defthm naturals_member
+ (implies (and (<= a b) (natp a) (natp b))
+ (member-equal a (naturals b))))
+(defthm naturals_subset_all_inf
+ (implies (and (all_inf_np L n1)
+ (natp n1) (OctagonNodeSetp L))
+ (subsetp L (naturals (1- n1)))))
+(defthm subsetp-route-valid-nodes
+ (implies (and (natp from) (< from (* 4 n))
+ (natp to) (< to (* 4 n))
+ (not (equal from to))
+ (integerp n) (< 0 n))
+ (let ((route (route from to n)))
+ (subsetp route (naturals (1- (* 4 n)))))))
+(defthm CorrectRoutesp-Octagon-Routing
+ (let ((NodeSet (Naturals (+ -1 (* 4 N)))))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+; (equal NodeSet (Naturals (+ -1 (* 4 N))))
+ (OctagonValidParamsp N))
+ (CorrectRoutesp (octagon-routing M (* 4 n))
+ M NodeSet)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :induct (true-listp M)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal *1/1"
+ :use ((:instance member-of-naturals-hyp
+ (N (+ -1 (* 4 N)))
+ (e (nth 1 (car M))))
+ (:instance member-of-naturals-hyp
+ (N (+ -1 (* 4 N)))
+ (e (nth 3 (car M)))))
+ :in-theory (disable member-of-naturals-hyp))))
+(defthm ToMissives-octagon-routing
+ (let ((NodeSet (Naturals (+ -1 (* 4 N)))))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp M NodeSet)
+ (OctagonValidParamsp N))
+; (equal NodeSet (Naturals (+ -1 (* 4 N)))))
+ (equal (ToMissives (octagon-routing M
+ (* 4 N)))
+ M)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :induct (true-listp M)
+; [Removed by Matt K. to handle changes to member, assoc, etc. after ACL2 4.2.]
+; :in-theory (disable no-duplicatesp->no-duplicatesp-equal)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal *1/1"
+ :use ((:instance member-of-naturals-hyp
+ (N (+ -1 (* 4 N)))
+ (e (nth 1 (car M))))
+ (:instance member-of-naturals-hyp
+ (N (+ -1 (* 4 N)))
+ (e (nth 3 (car M)))))
+ :in-theory (disable member-of-naturals-hyp))))
+(defun OctagonRouting (M NodeSet)
+ ;; definition that is conform to GeNoC-routing
+ (octagon-routing M (len NodeSet)))
+(defthm check-octagonrouting-compliance
+ t
+ :rule-classes nil
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use (:instance
+ (:functional-instance
+ trlstp-routing
+ (NodeSetGenerator OctagonNodeSetGenerator)
+ (NodeSetp OctagonNodeSetp)
+ (ValidParamsp OctagonValidParamsp)
+ (routing OctagonRouting)))
+ :in-theory (disable trlstp-routing
+ trlstp missivesp))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/xy-routing/xy-routing.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/xy-routing/xy-routing.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59503a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/routing/xy-routing/xy-routing.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; August 1st 2005
+;; File: xy-routing.lisp
+;; Application of GeNoC-routing to an XY-routing algorithm
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;; we import the generic definition
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/GeNoC-routing")
+;; we import the book with node definition for a 2D-mesh
+(include-book "../../nodeset/2D-mesh-nodeset")
+;; we load the arithmetic books
+(include-book "arithmetic-3/bind-free/top" :dir :system)
+;(set-non-linearp t)
+(include-book "arithmetic-3/floor-mod/floor-mod" :dir :system)
+;; Definition of the Routing Algorithm
+;; from = (x_o y_o)
+;; dest = (x_d y_d)
+;; if x_o = x_d and y_o = y_d
+;; then we stop
+;; else
+;; if x_o /= x_d then
+;; if x_d < x_o then we go one step west
+;; else we go one step east
+;; endif
+;; else
+;; if y_d < y_o then we go one step south
+;; else we go one step north
+;; endif
+;; endif
+;; endif
+;; 1 Measure
+;; ------------
+;; measure = | x_d - x_o | + | y_d - y_o |
+;; The measure is just the sum of the absolute value of the difference of the
+;; coordinates. We force the result to be a natural.
+(defun dist (s d)
+ (if (or (not (coordinatep s)) (not (coordinatep d)))
+ 0
+ (let ((s_x (car s))
+ (s_y (cadr s))
+ (d_x (car d))
+ (d_y (cadr d)))
+ (+ (abs (- d_x s_x)) (abs (- d_y s_y))))))
+(defthm O-P-dist
+ ;; the measure must be an ordinal
+ (O-P (dist from to)))
+;; 2 Routing function
+;; ---------------------
+;; we define here the basic routing function
+(defun xy-routing (from to)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (dist from to)))
+ ;; from = (x_o y_o) dest = (x_d y_d)
+ (if (or (not (coordinatep from))
+ (not (coordinatep to)))
+ nil
+ (let ((x_d (car to))
+ (y_d (cadr to))
+ (x_o (car from))
+ (y_o (cadr from)))
+ (if (and (equal x_d x_o) ;; x_d = x_o
+ (equal y_d y_o)) ;; y_d = y_o
+ ;; if the destination is equal to the current node, we stop
+ (cons from nil)
+ (if (not (equal x_d x_o)) ;; x_d /= x_o
+ (if (< x_d x_o)
+ ;; the x-destination is on the descending x
+ (cons from (xy-routing (list (- x_o 1) y_o) to))
+ ;; x_d > x_o
+ (cons from (xy-routing (list (+ x_o 1) y_o) to)))
+ ;; otherwise we test the y-direction
+ ;; y_d /= y_o
+ ;; x_d = x_o
+ (if (< y_d y_o)
+ (cons from (xy-routing (list x_o (- y_o 1)) to))
+ ;; y_d > y_o
+ (cons from (xy-routing (list x_o (+ y_o 1)) to))))))))
+;; 3 Validation of the basic routing function
+;; -------------------------------------------
+;; we prove first some lemmas on the basic function
+;; 3.a some trivial properties
+(defthm first-XY-routing
+ ;; the first element is the origin
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from)
+ (coordinatep to))
+ (equal (car (XY-routing from to))
+ from)))
+(defthm last-XY-routing
+ ;; the last element is the destination
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from)
+ (coordinatep to))
+ (equal (car (last (XY-routing from to)))
+ to)))
+(defthm XY-routing-len->=-2
+ ;; a route has at least two elements
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from) (coordinatep to)
+ (not (equal from to)))
+ (<= 2 (len (xy-routing from to)))))
+;; 3.b A route is a subset of nodeset
+;; now we prove that a route is a subsetp of the set of existing nodes
+;; NodeSet
+;; the tactic is the following:
+;; a/ we prove that a list of valid coordinates with every x less than
+;; x-dim and every y less than y-dim is a subset of coord-gen(x-dim, y-dim)
+;; b/ we prove that routing satisfies the above properties
+(defun all-x-<-max (L x-max)
+ ;; we define a function that checks that every x-coordinate is less than x-max
+ (if (endp L)
+ t
+ (and (< (caar L) x-max) ;; x_i < x-max
+ (all-x-<-max (cdr L) x-max))))
+(defun all-y-<-max (L y-max)
+ ;; we define a function that checks that every y-coordinate is less than y-max
+ (if (endp L)
+ t
+ (and (< (cadar L) y-max) ;; y_i < y-max
+ (all-y-<-max (cdr L) y-max))))
+(defthm member-equal-x-dim-gen
+ ;; we prove that if x is a coordinate with its first part less than x-dim
+ ;; and its second part equal to y-dim then x is a member of x-dim-gen.
+ (implies (and (coordinatep x) (< (car x) x-dim)
+ (natp x-dim)
+ (natp y-dim)
+ (equal (cadr x) y-dim))
+ (member-equal x (x-dim-gen x-dim y-dim))))
+(defthm member-coord-generator-1
+ ;; we prove something similar for the function coord-generator-1
+ ;; both parts of x are less than x-dim and y-dim implies that x
+ ;; is a member of coord-generator-1
+ (implies (and (coordinatep x) (natp y-dim)
+ (natp x-dim)
+ (< (car x) x-dim) (< (cadr x) y-dim))
+ (member-equal x (coord-generator-1 x-dim y-dim))))
+(defthm tactic1
+ ;; we prove that our tactic is valid for membership
+ (implies (and (2D-mesh-nodesetp L) (consp L)
+ (all-x-<-max L x-dim) (natp x-dim)
+ (all-y-<-max L y-dim) (natp y-dim))
+ (member-equal (car L) (coord-generator-1 x-dim y-dim))))
+(defthm member-equal-rev
+ ;; this should go elsewhere
+ (implies (member-equal x S)
+ (member-equal x (rev S))))
+(defthm tactic1-top
+ ;; we now prove that our tactic is valid
+ (implies (and (2D-mesh-nodesetp L)
+ (all-x-<-max L x-dim) (natp x-dim)
+ (all-y-<-max L y-dim) (natp y-dim))
+ (subsetp L (coord-gen x-dim y-dim)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (enable coord-gen))))
+;; Then the strategy is to prove that xy-routing satisfies
+;; the hypotheses of this theorem
+(defthm 2D-mesh-nodesetp-xy-routing
+ ;; 1st hyp is trivial
+ ;; a route is a list of valid coordinates
+ (2D-mesh-nodesetp (xy-routing from to)))
+;; let's go to the more tricky part.
+;; First, every x-coord of any nodes produced by function xy-routing
+;; is strictly less than 1 + Max(from_x, to_x)
+(defthm all-x-<-max-+
+ ;; lemma added for compability between 3.1 and 3.2.1
+ (implies (all-x-<-max x y)
+ (all-x-<-max x (+ 1 y))))
+(defthm routing-all-x-less
+ (all-x-<-max (xy-routing from to)
+ (1+ (max (car from) (car to)))))
+;; and every y-coord is strictly less than 1 + Max(from_y, to_y)
+(defthm routing-all-y-less
+ (all-y-<-max (xy-routing from to)
+ (1+ (max (cadr from) (cadr to)))))
+(defthm xy-routing-subsetp-coord-max
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from) (coordinatep to))
+ (subsetp (xy-routing from to)
+ (coord-gen (1+ (max (car from) (car to)))
+ (1+ (max (cadr from) (cadr to))))))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (disable max))))
+;; then our goal is to prove that coor-gen(NX,NY) produces nodes
+;; with x-coord < NX and y-coord < NY
+(defthm all-x-<-max-minus-1
+ ;; lemma needed to be able to enlarge the majoration
+ (implies (all-x-<-max L (1- x))
+ (all-x-<-max L x)))
+(defthm all-x-<-max-x-dim-gen
+ ;; we prove that x-dim-gen generates nodes with x-coord < x
+ (all-x-<-max (x-dim-gen x y) x))
+(defthm all-x-<-max-coord-gen
+ ;; we propagate this property to coord-generator-1 which calls x-dim-gen
+ (all-x-<-max (coord-generator-1 x y) x))
+(defthm all-x-<-max-member-equal
+ (implies (and (all-x-<-max L x)
+ (member-equal y L))
+ (< (car y) x)))
+(defthm all-x-<-max-rev
+ ;; all-x-<-max is preserved if we reverse its arguments
+ (implies (all-x-<-max L x)
+ (all-x-<-max (rev L) x)))
+(defthm all-y-<-max-x-dim-gen
+ (all-y-<-max (x-dim-gen x y) (+ 1 y)))
+(defthm all-y-<-max-minus-1
+ (implies (all-y-<-max L (+ -1 x))
+ (all-y-<-max L x)))
+(defthm all-y-<-max-append
+ (implies (and (all-y-<-max L1 x)
+ (all-y-<-max L2 x))
+ (all-y-<-max (append L1 L2) x)))
+(defthm all-y-<-max-coord-gen-1
+ (all-y-<-max (coord-generator-1 x y) y)
+ :hints (("SubGoal *1/2"
+ :cases ((all-y-<-max (x-dim-gen x (+ -1 y)) y)))
+ ("SubGoal *1/2.2"
+ :use (:instance all-y-<-max-x-dim-gen (y (+ -1 y)))
+ :in-theory (disable all-y-<-max-x-dim-gen))))
+(defthm rev-append
+ ;; should be put elsewhere
+ (equal (rev (append x y))
+ (append (rev y) (rev x))))
+(defthm all-y-<-max-rev
+ (implies (all-y-<-max L x)
+ (all-y-<-max (rev L) x)))
+(defthm all-max-coord-gen
+ (and (all-x-<-max (coord-gen X Y) X)
+ (all-y-<-max (coord-gen X Y) Y))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (enable coord-gen))))
+;; now we prove that if (x1 y1) and (x2 y2) belong to (coord-gen NX NY)
+;; then Max(x1, x2) < NX and Max(y1, y2) < NY
+(defthm member-equal-x-dim-gen-plus
+ (implies (and (<= x1 x2) (natp x1) (< 0 x1) (natp x2))
+ (member-equal (list (+ -1 x1) y)
+ (x-dim-gen x2 y))))
+(defthm subsetp-x-dim-gen-plus
+ (implies (and (natp x1) (natp x2) (<= x1 x2))
+ (subsetp (x-dim-gen x1 y)
+ (x-dim-gen x2 y))))
+(defthm subsetp-append-2
+ ;; should be put elsewhere
+ (implies (and (subsetp x L)
+ (subsetp y L))
+ (subsetp (append x y) L)))
+(defthm all-y-<-max-member-equal
+ (implies (and (all-y-<-max L y)
+ (member-equal e L))
+ (< (cadr e) y)))
+(defthm all-max-member-equal
+ (implies (and (member-equal x L)
+ (all-x-<-max L x-max)
+ (all-y-<-max L y-max)
+ (member-equal y L))
+ (and (< (max (car x) (car y)) x-max)
+ (< (max (cadr x) (cadr y)) y-max))))
+;; then we prove that if x < NX and y < NY then
+;; (coord-gen x y) is a subset of (coord-gen NX NY)
+(defthm subsetp-x-dim-gen-coord-gen-1
+ (implies (and (natp x1) (natp x2) (natp y1) (natp y2)
+ (<= x1 x2) (< y1 y2))
+ (subsetp (x-dim-gen x1 y1)
+ (coord-generator-1 x2 y2))))
+(defthm subsetp-coord-gen-1
+ (implies (and (<= x1 x2) (<= y1 y2)
+ (natp x1) (natp x2) (natp y1) (natp y2))
+ (subsetp (coord-generator-1 x1 y1)
+ (coord-generator-1 x2 y2))))
+(defthm subsetp-rev-2
+ ;; should go elsewhere
+ (implies (subsetp x y)
+ (subsetp (rev x) (rev y))))
+;; here comes our main lemma:
+(defthm subsetp-coord-plus
+ (implies (and (<= x1 x2) (<= y1 y2)
+ (natp x1) (natp x2) (natp y1) (natp y2))
+ (subsetp (coord-gen x1 y1)
+ (coord-gen x2 y2)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :in-theory (enable coord-gen))))
+;; and now using the transitivity of subsetp we conclude:
+(defthm trans-subsetp
+ ;; should be put elsewhere
+ (implies (and (subsetp x y) (subsetp y z))
+ (subsetp x z)))
+(defthm xy-routing-subsetp-nodeset
+ ;; now we want to prove that if NodeSet = coord-gen x y, then
+ ;; route is a subsetp of NodeSet.
+ ;; from and to must be members of NodeSet
+ ;; from and to must not be equal
+ (implies (and (not (equal from to))
+ (coordinatep from) (coordinatep to)
+ (natp X) (natp Y)
+ ;; it should be member-equal
+ (member-equal from (coord-gen X Y))
+ (member-equal to (coord-gen X Y)))
+ (subsetp (xy-routing from to) (coord-gen X Y)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :use ((:instance all-max-member-equal
+ (L (coord-gen X Y))
+ (x from) (y to)
+ (x-max X) (y-max Y))
+ (:instance xy-routing-subsetp-coord-max))
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize fertilize)
+ :in-theory (disable coord-gen coordinatep natp subsetp
+ all-max-member-equal
+ xy-routing-subsetp-coord-max)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal 4"
+ :use (:instance subsetp-coord-plus
+ (x1 (+ 1 (car from))) (x2 x)
+ (y1 (+ 1 (cadr from))) (y2 y))
+ :in-theory (disable subsetp-coord-plus
+ coord-gen subsetp))
+ ("Subgoal 3"
+ :use (:instance subsetp-coord-plus
+ (x1 (+ 1 (car from))) (x2 x)
+ (y1 (+ 1 (cadr to))) (y2 y))
+ :in-theory (disable subsetp-coord-plus
+ coord-gen subsetp))
+ ("Subgoal 2"
+ :use (:instance subsetp-coord-plus
+ (x1 (+ 1 (car to))) (x2 x)
+ (y1 (+ 1 (cadr from))) (y2 y))
+ :in-theory (disable subsetp-coord-plus
+ coord-gen subsetp))
+ ("Subgoal 1"
+ :use (:instance subsetp-coord-plus
+ (x1 (+ 1 (car to))) (x2 x)
+ (y1 (+ 1 (cadr to))) (y2 y))
+ :in-theory (disable subsetp-coord-plus
+ coord-gen subsetp))))
+;; 4 Definition compatible with GeNoC
+;; -----------------------------------
+;; 4.a Definition of the function
+(defun xy-routing-top (Missives)
+ (if (endp Missives)
+ nil
+ (let* ((miss (car Missives))
+ (from (OrgM miss))
+ (to (DestM miss))
+ (id (IdM miss))
+ (frm (FrmM miss)))
+ (cons (list id frm (list (xy-routing from to)))
+ (xy-routing-top (cdr Missives))))))
+(defun XYRouting (Missives NodeSet)
+ (declare (ignore NodeSet))
+ (xy-routing-top Missives))
+;; 4.b Proof of compliance
+;; ------------------------
+;(defun bind-to-itself (x)
+; (list (cons x x)))
+;; need to prove CorrectRoutesp and TrLstp and ToMissives
+;; 1. ToMissives seems to be simple
+(defthm 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (implies (and ;(bind-free (bind-to-itself x))
+ ;; ask matt why it does not work
+ (2D-mesh-nodesetp x)
+ (member-equal e x))
+ (Coordinatep e)))
+(defthm XYRouting-Missives
+ (let ((NodeSet (mesh-nodeset-gen Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp Missives NodeSet)
+ (mesh-hyps Params))
+ (equal (ToMissives (xy-routing-top Missives))
+ Missives)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :induct (xy-routing-top Missives)
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize)
+ :in-theory (disable coordinatep)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :use ((:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (OrgM (car Missives))))
+ (:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (DestM (car Missives)))))
+ :in-theory (disable 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ coordinatep))))
+;; 2. TrLstp
+(defthm consp-xy-routing
+ ;; should be systematically added
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from)
+ (coordinatep to))
+ (consp (xy-routing from to))))
+(defthm consp-xy-routing-cdr
+ ;; should be systematically added
+ (implies (and (coordinatep from) (not (equal from to))
+ (coordinatep to))
+ (consp (cdr (xy-routing from to)))))
+(defthm V-ids-xy-routing-=-M-ids
+ ;; this one too ...
+ (equal (V-ids (xy-routing-top Missives))
+ (M-ids Missives)))
+(defthm TrLstp-XYRouting
+ (let ((NodeSet (mesh-nodeset-gen Params)))
+ (implies (and (Missivesp Missives NodeSet)
+ (mesh-hyps Params))
+; (equal NodeSet (mesh-nodeset-gen Params)))
+ (TrLstp (xy-routing-top Missives))))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :induct (xy-routing-top missives))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :use ((:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (OrgM (car Missives))))
+ (:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (DestM (car Missives)))))
+ :in-theory (disable 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ coordinatep))))
+;; 3. CorrectRoutesp
+(defthm CorrectRoutesp-XYRouting
+ (let ((NodeSet (mesh-nodeset-gen Params)))
+ (implies (and (mesh-hyps Params)
+ (Missivesp Missives NodeSet))
+ (CorrectRoutesp (xy-routing-top Missives)
+ Missives NodeSet)))
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :induct (xy-routing-top Missives)
+ :do-not-induct t)
+ ("Subgoal *1/2"
+ :use ((:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (OrgM (car Missives))))
+ (:instance 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ (x (mesh-nodeset-gen Params))
+ (e (DestM (car Missives)))))
+ :in-theory (disable 2D-mesh-nodesetp-member-equal
+ coordinatep))))
+;; now we can prove that the XY-routing algorithm is compliant
+;; to the GeNoC-routing.
+(defthm check-compliance-XY-routing
+ t
+ :rule-classes nil
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use (:functional-instance
+ ToMissives-Routing
+ (NodeSetGenerator mesh-nodeset-gen)
+ (NodeSetp 2D-mesh-nodesetp)
+ (ValidParamsp mesh-hyps)
+ (Routing XYRouting))
+ :in-theory (disable ToMissives-Routing
+ mesh-nodeset-gen
+ trlstp mesh-hyps
+ Missivesp))
+ ("Subgoal 3" ; changed after v4-3 from "Subgoal 4", for tau system
+ :in-theory (enable mesh-hyps))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/scheduling/circuit-scheduling.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/scheduling/circuit-scheduling.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..407cfdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/scheduling/circuit-scheduling.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; File: circuit-scheduling.lisp
+;; here we define a function that realises a circuit switching
+;; technique, we prove it correct and we prove that it is a valid
+;; instance of the scheduling function of GeNoC.
+;; Revised: Nov 13th 2005, JS
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../generic-modules/GeNoC-scheduling")
+(include-book "intersect")
+(defun rev (x)
+ ;; put this definition in a book !!
+ (if (endp x)
+ nil
+ (append (rev (cdr x)) (list (car x)))))
+(defun consume-attempts (AttLst)
+ ;; any node that has a attempt, consumes one
+ (if (zp (SumOfAttempts AttLst))
+ AttLst
+ (let* ((top (car AttLst))
+ (node (car top))
+ (att (cadr top)))
+ (if (zp att)
+ (cons top
+ (consume-attempts (cdr AttLst)))
+ (cons (list node (1- att))
+ (consume-attempts (cdr AttLst)))))))
+(defun test_prev_routes (routes prev)
+ ;; function that returns a route that uses nodes
+ ;; that are not in prev or returns nil if there is no
+ ;; such route.
+ (if (endp routes)
+ nil
+ (let ((r (car routes)))
+ (if (no_intersectp r prev)
+ r
+ (test_prev_routes (cdr routes) prev)))))
+(defun update_route (tr route)
+ ;; updates the route of tr to be a list containing
+ ;; only route
+ (list (IdV tr) (FrmV tr) (list route)))
+(defun ct-scheduler (TrLst Scheduled Delayed prev)
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ (mv (rev scheduled) (rev delayed))
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (routes (RoutesV tr))
+ (r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ (if r?
+ ;; if there is a good route in routes
+ ;; we update prev and schedule the transaction
+ (ct-scheduler (cdr TrLst)
+ (cons (update_route tr r?) Scheduled)
+ Delayed (append r? prev))
+ ;; otherwise the transaction is delayed
+ (ct-scheduler (cdr TrLst) scheduled
+ (cons tr Delayed) prev)))))
+(defun circuit-scheduling (TrLst att)
+ ;; definition compatible with GeNoC-scheduling
+ (if (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ ;; nothing is scheduled if there is no attempt left
+ ;; so everything is delayed
+ (mv nil TrLst att)
+ ;; otherwise we call ct-scheduler and consume attempts
+ (mv-let (scheduled delayed)
+ (ct-scheduler TrLst nil nil nil)
+ (mv Scheduled Delayed (consume-attempts att)))))
+(defun ct-sched-nt-sched (TrLst prev)
+ ;; to simplify proofs we define a non-tail version of
+ ;; ct-scheduler that computes the scheduled transactions
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (routes (RoutesV tr))
+ (r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ (if r?
+ (cons (update_route tr r?)
+ (ct-sched-nt-sched (cdr TrLst)
+ (append r? prev)))
+ (ct-sched-nt-sched (cdr TrLst) prev)))))
+(defthm scheduler-=-non-tail-scheduled
+ ;; we prove that our non-tail definition is correct
+ (equal (car (ct-scheduler TrLst scheduled delayed prev))
+ (append (rev scheduled)
+ (ct-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev))))
+(defun ct-sched-nt-del (TrLst prev)
+ ;; we proceed similarly for the delayed transfers
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (routes (RoutesV tr))
+ (r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ (if r?
+ (ct-sched-nt-del (cdr TrLst)
+ (append r? prev))
+ (cons tr
+ (ct-sched-nt-del (cdr TrLst) prev))))))
+(defthm scheduler-=-non-tail-delayed
+ (equal (mv-nth 1 (ct-scheduler TrLst scheduled delayed prev))
+ (append (rev delayed)
+ (ct-sched-nt-del TrLst prev))))
+;; Compliance with GeNoC SCHEDULING
+;; 1/ consume at least one attempt to ensure termination
+;; -----------------------------------------------------
+ (defthm consume-at-least-one-attempt-circuit-scheduling
+ ;; the scheduling policy should consume at least one attempt
+ ;; this is a sufficient condition to prove that
+ ;; the full network function terminates
+ (mv-let (Scheduled Delayed newAtt)
+ (circuit-scheduling TrLst att)
+ (declare (ignore Scheduled Delayed))
+ (implies (not (zp (SumOfAttempts att)))
+ (< (SumOfAttempts newAtt)
+ (SumOfAttempts att)))))
+;; 2/ we prove that the ids of the delayed and scheduled travels
+;; are part of the initial travel list
+;; -----------------------------------
+(defthm subsetp-scheduled-ct
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (subsetp (V-ids (ct-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev))
+ (V-ids TrLst))))
+(defthm subsetp-delayed-ct
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (subsetp (V-ids (ct-sched-nt-del TrLst prev))
+ (V-ids TrLst))))
+;; 3/ we prove that the list of scheduled travels is a
+;; valid travel list
+;; --------------------------------------------------
+(defthm validfield-route-test_prev_routes
+ (let ((r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ (implies (and (validfield-route routes)
+ r?)
+ (and (consp r?) (consp (cdr r?))))))
+;; proof for the scheduled travels
+;; -------------------------------
+ (defthm validfields-trlst-ct-sched
+ (implies (ValidFields-TrLst TrLst)
+ (ValidFields-TrLst
+ (ct-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev)))))
+ (defthm not-member-V-ids-ct-sched
+ (implies (not (member-equal e (V-ids TrLst)))
+ (not
+ (member-equal
+ e
+ (V-ids
+ (ct-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev)))))))
+(local (defthm no-duplicatesp-ct-sched
+ (implies (no-duplicatesp-equal (V-ids TrLst))
+ (no-duplicatesp-equal
+ (V-ids (ct-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev))))))
+(defthm cons-v-ids
+ (equal (consp (v-ids TrLst))
+ (consp TrLst)))
+(defthm TrLstp-scheduled-ct
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (TrLstp (ct-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev))))
+;; proof for the delayed travels
+;; -----------------------------
+ (defthm validfields-trlst-ct-del
+ (implies (ValidFields-TrLst TrLst)
+ (ValidFields-TrLst
+ (ct-sched-nt-del TrLst prev)))))
+ (defthm not-member-V-ids-ct-del
+ (implies (not (member-equal e (V-ids TrLst)))
+ (not
+ (member-equal
+ e
+ (V-ids
+ (ct-sched-nt-del TrLst prev)))))))
+(local (defthm no-duplicatesp-ct-del
+ (implies (no-duplicatesp-equal (V-ids TrLst))
+ (no-duplicatesp-equal
+ (V-ids (ct-sched-nt-del TrLst prev))))))
+(defthm TrLstp-delayed-ct
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (TrLstp (ct-sched-nt-del TrLst prev))))
+;; 4/ correctness of the scheduled travels
+;; ------------------------------------------------------
+(defthm extract-sublst-cons
+ (implies (not (member-equal id Ids))
+ (equal (extract-sublst (cons (list id frm routes) L)
+ Ids)
+ (extract-sublst L Ids))))
+(defthm test_prev_routes-member-equal
+ (let ((r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ (implies r?
+ (member-equal r? routes))))
+(defthm ct-scheduled-correctness
+ (let ((Scheduled (ct-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev)))
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (s/d-travel-correctness
+ scheduled
+ (extract-sublst TrLst (V-ids Scheduled))))))
+;; 5/ We prove that Delayed is equal to filtering TrLst
+;; according to the ids of Delayed
+;; ----------------------------------------------------
+(defthm ct-delayed-correctness
+ (let ((delayed (ct-sched-nt-del TrLst prev)))
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (equal delayed
+ (extract-sublst TrLst (V-ids delayed)))))
+ :rule-classes nil)
+; -----------------------------------------------------------
+;; 6/ we prove that the ids of the delayed travels are distinct
+;; from those of the scheduled travels
+;; ------------------------------------------------------------
+(defthm not-in-cons
+ ;; same lemma as in the packet scheduling
+ (implies (and (not-in x y) (not (member-equal e x)))
+ (not-in x (cons e y))))
+(defthm not-in-v-ids-ct
+ (implies (TrLstp trlst)
+ (not-in (v-ids (ct-sched-nt-del trlst prev))
+ (v-ids (ct-sched-nt-sched trlst prev)))))
+;; Finally, we check that our circuit scheduling function
+;; is a valid instance of GeNoC-scheduling
+;; ------------------------------------------------------
+(defthm check-compliance-circuit-scheduling
+ t
+ :rule-classes nil
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use
+ ((:functional-instance
+ consume-at-least-one-attempt
+ (scheduling circuit-scheduling)))
+ :in-theory (disable consume-at-least-one-attempt
+ missivesp))
+ ("Subgoal 6"
+ :use (:instance ct-delayed-correctness
+ (prev nil)))
+ ("Subgoal 3"
+ :in-theory (disable circuit-scheduling))))
+;; Validation of function circuit-scheduling
+(defun all_no_intersectp (route TrLst)
+ ;; return t if route has an empty intersection with every
+ ;; route of TrLst.
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ t
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (r (RoutesV tr)))
+ (and (no_intersectp route (car r))
+ (all_no_intersectp route (cdr TrLst))))))
+(defun FullNoIntersectp (TrLst)
+ ;; this function checks that every route in TrLst
+ ;; has at least one attempt left and it has an empty
+ ;; intersection with every following route.
+ ;; This defines the correctness of the circuit scheduling
+ ;; policy.
+ ;; JS Nov 13th. Checking that every node of a route has at least
+ ;; one attempt is stupid !
+ (if (or (endp TrLst) (endp (cdr TrLst)))
+ t
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (r (RoutesV tr)))
+ (and (all_no_intersectp (car r) (cdr TrLst))
+; (check_attempt (car r) att)
+ (FullNoIntersectp (cdr TrLst))))))
+(defthm test_prev_routes-check-no_intersectp
+ (let ((r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ (implies r?
+; (and (check_attempt r? att)
+ (no_intersectp prev r?))))
+(defthm all_no_intersectp-append
+ (implies (all_no_intersectp (append l1 l2) l)
+ (and (all_no_intersectp l1 l)
+ (all_no_intersectp l2 l))))
+(defthm FullNoIntersectp-All_no_intersectp
+ (implies (FullNoIntersectp (ct-sched-nt-sched l prev))
+ (all_no_intersectp prev
+ (ct-sched-nt-sched l prev))))
+(defthm FullNoIntersectp-ct-scheduler
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (FullNoIntersectp (ct-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev)))
+ :hints (("Subgoal *1/5"
+ :use
+ (:instance
+ FullNoIntersectp-All_no_intersectp
+ (l (cdr TrLst))
+ (prev (append (test_prev_routes (nth 2 (car trlst))
+ prev)
+ prev)))
+ :in-theory (disable FullNoIntersectp-All_no_intersectp))))
+;; end of circuit scheduling
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/scheduling/intersect.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/scheduling/intersect.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99b7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/scheduling/intersect.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+;; Functional Specification and Validation of the Octagon Network on
+;; Chip using the ACL2 Theorem Prover
+;; Proof Script
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Joseph Fourier University
+;; 46, av. Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex
+;; we reuse the book developed for the study of the
+;; Octagon and presented at the ACL2 workshop 2004
+;; File: intersect.lisp
+;; Contains definitions and lemmas about the intersection of routes
+;; Link this concept to other functions, e.g. no-duplicatesp
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defuns" :dir :system)
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defthms" :dir :system)
+(defun no_intersectp (l1 l2)
+ ;; returns t if every element of l1 is not in l2
+ ;; i.e. if l1 and l2 have an empty intersection
+ (if (endp l1)
+ t
+ (and (not (member (car l1) l2))
+ (no_intersectp (cdr l1) l2))))
+;; we prove some properties of this predicate
+(defthm commutativity_no_intersectp
+ ;; it is commutative
+ (equal (no_intersectp l1 l2)
+ (no_intersectp l2 l1)))
+(defthm no_intersectp_append
+ ;; we link this concept with APPEND
+ (equal (no_intersectp l1 (append l2 l3))
+ (and (no_intersectp l1 l2)
+ (no_intersectp l1 l3))))
+(defthm no_intersectp_append-1
+ ;; it should be better to have some kind of normalization
+ ;; but the proof of rules to go to the normal form is
+ ;; not automatic in ACL2, but this rule is automatic.
+ (equal (no_intersectp (append l1 l2) l3)
+ (and (no_intersectp l1 l3)
+ (no_intersectp l2 l3))))
+ (i-am-here)
+(defun grab_nodes (travel_list)
+ ;; collects all the nodes of all the routes of the travel list
+ ;; Pb: in the new version of GeNoC there are several routes
+ ;; not just one :-)
+ (if (endp travel_list)
+ nil
+ (append (RoutesV (car travel_list))
+ (grab_nodes (cdr travel_list)))))
+(defthm no-duplicatesp-append
+ (implies (and (no-duplicatesp l1)
+ (no-duplicatesp l2)
+ (no_intersectp l1 l2))
+ (no-duplicatesp (append l1 l2))))
+(defthm no-duplicatesp-append-nil
+ (implies (no-duplicatesp l)
+ (no-duplicatesp (append l nil))))
+(defun all_no_intersectp (route travel_list)
+ ;; returns t if route does not intersect with all the routes
+ ;; of the travel list
+ (if (endp travel_list)
+ t
+ (and (no_intersectp route (cdr (car travel_list)))
+ (all_no_intersectp route (cdr travel_list)))))
+(defthm all_no_intersectp_append
+ ;; we link this concept with append
+ (equal (all_no_intersectp l1 (append l2 l3))
+ (and (all_no_intersectp l1 l2)
+ (all_no_intersectp l1 l3))))
+(defthm all_no_intersectp_grab_nodes
+ ;; we also link it with grab_nodes
+ (equal (all_no_intersectp r tl)
+ (no_intersectp r (grab_nodes tl))))
+(defun all_no_intersectp_routep (travel_list)
+ ;; returns t if every route of the travel list has no intersection with
+ ;; every other route
+ (if (endp (cdr travel_list))
+ t
+ (and (all_no_intersectp (cdr (car travel_list))
+ (cdr travel_list))
+ (all_no_intersectp_routep (cdr travel_list)))))
+(defthm all_no_duplicates_and_all_no_intersectp_route_=>_no_dupli_grab_nodes
+ ;; we prove that this concept and if every route has no duplicate,
+ ;; then grab_nodes of this travel list has no duplicate
+ (implies (and (all_no_intersectp_routep l)
+ (all_no_duplicatesp l))
+ (no-duplicatesp (grab_nodes l)))
+; [Removed by Matt K. to handle changes to member, assoc, etc. after ACL2 4.2.]
+; :hints (("GOAL"
+; :in-theory (disable NO-DUPLICATESP->NO-DUPLICATESP-EQUAL)))
+ )
+|# \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/scheduling/packet-scheduling.lisp b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/scheduling/packet-scheduling.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b16e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2007/schmaltz/genoc-v1.0/instantiations/scheduling/packet-scheduling.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; File: packet-scheduling.lisp
+;; Modeling of a packet switching algorithm
+;; Jan. 4th 2005
+;; Updated August 17th, 2005
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../generic-modules/GeNoC-scheduling")
+(include-book "intersect")
+;; Our packet algorithm works as follows. For each step of the routes,
+;; it extracts a set of non-overlapping travels.
+;; for instance, if the routes are ( (0 4 5) (1 5 6) (2 1) (5 4))
+;; the first three routes do not overlap, the last one is thrown out.
+;; At each step in a route, a node must not be used by other routes.
+(defun rev (x)
+ ;; we need this definition again :-)
+ (if (endp x)
+ nil
+ (append (rev (cdr x)) (list (car x)))))
+(defun consume-attempts (att)
+ ;; this function substracts one attempt to every node
+ ;; in the current model at each call of the scheduler
+ ;; (function packet-scheduling) each node consumes one attempt,
+ ;; i.e. each node tries to send a message.
+ (if (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ att
+ (let* ((top (car att))
+ (node (car top))
+ (att-i (cadr top)))
+ (if (zp att-i)
+ (cons top
+ (consume-attempts (cdr att)))
+ (cons (list node (1- att-i))
+ (consume-attempts (cdr att)))))))
+(defun no_intersectp_packet (route prev)
+ ;; In the packet mode, prev is the list of the nodes used
+ ;; for each step.
+ ;; This function checks that every node of a route
+ ;; is not already used at the corresponding step.
+ (if (endp route)
+ t
+ (and (not (member (car route) (car prev)))
+ (no_intersectp_packet (cdr route) (cdr prev)))))
+(defun test_prev_routes (routes prev)
+ ;; returns a route that does not overlap previous
+ ;; travels if such a route exists in routes. returns
+ ;; nil otherwise.
+ (if (endp routes)
+ nil
+ (let ((r (car routes)))
+ (if (no_intersectp_packet r prev)
+ r
+ (test_prev_routes (cdr routes) prev)))))
+(defun update-prev (prev route)
+ ;; update prev properly with route
+ (if (endp route)
+ prev
+ (cons (cons (car route) (car prev))
+ (update-prev (cdr prev) (cdr route)))))
+(defun update_route (tr route)
+ ;; updates the route of tr to be a list containing
+ ;; only route
+ (list (IdV tr) (FrmV tr) (list route)))
+(defun pkt-scheduler (TrLst Scheduled Delayed prev)
+ ;; core function for the packet scheduler.
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ ;; we use prev to keep the ordering of the ids
+ (mv (rev scheduled) (rev delayed))
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (routes (RoutesV tr))
+ (r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ ;; if there is a good route in routes
+ ;; we update prev properly and schedule the travel
+ (if r?
+ (pkt-scheduler (cdr TrLst)
+ (cons (update_route tr r?) scheduled)
+ delayed (update-prev prev r?))
+ ;; otherwise the travel is delayed
+ (pkt-scheduler (cdr TrLst)
+ scheduled (cons tr delayed) prev)))))
+(defun packet-scheduling (TrLst att)
+ ;; Function that matches the generic definition
+ ;; TrLst is the travel list, att is the list of attempts
+ (if (zp (SumOfAttempts att))
+ (mv nil ;; nothing is scheduled if there is no attempt left
+ TrLst ;; everything is delayed
+ Att)
+ ;; otherwise we call pkt-scheduler and consume attempts
+ (mv-let (scheduled delayed)
+ (pkt-scheduler TrLst nil nil nil)
+ (mv Scheduled Delayed (consume-attempts att)))))
+(defun pkt-sched-nt-sched (TrLst prev)
+ ;; to simplify proofs we define a non-tail version of
+ ;; pkt-scheduler that computes the scheduled travels
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (routes (RoutesV tr))
+ (r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ (if r?
+ (cons (update_route tr r?)
+ (pkt-sched-nt-sched (cdr TrLst)
+ (update-prev prev r?)))
+ (pkt-sched-nt-sched (cdr TrLst) prev)))))
+(defthm pkt-scheduler-=-non-tail-scheduled
+ ;; we prove that our non-tail definition is correct
+ (equal (car (pkt-scheduler TrLst scheduled delayed prev))
+ (append (rev scheduled)
+ (pkt-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev))))
+(defun pkt-sched-nt-del (TrLst prev)
+ ;; we proceed similarly for the delayed transfers
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (routes (RoutesV tr))
+ (r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ (if r?
+ (pkt-sched-nt-del (cdr TrLst)
+ (update-prev prev r?))
+ (cons tr
+ (pkt-sched-nt-del (cdr TrLst) prev))))))
+(defthm pkt-scheduler-=-non-tail-delayed
+ (equal (mv-nth 1 (pkt-scheduler TrLst scheduled delayed prev))
+ (append (rev delayed)
+ (pkt-sched-nt-del TrLst prev))))
+;; 1/ consume at least one attempt to ensure termination
+(defthm consume-at-least-one-attempt-packet-scheduling
+ ;; the scheduling policy should consume at least one attempt
+ ;; this is a sufficient condition to prove that
+ ;; the full network function terminates
+ (mv-let (Scheduled Delayed newatt)
+ (packet-scheduling TrLst att)
+ (declare (ignore Scheduled Delayed))
+ (implies (not (zp (SumOfAttempts att)))
+ (< (SumOfAttempts newatt)
+ (SumOfAttempts att)))))
+;; 2/ we prove that the ids of the delayed and scheduled travels
+;; are part of the initial travel list
+;; -----------------------------------
+(defthm subsetp-scheduled-pkt
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (subsetp (V-ids (pkt-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev))
+ (V-ids TrLst))))
+(defthm subsetp-delayed-pkt
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (subsetp (V-ids (pkt-sched-nt-del TrLst prev))
+ (V-ids TrLst))))
+;; 3/ we prove that the list of scheduled travels is a
+;; valid travel list
+;; --------------------------------------------------
+(defthm validfield-route-test_prev_routes
+ (let ((r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ (implies (and (validfield-route routes)
+ r?)
+ (and (consp r?) (consp (cdr r?))))))
+;; proof for the scheduled travels
+;; -------------------------------
+ (defthm validfields-trlst-pkt-sched
+ (implies (ValidFields-TrLst TrLst)
+ (ValidFields-TrLst
+ (pkt-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev)))))
+ (defthm not-member-V-ids-pkt-sched
+ (implies (not (member-equal e (V-ids TrLst)))
+ (not
+ (member-equal
+ e
+ (V-ids
+ (pkt-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev)))))))
+(local (defthm no-duplicatesp-pkt-sched
+ (implies (no-duplicatesp-equal (V-ids TrLst))
+ (no-duplicatesp-equal
+ (V-ids (pkt-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev))))))
+(defthm cons-v-ids
+ (equal (consp (v-ids TrLst))
+ (consp TrLst)))
+(defthm TrLstp-scheduled-ct
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (TrLstp (pkt-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev))))
+;; proof for the delayed travels
+;; -----------------------------
+ (defthm validfields-trlst-pkt-del
+ (implies (ValidFields-TrLst TrLst)
+ (ValidFields-TrLst
+ (pkt-sched-nt-del TrLst prev)))))
+ (defthm not-member-V-ids-pkt-del
+ (implies (not (member-equal e (V-ids TrLst)))
+ (not
+ (member-equal
+ e
+ (V-ids
+ (pkt-sched-nt-del TrLst prev)))))))
+(local (defthm no-duplicatesp-pkt-del
+ (implies (no-duplicatesp-equal (V-ids TrLst))
+ (no-duplicatesp-equal
+ (V-ids (pkt-sched-nt-del TrLst prev))))))
+(defthm TrLstp-delayed-pkt
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (TrLstp (pkt-sched-nt-del TrLst prev))))
+;; 4/ correctness of the scheduled travels
+;; ------------------------------------------------------
+(defthm extract-sublst-cons
+ (implies (not (member-equal id Ids))
+ (equal (extract-sublst (cons (list id frm routes) L)
+ Ids)
+ (extract-sublst L Ids))))
+(defthm test_prev_routes-member-equal
+ (let ((r? (test_prev_routes routes prev)))
+ (implies r?
+ (member-equal r? routes))))
+(defthm pkt-scheduled-correctness
+ (let ((Scheduled (pkt-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev)))
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (s/d-travel-correctness
+ scheduled
+ (extract-sublst TrLst (V-ids Scheduled))))))
+;; 5/ We prove that Delayed is equal to filtering TrLst
+;; according to the ids of Delayed
+;; ----------------------------------------------------
+(defthm pkt-delayed-correctness
+ (let ((delayed (pkt-sched-nt-del TrLst prev)))
+ (implies (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (equal delayed
+ (extract-sublst TrLst (V-ids delayed)))))
+ :rule-classes nil)
+; -----------------------------------------------------------
+;; 6/ we prove that the ids of the delayed travels are distinct
+;; from those of the scheduled travels
+;; ------------------------------------------------------------
+(defthm not-in-cons
+ ;; same lemma as in the packet scheduling
+ (implies (and (not-in x y) (not (member-equal e x)))
+ (not-in x (cons e y))))
+(defthm not-in-v-ids-ct
+ (implies (TrLstp trlst)
+ (not-in (v-ids (pkt-sched-nt-del trlst prev))
+ (v-ids (pkt-sched-nt-sched trlst prev)))))
+;; Finally, we check that our circuit scheduling function
+;; is a valid instance of GeNoC-scheduling
+;; ------------------------------------------------------
+(defthm check-compliance-packet-scheduling
+ t
+ :rule-classes nil
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :use
+ ((:functional-instance
+ consume-at-least-one-attempt
+ (scheduling packet-scheduling)))
+ :in-theory (disable consume-at-least-one-attempt
+ missivesp))
+ ("Subgoal 6"
+ :use (:instance pkt-delayed-correctness
+ (prev nil)))
+ ("Subgoal 3"
+ :in-theory (disable packet-scheduling))))
+(defun create_steps (TrLst steps)
+ ;; creates the lists of the nodes used at every step
+ ;; by the routes in TrLst (the only route kept by the scheduler)
+ ;; steps is nil at function call and contains the lists of
+ ;; the step-nodes. steps = ( (r0[0] r1[0] ...) (r0[1] r1[1] ...) ...)
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ steps
+ (let* ((tr (car TrLst))
+ (r (car (RoutesV tr))))
+ (create_steps (cdr TrLst) (update-prev steps r)))))
+(defun all_no_duplicates-steps (steps)
+ ;; the packet policy is correct is a node is used only once
+ ;; at a given step.
+ (if (endp steps)
+ t
+ (let ((step-i (car steps)))
+ (and (no-duplicatesp-equal step-i)
+ (all_no_duplicates-steps (cdr steps))))))
+(defthm test_prev_routes-all_no-dup
+ (let ((r? (test_prev_routes r prev)))
+ (implies (and r?
+ (all_no_duplicates-steps prev))
+ (all_no_duplicates-steps (update-prev prev r?)))))
+(defthm pkt-scheduling-correctness
+ (implies (and (TrLstp TrLst)
+ (all_no_duplicates-steps prev))
+ (all_no_duplicates-steps
+ (create_steps (pkt-sched-nt-sched TrLst prev)
+ prev)))
+ :otf-flg t
+ :hints (("GOAL"
+ :induct (pkt-sched-nt-sched trlst prev)
+ :do-not-induct t
+ :do-not '(eliminate-destructors generalize))))
+;; end of packet scheduling