path: root/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support
diff options
authorCamm Maguire <>2017-05-08 12:58:52 -0400
committerCamm Maguire <>2017-05-08 12:58:52 -0400
commit092176848cbfd27b96c323cc30c54dff4c4a6872 (patch)
tree91b91b4db76805fd2a09de0745b22080a9ebd335 /books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support
Import acl2_7.4dfsg.orig.tar.gz
[dgit import orig acl2_7.4dfsg.orig.tar.gz]
Diffstat (limited to 'books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support')
10 files changed, 2148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/memory-controller/cert.acl2 b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/memory-controller/cert.acl2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3f4f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/memory-controller/cert.acl2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+; Added by Matt K. 1/7/2016, because override-hints aren't supported with
+; waterfall parallelism in ACL2(p).
+(set-waterfall-parallelism nil)
+(include-book "acl2s/portcullis" :dir :system)
+(include-book "acl2s/cgen/top" :dir :system :ttags :all)
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defthms" :dir :system)
+; cert-flags: ? t :ttags :all
+(in-package "ACL2S")
+(acl2s-defaults :set testing-enabled nil)
diff --git a/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/memory-controller/mem-array-cap-2.lisp b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/memory-controller/mem-array-cap-2.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2e53cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/memory-controller/mem-array-cap-2.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+; This book contains the model and proof of skipping refinement for
+; memory controller with buffer capacity = 2
+(in-package "ACL2S")
+; element in the stack
+(defdata el nat)
+(defdata add nat)
+; memory cell
+(defdata mem (listof nat))
+; command
+(defdata req (oneof (list 'read nat)
+ (list 'write nat el)
+ (list 'refresh)))
+; list of commands
+(defdata reqs (listof req))
+(defdata sstate (record (mem-reqs . reqs)
+ (dmem . mem)
+ (pt . nat)))
+(defun mread (add mem)
+ "memory read"
+ (declare (ignore add))
+ mem)
+(defun mwrite (add el mem)
+ "memory write"
+ (update-nth add el mem))
+(defun mrefresh-aux (add mem)
+" read each memory location in [1,add] and write it back !!"
+(if (or (zp add) (>= add (len mem)))
+ mem
+ (mrefresh-aux (1- add) (mwrite add (nth add mem) mem))))
+(defun mrefresh (mem)
+ "read location [1, len-1] in the memory and write it back again."
+ (mrefresh-aux (1- (len mem)) mem))
+(defthm update-nth-nth-same
+ (implies (and (natp add) (< add (len mem)))
+ (equal (mwrite add (nth add mem) mem)
+ mem)))
+(defthm mrefresh-aux-mem-unchanged
+ (implies (and (natp add)
+ (< add (len mem)))
+ (equal (mrefresh-aux add mem)
+ mem))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (e/d () (mwrite)))))
+(defthm mrefresh-mem-unchanged
+ (equal (mrefresh mem)
+ mem))
+(in-theory (disable mrefresh))
+(defun mem-step (req mem)
+ "returns next state of mem"
+ (let ((op (car req))
+ (add (cadr req)))
+ (cond ((equal op 'read)
+ (mread add mem))
+ ((equal op 'write)
+ (mwrite add (caddr req) mem))
+ ((equal op 'refresh)
+ (mrefresh mem))
+ (t mem))))
+(defun spec-step (s)
+ "single step of MEM machine"
+ (let* ((pt (sstate-pt s))
+ (reqs (sstate-mem-reqs s))
+ (req (nth pt reqs))
+ (mem (sstate-dmem s)))
+ (if (reqp req)
+ (sstate reqs (mem-step req mem) (1+ pt))
+ (sstate reqs mem (1+ pt)))))
+;; Optimized MEMC implimentation
+(defun rbuf-capacity ()
+ "capacity of rbuf"
+ 2)
+(defun req-buffp (l)
+ (and (reqsp l)
+ (<= (len l) (rbuf-capacity))))
+(defun nth-req-buff-enum (n)
+ (let ((mem-reqs (nth-reqs n)))
+ (if (<= (len mem-reqs) (rbuf-capacity))
+ mem-reqs
+ (let ((i1 (car mem-reqs))
+ (i2 (cadr mem-reqs))
+ (i3 (caddr mem-reqs)))
+ (list i1 i2 i3)))))
+(verify-guards rbuf-capacity)
+(verify-guards req-buffp)
+(register-custom-type req-buff t nth-req-buff-enum req-buffp)
+(defdata istate (record (dmem . mem)
+ (rbuf . req-buff)
+ (pt . nat)
+ (mem-reqs . reqs)))
+(defun stutterp (req rbuf)
+" machine stutters if rbuf is not full (number of entries < buffer capacity)
+ and if the req is not 'read or 'refresh'"
+ (and (< (len rbuf) (RBUF-CAPACITY) )
+ (not (equal (car req) 'read))
+ ;; (not (equal (car req) 'refresh))
+ ))
+(defun enque (l c)
+ " enque c at the end of list l"
+ (if (endp l)
+ (list c)
+ (cons (car l) (enque (cdr l) c))))
+(defun impl-internal-step (req rbuf)
+ "enque req in rbuf"
+ (enque rbuf req))
+(defun impl-observable-mem-step (mem rbuf)
+ (cond ((endp rbuf);(equal rbuflen 0)
+ mem)
+ ((endp (cdr rbuf));(equal (len rbuf) 1)
+ (mem-step (car rbuf) mem))
+ ((endp (cddr rbuf));(equal (len rbuf) 2)
+ (let* ((req1 (car rbuf))
+ (req2 (cadr rbuf))
+ (op1 (car req1))
+ (op2 (car req2))
+ (add1 (cadr req1))
+ (add2 (cadr req2))
+ (nxt-mem (if (and (equal op1 'write)
+ (equal op2 'write)
+ (equal add1 add2))
+ (mem-step req2 mem)
+ (mem-step req2 (mem-step req1 mem)))))
+ nxt-mem))
+ ((endp (cdddr rbuf));(equal (len rbuf) 3)
+ (let* ((req1 (car rbuf))
+ (op1 (car req1))
+ (add1 (cadr req1))
+ (req2 (cadr rbuf))
+ (op2 (car req2))
+ (add2 (cadr req2))
+ (req3 (caddr rbuf))
+ (op3 (car req3))
+ (add3 (cadr req3))
+ (nxt-mem (cond ((and (equal op1 'write)
+ (equal op2 'write)
+ (equal op3 'write)
+ (equal add1 add2)
+ (equal add2 add3))
+ ;; all three reqs are write to the same address
+ (mem-step req3 mem))
+ ((and (equal op1 'write)
+ (equal op2 'write)
+ (equal add1 add2))
+ ;; first two reqs are write to the same address
+ (mem-step req3 (mem-step req2 mem)))
+ ((and (equal op2 'write)
+ (equal op3 'write)
+ (equal add2 add3))
+ (mem-step req3 (mem-step req1 mem)))
+ ;; else
+ (t (mem-step req3 (mem-step req2 (mem-step req1 mem)))))))
+ nxt-mem))))
+(defun impl-observable-rbuf-step (req)
+ (if (equal (car req) 'read)
+ nil
+ (list req)))
+; single step of buffered stack machine
+(defun impl-step (s)
+ (let* ((mem (mget :dmem s))
+ (rbuf (mget :rbuf s))
+ (reqs (istate-mem-reqs s))
+ (pt (mget :pt s))
+ (req (nth pt reqs)))
+ (if (reqp req)
+ (let ((nxt-mem (if (stutterp req rbuf)
+ mem
+ (impl-observable-mem-step mem rbuf)))
+ (nxt-rbuf (if (stutterp req rbuf)
+ (impl-internal-step req rbuf)
+ (impl-observable-rbuf-step req)))
+ (nxt-pt (1+ pt)))
+ (istate nxt-mem nxt-rbuf nxt-pt reqs))
+ (let ((nxt-pt (1+ pt))
+ (nxt-rbuf nil)
+ (nxt-mem (impl-observable-mem-step mem rbuf)))
+ (istate nxt-mem nxt-rbuf nxt-pt reqs)))))
+(defun rank (s)
+ (nfix (- (rbuf-capacity) (len (istate-rbuf s)))))
+(defun commited-state (s)
+ (let ((pt (istate-pt s))
+ (rbuf (istate-rbuf s))
+ (mem-reqs (istate-mem-reqs s))
+ (dmem (istate-dmem s)))
+ (let ((rbuflen (cond ((endp rbuf)
+ 0)
+ ((endp (cdr rbuf))
+ 1)
+ ((endp (cddr rbuf))
+ 2))))
+ (istate dmem nil (nfix (- pt rbuflen)) mem-reqs))))
+(defun good-statep (s)
+ (let ((pt (istate-pt s))
+ (rbuf (istate-rbuf s)))
+ (and (istatep s)
+ (>= pt (len rbuf))
+ (let* ((cms (commited-state s))
+ (s-cms (cond ((endp rbuf);(equal rbuflen 0)
+ cms)
+ ((endp (cdr rbuf));(equal rbuflen 1)
+ (impl-step cms))
+ ((endp (cddr rbuf));(equal rbuflen 2)
+ (impl-step (impl-step cms)))
+ (t nil))))
+ (equal s-cms s)))))
+(defun ref-map (s)
+ (let* ((mem-reqs (istate-mem-reqs s))
+ (dmem (istate-dmem s))
+ (pt (istate-pt s))
+ (rbuf (istate-rbuf s)))
+ (let ((rbuflen (cond ((endp rbuf)
+ 0)
+ ((endp (cdr rbuf))
+ 1)
+ ((endp (cddr rbuf))
+ 2))))
+ (sstate mem-reqs dmem (nfix (- pt rbuflen))))))
+(defun spec-step-skip-rel (w v)
+ "is v reachable from w in <= 5 (= (rbuf-capacity) + 1) steps. Plus 1
+is to account for the case when the current inst is a TOP
+ (or (equal v (spec-step (spec-step w)))
+ (equal v (spec-step (spec-step (spec-step w))))))
+(defthm mset-rbuf-nil
+ (equal (mset :rbuf
+ nil (mset :mem-reqs (mget :mem-reqs s) nil))
+ (mset :mem-reqs (mget :mem-reqs s) nil))
+ :hints (("goal" :use (:instance acl2::mset-diff-mset (b :rbuf) (a :mem-reqs) (x (mget :mem-reqs s)) (y nil)
+ (r nil))
+ :in-theory (disable acl2::mset-diff-mset))))
+(defthm optmemc-skip-refines-memc
+ (implies (and (good-statep s)
+ (equal w (ref-map s)); s and r.s are related
+ (equal u (impl-step s)); s --> u
+ (not (equal (ref-map u); not (wfsk2a) r.u is related
+ ; to v (where w --> v)
+ (spec-step w)))
+ (not (and (equal w (ref-map u)); not (wfsk2b) r.s and
+ ; r.u are related and
+ ; rank decreases
+ (< (rank u) (rank s)))))
+ (spec-step-skip-rel w (ref-map u)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable reqp))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/memory-controller/mem-array-cap-3.lisp b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/memory-controller/mem-array-cap-3.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0ce4e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/memory-controller/mem-array-cap-3.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+; This book contains the model and proof of skipping refinement for
+; memory controller with buffer capacity = 3
+(in-package "ACL2S")
+; element in the stack
+(defdata el nat)
+(defdata add nat)
+; memory cell
+(defdata mem (listof nat))
+; command
+(defdata req (oneof (list 'read nat)
+ (list 'write nat el)
+ (list 'refresh)))
+; list of commands
+(defdata reqs (listof req))
+(defdata sstate (record (mem-reqs . reqs)
+ (dmem . mem)
+ (pt . nat)))
+(defun mread (add mem)
+ "memory read"
+ (declare (ignore add))
+ mem)
+(defun mwrite (add el mem)
+ "memory write"
+ (update-nth add el mem))
+(defun mrefresh-aux (add mem)
+" read each memory location in [1,add] and write it back !!"
+(if (or (zp add) (>= add (len mem)))
+ mem
+ (mrefresh-aux (1- add) (mwrite add (nth add mem) mem))))
+(defun mrefresh (mem)
+ "read location [1, len-1] in the memory and write it back again."
+ (mrefresh-aux (1- (len mem)) mem))
+(defthm update-nth-nth-same
+ (implies (and (natp add) (< add (len mem)))
+ (equal (mwrite add (nth add mem) mem)
+ mem)))
+(defthm mrefresh-aux-mem-unchanged
+ (implies (and (natp add)
+ (< add (len mem)))
+ (equal (mrefresh-aux add mem)
+ mem))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (e/d () (mwrite)))))
+(defthm mrefresh-mem-unchanged
+ (equal (mrefresh mem)
+ mem))
+(in-theory (disable mrefresh))
+(defun mem-step (req mem)
+ "returns next state of mem"
+ (let ((op (car req))
+ (add (cadr req)))
+ (cond ((equal op 'read)
+ (mread add mem))
+ ((equal op 'write)
+ (mwrite add (caddr req) mem))
+ ((equal op 'refresh)
+ (mrefresh mem))
+ (t mem))))
+(defun spec-step (s)
+ "single step of MEM machine"
+ (let* ((pt (sstate-pt s))
+ (reqs (sstate-mem-reqs s))
+ (req (nth pt reqs))
+ (mem (sstate-dmem s)))
+ (if (reqp req)
+ (sstate reqs (mem-step req mem) (1+ pt))
+ (sstate reqs mem (1+ pt)))))
+;; Optimized MEMC implimentation
+(defun rbuf-capacity ()
+ "capacity of rbuf"
+ 3)
+(defun req-buffp (l)
+ (and (reqsp l)
+ (<= (len l) (rbuf-capacity))))
+(defun nth-req-buff-enum (n)
+ (let ((mem-reqs (nth-reqs n)))
+ (if (<= (len mem-reqs) (rbuf-capacity))
+ mem-reqs
+ (let ((i1 (car mem-reqs))
+ (i2 (cadr mem-reqs))
+ (i3 (caddr mem-reqs)))
+ (list i1 i2 i3)))))
+(verify-guards rbuf-capacity)
+(verify-guards req-buffp)
+(register-custom-type req-buff t nth-req-buff-enum req-buffp)
+(defdata istate (record (dmem . mem)
+ (rbuf . req-buff)
+ (pt . nat)
+ (mem-reqs . reqs)))
+(defun stutterp (req rbuf)
+" machine stutters if rbuf is not full (number of entries < buffer capacity)
+ and if the req is not 'read or 'refresh'"
+ (and (< (len rbuf) (RBUF-CAPACITY) )
+ (not (equal (car req) 'read))
+ ;; (not (equal (car req) 'refresh))
+ ))
+(defun enque (l c)
+ " enque c at the end of list l"
+ (if (endp l)
+ (list c)
+ (cons (car l) (enque (cdr l) c))))
+(defthm enque-contract
+ (implies (and (reqp c)
+ (reqsp l))
+ (reqsp (enque l c)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defun impl-internal-step (req rbuf)
+ "enque req in rbuf"
+ (enque rbuf req))
+(defun impl-observable-mem-step (mem rbuf)
+ (cond ((endp rbuf);(equal rbuflen 0)
+ mem)
+ ((endp (cdr rbuf));(equal (len rbuf) 1)
+ (mem-step (car rbuf) mem))
+ ((endp (cddr rbuf));(equal (len rbuf) 2)
+ (let* ((req1 (car rbuf))
+ (req2 (cadr rbuf))
+ (op1 (car req1))
+ (op2 (car req2))
+ (add1 (cadr req1))
+ (add2 (cadr req2))
+ (nxt-mem (if (and (equal op1 'write)
+ (equal op2 'write)
+ (equal add1 add2))
+ (mem-step req2 mem)
+ (mem-step req2 (mem-step req1 mem)))))
+ nxt-mem))
+ ((endp (cdddr rbuf));(equal (len rbuf) 3)
+ (let* ((req1 (car rbuf))
+ (op1 (car req1))
+ (add1 (cadr req1))
+ (req2 (cadr rbuf))
+ (op2 (car req2))
+ (add2 (cadr req2))
+ (req3 (caddr rbuf))
+ (op3 (car req3))
+ (add3 (cadr req3))
+ (nxt-mem (cond ((and (equal op1 'write)
+ (equal op2 'write)
+ (equal op3 'write)
+ (equal add1 add2)
+ (equal add2 add3))
+ ;; all three reqs are write to the same address
+ (mem-step req3 mem))
+ ((and (equal op1 'write)
+ (equal op2 'write)
+ (equal add1 add2))
+ ;; first two reqs are write to the same address
+ (mem-step req3 (mem-step req2 mem)))
+ ((and (equal op2 'write)
+ (equal op3 'write)
+ (equal add2 add3))
+ (mem-step req3 (mem-step req1 mem)))
+ ;; else
+ (t (mem-step req3 (mem-step req2 (mem-step req1 mem)))))))
+ nxt-mem))))
+(defun impl-observable-rbuf-step (req)
+ (if (equal (car req) 'read)
+ nil
+ (list req)))
+; single step of buffered stack machine
+(defun impl-step (s)
+ (let* ((mem (mget :dmem s))
+ (rbuf (mget :rbuf s))
+ (reqs (istate-mem-reqs s))
+ (pt (mget :pt s))
+ (req (nth pt reqs)))
+ (if (reqp req)
+ (let ((nxt-mem (if (stutterp req rbuf)
+ mem
+ (impl-observable-mem-step mem rbuf)))
+ (nxt-rbuf (if (stutterp req rbuf)
+ (impl-internal-step req rbuf)
+ (impl-observable-rbuf-step req)))
+ (nxt-pt (1+ pt)))
+ (istate nxt-mem nxt-rbuf nxt-pt reqs))
+ (let ((nxt-pt (1+ pt))
+ (nxt-rbuf nil)
+ (nxt-mem (impl-observable-mem-step mem rbuf)))
+ (istate nxt-mem nxt-rbuf nxt-pt reqs)))))
+(defun rank (s)
+ (nfix (- (rbuf-capacity) (len (istate-rbuf s)))))
+(defun commited-state (s)
+ (let ((pt (istate-pt s))
+ (rbuf (istate-rbuf s))
+ (mem-reqs (istate-mem-reqs s))
+ (dmem (istate-dmem s)))
+ (let ((rbuflen (cond ((endp rbuf)
+ 0)
+ ((endp (cdr rbuf))
+ 1)
+ ((endp (cddr rbuf))
+ 2)
+ ((endp (cdddr rbuf))
+ 3))))
+ (istate dmem nil (nfix (- pt rbuflen)) mem-reqs))))
+(defun good-statep (s)
+ (let ((pt (istate-pt s))
+ (rbuf (istate-rbuf s)))
+ (and (istatep s)
+ (>= pt (len rbuf))
+ (let* ((cms (commited-state s))
+ (s-cms (cond ((endp rbuf);(equal rbuflen 0)
+ cms)
+ ((endp (cdr rbuf));(equal rbuflen 1)
+ (impl-step cms))
+ ((endp (cddr rbuf));(equal rbuflen 2)
+ (impl-step (impl-step cms)))
+ ((endp (cdddr rbuf));(equal rbuflen 3)
+ (impl-step (impl-step (impl-step cms))))
+ (t nil))))
+ (equal s-cms s)))))
+(defun ref-map (s)
+ (let* ((mem-reqs (istate-mem-reqs s))
+ (dmem (istate-dmem s))
+ (pt (istate-pt s))
+ (rbuf (istate-rbuf s)))
+ (let ((rbuflen (cond ((endp rbuf)
+ 0)
+ ((endp (cdr rbuf))
+ 1)
+ ((endp (cddr rbuf))
+ 2)
+ ;; ((endp (cdddr rbuf))
+ ;; 3)
+ ;; ((endp (cdr (cdddr rbuf)))
+ ;; 4)
+ )))
+ (sstate mem-reqs dmem (nfix (- pt rbuflen))))))
+(defun spec-step-skip-rel (w v)
+ "is v reachable from w in <= 5 (= (rbuf-capacity) + 1) steps. Plus 1
+is to account for the case when the current inst is a TOP
+ (or (equal v (spec-step (spec-step w)))
+ (equal v (spec-step (spec-step (spec-step w))))
+ (equal v (spec-step (spec-step (spec-step (spec-step w)))))))
+(defthm mset-rbuf-nil
+ (equal (mset :rbuf
+ nil (mset :mem-reqs (mget :mem-reqs s) nil))
+ (mset :mem-reqs (mget :mem-reqs s) nil))
+ :hints (("goal" :use (:instance acl2::mset-diff-mset (b :rbuf) (a :mem-reqs) (x (mget :mem-reqs s)) (y nil)
+ (r nil))
+ :in-theory (disable acl2::mset-diff-mset))))
+; The following form should work. However, since it
+; takes ~3 hours (in 2015), we comment it and let the
+; interested user submit it themselves.
+(defthm optmemc-skip-refines-memc
+ (implies (and (good-statep s)
+ (equal w (ref-map s)) ; s and r.s are related
+ (equal u (impl-step s)); s --> u
+ (not (equal (ref-map u); not (wfsk2a) r.u is related to v (where w --> v)
+ (spec-step w)))
+ (not (and (equal w (ref-map u)); not (wfsk2b) r.s and
+ ; r.u are related and
+ ; rank decreases
+ (< (rank u) (rank s)))))
+ (spec-step-skip-rel w (ref-map u)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable reqp))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/stack-machine/buffered-stack-cap-2.lisp b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/stack-machine/buffered-stack-cap-2.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..566e8a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/stack-machine/buffered-stack-cap-2.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+; This book contains the model and proof of skipping refinement for
+; stack machine with buffer capacity = 3
+(in-package "ACL2S")
+;; STK
+(defdata el all)
+(defdata stack (listof el))
+(defdata inst (oneof (list 'push el)
+ (list 'pop)
+ (list 'top)
+ (list 'nop)))
+(defdata inst-mem (listof inst))
+;; State of STK machine
+(defdata sstate (record (imem . inst-mem)
+ (pc . nat)
+ (stk . stack)))
+(defun mpush (el stk)
+ "push an element from the stk"
+ (cons el stk))
+(defthm mpush-contract
+ (implies (stackp stk)
+ (stackp (mpush el stk)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defun mpop (stk)
+ "pop an element from the stk"
+ (cdr stk))
+(defthm mpop-contract
+ (implies (stackp stk)
+ (stackp (mpop stk)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defun mtop (stk)
+ "top leaves the stack unchanged."
+ stk)
+(defthm mtop-contract
+ (implies (stackp stk)
+ (stackp (mtop stk)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defun mnop (stk)
+ "no-op instruction"
+ stk)
+(defthm mnop-contract
+ (implies (stackp stk)
+ (stackp (mnop stk)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defun stk-step-inst (inst stk)
+ "returns next state of stk "
+ (let ((op (car inst)))
+ (cond ((equal op 'push)
+ (mpush (cadr inst) stk ))
+ ((equal op 'pop)
+ (mpop stk))
+ ((equal op 'top)
+ (mtop stk))
+ (t stk))))
+(defthm stk-step-inst-contract
+ (implies (and (instp inst)
+ (stackp stk))
+ (stackp (stk-step-inst inst stk)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defthm push-pop-unchanged
+ (equal (mpop (mpush el stk))
+ stk))
+(defthm mnop-unchanged
+ (equal (mnop s)
+ s))
+(defthm mtop-unchanged
+ (equal (mtop s)
+ s))
+(in-theory (disable mpush mpop mtop mnop stk-step-inst))
+(defun spec-step (s)
+"single step STK machine"
+(let* ((pc (sstate-pc s))
+ (imem (sstate-imem s))
+ (inst (nth pc imem))
+ (stk (sstate-stk s)))
+ (if (instp inst)
+ (sstate imem (1+ pc) (stk-step-inst inst stk))
+ (sstate imem (1+ pc) stk))))
+;; BSTK Machine (implementation)
+(defun ibuf-capacity ()
+ "capacity of ibuf"
+ (declare (xargs :guard t))
+ 2)
+(defun inst-buffp (l)
+ (and (inst-memp l)
+ (<= (len l) (ibuf-capacity))))
+(defun nth-inst-buff-enum (n)
+ (let ((imem (nth-inst-mem n)))
+ (if (<= (len imem) (ibuf-capacity))
+ imem
+ (let ((i1 (car imem))
+ (i2 (cadr imem))
+ (i3 (caddr imem)))
+ (list i1 i2 i3)))))
+(verify-guards inst-buffp)
+(register-custom-type inst-buff t nth-inst-buff-enum inst-buffp)
+;; State of BSTK machine
+(defdata istate
+ (record (imem . inst-mem)
+ (pc . nat)
+ (stk . stack)
+ (ibuf . inst-buff)))
+(defun enque (el l)
+ "first in first out"
+ (if (endp l)
+ (list el)
+ (cons (car l) (enque el (cdr l)))))
+(defun impl-internal-ibuf-step (inst ibuf)
+ "enque the inst in ibuf"
+ (enque inst ibuf))
+(defun impl-observable-stk-step (stk ibuf)
+ "state of the stk when BSTK takes an observable step (i.e. does not
+ stutter) by executing all instructions enqueued in ibuf"
+ (cond ((endp ibuf)
+ stk)
+ ((endp (cdr ibuf))
+ (stk-step-inst (car ibuf) stk))
+ ((endp (cddr ibuf))
+ (let* ((stk (stk-step-inst (car ibuf) stk))
+ (stk (stk-step-inst (cadr ibuf) stk)))
+ stk))
+ ((endp (cdddr ibuf))
+ (let* ((stk (stk-step-inst (car ibuf) stk))
+ (stk (stk-step-inst (cadr ibuf) stk))
+ (stk (stk-step-inst (caddr ibuf) stk)))
+ stk))))
+(defun impl-observable-ibuf-step (inst)
+ "next state of ibuf when BSTK does not stutter"
+ (if (equal (car inst) 'top)
+ nil
+ (list inst)))
+(defun stutterp (inst ibuf)
+ "BSTK stutters if ibuf is not full or the current instruction is not 'top"
+ (and (< (len ibuf) (ibuf-capacity))
+ (not (equal (car inst) 'top))))
+(defun impl-step (s)
+ "sigle step of BSTK"
+ (let* ((stk (istate-stk s))
+ (ibuf (istate-ibuf s))
+ (imem (istate-imem s))
+ (pc (istate-pc s))
+ (inst (nth pc imem)))
+ (if (instp inst)
+ (let ((nxt-pc (1+ pc))
+ (nxt-stk (if (stutterp inst ibuf)
+ stk
+ (impl-observable-stk-step stk ibuf)))
+ (nxt-ibuf (if (stutterp inst ibuf)
+ (impl-internal-ibuf-step inst ibuf)
+ (impl-observable-ibuf-step inst))))
+ (istate imem nxt-pc nxt-stk nxt-ibuf))
+ (let ((nxt-pc (1+ pc))
+ (nxt-stk (impl-observable-stk-step stk ibuf))
+ (nxt-ibuf nil))
+ (istate imem nxt-pc nxt-stk nxt-ibuf)))))
+(defthm mset-ibuf-nil
+ (equal (mset :ibuf
+ nil (mset :imem (mget :imem s) nil))
+ (mset :imem (mget :imem s) nil))
+ :hints (("goal" :use (:instance acl2::mset-diff-mset (b :ibuf) (a :imem) (x (mget :imem s)) (y nil)
+ (r nil))
+ :in-theory (disable acl2::mset-diff-mset))))
+(defun commited-state (s)
+ (let* ((stk (istate-stk s))
+ (imem (istate-imem s))
+ (ibuf (istate-ibuf s))
+ (pc (istate-pc s))
+ (cpc (nfix (- pc (len ibuf)))))
+ (istate imem cpc stk nil)))
+(defun good-statep (s)
+ "if it is reachable from a commited-state in |ibuf| steps"
+ (let ((pc (istate-pc s))
+ (ibuf (istate-ibuf s)))
+ (and (istatep s)
+ (>= pc (len ibuf))
+ (let* ((cms (commited-state s))
+ (s-cms (cond ((endp ibuf)
+ cms)
+ ((endp (cdr ibuf))
+ (impl-step cms))
+ ((endp (cddr ibuf))
+ (impl-step (impl-step cms)))
+ (t cms))))
+ (equal s-cms s)))))
+(defthm good-statep-implies-istatep
+ (implies (good-statep s)
+ (istatep s)))
+(defthm commited-state-good-state
+ (implies (good-statep s)
+ (good-statep (commited-state s)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (e/d (istate istatep)(impl-step)))))
+(defthm good-state-inductive
+ (implies (good-statep s)
+ (good-statep (impl-step s)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (e/d (istatep)(instp)))))
+(defun ref-map (s)
+ "refinement map returns the observable state of istate. This version
+assumes the capacity of ibuf = 2"
+ ;(declare (xargs :guard (good-statep s)))
+ (let* ((stk (istate-stk s))
+ (imem (istate-imem s))
+ (pc (istate-pc s))
+ (ibuf (istate-ibuf s))
+ (ibuflen (cond ((endp ibuf)
+ 0)
+ ((endp (cdr ibuf))
+ 1)
+ ((endp (cddr ibuf))
+ 2)
+ (t 0)))
+ (rpc (nfix (- pc ibuflen))))
+ (sstate imem rpc stk)))
+(defun rank (s)
+ "rank of an istate s is capacity of ibuf - #inst in ibuf"
+ (nfix (- (ibuf-capacity) (len (istate-ibuf s)))))
+(defun spec-step-skip-rel (w v)
+ "is v reachable from w in <= 4 (= (ibuf-capacity) + 1) steps. Plus 1
+is to account for the case when the current inst is a TOP
+ (or (equal v (spec-step (spec-step w)))
+ (equal v (spec-step (spec-step (spec-step w))))))
+;; Final theorem BSTK refines STK
+(defthm bstk-skip-refines-stk
+ (implies (and (good-statep s)
+; s and r.s are related
+ (equal w (ref-map s))
+; s --> u
+ (equal u (impl-step s))
+; (wfsk2a) r.u is related to v (where w --> v)
+ (not (equal (ref-map u)
+ (spec-step w)))
+; (wfsk2b) r.s and r.u are related and rank decreases
+ (not (and (equal w (ref-map u))
+ (< (rank u) (rank s)))))
+ (spec-step-skip-rel w (ref-map u)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (e/d (stk-step-inst) (instp )))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/stack-machine/buffered-stack-cap-3.lisp b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/stack-machine/buffered-stack-cap-3.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6a0509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/stack-machine/buffered-stack-cap-3.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+; This book contains the model and proof of skipping refinement for
+; stack machine with buffer capacity = 3
+(in-package "ACL2S")
+;; STK
+(defdata el all)
+(defdata stack (listof el))
+(defdata inst (oneof (list 'push el)
+ (list 'pop)
+ (list 'top)
+ (list 'nop)))
+(defdata inst-mem (listof inst))
+;; State of STK machine
+(defdata sstate (record (imem . inst-mem)
+ (pc . nat)
+ (stk . stack)))
+(defun mpush (el stk)
+; :input-contract (stackp stk) (elp el)
+; :output-contract (stackp (mpush stk el))
+ (cons el stk))
+(defthm mpush-contract
+ (implies (stackp stk)
+ (stackp (mpush el stk)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defun mpop (stk)
+ "pop an element from the stk"
+; :input-contract (stackp stk)
+; :output-contract (stackp (mpop stk))
+ (cdr stk))
+(defthm mpop-contract
+ (implies (stackp stk)
+ (stackp (mpop stk)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defun mtop (stk)
+ "top leaves the stack unchanged."
+; :input-contract (stackp stk)
+; :output-contract (stackp (mtop stk))
+ stk)
+(defthm mtop-contract
+ (implies (stackp stk)
+ (stackp (mtop stk)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defun mnop (stk)
+ "no-op instruction"
+; :input-contract (stackp stk)
+; :output-contract (stackp (mnop stk))
+ stk)
+(defthm mnop-contract
+ (implies (stackp stk)
+ (stackp (mnop stk)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defun stk-step-inst (inst stk)
+ "returns next state of stk "
+; :input-contract (and (instp inst) (stackp stk))
+; :output-contract (stackp (stk-step-inst inst stk))
+ (let ((op (car inst)))
+ (cond ((equal op 'push)
+ (mpush (cadr inst) stk ))
+ ((equal op 'pop)
+ (mpop stk))
+ ((equal op 'top)
+ (mtop stk))
+ (t stk))))
+(defthm stk-step-inst-contract
+ (implies (and (instp inst)
+ (stackp stk))
+ (stackp (stk-step-inst inst stk)))
+ :rule-classes :tau-system)
+(defthm push-pop-unchanged
+ (equal (mpop (mpush el stk))
+ stk))
+(defthm mnop-unchanged
+ (equal (mnop s)
+ s))
+(defthm mtop-unchanged
+ (equal (mtop s)
+ s))
+(in-theory (disable mpush mpop mtop mnop stk-step-inst))
+(defun spec-step (s)
+"single step STK machine"
+; :input-contract (spec-statep s)
+; :output-contract (spec-statep (spec-step s))
+(let* ((pc (sstate-pc s))
+ (imem (sstate-imem s))
+ (inst (nth pc imem))
+ (stk (sstate-stk s)))
+ (if (instp inst)
+ (sstate imem (1+ pc) (stk-step-inst inst stk))
+ (sstate imem (1+ pc) stk))))
+;; BSTK Machine (implementation)
+(defun ibuf-capacity ()
+ "capacity of ibuf"
+ (declare (xargs :guard t))
+ 3)
+(defun inst-buffp (l)
+ (and (inst-memp l)
+ (<= (len l) (ibuf-capacity))))
+(defun nth-inst-buff-enum (n)
+ (let ((imem (nth-inst-mem n)))
+ (if (<= (len imem) (ibuf-capacity))
+ imem
+ (let ((i1 (car imem))
+ (i2 (cadr imem))
+ (i3 (caddr imem)))
+ (list i1 i2 i3)))))
+(verify-guards inst-buffp)
+(register-custom-type inst-buff t nth-inst-buff-enum inst-buffp)
+;; State of BSTK machine
+(defdata istate
+ (record (imem . inst-mem)
+ (pc . nat)
+ (stk . stack)
+ (ibuf . inst-buff)))
+(defun enque (el l)
+ "first in first out"
+; :input-contract (true-listp l)
+; :output-contract (true-listp (enque el l))
+ (if (endp l)
+ (list el)
+ (cons (car l) (enque el (cdr l)))))
+(defun impl-internal-ibuf-step (inst ibuf)
+ "enque the inst in ibuf"
+; :input-contract (and (instp inst) (inst-memp ibuf))
+; :output-contract (inst-memp (impl-internal-ibuf-step inst ibuf))
+ (enque inst ibuf))
+(defun impl-observable-stk-step (stk ibuf)
+ "state of the stk when BSTK takes an observable step (i.e. does not
+ stutter) by executing all instructions enqueued in ibuf"
+; :input-contract (and (stackp stk) (inst-memp ibuf))
+; :output-contract (stackp (impl-observable-stk-step stk ibuf))
+ (cond ((endp ibuf)
+ stk)
+ ((endp (cdr ibuf))
+ (stk-step-inst (car ibuf) stk))
+ ((endp (cddr ibuf))
+ (let* ((stk (stk-step-inst (car ibuf) stk))
+ (stk (stk-step-inst (cadr ibuf) stk)))
+ stk))
+ ((endp (cdddr ibuf))
+ (let* ((stk (stk-step-inst (car ibuf) stk))
+ (stk (stk-step-inst (cadr ibuf) stk))
+ (stk (stk-step-inst (caddr ibuf) stk)))
+ stk))))
+(defun impl-observable-ibuf-step (inst)
+ "next state of ibuf when BSTK does not stutter"
+; :input-contract (instp inst)
+; :output-contract (instsp (impl-observable-ibuf-step inst))
+ (if (equal (car inst) 'top)
+ nil
+ (list inst)))
+(defun stutterp (inst ibuf)
+ "BSTK stutters if ibuf is not full or the current instruction is not 'top"
+; :input-contract (and (instp inst) (inst-mem cbuf))
+; :output-contract (booleanp (stutterp inst cbuf))
+ (and (< (len ibuf) (ibuf-capacity))
+ (not (equal (car inst) 'top))))
+(defun impl-step (s)
+ "sigle step of BSTK"
+; :input-contract (impl-statep s)
+; :output-contract (impl-statep (impl-step s))
+ (let* ((stk (istate-stk s))
+ (ibuf (istate-ibuf s))
+ (imem (istate-imem s))
+ (pc (istate-pc s))
+ (inst (nth pc imem)))
+ (if (instp inst)
+ (let ((nxt-pc (1+ pc))
+ (nxt-stk (if (stutterp inst ibuf)
+ stk
+ (impl-observable-stk-step stk ibuf)))
+ (nxt-ibuf (if (stutterp inst ibuf)
+ (impl-internal-ibuf-step inst ibuf)
+ (impl-observable-ibuf-step inst))))
+ (istate imem nxt-pc nxt-stk nxt-ibuf))
+ (let ((nxt-pc (1+ pc))
+ (nxt-stk (impl-observable-stk-step stk ibuf))
+ (nxt-ibuf nil))
+ (istate imem nxt-pc nxt-stk nxt-ibuf)))))
+(defthm mset-ibuf-nil
+ (equal (mset :ibuf
+ nil (mset :imem (mget :imem s) nil))
+ (mset :imem (mget :imem s) nil))
+ :hints (("goal" :use (:instance acl2::mset-diff-mset (b :ibuf) (a :imem) (x (mget :imem s)) (y nil)
+ (r nil))
+ :in-theory (disable acl2::mset-diff-mset))))
+(defun commited-state (s)
+ (let* ((stk (istate-stk s))
+ (imem (istate-imem s))
+ (ibuf (istate-ibuf s))
+ (pc (istate-pc s))
+ (cpc (nfix (- pc (len ibuf)))))
+ (istate imem cpc stk nil)))
+(defun good-statep (s)
+ "if it is reachable from a commited-state in |ibuf| steps"
+ (let ((pc (istate-pc s))
+ (ibuf (istate-ibuf s)))
+ (and (istatep s)
+ (>= pc (len ibuf))
+ (let* ((cms (commited-state s))
+ (s-cms (cond ((endp ibuf)
+ cms)
+ ((endp (cdr ibuf))
+ (impl-step cms))
+ ((endp (cddr ibuf))
+ (impl-step (impl-step cms)))
+ ((endp (cdddr ibuf))
+ (impl-step (impl-step (impl-step cms))))
+ (t cms))))
+ (equal s-cms s)))))
+(defthm good-statep-implies-istatep
+ (implies (good-statep s)
+ (istatep s)))
+(defthm commited-state-good-state
+ (implies (good-statep s)
+ (good-statep (commited-state s)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (e/d (istate istatep)(impl-step)))))
+(defthm good-state-inductive
+ (implies (good-statep s)
+ (good-statep (impl-step s)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (e/d (istatep)(instp)))))
+(defun ref-map (s)
+ "refinement map returns the observable state of istate. This version
+assumes the capacity of ibuf = 2"
+ ;(declare (xargs :guard (good-statep s)))
+ (let* ((stk (istate-stk s))
+ (imem (istate-imem s))
+ (pc (istate-pc s))
+ (ibuf (istate-ibuf s))
+ (ibuflen (cond ((endp ibuf)
+ 0)
+ ((endp (cdr ibuf))
+ 1)
+ ((endp (cddr ibuf))
+ 2)
+ ((endp (cdddr ibuf))
+ 3)
+ (t 0)))
+ (rpc (nfix (- pc ibuflen))))
+ (sstate imem rpc stk)))
+(defun rank (s)
+ "rank of an istate s is capacity of ibuf - #inst in ibuf"
+ (nfix (- (ibuf-capacity) (len (istate-ibuf s)))))
+(defun spec-step-skip-rel (w v)
+ "is v reachable from w in <= 4 (= (ibuf-capacity) + 1) steps. Plus 1
+is to account for the case when the current inst is a TOP
+ (or (equal v (spec-step (spec-step w)))
+ (equal v (spec-step (spec-step (spec-step w))))
+ (equal v (spec-step (spec-step (spec-step (spec-step w)))))))
+;; Final theorem BSTK refines STK
+; The following form should work. However, since it
+; takes 3 hours (in 2015), we comment it and let the
+; interested user submit it themselves.
+(defthm bstk-skip-refines-stk
+ (implies (and (good-statep s)
+ (equal w (ref-map s)) ; s and r.s are related
+ (equal u (impl-step s)) ; s --> u
+ (not (equal (ref-map u); (wfsk2a) r.u is related to v
+ ; (where w --> v)
+ (spec-step w)))
+ (not (and (equal w (ref-map u)); (wfsk2b) r.s and r.u
+ ; are related and rank
+ ; decreases
+ (< (rank u) (rank s)))))
+ (spec-step-skip-rel w (ref-map u)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (e/d (stk-step-inst) (instp )))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/stack-machine/cert.acl2 b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/stack-machine/cert.acl2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3f4f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/stack-machine/cert.acl2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+; Added by Matt K. 1/7/2016, because override-hints aren't supported with
+; waterfall parallelism in ACL2(p).
+(set-waterfall-parallelism nil)
+(include-book "acl2s/portcullis" :dir :system)
+(include-book "acl2s/cgen/top" :dir :system :ttags :all)
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defthms" :dir :system)
+; cert-flags: ? t :ttags :all
+(in-package "ACL2S")
+(acl2s-defaults :set testing-enabled nil)
diff --git a/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/cert.acl2 b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/cert.acl2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3f4f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/cert.acl2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+; Added by Matt K. 1/7/2016, because override-hints aren't supported with
+; waterfall parallelism in ACL2(p).
+(set-waterfall-parallelism nil)
+(include-book "acl2s/portcullis" :dir :system)
+(include-book "acl2s/cgen/top" :dir :system :ttags :all)
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defthms" :dir :system)
+; cert-flags: ? t :ttags :all
+(in-package "ACL2S")
+(acl2s-defaults :set testing-enabled nil)
diff --git a/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/data-struct.lisp b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/data-struct.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8417bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/data-struct.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(in-package "ACL2S")
+(defdata pc nat)
+(defdata reg nat)
+(defdata address nat)
+(defdata data integer)
+(defdata register-file (oneof nil (acons address data register-file)))
+; no jump, branch and indirect store (consider only a basic block)
+(defdata op-code (enum '(add sub mul)))
+(defdata vec-op-code (enum '(vadd vsub vmul)))
+(defdata inst (record (op . op-code)
+ (rc . reg)
+ (ra . reg)
+ (rb . reg)))
+(defdata imem (listof inst))
+(defdata isa-state (record (prc . pc)
+ (regs . register-file)
+ (inmem . imem)))
+(defdata vecreg (cons reg reg))
+(defdata vecinst (record (op . vec-op-code)
+ (rc . vecreg)
+ (ra . vecreg)
+ (rb . vecreg)))
+(defdata mix-inst (oneof inst vecinst))
+(defdata vecimem (listof mix-inst))
+(defdata vecisa-state (record (prc . pc)
+ (regs . register-file)
+ (vecinmem . vecimem)))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/op-semantics.lisp b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/op-semantics.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c349f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/op-semantics.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+; This file contains semantics for scalar and vector machines.
+(in-package "ACL2S")
+(include-book "data-struct")
+(defun get-val (r regs)
+ (cdr (assoc r regs)))
+(defun add-rc (ra rb rc regs)
+ (put-assoc-eq rc (+ (get-val ra regs)
+ (get-val rb regs))
+ regs))
+(defun ISA-add (rc ra rb ISA)
+ (isa-state (1+ (mget :prc ISA))
+ (add-rc ra rb rc (mget :regs ISA))
+ (isa-state-inmem ISA)))
+(defun sub-rc (ra rb rc regs)
+ (put-assoc-eq rc (- (get-val ra regs)
+ (get-val rb regs))
+ regs))
+(defun ISA-sub (rc ra rb ISA)
+ (isa-state (1+ (mget :prc ISA))
+ (sub-rc ra rb rc (mget :regs ISA))
+ (isa-state-inmem ISA)
+ ))
+(defun mul-rc (ra rb rc regs)
+ (put-assoc-eq rc (* (get-val ra regs)
+ (get-val rb regs))
+ regs))
+(defun ISA-mul (rc ra rb ISA)
+ (isa-state (1+ (mget :prc ISA))
+ (mul-rc ra rb rc (mget :regs ISA))
+ (isa-state-inmem ISA)
+ ))
+(defun ISA-default (ISA)
+ ISA)
+(defun ISA-step (ISA)
+ (let ((inst (nth (mget :prc ISA) (isa-state-inmem ISA))))
+ (let ((op (mget :op inst))
+ (rc (mget :rc inst))
+ (ra (mget :ra inst))
+ (rb (mget :rb inst)))
+ (case op
+ (add (ISA-add rc ra rb ISA)) ; REGS[rc] := REGS[ra] + REGS[rb]
+ (sub (ISA-sub rc ra rb ISA))
+ (mul (ISA-mul rc ra rb ISA))
+ (otherwise (ISA-default ISA))))))
+(defun ISA-run (ISA n)
+ (if (zp n)
+ (ISA-run (ISA-step ISA) (- n 1))))
+(defun step-vec-reg (inst regs)
+ (let ((opv (mget :op inst))
+ (rc1 (car (mget :rc inst)))
+ (ra1 (car (mget :ra inst)))
+ (rb1 (car (mget :rb inst)))
+ (rc2 (cdr (mget :rc inst)))
+ (ra2 (cdr (mget :ra inst)))
+ (rb2 (cdr (mget :rb inst))))
+ (case opv
+ (vadd (add-rc ra2 rb2 rc2
+ (add-rc ra1 rb1 rc1 regs)))
+ (vsub (sub-rc ra2 rb2 rc2
+ (sub-rc ra1 rb1 rc1 regs)))
+ (vmul (mul-rc ra2 rb2 rc2
+ (mul-rc ra1 rb1 rc1 regs)))
+ (otherwise regs))))
+;; this function is exactly same as isa-step but can potentially be
+;; different in a different implementation. For example, this could be
+;; binary implementation of the operations.
+(defun step-scalar-reg (inst regs)
+ (let* ((op (mget :op inst))
+ (rc (mget :rc inst))
+ (ra (mget :ra inst))
+ (rb (mget :rb inst)))
+ (case op
+ (add (add-rc ra rb rc regs)) ; REGS[rc] := REGS[ra] + REGS[rb]
+ (sub (sub-rc ra rb rc regs))
+ (mul (mul-rc ra rb rc regs))
+ (otherwise regs))))
+(defun step-reg (inst regs)
+ (cond ((vecinstp inst)
+ (step-vec-reg inst regs))
+ (t ;(instp inst)
+ (step-scalar-reg inst regs))))
+(defun vecisa-step (s)
+ (let* ((inst (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (vecisa-state (1+ (mget :prc s))
+ (step-reg inst (mget :regs s))
+ (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/scalar-vector.lisp b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/scalar-vector.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c26bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2015/jain-manolios/support/vectorizing-transformation/scalar-vector.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+; This file contains the proof of skipping simulation theorem for
+; vectorizing compiler transformation
+(in-package "ACL2S")
+(include-book "op-semantics")
+(defun scalarize (inst)
+ "scalerize a vector instruction"
+; :input-contract (mix-instp inst)
+; :output-contract (imemp (scalarize inst))
+ (cond ((vecinstp inst)
+ (let ((op (mget :op inst))
+ (ra1 (car (mget :ra inst)))
+ (ra2 (cdr (mget :ra inst)))
+ (rb1 (car (mget :rb inst)))
+ (rb2 (cdr (mget :rb inst)))
+ (rc1 (car (mget :rc inst)))
+ (rc2 (cdr (mget :rc inst))))
+ (case op
+ (vadd (list (inst 'add rc1 ra1 rb1)
+ (inst 'add rc2 ra2 rb2)))
+ (vsub (list (inst 'sub rc1 ra1 rb1)
+ (inst 'sub rc2 ra2 rb2)))
+ (vmul (list (inst 'mul rc1 ra1 rb1)
+ (inst 'mul rc2 ra2 rb2))))))
+ ((instp inst) (list inst))
+ (t nil)))
+(defun scalarize-mem (pc V)
+ "scalerize the memory [0,pc]"
+; :input-contract (and (natp pc) (vecimemp V))
+; :output-contract (imemp (scalarize-mem pc V))
+ (if (or (not (integerp pc))
+ (< pc 0))
+ nil
+ (let ((inst (nth pc V)))
+ (cond
+ ((zp pc) ;=0
+ (scalarize inst))
+ (t
+ (append (scalarize-mem (1- pc) V) (scalarize inst)))))))
+(defun count-num-scaler-inst (inst)
+ "return number of scaler instruction between 0 and pc both including"
+; :input-contract (mix-instp inst)
+; :output-contract (natp (count-num-scaler-inst inst))
+ (cond ((vecinstp inst)
+ 2)
+ ((instp inst)
+ 1)
+ (t 0)))
+(defun get-num-inst (pc V)
+ "count total number of scalar instruction in [0,pc]"
+; :input-contract (and (natp pc) (vecimemp V))
+; :output-contract (natp (get-num-inst pc V)
+ (let ((inst (nth pc V)))
+ (cond ((or (not (integerp pc))
+ (< pc 0))
+ 0)
+ ((zp pc)
+ (count-num-scaler-inst inst))
+ (t (+ (count-num-scaler-inst inst) (get-num-inst (1- pc) V))))))
+(defun ref-map (s)
+ "refinement map"
+; :input-contract (vecisa-statep s)
+; :output-contract (isa-statep (ref-map s))
+ (let* ((regs (mget :regs s))
+ (V (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (isapc (get-num-inst (1- (mget :prc s)) V)))
+ (isa-state isapc regs (scalarize-mem (len V) V))))
+(defun spec-run-upto-2 (s n)
+ "spec step for n steps"
+; :input-contract (and (spec-statep s) (natp n))
+; :output-contract (spec-statep (spec-run-upto-3 s n))
+ (cond ((equal n 1)
+ (isa-step s))
+ ((equal n 2)
+ (isa-step (isa-step s)))
+ (t s)))
+(defun spec-run-upto-2-rel (s u)
+ "u is reachable from s in atmost 2 steps"
+; :input-contract (and (spec-statep s) (spec-statep u))
+; :output-contract (booleanp (spec-run-upto-3-rel s u))
+ (or (equal (spec-run-upto-2 s 1) u)
+ (equal (spec-run-upto-2 s 2) u)))
+; y is reachable from x in one or more steps
+(defun-sk spec-step+ (s u)
+ (exists n
+ (and (posp n)
+ (equal (isa-run s n)
+ u))))
+ (defun spec-run-expanded (s n)
+ "define a new run relation to reason about the upto-2-step-relation"
+ (cond ((zp n) s)
+ ((equal n 1) (isa-step s))
+ ((equal n 2) (isa-step (isa-step s)))
+ (t (spec-run-expanded (isa-step s) (1- n)))))
+(defthmd run-expanded-equivalent-isa-run-n
+ (equal (spec-run-expanded s n)
+ (isa-run s n))
+ :hints (("goal" :induct (isa-run s n)
+ :in-theory (e/d () (isa-step)))))
+(defun-sk spec-run-expanded-exist (s u)
+ (exists n
+ (and (posp n)
+ (equal (spec-run-expanded s n) u))))
+(defthmd run-expanded-exist-equivalent
+ (implies (spec-run-expanded-exist s u)
+ (spec-step+ s u))
+ :hints (("goal" :use
+ ((:instance run-expanded-equivalent-isa-run-n
+ (n (spec-run-expanded-exist-witness
+ s u)))
+ (:instance spec-run-expanded-exist-suff)
+ (:instance spec-step+-suff (n (spec-run-expanded-exist-witness s u))))
+ :in-theory (e/d () (spec-step+)))))
+(defthm finite-step-implies-exists
+ (implies (spec-run-upto-2-rel s u)
+ (spec-run-expanded-exist s u))
+ :hints (("goal" :use ((:instance spec-run-expanded-exist-suff (n 1))
+ (:instance spec-run-expanded-exist-suff (n 2))
+ (:instance spec-run-expanded-exist-suff (n 3)))
+ :in-theory (e/d () (isa-step)))))
+(defthm finite-step-implies-spec-step-+
+ (implies (spec-run-upto-2-rel s u)
+ (spec-step+ s u))
+ :hints (("goal" :use ((:instance finite-step-implies-exists)
+ (:instance run-expanded-exist-equivalent)))))
+(defthm inst-or-vecinst-vecimem
+ (implies (and (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (natp k)
+ (nth k vecimem)
+ (not (instp (nth k vecimem))))
+ (vecinstp (nth k vecimem)))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm opcode-case-analysis
+ (implies (and (instp i)
+ (not (equal (mget :op i) 'add))
+ (not (equal (mget :op i) 'sub)))
+ (equal (mget :op i) 'mul))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable op-codep instp))))
+(defthm nth-=>len
+ (implies (and (natp j) (>= j (len l)))
+ (null (nth j l))))
+(defthm nth-append-l+1
+ (equal (nth (len l) (append l (cons x l2)))
+ x))
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defun f-ind (k l)
+ (if (endp l)
+ nil
+ (+ k (f-ind (1- k) (cdr l)))))
+ )
+ (defthm nth-app-lemma-2
+ (implies (and (natp k) (> k (len l1))
+ (true-listp l1) (true-listp l))
+ (equal (nth k (append l1 l))
+ (nth (- k (len l1)) l)))
+ :hints (("goal" :induct (f-ind k l1)))
+ :rule-classes (:linear :rewrite))
+ )
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defun f-ind-1 (k)
+ (if (zp k)
+ 1
+ (1+ (f-ind-1 (1- k)))))
+ )
+ (defthm nth-lemma-1
+ (implies (and (vecimemp l)
+ (nth k l))
+ (nth (1- k) l))
+ :rule-classes (:forward-chaining :rewrite))
+ )
+(defthm count-num-scaler-inst->0
+ (implies (and (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (or (instp i)
+ (vecinstp i)))
+ (> (count-num-scaler-inst i) 0))
+ :rule-classes :linear)
+(defthm vecopcode-case-analysis
+ (implies (and (vecinstp i)
+ (not (equal (mget :op i) 'vadd))
+ (not (equal (mget :op i) 'vsub)))
+ (equal (mget :op i) 'vmul))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable vecinstp vec-op-codep))))
+; relate the length after flatten and gen-num-inst
+(defthm flatten-len-get-num-inst
+ (implies (and (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (integerp k))
+ (equal (get-num-inst k vecimem)
+ (len (scalarize-mem k vecimem)))))
+; lemma for len of scalarize-mem when one more instruction is added
+(defthm len-k-1-flatten-k-vecimem
+ (implies (and (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (integerp k)
+ (not (equal (len (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (len (scalarize-mem (1- k) vecimem))))
+ (not (equal (len (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (+ 2 (len (scalarize-mem (1- k) vecimem))))))
+ (equal (len (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (1+ (len (scalarize-mem (1- k) vecimem)))))
+ :hints (("goal" :use (:instance vecopcode-case-analysis)))
+ :rule-classes (:linear :rewrite))
+(defthm len-flatten-case-lemma-inst-+1
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (instp (nth k vecimem))
+ (not (vecinstp (nth k vecimem)))
+ )
+ (equal (len (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (+ 1 (len (scalarize-mem (1- k) vecimem)))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable instp vecimemp))))
+(defthm len-flatten-case-lemma-vecinst-+2
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (vecinstp (nth k vecimem))
+ )
+ (equal (len (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (+ 2 (len (scalarize-mem (1- k) vecimem)))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable instp vecimemp))))
+ ()
+;lemma to move from k to any j >= k in LHS (flatten-1 k vecimem)
+; in particular k = (len vecimem)
+ (local
+ ; alternate definition of scalarize starting from the first instruction
+ (defun S (L)
+ (if (endp L)
+ nil
+ (append (scalarize (car L)) (S (cdr L)))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defun seg (k L)
+ (if (endp L)
+ nil
+ (if (zp k)
+ (list (car L))
+ (cons (car L)
+ (seg (1- k) (cdr L))))))
+ )
+ (local
+ ; relate two definitions of scalerize
+ (defthm S-rel-Scalarize-mem
+ (implies (and (vecimemp V)
+ (natp k))
+ (equal (scalarize-mem k V)
+ (S (seg k V))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable scalarize))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthm full-segment
+ (implies (true-listp L)
+ (equal (seg (len L) L) L)))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defun segmentp (X Y)
+ (if (endp X)
+ T
+ (if (endp Y)
+ nil
+ (and (equal (car X) (car Y))
+ (segmentp (cdr X) (cdr Y))))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthm subset-index-rel
+ (implies (and (true-listp l)
+ (natp j)
+ (< j (len l1))
+ (segmentp l1 l))
+ (equal (nth j l)
+ (nth j l1))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthm segments-indexes-rel
+ (implies (and (true-listp l)
+ (< j (len L)))
+ (segmentp (seg j l) l)))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthm S-sewgf
+ (implies (vecimemp V)
+ (segmentp (S (seg k V)) (S V))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthm nth-inst-in-alternate-defs-same
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp V)
+ (natp j)
+ (< j (len (scalarize-mem k V))))
+ (equal (nth j (S V))
+ (nth j (scalarize-mem k V)))))
+ )
+ (defthm scalarize-invariant-upto-j
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp l)
+ (< k (len l))
+ (natp j)
+ (< j (len (scalarize-mem k l))))
+ (equal (nth j (scalarize-mem (len l) l))
+ (nth j (scalarize-mem k l)))))
+ )
+(defthmd get-num-inst-decreases
+ (implies (and (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (natp k)
+ (nth k vecimem))
+ (< (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem)
+ (get-num-inst k vecimem)))
+ :rule-classes :linear)
+(defthmd get-num-inst-scalarize-mem-reduction
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (nth k vecimem)
+ (< k (len vecimem))
+ )
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem)
+ (scalarize-mem (len vecimem) vecimem))
+ (nth (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem)
+ (scalarize-mem k vecimem))))
+ :hints (("goal" :use ((:instance scalarize-invariant-upto-j (j (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem)) (l vecimem))
+ (:instance flatten-len-get-num-inst)
+ (:instance get-num-inst-decreases))
+ :in-theory (disable get-num-inst scalarize-mem
+ (:rewrite scalarize-invariant-upto-j)
+ (:rewrite flatten-len-get-num-inst)))))
+(defthmd get-num-inst-decreases-1
+ (implies (and (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (natp k)
+ (vecinstp (nth k vecimem)))
+ (< (1+ (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem))
+ (get-num-inst k vecimem)))
+ :rule-classes :linear)
+(defthmd get-num-inst-scalarize-mem-reduction-+1
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (nth k vecimem)
+ (vecinstp (nth k vecimem))
+ (< k (len vecimem))
+ )
+ (equal (nth (1+ (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem))
+ (scalarize-mem (len vecimem) vecimem))
+ (nth (1+ (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem))
+ (scalarize-mem k vecimem))))
+ :hints (("goal" :use ((:instance scalarize-invariant-upto-j (j (1+ (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem))) (l vecimem))
+ (:instance flatten-len-get-num-inst)
+ (:instance get-num-inst-decreases-1))
+ :in-theory (disable get-num-inst count-num-scaler-inst
+ scalarize-mem
+ (:rewrite scalarize-invariant-upto-j)
+ (:rewrite flatten-len-get-num-inst)))))
+;; vecimem is mapped to (flatten vecimem) by the refinement map. I
+;; need a relation that relates the instruction executed in the vector
+;; machine at vecpc and the one pointed by the get-num-inst in the
+;; flattened vecimem. Infact, I need to prove that the instruction is
+;; same in case the next instruction to be executed in vector machine
+;; is a scaler instruction and similarly if the next is a vector
+;; instruction then its decomposition is two consecutive scalar
+;; instruction. These obligations are captured in lemma 5,6,7
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm lemma-5-main
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (instp (nth k vecimem))
+ (not (vecinstp (nth k vecimem))))
+ (equal (nth (1- (len (scalarize-mem k vecimem))) (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (nth k vecimem))))
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-5-aux-consp
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (instp (nth k vecimem))
+ (not (vecinstp (nth k vecimem))))
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem) ;; number of scaler instruction from [0,k)
+ (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (nth k vecimem)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable instp vecinstp vecinst scalarize get-num-inst scalarize-mem vecimemp nth inst)
+ :use ((:instance inst-or-vecinst-vecimem)
+ (:instance lemma-5-main)
+ (:instance len-k-1-flatten-k-vecimem)
+ (:instance flatten-len-get-num-inst)
+ (:instance len-flatten-case-lemma-inst-+1)))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-5-aux-k
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (instp (nth k vecimem))
+ (not (vecinstp (nth k vecimem))))
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem)
+ (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (nth k vecimem)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable instp inst get-num-inst scalarize-mem vecimemp)
+ :use ((:instance lemma-5-aux-consp))
+ :cases ((null vecimem) (consp vecimem)))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-5-1
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (vecimemp (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (instp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (not (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (< (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- (mget :prc s)) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (scalarize-mem (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable scalarize-mem get-num-inst scalarize inst vecopcode-case-analysis lemma-5-aux-k)
+ :use ((:instance get-num-inst-scalarize-mem-reduction (k (mget :prc s)) (vecimem (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (:instance lemma-5-aux-k (k (mget :prc s))
+ (vecimem (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-5-2
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (instp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (not (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (>= (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- (mget :prc s)) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (scalarize-mem (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable scalarize-mem get-num-inst scalarize inst vecopcode-case-analysis lemma-5-aux-k)
+ :use ((:instance nth-=>len (j (mget :prc s)) (l (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))))))
+ )
+ (defthmd lemma-5
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (instp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (not (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))))
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- (mget :prc s)) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (scalarize-mem (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ :hints (("goal" :cases ((>= (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))) (< (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ :in-theory (disable vecinstp instp vecisa-statep scalarize-mem flatten-len-get-num-inst))
+ ("Subgoal 2" :use (:instance lemma-5-2))
+ ("Subgoal 1" :use ((:instance lemma-5-1)))))
+ )
+ ()
+ ; last but one instruction (= 2- len) in the (scalarize-mem k vecimem) is the same as the
+ ; first instruction on scalerizing the k the instruction in vecimem
+ (local
+ (defthm lemma-main-6
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (vecinstp (nth k vecimem)))
+ (equal (nth (- (len (scalarize-mem k vecimem)) 2) (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (car (scalarize (nth k vecimem))))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-6-aux
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (vecinstp (nth k vecimem)))
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem) ;; number of scaler instruction from [0,k)
+ (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (car (scalarize (nth k vecimem)))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable instp vecinstp vecinst scalarize get-num-inst scalarize-mem vecimemp nth inst)
+ :use ((:instance lemma-main-6)))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-6-aux-k
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (vecinstp (nth k vecimem)))
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem) ;; number of scaler instruction from [0,k)
+ (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (car (scalarize (nth k vecimem)))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable instp inst get-num-inst scalarize-mem vecimemp)
+ :use ((:instance lemma-6-aux))
+ :cases ((null vecimem) (consp vecimem)))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-6-1
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (vecimemp (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (< (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- (mget :prc s)) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (scalarize-mem (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (car (scalarize (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable scalarize-mem get-num-inst scalarize inst vecopcode-case-analysis)
+ :use ((:instance get-num-inst-scalarize-mem-reduction (k (mget :prc s)) (vecimem (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (:instance lemma-6-aux-k (k (mget :prc s))
+ (vecimem (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-6-2
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (>= (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- (mget :prc s)) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (scalarize-mem (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (car (scalarize (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable scalarize-mem get-num-inst scalarize inst vecopcode-case-analysis)
+ :use ((:instance nth-=>len (j (mget :prc s)) (l (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))))))
+ )
+ (defthmd lemma-6
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (equal (nth (get-num-inst (1- (mget :prc s)) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (scalarize-mem (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (car (scalarize (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))))
+ :hints (("goal" :cases ((>= (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))) (< (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ :in-theory (disable vecinstp instp vecisa-statep scalarize-mem flatten-len-get-num-inst))
+ ("Subgoal 2" :use (:instance lemma-6-2))
+ ("Subgoal 1" :use ((:instance lemma-6-1)))))
+ )
+ ()
+ ; last instruction (= 1- len) in the (scalarize-mem k vecimem) is the same as the
+ ; first instruction on scalerizing the k the instruction in vecimem
+ (local
+ (defthm lemma-7-main
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (vecinstp (nth k vecimem)))
+ (equal (nth (1- (len (scalarize-mem k vecimem))) (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (cadr (scalarize (nth k vecimem))))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-7-aux-consp
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (vecinstp (nth k vecimem)))
+ (equal (nth (1+ (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem)) ;; number of scaler instruction from [0,k)
+ (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (cadr (scalarize (nth k vecimem)))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable instp vecinstp vecinst scalarize get-num-inst scalarize-mem vecimemp nth inst)
+ :use ((:instance lemma-7-main)))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-7-aux-k
+ (implies (and (natp k)
+ (vecimemp vecimem)
+ (vecinstp (nth k vecimem)))
+ (equal (nth (1+ (get-num-inst (1- k) vecimem)) ;; number of scaler instruction from [0,k)
+ (scalarize-mem k vecimem))
+ (cadr (scalarize (nth k vecimem)))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable instp inst get-num-inst scalarize-mem vecimemp)
+ :use ((:instance lemma-7-aux-consp))
+ :cases ((null vecimem) (consp vecimem)))))
+ )
+ (local
+ (deftheory my-th
+ '((:rewrite get-num-inst-scalarize-mem-reduction-+1)
+ (:rewrite lemma-7-aux-k))))
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-7-1
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (natp (mget :prc s))
+ (vecimemp (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecimemp (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (< (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (equal (nth (1+ (get-num-inst (1- (mget :prc s)) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (scalarize-mem (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (cadr (scalarize (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (union-theories (theory 'my-th) nil)))))
+ (local
+ (defthmd lemma-7-2
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (>= (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (equal (nth (1+ (get-num-inst (1- (mget :prc s)) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (scalarize-mem (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (cadr (scalarize (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (disable scalarize-mem get-num-inst scalarize inst vecopcode-case-analysis)
+ :use ((:instance nth-=>len (j (mget :prc s)) (l (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))))))
+ )
+ (defthmd lemma-7
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ (equal (nth (1+ (get-num-inst (1- (mget :prc s)) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (scalarize-mem (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (cadr (scalarize (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))))
+ :hints (("goal" :cases ((>= (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))) (< (mget :prc s) (len (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ :in-theory (disable vecinstp instp vecisa-statep scalarize-mem flatten-len-get-num-inst))
+ ("Subgoal 2" :use (:instance lemma-7-2))
+ ("Subgoal 1" :use ((:instance lemma-7-1)))))
+ )
+(defun case-inst-1 (s)
+ (equal (mget :op (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ 'add))
+(defun case-inst-2 (s)
+ (equal (mget :op (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ 'sub))
+(defun case-inst-3 (s)
+ (equal (mget :op (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ 'mul))
+(defthm case-inst-exhaustive
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (instp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (not (case-inst-1 s))
+ (not (case-inst-2 s)))
+ (case-inst-3 s))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable instp))))
+(in-theory (disable flatten-len-get-num-inst))
+(defthm simulation-inst
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (instp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (equal (vecisa-step s) u)
+ (equal w (ref-map s))
+ )
+ (equal (isa-step w)
+ (ref-map u)))
+ :hints (("goal" :use ((:instance lemma-5)
+ (:instance case-inst-exhaustive))
+ :cases ((case-inst-1 s) (case-inst-2 s) (case-inst-3 s)))))
+(defun case-vinst-1 (s)
+ (equal (mget :op (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ 'vadd))
+(defun case-vinst-2 (s)
+ (equal (mget :op (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ 'vsub))
+(defun case-vinst-3 (s)
+ (equal (mget :op (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ 'vmul))
+(defthm case-vecinst-exhaustive
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (not (case-vinst-1 s))
+ (not (case-vinst-2 s)))
+ (case-vinst-3 s))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable vecinstp))))
+(in-theory (disable vecopcode-case-analysis add-rc sub-rc mul-rc))
+(defthm simulation-vecinst
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (vecinstp (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ (equal (vecisa-step s) u)
+ (equal w (ref-map s)))
+ (equal (isa-step (isa-step w))
+ (ref-map u)))
+ :hints (("goal" :use ((:instance case-vecinst-exhaustive)
+ (:instance lemma-6)
+ (:instance lemma-7))
+ :cases ((case-vinst-1 s) (case-vinst-2 s) (case-vinst-3 s)))))
+(defun case-1-inst (k v)
+ (and (vecinstp (nth k v))
+ (not (instp (nth k v)))))
+(defun case-2-inst (k v)
+ (and (not (vecinstp (nth k v)))
+ (instp (nth k v))))
+(defthmd case-exhaustive
+ (implies (and (vecimemp v)
+ (natp k)
+ (nth k v)
+ (not (case-1-inst k v)))
+ (case-2-inst k v)))
+(in-theory (disable simulation-vecinst simulation-inst vecisa-step
+ vecisa-statep isa-step ref-map ))
+(defthm impl-simulates-vecinst-run-lemma
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (equal (vecisa-step s) u)
+ (equal w (ref-map s)))
+ (spec-run-upto-2-rel w (ref-map u)))
+ :hints (("goal" :cases ((case-1-inst (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (case-2-inst (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s)))
+ :use ((:instance case-exhaustive (k (mget :prc s)) (v (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))))
+ )
+ ("subgoal 3" :in-theory (disable case-1-inst case-2-inst))
+ ("subgoal 1" :use (:instance simulation-inst))
+ ("subgoal 2" :use (:instance simulation-vecinst))))
+(defthm impl-simulates-spec
+ (implies (and (vecisa-statep s)
+ (vecisa-statep u)
+ (isa-statep w)
+ (isa-statep (ref-map u))
+ (equal w (ref-map s))
+ (nth (mget :prc s) (vecisa-state-vecinmem s))
+ (equal (vecisa-step s) u))
+ (spec-step+ (ref-map s) (ref-map u)))
+ :hints (("goal" :use ((:instance finite-step-implies-exists
+ (s (ref-map s)) (u (ref-map u)))
+ (:instance impl-simulates-vecinst-run-lemma)))))