path: root/books/workshops/2004/davis/support/instance.lisp
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+; Fully Ordered Finite Sets, Version 0.9
+; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Kookamara LLC
+; Contact:
+; Kookamara LLC
+; 11410 Windermere Meadows
+; Austin, TX 78759, USA
+; License: (An MIT/X11-style license)
+; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+; Original author: Jared Davis <>
+; instance.lisp
+; This is a system for dynamically instantiating ACL2 "theories" (which are
+; represented as constants) to create new, concrete "theories".
+(in-package "INSTANCE")
+; Everything in this file is in program mode. We do not intend to
+; reason about these functions -- instead, we intend to use these
+; functions to create new functions, which the user will reason
+; about.
+; Introduction
+; The following work has been motivated by my work with quantification
+; over sets. When I started on this file, I had roughly 2000 lines of
+; complicted macros in order to be able to instantiate generic and
+; concrete theories for this work, and it was just becoming
+; unmanageable. My hope was that rewriting the definitions and
+; theorems into concrete forms would provide a more concise way of
+; instantiating the theory, and make it easier to keep everything
+; consistent.
+; Originally, I wanted to extract the definitions for generic
+; functions from ACL2's state (well, actually from the current world).
+; But, to do so becomes very complicated, because of the restrictions
+; on macros that they cannot take state as a parameter. So, the best
+; that I could ever accomplish that way would be to display a list of
+; events, which a user could copy into a file. But, that is wholly
+; unsatisfying, because it would mean that the resulting theories
+; could never be "automagically" updated when new theorems are added
+; to the generic theory.
+; So, instead of doing things that way, I now simply store events in
+; constants. These constants can then be rewritten to create new but
+; related theories.
+; A first step towards this is to introduce a simple rewriter.
+; Originally I had based my rewriter on the built in one-way-unify
+; function in ACL2, but it operates only on pseudo-terms, and
+; pseudo-terms cannot contain atoms other than symbols. This gave me
+; serious trouble when trying to rewrite theorems involving constants,
+; e.g., to say that something was an integerp and greater than zero.
+; So, instead of using one-way-unify, I introduce a simple unification
+; algorithm which has been adapted from Warren Hunt's work.
+; The system treats all symbols beginning with a ? as variables, and
+; all other atoms as literals.
+(defun instance-variablep (x)
+ (and (symbolp x)
+ (equal (car (explode-atom x 10)) #\?)))
+; We return two values: a boolean flag which indicates if we are
+; successful in finding a match, and a list of substitutions of the
+; form (variable . value). This is all be fairly standard stuff.
+; For example:
+; (instance-unify-term '(predicate ?x) '(predicate (car a)) nil)
+; ==>
+; (t ((?x . (car a))))
+ (defun instance-unify-term (pattern term sublist)
+ (if (atom pattern)
+ (if (instance-variablep pattern)
+ (let ((value (assoc pattern sublist)))
+ (if (consp value)
+ (if (equal term (cdr value))
+ (mv t sublist)
+ (mv nil nil))
+ (mv t (acons pattern term sublist))))
+ (if (equal term pattern)
+ (mv t sublist)
+ (mv nil nil)))
+ (if (or (atom term)
+ (not (eq (car term) (car pattern))))
+ (mv nil nil)
+ (if (or (eq (car term) 'quote)
+ (eq (car pattern) 'quote))
+ (if (equal term pattern)
+ (mv t sublist)
+ (mv nil nil))
+ (instance-unify-list (cdr pattern) (cdr term) sublist)))))
+ (defun instance-unify-list (pattern-list term-list sublist)
+ (if (or (atom term-list)
+ (atom pattern-list))
+ (if (and (atom term-list)
+ (atom pattern-list))
+ (mv t sublist)
+ (mv nil nil))
+ (mv-let (successp new-sublist)
+ (instance-unify-term (car pattern-list)
+ (car term-list)
+ sublist)
+ (if successp
+ (instance-unify-list (cdr pattern-list)
+ (cdr term-list)
+ new-sublist)
+ (mv nil nil)))))
+; After a list of substitutions has been generated, we typically want
+; to apply them to a term. We recur over the list of substitutions,
+; simply calling subst to do our work throughout a term.
+; For example:
+; (instance-substitute '((?x . (car a))) '(not (predicate ?x)))
+; ==>
+; (not (predicate (car a)))
+(defun instance-substitute (sublist term)
+ (if (endp sublist)
+ term
+ (let* ((old (car (car sublist)))
+ (new (cdr (car sublist)))
+ (result (subst new old term)))
+ (instance-substitute (cdr sublist) result))))
+; We now introduce our actual rewriter. We take three arguments: pat
+; is the pattern to look for throughout the term, e.g., (predicate
+; ?x), repl is the replacement to use, e.g., (not (predicate ?x)), and
+; term is the term to match the pattern against in order to get the
+; substitutions.
+; For Example:
+; (instance-rewrite1 '(predicate ?x)
+; '(not (predicate ?x))
+; '(if (predicate (car x)) t nil))
+; =>
+; (if (not (predicate (car x))) t nil)
+ (defun instance-rewrite1 (pat repl term)
+ (mv-let (successful sublist)
+ (instance-unify-term pat term nil)
+ (if successful
+ (instance-substitute sublist repl)
+ (if (atom term)
+ term
+ (cons (instance-rewrite1 pat repl (car term))
+ (instance-rewrite-lst1 pat repl (cdr term)))))))
+ (defun instance-rewrite-lst1 (pat repl lst)
+ (if (endp lst)
+ nil
+ (cons (instance-rewrite1 pat repl (car lst))
+ (instance-rewrite-lst1 pat repl (cdr lst)))))
+; Finally, given that we can apply a rewrite a term with a single
+; replacement, we go ahead and extend this notion to multiple
+; replacements. In other words, we walk through a list of
+; substitutions, sequentially rewriting the term using each
+; substitution.
+(defun instance-rewrite (term subs)
+ (if (endp subs)
+ term
+ (let ((first-sub (car subs)))
+ (instance-rewrite (instance-rewrite1 (first first-sub)
+ (second first-sub)
+ term)
+ (cdr subs)))))
+; Instantiating Defuns
+; Theories consist mainly of definitions and theorems. Given generic
+; theorems, we will want to rewrite them so that they perform
+; different functions. For example, a generic "all" function might
+; need to be rewritten so that its calls to (predicate x) are replaced
+; with calls to (not (predicate x)) for all x.
+; To begin, we instantiate the function's declarations (e.g., comment
+; strings, xargs, ignores, and so forth). We simply duplicate comment
+; strings, but for declare forms we allow rewriting to occur.
+(defun instance-decls (decls subs)
+ (if (endp decls)
+ nil
+ (if (pseudo-termp (car decls))
+ (cons (instance-rewrite (car decls) subs)
+ (instance-decls (cdr decls) subs))
+ (cons (car decls)
+ (instance-decls (cdr decls) subs)))))
+; For the defun itself, we retain the same defun symbol (e.g., defun
+; or defund), but we change the name and args of the function by first
+; creating the list '(oldname oldarg1 oldarg2 ...) then applying our
+; substitutions to the new function.
+; As a trivial example,
+; (instance-defun '(defun f (x) (+ x 1)) '(((f x) (g x))))
+; =>
+; (defun g (x) (+ x 1))
+(defun instance-defun (defun subs)
+ (let* ((defun-symbol (first defun))
+ (defun-name (second defun))
+ (defun-args (third defun))
+ (defun-decls (butlast (cdddr defun) 1))
+ (defun-body (car (last defun)))
+ (name/args (cons defun-name defun-args))
+ (new-body (instance-rewrite defun-body subs))
+ (new-name/args (instance-rewrite name/args subs))
+ (new-decls (instance-decls defun-decls subs))
+ (new-name (car new-name/args))
+ (new-args (cdr new-name/args)))
+ `(,defun-symbol
+ ,new-name ,new-args
+ ,@new-decls
+ ,new-body)))
+; We also provide a convenience function that allows you to instance
+; a list of defuns.
+(defun instance-defuns (defun-list subs)
+ (if (endp defun-list)
+ nil
+ (cons (instance-defun (car defun-list) subs)
+ (instance-defuns (cdr defun-list) subs))))
+; Renaming theorems
+(defun defthm-names (event-list)
+ (if (endp event-list)
+ nil
+ (let* ((first-event (car event-list))
+ (event-type (first first-event)))
+ (cond ((or (eq event-type 'defthm)
+ (eq event-type 'defthmd))
+ (cons (second first-event)
+ (defthm-names (cdr event-list))))
+ ((eq event-type 'encapsulate)
+ (append (defthm-names (cddr first-event))
+ (defthm-names (cdr event-list))))
+ (t (defthm-names (cdr event-list)))))))
+(defun create-new-names (name-list suffix)
+ (if (endp name-list)
+ nil
+ (acons (car name-list)
+ (intern-in-package-of-symbol (string-append (symbol-name (car name-list))
+ (symbol-name suffix))
+ suffix)
+ (create-new-names (cdr name-list) suffix))))
+(defun rename-defthms (event-list suffix)
+ (sublis (create-new-names (defthm-names event-list) suffix)
+ event-list))
+; Instantiating Theorems
+; To instantiate defthms, we will want to be able to provide
+; functional instantiations of the generic theory. This is much
+; more complicated than instancing definitions, and involves:
+; a) determining what functional substitutions to make
+; b) determining the theory in which to conduct the proofs
+; c) handling rule classes and other optional components
+; d) generating the actual defthm event
+; My idea is essentially that if a substitution list can be used for
+; functionally instantiating theorems, then it can also be used for
+; creating the new theorem.
+; (a) Determining what functional substitutions to make.
+; I pass in a list of substitutions of the following form.
+; (((predicate ?x) (not (in ?x y)))
+; ((all ?x) (all-not-in ?x y))
+; ((exists ?x) (exists-not-in ?x y)))
+; From this list we can generate the functional instantiation hints.
+; So, for example, we simply convert ((predicate ?x) (not (in ?x y)))
+; into the substitution:
+; (predicate (lambda (?x) (not (in ?x y))))
+; This is easy to do with the following functions:
+(defun sub-to-lambda (sub)
+ (let ((term (first sub))
+ (repl (second sub)))
+ (let ((function-symbol (car term))
+ (lambda-args (cdr term)))
+ `(,function-symbol (lambda ,lambda-args ,repl)))))
+(defun subs-to-lambdas (subs)
+ (if (endp subs)
+ nil
+ (cons (sub-to-lambda (car subs))
+ (subs-to-lambdas (cdr subs)))))
+; (b) Determining the theory in which to conduct the proofs.
+; When we prove the functional instantiation constraints, ideally we
+; should work in an environment where the only definitions that are
+; enabled are the definitions used in the functional instantiation
+; hints.
+; Well, the definitions we need are (almost) simply all of the
+; function symbols in the right-hand side of the substitution list.
+; In other words, for the above substitutions, I would want to have
+; the definitions of not, in, all-not-in, and exists-not-in available.
+; Now, the problem with this approach is, what if those symbols don't
+; have definitions? This can occur if, for example, we are using a
+; constrained function in the substitution list. This is actually
+; useful, e.g., for substituting (predicate ?x) -> (not (predicate
+; ?x)).
+; My solution is a stupid hack. We simply pass in the names of the
+; generic functions for which we do not want to generate definitions
+; along with the substitutinos.
+; To begin, the following function will extract all function symbols
+; that occur within a term.
+ (defun term-functions (term)
+ (if (atom term)
+ nil
+ (cons (car term)
+ (term-list-functions (cdr term)))))
+ (defun term-list-functions (list)
+ (if (endp list)
+ nil
+ (append (term-functions (car list))
+ (term-list-functions (cdr list)))))
+; Next, I wrote the following function, which walks over the
+; substitution list and extracts the function symbols from each right
+; hand side, using term-functions. The net result is the list of all
+; functions that were used in replacements.
+(defun subs-repl-functions (subs)
+ (if (endp subs)
+ nil
+ (let* ((sub1 (car subs))
+ (repl (second sub1)))
+ (append (term-functions repl)
+ (subs-repl-functions (cdr subs))))))
+; Given the above, we could then convert the list of function symbols
+; into a list of (:definition f)'s with the following function.
+(defun function-list-to-definitions (funcs)
+ (if (endp funcs)
+ nil
+ (cons `(:definition ,(car funcs))
+ (function-list-to-definitions (cdr funcs)))))
+; And finally, here is a function that does "all of the work", calling
+; function-list-to-definitions for all of the functions found in the
+; substitution list, minus all of the generic functions that we don't
+; want to generate :definition hints for.
+(defun subs-to-defs (subs generics)
+ (let* ((all-fns (subs-repl-functions subs))
+ (real-fns (set-difference-eq all-fns generics)))
+ (function-list-to-definitions real-fns)))
+; (c) Handling rule classes and other optional components.
+; We are interested in several parts of a defthm. In addition to the
+; conjecture itself, we need to consider the rule-classes used by the
+; theorem, and the other optional attributes such as the :hints, :doc,
+; :otf-flg, etc. We parse these attributes into a five-tuple of pairs
+; of the form (present . value), where present is a boolean that says
+; whether or not the flag has been seen, value is its value, and the
+; order of the elements is rule-classes, instructions, hints, otf-flg,
+; and finally doc. We parse these options with the following code:
+(defconst *default-parse-values*
+ '((nil . nil) (nil . nil) (nil . nil) (nil . nil) (nil . nil)))
+(defun parse-defthm-option (option return-value)
+ (cond ((equal (first option) :rule-classes)
+ (update-nth 0 (list t (second option)) return-value))
+ ((equal (first option) :instructions)
+ (update-nth 1 (list t (second option)) return-value))
+ ((equal (first option) :hints)
+ (update-nth 2 (list t (second option)) return-value))
+ ((equal (first option) :otf-flg)
+ (update-nth 3 (list t (second option)) return-value))
+ ((equal (first option) :doc)
+ (update-nth 4 (list t (second option)) return-value))
+ (t (er hard "Unknown flag in defthm options ~x0." (first option)))))
+(defun parse-defthm-options (options return-value)
+ (if (endp options)
+ return-value
+ (parse-defthm-options (cddr options)
+ (parse-defthm-option options return-value))))
+; (d) Generating the actual defthm event.
+; When we are ready to instance a defthm event, we combine the above
+; work with a few new things. First of all, we need the original
+; theorem event, a new name to use, the substitutions to use, and the
+; list of generic function symbols in use so that we do not create
+; (:definition f) entries for them.
+; We begin by making our substitutions in the body of the theorem. We
+; then parse the optional components of the defthm, but we only are
+; interested in the rule-classes. (Hints, instructions, and otf-flg
+; will not be needed, because we will be proving this via functional
+; instantiation. Doc we ignore for no good reason.) We construct a
+; new theorem that has our new name and body, replicating the rule
+; classes if necessary. We also provide a functional instantiation
+; hint of the generic theorem's name, along with a list of lambda
+; substitutions to make.
+(defun instance-defthm (event new-name subs generics extra-defs)
+ (let* ((defthm-symbol (first event))
+ (defthm-name (second event))
+ (defthm-body (third event))
+ (new-body (instance-rewrite defthm-body subs))
+ (options (parse-defthm-options (cdddr event)
+ *default-parse-values*))
+ (rc-opt (first options)))
+ `(,defthm-symbol ,new-name
+ ,new-body
+ :hints(("Goal"
+ :use (:functional-instance ,defthm-name
+ ,@(subs-to-lambdas subs))
+ :in-theory (union-theories (theory 'minimal-theory)
+ (union-theories ',extra-defs
+ ',(subs-to-defs subs generics)))))
+ ,@(if (car rc-opt) `(:rule-classes ,(cdr rc-opt)) nil))))
+; Instantiating Encapsulates
+; There are two reasons that I typically use encapsulation. The first
+; is as a purely structural/organizational purpose, where I am trying
+; to prove some theorem is true, but I need some lemmas to do so. In
+; this case I use an (encapsulate nil ...) and wrap my lemmas in local
+; forms. The other reason is to actually go ahead and introduce
+; constrained functions.
+; Two strategies will be necessary for handling these situations. In
+; particular, if we are in an encapsulate which has no constrained
+; function symbols, we will want to skip all local events and only add
+; the non-local events (using functional instantiation to create the
+; theorems). On the other hand, for the case when we are introducing
+; constrained functions, we will want to introduce new constrained
+; functions based on the encapsulate.
+; So, encapsulates are handled separately based on whether or not any
+; functions are constrained.
+; Within an (encapsulate nil ...), local events will be skipped and
+; defthm events will be proven using the functional instantiation of
+; their generic counterparts.
+; Within an (encapsulate (...) ...), local events will not be skipped
+; but will instead be reintroduced with new names. Further, defthm
+; events will be copied using new names and will not be proven using
+; functional instantiation.
+; The only "extra" thing we really need for handling encapsulates is a
+; system to make the substitutions within the signatures. We do that
+; here by simple rewriting. Note that we do not allow the number of
+; return values to change. I don't really think of this as a major
+; limitation, since almost always my constrained functions return a
+; single value. If you have an example of where this would be useful,
+; it would be interesting to see it.
+(defun instance-signature (signature subs)
+ (let ((name (first signature))
+ (rest (rest signature)))
+ (cons (instance-rewrite subs name) rest)))
+(defun instance-signatures (signatures subs)
+ (if (endp signatures)
+ nil
+ (cons (instance-signature (car signatures) subs)
+ (instance-signatures (cdr signatures) subs))))
+; Because encapsulates can contain many events within them, it is
+; natural to make them mutually recursive with the main event list
+; handler, which we are now ready to introduce.
+; Instantiating Entire Theories
+; We are now ready to introduce the functions which will walk through
+; a theory and call the appropriate instancing functions on each of
+; the forms we encounter. To support encapsulation, our functions
+; here are all mutually recursive.
+; The arguments that we pass around are the following:
+; - The event or event list to instantiate
+; - The global list of substitutions used to derive the instance
+; - A suffix which will be appended to generate new names
+; - A list of generic functions which have no definitions
+; - A mode, which is either 'constrained to indicate that the
+; nearest encapsulate event has constrained functions, or is nil
+; to indicate that the nearest encapsulate is merely a structural
+; wrapper for local lemmas.
+; Finally, we overload our behavior based on suffix, so that if no
+; suffix is given, we simply replicate the generic theory instead
+; of instantiating a concrete instance of it.
+ (defun instance-event (event subs suffix generics mode extra-defs)
+ (if (null suffix)
+ event
+ (cond ((or (eq (car event) 'defun)
+ (eq (car event) 'defund))
+ (instance-defun event subs))
+ ((or (eq (car event) 'defthm)
+ (eq (car event) 'defthmd))
+ (let* ((name (second event))
+ (new-name (intern-in-package-of-symbol
+ (string-upcase
+ (concatenate 'string
+ (symbol-name name)
+ (symbol-name suffix)))
+ suffix)))
+ (instance-defthm event new-name subs generics extra-defs)))
+ ((equal (car event) 'local)
+ (if (eq mode 'constrained)
+ (instance-event (second event) subs suffix generics mode extra-defs)
+ nil))
+ ((equal (car event) 'encapsulate)
+ (instance-encapsulate event subs suffix generics mode extra-defs))
+ (t (er hard "Don't know how to handle ~x0" (car event))))))
+ (defun instance-event-list (events subs suffix generics mode extra-defs)
+ (if (endp events)
+ nil
+ (let ((first (instance-event (car events) subs suffix generics mode extra-defs))
+ (rest (instance-event-list (cdr events) subs suffix generics mode extra-defs)))
+ (if first
+ (cons first rest)
+ rest))))
+ (defun instance-encapsulate (event subs suffix generics mode extra-defs)
+ (declare (ignore mode))
+ (let* ((signatures (second event))
+ (new-sigs (if signatures
+ (instance-signatures subs signatures)
+ nil))
+ (new-events (instance-event-list (cddr event) subs suffix generics
+ (if signatures
+ 'constrained
+ nil)
+ extra-defs)))
+ `(encapsulate ,new-sigs ,@new-events)))
+; To be able to actually introduce the events, we need to emit a macro that
+; can be used to actually perform substitutions.
+(defmacro instance (theory)
+ (let ((macro-name (intern-in-package-of-symbol
+ (string-upcase (concatenate 'string
+ "instance-" (string theory)))
+ theory)))
+ `(defmacro ,macro-name (&key subs suffix generics extra-defs)
+ (list* 'encapsulate
+ nil
+ (instance-event-list ,theory subs suffix generics nil extra-defs)))))
+; Some thoughts
+; A fundamental issue seems to be that a function and its arguments
+; are not always used in a consistent manner. For example, say we
+; want to rewrite (all ?x) to (all-foo ?x y) and we want to rewrite
+; (predicate ?x) to (not (foo ?x y)). How can we accurately say just
+; what it is that we want to rewrite in each case?
+; Right now our substitutions are based on
+; ( (predicate ?x) (not (foo ?x y)) )
+; ( (all ?x) (all-foo ?x y) )
+; We can easily pick out and say "all" is replaced by "all-foo",
+; but if we try to just use the car of the term as its symbol
+; replacement, then "predicate" would be "not".
+; OK, so we could do some kind of preprocessing step where we fill
+; in argument guards. The "generics" list right now is a big huge
+; hack that allows us to ignore the fact that :predicate doens't
+; have a definition. Really the issue that this is trying to solve
+; is to tell us how to build our :in-theory event. Right now the
+; :in-theory event is just a hack that we don't really understand.