path: root/books/workshops/2004/ruiz-et-al/support/terms-as-dag.lisp
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+++ b/books/workshops/2004/ruiz-et-al/support/terms-as-dag.lisp
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+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; terms-as-dag.lisp
+;;; Título: Storing first--order terms as dags
+;;; ============================================================================
+#| To certify this book:
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(certify-book "terms-as-dag")
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "dag-unification-rules")
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 0) Introducción
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; In this book ({\tt terms-as-dag.lisp}), we define a function to
+;;; store first--order terms (respresented in standard list/prefix
+;;; notation) as directed acyclic graphs (dags), with shared
+;;; variables. This function is essential (it is the first step) in the
+;;; design of a unification algorithm using a dag representation.
+;;; The following function {\tt term-as-dag} (with its main auxiliary
+;;; function {\tt term-as-dag-aux}) receives as input a first--order
+;;; term and a graph and returns a graph that stores the input terms
+;;; (following the conventions explained in the book {\tt
+;;; dags.lisp}). Note that the result is a graph such that the term
+;;; pointed by the index @0@ is the input term:
+(defun term-as-dag-aux (flg term g h variables)
+ (if flg
+ (if (variable-p term)
+ (let* ((bound (assoc term variables))
+ (g (update-dagi-l h (if bound (cdr bound) (cons term t)) g))
+ (new-variables (if bound variables (acons term h variables))))
+ (mv g (1+ h) nil new-variables))
+ (mv-let (g h1 hsl var1)
+ (term-as-dag-aux nil (cdr term) g (1+ h) variables)
+ (let* ((g (update-dagi-l h (cons (car term) hsl) g)))
+ (mv g h1 nil var1))))
+ (if (endp term)
+ (mv g h term variables)
+ (mv-let (g hcar ign varcar)
+ (term-as-dag-aux t (car term) g h variables)
+ (declare (ignore ign))
+ (mv-let (g hcdr hsl varcdr)
+ (term-as-dag-aux nil (cdr term) g hcar varcar)
+ (mv g hcdr (cons h hsl) varcdr))))))
+(defun term-as-dag (term g)
+ (mv-let (g h hs var)
+ (term-as-dag-aux t term g 0 nil)
+ (declare (ignore h hs var))
+ g))
+;;; Example:
+; ACL2 !>(term-as-dag
+; '(f (h x) y (k (g (k y) (k x z))))
+; '(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil))
+; ((F 1 3 4) (H 2) (X . T)
+; (Y . T)
+; (K 5) (G 6 8) (K 7) 3 (K 9 10) 2 (Z . T))
+;;; The main auxiliary function {\tt term-as-dag-aux} is defined
+;;; recursively in the structure of the term stored. The flag @flg@
+;;; indicates if @term@ is considered to be a term or a list of terms,
+;;; as usual. The argument @h@ is an index in the graph @g@; from this index
+;;; on, the term is going to be stored in the graph. Since the term is
+;;; stored with shared variables, the argument @variables@ stored a
+;;; association list, associating variables previously stored with the
+;;; corresponding index of the node where the variable is already stored
+;;; in the graph.
+;;; This function returns a multivalue with four values. The first one
+;;; is the new graph obtained, the second is the first available index
+;;; after the proccess, the third (only makes sense for the case of
+;;; lists of terms) is the list of initial indices where each of the
+;;; terms of the list have been stored, and the fourth is the new
+;;; association list of variables to indices, extending the input
+;;; association list.
+;;; Our goal in this book is to verify this function, showing that it
+;;; sores a term in the conditions required by the rules of
+;;; transformation of a unification algorithm acting on term dags (see
+;;; {\tt dag\--unification\--rules\-.lisp}. That is, we prove the
+;;; following theorems (the predicate {\tt empty-graph-p} describes
+;;; graphs with @nil@ in all its positions):
+; (defthm term-as-dag-term-graph-p
+; (implies (and (empty-graph-p g) (term-p term))
+; (term-graph-p (term-as-dag term g))))
+; (defthm term-as-dag-dag-p
+; (implies (and (empty-graph-p g) (term-p term))
+; (dag-p (term-as-dag term g))))
+; (defthm term-as-dag-stores-term
+; (implies (and (empty-graph-p g) (term-p term))
+; (equal (dag-as-term t 0 (term-as-dag term g))
+; term)))
+; (defthm term-as-dag-no-duplicatesp-variables
+; (implies (and (empty-graph-p g) (term-p term))
+; (no-duplicatesp
+; (list-of-term-dag-variables (term-as-dag term g))))
+;;; These theorems ensure that we can use the function @term-as-dag@ to
+;;; store well--formed unification problems (see the book {\tt
+;;; dag-unification-rules.lisp}). In fact, in the last section of this
+;;; book, we define and verify a function that (using the above function
+;;; {\tt term-as-dag}) stores a given unification problem as directed
+;;; acyclicic graph.
+;;; Finally, note that for the moment we are not talking about
+;;; single--threaded objects. But later (book {\tt
+;;; dag-unification-st.lisp}), we will use the properties of
+;;; these functions to verify an analogue functions defined using stobjs
+;;; (that is, the graph obtained will be destructively updated).
+;;; The following books are used, and contain information that is
+;;; relevant to understand the contents of this book:
+;;; *)
+;;; The book {\tt dag-unification-rules} describes the rules of
+;;; transformation of unification, done with a dag representation of
+;;; terms. It includes the book {\tt dags.lisp}, where it is described
+;;; how term graphs are represented and the meaning of the information
+;;; stored in the nodes
+;;; -)
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 1) The proof strategy
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; Note that verifying the function @term-as-dag@ may be difficult,
+;;; for several reasons:
+;;; *)
+;;; We use an association list to avoid duplication of variables.
+;;; *)
+;;; The node corresponding to a function symbol is updated {\em after}
+;;; the list of its arguments have been stored.
+;;; *)
+;;; To store a list of terms, the @cdr@ of the list is stored having
+;;; as input the graph obtained after storing the @car@ of the list.
+;;; *)
+;;; We must ensure that the graph stored is a directed acyclic graph
+;;; (as defined by @dag-p@). In particular this property has to be
+;;; held in every stage of the proccess (because we need to use
+;;; induction hypothesis in the proof of the theorems).
+;;; -)
+;;; We tried to verify the functions directly and it turned (not very
+;;; surprisingly) very difficult. So we explain now the approach we
+;;; followed. The main idea is to employ some kind of compositional
+;;; reasoning, in order to consider the difficult issues of the proofs
+;;; separately. In particular, we reason about "shared variables" and
+;;; the proccess of "storing the term", separately.
+;;; For that purpose, we define a version of {\tt term-as-dag-aux},
+;;; called {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns}, storing terms (or list of terms)
+;;; but without the burden of getting shared variables. Note that we do
+;;; not need in this case the association list of variables to indices:
+ (defun term-as-dag-aux-ns (flg term g h)
+ (if flg
+ (if (variable-p term)
+ (let ((g (update-dagi-l h (cons term t) g)))
+ (mv g (1+ h) nil))
+ (mv-let (g h1 hsl)
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil (cdr term) g (1+ h))
+ (let* ((g (update-dagi-l h (cons (car term) hsl) g)))
+ (mv g h1 nil))))
+ (if (endp term)
+ (mv g h term)
+ (mv-let (g hcar ign)
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns t (car term) g h)
+ (declare (ignore ign))
+ (mv-let (g hcdr hsl)
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil (cdr term) g hcar)
+ (mv g hcdr (cons h hsl))))))))
+;;; We also define a function that makes variables to be shared in a
+;;; given graph. More precisely, the following function {\tt
+;;; make\--shared\--variables} receives as input a graph, an association
+;;; list (associating variables to indices pointing where they appear
+;;; for the first time in the graph) and a pair of indices (indicating a
+;;; range), and returns a multivalue with a graph where all the
+;;; variables in the range of indices are shared and a new computed
+;;; association list. Note that during the proccess, if a variable node
+;;; is found and the variable is bound in the associaton list to an
+;;; index, then the node is updated to that index. If the variable node
+;;; is not bound in the association list, then the node is not updated,
+;;; but the association list is extended, binding the new variable to
+;;; the current index.
+ (defun make-shared-variables (h1 h2 g variables)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (nfix (- h2 h1))))
+ (cond ((zp (- h2 h1))
+ (mv g variables))
+ ((term-dag-variable-p h1 g)
+ (let ((bound (assoc (term-dag-symbol h1 g) variables)))
+ (if bound
+ (let ((g (update-nth h1 (cdr bound) g)))
+ (make-shared-variables (1+ h1) h2 g variables))
+ (make-shared-variables
+ (1+ h1) h2 g (acons (term-dag-symbol h1 g) h1
+ variables)))))
+ (t (make-shared-variables (1+ h1) h2 g variables)))))
+;;; Our strategy is as follows:
+;;; *)
+;;; Verify the properties of {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns}, showing that
+;;; stores the input term as a directed acyclic graph.
+;;; *)
+;;; Show that {\tt make-shared-variables} preserves those properties.
+;;; *)
+;;; Prove that the composition of {\tt make-shared-variables} and {\tt
+;;; term-as-dag-aux-ns} is equal to {\tt term-as-dag-aux}
+;;; *)
+;;; Combine all the above results to prove the intended properties of
+;;; {\tt term-as-dag-aux}. As a particular case, the properties of
+;;; {\tt term-as-dag}.
+;;; -)
+;;; There is an exception to this strategy: when we prove the {\tt
+;;; term-graph-p} property of the graph obtained by {\tt
+;;; term-as-dag} (theorem {\tt term-as-dag-term-graph-p} above),
+;;; we will reason directly with the definition of the function {\tt
+;;; term-as-dag}.
+(local (in-theory (disable assoc-val)))
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 2) Some properties related to {\tt dag-p}
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; One of the main drawbacks in the proof effort described in this book
+;;; is the proof that the graphs obtained are acyclic, as defined by the
+;;; function @dag-p@ (see {\tt dags.lisp}). In this section we define
+;;; some conditions on graphs stronger than the @dag-p@ condition.
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 2.1) The property {\tt init-term-dag-p}
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; The property @init-term-dag-p@ defined below describes a particular
+;;; type of directed acyclicic graphs: those obtained storing terms
+;;; using the function @term-as-dag@.
+;;; Note the style of the definition: we define {\em a property of
+;;; nodes} ({\tt property\--element\--init\--term\--dag-p} in this
+;;; case). Then we define a function ({\tt init\--term\--dag-p\--aux} in
+;;; this case) checking if that property holds in a list of given
+;;; nodes. Finally we define the function {\tt init\--term\--dag-p}
+;;; checking the property in the list off all the nodes of a graph.
+;;; A graph has the property {\tt init-term-dag-p} if every node is
+;;; @nil@, or a compound node such that its arguments are bigger
+;;; indices, or a variable node, or an "is" node pointing to a previous
+;;; variable node:
+ (defun smaller-than-list (h l)
+ (if (endp l)
+ t
+ (and (< h (car l))
+ (smaller-than-list h (cdr l))))))
+ (defun property-element-init-term-dag-p (h node g)
+ (or (and (natp node) (< node h) (term-dag-variable-p node g))
+ (equal node nil)
+ (and (consp node)
+ (variable-p (car node)) (equal (cdr node) t))
+ (and (consp node)
+ (nat-true-listp (cdr node))
+ (smaller-than-list h (cdr node))))))
+ (defun init-term-dag-p-aux (hs g)
+ (if (endp hs)
+ t
+ (and (property-element-init-term-dag-p (car hs) (nth (car hs) g) g)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (cdr hs) g)))))
+(defun list-from-to (n m)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (nfix (- m n))
+ :guard (and (natp n) (natp m) (<= n m))))
+ (if (zp (- m n))
+ nil
+ (cons n (list-from-to (1+ n) m))))
+;;; First, some properties about the function {\tt list-from-to}:
+ (defthm list-from-to-main-property
+ (implies (and (natp n) (natp m))
+ (iff (member x (list-from-to n m))
+ (and (natp x) (<= n x) (< x m))))))
+; Renamed from nat-listp by Matt K. after v4-3, to avoid conflict with
+; books/arithmetic/nat-listp.lisp.
+ (defun local-nat-listp (l)
+ (if (endp l)
+ t
+ (and (natp (car l))
+ (local-nat-listp (cdr l))))))
+ (defthm list-from-to-local-nat-listp
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2))
+ (local-nat-listp (list-from-to h1 h2)))))
+ (defthm append-list-from-to
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (natp h3)
+ (<= h1 h2) (<= h2 h3))
+ (equal (append (list-from-to h1 h2)
+ (list-from-to h2 h3))
+ (list-from-to h1 h3)))))
+ (defun init-term-dag-p (g)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to 0 (len g)) g)))
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 2.2) The property {\tt tree-p}
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; A particular case of {\tt init\--term\--dag\--p} is the property
+;;; {\tt tree-p}. In this case we do not allow "is" nodes. This kind iof
+;;; graphs are the graphs built by the function {\tt
+;;; term-as-dag-aux-ns}:
+ (defun property-element-tree-p (h node)
+ (or (equal node nil)
+ (and (consp node)
+ (variable-p (car node)) (equal (cdr node) t))
+ (and (consp node)
+ (nat-true-listp (cdr node))
+ (smaller-than-list h (cdr node))))))
+ (defun tree-p-aux (hs g)
+ (if (endp hs)
+ t
+ (and (property-element-tree-p (car hs) (nth (car hs) g))
+ (tree-p-aux (cdr hs) g)))))
+ (defun tree-p (g)
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to 0 (len g)) g)))
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 2.2) The property {\tt init-term-dag-p} implies {\tt dag-p}
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; Due to the main properties of {\tt dag-p} (see {\tt dags.lisp}) we
+;;; only has to show that every path in graph verifying {\tt
+;;; init-term-dag-p} has no duplicates nodes. But this is true because
+;;; the paths in this case are strictly increasing except (possibly) the
+;;; last node (and in that case, this last node is a variable node and
+;;; obvioulsy it has to be the first time it appears in a path):
+;;; We first prove some properties about {\tt init-term-dag-p} before
+;;; disabling the function:
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-aux-member-1
+ (implies (and (init-term-dag-p-aux hs g)
+ (member h hs)
+ (not (term-dag-is-p h g)))
+ (smaller-than-list h (neighbors h g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-aux-member-2
+ (implies (and (member x (neighbors h g))
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux hs g)
+ (member h hs)
+ (term-dag-is-p h g))
+ (not (consp (neighbors x g))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-aux-member-3
+ (implies (and (init-term-dag-p-aux hs g)
+ (member h hs))
+ (nat-true-listp (neighbors h g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm nth-non-nil
+ (implies (and (<= (len l) n) (natp n))
+ (not (nth n l)))))
+;; If a node is not an "is" node, then is smaller than its neighbors.
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-property-1
+ (implies (and (natp h)
+ (init-term-dag-p g)
+ (not (term-dag-is-p h g)))
+ (smaller-than-list h (neighbors h g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :cases ((< h (len g))))
+ ("Subgoal 1" :in-theory (disable neighbors))))
+;; Non--terminal nodes are not neighbors of an "is" node:
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-property-2
+ (implies (and (natp h)
+ (init-term-dag-p g)
+ (term-dag-is-p h g)
+ (consp (neighbors x g)))
+ (not (member x (neighbors h g))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :cases ((< h (len g))))
+ ("Subgoal 1" :in-theory (disable neighbors))))
+;; The list neighbors of every node is a true list of natural numbers:
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-property-3
+ (implies (and (init-term-dag-p g) (natp h))
+ (nat-true-listp (neighbors h g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :cases ((< h (len g))))
+ ("Subgoal 1" :in-theory (disable neighbors))))))
+;;; The three above properties should suffice:
+(local (in-theory (disable neighbors init-term-dag-p)))
+;;; The following sequence of events show that every path in graph
+;;; verifying {\tt init-term-dag-p} has no duplicates. The main idea is
+;;; to split every path into two pieces. The first one is a path with
+;;; its nodes in a strictly increasing order. The second part is empty
+;;; or a variable node that (obviusly) does not appear in the first
+;;; part. Both parts has no nodes in common and no duplicate nodes:
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defun strictly-increasing-path-piece (p)
+ (cond ((or (endp p) (endp (cdr p))) p)
+ ((< (first p) (second p)) (cons (car p)
+ (strictly-increasing-path-piece (cdr
+ p))))
+ (t (list (first p))))))
+ (local
+ (defun remaining-path-piece (p)
+ (cond ((endp p) p)
+ ((endp (cdr p)) (cdr p))
+ ((< (first p) (second p)) (remaining-path-piece (cdr p)))
+ (t (cdr p)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm strictly-increasing-path-piece-append-remaining-path-piece
+ (equal (append (strictly-increasing-path-piece p)
+ (remaining-path-piece p))
+ p)))
+ (local
+ (defun strictly-increasing-list (l)
+ (cond ((endp l) t)
+ ((endp (cdr l)) t)
+ (t (and (< (first l) (second l))
+ (strictly-increasing-list (cdr l)))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm strictly-increasing-path-piece-strictly-increasing
+ (strictly-increasing-list (strictly-increasing-path-piece p))))
+ (local
+ (defthm smaller-than-list-main-property
+ (implies (and (member y l)
+ (not (< x y)))
+ (not (smaller-than-list x l)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm map-nfix-true-listp
+ (implies (nat-true-listp l)
+ (equal (map-nfix l) l))))
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-neighbors-main-property
+ (implies (and (natp h)
+ (<= x h)
+ (consp (neighbors x g))
+ (init-term-dag-p g))
+ (not (member x (neighbors h g))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :cases ((term-dag-is-p h g)))
+ ("Subgoal 2" :use init-term-dag-p-property-1))))
+ (local
+ (defthm remaining-path-piece-main-property
+ (implies (and (path-p p g)
+ (init-term-dag-p g)
+ (not (endp (remaining-path-piece p))))
+ (not (consp (neighbors (first (remaining-path-piece p)) g))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm path-p-with-its-first-a-terminal-node
+ (implies (and (path-p p g)
+ (not (endp (cdr p))))
+ (consp (neighbors (first p) g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm remaining-path-piece-main-property-corollary
+ (implies (and (path-p p g)
+ (init-term-dag-p g)
+ (not (endp (remaining-path-piece p))))
+ (not (consp (cdr (remaining-path-piece p)))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm strictly-increasing-path-piece-non-terminal-nodes
+ (implies (and (path-p p g)
+ (member x (strictly-increasing-path-piece p))
+ (not (endp (remaining-path-piece p))))
+ (consp (neighbors x g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm no-duplicatesp-strictly-increasing
+ (implies (strictly-increasing-list p)
+ (no-duplicatesp p))))
+ (local
+ (defthm no-duplicatesp-unitary
+ (implies (endp (cdr l))
+ (no-duplicatesp l))))
+ (local
+ (defthm disjointp-remaining-path-piece-and-strictly-increasing-path-piece
+ (implies (and (consp (remaining-path-piece p))
+ (path-p p g)
+ (init-term-dag-p g))
+ (disjointp (remaining-path-piece p)
+ (strictly-increasing-path-piece p)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :expand (disjointp (remaining-path-piece p)
+ (strictly-increasing-path-piece
+ p))
+ :in-theory (disable disjointp-conmutative))
+ ("Goal'" :use remaining-path-piece-main-property))))
+ (local
+ (defthm path-p-init-term-dag-p-previous-lemma
+ (implies (and (path-p p g)
+ (init-term-dag-p g))
+ (no-duplicatesp
+ (append (strictly-increasing-path-piece p)
+ (remaining-path-piece p))))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :in-theory
+ (disable
+ strictly-increasing-path-piece-append-remaining-path-piece)
+ :cases ((endp (remaining-path-piece p)))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm path-p-init-term-dag-p
+ (implies (and (path-p p g)
+ (init-term-dag-p g))
+ (no-duplicatesp p))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use path-p-init-term-dag-p-previous-lemma))))
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-implies-dag-p
+ (implies (init-term-dag-p g)
+ (dag-p g))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use dag-p-soundness)))))
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 2.3) The property {\tt tree-p-p} implies {\tt dag-p}
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; This is an easy corollary of the result of the previous section and
+;;; the fact that @tree-p@ is a particular case of @init-term-dag-p@:
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-implies-init-term-dag-p-aux
+ (implies (tree-p-aux hs g)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux hs g))))
+ (defthm tree-p-implies-init-term-dag-p
+ (implies (tree-p g)
+ (init-term-dag-p g))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable init-term-dag-p)))))
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 3) About the {\tt tree-p} property of terms stored with {\tt term\--as\--dag\--aux\--l-ns}
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; We now show that, under some conditions, the graph stored by the
+;;; function {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns} has the {\tt tree-p} property:
+;;; First, we are prove some interesting properties about the function
+;;; {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns} that will be useful in general:
+;;; The available index after storing is an integer bigger than the
+;;; input index. For terms, it is strictly bigger.
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-increases-index
+ (<= h (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h)))
+ :rule-classes :linear))
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-increases-index-strictly
+ (< h (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term g h)))
+ :rule-classes :linear))
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-second-value-integerp
+ (implies (integerp h)
+ (integerp (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))))))
+;;; The list of indices returned as the third value is a natural true
+;;; list that with all its indices bigger than the input index:
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-nat-true-listp
+ (implies (and (natp h) (term-p-aux flg term))
+ (nat-true-listp
+ (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))))))
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-smaller-than-list
+ (implies (and (natp h) (natp h1) (< h h1))
+ (smaller-than-list h
+ (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g h1))))))
+;;; The length of the graph finally obtained is bigger (or equal) than
+;;; the the first available index returned:
+ (defthm len-term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (gf (first res))
+ (hf (second res)))
+ (implies (and (natp h) (or flg (consp term)))
+ (<= hf (len gf))))
+ :rule-classes :linear))
+;;; All the indices in the list returned are smaller than the first
+;;; available index returned:
+ (defun bigger-than-list (h l)
+ (if (endp l)
+ t
+ (and (> h (car l))
+ (bigger-than-list h (cdr l))))))
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-bigger-than-list
+ (implies (natp h)
+ (bigger-than-list (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))))))
+;;; The following sequence of events leads to show the intended property
+;;; for {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns}.
+;;; The elements above the input index are not modified, so the
+;;; @tree-p-aux@ property is preserved:
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-initial-segment-nth
+ (implies (and (natp h) (natp h1) (< h h1))
+ (equal (nth h (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h1)))
+ (nth h g)))))
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-term-as-dag-aux-ns-initial-segment
+ (implies (and (natp h) (natp h1) (<= h h1))
+ (equal (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h h1)
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h1)))
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h h1) g)))))
+;;; Concatenation of list of indices w.r.t. {\tt tree-p-aux}:
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-append
+ (equal (tree-p-aux (append l1 l2) g)
+ (and (tree-p-aux l1 g) (tree-p-aux l2 g)))))
+;;; A particular case, applied to solve one of the induction case of the
+;;; theorem below:
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-append-particular-case
+ (let* ((h1 (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg1 term1 g1 h)))
+ (h2 (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg2 term2 g2 h1))))
+ (implies (natp h)
+ (equal (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h h2) g3)
+ (and (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h h1) g3)
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h1 h2) g3)))))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :in-theory (disable tree-p-aux-append)
+ :use
+ (:instance
+ tree-p-aux-append
+ (l1 (list-from-to
+ h
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg1 term1 g1 h))))
+ (l2 (list-from-to
+ (second
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg1 term1 g1 h))
+ (second
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ flg2 term2 g2
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg1 term1 g1 h))))))
+ (g g3))))))
+;;; Above the first available index, the graph is not modified:
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-final-segment-nth
+ (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h1))
+ (hf (second res)))
+ (implies (and (natp h) (<= hf h) (natp h1))
+ (equal (nth h (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h1)))
+ (nth h g))))))
+;;; And finally the intended property about {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns}:
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm variable-p-property-element-tree-p
+ (implies (variable-p term)
+ (property-element-tree-p h (cons term t)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm compound-node-property-element-tree-p
+ (implies (and (natp h) (natp h1) (< h h1) (term-p-aux nil term))
+ (property-element-tree-p
+ h
+ (cons symb (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g h1)))))))
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-term-as-dag-aux-ns-update-nth
+ (implies (and (natp h) (natp h1) (< h h1))
+ (equal (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h1 h2)
+ (update-nth h x g))
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h1 h2) g))))
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-implies-tree-p-main-lemma
+ (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (gf (first res))
+ (hf (second res)))
+ (implies (and (natp h) (term-p-aux flg term))
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h hf) gf)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable property-element-tree-p))))))
+;;; The above property about {\tt tree-p-aux} can be used to prove the
+;;; intended property about {\tt tree-p}, but before we need some
+;;; technical lemmas:
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm nth-non-nil
+ (implies (and (<= (len l) n) (natp n))
+ (not (nth n l)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-member
+ (implies (and (tree-p-aux l g) (member x l))
+ (property-element-tree-p x (nth x g)))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-property-element-p
+ (implies (and (tree-p g) (natp h))
+ (property-element-tree-p h (nth h g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :cases ((< h (len g))))
+ ("Subgoal 1" :use
+ (:instance tree-p-aux-member
+ (x h)
+ (l (list-from-to 0 (len g)))))))))
+;;; The following sequence of events show the intended result:
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-implies-tree-p-initial-segment
+ (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (gf (first res)))
+ (implies (and (natp h) (tree-p g) (subsetp l (list-from-to 0 h)))
+ (tree-p-aux l gf)))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :induct (len l)
+ :in-theory (disable property-element-tree-p)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-implies-tree-p-final-segment
+ (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (gf (first res))
+ (hf (second res)))
+ (implies (and (natp h) (tree-p g) (subsetp l (list-from-to hf (len gf))))
+ (tree-p-aux l gf)))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :induct (len l)
+ :in-theory (disable property-element-tree-p)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-implies-tree-p-almost
+ (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (gf (first res))
+ (hf (second res))
+ (l1 (list-from-to 0 h))
+ (l2 (list-from-to h hf))
+ (l3 (list-from-to hf (len gf))))
+ (implies (and (natp h) (tree-p g) (term-p-aux flg term))
+ (tree-p-aux (append l1 (append l2 l3)) gf)))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+;; This is the intended result of this section: the term stored by {\tt
+;; term-as-dag-aux-ns} verifies {\tt tree-p}:
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-implies-tree-p
+ (implies (and (natp h)
+ (tree-p g)
+ (term-p-aux flg term))
+ (tree-p (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :cases ((and (not flg) (not (consp term)))))
+ ("Subgoal 2"
+ :in-theory (disable
+ tree-p-aux-append
+ append-list-from-to)
+ :use
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns-implies-tree-p-almost
+ (:instance append-list-from-to
+ (h1 0) (h2 h)
+ (h3 (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))))
+ (:instance append-list-from-to
+ (h1 h)
+ (h2 (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h)))
+ (h3 (len (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h)))))
+ (:instance append-list-from-to
+ (h1 0) (h2 h)
+ (h3 (len (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h)))))))))))
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 4) The term stored using {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns} is the input term
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; In this section we show that {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns} builds a
+;;; graph that represents the input term. That is, we want to show the
+;;; following theorem:
+; (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-dag-as-term-aux-relationship
+; (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+; (g-ret (first res))
+; (hs-ret (third res)))
+; (implies (and (natp h)
+; (term-p-aux flg term)
+; (tree-p g))
+; (equal (dag-as-term flg (if flg h hs-ret) g-ret)
+; term))))
+;;; We consider three stage in our proof:
+;;; *)
+;;; First we show how the {\tt tree-p} property is related to updating
+;;; the graph. This is esssential to be able to use induction
+;;; hypothesis in the proof of the main result.
+;;; *)
+;;; Then we introduce the notion of subgraph, and coincidence in a list
+;;; of indices. We show that when two graphs coincide in a subgraph,
+;;; then the terms stored are the same.
+;;; *)
+;;; The above property can be used to use the induction hypothesis in
+;;; the proof of the main theorem, since, for example, it allows to use
+;;; the value of {\tt dag-as-term} in the rest of arguments of a list
+;;; of terms.
+;;; *)
+;;; We prove the main theorem by induction on the structure of terms.
+;;; -)
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 4.1) The property {\tt tree-p} when updating a graph
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; The following sequence of events are needed to prove the theorems
+;;; {\tt tree-p-update-nth-variables} and {\tt
+;;; tree-p-update-nth-smaller-than-list} below, showing how the {\tt
+;;; tree-p} property is preserved by the updatings done during the
+;;; proccess of {\tt terms-as-dag-l-ns}:
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm len-update-nth-2
+ (implies (natp h) (<= (1+ h) (len (update-nth h x g))))
+ :rule-classes :linear))
+ (local
+ (defthm property-element-tree-p-variable-p
+ (implies (variable-p term)
+ (property-element-tree-p h (cons term t)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-update-nth-variables
+ (implies (and (tree-p-aux hs g) (variable-p term))
+ (tree-p-aux hs (update-nth h (cons term t) g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable property-element-tree-p)
+ :induct (len hs)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm nth-non-nil
+ (implies (and (<= (len l) n) (natp n))
+ (not (nth n l)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-list-from-to-beyond-length-lemma
+ (implies (and (<= (len g) h1)
+ (natp h1)
+ (subsetp hs (list-from-to (len g) h1)))
+ (tree-p-aux hs g))))
+ (local
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-list-from-to-beyond-length
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (<= (len g) h1)
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to 0 (len g)) g))
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to 0 h1) g))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :in-theory (disable
+ tree-p-aux-append
+ append-list-from-to)
+ :use
+ ((:instance append-list-from-to
+ (h1 0) (h2 (len g)) (h3 h1))
+ (:instance tree-p-aux-append
+ (l1 (list-from-to 0 (len g)))
+ (l2 (list-from-to (len g) h1))))))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+ (local
+ (defthm property-element-tree-p-smaller-than-list
+ (implies (and (nat-true-listp l)
+ (smaller-than-list h l))
+ (property-element-tree-p h (cons x l)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-update-nth-smaller-than-list
+ (implies (and (tree-p-aux hs g)
+ (natp h)
+ (local-nat-listp hs)
+ (nat-true-listp l)
+ (smaller-than-list h l))
+ (tree-p-aux hs (update-nth h (cons x l) g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable property-element-tree-p)
+ :induct (len hs)))))
+;; These are the main theorems in this subsection, establishing that the
+;; {\tt tree-p} property is preserved after updating the graph like our
+;; function does:
+ (defthm tree-p-update-nth-variables
+ (implies (and (tree-p g) (variable-p term) (natp h))
+ (tree-p (update-nth h (cons term t) g)))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :use
+ (:instance tree-p-aux-list-from-to-beyond-length
+ (h1 (len (update-nth h (cons term t) g)))))))
+ (defthm tree-p-update-nth-smaller-than-list
+ (implies (and (tree-p g) (natp h)
+ (nat-true-listp l)
+ (smaller-than-list h l))
+ (tree-p (update-nth h (cons x l) g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ (:instance tree-p-aux-list-from-to-beyond-length
+ (h1 (len (update-nth h (cons x l) g)))))))))
+;;; All the needed properties about {\tt tree-p} are now extracted:
+(local (in-theory (disable tree-p)))
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 4.2) Subgraphs and coincidence in subgraphs.
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; When proving (by induction on the structure of terms) the main
+;;; theorem of this section, one of the induction case is a to prove the
+;;; result for non--empty list of terms, having as induction hypothesis
+;;; the result for the first term and the result for the list of the
+;;; rest of terms. To be able to use the first hypothesis, we must show
+;;; that the first term after completing the process it is stored in the
+;;; same way as before storing the rest of the terms. And this is true
+;;; because every time a subterm is stored in the graph, it is stored in
+;;; a subgraph, and subgraphs are "closed" w.r.t. the terms
+;;; stored. We prove this in this subsection.
+;;; Let us first define the notion of {\em subgraph}. The following
+;;; function checks that that all the neighbors (in a graph @g@) of a
+;;; list of nodes @hs1@ are a subset of the list of nodes @hs2@:
+ (defun subsetp-all-neighbors (hs1 hs2 g)
+ (if (endp hs1)
+ t
+ (and (subsetp (neighbors (car hs1) g) hs2)
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors (cdr hs1) hs2 g)))))
+;;; A list of nodes @hs@ is a subgraph of a graph @g@ if all the
+;;; neighbors of the nodes of the list are in the same list.
+ (defun subgraph-p (hs g)
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors hs hs g)))
+;;; The following function define the notion of {\em coincidence} in a
+;;; set of indices of two given graphs.
+ (defun graph-coincide (hs g1 g2)
+ (if (endp hs)
+ t
+ (and (equal (nth (car hs) g1) (nth (car hs) g2))
+ (graph-coincide (cdr hs) g1 g2)))))
+;;; Now we show that if we have two directed acyclic graphs such that a
+;;; given set of indices form a subgraph and coincide in both subgraphs,
+;;; then the function @dag-as-term@ behaves in the same way in both
+;;; subgraphs, for every index of the subgraph. The following sequence
+;;; of events show this (theorem {\tt
+;;; dag-as-term-equal-when-coincide-in-subgraphs} below):
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm graph-coincide-forward-chaining
+ (implies (and (graph-coincide hs g1 g2)
+ (member h hs))
+ (equal (nth h g1) (nth h g2)))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining))
+ (local (in-theory (enable neighbors)))
+ (local
+ (defthm subsetp-coincide-property-1
+ (implies (and (subsetp-all-neighbors hs1 hs2 g)
+ (not (term-dag-variable-p h g))
+ (not (term-dag-is-p h g))
+ (member h hs1))
+ (subsetp (term-dag-args h g) hs2))))
+ (local
+ (defthm subsetp-coincide-property-2
+ (implies (and (subsetp-all-neighbors hs1 hs2 g)
+ (term-dag-is-p h g)
+ (member h hs1))
+ (member (nth h g) hs2))))
+ (defthm subsetp-all-neighbors-forward-chaining
+ (implies (and (subsetp-all-neighbors hs1 hs2 g1)
+ (graph-coincide hs1 g1 g2))
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors hs1 hs2 g2))
+ :rule-classes (:forward-chaining :rewrite))
+ (local (in-theory (disable neighbors)))
+ (defthm dag-as-term-equal-when-coincide-in-subgraphs
+ (implies (and (subgraph-p hs g1)
+ (graph-coincide hs g1 g2)
+ (dag-p g1) (dag-p g2)
+ (if flg (member h hs) (subsetp h hs)))
+ (equal (dag-as-term flg h g1)
+ (dag-as-term flg h g2)))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)))
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 4.3) Subgraphs and coincidence in {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns}
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; We prove now that the terms stored by {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns} are
+;;; subgraphs of the entire graph. And we also prove that if two terms
+;;; are stored sequentially, then the graph obtained after storing the
+;;; first term coincide, in the subgraph corresponding to that subterm,
+;;; with the graph obtained after succesively storing the first and then
+;;; the second.
+;;; In this way, we can use the result in the previous subsection to
+;;; prove two theorems that will allow us to use the induction
+;;; hypothesis in the proof of the main theorem in this section.
+;;; First, we show the result about coincidence of graphs obtained after
+;;; storing two terms sequentially:
+ (defthm graph-coincide-term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ (implies (and (natp h)
+ (subsetp
+ hs
+ (list-from-to h (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg1 term1 g h)))))
+ (graph-coincide
+ hs
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg1 term1 g h))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ flg2 term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg1 term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg1 term1 g h))))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (len hs)))))
+;;; And now, the following sequence of events show that the nodes of the
+;;; graph used to store a term are a subgraph of the entire graph:
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm subsetp-all-neighbors-append
+ (implies (and (subsetp-all-neighbors hs11 hs12 g)
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors hs21 hs22 g))
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors (append hs11 hs21)
+ (append hs12 hs22)
+ g))))
+ (local
+ (defthm very-ugly-lemma
+ (let* ((ret-term1 (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (g-term1 (first ret-term1))
+ (h1 (second ret-term1))
+ (ret-term2 (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2 g-term1 h1))
+ (g-term2 (first ret-term2))
+ (h2 (second ret-term2))
+ (l1 (list-from-to h h1))
+ (l2 (list-from-to h1 h2))
+ (l (list-from-to h h2)))
+ (implies (and (natp h)
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors l1 l1 g-term2)
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors l2 l2 g-term2))
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors l l g-term2)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ (:instance
+ subsetp-all-neighbors-append
+ (hs11 (list-from-to h (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (hs12 (list-from-to h (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (hs21 (list-from-to
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))))
+ (hs22 (list-from-to
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t
+ term1 g h))))))
+ (g (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g
+ h))))))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm subsetp-all-neighbors-coincide-particular-case
+ (let* ((ret-term (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (g-term1 (first ret-term))
+ (h1 (second ret-term))
+ (hs (list-from-to h h1))
+ (g-term2 (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg2 term2 g-term1 h1))))
+ (implies (and (natp h) (subsetp-all-neighbors hs hs g-term1))
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors hs hs g-term2)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm subsetp-all-neighbors-cons-second-argument-lemma
+ (implies (subsetp-all-neighbors l1 l2 g)
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors l1 (cons x l2) g))))
+ (local
+ (defthm subsetp-all-neighbors-cons-second-argument
+ (implies (and (subsetp (neighbors x g) l)
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors l l g))
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors (cons x l) (cons x l) g))))
+ (local
+ (defthm subsetp-all-neighbors-update-nth-not-member
+ (implies (and (not (member h hs1))
+ (natp h)
+ (nat-true-listp hs1)
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors hs1 hs2 g))
+ (subsetp-all-neighbors hs1 hs2 (update-nth h x g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable neighbors)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm nat-true-listp-list-from-to
+ (implies (natp h)
+ (nat-true-listp (list-from-to h h1)))))
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-local-nat-listp
+ (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (hs-ret (third res)))
+ (implies (natp h)
+ (local-nat-listp hs-ret))))
+ (defthm subsetp-list-from-to
+ (implies
+ (and (natp h1) (natp h2)
+ (local-nat-listp hs)
+ (smaller-than-list h1 hs)
+ (bigger-than-list h2 hs))
+ (subsetp hs (list-from-to (1+ h1) h2))))
+ (defthm subgraph-p-term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ (implies (natp h)
+ (subgraph-p
+ (list-from-to
+ h
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h)))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable neighbors))))))
+(local (in-theory (disable subgraph-p)))
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 4.4) The main result of this section
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; We apply the results of the previous subsections to prove the main
+;;; lemmas needed to deal with two induction hypothesis in the proof of
+;;; the main result of this subsection.
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+;; This lemma allows to use one the induction hypothesis (the one for
+;; the first term of the list) in the induction case corresponding to
+;; non-empty list of terms:
+ (local
+ (defthm equal-dag-as-term-composition-of-term-as-dag
+ (let* ((ret-term1 (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (g-term1 (first ret-term1))
+ (h1 (second ret-term1))
+ (ret-term2 (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2 g-term1 h1))
+ (g-term2 (first ret-term2)))
+ (implies (and (natp h) (tree-p g)
+ (term-p-aux t term1) (term-p-aux nil term2))
+ (equal (dag-as-term t h g-term2)
+ (dag-as-term t h g-term1))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ (:instance
+ dag-as-term-equal-when-coincide-in-subgraphs
+ (flg t)
+ (g1 (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h)))
+ (g2 (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ nil term2
+ (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h)))))
+ (hs (list-from-to
+ h (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h)))))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm graph-coincide-update-nth
+ (implies (and (not (member h hs)) (natp h) (local-nat-listp hs))
+ (graph-coincide hs g (update-nth h x g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm list-from-to-local-nat-listp
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2))
+ (local-nat-listp (list-from-to h1 h2)))))
+;; And this lemma allows to use the induction hypothesis (the one for
+;; the list of its arguments) corresponding to the induction case of
+;; non-variable terms:
+ (local
+ (defthm equal-dag-as-term-update-nth
+ (implies
+ (and (natp h)
+ (term-p-aux nil term)
+ (tree-p g))
+ (equal
+ (dag-as-term
+ nil
+ (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g (+ 1 h)))
+ (update-nth h
+ (cons f (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g (1+ h))))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g (+ 1 h)))))
+ (dag-as-term
+ nil
+ (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g (+ 1 h)))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g (+ 1 h))))))
+ :hints
+ (("Goal"
+ :use
+ (:instance
+ dag-as-term-equal-when-coincide-in-subgraphs
+ (flg nil)
+ (h (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g (+ 1 h))))
+ (g1 (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g (+ 1 h))))
+ (g2 (update-nth
+ h
+ (cons f (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g (1+ h))))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g (+ 1 h)))))
+ (hs (list-from-to
+ (1+ h)
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term g (+ 1 h))))))))))
+;; And finally the intended result of this section:
+ (local
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-dag-as-term-aux-relationship
+ (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (g-ret (first res))
+ (hs-ret (third res)))
+ (implies (and (natp h)
+ (term-p-aux flg term)
+ (tree-p g))
+ (equal (dag-as-term flg (if flg h hs-ret) g-ret)
+ term)))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+;; This result is better used in form of a rewriting rule:
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-dag-as-term-aux-relationship-rewrite-rule
+ (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (g-ret (first res))
+ (hs-ret (third res)))
+ (implies (and (natp h)
+ (term-p-aux flg term)
+ (tree-p g)
+ (equal h1 (if flg h hs-ret)))
+ (equal (dag-as-term flg h1 g-ret)
+ term)))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :use term-as-dag-aux-ns-dag-as-term-aux-relationship)))))
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 5) Relationship between {\tt terms\--as\--dag\--aux\--l-ns} and {\tt terms\--as-dag\--aux\--l}
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; Our goal in this subsection is to prove the following theorem:
+; (defthm term-as-dag-aux-in-two-steps
+; (let* ((res1 (term-as-dag-aux flg term g h variables))
+; (g-ret1 (first res1))
+; (res2 (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+; (g-ret2 (first res2))
+; (h-ret2 (second res2)))
+; (implies (and (natp h)
+; (term-p-aux flg term))
+; (equal g-ret1
+; (first (make-shared-variables h h-ret2 g-ret2 variables))))
+;;; That is, we are going to prove that the graph obtained after storing
+;;; a term using the function {\tt term-as-dag-aux} is the same than
+;;; the graph obtained storing the same term with {\tt
+;;; term-as-dag-aux-ns} and after that applying {\tt
+;;; make-shared-variables}.
+;;; The following two properties show that the second value returned by
+;;; term-as-dag-aux is a natural number (that is, the first available
+;;; index after storing the graph).
+ (defthm integerp-term-as-dag-aux
+ (implies (integerp h)
+ (integerp (second (term-as-dag-aux flg term g h variables))))))
+ (defthm integerp-term-as-dag-aux-natp
+ (implies (natp h)
+ (>= (second (term-as-dag-aux flg term g h variables)) 0))
+ :rule-classes :linear))
+;;; Now we establish some properties about the function {\tt
+;;; make-shared-variables} (see its definition in Section 1):
+;;; First, a property about updating the result of a {\tt
+;;; make-shared-variables} outside the range where the sharing of
+;;; variables occur.
+ (defthm update-nth-update-nth-disjoint
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h2 h1))
+ (equal (update-nth h1 x (update-nth h2 y g))
+ (update-nth h2 y (update-nth h1 x g))))))
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-update-nth-disjoint-graph
+ (implies
+ (and (natp h) (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h h1) (<= h1 h2))
+ (equal
+ (first (make-shared-variables
+ h1 h2 (update-nth h x g) variables))
+ (update-nth h x (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))
+ ("Subgoal *1/4.2" :expand (make-shared-variables h1 h2 (update-nth h x g)
+ variables))
+ ("Subgoal *1/3.2" :expand (make-shared-variables h1 h2 (update-nth h x g)
+ variables))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2.2" :expand (make-shared-variables h1 h2 (update-nth h x g)
+ variables)))))
+;;; A fundamental lemma, describing how make shared variables can be
+;;; done in several stages:
+ (defthm make-shared-composition
+ (implies (and (<= h1 h2) (<= h2 h3)
+ (natp h1) (natp h2) (natp h3))
+ (equal (make-shared-variables h1 h3 g variables)
+ (make-shared-variables
+ h2 h3
+ (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))
+ (second (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+;;; The following two lemmas show that some nodes of the original graph
+;;; do not change after making the variables shared:
+ (defthm nth-make-shared-variables
+ (implies (and (natp h) (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h h1))
+ (equal (nth h
+ (car
+ (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))
+ (nth h g)))))
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-does-not-change-non-variables
+ (implies (not (term-dag-variable-p h g))
+ (equal (nth
+ h
+ (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))
+ (nth h g)))))
+;;; The following @encapsulate@ contains the lemmas and definitions
+;;; needed to deal with all the induction cases of the goal theorem in
+;;; this section.
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defun induct-hint-for-last-index-independent-of-graph
+ (flg term g1 g2 h)
+ (if flg
+ (if (variable-p term)
+ (list g1 g2 h)
+ (induct-hint-for-last-index-independent-of-graph
+ nil (cdr term) g1 g2 (1+ h)))
+ (if (endp term)
+ t
+ (mv-let (g1-n hcar ign)
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns t (car term) g1 h)
+ (declare (ignore ign))
+ (mv-let (g2-n ign1 ign2)
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns t (car term) g2 h)
+ (declare (ignore ign1 ign2))
+ (and (induct-hint-for-last-index-independent-of-graph
+ t (car term) g1 g2 h)
+ (induct-hint-for-last-index-independent-of-graph
+ nil (cdr term) g1-n g2-n hcar))))))))
+;; The second and third values returned by {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns} do
+;; not depend on the graph:
+ (local
+ (defthm last-index-independent-of-graph
+ (and
+ (equal (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g1 h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g2 h)))
+ (equal (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g1 h))
+ (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g2 h))))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :induct
+ (induct-hint-for-last-index-independent-of-graph
+ flg term g1 g2 h)))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+;; The second and third values returned by {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns}
+;; and {\tt term-as-dag-aux} are the same:
+ (local
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-term-as-dag-aux-equal-second-argument
+ (equal (second (term-as-dag-aux flg term g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h)))
+ :hints (("Subgoal *1/4'''" :use
+ (:instance last-index-independent-of-graph
+ (flg nil) (term term2)
+ (h (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h)))
+ (g1 (car (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h
+ variables)))
+ (g2 (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-ns-term-as-dag-aux-equal-third-argument
+ (equal (third (term-as-dag-aux flg term g h variables))
+ (third (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h)))
+ :hints (("Subgoal *1/4'''" :use
+ (:instance last-index-independent-of-graph
+ (flg nil) (term term2)
+ (h (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h)))
+ (g1 (car (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h
+ variables)))
+ (g2 (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))))))
+;; The following (very long lemmas) deal with induction case 4 of the
+;; induction proof of our main goal:
+ (local
+ (defthm last-index-independent-of-graph-particular-case
+ (equal
+ (cadr
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (car (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g
+ h)))))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :use
+ (:instance last-index-independent-of-graph
+ (flg nil) (term term2)
+ (h (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h)))
+ (g1 (car (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h
+ variables)))
+ (g2 (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm update-nth-term-as-dag-aux-ns-below
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h1 h2))
+ (equal
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ flg term (update-nth h1 x g) h2))
+ (update-nth h1 x
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ flg term g h2)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ flg term g h2))
+ ("Subgoal *1/4.1'"
+ :use (:instance last-index-independent-of-graph
+ (flg t) (term term1)
+ (h h2)
+ (g1 (update-nth h1 x g)) (g2 g)))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2.1''"
+ :use (:instance last-index-independent-of-graph
+ (flg nil) (term term2) (g1 g) (h (+ 1 h2))
+ (g2 (update-nth h1 x g)))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-terms-as-dag-aux-l-ns-graph
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2))
+ (equal (first
+ (make-shared-variables
+ h1 h2
+ (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h2))
+ variables))
+ (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ flg term (car (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g
+ variables))
+ h2))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-terms-as-dag-aux-l-ns-variables
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2))
+ (equal (second
+ (make-shared-variables
+ h1 h2
+ (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h2))
+ variables))
+ (second
+ (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm induction-case-4-term-as-dag-aux-in-two-steps-graph
+ (implies
+ (and
+ (equal
+ (first (make-shared-variables h
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ variables))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables)))
+ (equal
+ (second (make-shared-variables h
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ variables))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables)))
+ (equal
+ (first
+ (make-shared-variables
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))))
+ (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables)))))
+ (equal
+ (second
+ (make-shared-variables
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))))
+ (fourth
+ (term-as-dag-aux nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables)))))
+ (natp h))
+ (equal
+ (first
+ (make-shared-variables
+ h
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ variables))
+ (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ (:instance make-shared-composition
+ (h1 h)
+ (h2 (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h)))
+ (h3 (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ nil term2
+ (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h)))))
+ (g (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ nil term2
+ (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm induction-case-4-term-as-dag-aux-in-two-steps-variable
+ (implies
+ (and
+ (equal
+ (first (make-shared-variables h
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ variables))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables)))
+ (equal
+ (second (make-shared-variables h
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ variables))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables)))
+ (equal
+ (first
+ (make-shared-variables
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))))
+ (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables)))))
+ (equal
+ (second
+ (make-shared-variables
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))))
+ (fourth
+ (term-as-dag-aux nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables)))))
+ (natp h))
+ (equal
+ (second
+ (make-shared-variables
+ h
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))
+ variables))
+ (fourth
+ (term-as-dag-aux nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h variables))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (fourth (term-as-dag-aux t term1 g h
+ variables))))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ (:instance
+ make-shared-composition
+ (h1 h)
+ (h2 (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h)))
+ (h3 (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h)))))
+ (g (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns
+ nil term2
+ (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))
+ (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term1 g h))))))))))
+;; The following deal with induction case 2 of the induction proof of
+;; our main goal:
+ (local
+ (defthm update-nth-update-nth-at-the-same-index
+ (equal (update-nth h y (update-nth h x g))
+ (update-nth h y g))))
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-non-variable-term
+ (implies
+ (and (natp h) (natp h2) (<= h h2)
+ (nat-true-listp l))
+ (equal
+ (make-shared-variables
+ h h2 (update-nth h (cons f l) g) variables)
+ (make-shared-variables
+ (1+ h) h2 (update-nth h (cons f l) g) variables)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-update-nth-disjoint-variables
+ (implies
+ (and (natp h) (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h h1) (<= h1 h2))
+ (equal
+ (cadr (make-shared-variables
+ h1 h2 (update-nth h x g) variables))
+ (cadr (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))
+ ("Subgoal *1/4.2"
+ :expand (make-shared-variables h1 h2 (update-nth h x g) variables))
+ ("Subgoal *1/3.2"
+ :expand (make-shared-variables h1 h2 (update-nth h x g) variables))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2.2"
+ :expand (make-shared-variables h1 h2 (update-nth h x g) variables)))))
+;; The following deals with base case 1 of the induction proof of our
+;; main goal. Note that the lemma is needed because in some cases
+;; the definition of {\tt make-shared-variables} is not expanded.
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-one-position-one-variable
+ (implies (and (variable-p term)
+ (natp h))
+ (equal (make-shared-variables
+ h (1+ h) (update-nth h (cons term t) g) variables)
+ (if (assoc term variables)
+ (list
+ (update-nth h (cdr (assoc term variables)) g)
+ variables)
+ (list (update-nth h (cons term t) g)
+ (cons (cons term h) variables)))))))
+;; And finally, the intended result, proved by induction on the
+;; structure of @term@
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-in-two-steps
+ (let* ((res1 (term-as-dag-aux flg term g h variables))
+ (g-ret1 (first res1))
+ (var-ret1 (fourth res1))
+ (res2 (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (g-ret2 (first res2))
+ (h-ret2 (second res2)))
+ (implies (and (natp h)
+ (term-p-aux flg term))
+ (and (equal g-ret1
+ (first (make-shared-variables h h-ret2 g-ret2 variables)))
+ (equal var-ret1
+ (second (make-shared-variables h h-ret2 g-ret2
+ variables)))))))))
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 6) Sharing variables preserves {\tt dag-p}
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; Our intention in this section is to prove a theorem that will allow
+;;; us to conclude that after applying {\tt make-shared-variables} to
+;;; the graph obtained by {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns} we obtain a graph
+;;; thta verifies the {\tt init-term-dag-p} property and, consequently,
+;;; the {\tt dag-p} property. Since we have proved in section 3 that the
+;;; graph obtained by {\tt term-as-dag-aux-ns} verifies {\tt tree-p}
+;;; then the following theorem will be our final goal in this section:
+; (defthm init-term-dag-p-make-shared-variables
+; (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h1 h2) (<= h2 (len g))
+; (tree-p g) (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables))
+; (init-term-dag-p
+; (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))))
+;;; This theorem will be a particular case of a more general theorem
+;;; that can be proved by induction. The function {\tt
+;;; variables-well-stored-p} defines some kind of "invariant" during the
+;;; proccess of making variables shared; it defines how the association
+;;; list computed by {\tt make-shared-variables} is related to the "piece"
+;;; of graph already processed.
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 6.1) Definition of the invariant
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; As we have said above, the following definition formalizes some kind
+;;; of "invariant" during the proccess of making variables shared; it
+;;; defines how the association list computed by {\tt
+;;; make-shared-variables} is related to the "piece" of graph already
+;;; processed. Intuitively, it establishes that the association list
+;;; @variables@ binds the variable nodes of the graph @g@ to the index
+;;; of the nodes of the graph where they appear, for all the nodes with
+;;; index less than @h@. That is, if we have made variables shared in
+;;; @g@ until index @h-1@ then {\tt ((variables-well-stored-p h g
+;;; variables)} where @vraibles@ is the association list computed {\tt
+;;; make-shared-variables} up to that moment.
+ (defun variables-well-stored-p (h g variables)
+ (cond ((zp h) (equal variables nil))
+ ((term-dag-variable-p (1- h) g)
+ (and (equal (term-dag-symbol (1- h) g) (caar variables))
+ (equal (cdar variables) (1- h))
+ (variables-well-stored-p (1- h) g (cdr variables))))
+ (t (variables-well-stored-p (1- h) g variables)))))
+;;; Now we prove some properties about @variables-well-stored-p@. For
+;;; example, if {\tt (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)}, then in
+;;; the association list @variables@ the variables are bound to
+;;; natural numbers strictly less than the index @h1@, and those numbers
+;;; point to variable nodes in the graph.
+ (defthm variables-well-stored-p-integerp
+ (implies (and (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (assoc x variables))
+ (integerp (cdr (assoc x variables))))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription))
+ (defthm variables-well-stored-p-positive
+ (implies (and (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (assoc x variables))
+ (<= 0 (cdr (assoc x variables))))
+ :rule-classes :linear))
+ (defthm variables-well-stored-p-index-less-than
+ (implies (and (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (natp h1)
+ (assoc x variables))
+ (< (cdr (assoc x variables)) h1))
+ :rule-classes :linear))
+ (defthm variables-well-stored-p-index-stores-variables
+ (implies (and (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (natp h1)
+ (assoc x variables))
+ (term-dag-variable-p (cdr (assoc x variables)) g))))
+;;; These two lemmas establish how updating affects to {\tt
+;;; variables-well-stored-p}:
+ (defthm variales-well-stored-p-update-nth-above-the-index
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h1 h2))
+ (equal (variables-well-stored-p h1 (update-nth h2 x g)
+ variables)
+ (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables))
+ ("Subgoal *1/5"
+ :expand
+ (variables-well-stored-p h1 (update-nth h2 x g) variables)))))
+ (defthm variables-well-stored-p-update-nth-at-the-index
+ (implies (and (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables)
+ (natp h1)
+ (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables))
+ (variables-well-stored-p
+ (+ 1 h1)
+ (update-nth h1
+ (cdr (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ g)
+ variables))
+ :hints (("Goal" :expand (variables-well-stored-p
+ (+ 1 h1)
+ (update-nth h1
+ (cdr (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ g)
+ variables)))))
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 6.2) Proving the invariant and the intended property
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; The following sequence of events helps to prove the lemma {\tt
+;;; init-term-dag-p-make-shared-variables-main-lemma}, which describes
+;;; the main invariant related to the {\tt init-term-dag-p} property
+;;; during the proccess. The goal theorem in this section will be a
+;;; particular case of that lemma.
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-aux-append
+ (equal (init-term-dag-p-aux (append hs1 hs2) g)
+ (and (init-term-dag-p-aux hs1 g)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux hs2 g)))))
+;; Needed for {\tt Subgoal *1/4.3}
+ (local
+ (defthm property-element-tree-p-property-element-init-term-dag-p
+ (implies (property-element-tree-p h node)
+ (property-element-init-term-dag-p h node g))))
+ (local
+ (in-theory (disable property-element-tree-p
+ property-element-init-term-dag-p)))
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-aux-property-element-tree-p-lemma
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h0) (<= h0 h1)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 h1) g)
+ (property-element-tree-p h1 (nth h1 g)))
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (append (list-from-to h0 h1)
+ (list-from-to h1 (1+ h1)))
+ g))))
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-aux-property-element-tree-p
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h0) (<= h0 h1)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 h1) g)
+ (property-element-tree-p h1 (nth h1 g)))
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 (1+ h1))
+ g))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use init-term-dag-p-aux-property-element-tree-p-lemma
+ :in-theory (disable list-from-to)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-implies-property-element-tree-p
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h1 h2)
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h1 h2) g))
+ (property-element-tree-p h1 (nth h1 g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-aux-one-index-beyond
+ (implies (and (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h1 h2) g)
+ (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h1 h2) (natp h0) (<= h0 h1)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 h1) g))
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 (1+ h1)) g))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :use init-term-dag-p-aux-property-element-tree-p))))
+;; Needed for {\tt Subgoal *1/4.2}
+ (local
+ (defthm variables-well-stored-p-variables-one-index-beyond
+ (implies (and (not (term-dag-variable-p h1 g))
+ (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables))
+ (variables-well-stored-p (1+ h1) g variables))))
+;; Needed for {\tt Subgoal *1/4.1}
+ (local
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-one-index-less
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h1 h2)
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h1 h2) g))
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to (1+ h1) h2) g))))
+;; Needed for {\tt Subgoal *1/3.1}
+ (local
+ (defthm variables-well-stored-p-one-step-beyond
+ (implies (and (natp h1)
+ (term-dag-variable-p h1 g)
+ (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables))
+ (variables-well-stored-p (1+ h1) g
+ (cons (cons (car (nth h1 g)) h1)
+ variables)))))
+;; Needed for {\tt Subgoal *1/2.2'}
+ (local
+ (defthm variables-well-stored-p-not-variable-if-stored
+ (implies (and (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ (not (equal (cddr (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ t)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use (:instance variables-well-stored-p-integerp
+ (x (car (nth h1 g))))))))
+;; Needed for {\tt Subgoal *1/2.1}
+ (local
+ (defthm variables-well-stored-p-property-element-init-term-dag-p-update-nth
+ (implies (and (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (natp h1)
+ (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ (property-element-init-term-dag-p
+ h1 (cdr (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ (update-nth h1
+ (cdr (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable property-element-init-term-dag-p)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm property-element-init-term-dag-p-update-nth
+ (implies (and (natp h0) (natp h2) (< h0 h2)
+ (property-element-init-term-dag-p h0 (nth h0 g)
+ g))
+ (property-element-init-term-dag-p h0 (nth h0 g)
+ (update-nth h2 x g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable property-element-init-term-dag-p)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-aux-list-from-to-update-nth
+ (implies (and (natp h0) (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h0 h1) (<= h1 h2)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 h1) g))
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 h1) (update-nth h2 x g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-aux-update-nth-one-index-beyond-almost
+ (implies (and (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (natp h1) (natp h0) (<= h0 h1)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 h1) g)
+ (equal (cdr (nth h1 g)) t)
+ (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (append (list-from-to h0 h1)
+ (list-from-to h1 (1+ h1)))
+ (update-nth h1
+ (cdr (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable append-list-from-to)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-aux-update-nth-one-index-beyond
+ (implies (and (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (natp h1) (natp h0) (<= h0 h1)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 h1) g)
+ (equal (cdr (nth h1 g)) t)
+ (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 (+ 1 h1))
+ (update-nth h1
+ (cdr (assoc (car (nth h1 g)) variables))
+ g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use init-term-dag-p-aux-update-nth-one-index-beyond-almost
+ :in-theory (disable list-from-to)))))
+;; And finally the main lemma:
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-make-shared-variables-main-lemma
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (natp h0)
+ (<= h0 h1) (<= h1 h2)
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h1 h2) g)
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux (list-from-to h0 h1) g)
+ (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables))
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux
+ (list-from-to h0 h2)
+ (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))
+;; We now prove the theorem {\tt init-term-dag-p-make-shared-variables}
+;; presented above, simply noting that when {\tt tree-p} is verified by
+;; a graph, then it verifies {\tt tree-p-aux} for every range of natural
+;; numbers:
+ (local (in-theory (disable property-element-tree-p)))
+ (local
+ (defthm property-element-tree-p-natp-all-indices
+ (implies (and (tree-p g)
+ (local-nat-listp hs))
+ (tree-p-aux hs g))))
+ (local
+ (defthm nth-aux-make-shared-variables-beyond-the-limit
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (natp h3) (<= h2 h3))
+ (equal (nth h3 (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g
+ variables)))
+ (nth h3 g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm tree-p-aux-make-shared-variables-beyond-the-limit
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (natp h3)
+ (<= h2 h3) (natp h4)
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h3 h4) g))
+ (tree-p-aux (list-from-to h3 h4)
+ (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-make-shared-variables-bridge-lemma
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h1 h2)
+ (tree-p g) (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables))
+ (init-term-dag-p-aux
+ (append (list-from-to 0 h2)
+ (list-from-to h2
+ (len
+ (first
+ (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))))
+ (first
+ (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+ (local
+ (defthm len-update-nth-corollary
+ (implies
+ (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h1 h2)
+ (< h1 h2) (<= h2 (len g)))
+ (not (< (len (update-nth h1 x g)) h2)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm len-make-shared-variables-auxiliar-property
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h1 h2) (<= h2 (len g)))
+ (<= h2 (len (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g
+ variables)))))
+ :rule-classes :linear))
+;; Finally, the intended property:
+ (defthm init-term-dag-p-make-shared-variables
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h1 h2) (<= h2 (len g))
+ (tree-p g) (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables))
+ (init-term-dag-p
+ (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ init-term-dag-p-make-shared-variables-bridge-lemma
+ :in-theory (enable tree-p init-term-dag-p))))))
+;;; Note that when @h1@ is @0@, then the condition {\tt
+;;; (variables-well-stored-p 0 g nil)} trivially holds, so the above
+;;; theorem trivially implies that whenever {\tt (tree-p g)} then the
+;;; graph {\tt (first (make-shared-variables 0 (len g) g nil))} verifies
+;;; the {\tt init-term-dag-p} property.
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 7) How making shared variables affects to the graph
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; In this section we prove that the variables of the graph obtained
+;;; after making the variables of a graph to be shared are
+;;; not duplicated. That is, our goal in this sectionis:
+; (defthm no-duplicatesp-make-shared-variables-particular-case
+; (no-duplicatesp
+; (list-of-term-dag-variables
+; (first
+; (make-shared-variables 0 (len g) g nil))))
+;;; And also we show that making variables to be shared preserves the
+;;; stored first--order terms. That is, the following theorem:
+; (defthm dag-as-term-make-shared-variables
+; (implies (and
+; (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h1 h2)
+; (dag-p g)
+; (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+; (dag-p (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))
+; (equal (dag-as-term
+; flg h (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g
+; variables)))
+; (dag-as-term flg h g))))
+;;; The main lemma needed in this section is the lemma {\tt
+;;; make-shared-variables-variables-main-lemma} below establishing the
+;;; relation between the variables bound by the association list
+;;; computed by {\tt make-shared-variables}, and the variables appearing
+;;; in the graph computed by {\tt make-shared-variables}:
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (defun nths-from-to (l h1 h2)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (nfix (- h2 h1))))
+ (if (zp (- h2 h1))
+ nil
+ (cons (nth h1 l)
+ (nths-from-to l (1+ h1) h2))))
+ (defun my-subseq-list (l h1 h2)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (list* (cons 1 (1+ (nfix (- h2 h1)))) (nfix h1))))
+ (cond ((zp (- h2 h1)) nil)
+ ((zp h1) (cons (car l) (my-subseq-list (cdr l) h1 (- h2 1))))
+ (t (my-subseq-list (cdr l) (- h1 1) (- h2 1)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm update-nth-nths-from-to
+ (implies (and (natp h) (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h h1))
+ (equal (nths-from-to (update-nth h x g) h1 h2)
+ (nths-from-to g h1 h2)))))
+ (defun alist-to-acl2-numberp (a)
+ (if (endp a)
+ t
+ (and (acl2-numberp (cdar a))
+ (alist-to-acl2-numberp (cdr a)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm alist-to-indices-does-not-provide-dag-variables
+ (implies (and (alist-to-acl2-numberp a)
+ (assoc x a))
+ (acl2-numberp (cdr (assoc x a))))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription))
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-variables-main-lemma
+ (implies (and (natp h1)
+ (natp h2)
+ (alist-to-acl2-numberp variables))
+ (equal
+ (strip-cars
+ (second (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))
+ (revappend
+ (list-of-term-dag-variables
+ (nths-from-to
+ (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))
+ h1 h2))
+ (strip-cars variables))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))))
+;;; As a particular case of this main lemma, the lemma {\tt
+;;; make-shared-variables-variables} below establish the relation
+;;; between the variables bound by the association list and the
+;;; variables of the graph after making variables to be shared in {\em all}
+;;; the graph.
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm equal-nths-from-to-my-subseq-list-lemma
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (< h1 h2))
+ (equal (my-subseq-list l h1 h2)
+ (cons (nth h1 l)
+ (my-subseq-list l (+ 1 h1) h2))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm equal-nths-from-to-my-subseq-list
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2))
+ (equal (nths-from-to l h1 h2)
+ (my-subseq-list l h1 h2)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm my-subseq-list-particular-case
+ (equal (my-subseq-list l 0 (len l))
+ (fix-true-list l))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+ (local
+ (defthm nths-from-to-particular-case
+ (equal (nths-from-to l 0 (len l)) (fix-true-list l))))
+ (local
+ (defthm list-of-term-dag-variables-fix-true-list-l
+ (equal (list-of-term-dag-variables (fix-true-list l))
+ (list-of-term-dag-variables l))))
+ (local
+ (defthm revappend-rev-list
+ (equal (revappend l ac)
+ (append (revlist l) ac))))
+ (local
+ (defthm len-update-nth-corollary-2
+ (implies (and (natp h) (< h (len g)))
+ (equal (len (update-nth h x g)) (len g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm len-make-shared-variables-arithmetic-lemma
+ (implies (and (not (zp (- h2 h1)))
+ (natp h1) (natp h2)
+ (<= h1 h2)
+ (<= h2 x))
+ (< h1 x))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+ (local
+ (defthm len-make-shared-variables
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h1 h2) (<= h2 (len g)))
+ (equal
+ (len (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))
+ (len g)))
+ :hints (("Subgoal *1/4"
+ :use (:instance len-make-shared-variables-arithmetic-lemma
+ (x (len g)))))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-variables
+ (equal
+ (revlist
+ (list-of-term-dag-variables
+ (first
+ (make-shared-variables 0 (len g) g nil))))
+ (strip-cars
+ (second (make-shared-variables 0 (len g) g nil))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ ((:instance len-make-shared-variables
+ (h1 0) (h2 (len g)) (variables nil))
+ (:instance my-subseq-list-particular-case
+ (l (car (make-shared-variables 0 (len g) g nil)))))))))
+;; Finally it is to show that the variables bound by the association
+;; list are not duplicated, and consequently (using the previous lemmas)
+;; we prove (theorem {\tt
+;; no-duplicatesp-make-shared-variables-particular-case}) that the list
+;; of variables of the graph after making variables to be shared are not
+;; duplicated (that is, the main goal in this section):
+ (local
+ (defthm member-strip-cars-assoc
+ (implies (alistp a)
+ (iff (member x (strip-cars a))
+ (assoc x a)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm no-duplicatesp-make-shared-variables
+ (implies (and (alistp variables) (no-duplicatesp (strip-cars variables)))
+ (no-duplicatesp
+ (strip-cars
+ (second
+ (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm no-duplicatesp-make-shared-variables-particular-case-lemma
+ (no-duplicatesp
+ (revlist
+ (list-of-term-dag-variables
+ (first
+ (make-shared-variables 0 (len g) g nil)))))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :in-theory
+ (disable equal-nths-from-to-my-subseq-list
+ no-duplicatesp-revlist
+ make-shared-variables-variables-main-lemma)))))
+ (defthm no-duplicatesp-make-shared-variables-particular-case
+ (no-duplicatesp
+ (list-of-term-dag-variables
+ (first
+ (make-shared-variables 0 (len g) g nil))))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :use
+ no-duplicatesp-make-shared-variables-particular-case-lemma
+ :in-theory (disable
+ no-duplicatesp-make-shared-variables-particular-case-lemma
+ make-shared-variables-variables))))
+;; {\bf We now prove the last piece of our strategy}, before assembling the
+;; pieces to prove our main goals in this book. We show now that the
+;; terms computed by the function {\tt dag-as-term} are preserved
+;; after making variables to be shared.
+ (local
+ (defthm variables-are-not-is
+ (implies (term-dag-variable-p h g)
+ (not (term-dag-is-p h g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm variables-well-stored-p-assoc
+ (implies (and (assoc x variables)
+ (variables-well-stored-p h g variables))
+ (equal (car (nth (cdr (assoc x variables)) g))
+ x))))
+ (local
+ (defthm car-update-nth-in-strictly-positives-indices
+ (implies (and (integerp h) (< 0 h))
+ (equal (car (update-nth h x g)) (car g)))))
+;; Attention! The proof of the following lemma is very long, but I
+;; prefer not to impose condition on @h@, since in that case I have to
+;; impose conditions on @g@ and @gms@.
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-dag-as-term-lemma
+ (let* ((c1 (nth h g))
+ (gms (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))
+ (c2 (nth h gms)))
+ (implies (and
+ (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h1 h2)
+ (not (equal c1 c2))
+ (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (term-dag-variable-p h g))
+ (and (integerp c2)
+ (term-dag-variable-p c2 gms)
+ (equal (term-dag-symbol c2 gms)
+ (term-dag-symbol h g)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-dag-as-term
+ (implies (and
+ (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h1 h2)
+ (dag-p (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))
+ flg
+ (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (term-dag-variable-p h g))
+ (equal (dag-as-term flg h
+ (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g
+ variables)))
+ (car (nth h g))))
+ :hints
+ (("Goal"
+ :cases
+ ((equal (nth h g)
+ (nth h (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables)))))))))
+;; And finally one of the intended theorems in this section, showing that {\tt
+;; make-shared-variables} preserves the value of {\tt dag-as-term}.
+ (defthm dag-as-term-make-shared-variables
+ (implies (and
+ (natp h1) (natp h2) (<= h1 h2)
+ (dag-p g)
+ (variables-well-stored-p h1 g variables)
+ (dag-p (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))
+ (equal (dag-as-term
+ flg h (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g
+ variables)))
+ (dag-as-term flg h g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (dag-as-term flg h g))))))
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 9) Assembling all the pieces
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; Recall that our goal is to prove the main properties of the graph
+;;; computed by {\tt term-as-dag}, those properties that allows us to
+;;; apply our unification algorithm acting on term dags to that
+;;; graph. That is, under certain initial conditions, the following
+;;; properties hold:
+;;; *)
+;;; The graph is a well--formed directed acyclic graph
+;;; *)
+;;; The graph has no duplicates variables
+;;; *)
+;;; The term stored in the graph (at index 0) is the input term
+;;; -)
+;;; This is the initial conditions we will assume about the graph {\em
+;;; before} storing the graph. We simply assume that all the nodes are empty:
+(defun empty-graph-p (g)
+ (declare (xargs :guard t))
+ (if (atom g)
+; (equal g nil)
+ t
+ (and (not (car g))
+ (empty-graph-p (cdr g)))))
+;;; 9.2) Properties
+ (defthm empty-graph-p-main-property
+ (implies (and (not (equal x nil))
+ (member x g))
+ (not (empty-graph-p g)))))
+ (defthm empty-graph-p-nth-main-property
+ (implies (not (equal (nth h g) nil))
+ (not (empty-graph-p g)))))
+(defthm empty-graph-p-bounded-term-graph-p
+ (implies (empty-graph-p g)
+ (bounded-term-graph-p g n)))
+(defthm empty-graph-p-resize-list
+ (implies (empty-graph-p g)
+ (empty-graph-p (resize-list g size nil))))
+;;; In particular, the intended result:
+(defthm empty-graph-p-implies-term-graph-p
+ (implies (empty-graph-p g)
+ (term-graph-p g))
+ :rule-classes nil)
+;;; This condition trivially implies {\tt tree-p}:
+ (defthm empty-graph-p-property-element-tree-p
+ (implies (and (empty-graph-p g)
+ (or (member node g)
+ (equal node nil)))
+ (property-element-tree-p h node))))
+ (defthm empty-graph-p-property-element-tree-p-nth
+ (implies (empty-graph-p g)
+ (property-element-tree-p h (nth h g)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use (:instance empty-graph-p-property-element-tree-p
+ (node (nth h g)))))))
+(defthm member-nth-property
+ (implies (not (equal (nth h g) nil))
+ (member (nth h g) g)))
+ (defthm empty-graph-p-tree-p-aux
+ (implies (empty-graph-p g)
+ (tree-p-aux hs g))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable property-element-tree-p)))))
+ (defthm empty-graph-p-tree-p
+ (implies (empty-graph-p g)
+ (tree-p g))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable tree-p)))))
+;;; The graph obtained by {\tt term-as-dag} verifies {\tt
+;;; init-term-dag-p}:
+ (defthm term-as-dag-init-term-dag-p
+ (implies (and (tree-p g) (term-p term))
+ (init-term-dag-p (term-as-dag term g)))))
+;;; The graph obtained by {\tt term-as-dag} is a directed acyclic graph
+(defthm term-as-dag-dag-p
+ (implies (and (empty-graph-p g) (term-p term))
+ (dag-p (term-as-dag term g))))
+;;; The graph obtained by {\tt term-as-dag} stores the input term (at
+;;; index 0):
+(defthm term-as-dag-stores-term
+ (implies (and (empty-graph-p g) (term-p term))
+ (equal (dag-as-term t 0 (term-as-dag term g))
+ term)))
+;;; And the following sequence of events shows that the list of
+;;; variables of the graph obtained by {\tt term-as-dag} has no
+;;; duplicates (theorem {\tt term-as-dag-no-duplicatesp-variables}
+;;; below):
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defun empty-graph-p-aux (hs g)
+ (declare (xargs :guard (and (nat-true-listp hs) (true-listp g))))
+ (if (endp hs)
+ t
+ (and (equal (nth (car hs) g) nil)
+ (empty-graph-p-aux (cdr hs) g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm empty-graph-p-empty-graph-p-aux
+ (implies (empty-graph-p g)
+ (empty-graph-p-aux hs g))))
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-empty-graph-p-aux-1
+ (implies (and (natp h2) (natp h3)
+ (<= h2 h3)
+ (empty-graph-p-aux (list-from-to h2 h3) g))
+ (equal (first (make-shared-variables h2 h3 g variables))
+ g))))
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-empty-graph-p-aux-2
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (natp h3) (natp h4)
+ (<= h1 h2) (<= h2 h3) (<= h3 h4)
+ (empty-graph-p-aux (list-from-to h3 h4) g))
+ (empty-graph-p-aux
+ (list-from-to h3 h4)
+ (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm make-shared-variables-empty-graph-p-aux-final-segment
+ (implies (and (natp h1) (natp h2) (natp h3)
+ (<= h1 h2) (<= h2 h3)
+ (empty-graph-p-aux (list-from-to h2 h3) g))
+ (equal (first (make-shared-variables h1 h3 g variables))
+ (first (make-shared-variables h1 h2 g variables))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use make-shared-composition))))
+ (local
+ (defthm empty-graph-p-aux-term-as-dag-final-segment
+ (implies (and (empty-graph-p-aux hs g)
+ (natp h)
+ (subsetp hs
+ (list-from-to
+ (cadr (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))
+ (len (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))))))
+ (empty-graph-p-aux
+ hs (car (term-as-dag-aux-ns flg term g h))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct (empty-graph-p-aux hs g)))))
+ (defthm term-as-dag-no-duplicatesp-variables
+ (implies (and (empty-graph-p g) (term-p term))
+ (no-duplicatesp
+ (list-of-term-dag-variables (term-as-dag term g))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ (:instance make-shared-variables-empty-graph-p-aux-final-segment
+ (h1 0) (h2 (second (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term g 0)))
+ (h3 (len (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term g 0))))
+ (g (first (term-as-dag-aux-ns t term g 0)))
+ (variables nil))
+ :in-theory
+ (disable make-shared-variables-empty-graph-p-aux-final-segment))))
+ )
+(local (in-theory (disable tree-p term-as-dag-aux-in-two-steps)))
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 10) The {\tt term-graph-p} property of {\tt term-as-dag-aux}
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; We have left (intentionally) one property about {\tt
+;;; term-as-dag}. We show in this section that the graph obtained by
+;;; {\tt term-as-dag } acting on an empty graph is a well formed term
+;;; graph.
+;;; Unlike, the above properties, we will reason directly with the
+;;; definition of {\tt term-as-dag-aux}. First, we prove that the
+;;; property {\tt term-graph-p} is preserved by {\tt
+;;; term-as-dag-aux}. And second, we show that {\tt empty-graph-p}
+;;; implies {\tt term-graph-p}.
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; 10.1) The property {\tt term-graph-p} is preserved by {\tt term-as-dag-aux}
+;;; -----------------------------------
+;;; The following propeerties show how some updates to graph does not
+;;; change the {\tt bounded-term-graph-p} property.
+ (defthm bounded-term-graph-p-update-nth-args
+ (implies (and
+ (bounded-term-graph-p g n)
+ (eqlablep x)
+ (bounded-nat-true-listp l n))
+ (bounded-term-graph-p (update-nth h (cons x l) g) n))))
+ (defthm bounded-term-graph-p-update-nth-variable
+ (implies (and
+ (bounded-term-graph-p g n)
+ (eqlablep x))
+ (bounded-term-graph-p (update-nth h (cons x t) g) n))))
+ (defthm bounded-nat-substitution-p-assoc
+ (implies (and
+ (bounded-nat-substitution-p a n)
+ (assoc x a))
+ (and (integerp (cdr (assoc x a)))
+ (< (cdr (assoc x a)) n)
+ (<= 0 (cdr (assoc x a)))))))
+ (defthm bounded-term-graph-p-update-nth-integer
+ (implies (and
+ (bounded-term-graph-p g n)
+ (natp x) (< x n))
+ (bounded-term-graph-p (update-nth h x g) n))))
+;;; The main result of this subsection. Note that we prove an
+;;; invariant of {\tt term-as-dag-aux}:
+(defthm term-as-dag-aux-term-graph-p
+ (let* ((res (term-as-dag-aux flg term g h variables))
+ (g-res (first res))
+ (h-res (second res))
+ (hs-res (third res))
+ (var-res (fourth res)))
+ (implies (and (term-graph-p g)
+ (natp h)
+ (<= (+ h (length-term flg term)) (len g))
+ (bounded-nat-substitution-p variables (len g))
+ (term-p-aux flg term))
+ (and (term-graph-p g-res)
+ (equal h-res (+ h (length-term flg term)))
+ (equal (len g-res) (len g))
+ (bounded-nat-true-listp hs-res (len g))
+ (bounded-nat-substitution-p var-res (len g))))))
+;;; And the intended result of this subsection, a particular case of the
+;;; above theorem:
+(defthm term-as-dag-term-graph-p
+ (implies (and (term-graph-p g)
+ (term-p term)
+ (<= (length-term t term) (len g)))
+ (term-graph-p (term-as-dag term g))))
+(in-theory (disable term-as-dag))
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 11) Building unification problems
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; The function {\tt terms-as-dag-l} will be our main auxiliary
+;;; function for building (dag) unification problems. Recall that a
+;;; unification problem (see {\tt dags.lisp}) is determined by an
+;;; indices system, an indices substitution and a well--formed directed
+;;; acyclic graph. Initially, the indices substitution is empty. We now
+;;; describe how we build the graph and the indices system for a
+;;; unification problem of the form $\{t_1=t_2\}$:
+;;; This function computes the graph. Note that the list that represents
+;;; the graph is previously resized after computing how many nodes are
+;;; needed. Also note that the term {\tt (equ t1 t2)} is stored in the
+;;; graph using {\tt term-as-dag}:
+(defun unif-two-terms-problem (t1 t2 g)
+ (let* ((size (+ (length-term t t1) (length-term t t2) 1))
+ (g (resize-list g size nil)))
+ (term-as-dag (list 'equ t1 t2) g)))
+;;; The initial indices system is taken from the argument list of the
+;;; first node:
+(defun initial-to-be-solved (g)
+ (let ((args-0 (cdr (dagi-l 0 g))))
+ (list (cons (first args-0)
+ (second args-0)))))
+;;; Following the results proved in the book {\tt
+;;; dag-unification-rules}, our goal is to prove the following:
+; If (empty-graph-p g)
+; let* g-t1-t2 = (unif-two-terms-problem t1 t2 g)
+; S-dag-t1-t2 = (initial-to-be-solved g-t1-t2)
+; then:
+; (well-formed-dag-system S-dag-t1-t2 g-t1-t2)
+; and
+; (equal (tbs-as-system S-dag-t1-t2 g-t1-t2)
+; (list (cons t1 t2)))
+;;; If we prove the above property, we will able to use the theorems
+;;; proved in {\tt dag-unification-rules} to conclude the properties of
+;;; a unification algorithm that applies the rules of transformation
+;;; starting with the above initial unification problem.
+;;; Resize list and {\tt length}
+ (defthm len-resize-list
+ (implies (natp n)
+ (equal (len (resize-list l n x)) n))))
+(local (in-theory (disable resize-list)))
+;;; The following sequence of events show that the initial unification
+;;; problem built by the function {\tt unif-two-terms-problem} and
+;;; {\tt initial-to-be-solved} is a well--formed directed acyclic
+;;; graph.
+;;; Luego lo meto dentro
+(defthm bounded-term-graph-p-particular-case
+ (implies (and (consp g) (term-graph-p g))
+ (and (< (cadar g) (len g))
+ (< (caddar g) (len g)))))
+(defthm consp-term-as-dag
+ (implies (consp g)
+ (consp (term-as-dag term g )))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable term-as-dag))))
+(defthm consp-resize-list
+ (implies (and (natp n) (< 0 n))
+ (consp (resize-list l n x)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable resize-list))
+ ("Subgoal *1/2''" :expand (RESIZE-LIST L 1 X))))
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm equal-nth-car
+ (equal (nth 0 g) (car g))))
+ (local
+ (defthm len-args-term-as-dag-aux
+ (equal (len (third (term-as-dag-aux nil args g h variables)))
+ (len args))))
+ (local
+ (defthm term-as-dag-aux-first-element-len
+ (equal
+ (len
+ (cdr
+ (car
+ (first
+ (term-as-dag-aux t (cons symb args) g 0 nil)))))
+ (len args))))
+ (local
+ (defthm term-as-dag-first-element
+ (equal
+ (len
+ (cdr
+ (car
+ (term-as-dag (list 'equ t1 t2) g))))
+ 2)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable term-as-dag)))))
+;;; Este me hace falta despues
+ (defthm term-as-dag-first-element-nth
+ (equal
+ (len
+ (cdr
+ (nth 0
+ (term-as-dag (list 'equ t1 t2) g))))
+ 2)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable term-as-dag))))
+ (local
+ (defthm nat-true-listp-len-two-first
+ (implies (and (nat-true-listp l)
+ (equal (len l) 2))
+ (and (integerp (first l))
+ (<= 0 (first l))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm nat-true-listp-len-two-second
+ (implies (and (nat-true-listp l)
+ (equal (len l) 2))
+ (and (integerp (second l))
+ (<= 0 (second l))))))
+ (local
+ (defthm term-graph-p-first-element-nat-true-listp
+ (implies (and (equal (len (cdr (car g))) 2)
+ (term-graph-p g))
+ (nat-true-listp (cdr (car g))))))
+ (defthm unif-two-terms-problem-well-formed-dag-system
+ (let* ((g-t1-t2 (unif-two-terms-problem t1 t2 g))
+ (S-dag-t1-t2 (initial-to-be-solved g-t1-t2)))
+ (implies (and (empty-graph-p g) (term-p t1) (term-p t2))
+ (well-formed-dag-system S-dag-t1-t2 g-t1-t2)))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :use
+ (:instance term-as-dag-term-graph-p
+ (g (resize-list g (+ (length-term t t1) (length-term t t2)
+ 1) nil))
+ (term (list 'equ t1 t2))))
+ ("Subgoal 1" :in-theory (enable
+ well-formed-upl)))))
+;;; And finally, the following sequence of events show that the initial
+;;; unification problem built by the function {\tt
+;;; unif-two-terms-problem} and {\tt initial-to-be-solved} stores
+;;; (in a dag form) the initial unification problem:
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm unif-two-terms-problem-stores-the-problem-lemma-1
+ (implies (and
+ (equal (len (cdr (nth h g))) 2)
+ (equal (dag-as-term t h g)
+ (list 'equ t1 t2)))
+ (equal (dag-as-term t (first (cdr (nth h g))) g)
+ t1))
+ :hints (("Subgoal 1'" :expand (dag-as-term nil (cdr (nth h g)) g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm unif-two-terms-problem-stores-the-problem-lemma-2
+ (implies (and
+ (equal (len (cdr (nth h g))) 2)
+ (equal (dag-as-term t h g)
+ (list 'equ t1 t2)))
+ (equal (dag-as-term t (second (cdr (nth h g))) g)
+ t2))
+ :hints (("Goal'''" :expand (dag-as-term nil (cdr (nth h g)) g))
+ ("Goal'5'" :expand (dag-as-term nil (cddr (nth h g)) g)))))
+ (local
+ (defthm unif-two-terms-problem-stores-the-problem-almost
+ (let* ((g-t1-t2 (unif-two-terms-problem t1 t2 g))
+ (S-dag-t1-t2 (initial-to-be-solved g-t1-t2)))
+ (implies (and (empty-graph-p g) (term-p t1) (term-p t2)
+ (equal (dag-as-term t 0 g-t1-t2)
+ (list 'equ t1 t2)))
+ (equal (tbs-as-system S-dag-t1-t2 g-t1-t2)
+ (list (cons t1 t2)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory
+ (disable nth term-as-dag-stores-term)))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+ (defthm unif-two-terms-problem-stores-the-problem
+ (let* ((g-t1-t2 (unif-two-terms-problem t1 t2 g))
+ (S-dag-t1-t2 (initial-to-be-solved g-t1-t2)))
+ (implies (and (empty-graph-p g) (term-p t1) (term-p t2))
+ (equal (tbs-as-system S-dag-t1-t2 g-t1-t2)
+ (list (cons t1 t2)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use unif-two-terms-problem-stores-the-problem-almost))))
+;;; ===============================================================