path: root/books/workshops/2004/smith-et-al/support/bags/meta.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'books/workshops/2004/smith-et-al/support/bags/meta.lisp')
1 files changed, 2320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/books/workshops/2004/smith-et-al/support/bags/meta.lisp b/books/workshops/2004/smith-et-al/support/bags/meta.lisp
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index 0000000..50495c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2004/smith-et-al/support/bags/meta.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,2320 @@
+(in-package "BAG")
+(include-book "basic")
+(include-book "ordinals/e0-ordinal" :dir :system)
+;eventually, move the any-subbagp meta rule below to a different book?
+(defun implies-if (a term)
+ (declare (type t a term))
+ (if a t term))
+;trying disabled...
+(defund meta-subbagp (list1 list2)
+ (declare (type t list1 list2))
+ (subbagp list1 list2))
+;trying disabled...
+(defund meta-memberp (x list)
+ (declare (type t x list))
+ (memberp x list))
+;; :meta rule to establish membership syntactically When TERM is a nest of
+;; conses and appends which contains a cons of X, we can tell just by looking
+;; at TERM that X is a memberp of it.
+;How much other behavior should this rule rely on? Should we rely on the fact
+;that nests of appends get basically right associated (that is, that the first
+;argument to an append is never another append)? What about the fact that, in
+;a perm context, the conses are brought before the appends.
+Without the :meta rule, this fails:
+(thm (memberp x (cons y (cons yy (append w (cons x (append ww z))))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable memberp))))
+;The evaluator for the :meta rule syntactic-membership-meta-rule.
+(defevaluator evaluator-for-memberp-cons-and-append evaluator-for-memberp-cons-and-append-list
+ ((memberp x l)
+ (binary-append x y)
+ (cons x y)
+; (quote x)
+ (list-fix x)
+ ))
+;TERM is a nest of conses and appends
+;This function looks through that nest for a cons of X.
+;If it finds such a cons, it returns T. Else, it returns nil.
+;It refuses to look inside any function which is not a cons or an append.
+;This no longer depends on nests of appends and conses being normalized?
+;BOZO don't need to repeat the checking of X on recursive calls when X doesn't change... pass in a flag?
+(defignore syntax-memberp a (x term)
+ (declare (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp x)
+ (pseudo-termp term))))
+ (if (consp term)
+ (if (equal (car term) 'quote) ;; '(quote arg1) ;could make this case more efficient??
+ (if (and (consp x)
+ (equal (car x) 'quote)
+ (null (cddr x))
+ (null (cddr term))
+ )
+ (memberp (cadr x) (cadr term)) ;if x and term are quoted constants, just run memberp on the constants!
+ nil ;if TERM is a quoted constant but X isn't, we don't really know anything about membership
+ )
+ (if (and (equal (car term) 'cons) ;; '(cons arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term)) ;consider inlining this?
+ )
+ (if (equal (cadr term) x)
+ t ;If the thing consed on is x, we're done.
+ (syntax-memberp x (caddr term))) ;Else, skip the cons.
+ (if (and (equal (car term) 'binary-append) ;; '(binary-append arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term)) ;consider inlining this?
+ )
+ (or (syntax-memberp x (cadr term))
+ (syntax-memberp x (caddr term)))
+; (if (and (equal (car term) 'list-fix) ;; '(list-fix arg1)
+ ; (null (cddr term)) ;consider inlining this?
+ ; )
+; (syntax-memberp x (cadr term))
+ nil ;We've found something that is neither a cons nor an append nor a quote.
+ ; )
+ )))
+ nil))
+(defirrelevant syntax-memberp 1 a (x term)
+ )
+;We expect TERM to be of the form (memberp x y). If not, we do nothing.
+;If so, we call syntax-memberp. If that function returns t, that means we can show
+;syntactically that X is a memberp of Y. If that function returns nil, we don't know whether
+;X is a memberp of Y; in this case, we must return something equivalent to TERM,
+;so we return TERM itself !
+(defun syntax-memberp-wrapper (term)
+ (declare (type t term)
+ (xargs :guard (pseudo-termp term)))
+ (if (not (and (equal 3 (len term))
+ (equal (car term) 'memberp)))
+ term
+ (if (syntax-memberp-fn nil (cadr term) (caddr term))
+ ''t
+ term
+ )))
+(defthm syntax-memberp-implies-memberp
+ (implies (syntax-memberp x y)
+ (memberp (evaluator-for-memberp-cons-and-append x a)
+ (evaluator-for-memberp-cons-and-append y a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable memberp)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :forward-chaining))
+(defthm syntactic-membership-meta-rule
+ (equal (evaluator-for-memberp-cons-and-append term a)
+ (evaluator-for-memberp-cons-and-append (syntax-memberp-wrapper term) a))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-memberp-irrelevant)
+ :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)))
+ :rule-classes ((:meta :trigger-fns (memberp))))
+ ()
+;bozo how does the t-p rule get used if we disable it??
+ (local (defthm memberp-meta-rule-test
+ (memberp x (cons y (cons yy (append w (cons x (append ww z))))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (union-theories '(syntactic-membership-meta-rule)
+ (theory 'minimal-theory))))))
+ (local (defthm memberp-meta-rule-test-2
+ (memberp '3 (append x '(1 2 3)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (union-theories '(syntactic-membership-meta-rule)
+ (theory 'minimal-theory))))))
+ (local (defthm memberp-meta-rule-test-3
+ (memberp x (append (append y (cons x w)) z))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (union-theories '(syntactic-membership-meta-rule)
+ (theory 'minimal-theory)))))))
+(defund subbagp-pair (x1 x2 list1 list2)
+ (declare (type t x1 x2 list1 list2))
+ (or (and (subbagp x1 list1)
+ (subbagp x2 list2))
+ (and (subbagp x1 list2)
+ (subbagp x2 list1))))
+;like remove-1, but this returns (mv hit result), where hit indicates whether anything was actually removed.
+(defun run-remove-1 (a x)
+ (declare (type t a x))
+ (if (consp x)
+ (if (equal a (car x))
+ (mv t (cdr x)) ;we removed (car x)
+ (met ((hit result) (run-remove-1 a (cdr x)))
+ (mv hit (cons (car x) result))))
+ (mv nil x)))
+(defthm v1-run-remove-1
+ (equal (val 1 (run-remove-1 a x))
+ (remove-1 a x)))
+(defthm v0-run-remove-1
+ (equal (val 0 (run-remove-1 a x))
+ (memberp a x)))
+;TERM is a term built from conses and appends (we refuse to look
+;inside anything other than a cons or append). Given an element,
+;ELEM, and a term, TERM, syntactically remove one copy of ELEM from
+;TERM, if possible. Returns (mv hit new-term). If we found an
+;occurrence of ELEM to remove, hit is t and new-list is a new TERM
+;whose contents are a permutation of the contents of the removal of
+;one copy of ELEM from the contents of TERM. The only way to remove
+;ELEM from TERM is to find ELEM consed on somewhere in TERM. if hit
+;is nil, do we ever use the return value?
+(defignored syntax-remove-1 a (elem term)
+ (declare (type t elem term)
+ (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp elem)
+ (pseudo-termp term))))
+ (if (consp term)
+ (if (and (equal (car term) 'binary-append) ;; '(binary-append arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term))
+ )
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term))
+ (arg2 (caddr term)))
+ (met ((hit newarg1) (syntax-remove-1 elem arg1))
+ (if hit (mv t `(binary-append ,newarg1 ,arg2))
+ (met ((hit newarg2) (syntax-remove-1 elem arg2))
+ (if hit (mv t `(binary-append ,arg1 ,newarg2))
+ (mv nil term))))))
+ (if (and (equal (car term) 'cons) ;; '(cons arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term)))
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term))
+ (arg2 (caddr term)))
+ (if (equal elem arg1) ;if arg1 is equal to elem
+ (mv t arg2) ;then just return arg2 (we just drop arg1, since it matches elem)
+ (met ((hit newarg2) (syntax-remove-1 elem arg2)) ;otherwise, try to remove elem from arg2
+ (if hit ;if we succeeded in removing it
+ (mv t `(cons ,arg1 ,newarg2)) ;the return the result of removing it, with arg1 tacked onto the front
+ (mv nil term) ;otherwise, we failed to remove elem from term
+ ))))
+ (if (and (equal (car term) 'quote) ;; '(quote arg1)
+ (consp elem)
+ (equal (car elem) 'quote)
+ (null (cddr elem))
+ (null (cddr term))
+ )
+ (met ((hit result) (run-remove-1 (cadr elem) (cadr term)))
+ (if hit
+ (mv t `(quote ,result))
+ (mv nil term)))
+;; (if (and (equal (car term) 'list-fix) ;; '(list-fix arg1)
+;; (consp (cdr term))
+;; (null (cddr term)))
+;; (let ((arg1 (cadr term)))
+;; (met ((hit newarg1) (syntax-remove-1 elem arg1))
+;; (if hit ;if we succeeded in removing it
+;; (mv t `(list-fix ,newarg1)) ;should we not re-add the list-fix call around the result?
+;; (mv nil term) ;otherwise, we failed to remove elem from term
+;; )))
+ (mv nil term)
+ ;)
+ )))
+ (mv nil term)))
+(defthm not-v0-no-change-syntax-remove-1
+ (implies (not (v0 (syntax-remove-1 elem term)))
+ (equal (v1 (syntax-remove-1 elem term))
+ term))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn))))
+(defirrelevant syntax-remove-1 2 a (elem term)
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn))))
+;looks for X being appended onto something in TERM, and if it finds
+;such an occurrence, removes it. does not look inside of X, so X
+;shouldn't be a cons or append, for example. can X be a quoted
+;constant bag? what about nil? only removes one copy of X. bozo
+;handle quoted stuff? or not? can x ever be a quoted thing? bozo
+;handle list-fix?
+(defignore syntax-remove-bag-1 a (x term)
+ (declare (type t x term)
+ (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp x)
+ (pseudo-termp term))))
+ (if (and (consp term)
+ (equal (car term) 'binary-append) ;; '(binary-append arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term)))
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term))
+ (arg2 (caddr term)))
+ (met ((hit newarg1) (syntax-remove-bag-1 x arg1))
+ (if hit
+ (mv t `(binary-append ,newarg1 ,arg2))
+ (met ((hit2 newarg2) (syntax-remove-bag-1 x arg2))
+ (if hit2
+ (mv t `(binary-append ,arg1 ,newarg2))
+ (mv nil term))))))
+ (if (and (consp term)
+ (equal (car term) 'cons) ;; '(cons arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term)))
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term))
+ (arg2 (caddr term)))
+ (met ((hit newarg2) (syntax-remove-bag-1 x arg2))
+ (if hit
+ (mv t `(cons ,arg1 ,newarg2))
+ (mv nil term))))
+;; (if (and (equal (car term) 'quote) ;; '(quote arg1) bozo think about this
+;; (consp x)
+;; (equal (car x) 'quote)
+;; (consp (cdr x))
+;; (null (cddr x))
+;; (consp (cdr term))
+;; (null (cddr term))
+;; )
+; (remove-bag (cadr x) (cadr term))
+ (if (equal x term)
+ (mv t `(final-cdr ,x)) ; (mv t `(quote nil))
+ (mv nil term)))))
+(defthm booleanp-of-mv-nth-0-of-syntax-remove-bag-1
+ (booleanp (val 0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 term1 term2)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :type-prescription)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-1-fn))))
+(defthm not-v0-no-change-syntax-remove-bag-1
+ (implies (not (v0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 x y)))
+ (equal (v1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 x y))
+ y))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-1-fn))))
+(defirrelevant syntax-remove-bag-1 2 a (x term)
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-1-fn))))
+(defthm pseudo-termp-of-v1-of-syntax-remove-bag-1
+ (implies (and (pseudo-termp term1)
+ (pseudo-termp term2))
+ (pseudo-termp (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 term1 term2)))))
+(defthm pseudo-termp-of-v1-of-syntax-remove-1
+ (implies (and (pseudo-termp term1)
+ (pseudo-termp term2))
+ (pseudo-termp (val 1 (syntax-remove-1 term1 term2))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn))))
+;takes two terms and syntactically cancels common stuff from them.
+;return value is of the form: (mv hit newterm1 newterm2), where hit
+;indicates whether anything changed, and term1 and term2 are the new
+;versions (with common stuff cancelled) of term1 and term2,
+;respectively. does hit indicate that *anything* changed? what if
+;the only thing changes is that something gets list fixed? what
+;should (syntax-remove-bag ''3 '(cons a b)) return? (mv t ''nil
+;'(cons a b))?
+(defignored syntax-remove-bag a (term1 term2)
+ (declare (type t term1 term2)
+ (xargs :verify-guards nil
+ :guard (and (pseudo-termp term1)
+ (pseudo-termp term2))))
+ (if (consp term1)
+ (if (and (equal (car term1) 'binary-append) ;; '(binary-append arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term1))
+ )
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term1))
+ (arg2 (caddr term1)))
+ (met ((hit newarg1 newterm2) (syntax-remove-bag arg1 term2))
+ (met ((hit2 newarg2 newerterm2) (syntax-remove-bag arg2 newterm2))
+ (if (or hit hit2)
+ (if (and (equal newarg2 ''nil)
+ ;don't bother making an append term of two nils
+ ;(BOZO eventually, avoid making the append term if either arg is nil)
+ (equal newarg1 ''nil))
+ (mv t ''nil newerterm2)
+ ;(mv t `(binary-append ,newarg1 ,newarg2) newerterm2)
+ (mv t `(binary-append ,newarg1 ,newarg2) newerterm2))
+ (mv nil term1 term2) ;nothing changed!
+ ))))
+ (if (and (equal (car term1) 'cons) ;; '(cons arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term1))
+ )
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term1))
+ (arg2 (caddr term1)))
+ (met ((hit newterm2) (syntax-remove-1 arg1 term2))
+ (met ((hit2 newarg2 newerterm2) (syntax-remove-bag arg2 newterm2))
+ (if hit ;arg1 was removed from term2 (and perhaps stuff from arg2 was also removed from term2)
+ (mv t newarg2 newerterm2)
+ (if hit2 ;arg1 wasn't removed from term2, but stuff from arg2 was.
+ (mv t `(cons ,arg1 ,newarg2) newerterm2)
+ (mv nil term1 term2) ;nothing changed!
+ )))))
+ (if (and (equal (car term1) 'quote) ;; '(quote arg1)
+ (null (cddr term1))
+ )
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term1)))
+ (if (consp arg1)
+ (let ((arg1car `(quote ,(car arg1)))
+ (arg1cdr `(quote ,(cdr arg1))))
+ (met ((hit newterm2) (syntax-remove-1 arg1car term2))
+ (met ((hit2 newarg1cdr newerterm2) (syntax-remove-bag arg1cdr newterm2))
+ (if hit ;arg1car was removed from term2 (and perhaps stuff from arg1cdr was also removed from term2)
+ (mv t newarg1cdr newerterm2)
+ (if hit2 ;arg1car wasn't removed from term2, but stuff from arg1cdr was.
+ (mv t `(cons ,arg1car ,newarg1cdr) newerterm2)
+ (mv nil term1 term2) ;nothing changed!
+ )))))
+ ;term1 is a quoted constant which is not a consp.. thus, it reprsents the empty bag
+ (if (equal arg1 'nil)
+ (mv nil term1 term2)
+ (mv t ''nil term2))
+ ))
+;; (if (and (equal (car term1) 'list-fix) ;; '(list-fix arg1)
+;; (null (cddr term1))
+;; )
+;; (let ((arg1 (cadr term1)))
+;; (met ((hit newarg1 newterm2) (syntax-remove-bag arg1 term2)) ;we drop the list-fix; is that the right thing to do?
+;; (declare (ignore hit))
+;; (mv t newarg1 newterm2)))
+;term1 isn't a call to binary-append or cons:
+ (met ((hit newterm2) (syntax-remove-bag-1 term1 term2))
+ (if hit
+ (mv t '(quote nil) newterm2)
+ (mv nil term1 term2))))
+; )
+ ))
+;term1 is a non-consp:
+ (met ((hit newterm2) (syntax-remove-bag-1 term1 term2))
+ (if hit
+ (mv t '(quote nil) newterm2)
+ (mv nil term1 term2))))
+ )
+(defirrelevant syntax-remove-bag 3 a (term1 term2)
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-REMOVE-1-FN
+ syntax-remove-bag-fn
+ syntax-remove-1-irrelevant
+ syntax-remove-bag-1-irrelevant))))
+(defthm unchanged-syntax-remove-bag
+ (implies
+ (not (v0 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)))
+ (and
+ (equal (v1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2))
+ term1)
+ (equal (v2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2))
+ term2)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn))))
+;(syntax-remove-bag '(cons 2 '(3 4)) '(cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 c))))
+;(syntax-subbagp '(cons 2 '(3 4)) '(cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 c))))
+;I think both parts of this had to be proved together
+(defthm pseudo-termp-of-syntax-remove-bag
+ (implies (and (pseudo-termp term1)
+ (pseudo-termp term2))
+ (and (pseudo-termp (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)))
+ (pseudo-termp (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :induct t
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn))))
+ syntax-remove-bag-fn
+ )
+old version:
+;Returns non-nil iff we can tell just by looking at list1 and list2 that list1 is a subbagp of list2.
+;perhaps make this a separate :meta rule? <-- huh?
+;We syntactically try to remove everything in list2 from list1. If doing so removes everything from list1, then
+;list1 must have been a subbagp of list2.
+;This seems inefficient, since it can't fail before syntax-remove-bag has completely finished.
+(defun syntax-subbagp (list1 list2)
+ (declare (type t list1 list2))
+ (met ((hit newlist2 newlist1) (syntax-remove-bag list2 list1))
+ (declare (ignore newlist2))
+ (and hit ;syntax-remove-bag did something
+ (equal newlist1 '(quote nil)) ;syntax-remove-bag removed everything from newlist1
+ )))
+;tests whether term1 is a syntactic subbag of term2 returns (mv flg
+;leftover) where flg indicates whether term1 is a sytactic subbag of
+;term2 and leftover represents the remainder of term2 after
+;syntactically removing term1. leftover is only meaningful when flg
+;is t. handle quoted constants?
+(defignored syntax-subbagp-helper a (term1 term2)
+ (declare (type t term1 term2)
+ (xargs :verify-guards nil
+ :guard (and (pseudo-termp term1)
+ (pseudo-termp term2))))
+ (if (consp term1)
+ (if (and (equal (car term1) 'binary-append) ;; '(binary-append arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term1))
+ )
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term1))
+ (arg2 (caddr term1)))
+ (met ((flg newterm2) (syntax-subbagp-helper arg1 term2))
+ (if flg
+ (syntax-subbagp-helper arg2 newterm2)
+ (mv nil term2))))
+ (if (and (equal (car term1) 'cons) ;; '(cons arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term1))
+ )
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term1))
+ (arg2 (caddr term1)))
+ (met ((hit newterm2) (syntax-remove-1 arg1 term2))
+ (if hit
+ (syntax-subbagp-helper arg2 newterm2)
+ (mv nil term2))))
+;term1 isn't a call to binary-append or cons:
+;check whether it is a quoted constant which isn't a cons, like nil or 3 (either of which is a subbag of anything)
+ (if (and (equal (car term1) 'quote) ;; '(quote arg1)
+ (null (cddr term1))
+; (not (consp (cadr term1)))
+ )
+;BOZO test (here and elsewhere) whether quoted constants are bagps?
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term1)))
+ (if (consp arg1)
+ (let ((arg1car `(quote ,(car arg1)))
+ (arg1cdr `(quote ,(cdr arg1))))
+ (met ((hit newterm2) (syntax-remove-1 arg1car term2))
+ (if hit
+ (syntax-subbagp-helper arg1cdr newterm2)
+ (mv nil term2) ;since the second value returned here is irrelevant, consider just returning nil?
+ )))
+;term1 is a quoted constant which is not a consp.. thus, it reprsents the empty bag, which is a subbagp of anything
+ (mv t term2) ;is this right? ;should we normalize the quoted constant?
+ ))
+ (syntax-remove-bag-1 term1 term2))
+ ))
+ (syntax-remove-bag-1 term1 term2)))
+(defthm pseudo-termp-syntax-subbagp-helper
+ (implies
+ (and
+ (pseudo-termp term1)
+ (pseudo-termp term2))
+ (pseudo-termp (v1 (syntax-subbagp-helper term1 term2))))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-subbagp-helper-fn))))
+ syntax-subbagp-helper-fn
+ )
+(defirrelevant syntax-subbagp-helper 2 a (term1 term2)
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-subbagp-helper-fn
+ syntax-remove-bag-1-irrelevant
+ syntax-remove-1-irrelevant))))
+(defthm booleanp-of-mv-nth-0-of-syntax-subbagp-helper
+ (booleanp (val 0 (syntax-subbagp-helper x2 y2)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :type-prescription)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-subbagp-helper-fn))))
+(defignored syntax-subbagp a (x y)
+ (declare (type t x y)
+ (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp x)
+ (pseudo-termp y))))
+ (met ((hit result) (syntax-subbagp-helper x y))
+ (declare (ignore result))
+ hit))
+(defirrelevant syntax-subbagp 1 a (x y)
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-subbagp-fn
+ syntax-subbagp-helper-irrelevant))))
+(defthm booleanp-of-syntax-subbagp
+ (booleanp (syntax-subbagp x2 y2))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :type-prescription)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-subbagp-fn))))
+;Checks whether we know syntactically that either x1 is a subbag of y1
+;and x2 is a subbag of y2 or x1 is a subbag of y2 and x2 is a subbag
+;of y1 We we call this fucntion, we know that y1 and y2 are disjoint,
+;so if (subbagp x1 y1) is true, we don't bother to check whether
+;(subbagp x1 y2), because we know it's false.
+(defignored syntax-subbagp-pair a (x1 x2 y1 y2)
+ (declare (type t x1 x2 y1 y2)
+ (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp x1)
+ (pseudo-termp y1)
+ (pseudo-termp x2)
+ (pseudo-termp y2))))
+ (if (syntax-subbagp x1 y1)
+ (syntax-subbagp x2 y2)
+ (if (syntax-subbagp x2 y1)
+ (syntax-subbagp x1 y2)
+ nil)))
+(defirrelevant syntax-subbagp-pair 1 a (x1 x2 y1 y2)
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-subbagp-pair-fn
+ syntax-subbagp-irrelevant))))
+;try to determine syntactically whether list contains enough to
+;contain both y and x (that is, we can take x out of list and list
+;still contains y). might it be cheaper to create an append x and y
+;and then call syntax-remove-bag once on the append? that avoids
+;rebuilding two new version of list...
+(defignored syntax-unique-subbagps a (x y list)
+ (declare (type t x y list)
+ (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp x)
+ (pseudo-termp y)
+ (pseudo-termp list))))
+ (met ((hitx list1 leftover) (syntax-remove-bag x list))
+ (if (and hitx (equal list1 '(quote nil))) ;x is a subbagp
+ (met ((hity list1 list2) (syntax-remove-bag y leftover))
+ (declare (ignore list2))
+ (if (and hity (equal list1 '(quote nil)))
+ t ; '(quote t) ;why quote t?
+ nil))
+ nil)))
+(defirrelevant syntax-unique-subbagps 1 a (x y list)
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-unique-subbagps-fn
+ syntax-remove-bag-irrelevant
+ ))))
+;add guard?
+(defund meta-remove-bag (x y)
+ (remove-bag x y))
+(defund meta-remove-1 (x list)
+ (remove-1 x list))
+;remove this?
+;add guard?
+(defun any-subbagp (term list)
+ (declare (type t term list))
+ (if (consp list)
+ (or (subbagp term (car list))
+ (any-subbagp term (cdr list)))
+ nil))
+;add guard?
+(defund hide-disjoint (x y)
+ (disjoint x y))
+(defthm hide-disjoint-forward
+ (implies (disjoint x y)
+ (hide-disjoint x y))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable hide-disjoint))))
+;add guard?
+(defund hide-unique (list)
+ (unique list))
+(defthm hide-unique-forward
+ (implies (unique x)
+ (hide-unique x))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable hide-unique))))
+;add guard?
+(defund hide-subbagp (x y)
+ (subbagp x y))
+(defthm hide-subbagp-forward
+ (implies (subbagp x y)
+ (hide-subbagp x y))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable hide-subbagp))))
+(defthm hide-subbagp-z-z
+ (hide-subbagp z z)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable hide-subbagp))))
+;add guard?
+(defund hide-memberp (x y)
+ (memberp x y))
+(defthm hide-memberp-forward
+ (implies (memberp x y)
+ (hide-memberp x y))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable hide-memberp))))
+(defevaluator syntax-ev syntax-ev-list
+ (
+ (hide x)
+ (hide-unique list)
+ (hide-subbagp x y) ;added by eric
+ (hide-disjoint x y) ;added by eric
+ (hide-memberp a x) ;added by eric
+ (perm x y)
+ (unique list)
+; (implies-if a term)
+ (if a b c)
+ (consp x)
+ (true-listp x)
+ (binary-append x y)
+ (cons a b)
+ (meta-subbagp list1 list2)
+ (remove-bag x list)
+ (meta-remove-bag x list)
+ (remove-1 x list)
+; (meta-remove-1 x list)
+ (unique-subbagps x y list)
+ (subbagp-pair x1 x2 list1 list2)
+ (meta-memberp x list)
+ (any-subbagp x list) ;remove this?
+ (final-cdr x)
+ (list-fix x)
+ (subbagp x y) ;added by eric
+ (memberp a x) ;added by eric
+ (disjoint x y) ;added by eric
+; (synp vars form term) ;added by eric
+ (equal x y)
+;-- proof that the simplification is valid --;
+;If syntax-remove-1 signals a hit, ELEM must have been found (and removed) in TERM.
+(defthm syntax-remove-1-implements-memberp
+ (implies (v0 (syntax-remove-1 elem term))
+ (memberp (syntax-ev elem a) (syntax-ev term a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :forward-chaining))
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-1-implements-subbagp
+ (implies (and (v0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 list1 list2))
+ (equal (v1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 list1 list2))
+ '(quote nil)))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev list2 a) (syntax-ev list1 a)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :forward-chaining))
+;the new TERM returned by syntax-remove-1 represents a term which is a subbag of the original TERM.
+(defthm v1-syntax-remove-1-subbagp
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-1 x list1)) a)
+ (syntax-ev list1 a))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn))))
+(defthm v1-syntax-remove-bag-1-subbagp
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 x list1)) a)
+ (syntax-ev list1 a)))
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-1-not
+ (implies (and (v0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 list1 list2))
+ (not (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 list1 list2)) alist)))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev list2 alist)
+ (syntax-ev list1 alist)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors))))
+(set-well-founded-relation e0-ord-<)
+(defthm v0-remove-1-subbagp
+ (implies
+ (v0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 list1 list2))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev list1 a) (syntax-ev list2 a)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :forward-chaining))
+;think more about the proof of this?? how should we handle remove-1 and
+;append? If syntax-remove-1 signals a hit, then the new term it returns
+;represents a bag which is a permutation of the bag resulting from the removal
+;of ELEM from the bag represented by TERM.
+(defthm v1-syntax-remove-1-perm-remove-1
+ (implies (v0 (syntax-remove-1 elem term))
+ (perm (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-1 elem term)) a)
+ (remove-1 (syntax-ev elem a) (syntax-ev term a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (e/d (;remove-1
+ syntax-remove-1-fn
+ )
+ ;PERM-CONSP-REMOVE-1 ;bozo looped! when mv-nth was enabled.
+ )))))
+(defthm v1-syntax-remove-bag-1-perm-remove-bag
+ (implies (v0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 list1 list2))
+ (perm (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 list1 list2)) a)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev list1 a) (syntax-ev list2 a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors))))
+;theorem we are interested in
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-1-subbagp-append
+ (implies (and (v0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 x list2))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 x list2)) a)
+ (syntax-ev y a)))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev list2 a)
+ (append (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a)))))
+;make local?
+(defthmd not-v1-syntax-remove-1
+ (implies (and (v0 (syntax-remove-1 x list2))
+ (not (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-1 x list2)) a)))
+ (not (consp (remove-1 (syntax-ev x a) (syntax-ev list2 a)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :forward-chaining))
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-adds-no-elements
+ (implies (memberp elem (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a))
+ (memberp elem (syntax-ev term2 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn))))
+;we don't really use this? maybe someday...
+(defund syntax-count (elem term)
+ (declare (type t elem term)
+ (xargs :guard (pseudo-termp term))
+ )
+ (if (consp term)
+ (if (and (equal (car term) 'binary-append) ;; '(binary-append arg1 arg2)
+; (consp (cdr term))
+ ; (consp (cddr term))
+ (null (cdddr term)))
+ (+ (syntax-count elem (cadr term))
+ (syntax-count elem (caddr term)))
+ (if (and (equal (car term) 'cons) ;; '(cons arg1 arg2)
+; (consp (cdr term))
+ ; (consp (cddr term))
+ (null (cdddr term)))
+ (if (equal (cadr term) elem)
+ (+ 1 (syntax-count elem (caddr term)))
+ (syntax-count elem (caddr term)))
+ 0))
+ 0))
+;(include-book "arithmetic/top" :dir :system)
+(defthm syntax-count-of-non-consp
+ (implies (not (consp term1))
+ (equal (syntax-count elem term1) 0))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-count))))
+(defthm count-in-SYNTAX-REMOVE-1-linear
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :linear)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-REMOVE-1-fn))))
+(defthm count-in-SYNTAX-REMOVE-bag-1-linear
+ (>= (COUNT ELEM (SYNTAX-EV (VAL 1 (SYNTAX-REMOVE-bag-1 x Y)) a))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :linear)
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-REMOVE-bag-1-fn))))
+(defthm booleanp-of-VAL-of-SYNTAX-REMOVE-1
+ (booleanp (VAL 0 (SYNTAX-REMOVE-1 ELEM TERM)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :type-prescription)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-REMOVE-1-fn))))
+ ()
+ (local (defthm syntax-remove-1-did-something-iff-1
+ (implies (val 0 (syntax-remove-1 elem term))
+ (syntax-memberp elem term))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn)
+ :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)))
+ ))
+ (local (defthm syntax-remove-1-did-something-iff-2
+ (implies (syntax-memberp elem term)
+ (val 0 (syntax-remove-1 elem term)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn syntax-memberp-fn)
+ :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)))
+ ))
+ (defthm syntax-remove-1-did-something-iff
+ (equal (val 0 (syntax-remove-1 elem term))
+ (syntax-memberp elem term))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use (syntax-remove-1-did-something-iff-1
+ syntax-remove-1-did-something-iff-2)
+ :in-theory (disable syntax-remove-1-did-something-iff-1
+ syntax-remove-1-did-something-iff-2)))))
+(defthm count-of-syntax-remove-1
+ (equal (count (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-1 x y)) a))
+ (if (syntax-memberp x y)
+ (+ -1 (count (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a)))
+ (count (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn)
+ :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors))))
+(defthm count-of-syntax-remove-1-better
+ (equal (count elem (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-1 x y)) a))
+ (if (equal elem (syntax-ev x a))
+ (if (syntax-memberp x y)
+ (+ -1 (count (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a)))
+ (count (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a)))
+ (count elem (syntax-ev y a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn)
+ :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors))))
+(defthm count-in-syntax-remove-bag-linear
+ (>= (count elem (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag x y)) a))
+ (- (count elem (syntax-ev y a))
+ (count elem (syntax-ev x a))))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :linear)
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn))))
+ (< (+ (COUNT ELEM (SYNTAX-EV x1 alist))
+ (COUNT ELEM (SYNTAX-EV x2 alist)))
+ (VAL
+ 2
+ (VAL 2 (SYNTAX-REMOVE-BAG x1 Y)))) alist)))
+ )
+(defthm memberp-of-syntax-remove-bag-one
+ (implies (memberp elem (remove-bag (syntax-ev x a) (syntax-ev y a)))
+ (memberp elem (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag x y)) a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn memberp))))
+;do we even need this?
+;BOZO handle constants!
+(defignored syntax-intersection a (term1 term2)
+ (declare (type t term1 term2)
+ (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp term1)
+ (pseudo-termp term2))))
+ (if (consp term1)
+ (if (and (equal (car term1) 'binary-append) ;; '(binary-append arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term1))
+ )
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term1))
+ (arg2 (caddr term1)))
+ (met ((hit newarg1 newterm2) (syntax-remove-bag arg1 term2))
+ (if hit
+;find out what we removed:
+ (met ((hit2 blah diff) (syntax-remove-bag newarg1 arg1))
+ (declare (ignore hit2 blah))
+ (list 'binary-append diff (syntax-intersection arg2 newterm2)))
+ (syntax-intersection arg2 term2))))
+ (if (and (equal (car term1) 'cons) ;; '(cons arg1 arg2)
+ (null (cdddr term1))
+ )
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term1))
+ (arg2 (caddr term1)))
+ (met ((hit newterm2) (syntax-remove-1 arg1 term2))
+ (if hit
+ (list 'cons arg1 (syntax-intersection arg2 newterm2))
+ (syntax-intersection arg2 term2))))
+;; (if (and (equal (car term1) 'list-fix) ;; '(list-fix arg1)
+;; (null (cddr term1))
+;; )
+;; (syntax-intersection (cadr term1) term2)
+ (if (and (equal (car term1) 'quote) ;; '(quote arg1)
+ (null (cddr term1))
+ )
+ (let ((arg1 (cadr term1)))
+ (if (consp arg1)
+ (let ((arg1car `(quote ,(car arg1)))
+ (arg1cdr `(quote ,(cdr arg1))))
+ (met ((hit newterm2) (syntax-remove-1 arg1car term2))
+ (if hit
+ `(cons ,arg1car ,(syntax-intersection arg1cdr newterm2))
+ (syntax-intersection arg1cdr term2))))
+ ''nil
+ ))
+;term1 isn't a call to binary-append or cons or list-fix:
+ (met ((hit newterm2) (syntax-remove-bag-1 term1 term2))
+ (declare (ignore newterm2))
+ (if hit
+ term1
+ ''nil)))
+ ;)
+ ))
+;term1 is a non-consp:
+ (met ((hit newterm2) (syntax-remove-bag-1 term1 term2))
+ (declare (ignore newterm2))
+ (if hit
+ term1
+ ''nil)))
+ )
+(defirrelevant syntax-intersection 1 a (term1 term2)
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-intersection-fn
+ syntax-memberp-irrelevant
+ syntax-remove-1-irrelevant
+ syntax-remove-bag-1-irrelevant
+ syntax-remove-bag-irrelevant
+ ))))
+(defthm syntax-intersection-is-nil-when-syntax-remove-bag-does-nothing
+ (implies (not (val 0 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)))
+ (equal (syntax-intersection term1 term2)
+ ''nil))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :induct t
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn
+ syntax-remove-bag-1-fn
+ syntax-intersection-fn
+ ))))
+(defthm kingoftown
+ (implies (not (syntax-memberp elem term))
+ (not (syntax-memberp elem (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 other-term term))))))
+(defthm kingoftown2
+ (NOT
+ (VAL 1
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-REMOVE-1-fn))))
+(defthm smith-blah
+ (NOT (SYNTAX-MEMBERP elem (VAL 2 (SYNTAX-REMOVE-BAG other-term term)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-REMOVE-BAG-fn
+;really want the -alt form?
+(defthm not-syntax-memberp-means-not-in-syntactic-intersection
+ (implies (not (syntax-memberp x y))
+ (not (syntax-memberp x (syntax-intersection y other-term))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-intersection syntax-memberp))))
+(in-theory (disable SYNTAX-MEMBERP-FN))
+(defthm hack-eric
+ (implies (and (val 0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 other-term y))
+ (not (syntax-memberp x y))
+ )
+ (not (syntax-memberp x other-term)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-memberp-fn)
+ :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors))))
+(defthm not-syntax-memberp-means-not-syntax-memberp-of-syntax-remove-1
+ (implies (not (syntax-memberp x y))
+ (not (syntax-memberp x (val 1 (syntax-remove-1 elem y)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1-fn syntax-memberp-fn))))
+;could show that syntactic-intersection is a syntactic subset of each arg?
+(defthm not-syntax-memberp-means-not-in-syntactic-intersection-alt
+ (implies (not (syntax-memberp x y))
+ (not (syntax-memberp x (syntax-intersection other-term y))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (e/d (syntax-intersection syntax-memberp
+ )
+ (poopsmith
+ (:induction syntax-memberp))))))
+;BOZO change names!
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-cannot-increase-count-one
+ (equal (< (count elem (syntax-ev term1 a))
+ (count elem (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)))
+ nil)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn))))
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-1-cannot-increase-count
+ (equal (< (count elem (syntax-ev term2 a))
+ (count elem (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 term1 term2)) a)))
+ nil))
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-cannot-increase-count-two
+ (equal (< (count elem (syntax-ev term2 a))
+ (count elem (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)))
+ nil)
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn))))
+(defthm bubs
+ (<= (count elem (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) term3)) a))
+ (count elem (syntax-ev term3 a)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :linear)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable syntax-remove-bag-cannot-increase-count-two)
+ :use (:instance syntax-remove-bag-cannot-increase-count-two (term1 (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2))) (term2 term3)))))
+(defthm checkinemail
+ (<= (count (syntax-ev elem a)
+ (syntax-ev (syntax-intersection term1 term2) a))
+ (count (syntax-ev elem a)
+ (syntax-ev term1 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-intersection-fn)))
+ )
+;whoa! this proved!
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-does-the-right-thing-helper
+ (equal (- (count elem (syntax-ev term1 a))
+ (count elem (syntax-ev term2 a)))
+ (- (count elem (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a))
+ (count elem (syntax-ev (v2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn; subbagp
+ ))))
+(defthm not-syntax-memberp-means-syntax-remove-1-does-nothing
+ (implies (not (syntax-memberp elem term))
+ (equal (val 1 (syntax-remove-1 elem term))
+ term)))
+(in-theory (disable SYNTAX-REMOVE-BAG-1-fn SYNTAX-MEMBERP-fn))
+(in-theory (disable SUBBAGP-OF-REMOVE-1-FROM-SUBBAGP)) ;why needed?
+ (implies (not (syntax-memberp elem term))
+ (implies (memberp (syntax-ev elem alist)
+ (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag other-term term)) alist))
+ (memberp (syntax-ev elem alist)
+ (syntax-ev term alist))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag))))
+;not true?
+ (implies (not (syntax-memberp elem term))
+ (implies (memberp (syntax-ev elem alist)
+ (syntax-ev term alist))
+ (memberp (syntax-ev elem alist)
+ (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag other-term term)) alist))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag SYNTAX-REMOVE-BAG-1))))
+;bozo make equal
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-does-the-right-thing
+ (implies (subbagp (syntax-ev term1 alist) (syntax-ev term2 alist))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) alist)
+ (syntax-ev (v2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) alist)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag; subbagp
+ ))))
+ (implies (and (v0 (syntax-remove-bag list1 list2))
+ (equal (syntax-ev
+ (v2 (syntax-remove-bag list1 list2)) alist)
+ nil)
+ )
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev list2 alist) (syntax-ev list1 alist)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ ; :do-not-induct t
+ syntax-remove-bag
+ not-v1-syntax-remove-1)
+ (
+ )))
+ ))
+ )
+ (SYNTAX-EV x2 alist))
+ (APPEND (SYNTAX-EV x1 alist)
+ (SYNTAX-EV x2 alist))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-REMOVE-BAG))))
+ (implies (not (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag x y)) alist))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev y alist) (syntax-ev x alist)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag
+ subbagp
+ ))))
+ (NOT
+ (VAL 2
+ (VAL 2
+ (SYNTAX-REMOVE-BAG x1 y)))) alist))
+ (SUBBAGP (SYNTAX-EV y alist)
+ (APPEND (SYNTAX-EV x1 alist)
+ (SYNTAX-EV x2 alist))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-REMOVE-BAG))))
+ (defthm syntax-subbagp-implements-subbagp-syntax-ev-nil
+ (implies (and (v0 (syntax-remove-bag list1 list2))
+ (equal (syntax-ev (v2 (syntax-remove-bag list1 list2)) alist)
+ nil)
+ )
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev list2 alist) (syntax-ev list1 alist)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ ; :do-not-induct t
+ syntax-remove-bag
+ not-v1-syntax-remove-1)
+ (
+ )))
+ ))
+ )
+(defthm *trigger*-syntax-ev-syntax-subbagp
+ (implies (and (unique list2)
+ (meta-subbagp list1 list2)
+ )
+ (unique list1))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable meta-subbagp))))
+;--------------------- SUBBAGP-PAIR --------------------------
+;A main lemma...
+;To show disjointness of x1 and x2, we can find two other bags, list1 and list2, which we know are disjoint and
+;which we can tell (syntactcally) are supersets of x1 and x2 (either x1 is a subset of list1 and x2 is a subset of
+;list2, or vice versa).
+(defthm *trigger*-subbagp-pair-disjoint
+ (implies (and (disjoint list1 list2) ;list1 and list2 are free variables
+ (subbagp-pair x1 x2 list1 list2))
+ (disjoint x1 x2))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable subbagp-pair))))
+(defthm v1-syntax-remove-bag-1-implication-lemma
+ (implies (and (v0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 u y))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev v a)
+ (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 u y)) a))
+ (equal (v1 (syntax-remove-bag v (v1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 u y))))
+ ''nil))
+ (subbagp (append (syntax-ev u a)
+ (syntax-ev v a))
+ (syntax-ev y a))))
+(defthm v2-subbagp-remove-bag
+ (implies (and (v0 (syntax-remove-bag x list))
+ (equal (v1 (syntax-remove-bag x list))
+ ''nil))
+ (perm (syntax-ev (v2 (syntax-remove-bag x list)) a)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev x a) (syntax-ev list a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn))))
+(defthm syntax-memberp-quoted-implies-memberp
+ (implies (syntax-memberp (list 'quote elem) term)
+ (memberp elem (syntax-ev term a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-MEMBERP-fn))))
+(defthm subbagp-when-cdr-is-non-consp
+ (implies (and (not (consp (cdr x)))
+ (consp x) ;move to conclusion?
+ )
+ (equal (subbagp x y)
+ (memberp (car x) y))))
+;key lemma for subgoal 2 of syntax-unique-subbagps-implies-unique-subbagps
+(defthm v1-syntax-remove-bag-implication
+ (implies (and (v0 (syntax-remove-bag x y))
+ (equal (v1 (syntax-remove-bag x y))
+ '(quote nil)))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-fn))))
+;disable stuff like this?
+(defthm v2-syntax-remove-bag-implication-lemma
+ (implies
+ (and
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev x a) (syntax-ev list a))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev y a) (syntax-ev (v2 (syntax-remove-bag x list)) a))
+ (perm (syntax-ev (v2 (syntax-remove-bag x list)) a)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev x a) (syntax-ev list a)))
+ )
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev y a)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev list a)))))
+(defthm v2-syntax-remove-bag-implication
+ (implies
+ (and
+ (v0 (syntax-remove-bag x list))
+ (equal (v1 (syntax-remove-bag x list))
+ ''nil)
+ (v0 (syntax-remove-bag y (v2 (syntax-remove-bag x list))))
+ (equal (v1 (syntax-remove-bag y (v2 (syntax-remove-bag x list))))
+ ''nil)
+ )
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev y a)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev list a))))
+; Matt K. v7-1 mod for avoiding "Goal'", 2/13/2015: "Goal'" changed to "Goal".
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable v1-syntax-remove-bag-implication
+ v2-subbagp-remove-bag)
+ :use ((:instance v1-syntax-remove-bag-implication (y list))
+ (:instance v1-syntax-remove-bag-implication (x y)
+ (y (v2 (syntax-remove-bag x list))))
+ (:instance v2-subbagp-remove-bag)
+ ))))
+;this is the key lemma for the meta rule
+(defthm syntax-unique-subbagps-implies-unique-subbagps
+ (implies (syntax-unique-subbagps x y list)
+ (unique-subbagps (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a)
+ (syntax-ev list a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-unique-subbagps-fn
+ unique-subbagps))))
+(defun syntax-unique-subbagps-wrapper (term)
+ (declare (type t term)
+ (xargs :guard (pseudo-termp term))
+ )
+ (if (and (consp term)
+ (equal (car term) 'unique-subbagps) ;; (unique-subbagps x y list)
+ (consp (cdr term))
+ (consp (cddr term))
+ (consp (cdddr term))
+ (null (cddddr term)))
+ (let ((x (cadr term))
+ (y (caddr term))
+ (list (cadddr term)))
+ (let ((hit (syntax-unique-subbagps-fn nil x y list)))
+ (if hit
+ `(quote t)
+ term)))
+ term))
+;is this no longer used?
+(defthm *meta*-syntax-ev-syntax-unique-subbagps
+ (equal (syntax-ev term a)
+ (syntax-ev (syntax-unique-subbagps-wrapper term) a))
+ :rule-classes ((:meta :trigger-fns (unique-subbagps)))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-unique-subbagps-irrelevant))))
+;If list is unique and is big enough to contain both x and y, then x and y must be disjoint.
+(defthm *trigger*-unique-subbagps-implies-disjointness
+ (implies (and (unique list) ;list is a free variable
+ (unique-subbagps x y list))
+ (disjoint x y))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable unique-subbagps remove-bag disjoint)
+ :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors))))
+;-------------------------- MEMBERP ------------------------
+(defthm syntax-memberp-implements-memberp
+ (implies (syntax-memberp x list)
+ (memberp (syntax-ev x alist) (syntax-ev list alist))))
+(defun syntax-memberp-wrapper (term)
+ (declare (type t term))
+ (if (and (consp term)
+ (equal (car term) 'meta-memberp) ;; (meta-memberp x list)
+; (consp (cdr term))
+ ; (consp (cddr term))
+ (null (cdddr term)))
+ (let ((x (cadr term))
+ (list (caddr term)))
+ (let ((hit (syntax-memberp x list)))
+ (if hit
+ '(quote t)
+ term)))
+ term))
+;replace this with eric's rule?
+(defthm *meta*-syntax-ev-syntax-memberp
+ (equal (syntax-ev term alist)
+ (syntax-ev (syntax-memberp-wrapper term) alist))
+ :rule-classes ((:meta :trigger-fns (meta-memberp)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable meta-memberp))))
+(defthmd non-memberp-eric
+ (implies (and (not (memberp a y)) ;y is a free variable
+ (subbagp x y))
+ (equal (memberp a x)
+ nil)))
+ (implies (and (true-listp x)
+ (true-listp y))
+ (+ (acl2-count x) (acl2-count y))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable append))))
+ (implies (and (val 0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 x y))
+ (unique (syntax-ev y alist))
+ )
+ (equal (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 x y)) alist)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev x alist)
+ (syntax-ev y alist))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag-1
+ ;unique
+ ))))
+(defthm v1-syntax-remove-bag-1-is-remove-bag
+ (implies (and (unique (syntax-ev list alist))
+ (true-listp (syntax-ev list alist))
+ (v0 (syntax-remove-bag-1 x list)))
+ (equal (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 x list)) alist)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev x alist) (syntax-ev list alist))))
+ :hints (("goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (e/d (remove-bag-append-disjoint
+ syntax-remove-bag-1
+ )
+ (remove-bag-append)))))
+;when do we use these?
+(defthm v1-syntax-remove-1-is-remove-1
+ (implies (and (unique (syntax-ev term a)) ;why this hyp?
+ (v0 (syntax-remove-1 elem term)))
+ (equal (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-1 elem term)) a)
+ (remove-1 (syntax-ev elem a) (syntax-ev term a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (e/d ( ;remove-1
+ syntax-remove-1-fn
+ remove-bag-append-disjoint
+ disjoint-memberp-implies-non-membership
+ remove-1
+ )
+ (
+ CONS-CAR-ONTO-REMOVE-1-OF-CDR ;BOZO why did i need to disable this?
+ ))
+ :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors))))
+(defthm v2-syntax-remove-bag-is-remove-bag
+ (implies (and (unique (syntax-ev list a))
+ (true-listp (syntax-ev list a))
+ (v0 (syntax-remove-bag x list))
+ (equal (v1 (syntax-remove-bag x list))
+ ''nil))
+ (equal (syntax-ev (v2 (syntax-remove-bag x list)) a)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev x a) (syntax-ev list a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag))))
+;BOZO it would be nice if this returned a simplified term even if the first arg didn't simplify to nil.
+(defun syntax-meta-remove-bag-wrapper (term)
+ (declare (type t term)
+ (xargs :guard (pseudo-termp term)))
+ (if (and (consp term)
+ (equal (car term) 'meta-remove-bag)
+; (consp (cdr term))
+ ; (consp (cddr term))
+ (null (cdddr term)))
+ (met ((hit v1 v2) (syntax-remove-bag-fn nil (cadr term) (caddr term)))
+ (if (and hit
+ (equal v1 '(quote nil))
+ )
+ ;bozo consider remove-bag here?
+ ;`(meta-remove-bag ,v1 ,v2)
+ v2
+ term))
+ term))
+;; (thm
+;; (implies (not (val 0 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)))
+;; (equal (syntax-intersection term1 term1)
+;; ''nil))
+;; :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+;; :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag syntax-intersection syntax-remove-bag-1))))
+(defthm hhelperh
+ (implies t;(val 0 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2))
+ (perm (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev (syntax-intersection term1 term1) a)
+ (syntax-ev term1 a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag syntax-intersection))))
+(defthm *meta*-syntax-ev-meta-remove-bag-perm
+ (perm (syntax-ev term a)
+ (syntax-ev (syntax-meta-remove-bag-wrapper term) a))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable meta-remove-bag
+ syntax-remove-bag-irrelevant)))
+ :rule-classes ((:meta :trigger-fns (meta-remove-bag))))
+;trying a change where this handles remove-1 instead of meta-remove-1
+(defun syntax-remove-1-wrapper (term)
+ (declare (type t term)
+ (xargs :guard (pseudo-termp term)))
+ (if (and (consp term)
+ (equal (car term) 'remove-1) ;(equal (car term) 'meta-remove-1)
+; (consp (cdr term))
+ ; (consp (cddr term))
+ (null (cdddr term)) ;why?
+ )
+ (met ((hit v1) (syntax-remove-1-fn nil (cadr term) (caddr term)))
+ (if hit ;if we succeeded, then
+ v1 ;return the resulting term
+ term ;else, do nothing
+ ))
+ term))
+(defthm *meta*-syntax-ev-meta-remove-1-perm
+ (perm (syntax-ev term a)
+ (syntax-ev (syntax-meta-remove-1-wrapper term) a))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable meta-remove-1)))
+ :rule-classes ((:meta :trigger-fns (meta-remove-1))))
+ |#
+(defthm *meta*-syntax-ev-remove-1-perm
+ (perm (syntax-ev term a)
+ (syntax-ev (syntax-remove-1-wrapper term) a))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable remove-1
+ SYNTAX-MEMBERP-irrelevant
+ syntax-remove-1-irrelevant)))
+ :rule-classes ((:meta :trigger-fns (remove-1))))
+(defun which-subbagp (x list1 list2 key)
+ (declare (type t x list1 list2 key)
+ (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp x)
+ (pseudo-termp list1)
+ (pseudo-termp list2)
+ (pseudo-termp key))))
+ (or (and (syntax-subbagp-fn nil x list1)
+ `((,key . (quote t))))
+ (and (syntax-subbagp-fn nil x list2)
+ `((,key . (quote nil))))))
+(defmacro replace-perm (hit x y list)
+ `(if ,hit (meta-remove-bag ,x (append ,y ,list))
+ ,list))
+(defthm perm-free-substitution
+ (implies (and (perm x y)
+ (bind-free (which-subbagp x list1 list2 'in1) (in1))
+ (meta-subbagp x (if in1 list1 list2))
+ (equal in2 (not in1))
+ )
+ (equal (perm list1 list2)
+ (perm (replace-perm in1 x y list1)
+ (replace-perm in2 x y list2))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable meta-subbagp meta-remove-bag))))
+;BOZO wrong value on (common-elements '(cons b nil) '(cons a (cons b nil)))?
+;should we just write a function for the syntactic intersection of two terms, instead of calling syntax-remove-bag?
+(defun common-elements (term1 term2)
+ (declare (type t term1 term2))
+ (met ((hit xterm1 xterm2) (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2))
+ (declare (ignore xterm2))
+ (if (not hit)
+ (mv nil nil)
+ (met ((hit xterm1 sub) (syntax-remove-bag xterm1 term1))
+ (declare (ignore xterm1))
+ (mv
+ hit ;should this be t? what if xterm1 is nil?
+ sub)))))
+(defun bind-common-elements (term1 term2 key)
+ (declare (type t term1 term2 key))
+ (met ((hit common) (common-elements term1 term2))
+ (if (not hit) nil
+ `((,key . ,common)))))
+;cancel common stuff from both sides of a perm.
+;BOZO consider doing the same for a subbagp and a remove-bag?
+(defthm perm-common-elimination
+ (implies (and (bind-free (bind-common-elements list1 list2 'x) (x))
+ (meta-subbagp x list1)
+ (meta-subbagp x list2))
+ (equal (perm list1 list2)
+ (perm (meta-remove-bag x list1)
+ (meta-remove-bag x list2))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable meta-subbagp;BOZO why did I have to enable this?
+ meta-remove-bag))))
+; (in-theory (disable perm-consp-remove-1))
+;; I don't know how expensive these rules are in practice.
+;; For now, I disable them until needed.
+ (disable
+ perm-free-substitution
+; perm-common-elimination
+ ))
+;; Nonetheless, perm-common-elimination should be used in
+;; place of such hack rules as these ..
+ (disable
+ perm-cons-x-y-z
+ perm-append-x-y-z
+ ;perm-append-y-z-a
+ perm-append-x-a-y-append-a-z
+ ))
+;; This comment is probably not entirely correct:
+;; I think I know more about congruence based rewriting now. I don't
+;; think we need the meta rules stated above to do effective perm
+;; reasoning.
+;; I think proving congruence and associative rules for append/cons/
+;; etc should be enough .. we are close even now. I'm not sure how
+;; destructors factor in (remove-1, remove-bag, etc), but I bet there
+;; is a good strategy somewhere.
+;; So, in the future we may want to transition to rules of this form
+;; to do perm reasoning:
+;; Try to clean up the perm mess a bit ..
+ (disable
+; perm-not-consp-nil
+ ; perm-remove-bag-x-x
+; perm-append
+ perm-cons-append
+ perm-append-remove-1
+; perm-remove-1
+ ; perm-remove-bag
+ subbagp-perm-append-remove-bag
+ perm-cons-reduction
+ perm-nil-y
+; perm-remove-bag-2
+ perm-consp-remove-1
+ perm-subbagp-subbagp
+ remove-1-cons
+ ))
+;; Some meta trigger functions we need to keep around
+ (disable
+; meta-remove-bag
+ ;meta-remove-1
+ ))
+;; :meta rule to simplify (memberp x lst) when we know that X is not a member of
+;; certain things (namely, things syntactically present in LST).
+;We are rewriting a term of the form (memberp x lst). First, gather the list L of all the things which we know
+;syntactically from the goal do not contain x; that is, L contains all BLAH such that the goal contains (not (memberp x blah)).
+;Be careful not to use the literal which we're currently rewriting! If L is empty, do nothing. Otherwise,
+;process Z as follows: Z is a nest of conses and appends. We ignore the conses. If we find an element of L being
+;appended, we drop it. If we find an element of L at a leaf, we also discard it.
+;We refuse to look inside any function which is not a cons or an append.
+(defevaluator ev2 ev2-list
+ ((memberp x l)
+ (binary-append x y)
+ (cons x y)
+ (not x)
+ (if x y z)
+ ))
+;returns the list of all BLAH such that mfc contains a literal of the form (not (memberp x BLAH)).
+;doesn't allow BLAH to be Z, though.
+;a hyp of the form (not (memberp x lst)) will appear negated in the clause as (memberp x lst)
+;BOZO this should use the type-alist, not the clause
+(defun get-irrel-list-from-clause (x z clause)
+ (declare (type t x clause)
+; (xargs :guard (pseudo-termp term))
+ )
+ (if (not (consp clause))
+ nil
+ (let ((literal (car clause)))
+ (if (and (consp literal)
+ (equal (car literal) 'memberp)
+ (consp (cdr literal))
+ (equal x (cadr literal))
+ (consp (cddr literal))
+ (not (equal z (caddr literal))) ;skip this case...
+ )
+ (cons (caddr literal) (get-irrel-list-from-clause x z (cdr clause)))
+ (get-irrel-list-from-clause x z (cdr clause))))))
+;pass in x? have a case to handle constants like the meta rule above does?
+;write this more efficiently? bozo make this more efficient can we avoid some
+;consing by adding a passing a flag which indicates whether the recursive
+;calls changed anything? bozo don't depend on append nest being associated?
+(defun simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists (nest irrel-list)
+ (declare (type t nest irrel-list))
+ (if (not (equal 3 (len nest))) ;calls to cons and binary-append have length 3
+ ;we've hit a leaf; check whether it is something in the irrelevant list.
+ (if (memberp nest irrel-list)
+ ''nil
+ nest)
+ (if (equal (car nest) 'cons)
+ (list 'cons (cadr nest) (simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists (caddr nest) irrel-list))
+ (if (equal (car nest) 'binary-append)
+ ;We don't have to recur on (cadr nest) because we know it won't be an append or a cons, because of how
+ ;nests of those functions get normalized?
+ (if (memberp (cadr nest) irrel-list) ;we're appending something irrelevant, so drop it
+ (simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists (caddr nest) irrel-list)
+ (list 'binary-append (cadr nest)
+ (simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists (caddr nest) irrel-list)))
+ ;We've found something that is neither a cons nor an append.
+ (if (memberp nest irrel-list)
+ ''nil
+ nest))
+ )
+ ))
+(set-state-ok t)
+(defun simplify-cons-and-append-nest (term mfc state)
+ (declare (ignore state) (type t term mfc state))
+ (if (not (and (equal 3 (len term))
+ (equal (car term) 'memberp)))
+ term
+ (let ((irrel-list (get-irrel-list-from-clause (cadr term) (caddr term) (mfc-clause mfc))))
+ (if (not (consp irrel-list))
+ term
+ (list 'memberp
+ (cadr term)
+ (simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists (caddr term) irrel-list))))))
+(defun make-not-memberp-claim (x term)
+ (declare (type t x term))
+ `(not (memberp ,x ,term)))
+(defun hyp-fun-simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists (x nest irrel-list)
+ (declare (type t x nest irrel-list))
+ (if (not (equal 3 (len nest))) ;calls to cons and binary-append have length 3
+ ;we've hit a leaf:
+ (if (memberp nest irrel-list)
+ (make-not-memberp-claim x nest) ;we dropped nest
+ ''nil ;no hyps necessary
+ )
+ (if (equal (car nest) 'cons)
+ (hyp-fun-simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists x (caddr nest) irrel-list)
+ (if (equal (car nest) 'binary-append)
+ ;We don't have to recur on (cadr nest) because we know it won't be an append or a cons, because of how
+ ;nests of those functions get normalized?
+ (if (memberp (cadr nest) irrel-list) ;we're appending something irrelevant, so drop it
+ (list 'if (make-not-memberp-claim x (cadr nest))
+ (hyp-fun-simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists x (caddr nest) irrel-list)
+ ''nil)
+ (hyp-fun-simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists x (caddr nest) irrel-list))
+ ;We've found something that is neither a cons nor an append.
+ (if (memberp nest irrel-list)
+ (make-not-memberp-claim x nest) ;we dropped nest
+ ''nil ;no hyps necessary
+ )
+ )
+ )))
+(defun hyp-fun-simplify-cons-and-append-nest (term mfc state)
+ (declare (ignore state) (type t term mfc state))
+ (if (not (and (equal 3 (len term))
+ (equal (car term) 'memberp)))
+ 'nil
+ (let ((irrel-list (get-irrel-list-from-clause (cadr term) (caddr term) (mfc-clause mfc))))
+ (if (not (consp irrel-list))
+ 'nil
+ (hyp-fun-simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists (cadr term) (caddr term) irrel-list)))))
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm helper-eric
+ (implies
+ (ev2 (hyp-fun-simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists x nest irrel-list)
+ a)
+ (equal (memberp (ev2 x a) (ev2 nest a))
+ (memberp (ev2 x a) (ev2 (simplify-cons-and-append-nest-given-irrelevant-lists nest irrel-list) a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)))))
+;bozo bad name; what we're simplifying is actually a call to memberp
+ (defthm meta-rule-to-simplify-cons-and-append-nest
+ (implies (ev2 (hyp-fun-simplify-cons-and-append-nest term mfc state) a)
+ (equal (ev2 term a)
+ (ev2 (simplify-cons-and-append-nest term mfc state) a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)))
+ :rule-classes ((:meta :trigger-fns (memberp)))))
+ ()
+ (local (defthm test
+ (implies (not (memberp x foo))
+ (equal (memberp x (append a foo))
+ (memberp x a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable memberp-of-cons MEMBERP-of-APPEND))))))
+(defun syntax-subbagp-wrapper (term)
+ (declare (type t term)
+ (xargs :guard (pseudo-termp term))
+ )
+ (if (and (consp term)
+ (equal (car term) 'meta-subbagp) ;; (meta-subbagp list1 list2)
+; (consp (cdr term))
+ ; (consp (cddr term))
+ (null (cdddr term)))
+ (let ((list1 (cadr term))
+ (list2 (caddr term)))
+ (let ((hit (syntax-subbagp-fn nil list1 list2)))
+ (if hit
+ '(quote t)
+ term)))
+ term))
+(defun syntax-subbagp-pair-wrapper (term)
+ (declare (type t term)
+ (xargs :guard (pseudo-termp term)))
+ (if (and (consp term)
+ (equal (car term) 'subbagp-pair) ;; (subbagp-pair x1 x2 list1 list2)
+; (consp (cdr term))
+ ; (consp (cddr term))
+ ; (consp (cdddr term))
+ ; (consp (cddddr term))
+ (null (cdddddr term)))
+ (let ((x1 (cadr term))
+ (x2 (caddr term))
+ (list1 (cadddr term))
+ (list2 (caddddr term)))
+ (let ((hit (syntax-subbagp-pair-fn nil x1 x2 list1 list2)))
+ (if hit
+ `(quote t)
+ term)))
+ term))
+;(my-syntax-subbagp '(cons a x) '(cons b (cons a x)))
+;(my-syntax-subbagp '(cons a x) '(cons a x))
+;key lemma for *meta*-syntax-ev-syntax-subbagp
+;bozo rename
+ (defthm syntax-subbagp-implements-subbagp
+ (implies (and (v0 (syntax-remove-bag list1 list2))
+ (equal (v2 (syntax-remove-bag list1 list2))
+ '(quote nil))
+ )
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev list2 a) (syntax-ev list1 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable meta-subbagp)))))
+ (perm (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev (syntax-intersection term1 term2) a) (syntax-ev term1 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag
+ syntax-intersection
+ ))))
+(defthm hhelper
+ (implies (val 0 (syntax-subbagp-helper term1 term2))
+ (perm (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-subbagp-helper term1 term2)) a)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev term1 a) (syntax-ev term2 a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-subbagp-helper-fn))))
+(defthm syntax-subbagp-helper-implements-subbagp
+ (implies (v0 (syntax-subbagp-helper term1 term2))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev term1 a) (syntax-ev term2 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-subbagp-helper-fn
+ meta-subbagp)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :forward-chaining))
+(defthm syntax-subbagp-implements-subbagp
+ (implies (syntax-subbagp term1 term2)
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev term1 a) (syntax-ev term2 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (e/d (meta-subbagp syntax-subbagp-fn) (syntax-subbagp-helper-fn))))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :forward-chaining))
+;do we need this rule? previously, meta-subbagp was enabled (!), and so this rule probably didn't fire.
+;yet we seem to have gotten by without it??
+(defthm *meta*-syntax-ev-syntax-subbagp
+ (equal (syntax-ev term a)
+ (syntax-ev (syntax-subbagp-wrapper term) a))
+ :rule-classes ((:meta :trigger-fns (meta-subbagp)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-subbagp-irrelevant meta-subbagp))))
+(defthm syntax-subbagp-pair-implies-subbagp-pair-x
+ (implies (syntax-subbagp-pair x1 x2 list1 list2)
+ (subbagp-pair (syntax-ev x1 a)
+ (syntax-ev x2 a)
+ (syntax-ev list1 a)
+ (syntax-ev list2 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable subbagp-pair syntax-subbagp-pair-fn)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :forward-chaining))
+(defthm *meta*-syntax-ev-subbagp-pair
+ (equal (syntax-ev term a)
+ (syntax-ev (syntax-subbagp-pair-wrapper term) a))
+ :hints (("goal" :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-SUBBAGP-PAIR-irrelevant)))
+ :rule-classes ((:meta :trigger-fns (subbagp-pair))))
+;If we can tell syntactically that term1 and term2 have stuff in common,
+;return an alist binding the name indicated by key to that stuff. Otherwise,
+;return nil.
+(defun my-bind-common-elements (term1 term2 key)
+ (declare (type t term1 term2 key)
+ (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp term1)
+ (pseudo-termp term2)
+ (pseudo-termp key))))
+ (let ((common (bag::syntax-intersection-fn nil term1 term2)))
+ (if (equal common ''nil)
+ nil
+ `((,key . ,common)))))
+;trying with this enabled...
+;BOZO consider replacing this with a :meta rule that calls syntax-remove-bag?
+(defthm my-perm-common-elimination
+ (implies (and (bind-free (my-bind-common-elements list1 list2 'x) (x))
+ (bag::meta-subbagp x list1)
+ (bag::meta-subbagp x list2))
+ (equal (perm list1 list2)
+ (perm (bag::meta-remove-bag x list1)
+ (bag::meta-remove-bag x list2))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable bag::meta-subbagp ;BOZO why did I have to enable this?
+ bag::meta-remove-bag))))
+(defun perm-cancel-metafunction (term)
+ (declare (type t term))
+ (if (and (consp term)
+ (equal 'perm (car term))
+ (consp (cdr term))
+ (consp (cddr term))
+ (null (cdddr term)))
+ (met ((hit newarg1 newarg2) (syntax-remove-bag (cadr term) (caddr term)))
+ (if hit
+ `(perm ,newarg1 ,newarg2)
+ term))
+ term))
+ (SYNTAX-EV TERM2 alist))))
+(defthm subbagp-other-way
+ (implies (subbagp y x)
+ (equal (subbagp x y)
+ (perm x y)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable subbagp perm))))
+ (REMOVE-1 (SYNTAX-EV elem alist)
+ (REMOVE-1 (SYNTAX-EV elem alist)
+ (SYNTAX-EV TERM2 alist))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag
+ subbagp))))
+ (implies (subbagp (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) alist)
+ (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) alist))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev term1 alist)
+ (syntax-ev term2 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag
+ subbagp))))
+ (implies (subbagp (syntax-ev term1 a)
+ (syntax-ev term2 a))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)
+ (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag perm))))
+ (implies (perm (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)
+ (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a))
+ (perm (syntax-ev term1 a)
+ (syntax-ev term2 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag))))
+ (implies (perm (syntax-ev term1 a)
+ (syntax-ev term2 a))
+ (perm (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)
+ (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag perm))))
+ (equal (perm (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)
+ (syntax-ev (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a))
+ (perm (syntax-ev term1 a)
+ (syntax-ev term2 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag))))
+(defthm meta-perm-cancel
+ (equal (syntax-ev term a)
+ (syntax-ev (perm-cancel-metafunction term) a))
+ :rule-classes ((:meta :trigger-fns (perm))))
+(defthm SYNTAX-REMOVE-BAG-kills-all-of-term1-means-subbagp
+ ''NIL)
+ (subbagp (SYNTAX-EV TERM1 a)
+ ))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable SYNTAX-REMOVE-BAG))))
+ (implies
+ (val 0 (syntax-subbagp-helper term1 term2))
+ (equal (val 1 (syntax-subbagp-helper term1 term2))
+ (val 2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag syntax-subbagp-helper))))
+ (VAL
+ 0
+ (VAL 1
+ TERM2)))))
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-kills-all-of-term1-means-subbagp
+ (implies (equal (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2))
+ ''nil)
+ (mv-nth 0 (syntax-subbagp-helper term1 term2)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag syntax-subbagp-helper))))
+ ''NIL)
+ )))
+(defthm REMOVE-1-car-remove-bag-under-perm
+ (REMOVE-1 (CAR y) (REMOVE-BAG x y))
+ (REMOVE-BAG x (CDR y))))
+;prove this! could we just code syntax-remove-bag this way?
+;no! it involves consing up the intersection? but the other way involves consing up new terms?
+;we say perm because the final cdrs might not match?
+ (perm (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)
+ (remove-bag (syntax-ev (syntax-intersection term1 term2) a) (syntax-ev term1 a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag
+ syntax-intersection
+ ))))
+;sheesh. do we really need a notion of syntactic perm?
+(defthm not-syntax-memberp-means-not-in-syntactic-intersection-alt
+ (equal (syntax-memberp elem (syntax-intersection x y))
+ (syntax-memberp elem (syntax-intersection y x)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-intersection syntax-memberp))))
+(defthm subbagp-from-subbagp-of-append-1
+ (implies (subbagp (append x y) z)
+ (subbagp x z))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable subbagp))))
+(defthm subbagp-from-subbagp-of-append-two
+ (implies (subbagp (append x y) z)
+ (subbagp x z))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use subbagp-from-subbagp-of-append-1
+ :in-theory (disable subbagp-from-subbagp-of-append-1))))
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-does-the-right-thing
+ (implies (subbagp (syntax-ev term1 a) (syntax-ev term2 a))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)
+ (syntax-ev (v2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag;
+ ;subbagp
+ ))))
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-does-the-right-thing
+ (equal (subbagp (syntax-ev term1 a) (syntax-ev term2 a))
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)
+ (syntax-ev (v2 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag ;
+ ))))
+ (implies
+ (< (syntax-count elem term1)
+ (syntax-count elem term2))
+ (equal (count elem (syntax-ev term1 a))
+ (+ (syntax-count elem term1)
+ (count elem
+ (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag))))
+(defthm syntax-remove-bag-does-the-right-thing-helper1
+ (equal (count elem (syntax-ev (v1 (syntax-remove-bag term1 term2)) a))
+ (- (count elem (syntax-ev term1 a))
+ (min (syntax-count elem term1)
+ (syntax-count elem term2))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors)
+ :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-bag; subbagp
+ ))))
+prove these about remove-bag-1
+(defthm count-of-syntax-remove-bag-1
+ (equal (count (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-bag-1 x y)) a))
+ (if (syntax-memberp x y)
+ (+ -1 (count (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a)))
+ (count (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1)
+ :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors))))
+(defthm count-of-syntax-remove-1-better
+ (equal (count elem (syntax-ev (val 1 (syntax-remove-1 x y)) a))
+ (if (equal elem (syntax-ev x a))
+ (if (syntax-memberp x y)
+ (+ -1 (count (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a)))
+ (count (syntax-ev x a)
+ (syntax-ev y a)))
+ (count elem (syntax-ev y a))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable syntax-remove-1)
+ :do-not '(generalize eliminate-destructors))))
+to handle
+;odd proof?
+;move some of this stuff?
+(defthm syntax-memberp-implements-memberp
+ (implies (syntax-memberp v x)
+ (memberp (syntax-ev v a)
+ (syntax-ev x a)))
+ :rule-classes (:rewrite :forward-chaining))
+(defthm memberp-of-syntax-ev-helper
+ (implies (and (syntax-memberp x blah)
+ (subbagp (syntax-ev blah a) y))
+ (memberp (syntax-ev x a) y))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use (:instance syntax-memberp-implements-memberp (v x) (x blah) (a a))
+ :in-theory (e/d ( non-memberp-eric) (syntax-memberp-implements-memberp)))))