path: root/books/workshops/2004/sumners-ray/support/crit.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'books/workshops/2004/sumners-ray/support/crit.lisp')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/books/workshops/2004/sumners-ray/support/crit.lisp b/books/workshops/2004/sumners-ray/support/crit.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03a1864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2004/sumners-ray/support/crit.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "basis")
+;;;;;;;; definitions for example critical section system ;;;;;;;;;;;
+(encapsulate (((i *) => *)) (local (defun i (n) n)))
+(define-system critical
+ (in-critical (n) nil
+ (if (in-critical n-)
+ (/= (i n) (critical-id n-))
+ (= (status (i n) n-) :try)))
+ (critical-id (n) nil
+ (if (and (not (in-critical n-))
+ (= (status (i n) n-) :try))
+ (i n)
+ (critical-id n-)))
+ (status (p n) :idle
+ (if (/= (i n) p) (status p n-)
+ (case (status p n-)
+ (:try (if (in-critical n-) :try :critical))
+ (:critical :idle)
+ (t :try)))))
+;;;;;;;; definitions for example critical section system ;;;;;;;;;;;
+(encapsulate (((a) => *) ((b) => *))
+ (local (defun a () 1)) (local (defun b () 2))
+ (defthm a-/=-b (not (equal (a) (b))))
+ (defthm a-non-nil (not (equal (a) nil)))
+ (defthm b-non-nil (not (equal (b) nil))))
+; Added after v7-2 by Matt K. since the define-system just below introduces a
+; non-recursive definition with a measure.
+(set-bogus-measure-ok t)
+(define-system critical-spec
+ (ok (n) t
+ (not (and (= (status (a) n-) :critical)
+ (= (status (b) n-) :critical)))))
+;;;;;;;;; proof of invariant ok via inductive invariant ;;;;;;;;;;;;
+; we have to use a different versions of the above functions which are
+; defined on natural time rather than the abstracted t+,t-,tzp time
+; defined in basis.lisp.
+ (defun in-critical* (n)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (nfix n)))
+ (if (zp n) nil
+ (let ((n- (1- n)))
+ (if (in-critical* n-)
+ (/= (i n) (critical-id* n-))
+ (= (status* (i n) n-) :try)))))
+ (defun critical-id* (n)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (nfix n)))
+ (if (zp n) nil
+ (let ((n- (1- n)))
+ (if (and (not (in-critical* n-))
+ (= (status* (i n) n-) :try))
+ (i n)
+ (critical-id* n-)))))
+ (defun status* (p n)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (nfix n)))
+ (if (zp n) :idle
+ (let ((n- (1- n)))
+ (if (/= (i n) p) (status* p n-)
+ (case (status* p n-)
+ (:try (if (in-critical* n-) :try :critical))
+ (:critical :idle)
+ (t :try))))))
+ (defun ok* (n)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (nfix n)))
+ (if (zp n) t
+ (let ((n- (1- n)))
+ (not (and (= (status* (a) n-) :critical)
+ (= (status* (b) n-) :critical)))))))
+(defun ii-ok-for1 (n i)
+ (iff (= (status* i n) :critical)
+ (and (in-critical* n) (= (critical-id* n) i))))
+(defun ii-ok (n)
+ (and (ii-ok-for1 n (a)) (ii-ok-for1 n (b))))
+(defthm bogus-linear
+ (implies (integerp n)
+ (equal (+ (- x) x n) n)))
+(defthm ok-is-invariant
+ (and (ii-ok 0) (ok* 0)
+ (implies (and (natp n) (ii-ok n))
+ (and (ok* (1+ n)) (ii-ok (1+ n)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable (ii-ok) (ok*)))))
+;;;;;;;;; a few auxiliary rules for the invariant prover ;;;;;;;;;;;
+; we will need if-lifting for equal rules in the invariant prover:
+(if-lift-rules (equal x y))
+; we also need to force a case-split on (i n) and (critical-id n)
+; the need for a case-split on critical-id is unfortunate and is
+; due to some weakness in the prover which needs to be resolved.
+(finite-cases process-id :input (i n) ((a) (b)))
+(finite-cases critical-id :state (critical-id n) ((a) (b)))