path: root/books/workshops/2004/sumners-ray/support/sets.lisp
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+++ b/books/workshops/2004/sumners-ray/support/sets.lisp
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+;; sets.lisp
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(set-match-free-default :all)
+We define the common boolean operations (and a few other common useful notions)
+on sets canonicalized as ordered lists using Pete's total ordering of all ACL2
+objects. Further, the functions have been defined with a normalization of all
+ACL2 objects as appropriate sets (we define a 1-1 function which maps any ACL2
+object to a corresponding well-formed set) and using this normal (and its
+inverse), we can prove properties about normalized set operations which use
+equal-ity instead of set-equality and require no backtracking to relieve
+well-formed set hypotheses.
+EXPORTED logic functions:
+ (in e x) -- set membership predicate, is element e a member of set x
+ (subset x y) -- subset predicate, is set x a subset of set y
+ (isect x y) -- the set intersection of set x and set y
+ (unite x y) -- the set union of set x and set y
+ (sdiff x y) -- the set of elements in set x but not in set y
+ (card x) -- returns the number of objects in the set x
+ (s1 e) -- the singleton set consisting only of the element e
+ (scar x) -- the least (by <<) element in the set x, nil if x is empty
+ () -- NIL is unique representative value for empty set,
+ so use NULL or NOT to test a set for emptiness
+ (c1 x) -- test which returns true if x is a singleton set
+EXPORTED theorems provided at the end of this file.
+I have removed all of the subgoal hints except for those introduced by the
+macro defthm-ternary-sets. These subgoal hints are reasonable since they are
+introduced in the context of a provided induction scheme and they help speed
+the proofs through considerably by avoiding the problem in ACL2 of
+free-variable matching in the application of <<-transitive.
+(include-book "total-order")
+;; i needed to add the following forward-chaining rule to make better use
+;; of <<-trichotomy from the included order book.
+(defthm <<-trichotomy-forward-chain1
+ (implies (and (not (<< x y))
+ (not (equal x y)))
+ (<< y x))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining))
+(defun setp (x)
+ (or (null x)
+ (and (consp x)
+ (setp (rest x))
+ (or (null (rest x))
+ (<< (first x) (second x))))))
+(defun ifsp (x) ;; ill-formed setp
+ (or (not (setp x))
+ (and (consp x)
+ (null (cdr x))
+ (ifsp (car x)))))
+(defun norm->set (x)
+ (if (ifsp x) (list x) x))
+(defun set->norm (x)
+ (if (ifsp x) (first x) x))
+(defun in-aux (e x)
+ (and (not (endp x))
+ (or (equal e (first x))
+ (and (<< (first x) e)
+ (in-aux e (rest x))))))
+(defun in (e x)
+ (in-aux e (norm->set x)))
+(defun subset-aux (x y)
+ (or (endp x)
+ (and (not (endp y))
+ (cond ((equal (first x) (first y))
+ (subset-aux (rest x) (rest y)))
+ ((<< (first y) (first x))
+ (subset-aux x (rest y)))
+ (t nil)))))
+(defun subset (x y)
+ (subset-aux (norm->set x) (norm->set y)))
+(defun isect-aux (x y)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (+ (acl2-count x)
+ (acl2-count y))))
+ (cond ((endp x) ())
+ ((endp y) ())
+ ((equal (first x) (first y))
+ (cons (first x)
+ (isect-aux (rest x) (rest y))))
+ ((<< (first x) (first y))
+ (isect-aux (rest x) y))
+ (t
+ (isect-aux x (rest y)))))
+(defun isect (x y)
+ (set->norm (isect-aux (norm->set x) (norm->set y))))
+(defun unite-aux (x y)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (+ (acl2-count x)
+ (acl2-count y))))
+ (cond ((endp x) y)
+ ((endp y) x)
+ ((equal (first x) (first y))
+ (cons (first x)
+ (unite-aux (rest x) (rest y))))
+ ((<< (first x) (first y))
+ (cons (first x)
+ (unite-aux (rest x) y)))
+ (t
+ (cons (first y)
+ (unite-aux x (rest y))))))
+(defun unite (x y)
+ (set->norm (unite-aux (norm->set x) (norm->set y))))
+(defun sdiff-aux (x y)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (+ (acl2-count x)
+ (acl2-count y))))
+ (cond ((endp x) ())
+ ((endp y) x)
+ ((equal (first x) (first y))
+ (sdiff-aux (rest x) (rest y)))
+ ((<< (first x) (first y))
+ (cons (first x)
+ (sdiff-aux (rest x) y)))
+ (t
+ (sdiff-aux x (rest y)))))
+(defun sdiff (x y)
+ (set->norm (sdiff-aux (norm->set x) (norm->set y))))
+(defun s1 (e)
+ (set->norm (list e)))
+(defun card (x)
+ (len (norm->set x)))
+(defun scar (x)
+ (if (ifsp x) x (first x)))
+(defmacro empty-set ()
+ `())
+(defun c1 (x)
+ (let ((x (norm->set x))) (and (consp x) (not (cdr x)))))
+;;; some useful auxiliary macros which could be removed if
+;;; needed (e.g. if the names conflict with existing fns)
+(defmacro sadd (e x)
+ `(unite (s1 ,e) ,x))
+(defmacro sdrop (e x)
+ `(sdiff ,x (s1 ,e)))
+(defmacro scdr (x)
+ `(sdrop (scar ,x) ,x))
+(defmacro satom (x)
+ `(not ,x))
+(defmacro common (x y)
+ `(not (satom (isect ,x ,y))))
+;;;; properties of setp ;;;;
+(defthm setp-implies-true-listp
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (true-listp x))
+ :rule-classes (:forward-chaining
+ :rewrite)))
+;;;; properties of norm->set and set->norm ;;;;
+(defthm norm->set-set->norm-of-setp
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (equal (norm->set (set->norm x))
+ x))))
+(defthm norm->set-of-wf-setp
+ (implies (not (ifsp x))
+ (equal (norm->set x) x))))
+(defthm norm->set-of-if-setp
+ (implies (ifsp x)
+ (equal (norm->set x) (list x)))))
+(defthm norm->set-returns-setp
+ (setp (norm->set x))))
+(defthm norm->set-preserves-equality
+ (iff (equal (norm->set x) (norm->set y))
+ (equal x y))))
+(defthm set->norm-norm->set-inverse
+ (equal (set->norm (norm->set x)) x)))
+(defthm set->norm-nil-iff-passed-nil
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (iff (set->norm x) x))))
+(defthm norm->set-of-x-is-consp-or-not-x
+ (iff (consp (norm->set x)) x)
+ :rule-classes nil))
+(defthm norm->set-is-true-listp
+ (true-listp (norm->set x))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription))
+(in-theory (disable set->norm norm->set))
+;;;; bounded properties ;;;;
+(defthm unite-aux-bounded-<<
+ (implies (and (<< a (first x))
+ (<< a (first y)))
+ (<< a (first (unite-aux x y))))))
+(defthm isect-aux-bounded-<<
+ (implies (and (or (<< a (first x))
+ (<< a (first y)))
+ (isect-aux x y))
+ (<< a (first (isect-aux x y))))))
+(defthm sdiff-aux-bounded-<<
+ (implies (and (setp x)
+ (<< a (first x))
+ (sdiff-aux x y))
+ (<< a (first (sdiff-aux x y))))))
+;;;; type-correctness properties ;;;;
+(defthm unite-aux-preserves-setp
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y))
+ (setp (unite-aux x y)))
+ :rule-classes ((:forward-chaining
+ :trigger-terms ((unite-aux x y)))
+ :rewrite)))
+(defthm isect-aux-preserves-setp
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y))
+ (setp (isect-aux x y)))
+ :rule-classes ((:forward-chaining
+ :trigger-terms ((isect-aux x y)))
+ :rewrite)))
+(defthm sdiff-aux-preserves-setp
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (setp (sdiff-aux x y)))
+ :rule-classes ((:forward-chaining
+ :trigger-terms ((sdiff-aux x y)))
+ :rewrite)))
+;;;; properties of membership-aux ;;;;
+(defthm in-aux-isect-aux-reduce
+ (equal (in-aux e (isect-aux x y))
+ (and (in-aux e x) (in-aux e y)))))
+(defthm in-aux-unite-aux-reduce
+ (equal (in-aux e (unite-aux x y))
+ (or (in-aux e x) (in-aux e y)))))
+(defthm in-aux-implies-bounded
+ (implies (and (setp x)
+ (<< a (first x)))
+ (not (in-aux a x)))))
+(defthm in-aux-sdiff-aux-reduce
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (equal (in-aux e (sdiff-aux x y))
+ (and (in-aux e x) (not (in-aux e y)))))))
+(defthm in-aux-subset-aux-transits
+ (implies (and (in-aux e x)
+ (subset-aux x y))
+ (in-aux e y))))
+;;;; ternary variable induction scheme and strategy ;;;;
+;; the following function defines an induction scheme used in theorems
+;; involving three free variables (like associativity proofs).
+(defun ternary-induct (x y z)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (+ (acl2-count x)
+ (acl2-count y)
+ (acl2-count z))))
+ (if (or (endp x)
+ (endp y)
+ (endp z))
+ ; The following was changed to avoid SBCL warning, "Asserted type NUMBER
+ ; conflicts with derived type (VALUES LIST &OPTIONAL)."
+ (list x y z)
+ (cond ((<< (first x) (first y))
+ (cond ((<< (first x) (first z))
+ (ternary-induct (rest x) y z))
+ ((equal (first x) (first z))
+ (ternary-induct (rest x) y (rest z)))
+ ((and (<< (first z) (first x))
+ (<< (first z) (first y)))
+ (ternary-induct x y (rest z)))))
+ ((equal (first x) (first y))
+ (cond ((<< (first x) (first z))
+ (ternary-induct (rest x) (rest y) z))
+ ((equal (first x) (first z))
+ (ternary-induct (rest x) (rest y) (rest z)))
+ ((<< (first z) (first x))
+ (ternary-induct x y (rest z)))))
+ ((<< (first y) (first x))
+ (cond ((<< (first y) (first z))
+ (ternary-induct x (rest y) z))
+ ((equal (first y) (first z))
+ (ternary-induct x (rest y) (rest z)))
+ ((and (<< (first z) (first y))
+ (<< (first z) (first x)))
+ (ternary-induct x y (rest z)))))))))
+;; the following macro defines an effective strategy for inducting based on the
+;; scheme ternary-induct.
+(defmacro defthm-ternary-sets (name body)
+ `(defthm ,name ,body
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :induct (ternary-induct x y z)
+ :in-theory (disable <<-transitive))
+ ("Subgoal *1/13"
+ :in-theory (enable <<-transitive))
+ ("Subgoal *1/5"
+ :in-theory (enable <<-transitive)))))
+;;;; properties of subset-aux ;;;;
+(defthm unite-aux-x<y-expansion
+ (implies (and (consp x)
+ (consp y)
+ (<< (car x) (car y)))
+ (equal (unite-aux x y)
+ (cons (car x)
+ (unite-aux (cdr x) y))))))
+(defthm subset-aux-x<y-reduces-nil
+ (implies (and (consp x)
+ (consp y)
+ (<< (car x) (car y)))
+ (equal (subset-aux x y)
+ nil))))
+(defthm atom-unite-aux-implies-atom-params
+ (implies (not (consp (unite-aux x y)))
+ (and (not (consp x))
+ (not (consp y))))))
+(defthm-ternary-sets subset-aux-unite-aux-reduction
+ (equal (subset-aux (unite-aux x y) z)
+ (and (subset-aux x z)
+ (subset-aux y z)))))
+(in-theory (disable unite-aux-x<y-expansion)))
+(defthm subset-aux-is-reflexive
+ (subset-aux x x)))
+(defthm subset-aux-unite-aux-property
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (subset-aux x (unite-aux x y)))))
+(defthm <<-irreflexive-rewrite
+ (implies (<< x y)
+ (not (equal x y)))))
+(defthm-ternary-sets subset-aux-isect-aux-reduction
+ (equal (subset-aux x (isect-aux y z))
+ (and (subset-aux x y)
+ (subset-aux x z)))))
+(defthm subset-aux-isect-aux-property
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (subset-aux (isect-aux x y) x))))
+(defthm subset-aux-sdiff-aux-property
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (subset-aux (sdiff-aux x y) x))))
+(defthm-ternary-sets subset-aux-is-transitive
+ (implies (and (subset-aux x y)
+ (subset-aux y z))
+ (subset-aux x z))))
+(defthm subset-aux-is-total-on-sets
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y)
+ (subset-aux x y))
+ (equal (subset-aux y x)
+ (equal x y)))))
+(defthm subset-length-property
+ (implies (and (setp x)
+ (setp y)
+ (subset-aux x y))
+ (<= (len x) (len y)))))
+(defthm len<-reduce-when-subset
+ (implies (and (setp x)
+ (setp y)
+ (subset-aux x y))
+ (equal (< (len x) (len y))
+ (not (equal x y))))))
+;;;; properties of unite-aux ;;;;
+(defthm unite-aux-implied-by-and
+ (implies (and (setp x)
+ (setp y)
+ x y)
+ (unite-aux x y))))
+(defthm unite-aux-reflexes
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (equal (unite-aux x x) x))))
+(defthm unite-aux-commutes
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y))
+ (equal (unite-aux x y)
+ (unite-aux y x)))))
+(defthm unite-aux-x<y-expansion-flip
+ (implies (and (consp x)
+ (consp y)
+ (<< (car x) (car y)))
+ (equal (unite-aux y x)
+ (cons (car x)
+ (unite-aux y (cdr x)))))))
+(in-theory (enable unite-aux-x<y-expansion)))
+(defthm-ternary-sets unite-aux-associates
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y) (setp z))
+ (equal (unite-aux (unite-aux x y) z)
+ (unite-aux x (unite-aux y z))))))
+(in-theory (disable unite-aux-x<y-expansion-flip
+ unite-aux-x<y-expansion)))
+(defthm unite-aux-subset-aux-property
+ (equal (equal (unite-aux x y) y)
+ (subset-aux x y))))
+(defthm length-of-unite-aux-property
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y))
+ (equal (len (unite-aux x y))
+ (+ (len x)
+ (len (sdiff-aux y x)))))))
+(defthm set-norm-equality-transfer
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (equal (equal (set->norm x) y)
+ (equal x (norm->set y))))))
+;;;; properties of isect-aux ;;;;
+(defthm isect-aux-reflexes
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (equal (isect-aux x x) x))))
+(defthm isect-aux-commutes
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y))
+ (equal (isect-aux x y) (isect-aux y x)))))
+(defthm isect-aux-x<y-expansion
+ (implies (and (consp x)
+ (consp y)
+ (<< (car x) (car y)))
+ (equal (isect-aux y x)
+ (isect-aux y (cdr x))))))
+(defthm-ternary-sets isect-aux-associates
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y) (setp z))
+ (equal (isect-aux (isect-aux x y) z)
+ (isect-aux x (isect-aux y z))))))
+(in-theory (disable isect-aux-commutes
+ unite-aux-commutes)))
+(defthm isect-aux-bounded-then-not-equal
+ (implies (and (consp z)
+ (or (<< (car z) (car x))
+ (<< (car z) (car y))))
+ (not (equal (isect-aux x y) z)))))
+(defthm isect-aux-subset-aux-property
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y))
+ (equal (equal (isect-aux x y) x)
+ (subset-aux x y)))))
+(defthm <<-irreflexive-rewrite-flip
+ (implies (<< x y)
+ (not (equal y x)))))
+(defthm-ternary-sets isect-aux-unite-aux-distributes
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y) (setp z))
+ (equal (isect-aux (unite-aux x y) z)
+ (unite-aux (isect-aux x z)
+ (isect-aux y z))))))
+(defthm-ternary-sets isect-aux-sdiff-aux-distributes
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y) (setp z))
+ (equal (isect-aux (sdiff-aux x y) z)
+ (sdiff-aux (isect-aux x z) y)))))
+;;;; properties of sdiff-aux ;;;;
+(defthm sdiff-aux-subset-aux-property
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y))
+ (iff (sdiff-aux x y)
+ (not (subset-aux x y))))))
+(defthm length-of-sdiff-aux-property
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y))
+ (equal (len (sdiff-aux x y))
+ (- (len x)
+ (len (isect-aux x y)))))))
+(defthm-ternary-sets sdiff-aux-unite-aux-distributes
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y) (setp z))
+ (equal (sdiff-aux (unite-aux x y) z)
+ (unite-aux (sdiff-aux x z)
+ (sdiff-aux y z))))))
+(defthm-ternary-sets sdiff-aux-unite-aux-reduction
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y) (setp z))
+ (equal (sdiff-aux x (unite-aux y z))
+ (sdiff-aux (sdiff-aux x y) z)))))
+(defthm sdiff-aux-reduce-no-isect-aux
+ (implies (and (setp x) (setp y) (not (isect-aux x y)))
+ (equal (sdiff-aux x y) x))))
+;;;; properties of s1-aux -- i.e. list ;;;;
+(defthm subset-aux-reduces-to-membership
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (equal (subset-aux (list e) x)
+ (in-aux e x)))))
+(defthm subset-aux-of-singleton
+ (implies (and (setp x) x
+ (subset-aux x (list e)))
+ (equal (equal x (list e)) t))))
+(defthm isect-aux-of-singleton
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (equal (isect-aux (list e) x)
+ (if (in-aux e x) (list e) ())))))
+(defthm sdiff-aux-of-singleton
+ (implies (setp x)
+ (equal (sdiff-aux (list e) x)
+ (if (in-aux e x) () (list e))))))
+;; Note, the order of the these theorems below is relevant for the
+;; order in which ACL2 applies them (later ones first). This is why
+;; the associativity and commutativity theorems are first since
+;; restructuring unite and isect can have the detrimental effect of
+;; disabling the application of other rules.
+(in-theory (enable unite-aux-commutes
+ isect-aux-commutes)))
+;;;; EXPORTED associative and commutative properties ;;;;
+(defthm unite-implied-by-and
+ (implies (and x y)
+ (unite x y)))
+(defthm unite-reflexes
+ (equal (unite x x) x))
+(defthm unite-commutes
+ (equal (unite x y)
+ (unite y x)))
+(defthm unite-associates
+ (equal (unite (unite x y) z)
+ (unite x (unite y z))))
+(defthm unite-associate-2
+ (equal (unite x (unite y z))
+ (unite y (unite x z)))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :in-theory (disable unite-commutes)
+ :use ((:instance unite-commutes
+ (x x) (y (unite y z)))
+ (:instance unite-commutes
+ (x x) (y z))))))
+(defthm isect-reflexes
+ (equal (isect x x) x))
+(defthm isect-commutes
+ (equal (isect x y)
+ (isect y x)))
+(defthm isect-associates
+ (equal (isect (isect x y) z)
+ (isect x (isect y z))))
+(defthm isect-associate-2
+ (equal (isect x (isect y z))
+ (isect y (isect x z)))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :in-theory (disable isect-commutes)
+ :use ((:instance isect-commutes
+ (x x) (y (isect y z)))
+ (:instance isect-commutes
+ (x x) (y z))))))
+;;;; EXPORTED properties of membership ;;;;
+(defthm in-isect-reduce
+ (equal (in e (isect x y))
+ (and (in e x) (in e y))))
+(defthm in-unite-reduce
+ (equal (in e (unite x y))
+ (or (in e x) (in e y))))
+(defthm in-sdiff-reduce
+ (equal (in e (sdiff x y))
+ (and (in e x) (not (in e y)))))
+(defthm in-subset-transits
+ (implies (and (in e x)
+ (subset x y))
+ (in e y)))
+;;;; EXPORTED properties of susbet ;;;;
+(defthm subset-unite-reduction
+ (equal (subset (unite x y) z)
+ (and (subset x z)
+ (subset y z))))
+(defthm subset-unite-property
+ (subset x (unite x y)))
+(defthm subset-isect-reduction
+ (equal (subset x (isect y z))
+ (and (subset x y)
+ (subset x z))))
+(defthm subset-isect-property
+ (subset (isect x y) x))
+(defthm subset-sdiff-property
+ (subset (sdiff x y) x))
+(defthm subset-is-reflexive
+ (subset x x))
+(defthm subset-is-transitive
+ (implies (and (subset x y)
+ (subset y z))
+ (subset x z)))
+(defthm subset-is-total-order
+ (implies (subset x y)
+ (equal (subset y x)
+ (equal x y))))
+(defthm subset-card-property
+ (implies (subset x y)
+ (<= (card x) (card y))))
+(defthm card<-reduce-when-subset
+ (implies (subset x y)
+ (equal (< (card x) (card y))
+ (not (equal x y)))))
+;;;; EXPORTED reductions of unite ;;;;
+(defthm unite-subset-property
+ (equal (equal (unite x y) y)
+ (subset x y)))
+(defthm unite-subset-property-2
+ (equal (equal (unite y x) y)
+ (subset x y)))
+(defthm unite-card-property
+ (equal (card (unite x y))
+ (+ (card x)
+ (card (sdiff y x)))))
+;;;; EXPORTED reductions of isect ;;;;
+(defthm isect-subset-property
+ (equal (equal (isect x y) x)
+ (subset x y)))
+(defthm isect-unite-distributes-1
+ (equal (isect (unite x y) z)
+ (unite (isect x z)
+ (isect y z))))
+(defthm isect-unite-distributes-2
+ (equal (isect z (unite x y))
+ (unite (isect x z)
+ (isect y z)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable isect-aux-commutes)
+ :use (:instance isect-aux-commutes
+ (x (norm->set z))
+ (y (unite-aux (norm->set x)
+ (norm->set y)))))))
+(defthm isect-sdiff-distributes-1
+ (equal (isect (sdiff x y) z)
+ (sdiff (isect x z) y)))
+(defthm isect-sdiff-distributes-2
+ (equal (isect z (sdiff x y))
+ (sdiff (isect x z) y))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable isect-aux-commutes)
+ :use (:instance isect-aux-commutes
+ (x (norm->set z))
+ (y (sdiff-aux (norm->set x)
+ (norm->set y)))))))
+;;;; EXPORTED reductions of sdiff ;;;;
+(defthm sdiff-subset-property
+ (iff (sdiff x y)
+ (not (subset x y))))
+(defthm sdiff-card-property
+ (equal (card (sdiff x y))
+ (- (card x)
+ (card (isect x y)))))
+(defthm sdiff-unite-distributes
+ (equal (sdiff (unite x y) z)
+ (unite (sdiff x z)
+ (sdiff y z))))
+(defthm sdiff-unite-reduction
+ (equal (sdiff x (unite y z))
+ (sdiff (sdiff x y) z)))
+(defthm sdiff-reduce-no-isect
+ (implies (not (isect x y))
+ (equal (sdiff x y) x)))
+;;;; EXPORTED reductions of s1 ;;;;
+(defthm s1-membership-property
+ (equal (in a (s1 b))
+ (equal a b)))
+(defthm s1-subset-property-1
+ (equal (subset (s1 e) x)
+ (in e x)))
+(defthm s1-subset-property-2
+ (implies (and (subset x (s1 e)) x)
+ (equal x (s1 e)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ (:instance norm->set-of-x-is-consp-or-not-x)))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining)
+(defthm s1-isect-property-1
+ (equal (isect (s1 e) x)
+ (if (in e x) (s1 e) ())))
+(defthm s1-isect-property-2
+ (equal (isect x (s1 e))
+ (if (in e x) (s1 e) ()))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (disable isect-aux-commutes)
+ :use (:instance isect-aux-commutes
+ (x (norm->set x))
+ (y (list e))))))
+(defthm s1-sdiff-property
+ (equal (sdiff (s1 e) x)
+ (if (in e x) () (s1 e))))
+(defthm s1-card-property
+ (equal (card (s1 e)) 1))
+(defthm s1-iff-t (iff (s1 e) t))
+(defthm s1-equal-nil
+ (equal (equal (s1 e) nil) nil))
+(defthm subset-s1-redux
+ (equal (subset a (s1 e))
+ (if a (equal a (s1 e)) t)))
+;;;; EXPORTED properties of empty-set ;;;;
+(defthm membership-empty-set
+ (not (in e (empty-set))))
+(defthm empty-set-is-subset
+ (subset (empty-set) x))
+(defthm empty-set-is-only-superset-self
+ (equal (subset x (empty-set))
+ (not x)))
+(defthm unite-empty-set-property-1
+ (equal (unite x (empty-set)) x))
+(defthm unite-empty-set-property-2
+ (equal (unite (empty-set) x) x))
+(defthm isect-empty-set-property-1
+ (equal (isect (empty-set) x) (empty-set)))
+(defthm isect-empty-set-property-2
+ (equal (isect x (empty-set)) (empty-set)))
+(defthm sdiff-of-empty-set-1
+ (equal (sdiff (empty-set) x) (empty-set)))
+(defthm sdiff-of-empty-set-2
+ (equal (sdiff x (empty-set)) x))
+(defthm s1-is-not-empty-set
+ (s1 e)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable set->norm)))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+(defthm card-of-empty-set
+ (iff (not x)
+ (equal (card x) 0))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable norm->set)))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription)
+;;;; EXPORTED properties of scar ;;;;
+(defthm scar-membership-property
+ (iff (in (scar x) x) x))
+(defthm scar-is-least-member
+ (implies (and (in e x)
+ (not (equal e (scar x))))
+ (<< (scar x) e)))
+(defthm scar-returns-nil-for-empty-set
+ (equal (scar (empty-set)) nil))
+(defthm scar-of-s1
+ (equal (scar (s1 e)) e)
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable set->norm))))
+(defthm scar-of-unite
+ (implies (and x y)
+ (equal (scar (unite x y))
+ (if (<< (scar x) (scar y)) (scar x) (scar y))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable norm->set set->norm))))
+(defthm scar-of-sdiff
+ (implies (<< (scar x) (scar y))
+ (equal (scar (sdiff x y)) (scar x)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable norm->set set->norm))))
+;;;; EXPORTED properties of c1 ;;;;
+(defthm c1-of-s1
+ (equal (c1 (s1 e)) t))
+(defthm c1-of-nil
+ (equal (c1 ()) nil))
+(defthm c1-of-unite
+ (equal (c1 (unite x y))
+ (if (c1 x) (implies y (equal x y)) (and (not x) (c1 y))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable norm->set set->norm)
+ :expand ((unite-aux (list x) y) (unite-aux x y)))))
+(defthm isect-aux-sdiff-aux-prop1
+ (implies (and (setp x) x
+ (not (isect-aux x y)))
+ (sdiff-aux x y)))
+(defthm isect-aux-sdiff-aux-prop2
+ (implies (and (consp x)
+ (setp x)
+ (not (isect-aux x y))
+ (not (cdr (sdiff-aux x y))))
+ (not (cdr x))))
+(defthm c1-of-sdiff
+ (implies (not (isect x y))
+ (equal (c1 (sdiff x y)) (c1 x)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable norm->set set->norm)
+ :expand ((:free (x) (sdiff-aux (list x) y))
+ (:free (x z) (sdiff-aux (list x z) y))
+ (:free (x a b) (sdiff-aux (list* x a b) y))))))
+(defthm c1-not-sdiff
+ (implies (and (isect x y) (c1 x))
+ (not (sdiff x y)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable norm->set set->norm)
+ :expand (:free (x) (sdiff-aux (list x) y)))))
+;; we now disable the top-level functions to keep their
+;; definitions from being expanded
+(in-theory (disable in subset isect unite sdiff card s1 scar c1))
+;; the following macro will enable/disable the executable-counterparts
+(defmacro ec-sets (x)
+ `(in-theory (,(if x 'enable 'disable)
+ (in) (subset) (isect) (unite)
+ (sdiff) (card) (s1) (scar) (c1))))
+;; we will begin with the executable-counterparts disabled
+(ec-sets nil)
+;; the following macro is a convenient way to define constants, it is similar
+;; to the 'list macro
+(defmacro make-set (&rest elems)
+ (if (endp elems) '(emptyset)
+ `(sadd ,(first elems) (make-set ,@(rest elems)))))
+;; we conclude with a few corollaries
+(defthm unite-iff-or
+ (iff (unite x y) (or x y))
+ :hints (("Goal" :cases ((not x) (not y)))))
+(defthm unite-x-absorption
+ (equal (unite x (unite x y)) (unite x y)))
+(defthm c1-of-sadd
+ (equal (c1 (sadd e x)) (if (c1 x) (equal x (s1 e)) (not x))))
+(defthm equal-s1-redux
+ (equal (equal (s1 a) (s1 b)) (equal a b))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable s1))))
+(defthm wrap-up-s1-equal-to-c1
+ (equal (equal (s1 (scar s)) s) (c1 s))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable s1 scar c1))))
+(defthm c1-in-redux-scar
+ (implies (c1 s) (equal (in e s) (equal e (scar s))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable in c1 scar))))
+(defthm setp-cons-redux
+ (equal (setp (cons x y))
+ (and (setp y) (implies y (<< x (car y)))))))
+(defthm equal-sadd-s1-redux
+ (equal (equal (sadd e x) (s1 a))
+ (and (equal e a) (implies x (equal x (s1 e)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable s1 unite norm->set set->norm)
+ :expand ((unite-aux (list e) x)))))
+> I propose the following additions to the sets book:
+> (defthm sdiff-x-x
+> (equal (sdiff x x)
+> (empty-set)))
+The following rule subsumes yours and I think would be
+a better addition:
+(defthm sdiff-superset
+ (implies (subset x y)
+ (equal (sdiff x y)
+ (empty-set))))
+> ;(add similar lemmas about other functions than unite
+> (e.g., isect)?
+> (defthm unite-reflexes-2
+> (equal (unite x (unite x y))
+> (unite x y)))
+> ;and can you prove this one for me?
+> (defthm sdiff-sdiff
+> (equal (sdiff (sdiff x y) y)
+> (sdiff x y))
+> )
+absorption rules for unite, isect, and sdiff (on the right)
+would be good. I have no idea why I had not considered adding
+these before. I will probably generalize them to have subset
+> BTW, what's the status of the sets book? Will it be
+> released with ACL2?
+It is in one of the workshops, although I am uncertain if it
+is updated. I will probably get Matt to add it to the misc
+directory (especially with some of the recent additions to
+the records book which make use of the sets book).
+> I also need:
+> (defthm unite-sdiff-hack
+> (equal (unite x (sdiff y x))
+> (unite x y)))
+Hmmm. I am uncertain if this is a proper reduction. Intuitively,
+while the lhs is a bigger term, it is smaller in terms of
+cardinality. I will need to think about this case, but offhand,
+I don't see this as an obviously good addition to the sets book.
+> (BTW, I'm assuming its okay to ask you to prove these
+> since they'd make good additions to the sets book,
+> which you are developing. If you'd rather not be
+> bothered with this, let me know.)
+Please feel free to make suggestions (just don't expect that I
+will always be quick in handling the suggestions). I like using
+the sets book and would like to see others use it as well. (I am
+generally an advocate of having books with rewrite rules which
+are "context-free" -- well as context-free as possible).
+ -Rob
+> i talked with Matt (the other "old-timer") and we
+> are
+> in tacit agreement that we should change
+> "records.lisp"
+> to "maps.lisp" (the new version with all of the
+> various
+> improvements and which includes the sets book). But,
+> I want to wait ask about this at the next ACL2
+> meeting
+> to get an idea of how many people (if any) are using
+> the
+> records book.
+My sense is that people aren't using the records/maps
+book enough (and that, in general, people don't
+appreciate the importance of the tricks done to make
+the records book clean). Did anyone ever give a talk
+on records/maps at the ACL2 seminar?
+I'm changing my copy of the "M5" JVM model to use
+records, and I think this is clearly the way to go.
+(There are some subtleties, but I now have a fairly
+clean algebra for the heap.) If J's folks keep
+hearing about this from enough people, maybe they'll
+use records for M6. Hanbing seems to be in charge of
+> > BTW, are there easy proofs for either of the
+> following
+> > (which I've left as axioms in order to get on with
+> my
+> > JVM proofs)? I'm not terribly familiar with the
+> sets
+> > book, and I didn't find an easy proof for these.
+> >
+> > (defaxiom sdiff-sdiff
+> > (equal (ACL2::SDIFF (ACL2::SDIFF Z X) X)
+> > (ACL2::SDIFF Z X)))
+> >
+> > (defaxiom unite-hack
+> > (equal (acl2::unite x (acl2::sdiff z x))
+> > (acl2::unite x z)))
+> I believe these are provable, but not easily proven
+> in
+> terms of the existing rules.
+> I am planning on doing some work with the records (I
+> mean
+> "maps") and sets books this weekend. The updates
+> should
+> cover these theorems (and many others). I will send
+> them
+> to you on Monday.
+That would be great! Thanks. I've been spending a
+lot of time making changes to M5 and thinking about
+sets, maps, and other implementation details, instead
+of actually doing the proofs I'm supposed to be doing
+(about java.util.linkedlist). Even so, Dill seems
+satisfied with my progress. Once we get the JVM model
+(and the sets and maps books) stabilized, I should be
+much more productive and should be able to totally
+impress him.
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