path: root/books/workshops/2007/rubio/support/abstract-reductions/newman.lisp
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+;;; newman.lisp
+;;; A mechanical proof of Newman's lemma for abstract reduction relations
+;;; Created: 6-8-99 Last revison: 07-03-2001
+;;; ============================================================================
+#| To certify this book:
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(defconst *abstract-proofs-exports*
+ '(last-elt r-step direct operator elt1 elt2 r-step-p make-r-step
+ first-of-proof last-of-proof steps-up steps-down steps-valley
+ proof-before-valley proof-after-valley inverse-r-step inverse-proof
+ local-peak-p proof-measure proof-before-peak proof-after-peak
+ local-peak peak-element))
+(defconst *cnf-package-exports*
+ (union-eq *acl2-exports*
+ (union-eq
+ *common-lisp-symbols-from-main-lisp-package*
+ *abstract-proofs-exports*)))
+(defpkg "NWM" (cons 'multiset-diff *cnf-package-exports*))
+(certify-book "newman" 3)
+(in-package "NWM")
+(include-book "../multisets/defmul")
+(include-book "abstract-proofs")
+;;; *******************************************************************
+;;; For terminating relations, local confluence implies
+;;; confluence [see "Term Rewriting and all that..." (Baader & Nipkow),
+;;; chapter 2, pp. 28-29]
+;;; *******************************************************************
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 1. Formalizing the statement of the theorem
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; 1.1 A noetherian and locally confluent reduction relation
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ((rel (x y) booleanp)
+ (q (x) booleanp)
+ (fn (x) o-p)
+ (legal (x u) boolean)
+ (reduce-one-step (x u) element)
+ (transform-local-peak (x) proof))
+;;; A general noetherian partial order rel is (partially) defined. The
+;;; function is well founded on the set defined by a predicate q, and fn
+;;; is the order-preserving mapping from objects to ordinals. It will be
+;;; used (see below) to justify noetherianity of the reduction relation,
+;;; based on the following meta-theorem: "A reduction is noetherian iff
+;;; it is contained in a noetherian partial order"
+;;; REMARK: Transitivity is required, but this is not a real
+;;; restriction, since a reduction is noetherian iff its included in a
+;;; transitive and noetherian relation. We need it because transitive
+;;; closure, in general, is not decidable even if the relation is
+;;; decidable, so we cannot define the transitive closure of a relation.
+ (local (defun rel (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) nil))
+ (local (defun fn (x) (declare (ignore x)) 1))
+ (local (defun q (x) (declare (ignore x)) t))
+ (defthm rel-well-founded-relation-on-q
+ (and
+ (implies (q x) (o-p (fn x)))
+ (implies (and (q x) (q y) (rel x y))
+ (o< (fn x) (fn y))))
+ :rule-classes (:well-founded-relation :rewrite))
+ (defthm rel-transitive
+ (implies (and (q x) (q y) (q z) (rel x y) (rel y z))
+ (rel x z))
+ :rule-classes nil)
+;;; As in confluence.lisp, we define an abstract reduction relation
+;;; using three functions:
+;;; - q is the predicate defining the set where the reduction relation
+;;; is defined (introduced above).
+;;; - reduce-one-step is the function applying one step of reduction,
+;;; given an element and an operator. Note that elements are reduced by
+;;; means of the action of "abstract" operators.
+;;; - legal is the function testing if an operator can be applied to a
+;;; term.
+ (local (defun legal (x u) (declare (ignore x u)) nil))
+ (local (defun reduce-one-step (x u) (+ x u)))
+;;; With these functions one can define what is a legal proof step: a
+;;; r-step-p structure (see abstract-proofs.lisp) such that one the
+;;; elements is obtained applying a reduction step to the other (using a
+;;; legal operator).
+ (defun proof-step-p (s)
+ (let ((elt1 (elt1 s)) (elt2 (elt2 s))
+ (operator (operator s)) (direct (direct s)))
+ (and (r-step-p s)
+ (implies direct (and (legal elt1 operator)
+ (equal (reduce-one-step elt1 operator)
+ elt2)))
+ (implies (not direct) (and (legal elt2 operator)
+ (equal (reduce-one-step elt2 operator)
+ elt1))))))
+;;; And now we can define the equivalence closure of the reduction
+;;; relation, given by equiv-p: two elements are equivalent if there
+;;; exists a list of concatenated legal proof-steps (a PROOF) connecting
+;;; the elements, such that every element involved in the proof is in
+;;; the set defined by q. In the book confluece.lisp is proved that
+;;; equiv-p defines the least equivalence relation in the set defined by
+;;; q, containing the reduction relation.
+ (defun equiv-p (x y p)
+ (if (endp p)
+ (and (equal x y) (q x))
+ (and
+ (q x)
+ (proof-step-p (car p))
+ (equal x (elt1 (car p)))
+ (equiv-p (elt2 (car p)) y (cdr p)))))
+;;; Local confluence is reformulated in terms of proofs: "for every
+;;; local-peak, there is an equivalent valley proof" This equivalent
+;;; valley proof is returned by a function transform-local-peak:
+ (local (defun transform-local-peak (x) (declare (ignore x)) nil))
+ (defthm local-confluence
+ (let ((valley (transform-local-peak p)))
+ (implies (and (equiv-p x y p) (local-peak-p p))
+ (and (steps-valley valley)
+ (equiv-p x y valley)))))
+;;; Noetherianity of the reduction relation, justified by inclusion in
+;;; the well founded relation rel: if we permorm one (legal) reduction
+;;; step in the set defined by q, then we obtain a smaller element
+;;; (with respect to rel):
+ (defthm noetherian
+ (implies (and (q x) (legal x u) (q (reduce-one-step x u)))
+ (rel (reduce-one-step x u) x))))
+;;; We think all these properties are a reasonable abstraction of every
+;;; noetherian and locally confluent reduction relation.
+;;; A first theorem: irreflexivity of rel
+;; Añadido para la 2.8
+(defthm o<-irreflexive
+ (not (o< x x)))
+ (defthm rel-irreflexive
+ (implies (q x) (not (rel x x)))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :in-theory (disable rel-well-founded-relation-on-q)
+ :use (:instance rel-well-founded-relation-on-q
+ (y x))))))
+;;; REMARK: e0-ord-irreflexive (in multiset.lisp) is needed
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; 1.3 Our goal
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; REMARK: We will prove that the reduction relation has the
+;;; Church-Rosser property, instead of showing confluence (which is
+;;; equivalent).
+;;; Our definition of the Church-Rosser property (see confluence.lisp) is:
+;;; (defthm Chuch-Rosser-property
+;;; (let ((valley (transform-to-valley p)))
+;;; (implies (equiv-p x y p)
+;;; (and (steps-valley valley)
+;;; (equiv-p x y valley)))))
+;;; So our goal is to define transform-to-valley with these properties.
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; 1.4 Some useful stuff
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Since equiv-p is "infected" (see subversive-recursions in the ACL2
+;;; manual), we have to specify the induction scheme. Suggested by
+;;; M. Kaufman
+ (defun induct-equiv-p (x p) (declare (ignore x))
+ (if (endp p)
+ t
+ (induct-equiv-p (elt2 (car p)) (cdr p)))))
+ (defthm equiv-p-induct t
+ :rule-classes
+ ((:induction :pattern (equiv-p x y p)
+ :condition t
+ :scheme (induct-equiv-p x p)))))
+;;; Proof-p: sometimes it will be useful to talk about proofs without
+;;; mentioning equiv-p. Proof-p recognizes sequences of legal
+;;; concatenated steps without mentioning endpoints.
+ (defun proof-p (p)
+ (if (atom p)
+ t
+ (and (proof-step-p (car p)) (q (elt1 (car p))) (q (elt2 (car p)))
+ (if (atom (cdr p))
+ t
+ (and (equal (elt2 (car p)) (elt1 (cadr p)))
+ (proof-p (cdr p))))))))
+;;;; Relation between proof-p y equiv-p
+ (defthm equiv-p-proof-p
+ (implies (equiv-p x y p)
+ (proof-p p))))
+;;; A rule without free variables (almost) expressing local conf.
+ (defthm local-confluence-w-f-v
+ (implies (and (proof-p p) (local-peak-p p))
+ (and (steps-valley (transform-local-peak p))
+ (proof-p (transform-local-peak p))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use (:instance local-confluence
+ (x (elt1 (car p)))
+ (y (elt2 (last-elt p))))
+ :in-theory (disable local-confluence)))))
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 2. Towards the definition of transform-to-valley
+;;; ============================================================================
+(defun exists-local-peak (p)
+ (cond ((or (atom p) (atom (cdr p))) nil)
+ ((and
+ (not (direct (car p)))
+ (direct (cadr p)))
+ (and (proof-step-p (car p))
+ (proof-step-p (cadr p))
+ (q (elt1 (car p)))
+ (q (elt2 (car p))) (q (elt2 (cadr p)))
+ (equal (elt2 (car p)) (elt1 (cadr p)))))
+ (t (exists-local-peak (cdr p)))))
+(defun replace-local-peak (p)
+ (cond ((or (atom p) (atom (cdr p))) nil)
+ ((and (not (direct (car p))) (direct (cadr p)))
+ (append (transform-local-peak (list (car p) (cadr p)))
+ (cddr p)))
+ (t (cons (car p) (replace-local-peak (cdr p))))))
+;;; The idea is to define a function like this (i.e. to replace local peaks
+;;; iteratively until there are no local peaks left):
+;(defun transform-to-valley (p)
+; (if (not (exists-local-peak p))
+; p
+; (transform-to-valley (replace-local-peak p))))
+;;; A minor modification has to be done to the condition of the base case
+;;; of this definition, as we will see. But the main point here is that,
+;;; as expected, this function is not admitted without help from the
+;;; user (the length of the proof (replace-local-peak p) may be greater
+;;; than the length of p). So the hard part of the theorem is to provide
+;;; that help as a suitable set of rules and hints, to get the admission
+;;; of transform-to-valley.
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 3. Admission of transform-to-valley
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; 3.1 A multiset measure
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; We will lead the prover to the admission of the theorem by means of
+;;; a multiset measure (following a hand proof by Klop). The idea is to
+;;; assign to every proof the multiset of elements involved in it. These
+;;; multisets are compared w.r.t. the well-founded multiset relation
+;;; induced by rel (mul-rel)
+;;; We define the well-founded extension of rel to multisets.
+;;; See defmul.lisp
+; (acl2::defmul-components rel)
+;The list of components is:
+(acl2::defmul (rel rel-well-founded-relation-on-q q fn x y)
+ :verify-guards t)
+;;; This defmul call defines the well-founded multiset relation mul-rel,
+;;; defined on multisets of elements satisfying q (defined by
+;;; q-true-listp), induced by the well-founded relation rel.
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; 3.2 Proof steps in the set defined by q.
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Our measure hint for the admission of transform-to-valley will be
+;;; (see the definition of proof-measure in abstract-proofs.lisp) the
+;;; proof-measure of the proof, and the well founded relation will be
+;;; mul-rel. Note that mul-rel is known to be well-founded ONLY on
+;;; multisets of elements satisfying q, so the recursion has only to be
+;;; called for proofs such that its proof-measure is a set of elements
+;;; satisfying q.
+;;; With these considerations, our goal now is to define
+;;; the following function, with the following measure and w.f. relation
+;;; hints.
+;(defun transform-to-valley (p)
+; (declare (xargs :measure (if (steps-q p) (proof-measure p) nil)
+; :well-founded-relation mul-rel))
+; (if (and (steps-q p) (exists-local-peak p))
+; (transform-to-valley (replace-local-peak p))
+; p))
+;;; where the function steps-q checks if we have a sequence of proof
+;;; steps connecting elements satisfying q:
+(defun steps-q (p)
+ (if (endp p)
+ t
+ (and (r-step-p (car p))
+ (q (elt1 (car p)))
+ (q (elt2 (car p)))
+ (steps-q (cdr p)))))
+;;; This property steps-q implies that proof-measure is an object
+;;; representing a multiset where the well-founded relation is defined.
+ (defthm steps-q-implies-q-true-listp-proof-measure
+ (implies (steps-q p)
+ (q-true-listp (proof-measure p)))))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; 3.2 The proof of the main lemma for admission of transform-to-valley
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; In order to admit transform-to-valley, our main goal is:
+;;; (defthm transform-to-valley-admission
+;;; (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+;;; (mul-rel (proof-measure (replace-local-peak p))
+;;; (proof-measure p)))
+;;; :rule-classes nil)
+;;; REMARK: Note that we can even restrict p to be steps-q, but it is
+;;; not needed, as we will see.
+;;; This conjecture generates the following two goals:
+;;; Subgoal 2
+;;; Subgoal 1
+;;; In the sequel, we build a collection of rules to prove these two goals.
+;;; ············································································
+;;; 3.2.1 Removing initial and final common parts
+;;; ············································································
+ (defthm proof-peak-append
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (equal
+ (append (proof-before-peak p)
+ (append (local-peak p)
+ (proof-after-peak p)))
+ p))
+ :rule-classes (:elim :rewrite)))
+;;; REMARK: This decomposition only makes sense when (exists-local-peak
+;;; p). The elim rule is for avoiding :use.
+;;; We use a rewrite rule to decompose proof-measure of proofs with
+;;; local peaks. This rule implements a rewriting rule strategy: every
+;;; proof with a local peak can be divided into three pieces (w.r.t. its
+;;; complexity)
+ (defthm proof-measure-with-local-peak
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (equal (proof-measure p)
+ (append (proof-measure (proof-before-peak p))
+ (proof-measure (local-peak p))
+ (proof-measure (proof-after-peak p)))))))
+(local (in-theory (disable proof-peak-append)))
+;;; The following rule helps to express the proof-measure of
+;;; (replace-local-peak p) in a similar way than the previous rule does
+;;; with the proof-measure of p
+ (defthm replace-local-peak-another-definition
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (equal (replace-local-peak p)
+ (append (proof-before-peak p)
+ (append (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))
+ (proof-after-peak p)))))))
+;;; The above rules rewrite the proof-measure's of p and
+;;; (replace-local-peak p) in a way such that the initial and final
+;;; common parts are explicit. In this way the rules
+;;; multiset-diff-append-1 and multiset-diff-append-2 rewrite the
+;;; expression, simplifying the common parts (see multiset.lisp and
+;;; defmul.lisp to read also the role of the congruence rules generated
+;;; by the above defmul call). The simplified goals now are:
+;;; Subgoal 2'
+;;; (CONSP
+;;; Subgoal 1'
+;;; ············································································
+;;; 3.2.2 Removing the first element of the local peak
+;;; ············································································
+;;; First, let's prove that the local peak and the transformed are
+;;; proofs with the same endpoints, so their proof measures have the
+;;; same first element. This will be useful in 3.2.3 where we will look
+;;; for an explicit reference to the peak-element of the local peak.
+ (defthm local-peak-equiv-p
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (equiv-p (elt1 (car (local-peak p)))
+ (elt2 (cadr (local-peak p)))
+ (local-peak p)))))
+ (defthm transform-local-peak-equiv-p
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (equiv-p (elt1 (car (local-peak p)))
+ (elt2 (cadr (local-peak p)))
+ (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))))
+;;; Using the above, now we will see that we can simplify further the
+;;; multiset difference of the measures of the the proofs,
+;;; removing the first element. This is not so easy as one can think at
+;;; first sight, since there is a subtle point: the transformed proof
+;;; can be empty.
+ (defthm consp-proof-measure
+ (equal (consp (proof-measure p))
+ (consp p))))
+ (defthm car-equiv-p-proof-measure
+ (implies (and (equiv-p x y p)
+ (consp p))
+ (equal (car (proof-measure p)) x))))
+;;; The main lemma of this sub-subsection. Note how we distinguish two
+;;; cases: proofs empty or not.
+ (defthm multiset-diff-proof-measure
+ (implies (and (equiv-p x y p1)
+ (equiv-p x z p2))
+ (equal (multiset-diff
+ (proof-measure p1)
+ (proof-measure p2))
+ (if (consp p1)
+ (if (consp p2)
+ (multiset-diff (cdr (proof-measure p1))
+ (cdr (proof-measure p2)))
+ (proof-measure p1))
+ nil)))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+ (defthm consp-local-peak
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (consp (local-peak p)))
+ :rule-classes :type-prescription))
+;;; And now the two rules needed for the intended simplification
+ (defthm multiset-diff-proof-measure-local-peak-transform-1
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (equal
+ (multiset-diff (proof-measure (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)))
+ (proof-measure (local-peak p)))
+ (if (consp (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)))
+ (multiset-diff
+ (cdr (proof-measure (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))
+ (cdr (proof-measure (local-peak p))))
+ nil)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ (:instance multiset-diff-proof-measure
+ (x (elt1 (car (local-peak p))))
+ (y (elt2 (cadr (local-peak p))))
+ (z (elt2 (cadr (local-peak p))))
+ (p1 (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)))
+ (p2 (local-peak p)))))))
+ (defthm multiset-diff-proof-measure-local-peak-transform-2
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (equal
+ (multiset-diff
+ (proof-measure (local-peak p))
+ (proof-measure (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))
+ (if (consp (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)))
+ (multiset-diff
+ (cdr (proof-measure (local-peak p)))
+ (cdr (proof-measure (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)))))
+ (proof-measure (local-peak p)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use
+ (:instance multiset-diff-proof-measure
+ (x (elt1 (car (local-peak p))))
+ (y (elt2 (cadr (local-peak p))))
+ (z (elt2 (cadr (local-peak p))))
+ (p2 (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)))
+ (p1 (local-peak p)))))))
+;;; REMARK: it could seem that in the lemma multiset-diff-proof-measure
+;;; variables x, y and z are not needed and that proof-p could be used
+;;; instead of equiv-p. But we think that in that case, to deal with the
+;;; empty proof would be somewhat unnatural.
+;;; With the rules we have at this moment, our unresolved goals are
+;;; simplified to:
+;;; Subgoal 2.2
+;;; Subgoal 1.2
+;;; ············································································
+;;; 3.2.3 An explicit reference to the peak-element
+;;; ············································································
+;;; Definition and properties of peak-element
+;;; ·········································
+;;; See the definition in abstract-proofs.lisp
+ (defthm peak-element-member-proof-measure-local-peak
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (member (peak-element p) (proof-measure (local-peak p))))))
+ (defthm peak-element-rel-1
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (rel (elt1 (car (local-peak p)))
+ (peak-element p)))))
+ (defthm peak-element-rel-2
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (rel (elt2 (cadr (local-peak p)))
+ (peak-element p)))))
+ (defthm cdr-proof-measure-local-peak
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (equal (cdr (proof-measure (local-peak p)))
+ (list (peak-element p))))))
+ (defthm p-local-peak
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (q (peak-element p)))))
+(local (in-theory (disable peak-element)))
+;;; Now our unresolved goals reduces to (note the explicit reference to
+;;; the peak element):
+;;; Subgoal 2.2
+;;; Subgoal 1.2
+;;; ············································································
+;;; 3.2.4 The peak element is bigger than any element of
+;;; (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))
+;;; ············································································
+;;; Definition of being bigger (w.r.t rel) than every element of a list
+;;; ···································································
+ (defun rel-bigger-than-list (x l)
+ (if (atom l)
+ t
+ (and (rel (car l) x) (rel-bigger-than-list x (cdr l))))))
+;;; Conditions assuring that an element m is rel-bigger-than-list than
+;;; the elements of the proof-measure of a proof, when the proof is,
+;;; respectively, steps-up or steps-down:
+;;; ···································································
+;;; A previous lemma: transitivity of rel is needed here
+ (defthm transitive-reduction
+ (implies (and
+ (legal e1 op)
+ (q e1) (q (reduce-one-step e1 op)) (q m)
+ (rel e1 m))
+ (rel (reduce-one-step e1 op) m))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :use (:instance rel-transitive
+ (x (reduce-one-step e1 op)) (y e1) (z m))))))
+;;; And the two lemmas
+ (defthm steps-down-proof-measure-w-f-v
+ (implies (and (proof-p p) (steps-down p) (q m))
+ (iff (rel-bigger-than-list m (proof-measure p))
+ (if (consp p)
+ (rel (elt1 (car p)) m)
+ t)))))
+ (defthm steps-up-proof-measure-w-f-v
+ (implies (and (proof-p p) (steps-up p) (q m)
+ (if (consp p) (rel (elt2 (last-elt p)) m) t))
+ (rel-bigger-than-list m (proof-measure p)))))
+;;; 1) The reverse implication in the steps-up case is not true as in
+;;; the steps-down case. The reason is that the proof measure does not
+;;; contain the final endpoint.
+;;; 2) The form of the rule allows one to distinguish between p empty or
+;;; non-empty.
+;;; In order to apply the two lemmas above we try to split
+;;; (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)) in two proofs: the proof
+;;; before the valley (steps-up) and the proof after the valley
+;;; (steps-down). The following lemmas are needed for that purpose.
+;;; ····································································
+;;; If p is a proof, so they are the proofs after and before the
+;;; valley.
+ (defthm proof-p-two-pieces-of-a-valley
+ (implies (proof-p p)
+ (and (proof-p (proof-before-valley p))
+ (proof-p (proof-after-valley p))))))
+;;; rel-bigger-than-list when the list is splitted in two pieces
+ (defthm rel-bigger-than-list-append
+ (equal
+ (rel-bigger-than-list x (append l1 l2))
+ (and (rel-bigger-than-list x l1)
+ (rel-bigger-than-list x l2)))))
+;;; REMARK: In abstract-proofs.lisp it is also shown that
+;;; (proof-before-valley p) is steps-up and that when p is a valley then
+;;; (proof-after-valley p) is steps-down. And also the lemma
+;;; proof-valley-append splits the proof in these two pieces.
+;;; The transformed proof is a valley
+;;; ·································
+ (defthm local-peak-local-peak-p
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (local-peak-p (local-peak p)))))
+ (defthm exists-local-peak-implies-proof-p-trasform-local-peak
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (proof-p (local-peak p)))))
+ (defthm transform-local-peak-steps-valley
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (steps-valley (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))))
+;;; We show a simplified expression of the endpoints of
+;;; (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)) In this way, the lemmas
+;;; peak-element-rel-1 and peak-element-rel-2 can be used to reveal the
+;;; hypothesis of steps-down-proof-measure-w-f-v and
+;;; steps-up-proof-measure-w-f-v (and then prove that the peak-element
+;;; is bigger than every element of the complexities of the
+;;; proof-after-valley and the proof-before-valley, respectively.
+;;; ····································································
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm endpoints-of-a-proof
+ (implies (and (equiv-p x y p) (consp p))
+ (and (equal (elt1 (car p)) x)
+ (equal (elt2 (last-elt p)) y)))))
+ (defthm endpoints-of-transform-of-a-local-peak
+ (implies (and (exists-local-peak p)
+ (consp (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))
+ (and (equal (elt1 (car (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))
+ (elt1 (car (local-peak p))))
+ (equal (elt2 (last-elt (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))
+ (elt2 (cadr (local-peak p))))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use (:instance endpoints-of-a-proof
+ (x (elt1 (car (local-peak p))))
+ (y (elt2 (cadr (local-peak p))))
+ (p (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)))))))))
+;;; Some technical lemmas
+;;; ·····················
+ (defthm consp-proof-after-proof-instance
+ (let ((q (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))
+ (implies (consp (proof-after-valley q))
+ (consp q)))))
+ (defthm consp-proof-before-proof-instance
+ (let ((q (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))
+ (implies (consp (proof-before-valley q))
+ (consp q)))))
+;;; And finally, the intended lemma
+;;; ·······························
+ (defthm valley-rel-bigger-peak-lemma
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (rel-bigger-than-list
+ (peak-element p)
+ (proof-measure (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)))))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use (:instance acl2::proof-valley-append
+ (acl2::p
+ (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))))))
+;;; ············································································
+;;; 3.2.5 Using valley-rel-bigger-peak-lemma to simplify the goals
+;;; ············································································
+;;; The two unresolved goals, as stated at the end of 3.2.3, can be
+;;; simplified to t by using the previously proved
+;;; valley-rel-bigger-peak-lemma. This is lemma can be used for two
+;;; purposes:
+;;; 1: Using multiset-diff-member (see multiset.lisp) and the
+;;; following lemma (stating that the peak-element is not a member of
+;;; the proof-meassure of the transformed proof),
+;;; the calls to multiset-diff in the goals now disappear.
+;;; ···································································
+ (encapsulate
+ ()
+ (local
+ (defthm rel-bigger-than-list-not-member
+ (implies (and (q x) (rel-bigger-than-list x l))
+ (not (member x l)))))
+ (defthm peak-element-not-member-proof-measure
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (not (member (peak-element p)
+ (proof-measure (transform-local-peak
+ (local-peak p)))))))))
+;;; We are dealing with the cdr of the proof-measure:
+ (defthm not-member-cdr
+ (implies (not (member x l))
+ (not (member x (cdr l))))))
+;;; In this moment the only unresolved goal is:
+;;; Subgoal 1.2
+;;; 2: Using the following lemma, the call to forall-exists-rel-bigger
+;;; in the unresolved goal above, is reduced to a call to
+;;; rel-bigger-than-list (and then valley-rel-bigger-peak-lemma will be
+;;; applied)
+;;; ···································································
+ (defthm rel-bigger-than-list-forall-exists-rel-bigger
+ (equal (forall-exists-rel-bigger l (list x))
+ (rel-bigger-than-list x l))))
+;;; We are dealing with the cdr of the proof-measure:
+ (defthm rel-bigger-than-list-cdr
+ (implies (rel-bigger-than-list x l)
+ (rel-bigger-than-list x (cdr l)))))
+;;; With this two rules altogether with valley-rel-bigger-peak-lemma our
+;;; unresolved goal becomes T, so we have:
+;;; ············································································
+;;; 3.2.6 The main lemma of this book
+;;; ············································································
+(defthm transform-to-valley-admission
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (mul-rel (proof-measure (replace-local-peak p))
+ (proof-measure p))))
+;;; ············································································
+;;; 3.2.7 Some final technical events
+;;; ············································································
+;;; Needed in the admission proof of transform-to-valley
+ (defthm mul-rel-nil
+ (implies (consp l)
+ (mul-rel nil l))))
+ (defthm exists-local-peak-proof-measure-consp
+ (implies (exists-local-peak p)
+ (consp (proof-measure p)))))
+(local (in-theory (disable mul-rel
+ proof-measure-with-local-peak
+ replace-local-peak-another-definition)))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; 3.3 The definition of transform-to-valley
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun transform-to-valley (p)
+ (declare (xargs :measure (if (steps-q p) (proof-measure p) nil)
+ :well-founded-relation mul-rel))
+ (if (and (steps-q p) (exists-local-peak p))
+ (transform-to-valley (replace-local-peak p))
+ p))
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; 4. Properties of transform-to-valley (Newman's lemma)
+;;; ============================================================================
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; 4.1 Some previous events
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; ·············································································
+;;; 4.1.1 Previous rules needed to show that (transform-to-valley p) is eqv. to p
+;;; ·············································································
+;;; We have to see that (replace-local-peak p) is equivalent to p
+;;; ·····························································
+;;; An useful rule to deal with concatenation of proofs
+ (defthm proof-append
+ (implies (equal z (last-of-proof x p1))
+ (equal (equiv-p x y (append p1 p2))
+ (and (equiv-p x z p1)
+ (equiv-p z y p2))))))
+;;; Last element of a local peak
+ (defthm last-element-of-a-local-peak
+ (implies (local-peak-p p)
+ (equal (last-elt p) (cadr p)))))
+;;; The case where (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)) is empty:
+ (defthm atom-proof-endpoints-are-equal
+ (implies (and (equiv-p x y p) (atom p))
+ (equal x y))
+ :rule-classes nil))
+ (defthm atom-transform-local-peak-forward-chaining-rule
+ (implies (and
+ (not (consp (transform-local-peak (local-peak p))))
+ (exists-local-peak p)
+ (equiv-p x y (local-peak p)))
+ (equal x y))
+ :hints (("Goal" :use ((:instance atom-proof-endpoints-are-equal
+ (p (transform-local-peak (local-peak p)))))))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining))
+;;; REMARK: interesting use of forward-chaining.
+;;; In the following bridge lemma it is fundamental
+;;; replace-local-peak-another-definition and the case distinction
+;;; generated by proof-append:
+ (defthm equiv-p-x-y-replace-local-peak-bridge-lemma
+ (implies (and (exists-local-peak p)
+ (equiv-p x y (append
+ (proof-before-peak p)
+ (append (local-peak p)
+ (proof-after-peak p)))))
+ (equiv-p x y (replace-local-peak p)))
+ :hints (("Goal"
+ :in-theory (enable replace-local-peak-another-definition)))))
+;;; And finally the intended lemma:
+ (defthm equiv-p-x-y-replace-local-peak
+ (implies (and (equiv-p x y p) (exists-local-peak p))
+ (equiv-p x y (replace-local-peak p)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable proof-peak-append)))))
+;;; REMARK: It's interesting how we avoid explicit expansion of the
+;;; three pieces of p (before, at and after the peak), using the
+;;; previous bridge lemma.
+;;; ·············································································
+;;; 4.1.2 A rule needed to show that (transform-to-valley p) is a valley
+;;; ·············································································
+;;; If a proof does not have local peaks, then it is a valley:
+ (defthm steps-valley-not-exists-local-peak
+ (implies (equiv-p x y p)
+ (equal (steps-valley p) (not (exists-local-peak p))))))
+;;; ·············································································
+;;; 4.1.3 If equiv-p, then steps-q
+;;; ·············································································
+ (defthm equiv-p-implies-stetps-q
+ (implies (equiv-p x y p)
+ (steps-q p))
+ :rule-classes :forward-chaining))
+;;; ·············································································
+;;; 4.1.4 Disabling the induction rule for equiv-p
+;;; ·············································································
+(local (in-theory (disable equiv-p-induct)))
+;;; REMARK: It is important to disable the induction rule of equiv-p
+;;; because we want the two main properties of transform-to-valley
+;;; to be proved by the induction suggested by transform-to-valley
+;;; (i.e. and induction based on the multiset relation mul-rel)
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; 4.2 The intended properties of transform-to-valley
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; It returns an equivalent proof
+;;; ······························
+(defthm equiv-p-x-y-transform-to-valley
+ (implies (equiv-p x y p)
+ (equiv-p x y (transform-to-valley p))))
+;;; It returns a valley proof
+;;; ·························
+(defthm valley-transform-to-valley
+ (implies (equiv-p x y p)
+ (steps-valley (transform-to-valley p))))
+;;; The definition of transform-to-valley and the theorems
+;;; equiv-p-x-y-transform-to-valley and valley-transform-to-valley prove
+;;; the Newman's lemma