path: root/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations')
22 files changed, 1167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/datalink/simple/datalink.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/datalink/simple/datalink.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb42997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/datalink/simple/datalink.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/datalink")
+;; Inputs
+(defun status-ackrx (status)
+ ;; get the ack recieve flag
+ (car (mv-nth 0 status)))
+(defun status-rx (status)
+ ;; get the recieve flag
+ (car (mv-nth 1 status)))
+(defun port-updateAckRX (port flag)
+ ;; Update the ack recieve flag
+ (update-nth 1 (update-nth 0 (list flag) (port-status port)) port))
+(defun port-updateRX (port flag)
+ ;; Update the recieve flag
+ (update-nth 1 (update-nth 1 (list flag) (port-status port)) port))
+(defun port-bufferFull (port)
+ ;; Move the data to the buffer field
+ (> (len (port-buffer port)) 2))
+(defun port-Data2buffer (port)
+ ;; Move the data to the buffer field
+ (port-bufferMsg port (port-data port)))
+(defun readData (port)
+ ;; Move the data to the buffer field and set the ack recieve flag.
+ (port-updateAckRX (port-Data2Buffer port) t))
+(defun simple-processInputs (ports)
+ ;; Process the input ports. There are 3 cases.
+ ;; if processing the local input port and the recieve flag is set and the ack flag is not set read the data and clear the port.
+ ;; if recieve flag is set and not the ack flag read the data.
+ ;; if there is an ack, but there is nothing to send clear the input port
+ ;; else do nothing
+ (if (endp ports)
+ nil
+ (if (equal (port-dir (car ports)) 'in)
+ (cond
+ ((and (equal (port-portname (car ports)) 'loc)
+ (status-rx (port-status (car ports)))
+ (not (status-ackrx (port-status (car ports))))
+ (not (port-bufferFull (car ports))))
+ (cons (port-updateRX (port-updateData (readData (car ports)) nil) nil) (simple-processInputs (cdr ports))))
+ ((and (status-rx (port-status (car ports)))
+ (not (status-ackrx (port-status (car ports))))
+ (not (port-bufferFull (car ports))))
+ (cons (readData (car ports)) (simple-processInputs (cdr ports))))
+ ((status-ackrx (port-status (car ports)))
+ (cons (port-updateAckRX (car ports) nil) (simple-processInputs (cdr ports))))
+ (t (cons (car ports) (simple-processInputs (cdr ports)))))
+ (cons (car ports) (simple-processInputs (cdr ports))))))
+;; Outputs
+(defun status-tx (status)
+ ;;Set the transmission flag
+ (car(mv-nth 0 status)))
+(defun status-acktx (status)
+ ;;Get the response flag
+ (car(mv-nth 1 status)))
+(defun port-updateTX (port flag)
+ ;;Set the transmission flag
+ (update-nth 1 (update-nth 0 (list flag) (port-status port)) port))
+(defun port-Buffer2Data (port)
+ ;;Move the buffer to the data field
+ (port-popBuffer (port-updateData port (port-bufferHead port) )))
+(defun status-route (status)
+ ;; Return the value of the local state of an port. This is used the route value.
+ (car (mv-nth 2 status)))
+(defun sendData (port)
+ ;;Move the buffer to the data field and set the transmission flag.
+ (port-updateTx (port-Buffer2Data port) t))
+(defun simple-processOutputs (ports)
+ ;; Process the output ports. There are 3 cases.
+ ;; if sending but there is an ack and there is a msg is ready in the buffer send msg.
+ ;; if not sending but msg is ready in the buffer send msg.
+ ;; if there is an ack, but there is nothing to send clear the output port
+ ;; else do nothing
+ (if (endp ports)
+ nil
+ (if (equal (port-dir (car ports)) 'out)
+ (cond
+ ((and (status-tx (port-status (car ports)))
+ (status-acktx (port-status (car ports)))
+ (port-bufferHead (car ports)))
+ (cons (sendData (car ports)) (simple-processOutputs (cdr ports))))
+ ((and (not (status-tx (port-status (car ports))))
+ (port-bufferHead (car ports)))
+ (cons (sendData (car ports)) (simple-processOutputs (cdr ports))))
+ ((and (status-acktx (port-status (car ports))))
+ (cons (port-updatedata (port-updateTX (car ports) nil) nil) (simple-processOutputs (cdr ports))))
+ (t (cons (car ports) (simple-processOutputs (cdr ports)))))
+ (cons (car ports) (simple-processOutputs (cdr ports))))))
+(definstance GenericDatalink check-compliance-datalink
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((processInputs simple-processInputs)
+ (processOutputs simple-processOutputs)))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/departure/simple/departure.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/departure/simple/departure.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0230a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/departure/simple/departure.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/departure")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/types")
+(defun simple-depart (ntkst transactions time)
+ ;; This function splits the list of transactions into a list of delayed and departing transmissions depending on the current time of the simulation
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - ntkst : a list of ports.
+ ;; - transactions : a list of transactions.
+ ;; - time : the time of the simulation step.
+ (if (endp transactions)
+ (mv ntkst nil)
+ (let ((transaction (car transactions)))
+ (if (and (>= time (timeT transaction))
+ (ntkst-canDepart ntkst transaction))
+ (simple-depart (ntkst-depart ntkst transaction) (cdr transactions) time)
+ (mv-let (newntkst delayed)
+ (simple-depart ntkst (cdr transactions) time)
+ (mv newntkst (cons transaction delayed)))))))
+(definstance GenericDeparture check-compliance-simple-departure
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((depart simple-depart)))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/flowcontrol/circuit/flowcontrol.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/flowcontrol/circuit/flowcontrol.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d2ca35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/flowcontrol/circuit/flowcontrol.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/flowcontrol")
+(include-book "../../datalink/simple/datalink")
+;; Flowcontrol
+;; A circuit consist of a tuple consisting of (port_id, state)
+;; In this implementation the circuit is the seccond position of the locate state of a port.
+(defun port-circuitState (port)
+ (mv-nth 1 (mv-nth 2 (mv-nth 1 port))))
+(defun port-circuitId (port)
+ (mv-nth 2 (mv-nth 2 (mv-nth 1 port))))
+(defun port-updateCircuit (port cstate id)
+ ;; Updates a virtual channel.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - port : a port
+ ;; - cstate : the state to which the the circuit should be set. most often 'booked
+ ;; - id : the id of the port the circuit is connected to.
+ (port-updateStatus port (status-updatelocal (port-status port) (update-nth 2 id (update-nth 1 cstate (port-statusLocal port))))))
+(defun clearCircuit (nst portname1 portname2)
+ ;; Clears the state of the virtual channel
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - nst : list of ports in the node
+ ;; - portname1 : name of the from port of the circuit
+ ;; - portname2 : name of the to port of the circuit
+ (if (endp nst)
+ nil
+ (cond ((equal (port-portname (car nst)) portname1)
+ (cons (port-updateCircuit (car nst) nil nil) (clearCircuit (cdr nst) portname1 portname2 )))
+ ((equal (port-portname (car nst)) portname2)
+ (cons (port-updateCircuit (car nst) nil nil) (clearCircuit (cdr nst) portname1 portname2 )))
+ (t (cons (car nst) (clearCircuit (cdr nst) portname1 portname2 ))))))
+(defun updateCircuit (nst portname1 portname2 cstate)
+ ;; This function updates and/or creates the state of the virtual channel
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - nst : list of ports in the node
+ ;; - portname1 : name of the from port of the circuit
+ ;; - portname2 : name of the to port of the circuit
+ ;; - cstate : Virtual channel state.
+ (if (endp nst)
+ nil
+ (cond ((equal (port-portname (car nst)) portname1)
+ (cons (port-updateCircuit (car nst) cstate portname2) (updateCircuit (cdr nst) portname1 portname2 cstate)))
+ ((equal (port-portname (car nst)) portname2)
+ (cons (port-updateCircuit (car nst) cstate portname1) (updateCircuit (cdr nst) portname1 portname2 cstate)))
+ (t (cons (car nst) (updateCircuit (cdr nst) portname1 portname2 cstate))))))#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
+(defun sendack (nst portname)
+ (if (endp nst)
+ nil
+ (if (and (equal (port-portname (car nst)) portname)
+ (equal (port-dir (car nst)) 'out))
+ (cons (port-BufferMsg (car nst) '(ack)) (cdr nst))
+ (cons (car nst) (sendack (cdr nst) portname)))))
+(defun switchBuffer (nst from to)
+ ;; move the head of the buffer of the from port to the tail of the buffer of the to port.
+ ;;returns the update ports list.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - nst : the list of all ports of this node
+ ;; - from : The input port which is switched
+ ;; - to : The output port which is switched
+ (if (endp nst)
+ nil
+ (if (equal (port-address (car nst)) (port-address to))
+ (cons (port-BufferMsg to (port-bufferHead from)) (switchBuffer (cdr nst) from to))
+ (if (equal (port-address (car nst)) (port-address from))
+ (cons (port-popBuffer from) (switchBuffer (cdr nst) from to))
+ (cons (car nst) (switchBuffer (cdr nst) from to))))))
+(defun switch-port (portlist nst from)
+ ;; This funtion loops over the portlist until the output port that the from port is routed to is found.
+ ;; Depending on the state of the output port and the virtual channel the port is switched.
+ ;; There are five possible cases.
+ ;; 1) Its a tail flit and the circuit can be switched and cleared.
+ ;; 2) Its a data flit and the flit can be swtiched.
+ ;; 3) Its a ack flit and the circuit state can be changes from 'request to 'booked
+ ;; 4) Its an arived header flit and a ack can be send back.
+ ;; 5) Its a header flit not a the destination and the circuit can be requested.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - portlist : list of output ports of the node
+ ;; - nst : list of pors in the node
+ ;; - from : input port trying to switch
+ (let ((to (car portlist)))
+ (cond ((endp portlist)
+ nst)
+ ((and (equal (port-portname to) (status-route (port-status from))) ;booked
+ (not (port-bufferFull to)) ;; and space in buffer
+ (equal (port-circuitState to) 'booked)
+ (equal (port-circuitId to) (port-portname from))
+ (equal (flitT (port-buffer from)) 0))
+ (clearCircuit (switchBuffer nst from to) (port-portname to) (port-portname from)))
+ ((and (equal (port-portname to) (status-route (port-status from))) ;booked
+ (not (port-bufferFull to)) ;; and space in buffer
+ (equal (port-circuitState to) 'booked)
+ (equal (port-circuitId to) (port-portname from)))
+ (switchBuffer nst from to))
+ ((and (equal (port-buffer from) '(ack)) ;request to booked
+ (not (port-bufferFull to)) ;; and space in buffer
+ (equal (port-circuitState to) 'request)
+ (equal (port-circuitId to) (port-portname from)))
+ (updateCircuit (switchBuffer nst from to) (port-portname to) (port-portname from) 'booked))
+ ((and (equal (port-portname to) (status-route (port-status from))) ; send ack
+ (not (port-bufferFull to)) ;; and space in buffer
+ (equal (port-portname to) 'loc)
+ (not (port-circuitState to)))
+ (sendack (updateCircuit (switchBuffer nst from to) (port-portname to) (port-portname from) 'booked)
+ (port-portname from)))
+ ((and (equal (port-portname to) (status-route (port-status from))) ;request
+ (not (port-bufferFull to)) ;; and space in buffer
+ (not (port-circuitState to)))
+ (updateCircuit (switchBuffer nst from to) (port-portname to) (port-portname from) 'request))
+ (t (switch-port (cdr portlist) nst from)))))
+(defun switch-ports (portslist nst)
+ ;; Switches each port in portlist.
+ ;; if a port is routed and has a msg in its buffer switch the port
+ (if (endp portslist)
+ nst
+ (let* ((inport (car portslist)))
+ (if (not (endp (port-bufferHead inport))) ;; and something to send
+ (switch-ports (cdr portslist) (switch-port (ports-outputports nst) nst inport)) ;; clean
+ (switch-ports (cdr portslist) nst)))))
+(defun circuit-FlowControl (nst memory)
+ ;; This is the function that performs the flowcontrol in a router. This consists of scheduling the routed input nodes and switching the sheduled msg.
+ (mv (switch-ports (ports-inputports nst) nst) memory))
+(definstance GenericFlowControl check-compliance-Flowcontrol
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((flowcontrol circuit-FlowControl)))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/flowcontrol/packet/flowcontrol.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/flowcontrol/packet/flowcontrol.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff37f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/flowcontrol/packet/flowcontrol.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/flowcontrol")
+(include-book "../../datalink/simple/datalink")
+;; Flowcontrol
+(defun switchBuffer (nst from to)
+ ;; move the head of the buffer of the from port to the tail of the buffer of the to port.
+ ;;returns the update nst list.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - nst : the list of all ports of this node
+ ;; - from : The input port which is switched
+ ;; - to : The output port which is switched
+ (if (endp nst)
+ nil
+ (if (equal (port-address (car nst)) (port-address to))
+ (cons (port-updateBuffer to (port-buffer from)) (switchBuffer (cdr nst) from to))
+ (if (equal (port-address (car nst)) (port-address from))
+ (cons (port-updateBuffer from nil) (switchBuffer (cdr nst) from to))
+ (cons (car nst) (switchBuffer (cdr nst) from to))))))
+(defun switch-port (portlist nst from)
+ ;; Switch the input port from by looping over the nst in portlist until the port where the from port is routed to is reached.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - portlist : The list of output ports of this node
+ ;; - nst : the list of all ports of this node
+ ;; - from : The input port which is switched
+ (let ((to (car portlist)))
+ (cond ((endp portlist)
+ nst)
+ ((and (equal (port-portname to) (status-route (port-status from)))
+ (endp (port-buffer to)))
+ (switchBuffer nst from to))
+ (t (switch-port (cdr portlist) nst from)))))
+(defun switch-ports (portslist nst)
+ ;; Switches each port in portlist. If a port has a msg in its buffer switch the port. The switched ports are returned.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - portlist : The list of input ports of this node
+ ;; - nst : the list of all ports of this node
+ (if (endp portslist)
+ nst
+ (let* ((inport (car portslist)))
+ (if (not (endp (port-buffer inport))) ;; and something to send
+ (switch-ports (cdr portslist) (switch-port (ports-outputports nst) nst inport)) ;; clean
+ (switch-ports (cdr portslist) nst)))))
+(defun packet-FlowControl (nst memory)
+ ;; This is the function that performs the flowcontrol in a router. This consists of scheduling the routed input nodes and switching the sheduled msg.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - nst : list of ports in a node
+ ;; - memory : the global memory of a node
+ (mv (switch-ports (ports-inputports nst) nst) memory))
+(definstance GenericFlowControl check-compliance-Flowcontrol
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((flowcontrol packet-FlowControl)))#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/flowcontrol/wormhole/flowcontrol.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/flowcontrol/wormhole/flowcontrol.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..065bff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/flowcontrol/wormhole/flowcontrol.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/flowcontrol")
+(include-book "../../datalink/simple/datalink")
+;; Flowcontrol
+;; VC stands for Virtualchannel
+;; A VC consist of a tuple consisting of (port_id, state)
+;; In this implementation the VC is the seccond position of the locate state of a port.
+(defun port-VCState (port)
+ (mv-nth 1 (mv-nth 2 (mv-nth 1 port))))
+(defun port-VCId (port)
+ (mv-nth 2 (mv-nth 2 (mv-nth 1 port))))
+(defun port-updateVC (port cstate id)
+ ;; Updates a virtual channel.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - port : a port
+ ;; - cstate : the state to which the the vc should be set. most often 'booked
+ ;; - id : the id of the port the vc is connected to.
+ (port-updateStatus port (status-updatelocal (port-status port) (update-nth 2 id (update-nth 1 cstate (port-statusLocal port))))))
+(defun clearVC (nst portname1)
+ ;; Clears the state of the virtual channel
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - nst : list of nst in the node
+ ;; - portname1 : name of the from port of the VC
+ ;; - portname2 : name of the to port of the VC
+ (if (endp nst)
+ nil
+ (cond ((equal (port-portname (car nst)) portname1)
+ (cons (port-updateVC (car nst) nil nil) (clearVC (cdr nst) portname1 )))
+ (t (cons (car nst) (clearVC (cdr nst) portname1 ))))))
+(defun updateVC (nst portname1 portname2 cstate)
+ ;; This function updates and/or creates the state of the virtual channel
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - nst : list of nst in the node
+ ;; - portname1 : name of the from port of the VC
+ ;; - portname2 : name of the to port of the VC
+ ;; - cstate : Virtual channel state.
+ (if (endp nst)
+ nil
+ (cond ((equal (port-portname (car nst)) portname1)
+ (cons (port-updateVC (car nst) cstate portname2) (updateVC (cdr nst) portname1 portname2 cstate)))
+ (t (cons (car nst) (updateVC (cdr nst) portname1 portname2 cstate))))))
+(defun switchBuffer (nst from to)
+ ;; move the head of the buffer of the from port to the tail of the buffer of the to port.
+ ;;returns the update nst list.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - nst : the list of all nst of this node
+ ;; - from : The input port which is switched
+ ;; - to : The output port which is switched
+ (if (endp nst)
+ nil
+ (if (equal (port-address (car nst)) (port-address to))
+ (cons (port-BufferMsg to (port-bufferHead from)) (switchBuffer (cdr nst) from to))
+ (if (equal (port-address (car nst)) (port-address from))
+ (cons (port-popBuffer from) (switchBuffer (cdr nst) from to))
+ (cons (car nst) (switchBuffer (cdr nst) from to))))))
+(defun switch-port (portlist nst from)
+ ;; This funtion loops over the portlist until the output port that the from port is routed to is found.
+ ;; Depending on the state of the output port and the virtual channel the port is switched.
+ ;; There are three possible cases.
+ ;; 1) Its a tail flit and the virtual channel can be switched and cleared.
+ ;; 2) Its a data flit and the flit can be swtiched.
+ ;; 3) Its a header flit and the virtual channel can be booked.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - portlist : list of output nst of the node
+ ;; - nst : list of pors in the node
+ ;; - from : input port trying to switch
+ (let ((to (car portlist)))
+ (cond ((endp portlist)
+ nst)
+ ((and (equal (port-portname to) (status-route (port-status from))) ;booked
+ (not (port-bufferFull to)) ;; and space in buffer
+ (equal (port-VCState to) 'booked) ;was booked
+ (equal (port-VCId to) (port-portname from))
+ (equal (flitT (port-bufferHead from)) 0))
+ (clearVC (switchBuffer nst from to) (port-portname to)))
+ ((and (equal (port-portname to) (status-route (port-status from))) ;booked
+ (not (port-bufferFull to)) ;; and space in buffer
+ (equal (port-VCState to) 'booked)
+ (equal (port-VCId to) (port-portname from)))
+ (switchBuffer nst from to))
+ ((and (equal (port-portname to) (status-route (port-status from))) ;request
+ (not (port-bufferFull to)) ;; and space in buffer
+ (not (port-VCState to)))
+ (updateVC (switchBuffer nst from to) (port-portname to) (port-portname from) 'booked))
+ (t (switch-port (cdr portlist) nst from)))))
+(defun switch-ports (portslist nst)
+ ;; Switches each port in portlist.
+ ;; if a port is routed and has a msg in its buffer switch the port
+ (if (endp portslist)
+ nst
+ (let* ((inport (car portslist)))
+ (if (not (endp (port-bufferHead inport))) ;; and something to send
+ (switch-ports (cdr portslist) (switch-port (ports-outputports nst) nst inport)) ;; clean
+ (switch-ports (cdr portslist) nst)))))
+(defun wormhole-FlowControl (nst memory)
+ ;; This is the function that performs the flowcontrol in a router. This consists of scheduling the routed input nodes and switching the sheduled msg.
+ (mv (switch-ports (ports-inputports nst) nst) memory))
+(definstance GenericFlowControl check-compliance-Flowcontrol
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((flowcontrol wormhole-FlowControl)))#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/circuit-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/circuit-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8e1655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/circuit-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/GeNoC")
+(include-book "../../network/2Dmesh/network")
+(include-book "../../departure/simple/departure")#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
+(include-book "../../router/XY-circuit/router")
+(instantiateStepnetwork_t INST XY-circuit)
+(instantiateStepnetwork INST)
+(instantiateGenoc_t INST simple)
+(instantiateGenoc INST 2dmesh) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/packet-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/packet-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca50876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/packet-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/GeNoC")
+(include-book "../../network/2Dmesh/network")
+(include-book "../../departure/simple/departure")
+(include-book "../../router/XY-packet/router")
+(instantiateStepnetwork_t INST XY-packet)
+(instantiateStepnetwork INST)
+(instantiateGenoc_t INST simple)
+(instantiateGenoc INST 2dmesh)#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/spidergon/GeNoC.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/spidergon/GeNoC.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2a15e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/spidergon/GeNoC.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/GeNoC")
+(include-book "../../network/spidergon/network")
+(include-book "../../departure/simple/departure")
+(include-book "../../router/spidergon/router")
+(instantiateStepnetwork_t INST spidergon)
+(instantiateStepnetwork INST)
+(instantiateGenoc_t INST simple)
+(instantiateGenoc INST spidergon) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/wormhole-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/wormhole-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2300ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/genoc/wormhole-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/GeNoC")#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
+(include-book "../../network/2Dmesh/network")
+(include-book "../../departure/simple/departure")
+(include-book "../../router/XY-wormhole/router")
+(instantiateStepnetwork_t INST XY-wormhole)
+(instantiateStepnetwork INST)
+(instantiateGenoc_t INST simple)
+(instantiateGenoc INST 2dmesh) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/network/2Dmesh/network.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/network/2Dmesh/network.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d6275f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/network/2Dmesh/network.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/network");
+;;2 nodeset generator
+;;x-dim-gen generates the nodes along a y coordinate
+(defun x-dim-gen (X y max)
+ ;; generate the nodes along the x-dim, y is a constant
+ (if (zp X)
+ nil
+ (let* ((curX (1- X))
+ (conn (acons (list (list curX y) 'loc ) (list (list curX y) nil ) nil))
+ (conn (if (< y max)
+ (acons (list (list curX y) 'S ) (list (list curX (1+ Y)) 'N) conn)
+ conn))
+ (conn (if (< curX max)
+ (acons (list (list curX y) 'E ) (list (list X Y) 'W) conn)
+ conn))
+ (conn (if (> y 0)
+ (acons (list (list curX y) 'N ) (list (list curX (1- Y)) 'S) conn)
+ conn))
+ (conn (if (> curX 0)
+ (acons (list (list curX y) 'W ) (list (list (1- curX) Y) 'E) conn)
+ conn)))
+ (append conn (x-dim-gen curX y max)))))
+(defun coord-generator (X Y max)
+ ;; generate a list of coordinates
+ (if (zp Y)
+ nil
+ (append (x-dim-gen X (1- y) max)
+ (coord-generator X (1- Y) max))))
+(defun 2Dmesh-topology (x)
+ ;; Generates a list of the connection pressent in the network.
+ ;; Example:
+ ;; (((0 0) LOC) (0 0) NIL)
+ ;; (((0 0) S) (0 1) N)
+ ;; ...
+ ;; (((1 1) LOC) (1 1) NIL)
+ ;; (((1 1) N) (1 0) S)
+ ;; (((1 1) W) (0 1) E))
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - topo : Initialisation argument of the model. Often this is the size of the network.
+ (reverse (coord-generator x x (1- x))))
+(defun mem-gen-Y (x y)
+ (if (zp y)
+ nil
+ (acons (list (1- x) (1- y)) nil (mem-gen-Y x (1- y)))))
+(defun mem-gen (x y)
+ (if (zp x)
+ nil
+ (append (mem-gen-Y x y) (mem-gen (1- x) y))))
+(defun 2Dmesh-nodeMemory (x)
+ (reverse (mem-gen x x)))#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
+(definstance GenericNetwork check-compliance-2dmesh-network
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((topology 2Dmesh-topology)
+ (nodeMemory 2Dmesh-nodeMemory)))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/network/ring/network.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/network/ring/network.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55f6f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/network/ring/network.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/network");
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/types");
+(defun node-connections (id max topo)
+ ;; Build a list with node ids the node with id x is connected to.
+ ;; This first value will be nil since the local port is not connected to another node.
+ ;; examples: (connections 2 3) = (nil 1 3), (connections 3 3) = (nil 2 0)
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - node : a node
+ ;; - ports : alist of ports
+ (if (zp id)
+ topo
+ (let* ((nodeid (1- id))
+ (cw (if (equal nodeid (1- max))
+ (acons (list nodeid 'cw ) (list 0 'ccw ) topo)
+ (acons (list nodeid 'cw ) (list (1+ nodeid) 'ccw ) topo)))
+ (ccw (if (equal nodeid 0)
+ (acons (list nodeid 'ccw ) (list (1- max) 'cw ) cw )
+ (acons (list nodeid 'ccw ) (list (1- nodeid) 'cw ) cw)))
+ (local (acons (list nodeid 'loc ) (list nodeid nil ) ccw)))
+ (node-connections (1- id) max local))))
+(defun ring-topology (x)
+ (node-connections x x nil))
+(defun nodeMemory_t (x y)
+ (if (zp x)
+ (acons x y nil)
+ (acons x y (nodeMemory_t (1- x) y))))
+(defun ring-nodeMemory (x)
+ (nodeMemory_t (1- x) x))
+(definstance GenericNetwork check-compliance-ring-network
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((topology ring-topology)
+ (nodeMemory ring-nodeMemory))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/network/spidergon/network.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/network/spidergon/network.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a32984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/network/spidergon/network.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/network");
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/types");
+(defun node-connections (id n topo)
+ ;; Build a list with node ids the node with id x is connected to.
+ ;; This first value will be nil since the local port is not connected to another node.
+ ;; examples: (connections 2 3) = (nil 1 3), (connections 3 3) = (nil 2 0)
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - node : a node
+ ;; - ports : alist of ports
+ (if (zp id)
+ topo
+ (let* ((nodeid (1- id))
+ (cw (if (equal nodeid (1- (* 4 n)))
+ (acons (list nodeid 'cw ) (list 0 'ccw ) topo)
+ (acons (list nodeid 'cw ) (list (1+ nodeid) 'ccw ) topo)))
+ (ccw (if (equal nodeid 0)
+ (acons (list nodeid 'ccw ) (list (1- (* 4 n)) 'cw ) cw )
+ (acons (list nodeid 'ccw ) (list (1- nodeid) 'cw ) cw)))
+ (acr (acons (list nodeid 'acr ) (list (mod (+ (* 2 n) nodeid) (* 4 n)) 'acr ) ccw))
+ (local (acons (list nodeid 'loc )(list nodeid nil ) acr)))
+ (node-connections (1- id) n local))))
+(defun spidergon-topology (x)
+ (node-connections (* 4 x) x nil))
+(defun nodeMemory_t (x y)
+ (if (zp x)
+ (acons x y nil)
+ (acons x y (nodeMemory_t (1- x) y))))
+(defun spidergon-nodeMemory (x)
+ (nodeMemory_t (1- (* 4 x)) x))
+(definstance GenericNetwork check-compliance-spidergon-network
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((topology spidergon-topology)
+ (nodeMemory spidergon-nodeMemory)))#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/routecontrol/spidergon/routecontrol.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/routecontrol/spidergon/routecontrol.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a59251e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/routecontrol/spidergon/routecontrol.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/routecontrol")
+;; RouteControl
+(defun msg-header (msg)
+ (DestT msg))
+(defun msg-tail (msg)
+ (not (FlitT msg)))
+(defun portUpdateRoute (port out-port-id)
+ ;; Update the value of the localstatus. Which is the routing field with the out-port-id.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - port : a port
+ ;; - out-put-id : Port id of the port should be routed to.
+ (if (port-bufferHead port)
+ (port-updateStatus port (status-updatelocal (port-status port) (update-nth 0 out-port-id (port-statusLocal port))))
+ (port-updateStatus port (status-updatelocal (port-status port) (update-nth 0 out-port-id (port-statusLocal port))))))
+(defun spidergonRoutingLogic (s d n)
+ ;; calculate the the output port.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - s : current node id
+ ;; - d : destination node id
+ ;; - n : number of nodes mod 4
+ (cond ((equal s d)
+ 'loc)
+ ((and (< 0 (mod (- d s) (* 4 n)))
+ (<= (mod (- d s) (* 4 n)) n))
+ 'cw)
+ ((<= (* 3 n) (mod (- d s) (* 4 n)))
+ ;;we go ccw
+ 'ccw)
+ (t ;; we go accross
+ 'acr)))
+(defun routePorts (ports size)
+ ;; If a input port is has a msg in its buffer that has as destination this node route it to the local output port, else
+ ;; Route it to the clockwize output port.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - ports : a list ports
+ ;; - id : node id
+ ;; - size : number of nodes in the network
+ (if (endp ports)
+ nil
+ (let* ((port (car ports))
+ (dest_id (destT (port-bufferHead port))))
+ (if (and (equal (port-dir port) 'in)
+ (msg-header (port-bufferHead port)))
+ ;;If the message is at its destination route to local output port
+ ;; else route clockwize
+ (cons (portUpdateRoute port (SpidergonRoutingLogic (port-id port) dest_id size)) (RoutePorts (cdr ports) size))
+ (cons port (RoutePorts (cdr ports) size))))))
+(defun spidergon-routeControl (node memory)
+ ;; Route a node by trying to route its input ports.
+ (mv (routePorts node memory) memory))
+(definstance GenericRouteControl check-compliance-routecontrol
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((routecontrol spidergon-routeControl )))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/routecontrol/xy/routecontrol.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/routecontrol/xy/routecontrol.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88d0415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/routecontrol/xy/routecontrol.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/routecontrol")
+;; RouteControl
+(defun msg-header (msg)
+ ;; Return the destination of the message
+ (DestT msg))
+(defun portUpdateRoute (port out-port-id)
+ ;; Update the value of the localstatus. Which is the routing field with the out-port-id.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - port : a port
+ ;; - out-put-id : Port id of the port should be routed to.
+ (if (port-bufferhead port)
+ (port-updatestatus port (status-updateLocal (port-status port) (list out-port-id)))
+ (port-updatestatus port (status-updateLocal (port-status port) (list nil)))))
+(defun XYRoutingLogic (current to)
+ ;; Compute the output port in order to reach the destination node.
+ ;; In XY routing first the horizontal distinance is reduced (x coord)
+ ;; If there is no horizaontal diffrence the vertical distance is reduced.
+ ;; Finaly if the message is a the destination node the message is routed to the local output.
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - current : coords of the current node.
+ ;; - to : coords of the destination node.
+ (let ((x_d (car to))
+ (y_d (cadr to))
+ (x_o (car current))
+ (y_o (cadr current)))
+ (if (equal current to)
+ 'loc
+ (if (not (equal x_d x_o))
+ (if (< x_d x_o)
+ 'W
+ 'E)
+ (if (< y_d y_o)
+ 'N
+ 'S)))))#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
+(defun routePorts (ports)
+ ;; If a input port is has a msg in its buffer that has as destination this node route it to the local output port, else
+ ;; Route it to the clockwize output port.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - ports : a list ports
+ (if (endp ports)
+ nil
+ (let* ((port (car ports))
+ (dest_id (destT (port-bufferhead port))))
+ (if (and (equal (port-dir port) 'in)
+ (msg-header (port-bufferHead port)))
+ (cons (portUpdateRoute port (XYRoutingLogic (port-id port) dest_id ))
+ (RoutePorts (cdr ports)))
+ (cons port (RoutePorts (cdr ports)))))))
+(defun xy-routeControl (node memory)
+ ;; Route a node by trying to route its input ports.
+ (mv (routePorts node) memory))
+(definstance GenericRouteControl check-compliance-routecontrol
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((routecontrol xy-routeControl )))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/XY-circuit/router.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/XY-circuit/router.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7090ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/XY-circuit/router.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/router")
+(include-book "../../datalink/simple/datalink")
+(include-book "../../routecontrol/xy/routecontrol")
+(include-book "../../flowcontrol/circuit/flowcontrol")
+(defun XY-circuit-router (node memory)
+ ;; This function represents the router component of a Node.
+ ;; Applies the different processes in a router in the correct order. The RouterControl and FlowControl get as arguments the memory.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - node : list of ports in a node
+ ;; - memory : the global memory of a node
+ (mv-let (node memory)
+ (xy-RouteControl (simple-ProcessInputs node) memory)
+ (mv-let (node memory)
+ (circuit-Flowcontrol node memory)
+ (mv (simple-ProcessOutputs node) memory))))
+(definstance GenericRouter check-compliance-router
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((router XY-circuit-router)))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/XY-packet/router.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/XY-packet/router.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a533ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/XY-packet/router.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/router")
+(include-book "../../datalink/simple/datalink")
+(include-book "../../routecontrol/xy/routecontrol")
+(include-book "../../flowcontrol/packet/flowcontrol")
+(defun XY-packet-router (node memory)
+ ;; This function represents the router component of a Node.
+ ;; Applies the different processes in a router in the correct order. The RouterControl and FlowControl get as arguments the memory.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - node : list of ports in a node
+ ;; - memory : the global memory of a node
+ (mv-let (node memory)
+ (xy-RouteControl (simple-ProcessInputs node) memory)
+ (mv-let (node memory)
+ (packet-Flowcontrol node memory)
+ (mv (simple-ProcessOutputs node) memory))))
+(definstance GenericRouter check-compliance-router
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((router XY-packet-router)))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/XY-wormhole/router.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/XY-wormhole/router.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbdf671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/XY-wormhole/router.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/router")
+(include-book "../../datalink/simple/datalink")
+(include-book "../../routecontrol/xy/routecontrol")
+(include-book "../../flowcontrol/wormhole/flowcontrol")
+(defun XY-wormhole-router (node memory)
+ ;; This function represents the router component of a Node.
+ ;; Applies the different processes in a router in the correct order. The RouterControl and FlowControl get as arguments the memory.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - node : list of ports in a node
+ ;; - memory : the global memory of a node
+ (mv-let (node memory)
+ (xy-RouteControl (simple-ProcessInputs node) memory)
+ (mv-let (node memory)
+ (wormhole-Flowcontrol node memory)
+ (mv (simple-ProcessOutputs node) memory))))
+(definstance GenericRouter check-compliance-router
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((router XY-wormhole-router)))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/spidergon/router.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/spidergon/router.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57510dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/router/spidergon/router.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(in-package "ACL2")
+(include-book "../../../generic-modules/router")
+(include-book "../../datalink/simple/datalink")
+(include-book "../../routecontrol/spidergon/routecontrol")
+(include-book "../../flowcontrol/wormhole/flowcontrol")
+(defun spidergon-router (node memory)
+ ;; This function represents the router component of a Node.
+ ;; Applies the different processes in a router in the correct order. The RouterControl and FlowControl get as arguments the memory.
+ ;;
+ ;; Arguments:
+ ;; - node : list of ports in a node
+ ;; - memory : the global memory of a node
+ (mv-let (node memory)
+ (spidergon-RouteControl (simple-ProcessInputs node) memory)
+ (mv-let (node memory)
+ (wormhole-Flowcontrol node memory)
+ (mv (simple-ProcessOutputs node) memory))))
+(definstance GenericRouter check-compliance-router
+ :functional-substitution
+ ((router spidergon-router)))
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/circuit-XY-2dmesh/mybook.lsp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/circuit-XY-2dmesh/mybook.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbcf0e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/circuit-XY-2dmesh/mybook.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(include-book "misc/file-io" :dir :system)
+(include-book "../../genoc/circuit-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC")
+(set-state-ok t)
+(set-ignore-ok t)
+(defun demo (Trlst size timelimit filename state )
+ (declare (xargs :stobjs state :mode :program))
+ (mv-let (Responses Aborted accup)
+ (INST-genoc Trlst ; Compute missives from travel list
+ size ; param
+ timeLimit; number of simulation steps
+ )
+ (write-list (list (cons 'RESPONSES Responses)
+ (cons 'ABORTED Aborted)
+ accup) filename 'top-level state)))
+(defconst *size* 2)
+(defconst *TransactionList* '((1 (0 0) "hallo1" (1 1) 1 0)))
+(defconst *TimeLimit* 10)
+(demo *TransactionList* *size* *TimeLimit* "demo.txt" state)#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/packet-XY-2Dmesh/mybook.lsp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/packet-XY-2Dmesh/mybook.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09b05c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/packet-XY-2Dmesh/mybook.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(include-book "misc/file-io" :dir :system)
+(include-book "../../genoc/packet-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC")
+(set-state-ok t)
+(set-ignore-ok t)
+(defun demo (Trlst size timelimit filename state )
+ (declare (xargs :stobjs state :mode :program))
+ (mv-let (Responses Aborted accup)
+ (INST-genoc Trlst ; Compute missives from travel list
+ size ; param
+ timeLimit; number of simulation steps
+ )
+ (write-list (list (cons 'RESPONSES Responses)
+ (cons 'ABORTED Aborted)
+ accup) filename 'top-level state)))
+(defconst *size* 2)
+(defconst *TransactionList* '((1 (0 0) "hallo1" (1 1) 1 0)
+ (1 (1 1) "hallo1" (0 0) 1 0)))
+(defconst *TimeLimit* 10)
+(demo *TransactionList* *size* *TimeLimit* "demo.txt" state)#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/spidergon/mybook.lsp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/spidergon/mybook.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09cf730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/spidergon/mybook.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(include-book "misc/file-io" :dir :system)
+(include-book "../../genoc/spidergon/GeNoC")
+(set-state-ok t)
+(set-ignore-ok t)
+(defun demo (Trlst size timelimit filename state )
+ (declare (xargs :stobjs state :mode :program))
+ (mv-let (Responses Aborted accup)
+ (INST-genoc Trlst ; Compute missives from travel list
+ size ; param
+ timeLimit; number of simulation steps
+ )
+ (write-list (list (cons 'RESPONSES Responses)
+ (cons 'ABORTED Aborted)
+ accup) filename 'top-level state)))
+(defconst *size* 2)
+(defconst *TransactionList* '((1 0 "header" 2 2 0)
+ (1 0 "data" nil 1 0)
+ (1 0 "tail" nil 0 0)
+ (2 1 "header" 5 2 0)
+ (2 1 "data" nil 1 0)
+ (2 1 "data" nil 1 0)
+ (2 1 "data" nil 1 0)
+ (2 1 "tail" nil 0 0)))
+(defconst *TimeLimit* 10)
+(trace* genoc)
+(demo *TransactionList* *size* *TimeLimit* "demo.txt" state)#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/wormhole-XY-2dmesh/mybook.lsp b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/wormhole-XY-2dmesh/mybook.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dc4581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/books/workshops/2009/vandenbroek-schmaltz/GeNoC/instantiations/simulation/wormhole-XY-2dmesh/mybook.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(include-book "misc/file-io" :dir :system)
+(include-book "../../genoc/wormhole-XY-2Dmesh/GeNoC")
+(set-state-ok t)
+(set-ignore-ok t)
+(defun demo (Trlst size timelimit filename state )
+ (declare (xargs :stobjs state :mode :program))
+ (mv-let (Responses Aborted accup)
+ (INST-genoc Trlst ; Compute missives from travel list
+ size ;Generate topology
+ timeLimit; 10 attempts
+ )
+ (write-list (list (cons 'RESPONSES Responses)
+ (cons 'ABORTED Aborted)
+ accup) filename 'top-level state)))
+(defconst *size* 2)
+(defconst *TransactionList* '((1 (0 0) "header" (1 1) 2 0)
+ (1 (0 0) "data" nil 1 0)
+ (1 (0 0) "tail" nil 0 0)
+ (2 (1 0) "header" (1 1) 2 0)
+ (2 (1 0) "data" nil 1 0)
+ (2 (1 0) "data" nil 1 0)
+ (2 (1 0) "data" nil 1 0)
+ (2 (1 0) "tail" nil 0 0)
+ ))
+(defconst *TimeLimit* 20)
+(demo *TransactionList* *size* *TimeLimit* "demo.txt" state)#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#