path: root/books/workshops/2009/verbeek-schmaltz/verbeek/generic-modules/GeNoC-types.lisp
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1 files changed, 552 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/books/workshops/2009/verbeek-schmaltz/verbeek/generic-modules/GeNoC-types.lisp b/books/workshops/2009/verbeek-schmaltz/verbeek/generic-modules/GeNoC-types.lisp
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+++ b/books/workshops/2009/verbeek-schmaltz/verbeek/generic-modules/GeNoC-types.lisp
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+;; Julien Schmaltz
+;; Modified and updated by Amr HELMY 14th august 2007
+;; Definition of the data-types used in GeNoC:
+;; Transactions, missives, travels, results and attempts
+;; June 20th 2005
+;; File: GeNoC-types.lisp
+;;Amr helmy
+;;31st october 2007
+;; Rev. January 31st by JS (mainly state related functions)
+(in-package "ACL2")
+;; book paths on my laptop
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defuns" :dir :system)
+(include-book "data-structures/list-defthms" :dir :system)
+;(include-book "textbook/chap11/qsort" :dir :system)
+;; |
+;; |
+;; A transaction is a tuple t = (id A msg B flits time)
+;; Accessors are IdT, OrgT, MsgT, destT, FlitT, TimeT
+;; TimeT represent the departure time of the flit
+(defun Idt (trans)
+ (car trans))
+(defun OrgT (trans) (nth 1 trans))
+(defun MsgT (trans) (nth 2 trans))
+(defun DestT (trans) (nth 3 trans))
+(defun FlitT (trans) (nth 4 trans))
+(defun TimeT (trans) (nth 5 trans))
+(defun T-ids (Transts)
+ ;; function that grabs the ids of a list of trans.
+ (if (endp Transts)
+ nil
+ (append (list (caar Transts)) (T-ids (cdr Transts)))))
+(defun T-msgs (Trs)
+ ;; function that grabs the messages of a list of trans.
+ (if (endp Trs)
+ nil
+ (cons (MsgT (car trs))
+ (T-msgs (cdr Trs)))))
+(defun T-orgs (Trs)
+ ;; function that grabs the origins of a list of trans
+ (if (endp Trs)
+ nil
+ (cons (OrgT (car trs))
+ (T-orgs (cdr Trs)))))
+(defun T-dests (Trs)
+ ;; function that grabs the destinations of a list of trans
+ (if (endp Trs)
+ nil
+ (cons (DestT (car trs))
+ (T-dests (cdr Trs)))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each transaction has
+;; the right number of arguments
+(defun validfield-transactionp (trans)
+ ;; trans = (id A msg B flits time)
+ (and (consp trans)
+ (consp (cdr trans)) ;; (A msg B flits Time)
+ (consp (cddr trans)) ;; (msg B flits Time)
+ (consp (cdddr trans)) ;; (B flits Time)
+ (consp (cddddr trans)) ;; (Flits Time)
+ (consp (cdr (cddddr trans))) ;(Time)
+ (null (cddr (cddddr trans))))) ;;nil
+;; The following predicate recognizes a valid list of transactions
+(defun Validfields-T (Transts)
+ (if (endp Transts)
+ t
+ (let ((trans (car Transts)))
+ (and (validfield-transactionp trans)
+ (natp (Idt trans)) ;; id is a natural
+ (MsgT trans) ;; msg /= nil
+ (Natp (FlitT trans))
+ (natp (timeT trans))
+ (not (equal (OrgT trans) (DestT trans))) ;; A /= B
+ (Validfields-T (cdr Transts))))))
+;; now we define the predicate that recognizes a valid list of
+;; transactions
+(defun Transactionsp (Transts NodeSet)
+ (let ((T-ids (T-ids Transts)))
+ (and (Validfields-T Transts)
+ (true-listp Transts)
+ (subsetp (T-orgs Transts) NodeSet)
+ ;; the origins are members of the nodeset
+ (subsetp (T-dests Transts) NodeSet)
+ ;; the destinations are members of the nodeset
+ (No-Duplicatesp T-ids))))
+;;------------------ end of Transactions ----------------------------------
+;; |
+;; |
+;; A missive is a tuple m = (id A frm B Flit Time)
+;; Accessors are IdM, OrgM, FrmM and DestM
+(defun IdM (m) (car m))
+(defun OrgM (m) (nth 1 m))
+(defun FrmM (m) (nth 2 m))
+(defun DestM (m) (nth 3 m))
+(defun FlitM (m) (nth 4 m))
+(defun TimeM (m) (nth 5 m))
+;; We need a function that grabs the ids of a list of missives
+(defun M-ids (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (append (list (caar M)) (M-ids (cdr M)))))
+;; We need a function that grabs the origins of Missives
+(defun M-orgs (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (append (list (OrgM (car M))) (M-orgs (cdr M)))))
+;; The same for the destinations
+(defun M-dests (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (append (list (DestM (car M))) (M-dests (cdr M)))))
+;; We also need a function that grabs the frames of a list of missives
+(defun M-frms (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (let* ((msv (car M))
+ (m-frm (FrmM msv)))
+ (append (list m-frm) (M-frms (cdr M))))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each missive has
+;; the right number of arguments
+(defun validfield-missivep (m)
+ ;; m = (id A frm B)
+ (and (consp m)
+ (consp (cdr m)) ;; (A frm B flits time)
+ (consp (cddr m)) ;; (frm B flits time)
+ (consp (cdddr m)) ;; (B flits time)
+ (consp (cddddr m)) ;; (Flits Time)
+ (consp (cdr (cddddr m))) ;;(time)
+ (null (cddr (cddddr m))))) ;;nil
+;; The following predicate recognizes a valid list of missives (partially)
+(defun Validfields-M (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ t
+ (let ((msv (car M)))
+ (and (validfield-missivep msv)
+ (natp (IdM msv)) ;; id is a natural
+ (FrmM msv) ;; frm /= nil
+ (natp (FlitM msv))
+ (natp (TimeM msv))
+ (not (equal (OrgM msv) (DestM msv))) ;; A /= B
+ (Validfields-M (cdr M))))))
+;; now we define the predicate that recognizes a valid list of
+;; missives
+(defun Missivesp (M NodeSet)
+ (let ((M-ids (M-ids M)))
+ (and (Validfields-M M)
+ (subsetp (M-orgs M) NodeSet) ;;origins subset of nodeset
+ (subsetp (M-dests M) NodeSet) ;;destinations subset of nodeset
+ (true-listp M)
+ (No-Duplicatesp M-ids))))
+;;-------------------- end of Missives -------------------------------------
+;; |
+;; |
+;; A traveling missive is a tuple m = (id A current frm B Flit time)
+;; Accessors are IdTM, OrgTM, curTM, FrmTM and DestTM flitm
+(defun IdTM (m) (car m))
+(defun OrgTM (m) (nth 1 m))
+(defun CurTM (m) (nth 2 m))
+(defun FrmTM (m) (nth 3 m))
+(defun DestTM (m) (nth 4 m))
+(defun FlitTM (m) (nth 5 m))
+(defun TimeTM (m) (nth 6 m))
+;; We need a function that grabs the ids of a list of missives
+(defun TM-ids (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (append (list (IdTM (car M))) (TM-ids (cdr M)))))
+;; We need a function that grabs the origins of Missives
+(defun TM-orgs (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (append (list (OrgTM (car M))) (TM-orgs (cdr M)))))
+;; The same for the currents
+(defun TM-curs (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (append (list (CurTM (car M))) (TM-curs (cdr M)))))
+;; The same for the destinations
+(defun TM-dests (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (append (list (DestTM (car M))) (TM-dests (cdr M)))))
+;; We also need a function that grabs the frames of a list of missives
+(defun TM-frms (M)
+ ;; grabs the frames of M
+ (if (endp M)
+ nil
+ (let* ((msv (car M))
+ (m-frm (FrmTM msv)))
+ (append (list m-frm) (TM-frms (cdr M))))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each missive has
+;; the right number of arguments
+(defun validfield-Tmissivep (m)
+ ;; m = (id A current frm B)
+ (and (consp m)
+ (consp (cdr m)) ;; (A current frm B flits time)
+ (consp (cddr m)) ;; (current frm B flits time)
+ (consp (cdddr m)) ;; (frm B flits time)
+ (consp (cddddr m)) ;; (B flits time)
+ (consp (cdr (cddddr m)));; (flits Time)
+ (consp (cddr (cddddr m))) ;;(time)
+ (null (cdddr (cddddr m)))
+ )) ;;nil
+;; The following predicate recognizes a valid list of missives (partially)
+(defun Validfields-TM (M)
+ (if (endp M)
+ t
+ (let ((msv (car M)))
+ (and (validfield-Tmissivep msv)
+ (natp (IdTM msv)) ;; id is a natural
+ (FrmTM msv) ;; frm /= nil
+ (Natp (FlitTM msv))
+ (natp (TimeTM msv))
+ (not (equal (OrgTM msv) (DestTM msv))) ;; A /= B
+ (not (equal (CurTM msv) (DestTM msv))) ;; current /= B
+ (Validfields-TM (cdr M))))))
+;; now we define the predicate that recognizes a valid list of
+;; missives
+(defun TMissivesp (M NodeSet)
+ (let ((M-ids (TM-ids M)))
+ (and (Validfields-TM M)
+ (subsetp (TM-orgs M) NodeSet) ;;origines subset nodeset
+ (subsetp (TM-curs M) NodeSet) ;;current subset nodeset
+ (subsetp (TM-dests M) NodeSet) ;;destination subset nodeset
+ (true-listp M)
+ (No-Duplicatesp M-ids))))
+;;-------------------- end of Traveling Missives -------------------------
+;; |
+;; |
+;; On ajoute l'origine, car elle va pouvoir ne plus apparaitre dans Routes...
+;; A travel is a tuple tr = (id org frm Routes flits time)
+;; Accessors are IdV, OrgV, FrmV, RoutesV and FlitsV
+;; (JS: V comes from the french word for travel, voyage :-)
+(defun IdV (tr) (car tr))
+(defun OrgV (m) (nth 1 m))
+(defun FrmV (tr) (nth 2 tr))
+(defun RoutesV (tr) (nth 3 tr))
+(defun FlitV (tr) (nth 4 tr))
+(defun TimeV (tr) (nth 5 tr))
+;; We need a function that grabs the ids of a list of travels
+(defun V-ids (TrLst)
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (append (list (caar TrLst)) (V-ids (cdr TrLst)))))
+;; We need a function that grabs the orgs of a list of travels
+(defun V-orgs (TrLst)
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (append (list (OrgV (car TrLst))) (V-orgs (cdr TrLst)))))
+;; using these functions, we have:
+;; (validfield-route route org dest) implies (validfield-route (cdr route) org dest)
+;; for all routes in routes
+(defun no-consecutive-equals (route)
+ (if (not (and (consp route)
+ (consp (cdr route))))
+ t
+ (and (not (equal (car route) (cadr route)))
+ (no-consecutive-equals (cdr route)))))
+(defun no-hops-equal-to-dest (route dest)
+ (if (not (and (consp route)
+ (consp (cdr route))))
+ t
+ (and (not (equal (car route) dest))
+ (no-hops-equal-to-dest (cdr route) dest))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each route of routes
+;; has at least two elements
+(defun validfield-route (routes org nodeset)
+ ;; checks that every route has at least two elements
+ (if (endp routes)
+ t
+ (let ((r (car routes)))
+ (and (consp r)
+ (consp (cdr r))
+ (subsetp r nodeset)
+ (not (equal org (car (last (cdr r))))) ;; (org != dest)
+; (not (equal (car r) (car (last (cdr r))))) ;; (current != dest)
+ (no-consecutive-equals r)
+ (no-hops-equal-to-dest r (car (last r)))
+; (or (equal (len r) 2) ;; or len = 2, or next != dest
+; (not (equal (cadr r) (car (last r)))))
+ (validfield-route (cdr routes) org nodeset)))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each travel has
+;; the right number of arguments
+(defun validfield-travelp (tr nodeset)
+ ;; tr = (id org frm Routes flits time)
+ (and (consp tr)
+ (consp (cdr tr)) ;; (org frm Routes flits time)
+ (consp (cddr tr)) ;; (frm Routes flits time)
+ (consp (cdddr tr)) ;; (Routes flits time) = ( ((R1) (R2) ...) flits time)
+ (consp (routesv tr))
+ (consp (cddddr tr)) ;;(Flits Time)
+ (consp (cdr (cddddr tr))) ;; (time)
+ (null (cddr (cddddr tr))) ;;nil
+ (member-equal (orgv tr) nodeset)
+ (validfield-route (routesv tr) (orgv tr) nodeset)))
+;; The following predicate recognizes a valid list of missives (partially)
+(defun Validfields-TrLst (TrLst nodeset)
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ t
+ (let ((tr (car TrLst)))
+ (and (validfield-travelp tr nodeset)
+ (natp (IdV tr)) ;; id is a natural
+ (FrmV tr) ;; frm /= nil
+ (natp (FlitV tr))
+ (natp (TimeV tr))
+ (true-listp (RoutesV tr))
+ (Validfields-TrLst (cdr TrLst) nodeset)))))
+;; now we define the predicate that recognizes a valid list of
+;; travels
+(defun TrLstp (TrLst nodeset)
+ (let ((V-ids (V-ids TrLst)))
+ (and (Validfields-TrLst TrLst nodeset)
+ (true-listp TrLst)
+ (No-Duplicatesp V-ids))))
+(defun V-frms (TrLst)
+ ;; grabs the frames of TrLst
+ (if (endp TrLst)
+ nil
+ (let* ((tr (car Trlst))
+ (v-frm (FrmV tr)))
+ (append (list v-frm) (V-frms (cdr TrLst))))))
+;;-------------------- end of Travels -------------------------------------
+;; |
+;; |
+;; A result is a tuple rst = (Id Dest Msg flit Time)
+;; Accessors are IdR, DestR and MsgR
+(defun IdR (rst) (car rst))
+(defun DestR (rst) (nth 1 rst))
+(defun MsgR (rst) (nth 2 rst))
+(defun FlitR (rst) (nth 3 rst))
+(defun TimeR (rst) (nth 4 rst))
+(defun R-ids (R)
+ ;; function that grabs the ids of a list of results
+ (if (endp R)
+ nil
+ (append (list (caar R)) (R-ids (cdr R)))))
+(defun R-dests (Results)
+ ;; function that grabs the destinations of a list of results
+ (if (endp Results)
+ nil
+ (cons (DestR (car Results))
+ (R-dests (cdr Results)))))
+(defun R-msgs (Results)
+ ;; function that grabs the messages of a list of results
+ (if (endp Results)
+ nil
+ (cons (MsgR (car results))
+ (R-msgs (cdr Results)))))
+;; The following predicate checks that each result has
+;; the right number of arguments
+(defun validfield-resultp (rst)
+ ;; tr = (Id Dest Msg)
+ (and (consp rst)
+ (consp (cdr rst)) ;; (Dest Msg Flit time)
+ (consp (cddr rst)) ;; (Msg Flit time)
+ (consp (cdddr rst)) ;; (flit time)
+ (consp (cddddr rst)) ;;(time)
+ (null (cdr(cddddr rst)))));; nil
+;; The following predicate recognizes a valid list of results (partially)
+(defun Validfields-R (R NodeSet)
+ (if (endp R)
+ t
+ (let ((rst (car R)))
+ (and (validfield-resultp rst)
+ (natp (IdR rst)) ;; id is a natural
+ (MsgR rst) ;; msg /= nil
+ (Natp (FlitR rst))
+ (natp (TimeR rst))
+ (member (DestR rst) NodeSet)
+ (Validfields-R (cdr R) NodeSet)))))
+;; now we define the predicate that recognizes a valid list of
+;; results
+(defun Resultsp (R NodeSet)
+ (let ((R-ids (R-ids R)))
+ (and (Validfields-R R NodeSet)
+ (true-listp R)
+ (No-Duplicatesp R-ids))))
+;;-------------------- end of Results -------------------------------------
+;; |
+;; STATE |
+;; |
+;; a state is a list of the form ( (coor (node_id)) (buffers ...)) where
+;; node_id a an element of NodeSet
+;; we define accessors and predicates defining valid state entries
+;; we need accessors to the state elements
+(defun get_coor (st_entry)
+ ;; st_entry = ( (coor (id)) (buffers ...))
+ ;; this function returns id
+ (cadar st_entry))
+(defun get_buff (st_entry)
+ ;; st_entry = ( (coor (id)) (buffers ...))
+ ;; this function returns ...
+ (cadadr st_entry))
+(defun getcoordinates (ntkstate)
+ (if (endp ntkstate)
+ nil
+ (cons (get_coor (car ntkstate))
+ (getcoordinates (cdr ntkstate)))))
+(defun get-buffers (ntkstate)
+ (if (endp ntkstate)
+ nil
+ (cons (get_buff (car ntkstate))
+ (get-buffers (cdr ntkstate)))))
+(defun validCoord (x)
+ ;; x is (coor (id))
+ (and (equal (car x) 'Coor)
+ (consp x)
+ (consp (cdr x))
+ (null (cddr x))))
+(defun ValidBuffer (x)
+ ;; x is (buffers ...)
+ (and (equal (car x) 'Buffers)
+ (consp x)
+ (consp (cdr x))))
+(defun ValidCoordlist (x)
+ ;; x is a state = ( ((coor (id)) (buffers ...)) ...)
+ (if (endp x)
+ t
+ (and (Validcoord (caar x))
+ (Validcoordlist (cdr x)))))
+(defun ValidbuffersList (x)
+ ;; x is a state = ( ((coor (id)) (buffers ...)) ...)
+ (if (endp x)
+ t
+ (and (ValidBuffer (cadar x))
+ (Validbufferslist (cdr x)))))
+;; NOTE: nil is a valid state, so nil is also a valid state element
+(defun validstate-entryp (st_entry)
+ (if (endp st_entry)
+ t
+ (and (Validcoord (car st_entry))
+ (Validbuffer (cadr st_entry)))))
+(defun ValidState (ntkstate)
+ (if (endp ntkstate)
+ t
+ (and ;(consp ntkstate)
+ (Validstate-entryp (car ntkstate))
+ (Validstate (cdr ntkstate)))))#|ACL2s-ToDo-Line|#