path: root/README
diff options
authorSean Whitton <>2018-11-23 17:29:46 -0700
committerSean Whitton <>2018-11-23 17:29:46 -0700
commit5a91775bd7c909bbaf3b3c8ee964136961a5146d (patch)
treecea89f085c1382f1567ff71a30b6f953708dc6a9 /README
parent5d2b156377dce5bdca65b14639306eaed3ac3a92 (diff)
parenta19b25a865b2000bbd3acd909f5951a5407c1eec (diff)
Merge tag 'upstream/0.17'
Upstream version 0.17 # gpg: Signature made Fri 23 Nov 2018 05:29:18 PM MST # gpg: using RSA key 9B917007AE030E36E4FC248B695B7AE4BF066240 # gpg: issuer "" # gpg: Good signature from "Sean Whitton <>" [ultimate] # Primary key fingerprint: 8DC2 487E 51AB DD90 B5C4 753F 0F56 D055 3B6D 411B # Subkey fingerprint: 9B91 7007 AE03 0E36 E4FC 248B 695B 7AE4 BF06 6240
Diffstat (limited to 'README')
7 files changed, 94 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/README/AVL.agda b/README/AVL.agda
index bc96d06..8a2fdea 100644
--- a/README/AVL.agda
+++ b/README/AVL.agda
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ open import Data.Nat.Properties using (<-isStrictTotalOrder)
open import Data.String using (String)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; _∷_; [])
-open Data.AVL (Vec String) (<-isStrictTotalOrder)
+open Data.AVL <-isStrictTotalOrder renaming (Tree to Tree')
+Tree = Tree' (Vec String)
-- Construction of trees
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ t₃ = delete 2 t₂
open import Data.List using (_∷_; [])
open import Data.Product as Prod using (_,_; _,′_)
+t₄ : Tree
t₄ = fromList ((2 , v₂) ∷ (1 , v₁) ∷ [])
diff --git a/README/Case.agda b/README/Case.agda
index e42f55a..229acf8 100644
--- a/README/Case.agda
+++ b/README/Case.agda
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ pred n = case n of λ
; (suc n) → n
-from-just : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} (x : Maybe A) → From-just A x
-from-just x = case x return From-just _ of λ
+from-just : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} (x : Maybe A) → From-just x
+from-just x = case x return From-just of λ
{ (just x) → x
; nothing → _
diff --git a/README/Container/FreeMonad.agda b/README/Container/FreeMonad.agda
index c7b3eec..b0b7654 100644
--- a/README/Container/FreeMonad.agda
+++ b/README/Container/FreeMonad.agda
@@ -24,19 +24,19 @@ open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-- The signature of state and its (generic) operations.
-State : Set → Container _
+State : Set → Container _ _
State S = ⊤ ⟶ S ⊎ S ⟶ ⊤
- _⟶_ : Set → Set → Container _
+ _⟶_ : Set → Set → Container _ _
I ⟶ O = I ▷ λ _ → O
get : ∀ {S} → State S ⋆ S
-get = do (inj₁ _ , return)
+get = inn (inj₁ _ , return)
open RawMonad rawMonad
put : ∀ {S} → S → State S ⋆ ⊤
-put s = do (inj₂ s , return)
+put s = inn (inj₂ s , return)
open RawMonad rawMonad
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ prog =
open RawMonad rawMonad
-runState : ∀ {S X} → State S ⋆ X → (S → X ⟨×⟩ S)
-runState (sup (inj₁ x) _) = λ s → x , s
-runState (sup (inj₂ (inj₁ _)) k) = λ s → runState (k s) s
-runState (sup (inj₂ (inj₂ s)) k) = λ _ → runState (k _) s
+runState : {S X : Set} → State S ⋆ X → (S → X ⟨×⟩ S)
+runState (sup (inj₁ x , _)) = λ s → x , s
+runState (sup (inj₂ (inj₁ _) , k)) = λ s → runState (k s) s
+runState (sup (inj₂ (inj₂ s) , k)) = λ _ → runState (k _) s
test : runState prog 0 ≡ (true , 1)
test = refl
diff --git a/README/Function/Reasoning.agda b/README/Function/Reasoning.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b28f27d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README/Function/Reasoning.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+-- The Agda standard library
+-- Some examples showing how the Function.Reasoning module
+-- can be used to perform "functional reasoning" similar to what is being
+-- described in:
+module README.Function.Reasoning where
+-- Function.Reasoning exports a flipped application (_|>_) combinator
+-- as well as a type annotation (_∶_) combinator.
+open import Function.Reasoning
+-- A simple example
+module _ {A B C : Set} {A→B : A → B} {B→C : B → C} where
+-- Using the combinators we can, starting from a value, chain various
+-- functions whilst tracking the types of the intermediate results.
+ A→C : A → C
+ A→C a =
+ a ∶ A
+ |> A→B ∶ B
+ |> B→C ∶ C
+-- A more concrete example
+open import Data.Nat
+open import Data.List.Base
+open import Data.Char.Base
+open import Data.String using (String; toList; fromList)
+open import Data.String.Unsafe using (_==_)
+open import Function
+open import Data.Bool
+open import Data.Product as P using (_×_; <_,_>; uncurry; proj₁)
+open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
+-- This can give us for instance this decomposition of a function
+-- collecting all of the substrings of the input which happen to be
+-- palindromes:
+subpalindromes : String → List String
+subpalindromes str = let Chars = List Char in
+ str ∶ String
+ -- first generate the substrings
+ |> toList ∶ Chars
+ |> inits ∶ List Chars
+ |> concatMap tails ∶ List Chars
+ -- then only keeps the ones which are not singletons
+ |> filter (λ cs → 2 ≤? length cs) ∶ List Chars
+ -- only keep the ones that are palindromes
+ |> map < fromList , fromList ∘ reverse > ∶ List (String × String)
+ |> boolFilter (uncurry _==_) ∶ List (String × String)
+ |> map proj₁ ∶ List String
+-- Test cases
+_ : subpalindromes "doctoresreverse" ≡ "eve" ∷ "rever" ∷ "srevers" ∷ "esreverse" ∷ []
+_ = refl
+_ : subpalindromes "elle-meme" ≡ "ll" ∷ "elle" ∷ "mem" ∷ "eme" ∷ []
+_ = refl
diff --git a/README/Integer.agda b/README/Integer.agda
index c6e3469..08a1ade 100644
--- a/README/Integer.agda
+++ b/README/Integer.agda
@@ -40,13 +40,10 @@ ex₄ = P.refl
-- integers. Algebra defines what a commutative ring is, among other
-- things.
-open import Algebra
-import Data.Integer.Properties as Integer
- module CR = CommutativeRing Integer.commutativeRing
+import Data.Integer.Properties as ℤₚ
ex₅ : ∀ i j → i * j ≡ j * i
-ex₅ i j = CR.*-comm i j
+ex₅ i j = ℤₚ.*-comm i j
-- The module ≡-Reasoning in Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-- provides some combinators for equational reasoning.
@@ -56,15 +53,17 @@ open import Data.Product
ex₆ : ∀ i j → i * (j + + 0) ≡ j * i
ex₆ i j = begin
- i * (j + + 0) ≡⟨ P.cong (_*_ i) (proj₂ CR.+-identity j) ⟩
- i * j ≡⟨ CR.*-comm i j ⟩
+ i * (j + + 0) ≡⟨ P.cong (i *_) (ℤₚ.+-identityʳ j) ⟩
+ i * j ≡⟨ ℤₚ.*-comm i j ⟩
j * i ∎
--- The module RingSolver in Data.Integer.Properties contains a solver
+-- The module RingSolver in Data.Integer.Solver contains a solver
-- for integer equalities involving variables, constants, _+_, _*_, -_
-- and _-_.
+open import Data.Integer.Solver using (module +-*-Solver)
+open +-*-Solver
ex₇ : ∀ i j → i * - j - j * i ≡ - + 2 * i * j
ex₇ = solve 2 (λ i j → i :* :- j :- j :* i := :- con (+ 2) :* i :* j)
- where open Integer.RingSolver
diff --git a/README/Nat.agda b/README/Nat.agda
index b6afd17..c5782cf 100644
--- a/README/Nat.agda
+++ b/README/Nat.agda
@@ -42,11 +42,12 @@ ex₄ m n = begin
m * n ≡⟨ Nat.*-comm m n ⟩
n * m ∎
--- The module SemiringSolver in Data.Nat.Properties contains a solver
+-- The module SemiringSolver in Data.Nat.Solver contains a solver
-- for natural number equalities involving variables, constants, _+_
-- and _*_.
-open Nat.SemiringSolver
+open import Data.Nat.Solver using (module +-*-Solver)
+open +-*-Solver
ex₅ : ∀ m n → m * (n + 0) ≡ n * m
ex₅ = solve 2 (λ m n → m :* (n :+ con 0) := n :* m) refl
diff --git a/README/Record.agda b/README/Record.agda
index 4e8f06e..7994cb2 100644
--- a/README/Record.agda
+++ b/README/Record.agda
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module README.Record where
open import Data.Product
open import Data.String
+open import Data.String.Unsafe
open import Function using (flip)
open import Level
import Record
@@ -25,8 +26,8 @@ open Record String _≟_
PER : Signature _
PER = ∅ , "S" ∶ (λ _ → Set)
, "R" ∶ (λ r → r · "S" → r · "S" → Set)
- , "sym" ∶ (λ r → Lift (Symmetric (r · "R")))
- , "trans" ∶ (λ r → Lift (Transitive (r · "R")))
+ , "sym" ∶ (λ r → Lift _ (Symmetric (r · "R")))
+ , "trans" ∶ (λ r → Lift _ (Transitive (r · "R")))
-- Given a PER the converse relation is also a PER.