path: root/src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda
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authorSean Whitton <>2018-11-23 17:29:18 -0700
committerSean Whitton <>2018-11-23 17:29:18 -0700
commita19b25a865b2000bbd3acd909f5951a5407c1eec (patch)
treee283a809447d00f63289a918e6fd0f73ee0b8ece /src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda
parent0b3946998d82e1be6c50e2872e7474db69b5a0dc (diff)
New upstream version 0.17
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda b/src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda
index 2a31707..7607a4e 100644
--- a/src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda
+++ b/src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda
@@ -2,174 +2,16 @@
-- The Agda standard library
-- Decision procedures for finite sets and subsets of finite sets
+-- This module is DEPRECATED. Please use the Data.Fin.Properties
+-- and Data.Fin.Subset.Properties directly.
module Data.Fin.Dec where
-open import Function
-import Data.Bool as Bool
-open import Data.Nat.Base hiding (_<_)
-open import Data.Vec hiding (_∈_)
-open import Data.Vec.Equality as VecEq
- using () renaming (module PropositionalEquality to PropVecEq)
-open import Data.Fin
-open import Data.Fin.Subset
-open import Data.Fin.Subset.Properties
-open import Data.Product as Prod
-open import Data.Empty
-open import Function
-import Function.Equivalence as Eq
-open import Relation.Binary as B
-import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as H
-open import Relation.Nullary
-import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
-open import Relation.Unary as U using (Pred)
-infix 4 _∈?_
-_∈?_ : ∀ {n} x (p : Subset n) → Dec (x ∈ p)
-zero ∈? inside ∷ p = yes here
-zero ∈? outside ∷ p = no λ()
-suc n ∈? s ∷ p with n ∈? p
-... | yes n∈p = yes (there n∈p)
-... | no n∉p = no (n∉p ∘ drop-there)
- restrictP : ∀ {p n} → (Fin (suc n) → Set p) → (Fin n → Set p)
- restrictP P f = P (suc f)
- restrict : ∀ {p n} {P : Fin (suc n) → Set p} →
- U.Decidable P → U.Decidable (restrictP P)
- restrict dec f = dec (suc f)
-any? : ∀ {n} {P : Fin n → Set} →
- U.Decidable P → Dec (∃ P)
-any? {zero} dec = no λ { (() , _) }
-any? {suc n} {P} dec with dec zero | any? (restrict dec)
-... | yes p | _ = yes (_ , p)
-... | _ | yes (_ , p') = yes (_ , p')
-... | no ¬p | no ¬p' = no helper
- where
- helper : ∄ P
- helper (zero , p) = ¬p p
- helper (suc f , p') = ¬p' (_ , p')
-nonempty? : ∀ {n} (p : Subset n) → Dec (Nonempty p)
-nonempty? p = any? (λ x → x ∈? p)
- restrict∈ : ∀ {p q n}
- (P : Fin (suc n) → Set p) {Q : Fin (suc n) → Set q} →
- (∀ {f} → Q f → Dec (P f)) →
- (∀ {f} → restrictP Q f → Dec (restrictP P f))
- restrict∈ _ dec {f} Qf = dec {suc f} Qf
-decFinSubset : ∀ {p q n} {P : Fin n → Set p} {Q : Fin n → Set q} →
- U.Decidable Q →
- (∀ {f} → Q f → Dec (P f)) →
- Dec (∀ {f} → Q f → P f)
-decFinSubset {n = zero} _ _ = yes λ{}
-decFinSubset {n = suc n} {P} {Q} decQ decP = helper
- where
- helper : Dec (∀ {f} → Q f → P f)
- helper with decFinSubset (restrict decQ) (restrict∈ P decP)
- helper | no ¬q⟶p = no (λ q⟶p → ¬q⟶p (λ {f} q → q⟶p {suc f} q))
- helper | yes q⟶p with decQ zero
- helper | yes q⟶p | yes q₀ with decP q₀
- helper | yes q⟶p | yes q₀ | no ¬p₀ = no (λ q⟶p → ¬p₀ (q⟶p {zero} q₀))
- helper | yes q⟶p | yes q₀ | yes p₀ = yes (λ {_} → hlpr _)
- where
- hlpr : ∀ f → Q f → P f
- hlpr zero _ = p₀
- hlpr (suc f) qf = q⟶p qf
- helper | yes q⟶p | no ¬q₀ = yes (λ {_} → hlpr _)
- where
- hlpr : ∀ f → Q f → P f
- hlpr zero q₀ = ⊥-elim (¬q₀ q₀)
- hlpr (suc f) qf = q⟶p qf
-all∈? : ∀ {n p} {P : Fin n → Set p} {q} →
- (∀ {f} → f ∈ q → Dec (P f)) →
- Dec (∀ {f} → f ∈ q → P f)
-all∈? {q = q} dec = decFinSubset (λ f → f ∈? q) dec
-all? : ∀ {n p} {P : Fin n → Set p} →
- U.Decidable P → Dec (∀ f → P f)
-all? dec with all∈? {q = ⊤} (λ {f} _ → dec f)
-... | yes ∀p = yes (λ f → ∀p ∈⊤)
-... | no ¬∀p = no (λ ∀p → ¬∀p (λ {f} _ → ∀p f))
-decLift : ∀ {n} {P : Fin n → Set} →
- U.Decidable P → U.Decidable (Lift P)
-decLift dec p = all∈? (λ {x} _ → dec x)
- restrictSP : ∀ {n} → Side → (Subset (suc n) → Set) → (Subset n → Set)
- restrictSP s P p = P (s ∷ p)
- restrictS : ∀ {n} {P : Subset (suc n) → Set} →
- (s : Side) → U.Decidable P → U.Decidable (restrictSP s P)
- restrictS s dec p = dec (s ∷ p)
-anySubset? : ∀ {n} {P : Subset n → Set} →
- U.Decidable P → Dec (∃ P)
-anySubset? {zero} {P} dec with dec []
-... | yes P[] = yes (_ , P[])
-... | no ¬P[] = no helper
- where
- helper : ∄ P
- helper ([] , P[]) = ¬P[] P[]
-anySubset? {suc n} {P} dec with anySubset? (restrictS inside dec)
- | anySubset? (restrictS outside dec)
-... | yes (_ , Pp) | _ = yes (_ , Pp)
-... | _ | yes (_ , Pp) = yes (_ , Pp)
-... | no ¬Pp | no ¬Pp' = no helper
- where
- helper : ∄ P
- helper (inside ∷ p , Pp) = ¬Pp (_ , Pp)
- helper (outside ∷ p , Pp') = ¬Pp' (_ , Pp')
--- If a decidable predicate P over a finite set is sometimes false,
--- then we can find the smallest value for which this is the case.
-¬∀⟶∃¬-smallest :
- ∀ n {p} (P : Fin n → Set p) → U.Decidable P →
- ¬ (∀ i → P i) → ∃ λ i → ¬ P i × ((j : Fin′ i) → P (inject j))
-¬∀⟶∃¬-smallest zero P dec ¬∀iPi = ⊥-elim (¬∀iPi (λ()))
-¬∀⟶∃¬-smallest (suc n) P dec ¬∀iPi with dec zero
-¬∀⟶∃¬-smallest (suc n) P dec ¬∀iPi | no ¬P0 = (zero , ¬P0 , λ ())
-¬∀⟶∃¬-smallest (suc n) P dec ¬∀iPi | yes P0 =
- suc ( id extend′) $
- ¬∀⟶∃¬-smallest n (λ n → P (suc n)) (dec ∘ suc) (¬∀iPi ∘ extend)
- where
- extend : (∀ i → P (suc i)) → (∀ i → P i)
- extend ∀iP[1+i] zero = P0
- extend ∀iP[1+i] (suc i) = ∀iP[1+i] i
- extend′ : ∀ {i : Fin n} →
- ((j : Fin′ i) → P (suc (inject j))) →
- ((j : Fin′ (suc i)) → P (inject j))
- extend′ g zero = P0
- extend′ g (suc j) = g j
--- When P is a decidable predicate over a finite set the following
--- lemma can be proved.
-¬∀⟶∃¬ : ∀ n {p} (P : Fin n → Set p) → U.Decidable P →
- ¬ (∀ i → P i) → ∃ λ i → ¬ P i
-¬∀⟶∃¬ n P dec ¬P = id proj₁ $ ¬∀⟶∃¬-smallest n P dec ¬P
--- Decision procedure for _⊆_ (obtained via the natural lattice
--- order).
-infix 4 _⊆?_
+open import Data.Fin.Properties public
+ using (decFinSubset; any?; all?; ¬∀⟶∃¬-smallest; ¬∀⟶∃¬)
-_⊆?_ : ∀ {n} → B.Decidable (_⊆_ {n = n})
-p₁ ⊆? p₂ =
- (Eq.sym NaturalPoset.orders-equivalent) $
-′≡ PropVecEq.from-≡ $
- VecEq.DecidableEquality._≟_ Bool.decSetoid p₁ (p₁ ∩ p₂)
+open import Data.Fin.Subset.Properties public
+ using (_∈?_; _⊆?_; nonempty?; anySubset?)
+ renaming (Lift? to decLift)