path: root/src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda
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authorIain Lane <>2011-02-25 10:53:20 +0000
committerIain Lane <>2011-02-25 10:53:20 +0000
commita4ce69d4b3f30a0d508aaedadd8dd89366438712 (patch)
treeee35e782a8edacde5130d9eed82bd3f4c40a328e /src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda
parentcc1f5c802508a4098a9d4ea99c356277cbe5ff0d (diff)
Imported Upstream version 0.5
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda b/src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda
index 7b50302..d54ca0c 100644
--- a/src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda
+++ b/src/Data/Fin/Dec.agda
@@ -7,15 +7,23 @@
module Data.Fin.Dec where
open import Function
+import Data.Bool as Bool
open import Data.Nat hiding (_<_)
open import Data.Vec hiding (_∈_)
+open import Data.Vec.Equality as VecEq
+ using () renaming (module HeterogeneousEquality to HetVecEq)
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Fin.Subset
open import Data.Fin.Subset.Props
open import Data.Product as Prod
open import Data.Empty
+open import Function
+import Function.Equivalence as Eq
open import Level hiding (Lift)
+open import Relation.Binary
+import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as H
open import Relation.Nullary
+import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred)
infix 4 _∈?_
@@ -92,8 +100,8 @@ all∈? {q = q} dec = decFinSubset (λ f → f ∈? q) dec
all? : ∀ {n} {P : Fin n → Set} →
(∀ f → Dec (P f)) →
Dec (∀ f → P f)
-all? dec with all∈? {q = all inside} (λ {f} _ → dec f)
-... | yes ∀p = yes (λ f → ∀p (allInside f))
+all? dec with all∈? {q = ⊤} (λ {f} _ → dec f)
+... | yes ∀p = yes (λ f → ∀p ∈⊤)
... | no ¬∀p = no (λ ∀p → ¬∀p (λ {f} _ → ∀p f))
decLift : ∀ {n} {P : Fin n → Set} →
@@ -153,3 +161,15 @@ anySubset? {suc n} {P} dec with anySubset? (restrictS inside dec)
((j : Fin′ (suc i)) → P (inject j))
extend′ g zero = P0
extend′ g (suc j) = g j
+-- Decision procedure for _⊆_ (obtained via the natural lattice
+-- order).
+infix 4 _⊆?_
+_⊆?_ : ∀ {n} → Decidable (_⊆_ {n = n})
+p₁ ⊆? p₂ =
+ (Eq.sym NaturalPoset.orders-equivalent) $
+′ H.≅-to-≡ H.≡-to-≅ $
+′≅ HetVecEq.from-≅ $
+ VecEq.DecidableEquality._≟_ Bool.decSetoid p₁ (p₁ ∩ p₂)