path: root/src/Data/Nat/Coprimality.agda
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authorSean Whitton <>2018-11-23 17:29:18 -0700
committerSean Whitton <>2018-11-23 17:29:18 -0700
commita19b25a865b2000bbd3acd909f5951a5407c1eec (patch)
treee283a809447d00f63289a918e6fd0f73ee0b8ece /src/Data/Nat/Coprimality.agda
parent0b3946998d82e1be6c50e2872e7474db69b5a0dc (diff)
New upstream version 0.17
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Data/Nat/Coprimality.agda')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/src/Data/Nat/Coprimality.agda b/src/Data/Nat/Coprimality.agda
index 85ed06c..19fdbf5 100644
--- a/src/Data/Nat/Coprimality.agda
+++ b/src/Data/Nat/Coprimality.agda
@@ -8,27 +8,25 @@ module Data.Nat.Coprimality where
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Fin using (toℕ; fromℕ≤)
-open import Data.Fin.Properties as FinProp
+open import Data.Fin.Properties using (toℕ-fromℕ≤)
open import Data.Nat
-open import Data.Nat.Primality
-import Data.Nat.Properties as NatProp
-open import Data.Nat.Divisibility as Div
+open import Data.Nat.Divisibility
open import Data.Nat.GCD
open import Data.Nat.GCD.Lemmas
+open import Data.Nat.Primality
+open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Product as Prod
open import Function
-open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PropEq
- using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
+open import Level using (0ℓ)
+open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
+ using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; cong; subst; module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
-open import Algebra
- module P = Poset Div.poset
-- Coprime m n is inhabited iff m and n are coprime (relatively
-- prime), i.e. if their only common divisor is 1.
-Coprime : (m n : ℕ) → Set
+Coprime : Rel ℕ 0ℓ
Coprime m n = ∀ {i} → i ∣ m × i ∣ n → i ≡ 1
-- Coprime numbers have 1 as their gcd.
@@ -37,15 +35,14 @@ coprime-gcd : ∀ {m n} → Coprime m n → GCD m n 1
coprime-gcd {m} {n} c = (1∣ m , 1∣ n) greatest
greatest : ∀ {d} → d ∣ m × d ∣ n → d ∣ 1
- greatest cd with c cd
- greatest .{1} cd | refl = 1∣ 1
+ greatest cd with c cd
+ ... | refl = 1∣ 1
-- If two numbers have 1 as their gcd, then they are coprime.
gcd-coprime : ∀ {m n} → GCD m n 1 → Coprime m n
gcd-coprime g cd with GCD.greatest g cd
-gcd-coprime g cd | divides q eq =
- NatProp.i*j≡1⇒j≡1 q _ (PropEq.sym eq)
+... | divides q eq = i*j≡1⇒j≡1 q _ (P.sym eq)
-- Coprime is decidable.
@@ -59,12 +56,12 @@ private
coprime? : Decidable Coprime
coprime? i j with gcd i j
... | (0 , g) = no (0≢1 ∘ GCD.unique g ∘ coprime-gcd)
-... | (1 , g) = yes (λ {i} → gcd-coprime g {i})
+... | (1 , g) = yes (gcd-coprime g)
... | (suc (suc d) , g) = no (2+≢1 ∘ GCD.unique g ∘ coprime-gcd)
-- The coprimality relation is symmetric.
-sym : ∀ {m n} → Coprime m n → Coprime n m
+sym : Symmetric Coprime
sym c = c ∘ swap
-- Everything is coprime to 1.
@@ -75,12 +72,12 @@ sym c = c ∘ swap
-- Nothing except for 1 is coprime to 0.
0-coprimeTo-1 : ∀ {m} → Coprime 0 m → m ≡ 1
-0-coprimeTo-1 {m} c = c (m ∣0 , P.refl)
+0-coprimeTo-1 {m} c = c (m ∣0 , ∣-refl)
-- If m and n are coprime, then n + m and n are also coprime.
coprime-+ : ∀ {m n} → Coprime m n → Coprime (n + m) n
-coprime-+ c (d₁ , d₂) = c (∣-∸ d₁ d₂ , d₂)
+coprime-+ c (d₁ , d₂) = c (∣m+n∣m⇒∣n d₁ d₂ , d₂)
-- If the "gcd" in Bézout's identity is non-zero, then the "other"
-- divisors are coprime.
@@ -125,14 +122,13 @@ data GCD′ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → Set where
gcd-gcd′ : ∀ {d m n} → GCD m n d → GCD′ m n d
gcd-gcd′ g with GCD.commonDivisor g
gcd-gcd′ {zero} g | (divides q₁ refl , divides q₂ refl)
- with q₁ * 0 | NatProp.*-comm 0 q₁
- | q₂ * 0 | NatProp.*-comm 0 q₂
-... | .0 | refl | .0 | refl = gcd-* 1 1 (1-coprimeTo 1)
+ with q₁ * 0 | *-comm 0 q₁ | q₂ * 0 | *-comm 0 q₂
+... | .0 | refl | .0 | refl = gcd-* 1 1 (1-coprimeTo 1)
gcd-gcd′ {suc d} g | (divides q₁ refl , divides q₂ refl) =
gcd-* q₁ q₂ (Bézout-coprime (Bézout.identity g))
gcd′-gcd : ∀ {m n d} → GCD′ m n d → GCD m n d
-gcd′-gcd (gcd-* q₁ q₂ c) = (∣-* q₁ , ∣-* q₂) (coprime-factors c)
+gcd′-gcd (gcd-* q₁ q₂ c) = (n∣m*n q₁ , n∣m*n q₂) (coprime-factors c)
-- Calculates (the alternative representation of) the gcd of the
-- arguments.
@@ -149,11 +145,11 @@ prime⇒coprime 1 () _ _ _ _
prime⇒coprime (suc (suc m)) _ 0 () _ _
prime⇒coprime (suc (suc m)) _ _ _ _ {1} _ = refl
prime⇒coprime (suc (suc m)) p _ _ _ {0} (divides q 2+m≡q*0 , _) =
- ⊥-elim $ NatProp.i+1+j≢i 0 (begin
+ ⊥-elim $ i+1+j≢i 0 (begin
2 + m ≡⟨ 2+m≡q*0 ⟩
- q * 0 ≡⟨ proj₂ NatProp.*-zero q ⟩
+ q * 0 ≡⟨ *-zeroʳ q ⟩
0 ∎)
- where open PropEq.≡-Reasoning
+ where open ≡-Reasoning
prime⇒coprime (suc (suc m)) p (suc n) _ 1+n<2+m {suc (suc i)}
(2+i∣2+m , 2+i∣1+n) =
⊥-elim (p _ 2+i′∣2+m)
@@ -163,10 +159,9 @@ prime⇒coprime (suc (suc m)) p (suc n) _ 1+n<2+m {suc (suc i)}
3 + i ≤⟨ s≤s (∣⇒≤ 2+i∣1+n) ⟩
2 + n ≤⟨ 1+n<2+m ⟩
2 + m ∎)
- where open NatProp.≤-Reasoning
+ where open ≤-Reasoning
2+i′∣2+m : 2 + toℕ (fromℕ≤ i<m) ∣ 2 + m
- 2+i′∣2+m = PropEq.subst
- (λ j → j ∣ 2 + m)
- (PropEq.sym (PropEq.cong (_+_ 2) (FinProp.toℕ-fromℕ≤ i<m)))
+ 2+i′∣2+m = subst (_∣ 2 + m)
+ (P.sym (cong (2 +_) (toℕ-fromℕ≤ i<m)))