path: root/src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous
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authorSean Whitton <>2018-11-23 17:29:46 -0700
committerSean Whitton <>2018-11-23 17:29:46 -0700
commit5a91775bd7c909bbaf3b3c8ee964136961a5146d (patch)
treecea89f085c1382f1567ff71a30b6f953708dc6a9 /src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous
parent5d2b156377dce5bdca65b14639306eaed3ac3a92 (diff)
parenta19b25a865b2000bbd3acd909f5951a5407c1eec (diff)
Merge tag 'upstream/0.17'
Upstream version 0.17 # gpg: Signature made Fri 23 Nov 2018 05:29:18 PM MST # gpg: using RSA key 9B917007AE030E36E4FC248B695B7AE4BF066240 # gpg: issuer "" # gpg: Good signature from "Sean Whitton <>" [ultimate] # Primary key fingerprint: 8DC2 487E 51AB DD90 B5C4 753F 0F56 D055 3B6D 411B # Subkey fingerprint: 9B91 7007 AE03 0E36 E4FC 248B 695B 7AE4 BF06 6240
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous')
3 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous/Construct/At.agda b/src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous/Construct/At.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc71b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous/Construct/At.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+-- The Agda standard library
+-- Instantiates indexed binary structures at an index to the equivalent
+-- non-indexed structures.
+module Relation.Binary.Indexed.Heterogeneous.Construct.At where
+open import Relation.Binary
+open import Relation.Binary.Indexed.Heterogeneous
+ hiding (IsEquivalence; Setoid)
+-- Structures
+module _ {a i} {I : Set i} {A : I → Set a} where
+ isEquivalence : ∀ {ℓ} {_≈_ : IRel A ℓ} → IsIndexedEquivalence A _≈_ →
+ (index : I) → IsEquivalence (_≈_ {index})
+ isEquivalence isEq index = record
+ { refl = refl
+ ; sym = sym
+ ; trans = trans
+ }
+ where open IsIndexedEquivalence isEq
+ isPreorder : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {_≈_ : IRel A ℓ₁} {_∼_ : IRel A ℓ₂} →
+ IsIndexedPreorder A _≈_ _∼_ →
+ (index : I) → IsPreorder (_≈_ {index}) _∼_
+ isPreorder isPreorder index = record
+ { isEquivalence = isEquivalence O.isEquivalence index
+ ; reflexive = O.reflexive
+ ; trans = O.trans
+ }
+ where module O = IsIndexedPreorder isPreorder
+-- Packages
+module _ {a i} {I : Set i} where
+ setoid : ∀ {ℓ} → IndexedSetoid I a ℓ → I → Setoid a ℓ
+ setoid S index = record
+ { Carrier = S.Carrier index
+ ; _≈_ = S._≈_
+ ; isEquivalence = isEquivalence S.isEquivalence index
+ }
+ where module S = IndexedSetoid S
+ preorder : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} → IndexedPreorder I a ℓ₁ ℓ₂ → I → Preorder a ℓ₁ ℓ₂
+ preorder O index = record
+ { Carrier = O.Carrier index
+ ; _≈_ = O._≈_
+ ; _∼_ = O._∼_
+ ; isPreorder = isPreorder O.isPreorder index
+ }
+ where module O = IndexedPreorder O
+-- Some useful shorthand infix notation
+module _ {a i} {I : Set i} where
+ _atₛ_ : ∀ {ℓ} → IndexedSetoid I a ℓ → I → Setoid a ℓ
+ _atₛ_ = setoid
diff --git a/src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous/Construct/Trivial.agda b/src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous/Construct/Trivial.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..947f28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous/Construct/Trivial.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+-- The Agda standard library
+-- Creates trivially indexed records from their non-indexed counterpart.
+module Relation.Binary.Indexed.Heterogeneous.Construct.Trivial
+ {i} {I : Set i} where
+open import Relation.Binary
+open import Relation.Binary.Indexed.Heterogeneous hiding (Rel)
+ hiding (IsEquivalence; Setoid)
+-- Structures
+module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
+ private
+ Aᵢ : I → Set a
+ Aᵢ i = A
+ isIndexedEquivalence : ∀ {ℓ} {_≈_ : Rel A ℓ} → IsEquivalence _≈_ →
+ IsIndexedEquivalence Aᵢ _≈_
+ isIndexedEquivalence isEq = record
+ { refl = refl
+ ; sym = sym
+ ; trans = trans
+ }
+ where open IsEquivalence isEq
+ isIndexedPreorder : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {_≈_ : Rel A ℓ₁} {_∼_ : Rel A ℓ₂} →
+ IsPreorder _≈_ _∼_ →
+ IsIndexedPreorder Aᵢ _≈_ _∼_
+ isIndexedPreorder isPreorder = record
+ { isEquivalence = isIndexedEquivalence isEquivalence
+ ; reflexive = reflexive
+ ; trans = trans
+ }
+ where open IsPreorder isPreorder
+-- Packages
+indexedSetoid : ∀ {a ℓ} → Setoid a ℓ → IndexedSetoid I a ℓ
+indexedSetoid S = record
+ { isEquivalence = isIndexedEquivalence isEquivalence
+ }
+ where open Setoid S
+indexedPreorder : ∀ {a ℓ₁ ℓ₂} → Preorder a ℓ₁ ℓ₂ →
+ IndexedPreorder I a ℓ₁ ℓ₂
+indexedPreorder O = record
+ { isPreorder = isIndexedPreorder isPreorder
+ }
+ where open Preorder O
diff --git a/src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous/Core.agda b/src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous/Core.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92c1d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous/Core.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+-- The Agda standard library
+-- Indexed binary relations
+-- This file contains some core definitions which are re-exported by
+-- Relation.Binary.Indexed.Heterogeneous.
+module Relation.Binary.Indexed.Heterogeneous.Core where
+open import Level
+import Relation.Binary.Core as B
+import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as P
+-- Indexed binary relations
+-- Heterogeneous types
+IREL : ∀ {i₁ i₂ a₁ a₂} {I₁ : Set i₁} {I₂ : Set i₂} →
+ (I₁ → Set a₁) → (I₂ → Set a₂) → (ℓ : Level) → Set _
+IREL A₁ A₂ ℓ = ∀ {i₁ i₂} → A₁ i₁ → A₂ i₂ → Set ℓ
+-- Homogeneous types
+IRel : ∀ {i a} {I : Set i} → (I → Set a) → (ℓ : Level) → Set _
+IRel A ℓ = IREL A A ℓ
+-- Simple properties of indexed binary relations
+Reflexive : ∀ {i a ℓ} {I : Set i} (A : I → Set a) → IRel A ℓ → Set _
+Reflexive _ _∼_ = ∀ {i} → B.Reflexive (_∼_ {i})
+Symmetric : ∀ {i a ℓ} {I : Set i} (A : I → Set a) → IRel A ℓ → Set _
+Symmetric _ _∼_ = ∀ {i j} → B.Sym (_∼_ {i} {j}) _∼_
+Transitive : ∀ {i a ℓ} {I : Set i} (A : I → Set a) → IRel A ℓ → Set _
+Transitive _ _∼_ = ∀ {i j k} → B.Trans _∼_ (_∼_ {j}) (_∼_ {i} {k})
+-- Generalised implication.
+infixr 4 _=[_]⇒_
+_=[_]⇒_ : ∀ {a b ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} →
+ B.Rel A ℓ₁ → ((x : A) → B x) → IRel B ℓ₂ → Set _
+P =[ f ]⇒ Q = ∀ {i j} → P i j → Q (f i) (f j)