BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterDeclare fast forward from 0.0.20-1Emmanuel Arias4 years
archive/debian/0.0.20-2commit ba09083a28...Emmanuel Arias4 years
debian/0.0.20-2commit 8052869c03...Emmanuel Arias4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2019-11-23Declare fast forward from 0.0.20-1HEADarchive/debian/0.0.20-2masterEmmanuel Arias
2019-11-23Use ReadTheDoc sphinx themeAdam Cecile
2019-11-23Run tests for python 3.7 in CI and fix failing testsPradip Caulagi
2019-12-21UNRELEASED -> unstabledebian/0.0.20-2Ruben Undheim
2019-11-23Fix short description on python-aiomysql-docEmmanuel Arias
2019-11-07Swap Maintainers and UploadersRuben Undheim
2019-11-07Refresh timestampRuben Undheim
2019-11-07Use ReadTheDoc sphinx themeAdam Cecile
2019-11-07Run tests for python 3.7 in CI and fix failing testsPradip Caulagi
2019-11-07aiomysql (0.0.20-1) unstable; urgency=mediumAdam Cecile