path: root/aom_dsp/noise_model.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'aom_dsp/noise_model.c')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aom_dsp/noise_model.c b/aom_dsp/noise_model.c
index 117185caf..6c0cf62df 100644
--- a/aom_dsp/noise_model.c
+++ b/aom_dsp/noise_model.c
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "aom_dsp/noise_model.h"
#include "aom_dsp/noise_util.h"
#include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h"
+#include "av1/common/common.h"
#include "av1/encoder/mathutils.h"
#define kLowPolyNumParams 3
@@ -1268,3 +1269,192 @@ int aom_noise_model_get_grain_parameters(aom_noise_model_t *const noise_model,
film_grain->overlap_flag = 1;
return 1;
+static void pointwise_multiply(const float *a, float *b, int n) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ b[i] *= a[i];
+ }
+static float *get_half_cos_window(int block_size) {
+ float *window_function =
+ (float *)aom_malloc(block_size * block_size * sizeof(*window_function));
+ for (int y = 0; y < block_size; ++y) {
+ const double cos_yd = cos((.5 + y) * PI / block_size - PI / 2);
+ for (int x = 0; x < block_size; ++x) {
+ const double cos_xd = cos((.5 + x) * PI / block_size - PI / 2);
+ window_function[y * block_size + x] = (float)(cos_yd * cos_xd);
+ }
+ }
+ return window_function;
+#define DITHER_AND_QUANTIZE(INT_TYPE, suffix) \
+ static void dither_and_quantize_##suffix( \
+ float *result, int result_stride, INT_TYPE *denoised, int w, int h, \
+ int stride, int chroma_sub_w, int chroma_sub_h, int block_size, \
+ float block_normalization) { \
+ for (int y = 0; y < (h >> chroma_sub_h); ++y) { \
+ for (int x = 0; x < (w >> chroma_sub_w); ++x) { \
+ const int result_idx = \
+ (y + (block_size >> chroma_sub_h)) * result_stride + x + \
+ (block_size >> chroma_sub_w); \
+ INT_TYPE new_val = (INT_TYPE)AOMMIN( \
+ AOMMAX(result[result_idx] * block_normalization + 0.5f, 0), \
+ block_normalization); \
+ const float err = \
+ -(((float)new_val) / block_normalization - result[result_idx]); \
+ denoised[y * stride + x] = new_val; \
+ if (x + 1 < (w >> chroma_sub_w)) { \
+ result[result_idx + 1] += err * 7.0f / 16.0f; \
+ } \
+ if (y + 1 < (h >> chroma_sub_h)) { \
+ if (x > 0) { \
+ result[result_idx + result_stride - 1] += err * 3.0f / 16.0f; \
+ } \
+ result[result_idx + result_stride] += err * 5.0f / 16.0f; \
+ if (x + 1 < (w >> chroma_sub_w)) { \
+ result[result_idx + result_stride + 1] += err * 1.0f / 16.0f; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ }
+DITHER_AND_QUANTIZE(uint8_t, lowbd);
+DITHER_AND_QUANTIZE(uint16_t, highbd);
+int aom_wiener_denoise_2d(const uint8_t *const data[3], uint8_t *denoised[3],
+ int w, int h, int stride[3], int chroma_sub[2],
+ float *noise_psd[3], int block_size, int bit_depth,
+ int use_highbd) {
+ float *plane = NULL, *block = NULL, *window_full = NULL,
+ *window_chroma = NULL;
+ double *block_d = NULL, *plane_d = NULL;
+ struct aom_noise_tx_t *tx_full = NULL;
+ struct aom_noise_tx_t *tx_chroma = NULL;
+ const int num_blocks_w = (w + block_size - 1) / block_size;
+ const int num_blocks_h = (h + block_size - 1) / block_size;
+ const int result_stride = (num_blocks_w + 2) * block_size;
+ const int result_height = (num_blocks_h + 2) * block_size;
+ float *result = NULL;
+ int init_success = 1;
+ aom_flat_block_finder_t block_finder_full;
+ aom_flat_block_finder_t block_finder_chroma;
+ const float kBlockNormalization = (1 << bit_depth) - 1;
+ if (chroma_sub[0] != chroma_sub[1]) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "aom_wiener_denoise_2d doesn't handle different chroma "
+ "subsampling");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ init_success &= aom_flat_block_finder_init(&block_finder_full, block_size,
+ bit_depth, use_highbd);
+ result = (float *)aom_malloc((num_blocks_h + 2) * block_size * result_stride *
+ sizeof(*result));
+ plane = (float *)aom_malloc(block_size * block_size * sizeof(*plane));
+ block =
+ (float *)aom_memalign(32, 2 * block_size * block_size * sizeof(*block));
+ block_d = (double *)aom_malloc(block_size * block_size * sizeof(*block_d));
+ plane_d = (double *)aom_malloc(block_size * block_size * sizeof(*plane_d));
+ window_full = get_half_cos_window(block_size);
+ tx_full = aom_noise_tx_malloc(block_size);
+ if (chroma_sub[0] != 0) {
+ init_success &= aom_flat_block_finder_init(&block_finder_chroma,
+ block_size >> chroma_sub[0],
+ bit_depth, use_highbd);
+ window_chroma = get_half_cos_window(block_size >> chroma_sub[0]);
+ tx_chroma = aom_noise_tx_malloc(block_size >> chroma_sub[0]);
+ } else {
+ window_chroma = window_full;
+ tx_chroma = tx_full;
+ }
+ init_success &= (tx_full != NULL) && (tx_chroma != NULL) && (plane != NULL) &&
+ (plane_d != NULL) && (block != NULL) && (block_d != NULL) &&
+ (window_full != NULL) && (window_chroma != NULL) &&
+ (result != NULL);
+ for (int c = init_success ? 0 : 3; c < 3; ++c) {
+ float *window_function = c == 0 ? window_full : window_chroma;
+ aom_flat_block_finder_t *block_finder = &block_finder_full;
+ const int chroma_sub_h = c > 0 ? chroma_sub[1] : 0;
+ const int chroma_sub_w = c > 0 ? chroma_sub[0] : 0;
+ struct aom_noise_tx_t *tx =
+ (c > 0 && chroma_sub[0] > 0) ? tx_chroma : tx_full;
+ if (!data[c] || !denoised[c]) continue;
+ if (c > 0 && chroma_sub[0] != 0) {
+ block_finder = &block_finder_chroma;
+ }
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result) * result_stride * result_height);
+ // Do overlapped block processing (half overlapped). The block rows can
+ // easily be done in parallel
+ for (int offsy = 0; offsy < (block_size >> chroma_sub_h);
+ offsy += (block_size >> chroma_sub_h) / 2) {
+ for (int offsx = 0; offsx < (block_size >> chroma_sub_w);
+ offsx += (block_size >> chroma_sub_w) / 2) {
+ // Pad the boundary when processing each block-set.
+ for (int by = -1; by < num_blocks_h; ++by) {
+ for (int bx = -1; bx < num_blocks_w; ++bx) {
+ const int pixels_per_block =
+ (block_size >> chroma_sub_w) * (block_size >> chroma_sub_h);
+ aom_flat_block_finder_extract_block(
+ block_finder, data[c], w >> chroma_sub_w, h >> chroma_sub_h,
+ stride[c], bx * (block_size >> chroma_sub_w) + offsx,
+ by * (block_size >> chroma_sub_h) + offsy, plane_d, block_d);
+ for (int j = 0; j < pixels_per_block; ++j) {
+ block[j] = (float)block_d[j];
+ plane[j] = (float)plane_d[j];
+ }
+ pointwise_multiply(window_function, block, pixels_per_block);
+ aom_noise_tx_forward(tx, block);
+ aom_noise_tx_filter(tx, noise_psd[c]);
+ aom_noise_tx_inverse(tx, block);
+ // Apply window function to the plane approximation (we will apply
+ // it to the sum of plane + block when composing the results).
+ pointwise_multiply(window_function, plane, pixels_per_block);
+ for (int y = 0; y < (block_size >> chroma_sub_h); ++y) {
+ const int y_result =
+ y + (by + 1) * (block_size >> chroma_sub_h) + offsy;
+ for (int x = 0; x < (block_size >> chroma_sub_w); ++x) {
+ const int x_result =
+ x + (bx + 1) * (block_size >> chroma_sub_w) + offsx;
+ result[y_result * result_stride + x_result] +=
+ (block[y * (block_size >> chroma_sub_w) + x] +
+ plane[y * (block_size >> chroma_sub_w) + x]) *
+ window_function[y * (block_size >> chroma_sub_w) + x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_highbd) {
+ dither_and_quantize_highbd(result, result_stride, (uint16_t *)denoised[c],
+ w, h, stride[c], chroma_sub_w, chroma_sub_h,
+ block_size, kBlockNormalization);
+ } else {
+ dither_and_quantize_lowbd(result, result_stride, denoised[c], w, h,
+ stride[c], chroma_sub_w, chroma_sub_h,
+ block_size, kBlockNormalization);
+ }
+ }
+ aom_free(result);
+ aom_free(plane);
+ aom_free(block);
+ aom_free(plane_d);
+ aom_free(block_d);
+ aom_free(window_full);
+ aom_noise_tx_free(tx_full);
+ aom_flat_block_finder_free(&block_finder_full);
+ if (chroma_sub[0] != 0) {
+ aom_flat_block_finder_free(&block_finder_chroma);
+ aom_free(window_chroma);
+ aom_noise_tx_free(tx_chroma);
+ }
+ return init_success;