path: root/waflib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'waflib/')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/waflib/ b/waflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55422f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# WARNING! Do not edit!
+import os,re,imp,sys
+from waflib import Utils,Errors,Logs
+import waflib.Node
+def create_context(cmd_name,*k,**kw):
+ global classes
+ for x in classes:
+ if x.cmd==cmd_name:
+ return x(*k,**kw)
+ ctx=Context(*k,**kw)
+ return ctx
+class store_context(type):
+ def __init__(cls,name,bases,dict):
+ super(store_context,cls).__init__(name,bases,dict)
+ name=cls.__name__
+ if name=='ctx'or name=='Context':
+ return
+ try:
+ cls.cmd
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise Errors.WafError('Missing command for the context class %r (cmd)'%name)
+ if not getattr(cls,'fun',None):
+ global classes
+ classes.insert(0,cls)
+class Context(ctx):
+ errors=Errors
+ tools={}
+ def __init__(self,**kw):
+ try:
+ rd=kw['run_dir']
+ except KeyError:
+ global run_dir
+ rd=run_dir
+ self.node_class=type("Nod3",(waflib.Node.Node,),{})
+ self.node_class.__module__="waflib.Node"
+ self.node_class.ctx=self
+ self.root=self.node_class('',None)
+ self.cur_script=None
+ self.path=self.root.find_dir(rd)
+ self.stack_path=[]
+ self.exec_dict={'ctx':self,'conf':self,'bld':self,'opt':self}
+ self.logger=None
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return id(self)
+ def finalize(self):
+ try:
+ logger=self.logger
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ Logs.free_logger(logger)
+ delattr(self,'logger')
+ def load(self,tool_list,*k,**kw):
+ tools=Utils.to_list(tool_list)
+ path=Utils.to_list(kw.get('tooldir',''))
+ with_sys_path=kw.get('with_sys_path',True)
+ for t in tools:
+ module=load_tool(t,path,with_sys_path=with_sys_path)
+ fun=getattr(module,kw.get('name',,None)
+ if fun:
+ fun(self)
+ def execute(self):
+ global g_module
+ self.recurse([os.path.dirname(g_module.root_path)])
+ def pre_recurse(self,node):
+ self.stack_path.append(self.cur_script)
+ self.cur_script=node
+ self.path=node.parent
+ def post_recurse(self,node):
+ self.cur_script=self.stack_path.pop()
+ if self.cur_script:
+ self.path=self.cur_script.parent
+ def recurse(self,dirs,name=None,mandatory=True,once=True,encoding=None):
+ try:
+ cache=self.recurse_cache
+ except AttributeError:
+ cache=self.recurse_cache={}
+ for d in Utils.to_list(dirs):
+ if not os.path.isabs(d):
+ d=os.path.join(self.path.abspath(),d)
+ WSCRIPT=os.path.join(d,WSCRIPT_FILE)
+ WSCRIPT_FUN=WSCRIPT+'_'+(name or
+ node=self.root.find_node(WSCRIPT_FUN)
+ if node and(not once or node not in cache):
+ cache[node]=True
+ self.pre_recurse(node)
+ try:
+ exec(compile(function_code,node.abspath(),'exec'),self.exec_dict)
+ finally:
+ self.post_recurse(node)
+ elif not node:
+ node=self.root.find_node(WSCRIPT)
+ tup=(node,name or
+ if node and(not once or tup not in cache):
+ cache[tup]=True
+ self.pre_recurse(node)
+ try:
+ wscript_module=load_module(node.abspath(),encoding=encoding)
+ user_function=getattr(wscript_module,(name or,None)
+ if not user_function:
+ if not mandatory:
+ continue
+ raise Errors.WafError('No function %s defined in %s'%(name or,node.abspath()))
+ user_function(self)
+ finally:
+ self.post_recurse(node)
+ elif not node:
+ if not mandatory:
+ continue
+ try:
+ os.listdir(d)
+ except OSError:
+ raise Errors.WafError('Cannot read the folder %r'%d)
+ raise Errors.WafError('No wscript file in directory %s'%d)
+ def exec_command(self,cmd,**kw):
+ subprocess=Utils.subprocess
+ kw['shell']=isinstance(cmd,str)
+ Logs.debug('runner: %r'%(cmd,))
+ Logs.debug('runner_env: kw=%s'%kw)
+ if self.logger:
+ if'stdout'not in kw:
+ kw['stdout']=subprocess.PIPE
+ if'stderr'not in kw:
+ kw['stderr']=subprocess.PIPE
+ if Logs.verbose and not kw['shell']and not Utils.check_exe(cmd[0]):
+ raise Errors.WafError("Program %s not found!"%cmd[0])
+ wargs={}
+ if'timeout'in kw:
+ if kw['timeout']is not None:
+ wargs['timeout']=kw['timeout']
+ del kw['timeout']
+ if'input'in kw:
+ if kw['input']:
+ wargs['input']=kw['input']
+ kw['stdin']=subprocess.PIPE
+ del kw['input']
+ try:
+ if kw['stdout']or kw['stderr']:
+ p=subprocess.Popen(cmd,**kw)
+ (out,err)=p.communicate(**wargs)
+ ret=p.returncode
+ else:
+ out,err=(None,None)
+ ret=subprocess.Popen(cmd,**kw).wait(**wargs)
+ except Exception ,e:
+ raise Errors.WafError('Execution failure: %s'%str(e),ex=e)
+ if out:
+ if not isinstance(out,str):
+ out=out.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or'iso8859-1')
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.debug('out: %s'%out)
+ else:
+ if err:
+ if not isinstance(err,str):
+ err=err.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or'iso8859-1')
+ if self.logger:
+ self.logger.error('err: %s'%err)
+ else:
+ return ret
+ def cmd_and_log(self,cmd,**kw):
+ subprocess=Utils.subprocess
+ kw['shell']=isinstance(cmd,str)
+ Logs.debug('runner: %r'%(cmd,))
+ if'quiet'in kw:
+ quiet=kw['quiet']
+ del kw['quiet']
+ else:
+ quiet=None
+ if'output'in kw:
+ to_ret=kw['output']
+ del kw['output']
+ else:
+ to_ret=STDOUT
+ if Logs.verbose and not kw['shell']and not Utils.check_exe(cmd[0]):
+ raise Errors.WafError("Program %s not found!"%cmd[0])
+ kw['stdout']=kw['stderr']=subprocess.PIPE
+ if quiet is None:
+ self.to_log(cmd)
+ wargs={}
+ if'timeout'in kw:
+ if kw['timeout']is not None:
+ wargs['timeout']=kw['timeout']
+ del kw['timeout']
+ if'input'in kw:
+ if kw['input']:
+ wargs['input']=kw['input']
+ kw['stdin']=subprocess.PIPE
+ del kw['input']
+ try:
+ p=subprocess.Popen(cmd,**kw)
+ (out,err)=p.communicate(**wargs)
+ except Exception ,e:
+ raise Errors.WafError('Execution failure: %s'%str(e),ex=e)
+ if not isinstance(out,str):
+ out=out.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or'iso8859-1')
+ if not isinstance(err,str):
+ err=err.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or'iso8859-1')
+ if out and quiet!=STDOUT and quiet!=BOTH:
+ self.to_log('out: %s'%out)
+ if err and quiet!=STDERR and quiet!=BOTH:
+ self.to_log('err: %s'%err)
+ if p.returncode:
+ e=Errors.WafError('Command %r returned %r'%(cmd,p.returncode))
+ e.returncode=p.returncode
+ e.stderr=err
+ e.stdout=out
+ raise e
+ if to_ret==BOTH:
+ return(out,err)
+ elif to_ret==STDERR:
+ return err
+ return out
+ def fatal(self,msg,ex=None):
+ if self.logger:
+'from %s: %s'%(self.path.abspath(),msg))
+ try:
+ msg='%s\n(complete log in %s)'%(msg,self.logger.handlers[0].baseFilename)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ raise self.errors.ConfigurationError(msg,ex=ex)
+ def to_log(self,msg):
+ if not msg:
+ return
+ if self.logger:
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(str(msg))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ def msg(self,*k,**kw):
+ try:
+ msg=kw['msg']
+ except KeyError:
+ msg=k[0]
+ self.start_msg(msg,**kw)
+ try:
+ result=kw['result']
+ except KeyError:
+ result=k[1]
+ color=kw.get('color',None)
+ if not isinstance(color,str):
+ color=result and'GREEN'or'YELLOW'
+ self.end_msg(result,color,**kw)
+ def start_msg(self,*k,**kw):
+ if kw.get('quiet',None):
+ return
+ msg=kw.get('msg',None)or k[0]
+ try:
+ if self.in_msg:
+ self.in_msg+=1
+ return
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.in_msg=0
+ self.in_msg+=1
+ try:
+ self.line_just=max(self.line_just,len(msg))
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.line_just=max(40,len(msg))
+ for x in(self.line_just*'-',msg):
+ self.to_log(x)
+ Logs.pprint('NORMAL',"%s :"%msg.ljust(self.line_just),sep='')
+ def end_msg(self,*k,**kw):
+ if kw.get('quiet',None):
+ return
+ self.in_msg-=1
+ if self.in_msg:
+ return
+ result=kw.get('result',None)or k[0]
+ defcolor='GREEN'
+ if result==True:
+ msg='ok'
+ elif result==False:
+ msg='not found'
+ defcolor='YELLOW'
+ else:
+ msg=str(result)
+ self.to_log(msg)
+ try:
+ color=kw['color']
+ except KeyError:
+ if len(k)>1 and k[1]in Logs.colors_lst:
+ color=k[1]
+ else:
+ color=defcolor
+ Logs.pprint(color,msg)
+ def load_special_tools(self,var,ban=[]):
+ global waf_dir
+ if os.path.isdir(waf_dir):
+ lst=self.root.find_node(waf_dir).find_node('waflib/extras').ant_glob(var)
+ for x in lst:
+ if not in ban:
+ load_tool('.py',''))
+ else:
+ from zipfile import PyZipFile
+ waflibs=PyZipFile(waf_dir)
+ lst=waflibs.namelist()
+ for x in lst:
+ if not re.match("waflib/extras/%s"%var.replace("*",".*"),var):
+ continue
+ f=os.path.basename(x)
+ doban=False
+ for b in ban:
+ r=b.replace("*",".*")
+ if re.match(r,f):
+ doban=True
+ if not doban:
+ f=f.replace('.py','')
+ load_tool(f)
+def load_module(path,encoding=None):
+ try:
+ return cache_modules[path]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ module=imp.new_module(WSCRIPT_FILE)
+ try:
+ code=Utils.readf(path,m='rU',encoding=encoding)
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ raise Errors.WafError('Could not read the file %r'%path)
+ module_dir=os.path.dirname(path)
+ sys.path.insert(0,module_dir)
+ try:exec(compile(code,path,'exec'),module.__dict__)
+ finally:sys.path.remove(module_dir)
+ cache_modules[path]=module
+ return module
+def load_tool(tool,tooldir=None,ctx=None,with_sys_path=True):
+ if tool=='java':
+ tool='javaw'
+ else:
+ tool=tool.replace('++','xx')
+ origSysPath=sys.path
+ if not with_sys_path:sys.path=[]
+ try:
+ if tooldir:
+ assert isinstance(tooldir,list)
+ sys.path=tooldir+sys.path
+ try:
+ __import__(tool)
+ finally:
+ for d in tooldir:
+ sys.path.remove(d)
+ ret=sys.modules[tool]
+ return ret
+ else:
+ if not with_sys_path:sys.path.insert(0,waf_dir)
+ try:
+ for x in('waflib.Tools.%s','waflib.extras.%s','waflib.%s','%s'):
+ try:
+ __import__(x%tool)
+ break
+ except ImportError:
+ x=None
+ if x is None:
+ __import__(tool)
+ finally:
+ if not with_sys_path:sys.path.remove(waf_dir)
+ ret=sys.modules[x%tool]
+ return ret
+ finally:
+ if not with_sys_path:sys.path+=origSysPath