diff options
authorRobert Fenk <>2001-01-17 19:56:01 +0000
committerRobert Fenk <>2001-01-17 19:56:01 +0000
commit879846d5f9decc7abacc3277d4a3ad9498355771 (patch)
parentf4516ed36a4d442d08c719b00597e498af18e3d5 (diff)
If the completion is done then cycle thru the nets or when called with a prefix arg then display a list of all nets. (bbdb-dial-local-prefix-alist): Used to replace parts of the number depending on a regexp. (bbdb-modem-dial): command used for dialing with the modem. (bbdb-modem-device): the modem device (bbdb-dial-number): new function which performs the dialing of a number. Depending on the settings it uses the play command, native Xemacs sound support or the modem device. (bbdb-dial): modified in order to use the new stuff
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/bbdb-com.el b/lisp/bbdb-com.el
index b035e63..c9959d4 100644
--- a/lisp/bbdb-com.el
+++ b/lisp/bbdb-com.el
@@ -1654,10 +1654,10 @@ all of the
folks listed in the *BBDB* buffer instead of just the person at point."
(interactive (list (if (bbdb-do-all-records-p)
(mapcar 'car bbdb-records)
- (bbdb-current-record))))
+ (bbdb-current-record))))
(if (consp bbdb-record)
(bbdb-send-mail-many bbdb-record subject)
- (bbdb-send-mail-1 bbdb-record subject)))
+ (bbdb-send-mail-1 bbdb-record subject)))
(defun bbdb-send-mail-1 (bbdb-record &optional subject)
@@ -1927,6 +1927,8 @@ Currently only used by XEmacs."
preceeding newline, colon, or comma). If what has been typed is unique,
insert an entry of the form \"User Name <net-addr>\". If it is a valid
completion but not unique, a list of completions is displayed.
+If the completion is done then cycle thru the nets or when called with a
+prefix arg then display a list of all nets.
Completion behaviour can be controlled with `bbdb-completion-type'."
@@ -1962,7 +1964,8 @@ Completion behaviour can be controlled with `bbdb-completion-type'."
(cons (car recs) yeah-yeah-this-one)))
(if (not (memq sym all-the-completions))
(setq all-the-completions
- (cons (symbol-name sym) all-the-completions))))
+ (cons (symbol-name sym)
+ all-the-completions))))
(setq recs (cdr recs)))
(completion (try-completion pattern ht pred)))
@@ -1988,21 +1991,34 @@ Completion behaviour can be controlled with `bbdb-completion-type'."
;; If there is no completion or the address is already a completed one,
;; then cycle though the list of addresses.
- (let ((addr (bbdb-extract-address-components (buffer-substring beg end) t))
- name the-net rec nets)
- (when (and (or (null completion) (eq completion t)) ; no or exact match
- (not (boundp 'bbdb-complete-name-recursion)) ; avoid recursion
- addr
- (setq addr (car addr))
- (setq name (car addr)
- the-net (cadr addr))
- (setq rec (bbdb-search-simple name the-net))
- (setq nets (bbdb-record-net rec))
- (setq the-net (member the-net nets)))
- (setq the-net (if (cdr the-net) (cadr the-net) (car nets)))
- (delete-region beg end)
- (insert (bbdb-dwim-net-address rec the-net))
- (setq completion 'done)))
+ (when (and (or (null completion) (eq completion t)) ; no or exact match
+ (not (boundp 'bbdb-complete-name-recursion))) ; avoid recursion
+ (let* ((sym (intern-soft pattern ht))
+ (rec (car (symbol-value sym)))
+ (pattern (buffer-substring beg end))
+ name the-net nets)
+ (setq the-net (bbdb-extract-address-components pattern)
+ the-net (car the-net)
+ name (car the-net)
+ the-net (cadr the-net))
+ (if (not rec)
+ (setq rec (bbdb-search-simple name the-net)))
+ (when rec
+ (setq nets (bbdb-record-net rec))
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (if current-prefix-arg
+ (let ((standard-output (get-buffer-create "*Completions*")))
+ ;; a previously existing buffer has to be cleaned first
+ (save-excursion (set-buffer standard-output)
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (erase-buffer))
+ (display-completion-list
+ (mapcar (lambda (n) (bbdb-dwim-net-address rec n)) nets))
+ (switch-to-buffer standard-output))
+ (setq the-net (member the-net nets))
+ (setq the-net (if (cdr the-net) (cadr the-net) (car nets)))
+ (insert (bbdb-dwim-net-address rec the-net)))
+ (setq completion 'done))))
;; We have switched to another net
@@ -2099,8 +2115,7 @@ Completion behaviour can be controlled with `bbdb-completion-type'."
(delete-region beg end)
(insert completion)
(setq end (point))
- (let ((last "")
- (bbdb-complete-name-recursion t))
+ (let ((last ""))
(while (and (stringp completion)
(not (string= completion last))
(setq last completion
@@ -2275,6 +2290,18 @@ The new alias will only be added if it isn't there yet."
;;; Sound
+(defcustom bbdb-dial-local-prefix-alist
+ '(((if bbdb-default-area-code (format "(%03d)" bbdb-default-area-code) "")
+ ""))
+ "*If this is non-nil, it should be a alist with elements of the form
+e.g. matching prefix which your local phone system (in company) has.
+The first matching one will be replaced by is REPLACEMENT in order to use the
+shorter number for dialing. This might reduce cost by using a intern
+telephone system."
+ :group 'bbdb-phone-dialing
+ :type 'sexp)
(defcustom bbdb-dial-local-prefix nil
"*If this is non-nil, it should be a string of digits which your phone
system requires before making local calls (for example, if your phone system
@@ -2289,7 +2316,7 @@ system requires before making a long distance call (one not in your local
area code). For example, in some areas you must dial 1 before an area code."
:group 'bbdb-phone-dialing
:type '(choice (const :tag "No digits required" nil)
- (integer :tag "Dial this first" 1)))
+ (integer :tag "Dial this first" 1)))
(defcustom bbdb-sound-player "/usr/demo/SOUND/play"
@@ -2307,12 +2334,77 @@ area code). For example, in some areas you must dial 1 before an area code."
- "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/"]
+ "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/"
+ "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/"
+ "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/"]
"A vector of ten sound files to be used for dialing. They
-correspond to the 0, 1, 2, ... 9 digits, respectively."
+correspond to the 0, 1, 2, ... 9 digits, pound and star, respectively."
:group 'bbdb-phone-dialing
:type 'vector)
+(defcustom bbdb-modem-dial nil
+ "Whether to use the modem for dialing. Actually this is the modem command
+used to dial. You may set it to a different value in order to initialize your
+modem or the like."
+ :group 'bbdb-phone-dialing
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "no" nil)
+ (string :tag "tone dialing" "ATDT ")
+ (string :tag "pulse dialing" "ATDP ")))
+(defcustom bbdb-modem-device "/dev/modem"
+ "Wheather to use the modem for dialing."
+ :group 'bbdb-phone-dialing
+ :type 'string)
+(defun bbdb-dial-number (phone-string)
+ "Play the touchtone corresponding to the numbers in string."
+ (interactive "sTelephonenumber: ")
+ (let ((length (length phone-string))
+ (position 0)
+ (modem-command bbdb-modem-dial)
+ number)
+ (while (< position length)
+ (setq number (aref phone-string position))
+ (setq number
+ (cond ((and (<= ?0 number) (>= ?9 number)) (char-to-string number))
+ ((= ?# number) "10")
+ ((= ?* number) "11")
+ ((= ? number) 1)
+ (t nil)))
+ (if (stringp number)
+ (cond (bbdb-modem-dial
+ (if (= 1 (length number))
+ (setq modem-command (concat modem-command number))))
+ ((and (boundp 'xemacsp) (featurep 'native-sound))
+ (play-sound (intern (concat "touchtone" number))
+ bbdb-sound-volume))
+ (t
+ (or (file-exists-p bbdb-sound-player)
+ (error "no sound player program"))
+ (call-process bbdb-sound-player nil nil nil
+ (aref bbdb-sound-files (string-to-int number)))
+ (sit-for 0)))
+ (if (numberp number)
+ (if bbdb-modem-dial
+ ;; "," is a pause
+ (setq modem-command (concat modem-command ","))
+ (sit-for number))))
+ (setq position (1+ position)))
+ (if bbdb-modem-dial
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert modem-command ";\r\n")
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max) bbdb-modem-device t)
+ (message "%s dialed. Pick up the phone now and hit any key ..."
+ phone-string)
+ (next-event)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert "ATH\r\n")
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max) bbdb-modem-device t)
+ ))
+ ))
(defun bbdb-dial (phone force-area-code)
"On an audio-equipped workstation, play the appropriate tones on the
@@ -2329,43 +2421,33 @@ is given."
(if (eq (car-safe phone) 'phone)
(setq phone (car (cdr phone))))
(or (vectorp phone) (error "not on a phone field"))
-;; (or window-system (error "You're not under window system."))
- (or (file-exists-p bbdb-sound-player)
- (error "no sound player program"))
- (let* ((str (bbdb-phone-string phone))
- L (i 0))
- (or force-area-code (not (integerp bbdb-default-area-code))
- (if (string-match (format "^(%03d)" bbdb-default-area-code) str)
- (setq str (substring str (match-end 0)))))
- (if (string-match "x[0-9]+$" str)
- (setq str (substring str 0 (match-beginning 0))))
- (if bbdb-dial-local-prefix
- (let ((d (append bbdb-dial-local-prefix nil)))
- (or (string-match "\\`[0-9]*\\'" bbdb-dial-local-prefix)
- (error "bbdb-dial-local-prefix contains non-digits"))
- (while d
- (call-process bbdb-sound-player nil nil nil
- (aref bbdb-sound-files (- (car d) ?0)))
- (sleep-for 1)
- (setq d (cdr d)))))
- (if (and bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix
- (string-match "^([0-9][0-9][0-9])" str))
- (let ((d (append bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix nil)))
- (or (string-match "\\`[0-9]*\\'" bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix)
- (error "bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix contains non-digits"))
- (while d
- (call-process bbdb-sound-player nil nil nil
- (aref bbdb-sound-files (- (car d) ?0)))
- (sleep-for 1)
- (setq d (cdr d)))))
- (setq L (length str))
- (while (< i L)
- (if (and (<= ?0 (aref str i))
- (>= ?9 (aref str i)))
- (call-process bbdb-sound-player nil nil nil
- (aref bbdb-sound-files (- (aref str i) ?0)))
- (sit-for 0))
- (setq i (1+ i)))))
+ (let* ((number (bbdb-phone-string phone)) shortnumber)
+ (when (not force-area-code)
+ (let ((alist bbdb-dial-local-prefix-alist))
+ (while alist
+ (if (string-match (concat "^" (eval (caar alist))) number)
+ (setq shortnumber (concat (cadar alist)
+ (substring number (match-end 0)))
+ alist nil))
+ (setq alist (cdr alist)))))
+ (if (string-match "x[0-9]+$" number)
+ (setq number (substring number 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+ (if (and (not shortnumber) bbdb-dial-local-prefix
+ (string-match "^0" number))
+ (if (not (string-match "^[0-9#* ]+$" bbdb-dial-local-prefix))
+ (error "bbdb-dial-local-prefix contains non-digits")
+ (setq number (concat bbdb-dial-local-prefix number))))
+ (if (and (not shortnumber) bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix
+ (string-match "^\+" number))
+ (if (not (string-match "^[0-9#* ]+$" bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix))
+ (error "bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix contains non-digits")
+ (setq number (concat bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix " "
+ (substring number 1)))))
+ (setq number (or shortnumber number))
+ (if (not bbdb-silent-running)
+ (message "Dialing %s" number))
+ (bbdb-dial-number number)))
(defun bbdb-get-record (prompt)