diff options
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/bbdb-vm.el b/lisp/bbdb-vm.el
index cc6feee..8594b5e 100644
--- a/lisp/bbdb-vm.el
+++ b/lisp/bbdb-vm.el
@@ -112,8 +112,9 @@ The headers to search can be configured by `bbdb/vm-get-from-headers'."
(defun bbdb/vm-update-record (&optional offer-to-create)
- (let ((bbdb/vm-get-only-first-from-p t))
- (bbdb/vm-update-records offer-to-create)))
+ (let* ((bbdb/vm-get-only-first-from-p t)
+ (records (bbdb/vm-update-records offer-to-create)))
+ (if records (car records) nil)))
(defun bbdb/vm-update-records (&optional offer-to-create)
@@ -128,13 +129,12 @@ C-g again it will stop scanning."
(let ((msg (car vm-message-pointer))
- (inhibit-local-variables nil) ; vm binds this to t...
- (enable-local-variables t) ; ...or vm bind this to nil.
- (inhibit-quit nil) ; vm better not bind this to t!
- (bbdb/vm-offer-to-create offer-to-create)
- cache records)
+ (inhibit-local-variables nil) ; vm binds this to t...
+ (enable-local-variables t) ; ...or vm bind this to nil.
+ (inhibit-quit nil) ; vm better not bind this to t!
+ (bbdb/vm-offer-to-create offer-to-create)
+ cache records)
;; ignore cache if we may be creating a record, since the cache
;; may otherwise tell us that the user didn't want a record for
@@ -151,69 +151,92 @@ C-g again it will stop scanning."
(and msg
(let ((addrs (bbdb/vm-get-from msg bbdb/vm-get-only-first-from-p))
(bbdb-records (bbdb-records))
- (processed-addresses 0)
- (bbdb/vm-update-records-mode 'annotating)
- rec)
+ (processed-addresses 0)
+ (bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
+ (if offer-to-create 'annotating
+ (eval bbdb/vm-update-records-mode)))
+ rec)
(mapc (lambda (bbdb/vm-address)
- (condition-case nil
- (progn
- (setq rec
- (cond ((eq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
- 'annotating)
- (bbdb-annotate-message-sender
- bbdb/vm-address t
- (or (bbdb-invoke-hook-for-value
- bbdb/mail-auto-create-p)
- bbdb/vm-offer-to-create);; force create
- 'bbdb/vm-prompt-for-create))
- ((eq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
- 'searching)
- ;; search for the first record having
- ;; this net
- (let ((net (cadr bbdb/vm-address))
- record)
- (setq record (bbdb-search
- bbdb-records
- nil nil net))
- (if record (car record) nil))))
- processed-addresses (+ processed-addresses 1))
- (when (and (not bbdb-silent-running)
- (not (eq bbdb/vm-offer-to-create 'quit))
- (= 0 (% processed-addresses 5)))
- (let ((mess (format "Hit C-g to stop BBDB from %s. %d of %d addresses processed." bbdb/vm-update-records-mode processed-addresses (length addrs))))
- (display-message 'progress mess))
- (sit-for 0)))
- (quit (cond ((eq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
- 'annotating)
- (setq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
- 'searching))
- ((eq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode 'searching)
- nil)
- ((eq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode 'next)
- (setq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
- 'annotating))
- (t
- (setq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode 'quit)))
- nil))
- ;; people should be listed only once so we use
- ;; add-to-list
- (if rec (add-to-list 'records rec)))
- addrs)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (progn
+ (setq rec
+ (cond ((eq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
+ 'annotating)
+ (bbdb-annotate-message-sender
+ bbdb/vm-address t
+ (or (bbdb-invoke-hook-for-value
+ bbdb/mail-auto-create-p)
+ bbdb/vm-offer-to-create);; force create
+ 'bbdb/vm-prompt-for-create))
+ ((eq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
+ 'searching)
+ ;; search for the first record having
+ ;; this net
+ (let ((net (cadr bbdb/vm-address))
+ ;; there is no case for nets
+ (bbdb-case-fold-search t)
+ record)
+ (setq record (bbdb-search
+ bbdb-records
+ nil nil net))
+ (if record (car record) nil))))
+ processed-addresses (+ processed-addresses 1))
+ (when (and (not bbdb-silent-running)
+ (not (eq bbdb/vm-offer-to-create 'quit))
+ (= 0 (% processed-addresses 5)))
+ (let ((mess (format "Hit C-g to stop BBDB from %s. %d of %d addresses processed." bbdb/vm-update-records-mode processed-addresses (length addrs))))
+ (display-message 'progress mess))
+ (sit-for 0)))
+ (quit (cond ((eq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
+ 'annotating)
+ (setq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
+ 'searching))
+ ((eq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode 'searching)
+ nil)
+ ((eq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode 'next)
+ (setq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
+ 'annotating))
+ (t
+ (setq bbdb/vm-update-records-mode 'quit)))
+ nil))
+ ;; people should be listed only once so we use
+ ;; add-to-list
+ (if rec (add-to-list 'records rec)))
+ addrs)
(setq records (nreverse records))
- (bbdb/vm-encache-message msg records))))
+ (bbdb/vm-encache-message msg records))))
(if (not bbdb-silent-running)
- (display-message 'progress "Updating of BBDB records finished"))
+ (display-message 'progress "Updating of BBDB records finished"))
+(defcustom bbdb/vm-update-records-mode
+ '(if (vm-new-flag msg) 'annotating 'searching)
+ "Controls how `bbdb/vm-update-records' processes email addresses.
+Set this to an expression which evaluates either to 'searching or
+'annotating. When set to 'annotating email addresses will be fed to
+`bbdb-annotate-message-sender' in order to update existing records or create
+new ones. A value of 'searching will search just for existing records having
+the right net.
+The default is to annotate only new messages.
+This variable is also used for inter-function communication between the
+functions `bbdb/vm-update-records' and `bbdb/vm-prompt-for-create'."
+ :group 'bbdb-mua-specific-vm
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "annotating all messages"
+ 'annotating)
+ (const :tag "annotating no messages"
+ 'searching)
+ (const :tag "annotating only new messages"
+ (if (vm-new-flag msg) 'annotating 'searching))
+ (sexp :tag "user defined")))
(defvar bbdb/vm-offer-to-create nil
"Used for inter-function communication between the functions
`bbdb/vm-update-records' and `bbdb/vm-prompt-for-create'.")
-(defvar bbdb/vm-update-records-mode nil
- "Used for inter-function communication between the functions
-`bbdb/vm-update-records' and `bbdb/vm-prompt-for-create'.")
(defvar bbdb/vm-address nil
"Used for inter-function communication between the functions
`bbdb/vm-update-records' and `bbdb/vm-prompt-for-create'.")
@@ -257,7 +280,7 @@ replace the existing notes entry (if any)."
(error "The Insidious Big Brother Database is read-only.")
(read-string "Comments: "))))
- (bbdb-annotate-notes (car (bbdb/vm-update-record t)) string 'notes replace))
+ (bbdb-annotate-notes (bbdb/vm-update-record t) string 'notes replace))
(defun bbdb/vm-edit-notes (&optional arg)
@@ -265,11 +288,11 @@ replace the existing notes entry (if any)."
of the BBDB record corresponding to the sender of this message."
(interactive "P")
- (let ((records (or (bbdb/vm-update-record t) (error ""))))
- (bbdb-display-records records)
+ (let ((record (or (bbdb/vm-update-record t) (error ""))))
+ (bbdb-display-records (list record))
(if arg
- (bbdb-record-edit-property (car records) nil t)
- (bbdb-record-edit-notes (car records) t))))
+ (bbdb-record-edit-property record nil t)
+ (bbdb-record-edit-notes record t))))
(defun bbdb/vm-show-sender ()
@@ -277,9 +300,9 @@ of the BBDB record corresponding to the sender of this message."
This buffer will be in bbdb-mode, with associated keybindings."
- (let ((records (bbdb/vm-update-record t)))
- (if records
- (bbdb-display-records records)
+ (let ((record (bbdb/vm-update-record t)))
+ (if record
+ (bbdb-display-records (list record))
(error "unperson"))))
@@ -318,6 +341,7 @@ configuration of what is being displayed."
(if records
(bbdb-display-records records)
;; By Alastair Burt <>
;; vm 5.40 and newer support a new summary format, %U<letter>, to call
@@ -423,7 +447,7 @@ before the @."
:type 'list)
-(defun bbdb/vm-snarf-all (&optional offer-to-create)
+(defun bbdb/vm-snarf-all ()
"Snarfs all email addresses from the headers.
The headers specified in `bbdb/vm-snarf-all-headers' are searched
for new email addresses."
@@ -436,7 +460,7 @@ for new email addresses."
(let ((bbdb/vm-get-from-headers bbdb/vm-snarf-all-headers)
(bbdb/vm-get-only-first-from-p nil)
(bbdb-message-cache nil))
- (bbdb/vm-pop-up-bbdb-buffer offer-to-create)))
+ (bbdb/vm-pop-up-bbdb-buffer t)))
;;; bbdb/vm-auto-add-label