path: root/bits/bbdb-funcs.txt
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-Navigation: Table of Contents, Index, next: .emacs file by Alex, prev: Emacs
-BBDB Elisp Code
- * Unmigrating from file format 4
- * Writing a .mailrc from BBDB
- * Writing a Pine addressbook from BBDB, by Matt McClure
- * Editing and formatting addresses with the country patch
- o A new address editing function
- o Adding a new formatting function
- + The identifying function
- + The formatting function
- + Print formatting of addresses
-Unmigrating from file format 4
-(defun bbdb-unmigrate-stuff (&optional new-version)
- "Create a buffer with unmigrated BBDB data.
-Usefull if you fooled around with BBDB file format 4 by Alex and want to
-start using the official BBDB 2.00.06 again. In order to do that, you
-have to save your .bbdb in BBDB file format 3 instead of the file format 4
-introduced by Alex. This function will create a *BBDB Version 3* buffer
-for you, which you can examine and save as your new .bbdb. The unmigration
-will strip the country fields of all entries in your BBDB as such a field
-did not exist in the BBDB file format 3 used in BBDB 2.00.06."
- (interactive "nUnmigrate to version (I recommend version 3): ")
- (if (null new-version)
- (setq new-version 3))
- (if (>= new-version bbdb-file-format)
- (error "Current BBDB file format is version %d" bbdb-file-format)
- (let* ((records (bbdb-records))
- (propnames (bbdb-with-db-buffer bbdb-propnames))
- (rec)
- (bbdb-file-format-migration (cons bbdb-file-format new-version))
- (buf (get-buffer-create (format "*BBDB Version %d*" (cdr bbdb-file-format-migration)))))
- (message "Unconverting the BBDB database...")
- (set-buffer buf)
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert (format (concat ";;; file-version: %d\n"
- ";;; user-fields: %S\n")
- new-version (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (intern (car x))))
- propnames)))
- (while records
- (setq rec (copy-sequence (car records)))
- (bbdb-unmigrate-record rec)
- (aset rec 8 nil)
- (insert (format "%S\n" rec))
- (setq records (cdr records)))
- (pop-to-buffer buf)
- (message "Unconverting the BBDB database...done"))))
-Writing a .mailrc from BBDB
-The following will export a very primitive version of your BBDB information
-into a .mailrc file which is used for normal mail(1) and Emacs Rmail.
-Usually the main problem when exporting BBDB to other formats is the
-creation of an ALIAS name. In my example below I just use LASTNAME. The
-following function tries to write your BBDB into a .mailrc file, like this:
-mail-groups defined via the mail-alias field are not supported, but see Matt
-McClure's code further down the page for an example on how to do this.
-I used the same code as bbdb-print for the file-name. Unfortunately this
-very simple code must have a bug somewhere. It only occurs if you test it a
-lot: When you are prompted for a file-name, "~/bbdb.tex" or "~/.mailrc" is
-the default. Press RET. Sometimes this will find-file the correct file, and
-sometimes you will overwrite your selected buffer instead. I haven't looked
-into this, however. :(
-(defvar bbdb-mailrc-file-name ".mailrc"
- "Filename to write mail aliases to.")
-(defun bbdb-write-mailrc (visible-records to-file)
- (interactive (list (bbdb-do-all-records-p)
- (read-file-name "Export To File: " bbdb-mailrc-file-name)))
- (setq bbdb-mailrc-file-name (expand-file-name to-file))
- ;; `good' are people with netaddresses, `bad' are people without. The
- ;; people are taken of the list records and put on either the good or
- ;; the bad list.
- (let ((good '()) (bad '())
- (records (if (not visible-records)
- (bbdb-records)
- (set-buffer bbdb-buffer-name)
- (mapcar 'car bbdb-records))))
- ;; Open .mailrc file
- (find-file bbdb-mailrc-file-name)
- (widen)
- (erase-buffer)
- ;; Loop through records to print.
- (while records
- (if (bbdb-record-net (car records))
- (setq good (cons (car records) good))
- (setq bad (cons (car records) bad)))
- (setq records (cdr records)))
- ;; write all net-addresses into .mailrc
- (insert (mapconcat (function (lambda (x)
- (let ((name (bbdb-dwim-net-address x))
- (alias (bbdb-record-lastname x)))
- (concat "alias "
- alias
- " \""
- (if (string-match "\"\\(.*\\)\"\\(.*\\)" name)
- (format "%s%s" (match-string 1 name)
- (match-string 2 name))
- name)
- "\""))))
- (nreverse good)
- "\n"))
- ;; Mail groups
- ;; not implemented, yet
- ;; Feedback on the output quality.
- (if bad
- (message "There were %d people with bad or missing net addresses."
- (length bad))
- (message "Done."))))
-Writing a Pine addressbook from BBDB, by Matt McClure
-From: Matt McClure <>
-Subject: Re: conversion to pine addressbook?
-Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 10:12:50 -0400 (EDT)
-It isn't pretty, but this will create a pine addressbook.
-It also supports the mail-alias field (inefficiently, but it works).
-I don't think it should be too difficult to modify to create mailrc
-files instead.
-Thanks to Alex for the start.
-(defvar bbdb-mailrc-file-name "~/.addressbook"
- "Filename to write mail aliases to.")
-(defun bbdb-write-dot-addressbook (to-file)
- (interactive (list (read-file-name "Export To File: " "" nil nil bbdb-mailrc-file-name)))
- (setq bbdb-mailrc-file-name (expand-file-name to-file))
- ;; `good' are people with netaddresses, `bad' are people without. The
- ;; people are taken of the list records and put on either the good or
- ;; the bad list.
- (let ((good '()) (bad '())
- (records (bbdb-records))
- (grouped-good '()) (grouped-bad '())
- (grouped-records (bbdb-records))
- (mail-groups-alist '()))
- ;; Open .mailrc file
- (find-file bbdb-mailrc-file-name)
- (widen)
- (erase-buffer)
- ;; Loop through records to print.
- (while records
- (if (bbdb-record-net (car records))
- (setq good (cons (car records) good))
- (setq bad (cons (car records) bad)))
- (setq records (cdr records)))
- ;; write all net-addresses into .mailrc
- (insert (mapconcat
- (function (lambda (x)
- (let ((alias (concat (bbdb-record-firstname x)
- " "
- (bbdb-record-lastname x)))
- (name (concat (bbdb-record-lastname x)
- ", "
- (bbdb-record-firstname x)))
- (email (car (bbdb-record-net x)))
- )
- (concat alias
- "\t"
- name
- "\t"
- email
- )
- )))
- (nreverse good)
- "\n"))
- ;; Mail groups
- ;; get the mail-aliases
- (while grouped-records
- (if (and
- (bbdb-record-net (car grouped-records))
- (assoc 'mail-alias (bbdb-record-raw-notes (car grouped-records))))
- (setq grouped-good (cons (car grouped-records) grouped-good))
- (setq grouped-bad (cons (car grouped-records) grouped-bad)))
- (setq grouped-records (cdr grouped-records)))
- (while grouped-good
- (let ((aliases (split-string
- (cdr (assoc 'mail-alias
- (bbdb-record-raw-notes (car grouped-good))))
- "[, \f\t\n\r\v]+")))
- (while aliases
- ;; store the name associated with alias somehow
- (setq mail-groups-alist
- (cons (cons (car aliases)
- (concat "\""
- (bbdb-record-firstname (car grouped-good))
- " "
- (bbdb-record-lastname (car grouped-good))
- "\""))
- mail-groups-alist))
- (setq aliases (cdr aliases))))
- (setq grouped-good (cdr grouped-good)))
- (setq mail-groups-alist (sort mail-groups-alist
- (lambda (x y)
- (string< (car x) (car y)))))
- ;; put each name from mail-groups-alist into the appropriate mail aliases
- (setq assn '("" . ""))
- (while mail-groups-alist
- (let ((assn-new (car mail-groups-alist)))
- (if (string= (car assn) "")
- (insert (concat "\n" (car assn-new) "\t\t("))
- (if (not (string= (car assn) (car assn-new)))
- (insert (concat ")\n" (car assn-new) "\t\t("))))
- (insert (concat (cdr assn-new) ","))
- (setq mail-groups-alist (cdr mail-groups-alist))
- (setq assn assn-new)))
- (if (not (string= (car assn) ""))
- (insert ")\n"))
- ;; Feedback on the output quality.
- (if bad
- (message "There were %d people with bad or missing net addresses."
- (length bad))
- (message "Done."))))
-Editing and formatting addresses with the country patch
-If you are using my country patch to BBDB, you might want to use a different
-address editing function or add new address formating functions. The
-following shows you how to go about doing that.
-A new address editing function
-You can only have one active input function at the time. The name of the
-active input function is stored in the variable
-`bbdb-address-editing-function'. Therefore, you will have to write a new
-address editing function and you will have to set
-The easiest way to go about this, is using paste and copy: use
-`bbdb-address-edit-default' as a starting point.
-(defun bbdb-address-edit-continental-german (addr)
- "Function to use for address editing.
-The sub-fields are queried using the continental order and using German
-prompts. This is an alternate value for `bbdb-address-editing-function'.
-It is used by German speaking users.
-The sub-fields and the prompts used are:
-Strasse, Zeile 1: street1
-Strasse, Zeile 2: street2
-Strasse, Zeile 3: street3
-PLZ: zip
-Stadt: city
-Region/Staat: state
-Land: country"
- (let* ((st1 (bbdb-read-string "Strasse, Zeile 1: " (bbdb-address-street1 addr)))
- (st2 (if (string= st1 "") ""
- (bbdb-read-string "Strasse, Zeile 2: " (bbdb-address-street2 addr))))
- (st3 (if (string= st2 "") ""
- (bbdb-read-string "Strasse, Zeile 3: " (bbdb-address-street3 addr))))
- (zip (bbdb-error-retry
- (bbdb-parse-zip-string
- (bbdb-read-string "PLZ: " (bbdb-address-zip-string addr)))))
- (cty (bbdb-read-string "Stadt: " (bbdb-address-city addr)))
- (ste (bbdb-read-string "Region/Staat: " (bbdb-address-state addr)))
- (country (bbdb-read-string "Land: " (bbdb-address-country addr))))
- (bbdb-address-set-street1 addr st1)
- (bbdb-address-set-street2 addr st2)
- (bbdb-address-set-street3 addr st3)
- (bbdb-address-set-city addr cty)
- (bbdb-address-set-state addr ste)
- (bbdb-address-set-zip addr zip)
- (bbdb-address-set-country addr country)
- nil))
-(setq bbdb-address-editing-function 'bbdb-address-edit-continental-german)
-Adding a new formatting function
-You will have to add a new entry to `bbdb-address-formatting-alist'. The new
-entry must be a cons cell consisting of an identifying function and a
-formatting function.
-I'll use a Japanese format as an example. Please note that I don't really
-know how Japanese mail is formatted in Japan. The following reflects
-international standards for mail from outside Japan being sent to a Japanese
-First we'll start by adding the identifying function and the formatting
-function to `bbdb-address-formatting-alist'. This will controll address
-formatting in the *BBDB* buffer.
-(add-to-list 'bbdb-address-formatting-alist
- '(bbdb-address-is-japanese . bbdb-format-address-japanese))
-The identifying function
-The function can do any testing it likes with the address received. In this
-case we just test for the country name "Japan".
-(defun bbdb-address-is-japanese (addr)
- "Return non-nil if the address ADDR is a japanese address.
-This is a possible identifying function for
-`bbdb-address-formatting-alist' and
- (and (string= (upcase (bbdb-address-country addr)) "JAPAN")))
-The formatting function
-Another paste and copy event: use `bbdb-format-address-default' as a
-starting point.
-(defun bbdb-format-address-japanese (addr)
- "Insert formated Japanese address ADDR in current buffer.
-This is what it looks like:
- location: street1
- street2
- street3
- city
- state
- zip country"
- (insert (format " %14s: " (bbdb-address-location addr)))
- (bbdb-format-streets addr)
- (let ((c (bbdb-address-city addr))
- (s (bbdb-address-state addr))
- (z (bbdb-address-zip-string addr))
- (y (bbdb-address-country addr)))
- (if (or (> (length c) 0)
- (> (length s) 0)
- (> (length z) 0)
- (> (length y) 0))
- (progn
- (if (> (length c) 0)
- (progn
- (indent-to 17)
- (insert c "\n")))
- (if (> (length s) 0)
- (progn
- (indent-to 17)
- (insert s "\n")))
- (if (or (> (length z) 0)
- (> (length y) 0))
- (progn
- (indent-to 17)
- (if (> (length z) 0)
- (insert z (if (> (length y) 0) " " "")))
- (if (> (length y) 0)
- (insert y))
- (insert "\n" "")))))))
-Print formatting of addresses
-This works just like the example above. Instead of adding the identifying
-and formatting functions to `bbdb-address-formatting-alist', you add the two
-functions to `bbdb-address-print-formatting-alist'. You can use the same
-identifying function that you used in `bbdb-address-formatting-alist'. The
-only thing you will have to code up is a print formatting function. It will
-be very similar to the normal formatting function. Use
-`bbdb-print-format-address-default' as a starting point. The details are
-left as an exercise to the reader.
-Navigation: Top, Table of Contents, Index, next: .emacs file by Alex, prev:
- / Alex Schroeder
-<> / updated: 2000-03-10 / significant changes: