path: root/bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.cpp
diff options
authorRoberto C. Sanchez <>2014-10-21 22:48:19 -0400
committerRoberto C. Sanchez <>2014-10-21 22:48:19 -0400
commit1af3b165c9377702ca62a64112bc089a6f575c30 (patch)
tree4df9cca5543b2cab5ca56dbb1214d7d3b1f291e3 /bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.cpp
parent5b5fd0dce407556f98ed8edee89dc830bf1437b1 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 2.0~beta2
Diffstat (limited to 'bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 462 deletions
diff --git a/bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.cpp b/bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 255a392..0000000
--- a/bibletime/frontend/cinfodisplay.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Implementation: cinfodisplay
-// Description:
-// Author: The BibleTime team <>, (C) 2004
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-//BibleTime includes
-#include "cinfodisplay.h"
-#include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h"
-#include "backend/cswordkey.h"
-#include "backend/cswordversekey.h"
-#include "backend/creferencemanager.h"
-#include "backend/cdisplaytemplatemgr.h"
-#include "frontend/cbtconfig.h"
-#include "frontend/crossrefrendering.h"
-#include "frontend/display/cdisplay.h"
-#include "frontend/display/creaddisplay.h"
-#include "frontend/display/chtmlreaddisplay.h"
-#include "util/scoped_resource.h"
-//Sword includes
-#include <listkey.h>
-//Qt includes
-#include <qlayout.h>
-#include <qlabel.h>
-#include <qscrollview.h>
-#include <qregexp.h>
-//KDE includes
-#include <klocale.h>
-#include <kstdaction.h>
-using namespace Rendering;
-using namespace sword;
-namespace InfoDisplay {
- CInfoDisplay::CInfoDisplay(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
-: QWidget(parent, name) {
- QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- QLabel* headingLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Mag (\"shift\" to lock)"),this);
- headingLabel->setMargin(5);
- m_htmlPart = CDisplay::createReadInstance(0, this);
- m_htmlPart->setMouseTracking(false); //we don't want strong/lemma/note mouse infos
- KStdAction::copy(m_htmlPart->connectionsProxy(), SLOT(copySelection()), 0, "copyMagSelection");
- connect(
- m_htmlPart->connectionsProxy(),
- SIGNAL(referenceClicked(const QString&, const QString&)),
- SLOT(lookup(const QString&, const QString&))
- );
- layout->addWidget(headingLabel);
- layout->addWidget(m_htmlPart->view());
- }
- CInfoDisplay::~CInfoDisplay() {}
- void CInfoDisplay::lookup(const QString &mod_name, const QString &key_text) {
- qWarning("%s %s", mod_name.ascii(), key_text.ascii());
- CSwordModuleInfo* m = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(mod_name);
- Q_ASSERT(m);
- if (!m)
- return;
- util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(m) );
- key->key( key_text );
- CDisplayTemplateMgr* mgr = CPointers::displayTemplateManager();
- CDisplayTemplateMgr::Settings settings;
- settings.pageCSS_ID = "infodisplay";
- // settings.langAbbrev = "";
- QString content = mgr->fillTemplate(CBTConfig::get
- (CBTConfig::displayStyle), key->renderedText(), settings);
- // qWarning("setting text:\n%s", content.latin1());
- m_htmlPart->setText(content); // scroll to top
- CHTMLReadDisplay *d = dynamic_cast<CHTMLReadDisplay *>(m_htmlPart);
- d->view()->ensureVisible(0, 0);
- }
- void CInfoDisplay::setInfo(const InfoType type, const QString& data) {
- ListInfoData list;
- list.append( qMakePair(type, data) );
- setInfo(list);
- }
- void CInfoDisplay::setInfo(const ListInfoData& list) {
- //if the widget is hidden it would be inefficient to render and display the data
- if (!isVisible()) {
- return;
- }
- if (list.count() == 0) {
- m_htmlPart->setText("<html></html>");
- return;
- }
- QString text;
- ListInfoData::const_iterator end = list.end();
- for (ListInfoData::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
- switch ( (*it).first ) {
- case Lemma:
- text.append( decodeStrongs( (*it).second ) );
- continue;
- case Morph:
- text.append( decodeMorph( (*it).second ) );
- continue;
- case CrossReference:
- text.append( decodeCrossReference( (*it).second ) );
- continue;
- case Footnote:
- text.append( decodeFootnote( (*it).second ) );
- continue;
- case WordTranslation:
- text.append( getWordTranslation( (*it).second ) );
- continue;
- case WordGloss:
- //text.append( getWordTranslation( (*it).second ) );
- continue;
- case Abbreviation:
- text.append( decodeAbbreviation( (*it).second ) );
- continue;
- default:
- continue;
- };
- }
- CDisplayTemplateMgr* mgr = CPointers::displayTemplateManager();
- CDisplayTemplateMgr::Settings settings;
- settings.pageCSS_ID = "infodisplay";
- // settings.langAbbrev = "";
- QString content = mgr->fillTemplate(CBTConfig::get
- (CBTConfig::displayStyle), text, settings);
- // qWarning("setting text:\n%s", content.latin1());
- m_htmlPart->setText(content);
- }
- const QString CInfoDisplay::decodeAbbreviation( const QString& data ) {
- // QStringList strongs = QStringList::split("|", data);
- QString ret;
- QString text = data;
- ret.append(
- QString("<div class=\"abbreviation\"><h3>%1: %2</h3><p>%3</p></div>")
- .arg(i18n("Abbreviation"))
- .arg("text")
- .arg(text));
- return ret;
- }
- const QString CInfoDisplay::decodeCrossReference( const QString& data ) {
- Q_ASSERT(!data.isEmpty());
- if (data.isEmpty()) {
- return QString("<div class=\"crossrefinfo\"><h3>%1</h3></div>")
- .arg(i18n("Cross references"));
- }
- // qWarning("setting crossref %s", data.latin1());
- CSwordBackend::DisplayOptions dispOpts;
- dispOpts.lineBreaks = false;
- dispOpts.verseNumbers = true;
- CSwordBackend::FilterOptions filterOpts;
- filterOpts.headings = false;
- filterOpts.strongNumbers = false;
- filterOpts.morphTags = false;
- filterOpts.lemmas = false;
- filterOpts.footnotes = false;
- filterOpts.scriptureReferences = false;
- CrossRefRendering renderer(dispOpts, filterOpts);
- CTextRendering::KeyTree tree;
- // const bool isBible = true;
- CSwordModuleInfo* module = CBTConfig::get
- (CBTConfig::standardBible);
- //a prefixed module gives the module to look into
- QRegExp re("^[^ ]+:");
- // re.setMinimal(true);
- int pos =,0);
- if (pos != -1) {
- pos += re.matchedLength()-1;
- }
- if (pos > 0) {
- const QString moduleName = data.left(pos);
- // qWarning("found module %s", moduleName.latin1());
- module = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(moduleName);
- if (!module) {
- module = CBTConfig::get
- (CBTConfig::standardBible);
- }
- // Q_ASSERT(module);
- }
- Q_ASSERT(module);
- CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings (
- false,
- CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings::CompleteShort
- );
- if (module && (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible)) {
- VerseKey vk;
- sword::ListKey refs = vk.ParseVerseList((const char*)data.mid((pos == -1) ? 0 : pos+1).utf8(), "Gen 1:1", true);
- for (int i = 0; i < refs.Count(); ++i) {
- SWKey* key = refs.getElement(i);
- Q_ASSERT(key);
- VerseKey* vk = dynamic_cast<VerseKey*>(key);
- CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem* i = 0;
- if (vk && vk->isBoundSet()) { //render a range of keys
- i = new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
- QString::fromUtf8(vk->LowerBound().getText()),
- QString::fromUtf8(vk->UpperBound().getText()),
- module,
- settings
- );
- }
- else {
- i = new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
- QString::fromUtf8(key->getText()),
- QString::fromUtf8(key->getText()),
- module,
- settings
- );
- }
- Q_ASSERT(i);
- tree.append( i );
- }
- }
- else if (module) {
- CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem* i = new CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem(
- data.mid((pos == -1) ? 0 : pos+1),
- module,
- settings
- );
- tree.append( i );
- }
- // qWarning("rendered the tree: %s", renderer.renderKeyTree(tree).latin1());
- //spanns containing rtl text need dir=rtl on their parent tag to be aligned properly
- return QString("<div class=\"crossrefinfo\"><h3>%1</h3><div class=\"para\" dir=\"%2\">%3</div></div>")
- .arg(i18n("Cross references"))
- .arg(module ? ((module->textDirection() == CSwordModuleInfo::LeftToRight) ? "ltr" : "rtl") : "")
- .arg(renderer.renderKeyTree(tree));
- }
- /*!
- \fn CInfoDisplay::decodeFootnote( const QString& data )
- */
- const QString CInfoDisplay::decodeFootnote( const QString& data ) {
- QStringList list = QStringList::split("/", data);
- Q_ASSERT(list.count() >= 3);
- if (!list.count()) {
- return QString::null;
- }
- const QString modulename = list.first();
- const QString swordFootnote = list.last();
- // remove the first and the last and then rejoin it to get a key
- list.pop_back(); list.pop_front();
- const QString keyname = list.join("/");
- CSwordModuleInfo* module = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName(modulename);
- if (!module) {
- return QString::null;
- }
- util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
- key->key(keyname);
- key->renderedText(); //force entryAttributes
- const char* note = module->module()->getEntryAttributes()["Footnote"][swordFootnote.latin1()]["body"].c_str();
- QString text = module->isUnicode() ? QString::fromUtf8(note) : QString(note);
- text = QString::fromUtf8(module->module()->RenderText(
- module->isUnicode()
- ? (const char*)text.utf8()
- : (const char*)text.latin1()
- ));
- return QString("<div class=\"footnoteinfo\"><h3>%1</h3><p>%2</p></div>")
- .arg(i18n("Footnote"))
- .arg(text);
- }
- const QString CInfoDisplay::decodeStrongs( const QString& data ) {
- QStringList strongs = QStringList::split("|", data);
- QString ret;
- QStringList::const_iterator end = strongs.end();
- for (QStringList::const_iterator it = strongs.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
- CSwordModuleInfo* const module = CBTConfig::get
- (
- ((*it).left(1) == QString("H")) ?
- CBTConfig::standardHebrewStrongsLexicon :
- CBTConfig::standardGreekStrongsLexicon
- );
- QString text;
- if (module) {
- util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
- key->key( (*it).mid(1) ); //skip H or G (language sign), will have to change later if we have better modules
- text = key->renderedText();
- }
- //if the module could not be found just display an empty lemma info
- ret.append(
- QString("<div class=\"strongsinfo\"><h3>%1: %2</h3><p>%3</p></div>")
- .arg(i18n("Strongs"))
- .arg(*it)
- .arg(text)
- );
- }
- return ret;
- }
- const QString CInfoDisplay::decodeMorph( const QString& data ) {
- QStringList morphs = QStringList::split("|", data);
- QString ret;
- for (QStringList::iterator it = morphs.begin(); it != morphs.end(); ++it) {
- CSwordModuleInfo* module = 0;
- bool skipFirstChar = false;
- QString value = "";
- QString valueClass = "";
- int valStart = (*it).find(':');
- if (valStart > -1) {
- valueClass = (*it).mid(0, valStart);
- module = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName( valueClass );
- Q_ASSERT(module);
- }
- value = (*it).mid(valStart+1); //works for prepended module and without (-1 +1 == 0).
- // if we don't have a class assigned or desired one isn't installed...
- if (!module) {
- // Morphs usually don't have [GH] prepended, but some old OLB
- // codes do. We should check if we're digit after first char
- // to better guess this.
- // No need to check len, if at(1) is > len QChar::null is
- // returned which is ok to .isDigit()
- if ( {
- switch ( {
- case 'G':
- module = CBTConfig::get
- (CBTConfig::standardGreekMorphLexicon);
- skipFirstChar = true;
- break;
- case 'H':
- module = CBTConfig::get
- (CBTConfig::standardHebrewMorphLexicon);
- skipFirstChar = true;
- break;
- default:
- skipFirstChar = false;
- //TODO: we can't tell here if it's a greek or hebrew moprh code, that's a problem we have to solve
- // module = CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::standardGreekMorphLexicon);
- break;
- }
- }
- //if it is still not set use the default
- if (!module) {
- module = CBTConfig::get
- (CBTConfig::standardGreekMorphLexicon);
- }
- }
- QString text;
- Q_ASSERT(module);
- if (module) {
- util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
- //skip H or G (language sign) if we have to skip it
- const bool isOk = key->key( skipFirstChar ? value.mid(1) : value );
- Q_ASSERT(isOk);
- if (!isOk) { //try to use the other morph lexicon, because this one failed with the current morph code
- key->module(CBTConfig::get
- (CBTConfig::standardHebrewMorphLexicon));
- key->key( skipFirstChar ? value.mid(1) : value );
- }
- text = key->renderedText();
- }
- //if the module wasn't found just display an empty morph info
- ret.append( QString("<div class=\"morphinfo\"><h3>%1: %2</h3><p>%3</p></div>")
- .arg(i18n("Morphology"))
- .arg(value)
- .arg(text)
- );
- }
- return ret;
- }
- const QString CInfoDisplay::getWordTranslation( const QString& data ) {
- CSwordModuleInfo* const module = CBTConfig::get
- (CBTConfig::standardLexicon);
- if (!module) {
- return QString::null;
- }
- util::scoped_ptr<CSwordKey> key( CSwordKey::createInstance(module) );
- key->key( data );
- if (key->key().upper() != data.upper()) { //key not present in the lexicon
- return QString::null;
- }
- QString ret = QString("<div class=\"translationinfo\"><h3>%1: %2</h3><p>%3</p></div>")
- .arg(i18n("Word lookup"))
- .arg(data)
- .arg(key->renderedText());
- return ret;
- }
- /*!
- \fn CInfoDisplay::clearInfo()
- */
- void CInfoDisplay::clearInfo() {
- CDisplayTemplateMgr* tmgr = CPointers::displayTemplateManager();
- CDisplayTemplateMgr::Settings settings;
- settings.pageCSS_ID = "infodisplay";
- m_htmlPart->setText( tmgr->fillTemplate(CBTConfig::get
- (CBTConfig::displayStyle), QString::null, settings) );
- }
-} //end of namespace InfoDisplay