path: root/src/backend/btmoduletreeitem.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/backend/btmoduletreeitem.h')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/src/backend/btmoduletreeitem.h b/src/backend/btmoduletreeitem.h
index abdfdb7..b159c6f 100644
--- a/src/backend/btmoduletreeitem.h
+++ b/src/backend/btmoduletreeitem.h
@@ -40,127 +40,134 @@ Example:
if (item->type() == BTModuleTreeItem::Category) prepare_category_item(widgetItem, item);
@author The BibleTime team <>
-class BTModuleTreeItem
- /**
- * A filter which is given to the root constructor. It filters some modules
- * out from the tree. If it returns true when the filter() is called the module will be added,
- * if it returns false the module will be left out.
- *
- * If you want for example to get only unindexed modules in the list you should
- * write a class (possibly a small inner class inside the calling class) which
- * inherits Filter and write the operator() function which returns true if the
- * module is unindexed and false if it's indexed.
- *
- * It's also possible to do arbitrary tasks to modules by using more complex subclasses.
- *
- * The filters will be applied in the order in which they are in the list.
- * A module will be filtered out if even one filter rejects it and testing
- * will stop with the first negative.
- *
- * Example:
- * QList<BTModuleTreeItem::Filter*> filters;
- * MyFilter filter; BTModuleTreeItem::HiddenOff hideFilter;
- * filters.append(&hideFilter); filters.append(&filter);
- * BTModuleTreeItem root(filters, BTModuleTreeItem::CatLangMod);
- */
- struct Filter {
- virtual bool filter(CSwordModuleInfo*) = 0;
- inline virtual ~Filter() {};
- };
- /**
- * One example of a filter which can be used with any view. If the module has been
- * set "hidden" it will be filtered out.
- */
- struct HiddenOff : public Filter {
- inline bool filter(CSwordModuleInfo* mi) { return !mi->isHidden(); }
- inline virtual ~HiddenOff() {};
- };
- /**
- * Type of the item: root item, category (Bibles, Commentaries etc.), language or module.
- */
- enum Type {Root, Category, Language, Module};
- /**
- * Tells how to group the modules. For example:
- * CatLangMod: first category, second language, third module. Mod: don't use
- * Category or Language at all, Module is toplevel and tree is flat.
- */
- enum Grouping {CatLangMod, CatMod, LangCatMod, LangMod, Mod};
- /**
- * This constructor creates a root item. Create it for example with scoped_ptr or in stack.
- * The root item is populated with the item tree.
- * The constructor takes a list of filters (see Filter), grouping indicator (see Grouping)
- * and optionally the module list from which the tree is constructed
- * (by default CPointers::backend()->moduleList() is used).
- */
- BTModuleTreeItem(QList<BTModuleTreeItem::Filter*>& filters,
- BTModuleTreeItem::Grouping grouping, QList<CSwordModuleInfo*>* modules = 0);
- /** When the root item is deleted the whole tree is deleted. */
- ~BTModuleTreeItem();
- /**
- * Returns the item type.
- */
- inline BTModuleTreeItem::Type type() const {return m_type;}
- /**
- * Returns the item text (category name, language name or module name).
- */
- inline QString text() const {return m_text;}
- /**
- * Returns the path to the icon which is appropriate for this type of item, or QString::null.
- */
- QString iconName() const;
- /**
- * If the type is Module returns a pointer to the corresponding CSwordModuleInfo object,
- * otherwise returns 0.
- */
- inline CSwordModuleInfo* moduleInfo() const {return m_moduleInfo;}
- /**
- * Returns a list of the direct children of this item.
- */
- QList<BTModuleTreeItem*> children() const;
- /**
- * For alphabetical sorting which uses text(). See QString::localeAwareCompare().
- * Categories will always be in the same order regardless of the i18n.
- */
- static bool localeAwareLessThan(BTModuleTreeItem* first, BTModuleTreeItem* second);
- /**
- * Private constructor which sets the members.
- */
- BTModuleTreeItem(BTModuleTreeItem* parentItem, const QString& text, Type type, CSwordModuleInfo* info=0, CSwordModuleInfo::Category category=CSwordModuleInfo::UnknownCategory);
- /** Default ctor is private because it is not to be called.*/
- BTModuleTreeItem();
- /** Creates the tree under this root item (called only from root ctor). */
- void create_tree(QList<BTModuleTreeItem::Filter*>& filters, BTModuleTreeItem::Grouping grouping);
- /** Sorts recursively the children of of the given item. */
- void sort_children(BTModuleTreeItem* parent);
- /** Helper function for creating a group item while creating the tree. */
- BTModuleTreeItem* create_parent_item(BTModuleTreeItem* parent, const QString& text, BTModuleTreeItem::Type type, CSwordModuleInfo::Category category=CSwordModuleInfo::UnknownCategory);
- CSwordModuleInfo* m_moduleInfo;
- QString m_text;
- BTModuleTreeItem* m_firstChild;
- BTModuleTreeItem* m_next;
- Type m_type;
- CSwordModuleInfo::Category m_category;
- QList<CSwordModuleInfo*> m_originalModuleList;
+class BTModuleTreeItem {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * A filter which is given to the root constructor. It filters some modules
+ * out from the tree. If it returns true when the filter() is called the module will be added,
+ * if it returns false the module will be left out.
+ *
+ * If you want for example to get only unindexed modules in the list you should
+ * write a class (possibly a small inner class inside the calling class) which
+ * inherits Filter and write the operator() function which returns true if the
+ * module is unindexed and false if it's indexed.
+ *
+ * It's also possible to do arbitrary tasks to modules by using more complex subclasses.
+ *
+ * The filters will be applied in the order in which they are in the list.
+ * A module will be filtered out if even one filter rejects it and testing
+ * will stop with the first negative.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * QList<BTModuleTreeItem::Filter*> filters;
+ * MyFilter filter; BTModuleTreeItem::HiddenOff hideFilter;
+ * filters.append(&hideFilter); filters.append(&filter);
+ * BTModuleTreeItem root(filters, BTModuleTreeItem::CatLangMod);
+ */
+ struct Filter {
+ virtual bool filter(CSwordModuleInfo*) = 0;
+ inline virtual ~Filter() {};
+ };
+ /**
+ * One example of a filter which can be used with any view. If the module has been
+ * set "hidden" it will be filtered out.
+ */
+ struct HiddenOff : public Filter {
+ inline bool filter(CSwordModuleInfo* mi) {
+ return !mi->isHidden();
+ }
+ inline virtual ~HiddenOff() {};
+ };
+ /**
+ * Type of the item: root item, category (Bibles, Commentaries etc.), language or module.
+ */
+ enum Type {Root, Category, Language, Module};
+ /**
+ * Tells how to group the modules. For example:
+ * CatLangMod: first category, second language, third module. Mod: don't use
+ * Category or Language at all, Module is toplevel and tree is flat.
+ */
+ enum Grouping {CatLangMod, CatMod, LangCatMod, LangMod, Mod};
+ /**
+ * This constructor creates a root item. Create it for example with scoped_ptr or in stack.
+ * The root item is populated with the item tree.
+ * The constructor takes a list of filters (see Filter), grouping indicator (see Grouping)
+ * and optionally the module list from which the tree is constructed
+ * (by default CPointers::backend()->moduleList() is used).
+ */
+ BTModuleTreeItem(QList<BTModuleTreeItem::Filter*>& filters,
+ BTModuleTreeItem::Grouping grouping, QList<CSwordModuleInfo*>* modules = 0);
+ /** When the root item is deleted the whole tree is deleted. */
+ ~BTModuleTreeItem();
+ /**
+ * Returns the item type.
+ */
+ inline BTModuleTreeItem::Type type() const {
+ return m_type;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the item text (category name, language name or module name).
+ */
+ inline QString text() const {
+ return m_text;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the path to the icon which is appropriate for this type of item, or QString::null.
+ */
+ QString iconName() const;
+ /**
+ * If the type is Module returns a pointer to the corresponding CSwordModuleInfo object,
+ * otherwise returns 0.
+ */
+ inline CSwordModuleInfo* moduleInfo() const {
+ return m_moduleInfo;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of the direct children of this item.
+ */
+ QList<BTModuleTreeItem*> children() const;
+ /**
+ * For alphabetical sorting which uses text(). See QString::localeAwareCompare().
+ * Categories will always be in the same order regardless of the i18n.
+ */
+ static bool localeAwareLessThan(BTModuleTreeItem* first, BTModuleTreeItem* second);
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Private constructor which sets the members.
+ */
+ BTModuleTreeItem(BTModuleTreeItem* parentItem, const QString& text, Type type, CSwordModuleInfo* info = 0, CSwordModuleInfo::Category category = CSwordModuleInfo::UnknownCategory);
+ /** Default ctor is private because it is not to be called.*/
+ BTModuleTreeItem();
+ /** Creates the tree under this root item (called only from root ctor). */
+ void create_tree(QList<BTModuleTreeItem::Filter*>& filters, BTModuleTreeItem::Grouping grouping);
+ /** Sorts recursively the children of of the given item. */
+ void sort_children(BTModuleTreeItem* parent);
+ /** Helper function for creating a group item while creating the tree. */
+ BTModuleTreeItem* create_parent_item(BTModuleTreeItem* parent, const QString& text, BTModuleTreeItem::Type type, CSwordModuleInfo::Category category = CSwordModuleInfo::UnknownCategory);
+ CSwordModuleInfo* m_moduleInfo;
+ QString m_text;
+ BTModuleTreeItem* m_firstChild;
+ BTModuleTreeItem* m_next;
+ Type m_type;
+ CSwordModuleInfo::Category m_category;
+ QList<CSwordModuleInfo*> m_originalModuleList;