path: root/src/frontend/mainindex/bookshelf/cbookshelfindex.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/mainindex/bookshelf/cbookshelfindex.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 714 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/mainindex/bookshelf/cbookshelfindex.cpp b/src/frontend/mainindex/bookshelf/cbookshelfindex.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ebd0ee0..0000000
--- a/src/frontend/mainindex/bookshelf/cbookshelfindex.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BibleTime's source code,
-* Copyright 1999-2008 by the BibleTime developers.
-* The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
-#include "cbookshelfindex.h"
-#include "btindexitem.h"
-#include "btindexmodule.h"
-#include "btindexfolder.h"
-#include "chidemodulechooserdialog.h"
-#include "backend/btmoduletreeitem.h"
-#include "backend/managers/creferencemanager.h"
-#include "frontend/searchdialog/csearchdialog.h"
-#include "backend/config/cbtconfig.h"
-#include "frontend/cinfodisplay.h"
-#include "frontend/btaboutmoduledialog.h"
-#include "frontend/cprinter.h"
-#include "frontend/cdragdrop.h"
-#include "util/cresmgr.h"
-#include "util/directoryutil.h"
-//Qt includes
-#include <QDragLeaveEvent>
-#include <QDragMoveEvent>
-#include <QDropEvent>
-#include <QHeaderView> //for hiding the header
-#include <QTimer> // for delayed auto-opening of folders
-#include <QList>
-#include <QTreeWidget>
-#include <QTreeWidgetItem>
-#include <QInputDialog> // for unlocking key
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <QMenu>
-#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
-CBookshelfIndex::CBookshelfIndex(QWidget *parent)
- : QTreeWidget(parent),
- m_searchDialog(0),
- m_autoOpenFolder(0),
- m_autoOpenTimer(this) {
- m_grouping = (BTModuleTreeItem::Grouping)CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::bookshelfGrouping);
- m_showHidden = CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::bookshelfShowHidden);
- setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
- initView();
- initConnections();
- initTree();
-CBookshelfIndex::~CBookshelfIndex() {}
-/** Initializes the view. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::initView() {
-// qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::initView");
- header()->hide();
- setFocusPolicy(Qt::WheelFocus);
- setAcceptDrops( false ); // TODO: accept drops
- setDragEnabled( true );
- setDropIndicatorShown( true );
- setItemsExpandable(true);
- viewport()->setAcceptDrops(false); //TODO: accept drops
- setRootIsDecorated(false);
- setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
- setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection);
- //setup the popup menu
- m_popup = new QMenu(viewport());
- m_popup->setTitle(tr("Bookshelf"));
- initActions();
-// qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::initView end");
-void CBookshelfIndex::initActions() {
- // Each action has a type attached to it as a dynamic property, see actionenum.h.
- // Menuitem and its subitems can have the same type.
- // Actions can have also "singleItemAction" property if
- // it supports only one item.
- // See contextMenu() and BTIndexItem for how these properties are used later.
- // Actions are added to the popup menu and also to a list for easy foreach access.
- QMenu* actionMenu = 0;
- QAction* action = 0;
- // -------------------------Grouping --------------------------------------
- actionMenu = new QMenu(tr("Grouping"), this);
- actionMenu->setIcon(util::filesystem::DirectoryUtil::getIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::grouping::icon));
- actionMenu->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(Grouping));
- m_groupingGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
- QObject::connect(m_groupingGroup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(actionChangeGrouping(QAction*)) );
- //TODO: set the inital checked state
- action = newQAction(tr("Category/Language"), CResMgr::mainIndex::grouping::icon, 0, 0, 0, this);
- action->setCheckable(true);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(Grouping));
- action->setProperty("grouping", BTModuleTreeItem::CatLangMod);
- actionMenu->addAction(action);
- m_groupingGroup->addAction(action);
- if (m_grouping == BTModuleTreeItem::CatLangMod) action->setChecked(true);
- m_actionList.append(action);
- action = newQAction(tr("Category"), CResMgr::mainIndex::grouping::icon, 0, 0, 0, this);
- action->setCheckable(true);
- m_groupingGroup->addAction(action);
- if (m_grouping == BTModuleTreeItem::CatMod) action->setChecked(true);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(Grouping));
- action->setProperty("grouping", BTModuleTreeItem::CatMod);
- actionMenu->addAction(action);
- m_actionList.append(action);
- action = newQAction(tr("Language/Category"), CResMgr::mainIndex::grouping::icon, 0, 0, 0, this);
- action->setCheckable(true);
- m_groupingGroup->addAction(action);
- if (m_grouping == BTModuleTreeItem::LangCatMod) action->setChecked(true);
- actionMenu->addAction(action);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(Grouping));
- action->setProperty("grouping", BTModuleTreeItem::LangCatMod);
- m_actionList.append(action);
- action = newQAction(tr("Language"), CResMgr::mainIndex::grouping::icon, 0, 0, 0, this);
- action->setCheckable(true);
- m_groupingGroup->addAction(action);
- if (m_grouping == BTModuleTreeItem::LangMod) action->setChecked(true);
- actionMenu->addAction(action);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(Grouping));
- action->setProperty("grouping", BTModuleTreeItem::LangMod);
- m_actionList.append(action);
- action = newQAction(tr("Works only"), CResMgr::mainIndex::grouping::icon, 0, 0, 0, this);
- action->setCheckable(true);
- m_groupingGroup->addAction(action);
- if (m_grouping == BTModuleTreeItem::Mod) action->setChecked(true);
- actionMenu->addAction(action);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(Grouping));
- action->setProperty("grouping", BTModuleTreeItem::Mod);
- m_actionList.append(action);
- action = m_popup->addMenu(actionMenu);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(Grouping));
- m_actionList.append(action);
- // ------------Hide---------------------
- action = newQAction(tr("Hide/unhide works..."), CResMgr::mainIndex::search::icon, 0, this, SLOT(actionHideModules()), this);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(HideModules));
- //action->setProperty("multiItemAction", QVariant(true));
- m_popup->addAction(action);
- m_actionList.append(action);
-// -------------------Show hidden---------------------------
- action = newQAction(tr("Show hidden"), CResMgr::mainIndex::search::icon, 0, 0, 0, this);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(ShowAllModules));
- action->setCheckable(true);
- QObject::connect(action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(actionShowModules(bool)));
- if (m_showHidden) action->setChecked(true);
- else action->setChecked(false);
- m_popup->addAction(action);
- m_actionList.append(action);
- m_popup->addSeparator();
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------- Actions for items ------------------------
- // -------------------------Edit module --------------------------------
- actionMenu = new QMenu(tr("Edit"), this);
- actionMenu->setIcon(util::filesystem::DirectoryUtil::getIcon(CResMgr::mainIndex::editModuleMenu::icon) );
-// actionMenu->setDelayed(false);
- actionMenu->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(EditModule));
- actionMenu->setProperty("singleItemAction", QVariant(true));
- //m_actionList.append(actionMenu);
- action = newQAction(tr("Plain text..."), CResMgr::mainIndex::editModulePlain::icon, 0, this, SLOT(actionEditModulePlain()), this);
- actionMenu->addAction(action);
- m_actionList.append(action);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(EditModule));
- action->setProperty("singleItemAction", QVariant(true));
- action = newQAction(tr("HTML..."), CResMgr::mainIndex::editModuleHTML::icon, 0, this, SLOT(actionEditModuleHTML()), this);
- actionMenu->addAction(action);
- m_actionList.append(action);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(EditModule));
- action->setProperty("singleItemAction", QVariant(true));
- m_actionList.append(m_popup->addMenu(actionMenu));
- // ------------------------ Misc actions -------------------------------------
- action = newQAction(tr("Search..."), CResMgr::mainIndex::search::icon, 0, this, SLOT(actionSearchInModules()), this);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(SearchModules));
- action->setProperty("multiItemAction", QVariant(true));
- m_popup->addAction(action);
- m_actionList.append(action);
- action = newQAction(tr("Unlock..."), CResMgr::mainIndex::unlockModule::icon, 0, this, SLOT(actionUnlockModule()), this);
- m_popup->addAction(action);
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(UnlockModule));
- action->setProperty("singleItemAction", QVariant(true));
- m_actionList.append(action);
- action = newQAction(tr("About..."), CResMgr::mainIndex::aboutModule::icon, 0, this, SLOT(actionAboutModule()), this);
- m_popup->addAction(action);
- action->setProperty("singleItemAction", QVariant(true));
- action->setProperty("indexActionType", QVariant(AboutModule));
- m_actionList.append(action);
-/** Convenience function for creating a new QAction.
-* Should be replaced with something better; it was easier to make a new function
-* than to modify all QAction constructors.
-QAction* CBookshelfIndex::newQAction(const QString& text, const QString& pix, const int /*shortcut*/, const QObject* receiver, const char* slot, QObject* parent) {
- QAction* action = new QAction(util::filesystem::DirectoryUtil::getIcon(pix), text, parent);
- if (receiver && !QString(slot).isEmpty()) {
- QObject::connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), receiver, slot);
- }
- return action;
-/** Initialize the SIGNAL<->SLOT connections */
-void CBookshelfIndex::initConnections() {
- //Connect this to the backend module list changes.
- bool ok;
- ok = connect(CPointers::backend(), SIGNAL(sigSwordSetupChanged(CSwordBackend::SetupChangedReason)), SLOT(reloadSword(CSwordBackend::SetupChangedReason)));
- Q_ASSERT(ok);
- ok = connect(this, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(slotExecuted(QTreeWidgetItem*)));
- Q_ASSERT(ok);
- // Single/double click item activation is style dependend
- if (style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick) == 0) {
- ok = connect(this, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(slotExecuted(QTreeWidgetItem*)));
- Q_ASSERT(ok);
- }
- ok = connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), SLOT(contextMenu(const QPoint&)));
- Q_ASSERT(ok);
- ok = connect(&m_autoOpenTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(autoOpenTimeout()));
- Q_ASSERT(ok);
- ok = connect(this, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotModifySelection()));
- Q_ASSERT(ok);
-void CBookshelfIndex::slotModifySelection() {
- // This creates recursion if a folder is selected, but not infinite.
- //qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::slotModifySelection");
- QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selection = selectedItems();
- foreach (QTreeWidgetItem* item, selection) {
- BTIndexFolder* folder = dynamic_cast<BTIndexFolder*>(item);
- if (folder) {
- item->setSelected(false);
- break;
- }
- }
-* Hack to get single click and selection working. See slotExecuted.
-void CBookshelfIndex::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event) {
- //qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::mouseReleaseEvent");
- //qDebug() << event->type() << event->modifiers();
- if (itemAt(event->pos())) {
- if (m_frozenModules.contains( itemAt(event->pos())->text(0) )) {
- //do nothing
- event->accept();
- return;
- }
- }
- m_mouseReleaseEventModifiers = event->modifiers();
- QTreeWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
-/** Called when an item is clicked with mouse or activated with keyboard. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::slotExecuted( QTreeWidgetItem* i ) {
- qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::slotExecuted");
- //HACK: checking the modifier keys from the last mouseReleaseEvent
- //depends on executing order: mouseReleaseEvent first, then itemClicked signal
- int modifiers = m_mouseReleaseEventModifiers;
- m_mouseReleaseEventModifiers = Qt::NoModifier;
- if (modifiers != Qt::NoModifier) {
- return;
- }
- BTIndexItem* btItem = dynamic_cast<BTIndexItem*>(i);
- if (!btItem) {
- qWarning("item was not BTIndexItem!");
- return;
- }
- if (BTIndexModule* m = dynamic_cast<BTIndexModule*>(i)) { //clicked on a module
- CSwordModuleInfo* mod = m->moduleInfo();
- if (!m_frozenModules.contains(mod->name())) {
- m_frozenModules.insert(mod->name());
- QList<CSwordModuleInfo*> modules;
- modules.append(mod);
- qDebug("will emit createReadDisplayWindow");
- emit createReadDisplayWindow(modules, QString::null);
- }
- }
- else {
- i->setExpanded( !i->isExpanded() );
- }
-void CBookshelfIndex::unfreezeModules(QList<CSwordModuleInfo*> modules) {
- foreach (CSwordModuleInfo* mInfo, modules) {
- m_frozenModules.remove(mInfo->name());
- }
-/** Reimplementation. Returns the drag object for the current selection. */
-QMimeData* CBookshelfIndex::dragObject() {
- //TODO: we have to add a mime type "module" if we want to for example enable draggin a module to a displaywindow
- return 0;
-/** Reimplementation from QTreeWidget. Returns true if the drag is acceptable for the widget. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* event ) {
- //qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::dragEnterEvent");
- event->acceptProposedAction();
-void CBookshelfIndex::dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* event ) {
- const QPoint pos = event->pos();
- BTIndexItem* i = dynamic_cast<BTIndexItem*>(itemAt(pos));
- //TODO: implement accepting drop in item
- if (i && i->acceptDrop(event->mimeData()) ) {
- event->acceptProposedAction();
- }
- else {
- event->ignore();
- }
-void CBookshelfIndex::dropEvent( QDropEvent* event ) {
- const QPoint pos = event->pos();
- BTIndexItem* i = dynamic_cast<BTIndexItem*>(itemAt(pos));
- //TODO: implement accepting drop in item
- if (i && i->acceptDrop(event->mimeData()) ) {
- QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this);
- QAction* openAction = menu->addAction("Open reference in new subwindow");
- QAction* searchRefAction = menu->addAction("Search for reference as crossreference");
- QAction* searchAction = menu->addAction("Search text");
- QAction* selectedAction = menu->exec(this->mapToGlobal(pos));
- if (selectedAction == openAction) {
- ;
- }
- if (selectedAction == searchAction) {
- ;
- }
- if (selectedAction == searchRefAction) {
- ;
- }
- event->acceptProposedAction();
- }
- else {
- event->ignore();
- }
-void CBookshelfIndex::changeEvent(QEvent* e) {
- if (e->type() == QEvent::StyleChange) {
- // Single/double click item activation is style dependend
- QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(slotExecuted(QTreeWidgetItem*)));
- if (style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick) == 0) {
- QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(slotExecuted(QTreeWidgetItem*)));
- }
- }
- QTreeWidget::changeEvent(e);
-/** No descriptions */
-void CBookshelfIndex::initTree() {
- qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::initTree");
- //first clean the tree
- clear();
- //m_grouping = (BTModuleTreeItem::Grouping)CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::bookshelfGrouping);
- BTModuleTreeItem::HiddenOff hiddenFilter;
- QList<BTModuleTreeItem::Filter*> filters;
- if (!m_showHidden) {
- filters.append(&hiddenFilter);
- }
- BTModuleTreeItem root(filters, m_grouping);
- addToTree(&root, this->invisibleRootItem());
-void CBookshelfIndex::addToTree(BTModuleTreeItem* item, QTreeWidgetItem* widgetItem) {
- foreach (BTModuleTreeItem* i, item->children()) {
- if (i->type() == BTModuleTreeItem::Module) {
- addToTree(i, new BTIndexModule(i, widgetItem));
- }
- else
- addToTree(i, new BTIndexFolder(i, widgetItem));
- }
- // Possible TODO: if item is Language and it's under Category and Category is Glossaries,
- // add the second language name - but how to add other language group?
- // do we have to modify btmoduletreeitem?
-/** No descriptions */
-void CBookshelfIndex::emitModulesChosen( QList<CSwordModuleInfo*> modules, QString key ) {
- emit createReadDisplayWindow(modules, key);
-/** Shows the context menu at the given position. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::contextMenu(const QPoint& p) {
- qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::contextMenu");
- qDebug() << "list of actions: ";
- foreach (QAction* action, m_actionList) {
- qDebug() << action->text();
- }
- //setup menu entries depending on current selection
- QTreeWidgetItem* i = itemAt(p);
- qDebug() << "item at point: " << i;
- QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items = selectedItems();
- //The item which was clicked may not be selected - but don't add folder
- if (i && !dynamic_cast<BTIndexFolder*>(i) && !items.contains(i))
- items.append(i);
- // disable those menu entries which are item dependent,
- // dis/enable some others
- qDebug() << "grouping action type:" << (int)Grouping;
- foreach (QAction* action, m_actionList) {
- IndexAction actionType = (IndexAction)action->property("indexActionType").toInt();
- qDebug() << "action type:" << actionType;
- if ( actionType == Grouping ) {
- qDebug() << "grouping action, enabling...";
- action->setEnabled(true);
- qDebug() << action->isEnabled();
- }
- else if (actionType == ShowAllModules) {
- //enabled only if there are hidden modules
- if (!CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::hiddenModules).empty()) {
- action->setEnabled(true);
- }
- else {
- action->setEnabled(false);
- }
- action->setChecked(m_showHidden);
- }
- else if (actionType == SearchModules) {
- action->setText(tr("Search"));
- if (items.count() > 0)
- action->setEnabled(true);
- else action->setEnabled(false);
- }
- else if (actionType == HideModules) {
- //action->setText(tr("Hide"));
- action->setEnabled(true);
- }
- else action->setEnabled(false);
- }
- if (items.count() == 0) {
- //special handling for no selection: do nothing
- }
- if (items.count() == 1) {
- //special handling for one selected item
- qDebug("there was one selected item");
- BTIndexItem* btItem = dynamic_cast<BTIndexItem*>(;
- if (btItem && !dynamic_cast<BTIndexFolder*>(btItem)) {
- foreach (QAction* action, m_actionList) {
- if ( (IndexAction)action->property("indexActionType").toInt() == AboutModule ) {
- qDebug() << "enabling action" << action->text();
- action->setEnabled(true);
- }
- else if ((IndexAction)action->property("indexActionType").toInt() == SearchModules ) {
- // Change the text of the menu item to reflect the module name
- BTIndexModule* modItem = dynamic_cast<BTIndexModule*>(btItem);
- if (modItem) {
- CSwordModuleInfo* info = modItem->moduleInfo();
- action->setText(tr("Search in %1...").arg(info->name()));
- }
- }
- else {
- qDebug() << "ask item" <<>text(0) << "to enable the action" << action->text();
- btItem->enableAction(action);
- }
- qDebug() << "action enabled is: " << action->isEnabled();
- }
- }
- }
- else { // more than one item
- foreach (QAction* action, m_actionList) {
- // Change the text of some menu items to reflect multiple selection
- if ((IndexAction)action->property("indexActionType").toInt() == SearchModules ) {
- action->setText(tr("Search in selected..."));
- }
- // Enable items
- foreach(QTreeWidgetItem* item, items) {
- BTIndexItem* btItem = dynamic_cast<BTIndexItem*>(item);
- if (btItem && !action->property("singleItemAction").isValid()) {
- btItem->enableAction(action);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //finally, open the popup
- m_popup->exec(mapToGlobal(p));
-void CBookshelfIndex::actionChangeGrouping(QAction* action) {
- BTModuleTreeItem::Grouping grouping = (BTModuleTreeItem::Grouping)action->property("grouping").toInt();
- m_grouping = grouping;
- CBTConfig::set(CBTConfig::bookshelfGrouping, grouping);
- initTree();
-/** Opens the searchdialog for the selected modules. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::actionSearchInModules() {
- QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items = selectedItems();
- QListIterator<QTreeWidgetItem *> it(items);
- QList<CSwordModuleInfo*> modules;
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- if (BTIndexModule* i = dynamic_cast<BTIndexModule*>( {
- if (i->moduleInfo()) {
- modules.append(i->moduleInfo());
- }
- }
- }
- if (modules.isEmpty()) { //get a list of useful default modules for the search if no modules were selected
- CSwordModuleInfo* m = CBTConfig::get(CBTConfig::standardBible);
- if (m) {
- modules.append(m);
- }
- }
- Search::CSearchDialog::openDialog(modules, QString::null);
-/** Unlocks the current module. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::actionUnlockModule() {
- if (BTIndexModule* i = dynamic_cast<BTIndexModule*>(currentItem())) {
- bool ok = false;
- const QString unlockKey =
- QInputDialog::getText(
- this,
- tr("Unlock Work"),
- tr("Enter the unlock key for this work."),
- QLineEdit::Normal,
- i->moduleInfo()->config(CSwordModuleInfo::CipherKey),
- &ok
- );
- if (ok) {
- i->moduleInfo()->unlock( unlockKey );
- CPointers::backend()->reloadModules(CSwordBackend::OtherChange);
- }
- }
-void CBookshelfIndex::actionShowModules(bool checked) {
- qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::actionShowModules");
- m_showHidden = checked;
- CBTConfig::set(CBTConfig::bookshelfShowHidden, m_showHidden);
- // show hidden status is changed, notify others who may rebuild their module lists
- CPointers::backend()->notifyChange(CSwordBackend::HidedModules);
-void CBookshelfIndex::actionHideModules() {
- qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::actionHideModules");
- QString current;
- if (BTIndexModule* i = dynamic_cast<BTIndexModule*>(currentItem())) {
- current = i->text(0);
- }
- QString title(tr("Hide/Unhide Works"));
- QString label(tr("Select the works to be hidden."));
- CHideModuleChooserDialog* dlg = new CHideModuleChooserDialog(this, title, label, current);
- connect(dlg, SIGNAL(modulesChanged(QList<CSwordModuleInfo*>)),
- this, SLOT(setHiddenModules(QList<CSwordModuleInfo*>)));
- int code = dlg->exec();
- if (code == QDialog::Accepted) {
- // notify all who may rebuild their module lists
- CPointers::backend()->notifyChange(CSwordBackend::HidedModules);
- }
-/** Shows information about the current module. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::actionAboutModule() {
- if (BTIndexModule* i = dynamic_cast<BTIndexModule*>(currentItem())) {
- BTAboutModuleDialog* dialog = new BTAboutModuleDialog(this, i->moduleInfo());
- dialog->show();
- dialog->raise();
- }
-/** Reimplementation. Takes care of movable items. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::startDrag(Qt::DropActions /*supportedActions*/) {
-/** Reimplementation to support the items dragEnter and dragLeave functions. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::contentsDragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* /*event*/ ) {
-// // qWarning("void CBookshelfIndex:: drag move event ( QDragLeaveEvent* e )");
-// CIndexItemBase* i = dynamic_cast<CIndexItemBase*>( itemAt( contentsToViewport(event->pos())) );
-// if (i) {
-// if (i->allowAutoOpen(event) || (i->acceptDrop(event) && i->isFolder() && i->allowAutoOpen(event) && !i->isOpen() && autoOpen()) ) {
-// if (m_autoOpenFolder != i) {
-// m_autoOpenTimer.stop();
-// }
-// m_autoOpenFolder = i;
-// m_autoOpenTimer.start( 400 );
-// }
-// else {
-// m_autoOpenFolder = 0;
-// }
-// }
-// else {
-// m_autoOpenFolder = 0;
-// }
-// QTreeWidget::contentsDragMoveEvent(event);
-void CBookshelfIndex::autoOpenTimeout() {
- m_autoOpenTimer.stop();
- if (m_autoOpenFolder && !m_autoOpenFolder->isExpanded() && m_autoOpenFolder->childCount()) {
- m_autoOpenFolder->setExpanded(true);
- }
-/** No descriptions */
-void CBookshelfIndex::contentsDragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent* /*e*/ ) {
-// m_autoOpenTimer.stop();
-// QTreeWidget::contentsDragLeaveEvent(e);
-/** Opens an editor window to edit the modules content. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::actionEditModulePlain() {
- QList<CSwordModuleInfo*> modules;
- QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items = selectedItems();
- QListIterator<QTreeWidgetItem *> it(items);
- //loop through items
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- if (BTIndexModule* i = dynamic_cast<BTIndexModule*>( {
- modules.append(i->moduleInfo());
- }
- }
- if (modules.count() == 1) {
- emit createWriteDisplayWindow(modules.first(), QString::null, CDisplayWindow::PlainTextWindow);
- };
-/** Opens an editor window to edit the modules content. */
-void CBookshelfIndex::actionEditModuleHTML() {
- QList<CSwordModuleInfo*> modules;
- QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items = selectedItems();
- QListIterator<QTreeWidgetItem *> it(items);
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- if (BTIndexModule* i = dynamic_cast<BTIndexModule*>( {
- modules.append(i->moduleInfo());
- }
- }
- if (modules.count() == 1) {
- emit createWriteDisplayWindow(modules.first(), QString::null, CDisplayWindow::HTMLWindow);
- }
-/** Reloads the main index's Sword dependend things like modules */
-void CBookshelfIndex::reloadSword(CSwordBackend::SetupChangedReason) {
- //reload the modules
- qDebug("CBookshelfIndex::reloadSword");
- initTree();