Chapitre 1. Importance de la Parole de Dieu

Table des matières

Un livre unique
Un livre parcouru du Souffle de Dieu
Un livre qui agit
Un livre qui libère
Un livre qui combat
Les exhortations
Annexe : "Une fois pour toutes"
Complément : programmes de lecture de la Bible

Understanding God's word is of great importance to all who call on God's name. Study of the Bible is one of the primary ways that we learn to communicate with God.

Un livre unique

The Bible stands alone in many ways. It is unique in:

  • popularity. Bible sales in North America: more than $500 million per year. The Bible is both the all-time and year-to-year best seller!

  • authorship. It was written over a period of 1600 years by 40 different authors from different backgrounds, yet reads as if written by one.

  • preservation. F. F. Bruce in Are New Testament Documents Reliable? compares New Testament manuscripts with other ancient texts:

Tableau 1.1. Comparaison des manuscrits du Nouveau Testament avec d'autres textes anciens.

OuvrageDate d'écritureCopie la plus anciennePériode écouléeNombre de copies
Hérodote448-428 avant J.C.900 après J.C.1300 ans8
Tacite100 après J.C.1100 après J.C.1000 ans20
la Guerre des Gaules de César50-58 avant J.C.900 après J.C.950 ans10
L'histoire romaine de Live59 avant J.C. - 17 après J.C.900 après J.C.900 ans20
Nouveau Testament40 après J.C. - 100 après J.C.130 après J.C. manuscrits partiels 350 après J.C. manuscrits complets30 - 310 ans5000 Grecs & 10000 Latins

Ten copies of Caesar's Gallic War exist, the earliest of which was copied 900 years after Caesar wrote the original, etc. For the New Testament we have full manuscripts dating to 350 A. D., papyri containing most of the New Testament from the 200s, and a fragment of John's gospel from 130 A. D. How many manuscripts do we have to compare to each other? 5,000 in Greek and 10,000 in Latin!


"Dans la vérité et la plénitude de l'évidence sur laquelle ils reposent, les textes du Nouveau Testament se placent absolument et indiscutablement à part parmi les autres anciens écrits en prose."

 --Textual critic F. J. A. Hort, "The New Testament in the Original Greek", vol. 1 p561, Macmillan Co., quoted in Questions of Lifep. 25-26