path: root/blist/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'blist/test/')
1 files changed, 615 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blist/test/ b/blist/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cff8b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blist/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+# This file based loosely on Python's
+import sys
+import collections, operator
+import gc
+import random
+import blist
+from blist.test import unittest
+from blist.test import list_tests, seq_tests
+def CmpToKey(mycmp):
+ 'Convert a cmp= function into a key= function'
+ class K(object):
+ def __init__(self, obj):
+ self.obj = obj
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) == -1
+ return K
+class SortedBase(object):
+ def build_items(self, n):
+ return list(range(n))
+ def build_item(self, x):
+ return x
+ def test_empty_repr(self):
+ self.assertEqual('%s()' % self.type2test.__name__,
+ repr(self.type2test()))
+ def validate_comparison(self, instance):
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and isinstance(instance, collections.Set):
+ ops = ['ne', 'or', 'and', 'xor', 'sub']
+ else:
+ ops = ['lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', 'ne', 'or', 'and', 'xor', 'sub']
+ operators = {}
+ for op in ops:
+ name = '__'+op+'__'
+ operators['__'+op+'__'] = getattr(operator, name)
+ class Other(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.right_side = False
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ self.right_side = True
+ return True
+ __lt__ = __eq__
+ __gt__ = __eq__
+ __le__ = __eq__
+ __ge__ = __eq__
+ __ne__ = __eq__
+ __ror__ = __eq__
+ __rand__ = __eq__
+ __rxor__ = __eq__
+ __rsub__ = __eq__
+ for name, op in operators.items():
+ if not hasattr(instance, name): continue
+ other = Other()
+ op(instance, other)
+ self.assertTrue(other.right_side,'Right side not called for %s.%s'
+ % (type(instance), name))
+ def test_right_side(self):
+ self.validate_comparison(self.type2test())
+ def test_delitem(self):
+ items = self.build_items(2)
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[1]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test(items[:1]))
+ del a[0]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test([]))
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[-2]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test(items[1:]))
+ del a[-1]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test([]))
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ self.assertRaises(IndexError, a.__delitem__, -3)
+ self.assertRaises(IndexError, a.__delitem__, 2)
+ a = self.type2test([])
+ self.assertRaises(IndexError, a.__delitem__, 0)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, a.__delitem__)
+ def test_delslice(self):
+ items = self.build_items(2)
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[1:2]
+ del a[0:1]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test([]))
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[1:2]
+ del a[0:1]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test([]))
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[-2:-1]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test(items[1:]))
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[-2:-1]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test(items[1:]))
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[1:]
+ del a[:1]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test([]))
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[1:]
+ del a[:1]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test([]))
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[-1:]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test(items[:1]))
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[-1:]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test(items[:1]))
+ a = self.type2test(items)
+ del a[:]
+ self.assertEqual(a, self.type2test([]))
+ def test_out_of_range(self):
+ u = self.type2test()
+ def del_test():
+ del u[0]
+ self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: u[0])
+ self.assertRaises(IndexError, del_test)
+ def test_bad_mul(self):
+ u = self.type2test()
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: u * 'q')
+ def imul_test():
+ u = self.type2test()
+ u *= 'q'
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, imul_test)
+ def test_pop(self):
+ lst = self.build_items(20)
+ random.shuffle(lst)
+ u = self.type2test(lst)
+ for i in range(20-1,-1,-1):
+ x = u.pop(i)
+ self.assertEqual(x, i)
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(u))
+ def test_reversed(self):
+ lst = list(range(20))
+ a = self.type2test(lst)
+ r = reversed(a)
+ self.assertEqual(list(r), list(range(19, -1, -1)))
+ if hasattr(r, '__next__'): # pragma: no cover
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, r.__next__)
+ else: # pragma: no cover
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration,
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(reversed(self.type2test())),
+ self.type2test())
+ def test_mismatched_types(self):
+ class NotComparable:
+ def __lt__(self, other): # pragma: no cover
+ raise TypeError
+ def __cmp__(self, other): # pragma: no cover
+ raise TypeError
+ NotComparable = NotComparable()
+ item = self.build_item(5)
+ sl = self.type2test()
+ sl.add(item)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, sl.add, NotComparable)
+ self.assertFalse(NotComparable in sl)
+ self.assertEqual(sl.count(NotComparable), 0)
+ sl.discard(NotComparable)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, sl.index, NotComparable)
+ def test_order(self):
+ stuff = [self.build_item(random.randrange(1000000))
+ for i in range(1000)]
+ if issubclass(self.type2test, collections.Set):
+ stuff = set(stuff)
+ sorted_stuff = list(sorted(stuff))
+ u = self.type2test
+ self.assertEqual(sorted_stuff, list(u(stuff)))
+ sl = u()
+ for x in stuff:
+ sl.add(x)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted_stuff, list(sl))
+ x = sorted_stuff.pop(len(stuff)//2)
+ sl.discard(x)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted_stuff, list(sl))
+ def test_constructors(self):
+ # Based on the seq_test, but without adding incomparable types
+ # to the list.
+ l0 = self.build_items(0)
+ l1 = self.build_items(1)
+ l2 = self.build_items(2)
+ u = self.type2test()
+ u0 = self.type2test(l0)
+ u1 = self.type2test(l1)
+ u2 = self.type2test(l2)
+ uu = self.type2test(u)
+ uu0 = self.type2test(u0)
+ uu1 = self.type2test(u1)
+ uu2 = self.type2test(u2)
+ v = self.type2test(tuple(u))
+ class OtherSeq:
+ def __init__(self, initseq):
+ self.__data = initseq
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.__data)
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ return self.__data[i]
+ s = OtherSeq(u0)
+ v0 = self.type2test(s)
+ self.assertEqual(len(v0), len(s))
+ def test_sort(self):
+ # based on
+ lst = [1, 0]
+ lst = [self.build_item(x) for x in lst]
+ u = self.type2test(lst)
+ self.assertEqual(list(u), [0, 1])
+ lst = [2,1,0,-1,-2]
+ lst = [self.build_item(x) for x in lst]
+ u = self.type2test(lst)
+ self.assertEqual(list(u), [-2,-1,0,1,2])
+ lst = list(range(512))
+ lst = [self.build_item(x) for x in lst]
+ a = self.type2test(reversed(lst))
+ self.assertEqual(list(a), lst)
+ def revcmp(a, b): # pragma: no cover
+ if a == b:
+ return 0
+ elif a < b:
+ return 1
+ else: # a > b
+ return -1
+ u = self.type2test(u, key=CmpToKey(revcmp))
+ self.assertEqual(list(u), [2,1,0,-1,-2])
+ # The following dumps core in unpatched Python 1.5:
+ def myComparison(x,y):
+ xmod, ymod = x%3, y%7
+ if xmod == ymod:
+ return 0
+ elif xmod < ymod:
+ return -1
+ else: # xmod > ymod
+ return 1
+ z = self.type2test(list(range(12)), key=CmpToKey(myComparison))
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.type2test, 42, 42, 42, 42)
+class StrongSortedBase(SortedBase, seq_tests.CommonTest):
+ def not_applicable(self):
+ pass
+ test_repeat = not_applicable
+ test_imul = not_applicable
+ test_addmul = not_applicable
+ test_iadd = not_applicable
+ test_getslice = not_applicable
+ test_contains_order = not_applicable
+ test_contains_fake = not_applicable
+ def test_constructors2(self):
+ s = "a seq"
+ vv = self.type2test(s)
+ self.assertEqual(len(vv), len(s))
+ # Create from various iteratables
+ for s in ("123", "", list(range(1000)), (1.5, 1.2), range(2000,2200,5)):
+ for g in (seq_tests.Sequence, seq_tests.IterFunc,
+ seq_tests.IterGen, seq_tests.itermulti,
+ seq_tests.iterfunc):
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(g(s)), self.type2test(s))
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(seq_tests.IterFuncStop(s)),
+ self.type2test())
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(c for c in "123"),
+ self.type2test("123"))
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.type2test,
+ seq_tests.IterNextOnly(s))
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.type2test,
+ seq_tests.IterNoNext(s))
+ self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, self.type2test,
+ seq_tests.IterGenExc(s))
+class weak_int:
+ def __init__(self, v):
+ self.value = v
+ def unwrap(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, weak_int):
+ return other.value
+ return other
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.value)
+ def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
+ return repr(self.value)
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self.value < self.unwrap(other)
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ return self.value <= self.unwrap(other)
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return self.value > self.unwrap(other)
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ return self.value >= self.unwrap(other)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.value == self.unwrap(other)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return self.value != self.unwrap(other)
+ def __mod__(self, other):
+ return self.value % self.unwrap(other)
+ def __neg__(self):
+ return weak_int(-self.value)
+class weak_manager():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.all = [weak_int(i) for i in range(10)]
+ = [v for v in self.all if random.randrange(2)]
+ random.shuffle(self.all)
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+ del self.all
+ gc.collect()
+class WeakSortedBase(SortedBase, unittest.TestCase):
+ def build_items(self, n):
+ return [weak_int(i) for i in range(n)]
+ def build_item(self, x):
+ return weak_int(x)
+ def test_collapse(self):
+ items = self.build_items(10)
+ u = self.type2test(items)
+ del items
+ gc.collect()
+ self.assertEqual(list(u), [])
+ def test_sort(self):
+ # based on
+ x = [weak_int(i) for i in [1, 0]]
+ u = self.type2test(x)
+ self.assertEqual(list(u), list(reversed(x)))
+ x = [weak_int(i) for i in [2,1,0,-1,-2]]
+ u = self.type2test(x)
+ self.assertEqual(list(u), list(reversed(x)))
+ #y = [weak_int(i) for i in reversed(list(range(512)))]
+ #a = self.type2test(y)
+ #self.assertEqual(list(a), list(reversed(y)))
+ def revcmp(a, b): # pragma: no cover
+ if a == b:
+ return 0
+ elif a < b:
+ return 1
+ else: # a > b
+ return -1
+ u = self.type2test(u, key=CmpToKey(revcmp))
+ self.assertEqual(list(u), x)
+ # The following dumps core in unpatched Python 1.5:
+ def myComparison(x,y):
+ xmod, ymod = x%3, y%7
+ if xmod == ymod:
+ return 0
+ elif xmod < ymod:
+ return -1
+ else: # xmod > ymod
+ return 1
+ x = [weak_int(i) for i in range(12)]
+ z = self.type2test(x, key=CmpToKey(myComparison))
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.type2test, 42, 42, 42, 42)
+ def test_constructor(self):
+ with weak_manager() as m:
+ wsl = self.type2test(m.all)
+ self.assertEqual(list(wsl),
+ def test_add(self):
+ with weak_manager() as m:
+ wsl = self.type2test()
+ for x in m.all:
+ wsl.add(x)
+ del x
+ self.assertEqual(list(wsl),
+ def test_discard(self):
+ with weak_manager() as m:
+ wsl = self.type2test(m.all)
+ x =
+ wsl.discard(x)
+ self.assertEqual(list(wsl),
+ def test_contains(self):
+ with weak_manager() as m:
+ wsl = self.type2test(m.all)
+ for x in
+ self.assertTrue(x in wsl)
+ self.assertFalse(weak_int(-1) in wsl)
+ def test_iter(self):
+ with weak_manager() as m:
+ wsl = self.type2test(m.all)
+ for i, x in enumerate(wsl):
+ self.assertEqual(x,[i])
+ def test_getitem(self):
+ with weak_manager() as m:
+ wsl = self.type2test(m.all)
+ for i in range(len(
+ self.assertEqual(wsl[i],[i])
+ def test_reversed(self):
+ with weak_manager() as m:
+ wsl = self.type2test(m.all)
+ r1 = list(reversed(wsl))
+ r2 = list(reversed(
+ self.assertEqual(r1, r2)
+ all = [weak_int(i) for i in range(6)]
+ wsl = self.type2test(all)
+ del all[-1]
+ self.assertEqual(list(reversed(wsl)), list(reversed(all)))
+ def test_index(self):
+ with weak_manager() as m:
+ wsl = self.type2test(m.all)
+ for x in
+ self.assertEqual(wsl[wsl.index(x)], x)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, wsl.index, weak_int(-1))
+ def test_count(self):
+ with weak_manager() as m:
+ wsl = self.type2test(m.all)
+ for x in
+ self.assertEqual(wsl.count(x), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(wsl.count(weak_int(-1)), 0)
+ def test_getslice(self):
+ with weak_manager() as m:
+ wsl = self.type2test(m.all)
+ self.assertEqual(, list(wsl[:]))
+class SortedListMixin:
+ def test_eq(self):
+ items = self.build_items(20)
+ u = self.type2test(items)
+ v = self.type2test(items, key=lambda x: -x)
+ self.assertNotEqual(u, v)
+ def test_cmp(self):
+ items = self.build_items(20)
+ u = self.type2test(items)
+ low = u[:10]
+ high = u[10:]
+ self.assert_(low != high)
+ self.assert_(low == u[:10])
+ self.assert_(low < high)
+ self.assert_(low <= high, str((low, high)))
+ self.assert_(high > low)
+ self.assert_(high >= low)
+ self.assertFalse(low == high)
+ self.assertFalse(high < low)
+ self.assertFalse(high <= low)
+ self.assertFalse(low > high)
+ self.assertFalse(low >= high)
+ low = u[:5]
+ self.assert_(low != high)
+ self.assertFalse(low == high)
+ def test_update(self):
+ items = self.build_items(20)
+ u = self.type2test()
+ u.update(items)
+ self.assertEqual(u, self.type2test(items))
+ def test_remove(self):
+ items = self.build_items(20)
+ u = self.type2test(items)
+ u.remove(items[-1])
+ self.assertEqual(u, self.type2test(items[:19]))
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, u.remove, items[-1])
+ def test_mul(self):
+ items = self.build_items(2)
+ u1 = self.type2test(items[:1])
+ u2 = self.type2test(items)
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(), u2*0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(), 0*u2)
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(), u2*0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(), 0*u2)
+ self.assertEqual(u2, u2*1)
+ self.assertEqual(u2, 1*u2)
+ self.assertEqual(u2, u2*1)
+ self.assertEqual(u2, 1*u2)
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(items + items), u2*2)
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(items + items), 2*u2)
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(items + items + items), 3*u2)
+ self.assertEqual(self.type2test(items + items + items), u2*3)
+ class subclass(self.type2test):
+ pass
+ u3 = subclass(items)
+ self.assertEqual(u3, u3*1)
+ self.assert_(u3 is not u3*1)
+ def test_imul(self):
+ items = self.build_items(2)
+ items6 = items[:1]*3 + items[1:]*3
+ u = self.type2test(items)
+ u *= 3
+ self.assertEqual(u, self.type2test(items6))
+ u *= 0
+ self.assertEqual(u, self.type2test([]))
+ s = self.type2test([])
+ oldid = id(s)
+ s *= 10
+ self.assertEqual(id(s), oldid)
+ def test_repr(self):
+ name = self.type2test.__name__
+ u = self.type2test()
+ self.assertEqual(repr(u), '%s()' % name)
+ items = self.build_items(3)
+ u.update(items)
+ self.assertEqual(repr(u), '%s([0, 1, 2])' % name)
+ u = self.type2test()
+ u.update([u])
+ self.assertEqual(repr(u), '%s([%s(...)])' % (name, name))
+ def test_bisect(self):
+ items = self.build_items(5)
+ del items[0]
+ del items[2] # We end up with [1, 2, 4]
+ u = self.type2test(items, key=lambda x: -x) # We end up with [4, 2, 1]
+ self.assertEqual(u.bisect_left(3), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(u.bisect(2), 2) # bisect == bisect_right
+ self.assertEqual(u.bisect_right(2), 2)
+class SortedSetMixin:
+ def test_duplicates(self):
+ u = self.type2test
+ ss = u()
+ stuff = [weak_int(random.randrange(100000)) for i in range(10)]
+ sorted_stuff = list(sorted(stuff))
+ for x in stuff:
+ ss.add(x)
+ for x in stuff:
+ ss.add(x)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted_stuff, list(ss))
+ x = sorted_stuff.pop(len(stuff)//2)
+ ss.discard(x)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted_stuff, list(ss))
+ def test_eq(self):
+ items = self.build_items(20)
+ u = self.type2test(items)
+ v = self.type2test(items, key=lambda x: -x)
+ self.assertEqual(u, v)
+ def test_remove(self):
+ items = self.build_items(20)
+ u = self.type2test(items)
+ u.remove(items[-1])
+ self.assertEqual(u, self.type2test(items[:19]))
+ self.assertRaises(KeyError, u.remove, items[-1])
+class SortedListTest(StrongSortedBase, SortedListMixin):
+ type2test = blist.sortedlist
+class WeakSortedListTest(WeakSortedBase, SortedListMixin):
+ type2test = blist.weaksortedlist
+ def test_advance(self):
+ items = [weak_int(0), weak_int(0)]
+ u = self.type2test(items)
+ del items[0]
+ gc.collect()
+ self.assertEqual(u.count(items[0]), 1)
+class SortedSetTest(StrongSortedBase, SortedSetMixin):
+ type2test = blist.sortedset
+class WeakSortedSetTest(WeakSortedBase, SortedSetMixin):
+ type2test = blist.weaksortedset
+ def test_repr(self):
+ items = self.build_items(20)
+ u = self.type2test(items)
+ self.assertEqual(repr(u), 'weaksortedset(%s)' % repr(items))