path: root/lib/backupstore
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/backupstore')
27 files changed, 9370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupClientFileAttributes.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupClientFileAttributes.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d7df4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupClientFileAttributes.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1188 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes.cpp
+// Purpose: Storage of file attributes
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <new>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <sys/xattr.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "BackupClientFileAttributes.h"
+#include "CommonException.h"
+#include "FileModificationTime.h"
+#include "BoxTimeToUnix.h"
+#include "BackupStoreException.h"
+#include "CipherContext.h"
+#include "CipherBlowfish.h"
+#include "MD5Digest.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// set packing to one byte
+#include "BeginStructPackForWire.h"
+typedef struct
+ int32_t AttributeType;
+ u_int32_t UID;
+ u_int32_t GID;
+ u_int64_t ModificationTime;
+ u_int64_t AttrModificationTime;
+ u_int32_t UserDefinedFlags;
+ u_int32_t FileGenerationNumber;
+ u_int16_t Mode;
+ // Symbolic link filename may follow
+ // Extended attribute (xattr) information may follow, format is:
+ // u_int32_t Size of extended attribute block (excluding this word)
+ // For each of NumberOfAttributes (sorted by AttributeName):
+ // u_int16_t AttributeNameLength
+ // char AttributeName[AttributeNameLength]
+ // u_int32_t AttributeValueLength
+ // unsigned char AttributeValue[AttributeValueLength]
+ // AttributeName is 0 terminated, AttributeValue is not (and may be binary data)
+} attr_StreamFormat;
+// This has wire packing so it's compatible across platforms
+// Use wider than necessary sizes, just to be careful.
+typedef struct
+ int32_t uid, gid, mode;
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ int64_t fileCreationTime;
+ #endif
+} attributeHashData;
+// Use default packing
+#include "EndStructPackForWire.h"
+// Hide private static variables from the rest of the world
+// -- don't put them as static class variables to avoid openssl/evp.h being
+// included all over the project.
+ CipherContext sBlowfishEncrypt;
+ CipherContext sBlowfishDecrypt;
+ uint8_t sAttributeHashSecret[MAX_ATTRIBUTE_HASH_SECRET_LENGTH];
+ int sAttributeHashSecretLength = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::BackupClientFileAttributes()
+// Purpose: Default constructor
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : mpClearAttributes(0)
+ ASSERT(sizeof(u_int64_t) == sizeof(box_time_t));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::BackupClientFileAttributes(const BackupClientFileAttributes &)
+// Purpose: Copy constructor
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupClientFileAttributes::BackupClientFileAttributes(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rToCopy)
+ : StreamableMemBlock(rToCopy), // base class does the hard work
+ mpClearAttributes(0)
+BackupClientFileAttributes::BackupClientFileAttributes(const StreamableMemBlock &rToCopy)
+ : StreamableMemBlock(rToCopy), // base class does the hard work
+ mpClearAttributes(0)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::~BackupClientFileAttributes()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(mpClearAttributes)
+ {
+ delete mpClearAttributes;
+ mpClearAttributes = 0;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes &operator=(const BackupClientFileAttributes &)
+// Purpose: Assignment operator
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupClientFileAttributes &BackupClientFileAttributes::operator=(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rAttr)
+ StreamableMemBlock::Set(rAttr);
+ RemoveClear(); // make sure no decrypted version held
+ return *this;
+// Assume users play nice
+BackupClientFileAttributes &BackupClientFileAttributes::operator=(const StreamableMemBlock &rAttr)
+ StreamableMemBlock::Set(rAttr);
+ RemoveClear(); // make sure no decrypted version held
+ return *this;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::operator==(const BackupClientFileAttributes &)
+// Purpose: Comparison operator
+// Created: 2003/10/09
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupClientFileAttributes::operator==(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rAttr) const
+ EnsureClearAvailable();
+ rAttr.EnsureClearAvailable();
+ return mpClearAttributes->operator==(*rAttr.mpClearAttributes);
+// Too dangerous to allow -- put the two names the wrong way round, and it compares encrypted data.
+/*bool BackupClientFileAttributes::operator==(const StreamableMemBlock &rAttr) const
+ StreamableMemBlock *pDecoded = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ EnsureClearAvailable();
+ StreamableMemBlock *pDecoded = MakeClear(rAttr);
+ // Compare using clear version
+ bool compared = mpClearAttributes->operator==(rAttr);
+ // Delete temporary
+ delete pDecoded;
+ return compared;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ delete pDecoded;
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::Compare(const BackupClientFileAttributes &, bool)
+// Purpose: Compare, optionally ignoring the attribute
+// modification time and/or modification time, and some
+// data which is irrelevant in practise (eg file
+// generation number)
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupClientFileAttributes::Compare(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rAttr,
+ bool IgnoreAttrModTime, bool IgnoreModTime) const
+ EnsureClearAvailable();
+ rAttr.EnsureClearAvailable();
+ // Check sizes are the same, as a first check
+ if(mpClearAttributes->GetSize() != rAttr.mpClearAttributes->GetSize())
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("Attribute Compare: Attributes objects are "
+ "different sizes, cannot compare them: local " <<
+ mpClearAttributes->GetSize() << " bytes, remote " <<
+ rAttr.mpClearAttributes->GetSize() << " bytes");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Then check the elements of the two things
+ // Bytes are checked in network order, but this doesn't matter as we're only checking for equality.
+ attr_StreamFormat *a1 = (attr_StreamFormat*)mpClearAttributes->GetBuffer();
+ attr_StreamFormat *a2 = (attr_StreamFormat*)rAttr.mpClearAttributes->GetBuffer();
+ #define COMPARE(attribute, message) \
+ if (a1->attribute != a2->attribute) \
+ { \
+ BOX_TRACE("Attribute Compare: " << message << " differ: " \
+ "local " << ntoh(a1->attribute) << ", " \
+ "remote " << ntoh(a2->attribute)); \
+ return false; \
+ }
+ COMPARE(AttributeType, "Attribute types");
+ COMPARE(UserDefinedFlags, "User-defined flags");
+ COMPARE(Mode, "Modes");
+ if(!IgnoreModTime)
+ {
+ uint64_t t1 = box_ntoh64(a1->ModificationTime);
+ uint64_t t2 = box_ntoh64(a2->ModificationTime);
+ time_t s1 = BoxTimeToSeconds(t1);
+ time_t s2 = BoxTimeToSeconds(t2);
+ if(s1 != s2)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("Attribute Compare: File modification "
+ "times differ: local " <<
+ FormatTime(t1, true) << " (" << s1 << "), "
+ "remote " <<
+ FormatTime(t2, true) << " (" << s2 << ")");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!IgnoreAttrModTime)
+ {
+ uint64_t t1 = box_ntoh64(a1->AttrModificationTime);
+ uint64_t t2 = box_ntoh64(a2->AttrModificationTime);
+ time_t s1 = BoxTimeToSeconds(t1);
+ time_t s2 = BoxTimeToSeconds(t2);
+ if(s1 != s2)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("Attribute Compare: Attribute modification "
+ "times differ: local " <<
+ FormatTime(t1, true) << " (" << s1 << "), "
+ "remote " <<
+ FormatTime(t2, true) << " (" << s2 << ")");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check symlink string?
+ unsigned int size = mpClearAttributes->GetSize();
+ if(size > sizeof(attr_StreamFormat))
+ {
+ // Symlink strings don't match. This also compares xattrs
+ int datalen = size - sizeof(attr_StreamFormat);
+ if(::memcmp(a1 + 1, a2 + 1, datalen) != 0)
+ {
+ std::string s1((char *)(a1 + 1), datalen);
+ std::string s2((char *)(a2 + 1), datalen);
+ BOX_TRACE("Attribute Compare: Symbolic link target "
+ "or extended attributes differ: "
+ "local " << PrintEscapedBinaryData(s1) << ", "
+ "remote " << PrintEscapedBinaryData(s2));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Passes all test, must be OK
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::ReadAttributes(
+// const char *Filename, bool ZeroModificationTimes,
+// box_time_t *pModTime, box_time_t *pAttrModTime,
+// int64_t *pFileSize, InodeRefType *pInodeNumber,
+// bool *pHasMultipleLinks)
+// Purpose: Read the attributes of the file, and store them
+// ready for streaming. Optionally retrieve the
+// modification time and attribute modification time.
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::ReadAttributes(const char *Filename,
+ bool ZeroModificationTimes, box_time_t *pModTime,
+ box_time_t *pAttrModTime, int64_t *pFileSize,
+ InodeRefType *pInodeNumber, bool *pHasMultipleLinks)
+ StreamableMemBlock *pnewAttr = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ if(EMU_LSTAT(Filename, &st) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to stat file: '" <<
+ Filename << "'");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ // Modification times etc
+ if(pModTime) {*pModTime = FileModificationTime(st);}
+ if(pAttrModTime) {*pAttrModTime = FileAttrModificationTime(st);}
+ if(pFileSize) {*pFileSize = st.st_size;}
+ if(pInodeNumber) {*pInodeNumber = st.st_ino;}
+ if(pHasMultipleLinks) {*pHasMultipleLinks = (st.st_nlink > 1);}
+ pnewAttr = new StreamableMemBlock;
+ FillAttributes(*pnewAttr, Filename, st, ZeroModificationTimes);
+#ifndef WIN32
+ // Is it a link?
+ if((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)
+ {
+ FillAttributesLink(*pnewAttr, Filename, st);
+ }
+ FillExtendedAttr(*pnewAttr, Filename);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ //this is to catch those problems with invalid time stamps stored...
+ //need to find out the reason why - but also a catch as well.
+ attr_StreamFormat *pattr =
+ (attr_StreamFormat*)pnewAttr->GetBuffer();
+ ASSERT(pattr != 0);
+ // __time64_t winTime = BoxTimeToSeconds(
+ // pnewAttr->ModificationTime);
+ u_int64_t modTime = box_ntoh64(pattr->ModificationTime);
+ box_time_t modSecs = BoxTimeToSeconds(modTime);
+ __time64_t winTime = modSecs;
+ // _MAX__TIME64_T doesn't seem to be defined, but the code below
+ // will throw an assertion failure if we exceed it :-)
+ // Microsoft says dates up to the year 3000 are valid, which
+ // is a bit more than 15 * 2^32. Even that doesn't seem
+ // to be true (still aborts), but it can at least hold 2^32.
+ if (winTime >= 0x100000000LL || _gmtime64(&winTime) == 0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Invalid Modification Time caught for "
+ "file: '" << Filename << "'");
+ pattr->ModificationTime = 0;
+ }
+ modTime = box_ntoh64(pattr->AttrModificationTime);
+ modSecs = BoxTimeToSeconds(modTime);
+ winTime = modSecs;
+ if (winTime > 0x100000000LL || _gmtime64(&winTime) == 0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Invalid Attribute Modification Time "
+ "caught for file: '" << Filename << "'");
+ pattr->AttrModificationTime = 0;
+ }
+ // Attributes ready. Encrypt into this block
+ EncryptAttr(*pnewAttr);
+ // Store the new attributes
+ RemoveClear();
+ mpClearAttributes = pnewAttr;
+ pnewAttr = 0;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // clean up
+ delete pnewAttr;
+ pnewAttr = 0;
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::ReadAttributesLink()
+// Purpose: Private function, handles standard attributes for all objects
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::FillAttributes(StreamableMemBlock &outputBlock, const char *Filename, EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st, bool ZeroModificationTimes)
+ outputBlock.ResizeBlock(sizeof(attr_StreamFormat));
+ attr_StreamFormat *pattr = (attr_StreamFormat*)outputBlock.GetBuffer();
+ ASSERT(pattr != 0);
+ // Fill in the entries
+ pattr->AttributeType = htonl(ATTRIBUTETYPE_GENERIC_UNIX);
+ pattr->UID = htonl(st.st_uid);
+ pattr->GID = htonl(st.st_gid);
+ if(ZeroModificationTimes)
+ {
+ pattr->ModificationTime = 0;
+ pattr->AttrModificationTime = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pattr->ModificationTime = box_hton64(FileModificationTime(st));
+ pattr->AttrModificationTime = box_hton64(FileAttrModificationTime(st));
+ }
+ pattr->Mode = htons(st.st_mode);
+ pattr->UserDefinedFlags = 0;
+ pattr->FileGenerationNumber = 0;
+ pattr->UserDefinedFlags = htonl(st.st_flags);
+ pattr->FileGenerationNumber = htonl(st.st_gen);
+#ifndef WIN32
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::ReadAttributesLink()
+// Purpose: Private function, handles the case where a symbolic link is needed
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::FillAttributesLink(StreamableMemBlock &outputBlock, const char *Filename, struct stat &st)
+ // Make sure we're only called for symbolic links
+ ASSERT((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK);
+ // Get the filename the link is linked to
+ char linkedTo[PATH_MAX+4];
+ int linkedToSize = ::readlink(Filename, linkedTo, PATH_MAX);
+ if(linkedToSize == -1)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to readlink '" << Filename << "'");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError);
+ }
+ int oldSize = outputBlock.GetSize();
+ outputBlock.ResizeBlock(oldSize+linkedToSize+1);
+ char* buffer = static_cast<char*>(outputBlock.GetBuffer());
+ // Add the path name for the symbolic link, and add 0 termination
+ std::memcpy(buffer+oldSize, linkedTo, linkedToSize);
+ buffer[oldSize+linkedToSize] = '\0';
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::ReadExtendedAttr(const char *, unsigned char**)
+// Purpose: Private function, read the extended attributes of the file into the block
+// Created: 2005/06/12
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::FillExtendedAttr(StreamableMemBlock &outputBlock, const char *Filename)
+ int listBufferSize = 10000;
+ char* list = new char[listBufferSize];
+ try
+ {
+ // This returns an unordered list of attribute names, each 0 terminated,
+ // concatenated together
+ int listSize = ::llistxattr(Filename, list, listBufferSize);
+ if(listSize>listBufferSize)
+ {
+ delete[] list, list = NULL;
+ list = new char[listSize];
+ listSize = ::llistxattr(Filename, list, listSize);
+ }
+ if(listSize>0)
+ {
+ // Extract list of attribute names so we can sort them
+ std::vector<std::string> attrKeys;
+ for(int i = 0; i<listSize; ++i)
+ {
+ std::string attrKey(list+i);
+ i += attrKey.size();
+ attrKeys.push_back(attrKey);
+ }
+ sort(attrKeys.begin(), attrKeys.end());
+ // Make initial space in block
+ int xattrSize = outputBlock.GetSize();
+ int xattrBufferSize = (xattrSize+listSize)>500 ? (xattrSize+listSize)*2 : 1000;
+ outputBlock.ResizeBlock(xattrBufferSize);
+ unsigned char* buffer = static_cast<unsigned char*>(outputBlock.GetBuffer());
+ // Leave space for attr block size later
+ int xattrBlockSizeOffset = xattrSize;
+ xattrSize += sizeof(u_int32_t);
+ // Loop for each attribute
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator attrKeyI = attrKeys.begin(); attrKeyI!=attrKeys.end(); ++attrKeyI)
+ {
+ std::string attrKey(*attrKeyI);
+ if(xattrSize+sizeof(u_int16_t)+attrKey.size()+1+sizeof(u_int32_t)>static_cast<unsigned int>(xattrBufferSize))
+ {
+ xattrBufferSize = (xattrBufferSize+sizeof(u_int16_t)+attrKey.size()+1+sizeof(u_int32_t))*2;
+ outputBlock.ResizeBlock(xattrBufferSize);
+ buffer = static_cast<unsigned char*>(outputBlock.GetBuffer());
+ }
+ // Store length and text for attibute name
+ u_int16_t keyLength = htons(attrKey.size()+1);
+ std::memcpy(buffer+xattrSize, &keyLength, sizeof(u_int16_t));
+ xattrSize += sizeof(u_int16_t);
+ std::memcpy(buffer+xattrSize, attrKey.c_str(), attrKey.size()+1);
+ xattrSize += attrKey.size()+1;
+ // Leave space for value size
+ int valueSizeOffset = xattrSize;
+ xattrSize += sizeof(u_int32_t);
+ // Find size of attribute (must call with buffer and length 0 on some platforms,
+ // as -1 is returned if the data doesn't fit.)
+ int valueSize = ::lgetxattr(Filename, attrKey.c_str(), 0, 0);
+ if(valueSize<0)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to get "
+ "extended attribute size of "
+ "'" << Filename << "': " <<
+ attrKey);
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError);
+ }
+ // Resize block, if needed
+ if(xattrSize+valueSize>xattrBufferSize)
+ {
+ xattrBufferSize = (xattrBufferSize+valueSize)*2;
+ outputBlock.ResizeBlock(xattrBufferSize);
+ buffer = static_cast<unsigned char*>(outputBlock.GetBuffer());
+ }
+ // This gets the attribute value (may be text or binary), no termination
+ valueSize = ::lgetxattr(Filename, attrKey.c_str(), buffer+xattrSize, xattrBufferSize-xattrSize);
+ if(valueSize<0)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to get "
+ "extended attribute of "
+ "'" << Filename << "': " <<
+ attrKey);
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError);
+ }
+ xattrSize += valueSize;
+ // Fill in value size
+ u_int32_t valueLength = htonl(valueSize);
+ std::memcpy(buffer+valueSizeOffset, &valueLength, sizeof(u_int32_t));
+ }
+ // Fill in attribute block size
+ u_int32_t xattrBlockLength = htonl(xattrSize-xattrBlockSizeOffset-sizeof(u_int32_t));
+ std::memcpy(buffer+xattrBlockSizeOffset, &xattrBlockLength, sizeof(u_int32_t));
+ outputBlock.ResizeBlock(xattrSize);
+ }
+ else if(listSize<0)
+ {
+ if(errno == EOPNOTSUPP || errno == EACCES)
+ {
+ // fail silently
+ }
+ else if(errno == ERANGE)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Failed to list extended "
+ "attributes of '" << Filename << "': "
+ "buffer too small, not backed up");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to list extended "
+ "attributes of '" << Filename << "', "
+ "not backed up");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ delete[] list;
+ throw;
+ }
+ delete[] list;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::GetModificationTimes()
+// Purpose: Returns the modification time embedded in the
+// attributes.
+// Created: 2010/02/24
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::GetModificationTimes(
+ box_time_t *pModificationTime,
+ box_time_t *pAttrModificationTime) const
+ // Got something loaded
+ if(GetSize() <= 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotLoaded);
+ }
+ // Make sure there are clear attributes to use
+ EnsureClearAvailable();
+ ASSERT(mpClearAttributes != 0);
+ // Check if the decrypted attributes are small enough, and the type of attributes stored
+ if(mpClearAttributes->GetSize() < (int)sizeof(int32_t))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotUnderstood);
+ }
+ int32_t *type = (int32_t*)mpClearAttributes->GetBuffer();
+ ASSERT(type != 0);
+ if(ntohl(*type) != ATTRIBUTETYPE_GENERIC_UNIX)
+ {
+ // Don't know what to do with these
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotUnderstood);
+ }
+ // Check there is enough space for an attributes block
+ if(mpClearAttributes->GetSize() < (int)sizeof(attr_StreamFormat))
+ {
+ // Too small
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotLoaded);
+ }
+ // Get pointer to structure
+ attr_StreamFormat *pattr = (attr_StreamFormat*)mpClearAttributes->GetBuffer();
+ if(pModificationTime)
+ {
+ *pModificationTime = box_ntoh64(pattr->ModificationTime);
+ }
+ if(pAttrModificationTime)
+ {
+ *pAttrModificationTime = box_ntoh64(pattr->AttrModificationTime);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::WriteAttributes(const char *)
+// Purpose: Apply the stored attributes to the file
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::WriteAttributes(const char *Filename,
+ bool MakeUserWritable) const
+ // Got something loaded
+ if(GetSize() <= 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotLoaded);
+ }
+ // Make sure there are clear attributes to use
+ EnsureClearAvailable();
+ ASSERT(mpClearAttributes != 0);
+ // Check if the decrypted attributes are small enough, and the type of attributes stored
+ if(mpClearAttributes->GetSize() < (int)sizeof(int32_t))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotUnderstood);
+ }
+ int32_t *type = (int32_t*)mpClearAttributes->GetBuffer();
+ ASSERT(type != 0);
+ if(ntohl(*type) != ATTRIBUTETYPE_GENERIC_UNIX)
+ {
+ // Don't know what to do with these
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotUnderstood);
+ }
+ // Check there is enough space for an attributes block
+ if(mpClearAttributes->GetSize() < (int)sizeof(attr_StreamFormat))
+ {
+ // Too small
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotLoaded);
+ }
+ // Get pointer to structure
+ attr_StreamFormat *pattr = (attr_StreamFormat*)mpClearAttributes->GetBuffer();
+ int xattrOffset = sizeof(attr_StreamFormat);
+ // is it a symlink?
+ int16_t mode = ntohs(pattr->Mode);
+ if((mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)
+ {
+ // Check things are sensible
+ if(mpClearAttributes->GetSize() < (int)sizeof(attr_StreamFormat) + 1)
+ {
+ // Too small
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotLoaded);
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ BOX_WARNING("Cannot create symbolic links on Windows: '" <<
+ Filename << "'");
+ // Make a symlink, first deleting anything in the way
+ ::unlink(Filename);
+ if(::symlink((char*)(pattr + 1), Filename) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to symlink '" << Filename <<
+ "' to '" << (char*)(pattr + 1) << "'");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ xattrOffset += std::strlen(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pattr+1))+1;
+ }
+ // If working as root, set user IDs
+ if(::geteuid() == 0)
+ {
+ #ifndef HAVE_LCHOWN
+ // only if not a link, can't set their owner on this platform
+ if((mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFLNK)
+ {
+ // Not a link, use normal chown
+ if(::chown(Filename, ntohl(pattr->UID), ntohl(pattr->GID)) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to change "
+ "owner of file "
+ "'" << Filename << "'");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ }
+ #else
+ // use the version which sets things on symlinks
+ if(::lchown(Filename, ntohl(pattr->UID), ntohl(pattr->GID)) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to change owner of "
+ "symbolic link '" << Filename << "'");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ if(static_cast<int>(xattrOffset+sizeof(u_int32_t))<=mpClearAttributes->GetSize())
+ {
+ WriteExtendedAttr(Filename, xattrOffset);
+ }
+ // Stop now if symlink, because otherwise it'll just be applied to the target
+ if((mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set modification time?
+ box_time_t modtime = box_ntoh64(pattr->ModificationTime);
+ if(modtime != 0)
+ {
+ // Work out times as timevals
+ struct timeval times[2];
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ BoxTimeToTimeval(box_ntoh64(pattr->ModificationTime),
+ times[1]);
+ BoxTimeToTimeval(box_ntoh64(pattr->AttrModificationTime),
+ times[0]);
+ // Because stat() returns the creation time in the ctime
+ // field under Windows, and this gets saved in the
+ // AttrModificationTime field of the serialised attributes,
+ // we subvert the first parameter of emu_utimes() to allow
+ // it to be reset to the right value on the restored file.
+ #else
+ BoxTimeToTimeval(modtime, times[1]);
+ // Copy access time as well, why not, got to set it to something
+ times[0] = times[1];
+ // Attr modification time will be changed anyway,
+ // nothing that can be done about it
+ #endif
+ // Try to apply
+ if(::utimes(Filename, times) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_WARNING("Failed to change times of "
+ "file '" << Filename << "' to ctime=" <<
+ BOX_FORMAT_TIMESPEC(times[0]) << ", mtime=" <<
+ }
+ }
+ if (MakeUserWritable)
+ {
+ mode |= S_IRWXU;
+ }
+ // Apply everything else... (allowable mode flags only)
+ // Mode must be done last (think setuid)
+ if(::chmod(Filename, mode & (S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO | S_ISUID
+ | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX)) != 0)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to change permissions of file "
+ "'" << Filename << "'");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::IsSymLink()
+// Purpose: Do these attributes represent a symbolic link?
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupClientFileAttributes::IsSymLink() const
+ EnsureClearAvailable();
+ // Got the right kind of thing?
+ if(mpClearAttributes->GetSize() < (int)sizeof(int32_t))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotLoaded);
+ }
+ // Get the type of attributes stored
+ int32_t *type = (int32_t*)mpClearAttributes->GetBuffer();
+ ASSERT(type != 0);
+ if(ntohl(*type) == ATTRIBUTETYPE_GENERIC_UNIX && mpClearAttributes->GetSize() > (int)sizeof(attr_StreamFormat))
+ {
+ // Check link
+ attr_StreamFormat *pattr = (attr_StreamFormat*)mpClearAttributes->GetBuffer();
+ return ((ntohs(pattr->Mode)) & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK;
+ }
+ return false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::RemoveClear()
+// Purpose: Private. Deletes any clear version of the attributes that may be held
+// Created: 3/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::RemoveClear() const
+ if(mpClearAttributes)
+ {
+ delete mpClearAttributes;
+ }
+ mpClearAttributes = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::EnsureClearAvailable()
+// Purpose: Private. Makes sure the clear version is available
+// Created: 3/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::EnsureClearAvailable() const
+ if(mpClearAttributes == 0)
+ {
+ mpClearAttributes = MakeClear(*this);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::WriteExtendedAttr(const char *Filename, int xattrOffset)
+// Purpose: Private function, apply the stored extended attributes to the file
+// Created: 2005/06/13
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::WriteExtendedAttr(const char *Filename, int xattrOffset) const
+ const char* buffer = static_cast<char*>(mpClearAttributes->GetBuffer());
+ u_int32_t xattrBlockLength = 0;
+ std::memcpy(&xattrBlockLength, buffer+xattrOffset, sizeof(u_int32_t));
+ int xattrBlockSize = ntohl(xattrBlockLength);
+ xattrOffset += sizeof(u_int32_t);
+ int xattrEnd = xattrOffset+xattrBlockSize;
+ if(xattrEnd>mpClearAttributes->GetSize())
+ {
+ // Too small
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributesNotLoaded);
+ }
+ while(xattrOffset<xattrEnd)
+ {
+ u_int16_t keyLength = 0;
+ std::memcpy(&keyLength, buffer+xattrOffset, sizeof(u_int16_t));
+ int keySize = ntohs(keyLength);
+ xattrOffset += sizeof(u_int16_t);
+ const char* key = buffer+xattrOffset;
+ xattrOffset += keySize;
+ u_int32_t valueLength = 0;
+ std::memcpy(&valueLength, buffer+xattrOffset, sizeof(u_int32_t));
+ int valueSize = ntohl(valueLength);
+ xattrOffset += sizeof(u_int32_t);
+ if(::lsetxattr(Filename, key, buffer+xattrOffset, valueSize, 0)!=0 && errno!=EOPNOTSUPP)
+ {
+ BOX_LOG_SYS_ERROR("Failed to set extended attributes "
+ "on file '" << Filename << "'");
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError);
+ }
+ xattrOffset += valueSize;
+ }
+ ASSERT(xattrOffset==xattrEnd);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::MakeClear(const StreamableMemBlock &)
+// Purpose: Static. Decrypts stored attributes.
+// Created: 3/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+StreamableMemBlock *BackupClientFileAttributes::MakeClear(const StreamableMemBlock &rEncrypted)
+ // New block
+ StreamableMemBlock *pdecrypted = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ // Check the block is big enough for IV and header
+ int ivSize = sBlowfishEncrypt.GetIVLength();
+ if(rEncrypted.GetSize() <= (ivSize + 1))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadEncryptedAttributes);
+ }
+ // How much space is needed for the output?
+ int maxDecryptedSize = sBlowfishDecrypt.MaxOutSizeForInBufferSize(rEncrypted.GetSize() - ivSize);
+ // Allocate it
+ pdecrypted = new StreamableMemBlock(maxDecryptedSize);
+ // ptr to block
+ uint8_t *encBlock = (uint8_t*)rEncrypted.GetBuffer();
+ // Check that the header has right type
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, EncryptedAttributesHaveUnknownEncoding);
+ }
+ // Set IV
+ sBlowfishDecrypt.SetIV(encBlock + 1);
+ // Decrypt
+ int decryptedSize = sBlowfishDecrypt.TransformBlock(pdecrypted->GetBuffer(), maxDecryptedSize, encBlock + 1 + ivSize, rEncrypted.GetSize() - (ivSize + 1));
+ // Resize block to fit
+ pdecrypted->ResizeBlock(decryptedSize);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ delete pdecrypted;
+ pdecrypted = 0;
+ }
+ return pdecrypted;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::SetBlowfishKey(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: Static. Sets the key to use for encryption and decryption.
+// Created: 3/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::SetBlowfishKey(const void *pKey, int KeyLength)
+ // IVs set later
+ sBlowfishEncrypt.Reset();
+ sBlowfishEncrypt.Init(CipherContext::Encrypt, CipherBlowfish(CipherDescription::Mode_CBC, pKey, KeyLength));
+ sBlowfishDecrypt.Reset();
+ sBlowfishDecrypt.Init(CipherContext::Decrypt, CipherBlowfish(CipherDescription::Mode_CBC, pKey, KeyLength));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::EncryptAttr(const StreamableMemBlock &)
+// Purpose: Private. Encrypt the given attributes into this block.
+// Created: 3/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::EncryptAttr(const StreamableMemBlock &rToEncrypt)
+ // Free any existing block
+ FreeBlock();
+ // Work out the maximum amount of space we need
+ int maxEncryptedSize = sBlowfishEncrypt.MaxOutSizeForInBufferSize(rToEncrypt.GetSize());
+ // And the size of the IV
+ int ivSize = sBlowfishEncrypt.GetIVLength();
+ // Allocate this space
+ AllocateBlock(maxEncryptedSize + ivSize + 1);
+ // Store the encoding byte
+ uint8_t *block = (uint8_t*)GetBuffer();
+ // Generate and store an IV for this attribute block
+ int ivSize2 = 0;
+ const void *iv = sBlowfishEncrypt.SetRandomIV(ivSize2);
+ ASSERT(ivSize == ivSize2);
+ // Copy into the encrypted block
+ ::memcpy(block + 1, iv, ivSize);
+ // Do the transform
+ int encrytedSize = sBlowfishEncrypt.TransformBlock(block + 1 + ivSize, maxEncryptedSize, rToEncrypt.GetBuffer(), rToEncrypt.GetSize());
+ // Resize this block
+ ResizeBlock(encrytedSize + ivSize + 1);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::SetAttributeHashSecret(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: Set the secret for the filename attribute hash
+// Created: 25/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupClientFileAttributes::SetAttributeHashSecret(const void *pSecret, int SecretLength)
+ if(SecretLength > (int)sizeof(sAttributeHashSecret))
+ {
+ SecretLength = sizeof(sAttributeHashSecret);
+ }
+ if(SecretLength < 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, Internal)
+ }
+ // Copy
+ ::memcpy(sAttributeHashSecret, pSecret, SecretLength);
+ sAttributeHashSecretLength = SecretLength;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes::GenerateAttributeHash(
+// struct stat &, const std::string &,
+// const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Generate a 64 bit hash from the attributes, used to
+// detect changes. Include filename in the hash, so
+// that it changes from one file to another, so don't
+// reveal identical attributes.
+// Created: 25/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+uint64_t BackupClientFileAttributes::GenerateAttributeHash(EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st,
+ const std::string &filename, const std::string &leafname)
+ if(sAttributeHashSecretLength == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AttributeHashSecretNotSet)
+ }
+ // Assemble stuff we're interested in
+ attributeHashData hashData;
+ memset(&hashData, 0, sizeof(hashData));
+ // Use network byte order and large sizes to be cross platform
+ hashData.uid = htonl(st.st_uid);
+ hashData.gid = htonl(st.st_gid);
+ hashData.mode = htonl(st.st_mode);
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ // On Windows, the "file attribute modification time" is the
+ // file creation time, and we want to back this up, restore
+ // it and compare it.
+ //
+ // On other platforms, it's not very important and can't
+ // reliably be set to anything other than the current time.
+ hashData.fileCreationTime = box_hton64(st.st_ctime);
+ #endif
+ StreamableMemBlock xattr;
+ FillExtendedAttr(xattr, filename.c_str());
+ // Create a MD5 hash of the data, filename, and secret
+ MD5Digest digest;
+ digest.Add(&hashData, sizeof(hashData));
+ digest.Add(xattr.GetBuffer(), xattr.GetSize());
+ digest.Add(leafname.c_str(), leafname.size());
+ digest.Add(sAttributeHashSecret, sAttributeHashSecretLength);
+ digest.Finish();
+ // Return the first 64 bits of the hash
+ uint64_t result = *((uint64_t *)(digest.DigestAsData()));
+ return result;
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupClientFileAttributes.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupClientFileAttributes.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9a0d883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupClientFileAttributes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes.h
+// Purpose: Storage of file attributes
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <string>
+#include "StreamableMemBlock.h"
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+EMU_STRUCT_STAT; // declaration
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: BackupClientFileAttributes
+// Purpose: Storage, streaming and application of file attributes
+// Created: 2003/10/07
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BackupClientFileAttributes : public StreamableMemBlock
+ BackupClientFileAttributes();
+ BackupClientFileAttributes(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rToCopy);
+ BackupClientFileAttributes(const StreamableMemBlock &rToCopy);
+ ~BackupClientFileAttributes();
+ BackupClientFileAttributes &operator=(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rAttr);
+ BackupClientFileAttributes &operator=(const StreamableMemBlock &rAttr);
+ bool operator==(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rAttr) const;
+// bool operator==(const StreamableMemBlock &rAttr) const; // too dangerous?
+ bool Compare(const BackupClientFileAttributes &rAttr, bool IgnoreAttrModTime = false, bool IgnoreModTime = false) const;
+ // Prevent access to base class members accidently
+ void Set();
+ void ReadAttributes(const char *Filename, bool ZeroModificationTimes = false,
+ box_time_t *pModTime = 0, box_time_t *pAttrModTime = 0, int64_t *pFileSize = 0,
+ InodeRefType *pInodeNumber = 0, bool *pHasMultipleLinks = 0);
+ void WriteAttributes(const char *Filename,
+ bool MakeUserWritable = false) const;
+ void GetModificationTimes(box_time_t *pModificationTime,
+ box_time_t *pAttrModificationTime) const;
+ bool IsSymLink() const;
+ static void SetBlowfishKey(const void *pKey, int KeyLength);
+ static void SetAttributeHashSecret(const void *pSecret, int SecretLength);
+ static uint64_t GenerateAttributeHash(EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st, const std::string &filename, const std::string &leafname);
+ static void FillExtendedAttr(StreamableMemBlock &outputBlock, const char *Filename);
+ static void FillAttributes(StreamableMemBlock &outputBlock,
+ const char *Filename, EMU_STRUCT_STAT &st,
+ bool ZeroModificationTimes);
+ static void FillAttributesLink(StreamableMemBlock &outputBlock, const char *Filename, struct stat &st);
+ void WriteExtendedAttr(const char *Filename, int xattrOffset) const;
+ void RemoveClear() const;
+ void EnsureClearAvailable() const;
+ static StreamableMemBlock *MakeClear(const StreamableMemBlock &rEncrypted);
+ void EncryptAttr(const StreamableMemBlock &rToEncrypt);
+ mutable StreamableMemBlock *mpClearAttributes;
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupCommands.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupCommands.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34f813df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupCommands.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,959 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupCommands.cpp
+// Purpose: Implement commands for the Backup store protocol
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <set>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "autogen_BackupProtocolServer.h"
+#include "autogen_RaidFileException.h"
+#include "BackupConstants.h"
+#include "BackupStoreContext.h"
+#include "BackupStoreConstants.h"
+#include "BackupStoreDirectory.h"
+#include "BackupStoreException.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFile.h"
+#include "BackupStoreInfo.h"
+#include "BufferedStream.h"
+#include "CollectInBufferStream.h"
+#include "FileStream.h"
+#include "InvisibleTempFileStream.h"
+#include "RaidFileController.h"
+#include "StreamableMemBlock.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+#define PROTOCOL_ERROR(code) \
+ std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerError( \
+ BackupProtocolServerError::ErrorType, \
+ BackupProtocolServerError::code));
+#define CHECK_PHASE(phase) \
+ if(rContext.GetPhase() != BackupStoreContext::phase) \
+ { \
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_NotInRightProtocolPhase); \
+ }
+ if(rContext.SessionIsReadOnly()) \
+ { \
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_SessionReadOnly); \
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerVersion::DoCommand(Protocol &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Return the current version, or an error if the requested version isn't allowed
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerVersion::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Version)
+ // Correct version?
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_WrongVersion);
+ }
+ // Mark the next phase
+ rContext.SetPhase(BackupStoreContext::Phase_Login);
+ // Return our version
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerVersion(BACKUP_STORE_SERVER_VERSION));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerLogin::DoCommand(Protocol &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Return the current version, or an error if the requested version isn't allowed
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerLogin::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Login)
+ // Check given client ID against the ID in the certificate certificate
+ // and that the client actually has an account on this machine
+ if(mClientID != rContext.GetClientID())
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Failed login from client ID " <<
+ ": wrong certificate for this account");
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_BadLogin);
+ }
+ if(!rContext.GetClientHasAccount())
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Failed login from client ID " <<
+ ": no such account on this server");
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_BadLogin);
+ }
+ // If we need to write, check that nothing else has got a write lock
+ if((mFlags & Flags_ReadOnly) != Flags_ReadOnly)
+ {
+ // See if the context will get the lock
+ if(!rContext.AttemptToGetWriteLock())
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Failed to get write lock for Client ID " <<
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_CannotLockStoreForWriting);
+ }
+ // Debug: check we got the lock
+ ASSERT(!rContext.SessionIsReadOnly());
+ }
+ // Load the store info
+ rContext.LoadStoreInfo();
+ // Get the last client store marker
+ int64_t clientStoreMarker = rContext.GetClientStoreMarker();
+ // Mark the next phase
+ rContext.SetPhase(BackupStoreContext::Phase_Commands);
+ // Log login
+ BOX_NOTICE("Login from Client ID " <<
+ " " <<
+ (((mFlags & Flags_ReadOnly) != Flags_ReadOnly)
+ ?"Read/Write":"Read-only"));
+ // Get the usage info for reporting to the client
+ int64_t blocksUsed = 0, blocksSoftLimit = 0, blocksHardLimit = 0;
+ rContext.GetStoreDiscUsageInfo(blocksUsed, blocksSoftLimit, blocksHardLimit);
+ // Return success
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerLoginConfirmed(clientStoreMarker, blocksUsed, blocksSoftLimit, blocksHardLimit));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerFinished::DoCommand(Protocol &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Marks end of conversation (Protocol framework handles this)
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerFinished::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ BOX_NOTICE("Session finished for Client ID " <<
+ BOX_FORMAT_ACCOUNT(rContext.GetClientID()));
+ // Let the context know about it
+ rContext.ReceivedFinishCommand();
+ // can be called in any phase
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerFinished);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerListDirectory::DoCommand(Protocol &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Command to list a directory
+// Created: 2003/09/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerListDirectory::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Store the listing to a stream
+ std::auto_ptr<CollectInBufferStream> stream(new CollectInBufferStream);
+ try
+ {
+ // Ask the context for a directory
+ const BackupStoreDirectory &rdir(
+ rContext.GetDirectory(mObjectID));
+ rdir.WriteToStream(*stream, mFlagsMustBeSet,
+ mFlagsNotToBeSet, mSendAttributes,
+ false /* never send dependency info to the client */);
+ }
+ catch (RaidFileException &e)
+ {
+ if (e.GetSubType() == RaidFileException::RaidFileDoesntExist)
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_DoesNotExist);
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ stream->SetForReading();
+ // Get the protocol to send the stream
+ rProtocol.SendStreamAfterCommand(stream.release());
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(
+ new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(mObjectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerStoreFile::DoCommand(Protocol &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Command to store a file on the server
+// Created: 2003/09/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerStoreFile::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> hookResult =
+ rContext.StartCommandHook(*this);
+ if(hookResult.get())
+ {
+ return hookResult;
+ }
+ // Check that the diff from file actually exists, if it's specified
+ if(mDiffFromFileID != 0)
+ {
+ if(!rContext.ObjectExists(mDiffFromFileID,
+ BackupStoreContext::ObjectExists_File))
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_DiffFromFileDoesNotExist);
+ }
+ }
+ // A stream follows, which contains the file
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> dirstream(rProtocol.ReceiveStream());
+ // Ask the context to store it
+ int64_t id = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ id = rContext.AddFile(*dirstream, mDirectoryObjectID,
+ mModificationTime, mAttributesHash, mDiffFromFileID,
+ mFilename,
+ true /* mark files with same name as old versions */);
+ }
+ catch(BackupStoreException &e)
+ {
+ if(e.GetSubType() == BackupStoreException::AddedFileDoesNotVerify)
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_FileDoesNotVerify);
+ }
+ else if(e.GetSubType() == BackupStoreException::AddedFileExceedsStorageLimit)
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_StorageLimitExceeded);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ // Tell the caller what the file was
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(id));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerGetObject::DoCommand(Protocol &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Command to get an arbitary object from the server
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerGetObject::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Check the object exists
+ if(!rContext.ObjectExists(mObjectID))
+ {
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(NoObject));
+ }
+ // Open the object
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> object(rContext.OpenObject(mObjectID));
+ // Stream it to the peer
+ rProtocol.SendStreamAfterCommand(object.release());
+ // Tell the caller what the file was
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(mObjectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerGetFile::DoCommand(Protocol &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Command to get an file object from the server -- may have to do a bit of
+// work to get the object.
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerGetFile::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Check the objects exist
+ if(!rContext.ObjectExists(mObjectID)
+ || !rContext.ObjectExists(mInDirectory))
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_DoesNotExist);
+ }
+ // Get the directory it's in
+ const BackupStoreDirectory &rdir(rContext.GetDirectory(mInDirectory));
+ // Find the object within the directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *pfileEntry = rdir.FindEntryByID(mObjectID);
+ if(pfileEntry == 0)
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_DoesNotExistInDirectory);
+ }
+ // The result
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> stream;
+ // Does this depend on anything?
+ if(pfileEntry->GetDependsNewer() != 0)
+ {
+ // File exists, but is a patch from a new version. Generate the older version.
+ std::vector<int64_t> patchChain;
+ int64_t id = mObjectID;
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ patchChain.push_back(id);
+ en = rdir.FindEntryByID(id);
+ if(en == 0)
+ {
+ BOX_ERROR("Object " <<
+ " in dir " <<
+ BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(mInDirectory) <<
+ " for account " <<
+ BOX_FORMAT_ACCOUNT(rContext.GetClientID()) <<
+ " references object " <<
+ " which does not exist in dir");
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_PatchConsistencyError);
+ }
+ id = en->GetDependsNewer();
+ }
+ while(en != 0 && id != 0);
+ // OK! The last entry in the chain is the full file, the others are patches back from it.
+ // Open the last one, which is the current from file
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> from(rContext.OpenObject(patchChain[patchChain.size() - 1]));
+ // Then, for each patch in the chain, do a combine
+ for(int p = ((int)patchChain.size()) - 2; p >= 0; --p)
+ {
+ // ID of patch
+ int64_t patchID = patchChain[p];
+ // Open it a couple of times
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> diff(rContext.OpenObject(patchID));
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> diff2(rContext.OpenObject(patchID));
+ // Choose a temporary filename for the result of the combination
+ std::ostringstream fs;
+ fs << rContext.GetStoreRoot() << ".recombinetemp." << p;
+ std::string tempFn =
+ RaidFileController::DiscSetPathToFileSystemPath(
+ rContext.GetStoreDiscSet(), fs.str(),
+ p + 16);
+ // Open the temporary file
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> combined;
+ try
+ {
+ {
+ // Write nastily to allow this to work with gcc 2.x
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> t(
+ new InvisibleTempFileStream(
+ tempFn.c_str(),
+ O_TRUNC));
+ combined = t;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Make sure it goes
+ ::unlink(tempFn.c_str());
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Do the combining
+ BackupStoreFile::CombineFile(*diff, *diff2, *from, *combined);
+ // Move to the beginning of the combined file
+ combined->Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ // Then shuffle round for the next go
+ if (from.get()) from->Close();
+ from = combined;
+ }
+ // Now, from contains a nice file to send to the client. Reorder it
+ {
+ // Write nastily to allow this to work with gcc 2.x
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> t(BackupStoreFile::ReorderFileToStreamOrder(from.get(), true /* take ownership */));
+ stream = t;
+ }
+ // Release from file to avoid double deletion
+ from.release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Simple case: file already exists on disc ready to go
+ // Open the object
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> object(rContext.OpenObject(mObjectID));
+ BufferedStream buf(*object);
+ // Verify it
+ if(!BackupStoreFile::VerifyEncodedFileFormat(buf))
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_FileDoesNotVerify);
+ }
+ // Reset stream -- seek to beginning
+ object->Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ // Reorder the stream/file into stream order
+ {
+ // Write nastily to allow this to work with gcc 2.x
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> t(BackupStoreFile::ReorderFileToStreamOrder(object.get(), true /* take ownership */));
+ stream = t;
+ }
+ // Object will be deleted when the stream is deleted,
+ // so can release the object auto_ptr here to avoid
+ // premature deletion
+ object.release();
+ }
+ // Stream the reordered stream to the peer
+ rProtocol.SendStreamAfterCommand(stream.get());
+ // Don't delete the stream here
+ stream.release();
+ // Tell the caller what the file was
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(mObjectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerCreateDirectory::DoCommand(Protocol &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Create directory command
+// Created: 2003/09/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerCreateDirectory::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Get the stream containing the attributes
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> attrstream(rProtocol.ReceiveStream());
+ // Collect the attributes -- do this now so no matter what the outcome,
+ // the data has been absorbed.
+ StreamableMemBlock attr;
+ attr.Set(*attrstream, rProtocol.GetTimeout());
+ // Check to see if the hard limit has been exceeded
+ if(rContext.HardLimitExceeded())
+ {
+ // Won't allow creation if the limit has been exceeded
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_StorageLimitExceeded);
+ }
+ bool alreadyExists = false;
+ int64_t id = rContext.AddDirectory(mContainingDirectoryID, mDirectoryName, attr, mAttributesModTime, alreadyExists);
+ if(alreadyExists)
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_DirectoryAlreadyExists);
+ }
+ // Tell the caller what the file was
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(id));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerChangeDirAttributes::DoCommand(Protocol &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Change attributes on directory
+// Created: 2003/09/06
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerChangeDirAttributes::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Get the stream containing the attributes
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> attrstream(rProtocol.ReceiveStream());
+ // Collect the attributes -- do this now so no matter what the outcome,
+ // the data has been absorbed.
+ StreamableMemBlock attr;
+ attr.Set(*attrstream, rProtocol.GetTimeout());
+ // Get the context to do it's magic
+ rContext.ChangeDirAttributes(mObjectID, attr, mAttributesModTime);
+ // Tell the caller what the file was
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(mObjectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerSetReplacementFileAttributes::DoCommand(Protocol &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Change attributes on directory
+// Created: 2003/09/06
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerSetReplacementFileAttributes::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Get the stream containing the attributes
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> attrstream(rProtocol.ReceiveStream());
+ // Collect the attributes -- do this now so no matter what the outcome,
+ // the data has been absorbed.
+ StreamableMemBlock attr;
+ attr.Set(*attrstream, rProtocol.GetTimeout());
+ // Get the context to do it's magic
+ int64_t objectID = 0;
+ if(!rContext.ChangeFileAttributes(mFilename, mInDirectory, attr, mAttributesHash, objectID))
+ {
+ // Didn't exist
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_DoesNotExist);
+ }
+ // Tell the caller what the file was
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(objectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerDeleteFile::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Delete a file
+// Created: 2003/10/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerDeleteFile::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Context handles this
+ int64_t objectID = 0;
+ rContext.DeleteFile(mFilename, mInDirectory, objectID);
+ // return the object ID or zero for not found
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(objectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerUndeleteFile::DoCommand(
+// BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Undelete a file
+// Created: 2008-09-12
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerUndeleteFile::DoCommand(
+ BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Context handles this
+ bool result = rContext.UndeleteFile(mObjectID, mInDirectory);
+ // return the object ID or zero for not found
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(
+ new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(result ? mObjectID : 0));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerDeleteDirectory::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Delete a directory
+// Created: 2003/10/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerDeleteDirectory::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Check it's not asking for the root directory to be deleted
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_CannotDeleteRoot);
+ }
+ // Context handles this
+ try
+ {
+ rContext.DeleteDirectory(mObjectID);
+ }
+ catch (BackupStoreException &e)
+ {
+ if(e.GetSubType() == BackupStoreException::MultiplyReferencedObject)
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_MultiplyReferencedObject);
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ // return the object ID
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(mObjectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerUndeleteDirectory::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Undelete a directory
+// Created: 23/11/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerUndeleteDirectory::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Check it's not asking for the root directory to be deleted
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_CannotDeleteRoot);
+ }
+ // Context handles this
+ rContext.DeleteDirectory(mObjectID, true /* undelete */);
+ // return the object ID
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(mObjectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerSetClientStoreMarker::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Command to set the client's store marker
+// Created: 2003/10/29
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerSetClientStoreMarker::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Set the marker
+ rContext.SetClientStoreMarker(mClientStoreMarker);
+ // return store marker set
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(mClientStoreMarker));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerMoveObject::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Command to move an object from one directory to another
+// Created: 2003/11/12
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerMoveObject::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Let context do this, but modify error reporting on exceptions...
+ try
+ {
+ rContext.MoveObject(mObjectID, mMoveFromDirectory, mMoveToDirectory,
+ mNewFilename, (mFlags & Flags_MoveAllWithSameName) == Flags_MoveAllWithSameName,
+ (mFlags & Flags_AllowMoveOverDeletedObject) == Flags_AllowMoveOverDeletedObject);
+ }
+ catch(BackupStoreException &e)
+ {
+ if(e.GetSubType() == BackupStoreException::CouldNotFindEntryInDirectory)
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_DoesNotExist);
+ }
+ else if(e.GetSubType() == BackupStoreException::NameAlreadyExistsInDirectory)
+ {
+ return PROTOCOL_ERROR(Err_TargetNameExists);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the object ID
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(mObjectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerGetObjectName::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Command to find the name of an object
+// Created: 12/11/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerGetObjectName::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Create a stream for the list of filenames
+ std::auto_ptr<CollectInBufferStream> stream(new CollectInBufferStream);
+ // Object and directory IDs
+ int64_t objectID = mObjectID;
+ int64_t dirID = mContainingDirectoryID;
+ // Data to return in the reply
+ int32_t numNameElements = 0;
+ int16_t objectFlags = 0;
+ int64_t modTime = 0;
+ uint64_t attrModHash = 0;
+ bool haveModTimes = false;
+ do
+ {
+ // Check the directory really exists
+ if(!rContext.ObjectExists(dirID, BackupStoreContext::ObjectExists_Directory))
+ {
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerObjectName(BackupProtocolServerObjectName::NumNameElements_ObjectDoesntExist, 0, 0, 0));
+ }
+ // Load up the directory
+ const BackupStoreDirectory &rdir(rContext.GetDirectory(dirID));
+ // Find the element in this directory and store it's name
+ if(objectID != ObjectID_DirectoryOnly)
+ {
+ const BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = rdir.FindEntryByID(objectID);
+ // If this can't be found, then there is a problem... tell the caller it can't be found
+ if(en == 0)
+ {
+ // Abort!
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerObjectName(BackupProtocolServerObjectName::NumNameElements_ObjectDoesntExist, 0, 0, 0));
+ }
+ // Store flags?
+ if(objectFlags == 0)
+ {
+ objectFlags = en->GetFlags();
+ }
+ // Store modification times?
+ if(!haveModTimes)
+ {
+ modTime = en->GetModificationTime();
+ attrModHash = en->GetAttributesHash();
+ haveModTimes = true;
+ }
+ // Store the name in the stream
+ en->GetName().WriteToStream(*stream);
+ // Count of name elements
+ ++numNameElements;
+ }
+ // Setup for next time round
+ objectID = dirID;
+ dirID = rdir.GetContainerID();
+ } while(objectID != 0 && objectID != BACKUPSTORE_ROOT_DIRECTORY_ID);
+ // Stream to send?
+ if(numNameElements > 0)
+ {
+ // Get the stream ready to go
+ stream->SetForReading();
+ // Tell the protocol to send the stream
+ rProtocol.SendStreamAfterCommand(stream.release());
+ }
+ // Make reply
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerObjectName(numNameElements, modTime, attrModHash, objectFlags));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerGetBlockIndexByID::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Get the block index from a file, by ID
+// Created: 19/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerGetBlockIndexByID::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Open the file
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> stream(rContext.OpenObject(mObjectID));
+ // Move the file pointer to the block index
+ BackupStoreFile::MoveStreamPositionToBlockIndex(*stream);
+ // Return the stream to the client
+ rProtocol.SendStreamAfterCommand(stream.release());
+ // Return the object ID
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(mObjectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerGetBlockIndexByName::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Get the block index from a file, by name within a directory
+// Created: 19/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerGetBlockIndexByName::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Get the directory
+ const BackupStoreDirectory &dir(rContext.GetDirectory(mInDirectory));
+ // Find the latest object ID within it which has the same name
+ int64_t objectID = 0;
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ while((en = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File)) != 0)
+ {
+ if(en->GetName() == mFilename)
+ {
+ // Store the ID, if it's a newer ID than the last one
+ if(en->GetObjectID() > objectID)
+ {
+ objectID = en->GetObjectID();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Found anything?
+ if(objectID == 0)
+ {
+ // No... return a zero object ID
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(0));
+ }
+ // Open the file
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> stream(rContext.OpenObject(objectID));
+ // Move the file pointer to the block index
+ BackupStoreFile::MoveStreamPositionToBlockIndex(*stream);
+ // Return the stream to the client
+ rProtocol.SendStreamAfterCommand(stream.release());
+ // Return the object ID
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerSuccess(objectID));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerGetAccountUsage::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Return the amount of disc space used
+// Created: 19/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerGetAccountUsage::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ // Get store info from context
+ const BackupStoreInfo &rinfo(rContext.GetBackupStoreInfo());
+ // Find block size
+ RaidFileController &rcontroller(RaidFileController::GetController());
+ RaidFileDiscSet &rdiscSet(rcontroller.GetDiscSet(rinfo.GetDiscSetNumber()));
+ // Return info
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerAccountUsage(
+ rinfo.GetBlocksUsed(),
+ rinfo.GetBlocksInOldFiles(),
+ rinfo.GetBlocksInDeletedFiles(),
+ rinfo.GetBlocksInDirectories(),
+ rinfo.GetBlocksSoftLimit(),
+ rinfo.GetBlocksHardLimit(),
+ rdiscSet.GetBlockSize()
+ ));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupProtocolServerGetIsAlive::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &, BackupStoreContext &)
+// Purpose: Return the amount of disc space used
+// Created: 19/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> BackupProtocolServerGetIsAlive::DoCommand(BackupProtocolServer &rProtocol, BackupStoreContext &rContext)
+ CHECK_PHASE(Phase_Commands)
+ //
+ // NOOP
+ //
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>(new BackupProtocolServerIsAlive());
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupConstants.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupConstants.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19d06a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupConstants.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupConstants.h
+// Purpose: Constants for the backup server and client
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 15 minutes to timeout (milliseconds)
+#define BACKUP_STORE_TIMEOUT (15*60*1000)
+// Should the store daemon convert files to Raid immediately?
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreConstants.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreConstants.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c33fd8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreConstants.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreContants.h
+// Purpose: constants for the backup system
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Minimum size for a chunk to be compressed
+// min and max sizes for blocks
+#define BACKUP_FILE_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE (512*1024)
+// Increase the block size if there are more than this number of blocks
+// Avoid creating blocks smaller than this
+// Maximum number of sizes to do an rsync-like scan for
+// When doing rsync scans, do not scan for blocks smaller than
+// A limit to stop diffing running out of control: If more than this
+// times the number of blocks in the original index are found, stop
+// looking. This stops really bad cases of diffing files containing
+// all the same byte using huge amounts of memory and processor time.
+// This is a multiple of the number of blocks in the diff from file.
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a62655d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1808 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreContext.cpp
+// Purpose: Context for backup store server
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "BackupConstants.h"
+#include "BackupStoreContext.h"
+#include "BackupStoreDirectory.h"
+#include "BackupStoreException.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFile.h"
+#include "BackupStoreInfo.h"
+#include "BackupStoreObjectMagic.h"
+#include "BufferedStream.h"
+#include "BufferedWriteStream.h"
+#include "FileStream.h"
+#include "InvisibleTempFileStream.h"
+#include "RaidFileController.h"
+#include "RaidFileRead.h"
+#include "RaidFileWrite.h"
+#include "StoreStructure.h"
+class BackupStoreDaemon;
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// Maximum number of directories to keep in the cache
+// When the cache is bigger than this, everything gets
+// deleted.
+ #define MAX_CACHE_SIZE 32
+ #define MAX_CACHE_SIZE 2
+// Allow the housekeeping process 4 seconds to release an account
+// Maximum amount of store info updates before it's actually saved to disc.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::BackupStoreContext()
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreContext::BackupStoreContext(int32_t ClientID,
+ HousekeepingInterface &rDaemon)
+ : mClientID(ClientID),
+ mrDaemon(rDaemon),
+ mProtocolPhase(Phase_START),
+ mClientHasAccount(false),
+ mStoreDiscSet(-1),
+ mReadOnly(true),
+ mSaveStoreInfoDelay(STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY),
+ mpTestHook(NULL)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::~BackupStoreContext()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Delete the objects in the cache
+ for(std::map<int64_t, BackupStoreDirectory*>::iterator i(mDirectoryCache.begin()); i != mDirectoryCache.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ delete (i->second);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::CleanUp()
+// Purpose: Clean up after a connection
+// Created: 16/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::CleanUp()
+ // Make sure the store info is saved, if it has been loaded, isn't read only and has been modified
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() && !(mapStoreInfo->IsReadOnly()) &&
+ mapStoreInfo->IsModified())
+ {
+ mapStoreInfo->Save();
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::ReceivedFinishCommand()
+// Purpose: Called when the finish command is received by the protocol
+// Created: 16/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::ReceivedFinishCommand()
+ if(!mReadOnly && mapStoreInfo.get())
+ {
+ // Save the store info, not delayed
+ SaveStoreInfo(false);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::AttemptToGetWriteLock()
+// Purpose: Attempt to get a write lock for the store, and if so, unset the read only flags
+// Created: 2003/09/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::AttemptToGetWriteLock()
+ // Make the filename of the write lock file
+ std::string writeLockFile;
+ StoreStructure::MakeWriteLockFilename(mStoreRoot, mStoreDiscSet, writeLockFile);
+ // Request the lock
+ bool gotLock = mWriteLock.TryAndGetLock(writeLockFile.c_str(), 0600 /* restrictive file permissions */);
+ if(!gotLock)
+ {
+ // The housekeeping process might have the thing open -- ask it to stop
+ char msg[256];
+ int msgLen = sprintf(msg, "r%x\n", mClientID);
+ // Send message
+ mrDaemon.SendMessageToHousekeepingProcess(msg, msgLen);
+ // Then try again a few times
+ do
+ {
+ ::sleep(1 /* second */);
+ --tries;
+ gotLock = mWriteLock.TryAndGetLock(writeLockFile.c_str(), 0600 /* restrictive file permissions */);
+ } while(!gotLock && tries > 0);
+ }
+ if(gotLock)
+ {
+ // Got the lock, mark as not read only
+ mReadOnly = false;
+ }
+ return gotLock;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::LoadStoreInfo()
+// Purpose: Load the store info from disc
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::LoadStoreInfo()
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoAlreadyLoaded)
+ }
+ // Load it up!
+ std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreInfo> i(BackupStoreInfo::Load(mClientID, mStoreRoot, mStoreDiscSet, mReadOnly));
+ // Check it
+ if(i->GetAccountID() != mClientID)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoForWrongAccount)
+ }
+ // Keep the pointer to it
+ mapStoreInfo = i;
+ BackupStoreAccountDatabase::Entry account(mClientID, mStoreDiscSet);
+ // try to load the reference count database
+ try
+ {
+ mapRefCount = BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::Load(account, false);
+ }
+ catch(BoxException &e)
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Reference count database is missing or corrupted, "
+ "creating a new one, expect housekeeping to find and "
+ "fix problems with reference counts later.");
+ BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::CreateForRegeneration(account);
+ mapRefCount = BackupStoreRefCountDatabase::Load(account, false);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::SaveStoreInfo(bool)
+// Purpose: Potentially delayed saving of the store info
+// Created: 16/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::SaveStoreInfo(bool AllowDelay)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Can delay saving it a little while?
+ if(AllowDelay)
+ {
+ --mSaveStoreInfoDelay;
+ if(mSaveStoreInfoDelay > 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Want to save now
+ mapStoreInfo->Save();
+ // Set count for next delay
+ mSaveStoreInfoDelay = STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::MakeObjectFilename(int64_t, std::string &, bool)
+// Purpose: Create the filename of an object in the store, optionally creating the
+// containing directory if it doesn't already exist.
+// Created: 2003/09/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::MakeObjectFilename(int64_t ObjectID, std::string &rOutput, bool EnsureDirectoryExists)
+ // Delegate to utility function
+ StoreStructure::MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, mStoreRoot, mStoreDiscSet, rOutput, EnsureDirectoryExists);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::GetDirectoryInternal(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Return a reference to a directory. Valid only until the
+// next time a function which affects directories is called.
+// Mainly this funciton, and creation of files.
+// Private version of this, which returns non-const directories.
+// Created: 2003/09/02
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreDirectory &BackupStoreContext::GetDirectoryInternal(int64_t ObjectID)
+ // Get the filename
+ std::string filename;
+ MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, filename);
+ // Already in cache?
+ std::map<int64_t, BackupStoreDirectory*>::iterator item(mDirectoryCache.find(ObjectID));
+ if(item != mDirectoryCache.end())
+ {
+ // Check the revision ID of the file -- does it need refreshing?
+ int64_t revID = 0;
+ if(!RaidFileRead::FileExists(mStoreDiscSet, filename, &revID))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, DirectoryHasBeenDeleted)
+ }
+ if(revID == item->second->GetRevisionID())
+ {
+ // Looks good... return the cached object
+ BOX_TRACE("Returning object " <<
+ " from cache, modtime = " << revID);
+ return *(item->second);
+ }
+ BOX_TRACE("Refreshing object " <<
+ " in cache, modtime changed from " <<
+ item->second->GetRevisionID() << " to " << revID);
+ // Delete this cached object
+ delete item->second;
+ mDirectoryCache.erase(item);
+ }
+ // Need to load it up
+ // First check to see if the cache is too big
+ if(mDirectoryCache.size() > MAX_CACHE_SIZE)
+ {
+ // Very simple. Just delete everything!
+ for(std::map<int64_t, BackupStoreDirectory*>::iterator i(mDirectoryCache.begin()); i != mDirectoryCache.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ delete (i->second);
+ }
+ mDirectoryCache.clear();
+ }
+ // Get a RaidFileRead to read it
+ int64_t revID = 0;
+ std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> objectFile(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, filename, &revID));
+ ASSERT(revID != 0);
+ // New directory object
+ std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreDirectory> dir(new BackupStoreDirectory);
+ // Read it from the stream, then set it's revision ID
+ BufferedStream buf(*objectFile);
+ dir->ReadFromStream(buf, IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ dir->SetRevisionID(revID);
+ // Make sure the size of the directory is available for writing the dir back
+ int64_t dirSize = objectFile->GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
+ ASSERT(dirSize > 0);
+ dir->SetUserInfo1_SizeInBlocks(dirSize);
+ // Store in cache
+ BackupStoreDirectory *pdir = dir.release();
+ try
+ {
+ mDirectoryCache[ObjectID] = pdir;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ delete pdir;
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Return it
+ return *pdir;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::AllocateObjectID()
+// Purpose: Allocate a new object ID, tolerant of failures to save store info
+// Created: 16/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int64_t BackupStoreContext::AllocateObjectID()
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ // Given that the store info may not be saved for STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY
+ // times after it has been updated, this is a reasonable number of times
+ // to try for finding an unused ID.
+ // (Sizes used in the store info are fixed by the housekeeping process)
+ int retryLimit = (STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY * 2);
+ while(retryLimit > 0)
+ {
+ // Attempt to allocate an ID from the store
+ int64_t id = mapStoreInfo->AllocateObjectID();
+ // Generate filename
+ std::string filename;
+ MakeObjectFilename(id, filename);
+ // Check it doesn't exist
+ if(!RaidFileRead::FileExists(mStoreDiscSet, filename))
+ {
+ // Success!
+ return id;
+ }
+ // Decrement retry count, and try again
+ --retryLimit;
+ // Mark that the store info should be saved as soon as possible
+ mSaveStoreInfoDelay = 0;
+ BOX_WARNING("When allocating object ID, found that " <<
+ BOX_FORMAT_OBJECTID(id) << " is already in use");
+ }
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldNotFindUnusedIDDuringAllocation)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::AddFile(IOStream &, int64_t,
+// int64_t, int64_t, const BackupStoreFilename &, bool)
+// Purpose: Add a file to the store, from a given stream, into
+// a specified directory. Returns object ID of the new
+// file.
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int64_t BackupStoreContext::AddFile(IOStream &rFile, int64_t InDirectory,
+ int64_t ModificationTime, int64_t AttributesHash,
+ int64_t DiffFromFileID, const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename,
+ bool MarkFileWithSameNameAsOldVersions)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // This is going to be a bit complex to make sure it copes OK
+ // with things going wrong.
+ // The only thing which isn't safe is incrementing the object ID
+ // and keeping the blocks used entirely accurate -- but these
+ // aren't big problems if they go horribly wrong. The sizes will
+ // be corrected the next time the account has a housekeeping run,
+ // and the object ID allocation code is tolerant of missed IDs.
+ // (the info is written lazily, so these are necessary)
+ // Get the directory we want to modify
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ // Allocate the next ID
+ int64_t id = AllocateObjectID();
+ // Stream the file to disc
+ std::string fn;
+ MakeObjectFilename(id, fn, true /* make sure the directory it's in exists */);
+ int64_t newObjectBlocksUsed = 0;
+ RaidFileWrite *ppreviousVerStoreFile = 0;
+ bool reversedDiffIsCompletelyDifferent = false;
+ int64_t oldVersionNewBlocksUsed = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ RaidFileWrite storeFile(mStoreDiscSet, fn);
+ storeFile.Open(false /* no overwriting */);
+ // size adjustment from use of patch in old file
+ int64_t spaceSavedByConversionToPatch = 0;
+ // Diff or full file?
+ if(DiffFromFileID == 0)
+ {
+ // A full file, just store to disc
+ if(!rFile.CopyStreamTo(storeFile, BACKUP_STORE_TIMEOUT))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ReadFileFromStreamTimedOut)
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check that the diffed from ID actually exists in the directory
+ if(dir.FindEntryByID(DiffFromFileID) == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, DiffFromIDNotFoundInDirectory)
+ }
+ // Diff file, needs to be recreated.
+ // Choose a temporary filename.
+ std::string tempFn(RaidFileController::DiscSetPathToFileSystemPath(mStoreDiscSet, fn + ".difftemp",
+ 1 /* NOT the same disc as the write file, to avoid using lots of space on the same disc unnecessarily */));
+ try
+ {
+ // Open it twice
+#ifdef WIN32
+ InvisibleTempFileStream diff(tempFn.c_str(),
+ InvisibleTempFileStream diff2(tempFn.c_str(),
+ FileStream diff(tempFn.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL);
+ FileStream diff2(tempFn.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
+ // Unlink it immediately, so it definitely goes away
+ if(::unlink(tempFn.c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError);
+ }
+ // Stream the incoming diff to this temporary file
+ if(!rFile.CopyStreamTo(diff, BACKUP_STORE_TIMEOUT))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ReadFileFromStreamTimedOut)
+ }
+ // Verify the diff
+ diff.Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ if(!BackupStoreFile::VerifyEncodedFileFormat(diff))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AddedFileDoesNotVerify)
+ }
+ // Seek to beginning of diff file
+ diff.Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ // Filename of the old version
+ std::string oldVersionFilename;
+ MakeObjectFilename(DiffFromFileID, oldVersionFilename, false /* no need to make sure the directory it's in exists */);
+ // Reassemble that diff -- open previous file, and combine the patch and file
+ std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> from(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, oldVersionFilename));
+ BackupStoreFile::CombineFile(diff, diff2, *from, storeFile);
+ // Then... reverse the patch back (open the from file again, and create a write file to overwrite it)
+ std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> from2(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, oldVersionFilename));
+ ppreviousVerStoreFile = new RaidFileWrite(mStoreDiscSet, oldVersionFilename);
+ ppreviousVerStoreFile->Open(true /* allow overwriting */);
+ from->Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ diff.Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ BackupStoreFile::ReverseDiffFile(diff, *from, *from2, *ppreviousVerStoreFile,
+ DiffFromFileID, &reversedDiffIsCompletelyDifferent);
+ // Store disc space used
+ oldVersionNewBlocksUsed = ppreviousVerStoreFile->GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
+ // And make a space adjustment for the size calculation
+ spaceSavedByConversionToPatch =
+ from->GetDiscUsageInBlocks() -
+ oldVersionNewBlocksUsed;
+ // Everything cleans up here...
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Be very paranoid about deleting this temp file -- we could only leave a zero byte file anyway
+ ::unlink(tempFn.c_str());
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the blocks used
+ newObjectBlocksUsed = storeFile.GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
+ // Exceeds the hard limit?
+ int64_t newBlocksUsed = mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksUsed() +
+ newObjectBlocksUsed - spaceSavedByConversionToPatch;
+ if(newBlocksUsed > mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksHardLimit())
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AddedFileExceedsStorageLimit)
+ // The store file will be deleted automatically by the RaidFile object
+ }
+ // Commit the file
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Delete any previous version store file
+ if(ppreviousVerStoreFile != 0)
+ {
+ delete ppreviousVerStoreFile;
+ ppreviousVerStoreFile = 0;
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Verify the file -- only necessary for non-diffed versions
+ // NOTE: No need to catch exceptions and delete ppreviousVerStoreFile, because
+ // in the non-diffed code path it's never allocated.
+ if(DiffFromFileID == 0)
+ {
+ std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> checkFile(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, fn));
+ if(!BackupStoreFile::VerifyEncodedFileFormat(*checkFile))
+ {
+ // Error! Delete the file
+ RaidFileWrite del(mStoreDiscSet, fn);
+ del.Delete();
+ // Exception
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AddedFileDoesNotVerify)
+ }
+ }
+ // Modify the directory -- first make all files with the same name
+ // marked as an old version
+ int64_t blocksInOldFiles = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ if(MarkFileWithSameNameAsOldVersions)
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *e = 0;
+ while((e = i.Next()) != 0)
+ {
+ // First, check it's not an old version (cheaper comparison)
+ if(! e->IsOld())
+ {
+ // Compare name
+ if(e->GetName() == rFilename)
+ {
+ // Check that it's definately not an old version
+ ASSERT((e->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion) == 0);
+ // Set old version flag
+ e->AddFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion);
+ // Can safely do this, because we know we won't be here if it's already
+ // an old version
+ blocksInOldFiles += e->GetSizeInBlocks();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Then the new entry
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *pnewEntry = dir.AddEntry(rFilename,
+ ModificationTime, id, newObjectBlocksUsed,
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File,
+ AttributesHash);
+ // Adjust for the patch back stuff?
+ if(DiffFromFileID != 0)
+ {
+ // Get old version entry
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *poldEntry = dir.FindEntryByID(DiffFromFileID);
+ ASSERT(poldEntry != 0);
+ // Adjust dependency info of file?
+ if(!reversedDiffIsCompletelyDifferent)
+ {
+ poldEntry->SetDependsNewer(id);
+ pnewEntry->SetDependsOlder(DiffFromFileID);
+ }
+ // Adjust size of old entry
+ int64_t oldSize = poldEntry->GetSizeInBlocks();
+ poldEntry->SetSizeInBlocks(oldVersionNewBlocksUsed);
+ // And adjust blocks used count, for later adjustment
+ newObjectBlocksUsed += (oldVersionNewBlocksUsed - oldSize);
+ blocksInOldFiles += (oldVersionNewBlocksUsed - oldSize);
+ }
+ // Write the directory back to disc
+ SaveDirectory(dir, InDirectory);
+ // Commit the old version's new patched version, now that the directory safely reflects
+ // the state of the files on disc.
+ if(ppreviousVerStoreFile != 0)
+ {
+ delete ppreviousVerStoreFile;
+ ppreviousVerStoreFile = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Back out on adding that file
+ RaidFileWrite del(mStoreDiscSet, fn);
+ del.Delete();
+ // Remove this entry from the cache
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ // Delete any previous version store file
+ if(ppreviousVerStoreFile != 0)
+ {
+ delete ppreviousVerStoreFile;
+ ppreviousVerStoreFile = 0;
+ }
+ // Don't worry about the incremented number in the store info
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Check logic
+ ASSERT(ppreviousVerStoreFile == 0);
+ // Modify the store info
+ if(DiffFromFileID == 0)
+ {
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumFiles(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumOldFiles(1);
+ }
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksUsed(newObjectBlocksUsed);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInCurrentFiles(newObjectBlocksUsed -
+ blocksInOldFiles);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInOldFiles(blocksInOldFiles);
+ // Increment reference count on the new directory to one
+ mapRefCount->AddReference(id);
+ // Save the store info -- can cope if this exceptions because infomation
+ // will be rebuilt by housekeeping, and ID allocation can recover.
+ SaveStoreInfo(false);
+ // Return the ID to the caller
+ return id;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::DeleteFile(const BackupStoreFilename &, int64_t, int64_t &)
+// Purpose: Deletes a file, returning true if the file existed. Object ID returned too, set to zero if not found.
+// Created: 2003/10/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::DeleteFile(const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename, int64_t InDirectory, int64_t &rObjectIDOut)
+ // Essential checks!
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Find the directory the file is in (will exception if it fails)
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ // Setup flags
+ bool fileExisted = false;
+ bool madeChanges = false;
+ rObjectIDOut = 0; // not found
+ // Count of deleted blocks
+ int64_t blocksDel = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ // Iterate through directory, only looking at files which haven't been deleted
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *e = 0;
+ while((e = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File,
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted)) != 0)
+ {
+ // Compare name
+ if(e->GetName() == rFilename)
+ {
+ // Check that it's definately not already deleted
+ ASSERT((e->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted) == 0);
+ // Set deleted flag
+ e->AddFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ // Mark as made a change
+ madeChanges = true;
+ // Can safely do this, because we know we won't be here if it's already
+ // an old version
+ blocksDel += e->GetSizeInBlocks();
+ // Is this the last version?
+ if((e->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion) == 0)
+ {
+ // Yes. It's been found.
+ rObjectIDOut = e->GetObjectID();
+ fileExisted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Save changes?
+ if(madeChanges)
+ {
+ // Save the directory back
+ SaveDirectory(dir, InDirectory);
+ // Modify the store info, and write
+ // It definitely wasn't an old or deleted version
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumFiles(-1);
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumDeletedFiles(1);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInDeletedFiles(blocksDel);
+ SaveStoreInfo(false);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ throw;
+ }
+ return fileExisted;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::UndeleteFile(int64_t, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Undeletes a file, if it exists, returning true if
+// the file existed.
+// Created: 2003/10/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::UndeleteFile(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t InDirectory)
+ // Essential checks!
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Find the directory the file is in (will exception if it fails)
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ // Setup flags
+ bool fileExisted = false;
+ bool madeChanges = false;
+ // Count of deleted blocks
+ int64_t blocksDel = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ // Iterate through directory, only looking at files which have been deleted
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *e = 0;
+ while((e = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File |
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted, 0)) != 0)
+ {
+ // Compare name
+ if(e->GetObjectID() == ObjectID)
+ {
+ // Check that it's definitely already deleted
+ ASSERT((e->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted) != 0);
+ // Clear deleted flag
+ e->RemoveFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ // Mark as made a change
+ madeChanges = true;
+ blocksDel -= e->GetSizeInBlocks();
+ // Is this the last version?
+ if((e->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion) == 0)
+ {
+ // Yes. It's been found.
+ fileExisted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Save changes?
+ if(madeChanges)
+ {
+ // Save the directory back
+ SaveDirectory(dir, InDirectory);
+ // Modify the store info, and write
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInDeletedFiles(blocksDel);
+ // Maybe postponed save of store info
+ SaveStoreInfo();
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ throw;
+ }
+ return fileExisted;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::RemoveDirectoryFromCache(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Remove directory from cache
+// Created: 2003/09/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::RemoveDirectoryFromCache(int64_t ObjectID)
+ std::map<int64_t, BackupStoreDirectory*>::iterator item(mDirectoryCache.find(ObjectID));
+ if(item != mDirectoryCache.end())
+ {
+ // Delete this cached object
+ delete item->second;
+ // Erase the entry form the map
+ mDirectoryCache.erase(item);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::SaveDirectory(BackupStoreDirectory &, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Save directory back to disc, update time in cache
+// Created: 2003/09/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::SaveDirectory(BackupStoreDirectory &rDir, int64_t ObjectID)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(rDir.GetObjectID() != ObjectID)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, Internal)
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Write to disc, adjust size in store info
+ std::string dirfn;
+ MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, dirfn);
+ {
+ RaidFileWrite writeDir(mStoreDiscSet, dirfn);
+ writeDir.Open(true /* allow overwriting */);
+ BufferedWriteStream buffer(writeDir);
+ rDir.WriteToStream(buffer);
+ buffer.Flush();
+ // get the disc usage (must do this before commiting it)
+ int64_t dirSize = writeDir.GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
+ // Commit directory
+ // Make sure the size of the directory is available for writing the dir back
+ ASSERT(dirSize > 0);
+ int64_t sizeAdjustment = dirSize - rDir.GetUserInfo1_SizeInBlocks();
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksUsed(sizeAdjustment);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInDirectories(sizeAdjustment);
+ // Update size stored in directory
+ rDir.SetUserInfo1_SizeInBlocks(dirSize);
+ }
+ // Refresh revision ID in cache
+ {
+ int64_t revid = 0;
+ if(!RaidFileRead::FileExists(mStoreDiscSet, dirfn, &revid))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, Internal)
+ }
+ rDir.SetRevisionID(revid);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Remove it from the cache if anything went wrong
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(ObjectID);
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::AddDirectory(int64_t,
+// const BackupStoreFilename &, bool &)
+// Purpose: Creates a directory (or just returns the ID of an
+// existing one). rAlreadyExists set appropraitely.
+// Created: 2003/09/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int64_t BackupStoreContext::AddDirectory(int64_t InDirectory, const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename, const StreamableMemBlock &Attributes, int64_t AttributesModTime, bool &rAlreadyExists)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Flags as not already existing
+ rAlreadyExists = false;
+ // Get the directory we want to modify
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ // Scan the directory for the name (only looking for directories which already exist)
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ while((en = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING,
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted | BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion)) != 0) // Ignore deleted and old directories
+ {
+ if(en->GetName() == rFilename)
+ {
+ // Already exists
+ rAlreadyExists = true;
+ return en->GetObjectID();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Allocate the next ID
+ int64_t id = AllocateObjectID();
+ // Create an empty directory with the given attributes on disc
+ std::string fn;
+ MakeObjectFilename(id, fn, true /* make sure the directory it's in exists */);
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory emptyDir(id, InDirectory);
+ // add the atttribues
+ emptyDir.SetAttributes(Attributes, AttributesModTime);
+ // Write...
+ RaidFileWrite dirFile(mStoreDiscSet, fn);
+ dirFile.Open(false /* no overwriting */);
+ emptyDir.WriteToStream(dirFile);
+ // Get disc usage, before it's commited
+ int64_t dirSize = dirFile.GetDiscUsageInBlocks();
+ // Commit the file
+ // Make sure the size of the directory is added to the usage counts in the info
+ ASSERT(dirSize > 0);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksUsed(dirSize);
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInDirectories(dirSize);
+ // Not added to cache, so don't set the size in the directory
+ }
+ // Then add it into the parent directory
+ try
+ {
+ dir.AddEntry(rFilename, 0 /* modification time */, id, 0 /* blocks used */, BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Dir, 0 /* attributes mod time */);
+ SaveDirectory(dir, InDirectory);
+ // Increment reference count on the new directory to one
+ mapRefCount->AddReference(id);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Back out on adding that directory
+ RaidFileWrite del(mStoreDiscSet, fn);
+ del.Delete();
+ // Remove this entry from the cache
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ // Don't worry about the incremented number in the store info
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Save the store info (may not be postponed)
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumDirectories(1);
+ SaveStoreInfo(false);
+ // tell caller what the ID was
+ return id;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::DeleteFile(const BackupStoreFilename &, int64_t, int64_t &, bool)
+// Purpose: Recusively deletes a directory (or undeletes if Undelete = true)
+// Created: 2003/10/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::DeleteDirectory(int64_t ObjectID, bool Undelete)
+ // Essential checks!
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Containing directory
+ int64_t InDirectory = 0;
+ // Count of blocks deleted
+ int64_t blocksDeleted = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ // Get the directory that's to be deleted
+ {
+ // In block, because dir may not be valid after the delete directory call
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(ObjectID));
+ // Store the directory it's in for later
+ InDirectory = dir.GetContainerID();
+ // Depth first delete of contents
+ DeleteDirectoryRecurse(ObjectID, blocksDeleted, Undelete);
+ }
+ // Remove the entry from the directory it's in
+ ASSERT(InDirectory != 0);
+ BackupStoreDirectory &parentDir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(parentDir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ while((en = i.Next(Undelete?(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted):(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING),
+ Undelete?(0):(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted))) != 0) // Ignore deleted directories (or not deleted if Undelete)
+ {
+ if(en->GetObjectID() == ObjectID)
+ {
+ // This is the one to delete
+ if(Undelete)
+ {
+ en->RemoveFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ en->AddFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ }
+ // Save it
+ SaveDirectory(parentDir, InDirectory);
+ // Done
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update blocks deleted count
+ mapStoreInfo->ChangeBlocksInDeletedFiles(Undelete?(0 - blocksDeleted):(blocksDeleted));
+ mapStoreInfo->AdjustNumDirectories(-1);
+ SaveStoreInfo(false);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::DeleteDirectoryRecurse(BackupStoreDirectory &, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Private. Deletes a directory depth-first recusively.
+// Created: 2003/10/21
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::DeleteDirectoryRecurse(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t &rBlocksDeletedOut, bool Undelete)
+ try
+ {
+ // Does things carefully to avoid using a directory in the cache after recursive call
+ // because it may have been deleted.
+ // Do sub directories
+ {
+ // Get the directory...
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(ObjectID));
+ // Then scan it for directories
+ std::vector<int64_t> subDirs;
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ if(Undelete)
+ {
+ while((en = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Dir | BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted, // deleted dirs
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_EXCLUDE_NOTHING)) != 0)
+ {
+ // Store the directory ID.
+ subDirs.push_back(en->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while((en = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Dir, // dirs only
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted)) != 0) // but not deleted ones
+ {
+ // Store the directory ID.
+ subDirs.push_back(en->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ }
+ // Done with the directory for now. Recurse to sub directories
+ for(std::vector<int64_t>::const_iterator i = subDirs.begin(); i != subDirs.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ DeleteDirectoryRecurse((*i), rBlocksDeletedOut, Undelete);
+ }
+ }
+ // Then, delete the files. Will need to load the directory again because it might have
+ // been removed from the cache.
+ {
+ // Get the directory...
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(ObjectID));
+ // Changes made?
+ bool changesMade = false;
+ // Run through files
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ while((en = i.Next(Undelete?(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted):(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING),
+ Undelete?(0):(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted))) != 0) // Ignore deleted directories (or not deleted if Undelete)
+ {
+ // Add/remove the deleted flags
+ if(Undelete)
+ {
+ en->RemoveFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ en->AddFlags(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted);
+ }
+ // Keep count of the deleted blocks
+ if((en->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File) != 0)
+ {
+ rBlocksDeletedOut += en->GetSizeInBlocks();
+ }
+ // Did something
+ changesMade = true;
+ }
+ // Save the directory
+ if(changesMade)
+ {
+ SaveDirectory(dir, ObjectID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(ObjectID);
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::ChangeDirAttributes(int64_t, const StreamableMemBlock &, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Change the attributes of a directory
+// Created: 2003/09/06
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::ChangeDirAttributes(int64_t Directory, const StreamableMemBlock &Attributes, int64_t AttributesModTime)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Get the directory we want to modify
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(Directory));
+ // Set attributes
+ dir.SetAttributes(Attributes, AttributesModTime);
+ // Save back
+ SaveDirectory(dir, Directory);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(Directory);
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::ChangeFileAttributes(int64_t, int64_t, const StreamableMemBlock &, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Sets the attributes on a directory entry. Returns true if the object existed, false if it didn't.
+// Created: 2003/09/06
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::ChangeFileAttributes(const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename, int64_t InDirectory, const StreamableMemBlock &Attributes, int64_t AttributesHash, int64_t &rObjectIDOut)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Get the directory we want to modify
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(InDirectory));
+ // Find the file entry
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = 0;
+ // Iterate through current versions of files, only
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ while((en = i.Next(
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_File,
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted | BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_OldVersion)
+ ) != 0)
+ {
+ if(en->GetName() == rFilename)
+ {
+ // Set attributes
+ en->SetAttributes(Attributes, AttributesHash);
+ // Tell caller the object ID
+ rObjectIDOut = en->GetObjectID();
+ // Done
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(en == 0)
+ {
+ // Didn't find it
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Save back
+ SaveDirectory(dir, InDirectory);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(InDirectory);
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Changed, everything OK
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::ObjectExists(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Test to see if an object of this ID exists in the store
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::ObjectExists(int64_t ObjectID, int MustBe)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ // Note that we need to allow object IDs a little bit greater than the last one in the store info,
+ // because the store info may not have got saved in an error condition. Max greater ID is
+ // STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY in this case, *2 to be safe.
+ if(ObjectID <= 0 || ObjectID > (mapStoreInfo->GetLastObjectIDUsed() + (STORE_INFO_SAVE_DELAY * 2)))
+ {
+ // Obviously bad object ID
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Test to see if it exists on the disc
+ std::string filename;
+ MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, filename);
+ if(!RaidFileRead::FileExists(mStoreDiscSet, filename))
+ {
+ // RaidFile reports no file there
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Do we need to be more specific?
+ if(MustBe != ObjectExists_Anything)
+ {
+ // Open the file
+ std::auto_ptr<RaidFileRead> objectFile(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, filename));
+ // Read the first integer
+ u_int32_t magic;
+ if(!objectFile->ReadFullBuffer(&magic, sizeof(magic), 0 /* not interested in how many read if failure */))
+ {
+ // Failed to get any bytes, must have failed
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(MustBe == ObjectExists_File && ntohl(magic) == OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V0)
+ {
+ // Old version detected
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Right one?
+ u_int32_t requiredMagic = (MustBe == ObjectExists_File)?OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V1:OBJECTMAGIC_DIR_MAGIC_VALUE;
+ // Check
+ if(ntohl(magic) != requiredMagic)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // File is implicitly closed
+ }
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::OpenObject(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Opens an object
+// Created: 2003/09/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<IOStream> BackupStoreContext::OpenObject(int64_t ObjectID)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ // Attempt to open the file
+ std::string fn;
+ MakeObjectFilename(ObjectID, fn);
+ return std::auto_ptr<IOStream>(RaidFileRead::Open(mStoreDiscSet, fn).release());
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::GetClientStoreMarker()
+// Purpose: Retrieve the client store marker
+// Created: 2003/10/29
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int64_t BackupStoreContext::GetClientStoreMarker()
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ return mapStoreInfo->GetClientStoreMarker();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::GetStoreDiscUsageInfo(int64_t &, int64_t &, int64_t &)
+// Purpose: Get disc usage info from store info
+// Created: 1/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::GetStoreDiscUsageInfo(int64_t &rBlocksUsed, int64_t &rBlocksSoftLimit, int64_t &rBlocksHardLimit)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ rBlocksUsed = mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksUsed();
+ rBlocksSoftLimit = mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksSoftLimit();
+ rBlocksHardLimit = mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksHardLimit();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::HardLimitExceeded()
+// Purpose: Returns true if the hard limit has been exceeded
+// Created: 1/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreContext::HardLimitExceeded()
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ return mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksUsed() > mapStoreInfo->GetBlocksHardLimit();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::SetClientStoreMarker(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Sets the client store marker, and commits it to disc
+// Created: 2003/10/29
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::SetClientStoreMarker(int64_t ClientStoreMarker)
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ mapStoreInfo->SetClientStoreMarker(ClientStoreMarker);
+ SaveStoreInfo(false /* don't delay saving this */);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::MoveObject(int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, const BackupStoreFilename &, bool)
+// Purpose: Move an object (and all objects with the same name) from one directory to another
+// Created: 12/11/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreContext::MoveObject(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t MoveFromDirectory, int64_t MoveToDirectory, const BackupStoreFilename &rNewFilename, bool MoveAllWithSameName, bool AllowMoveOverDeletedObject)
+ if(mReadOnly)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ContextIsReadOnly)
+ }
+ // Should deleted files be excluded when checking for the existance of objects with the target name?
+ int64_t targetSearchExcludeFlags = (AllowMoveOverDeletedObject)
+ ?(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Deleted)
+ :(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_EXCLUDE_NOTHING);
+ // Special case if the directories are the same...
+ if(MoveFromDirectory == MoveToDirectory)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // Get the first directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &dir(GetDirectoryInternal(MoveFromDirectory));
+ // Find the file entry
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = dir.FindEntryByID(ObjectID);
+ // Error if not found
+ if(en == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldNotFindEntryInDirectory)
+ }
+ // Check the new name doens't already exist (optionally ignoring deleted files)
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *c = 0;
+ while((c = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING, targetSearchExcludeFlags)) != 0)
+ {
+ if(c->GetName() == rNewFilename)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, NameAlreadyExistsInDirectory)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Need to get all the entries with the same name?
+ if(MoveAllWithSameName)
+ {
+ // Iterate through the directory, copying all with matching names
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(dir);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *c = 0;
+ while((c = i.Next()) != 0)
+ {
+ if(c->GetName() == en->GetName())
+ {
+ // Rename this one
+ c->SetName(rNewFilename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Just copy this one
+ en->SetName(rNewFilename);
+ }
+ // Save the directory back
+ SaveDirectory(dir, MoveFromDirectory);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(MoveToDirectory); // either will do, as they're the same
+ throw;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Got to be careful how this is written, as we can't guarentte that if we have two
+ // directories open, the first won't be deleted as the second is opened. (cache)
+ // List of entries to move
+ std::vector<BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *> moving;
+ // list of directory IDs which need to have containing dir id changed
+ std::vector<int64_t> dirsToChangeContainingID;
+ try
+ {
+ // First of all, get copies of the entries to move to the to directory.
+ {
+ // Get the first directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &from(GetDirectoryInternal(MoveFromDirectory));
+ // Find the file entry
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = from.FindEntryByID(ObjectID);
+ // Error if not found
+ if(en == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldNotFindEntryInDirectory)
+ }
+ // Need to get all the entries with the same name?
+ if(MoveAllWithSameName)
+ {
+ // Iterate through the directory, copying all with matching names
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(from);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *c = 0;
+ while((c = i.Next()) != 0)
+ {
+ if(c->GetName() == en->GetName())
+ {
+ // Copy
+ moving.push_back(new BackupStoreDirectory::Entry(*c));
+ // Check for containing directory correction
+ if(c->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Dir) dirsToChangeContainingID.push_back(c->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT(!moving.empty());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Just copy this one
+ moving.push_back(new BackupStoreDirectory::Entry(*en));
+ // Check for containing directory correction
+ if(en->GetFlags() & BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_Dir) dirsToChangeContainingID.push_back(en->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ }
+ // Secondly, insert them into the to directory, and save it
+ {
+ // To directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &to(GetDirectoryInternal(MoveToDirectory));
+ // Check the new name doens't already exist
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Iterator i(to);
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *c = 0;
+ while((c = i.Next(BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING, targetSearchExcludeFlags)) != 0)
+ {
+ if(c->GetName() == rNewFilename)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, NameAlreadyExistsInDirectory)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy the entries into it, changing the name as we go
+ for(std::vector<BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *>::iterator i(moving.begin()); i != moving.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *en = (*i);
+ en->SetName(rNewFilename);
+ to.AddEntry(*en); // adds copy
+ }
+ // Save back
+ SaveDirectory(to, MoveToDirectory);
+ }
+ // Thirdly... remove them from the first directory -- but if it fails, attempt to delete them from the to directory
+ try
+ {
+ // Get directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &from(GetDirectoryInternal(MoveFromDirectory));
+ // Delete each one
+ for(std::vector<BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *>::iterator i(moving.begin()); i != moving.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ from.DeleteEntry((*i)->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ // Save back
+ SaveDirectory(from, MoveFromDirectory);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // UNDO modification to To directory
+ // Get directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &to(GetDirectoryInternal(MoveToDirectory));
+ // Delete each one
+ for(std::vector<BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *>::iterator i(moving.begin()); i != moving.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ to.DeleteEntry((*i)->GetObjectID());
+ }
+ // Save back
+ SaveDirectory(to, MoveToDirectory);
+ // Throw the error
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Finally... for all the directories we moved, modify their containing directory ID
+ for(std::vector<int64_t>::iterator i(dirsToChangeContainingID.begin()); i != dirsToChangeContainingID.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Load the directory
+ BackupStoreDirectory &change(GetDirectoryInternal(*i));
+ // Modify containing dir ID
+ change.SetContainerID(MoveToDirectory);
+ // Save it back
+ SaveDirectory(change, *i);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Make sure directories aren't in the cache, as they may have been modified
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(MoveToDirectory);
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(MoveFromDirectory);
+ for(std::vector<int64_t>::iterator i(dirsToChangeContainingID.begin()); i != dirsToChangeContainingID.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ RemoveDirectoryFromCache(*i);
+ }
+ while(!moving.empty())
+ {
+ delete moving.back();
+ moving.pop_back();
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Clean up
+ while(!moving.empty())
+ {
+ delete moving.back();
+ moving.pop_back();
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreContext::GetBackupStoreInfo()
+// Purpose: Return the backup store info object, exception if it isn't loaded
+// Created: 19/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const BackupStoreInfo &BackupStoreContext::GetBackupStoreInfo() const
+ if(mapStoreInfo.get() == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StoreInfoNotLoaded)
+ }
+ return *(mapStoreInfo.get());
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44a05dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreContext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreContext.h
+// Purpose: Context for backup store server
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include "BackupStoreRefCountDatabase.h"
+#include "NamedLock.h"
+#include "ProtocolObject.h"
+#include "Utils.h"
+class BackupStoreDirectory;
+class BackupStoreFilename;
+class BackupStoreDaemon;
+class BackupStoreInfo;
+class IOStream;
+class BackupProtocolObject;
+class StreamableMemBlock;
+class HousekeepingInterface
+ public:
+ virtual ~HousekeepingInterface() { }
+ virtual void SendMessageToHousekeepingProcess(const void *Msg, int MsgLen) = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: BackupStoreContext
+// Purpose: Context for backup store server
+// Created: 2003/08/20
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BackupStoreContext
+ BackupStoreContext(int32_t ClientID, HousekeepingInterface &rDaemon);
+ ~BackupStoreContext();
+ BackupStoreContext(const BackupStoreContext &rToCopy);
+ void ReceivedFinishCommand();
+ void CleanUp();
+ int32_t GetClientID() {return mClientID;}
+ enum
+ {
+ Phase_START = 0,
+ Phase_Version = 0,
+ Phase_Login = 1,
+ Phase_Commands = 2
+ };
+ int GetPhase() const {return mProtocolPhase;}
+ void SetPhase(int NewPhase) {mProtocolPhase = NewPhase;}
+ // Read only locking
+ bool SessionIsReadOnly() {return mReadOnly;}
+ bool AttemptToGetWriteLock();
+ void SetClientHasAccount(const std::string &rStoreRoot, int StoreDiscSet) {mClientHasAccount = true; mStoreRoot = rStoreRoot; mStoreDiscSet = StoreDiscSet;}
+ bool GetClientHasAccount() const {return mClientHasAccount;}
+ const std::string &GetStoreRoot() const {return mStoreRoot;}
+ int GetStoreDiscSet() const {return mStoreDiscSet;}
+ // Store info
+ void LoadStoreInfo();
+ void SaveStoreInfo(bool AllowDelay = true);
+ const BackupStoreInfo &GetBackupStoreInfo() const;
+ // Client marker
+ int64_t GetClientStoreMarker();
+ void SetClientStoreMarker(int64_t ClientStoreMarker);
+ // Usage information
+ void GetStoreDiscUsageInfo(int64_t &rBlocksUsed, int64_t &rBlocksSoftLimit, int64_t &rBlocksHardLimit);
+ bool HardLimitExceeded();
+ // Reading directories
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // Function
+ // Name: BackupStoreContext::GetDirectory(int64_t)
+ // Purpose: Return a reference to a directory. Valid only until the
+ // next time a function which affects directories is called.
+ // Mainly this funciton, and creation of files.
+ // Created: 2003/09/02
+ //
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const BackupStoreDirectory &GetDirectory(int64_t ObjectID)
+ {
+ // External callers aren't allowed to change it -- this function
+ // merely turns the the returned directory const.
+ return GetDirectoryInternal(ObjectID);
+ }
+ // Manipulating files/directories
+ int64_t AddFile(IOStream &rFile, int64_t InDirectory, int64_t ModificationTime, int64_t AttributesHash, int64_t DiffFromFileID, const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename, bool MarkFileWithSameNameAsOldVersions);
+ int64_t AddDirectory(int64_t InDirectory, const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename, const StreamableMemBlock &Attributes, int64_t AttributesModTime, bool &rAlreadyExists);
+ void ChangeDirAttributes(int64_t Directory, const StreamableMemBlock &Attributes, int64_t AttributesModTime);
+ bool ChangeFileAttributes(const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename, int64_t InDirectory, const StreamableMemBlock &Attributes, int64_t AttributesHash, int64_t &rObjectIDOut);
+ bool DeleteFile(const BackupStoreFilename &rFilename, int64_t InDirectory, int64_t &rObjectIDOut);
+ bool UndeleteFile(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t InDirectory);
+ void DeleteDirectory(int64_t ObjectID, bool Undelete = false);
+ void MoveObject(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t MoveFromDirectory, int64_t MoveToDirectory, const BackupStoreFilename &rNewFilename, bool MoveAllWithSameName, bool AllowMoveOverDeletedObject);
+ // Manipulating objects
+ enum
+ {
+ ObjectExists_Anything = 0,
+ ObjectExists_File = 1,
+ ObjectExists_Directory = 2
+ };
+ bool ObjectExists(int64_t ObjectID, int MustBe = ObjectExists_Anything);
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> OpenObject(int64_t ObjectID);
+ // Info
+ int32_t GetClientID() const {return mClientID;}
+ void MakeObjectFilename(int64_t ObjectID, std::string &rOutput, bool EnsureDirectoryExists = false);
+ BackupStoreDirectory &GetDirectoryInternal(int64_t ObjectID);
+ void SaveDirectory(BackupStoreDirectory &rDir, int64_t ObjectID);
+ void RemoveDirectoryFromCache(int64_t ObjectID);
+ void DeleteDirectoryRecurse(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t &rBlocksDeletedOut, bool Undelete);
+ int64_t AllocateObjectID();
+ int32_t mClientID;
+ HousekeepingInterface &mrDaemon;
+ int mProtocolPhase;
+ bool mClientHasAccount;
+ std::string mStoreRoot; // has final directory separator
+ int mStoreDiscSet;
+ bool mReadOnly;
+ NamedLock mWriteLock;
+ int mSaveStoreInfoDelay; // how many times to delay saving the store info
+ // Store info
+ std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreInfo> mapStoreInfo;
+ // Refcount database
+ std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreRefCountDatabase> mapRefCount;
+ // Directory cache
+ std::map<int64_t, BackupStoreDirectory*> mDirectoryCache;
+ class TestHook
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> StartCommand(BackupProtocolObject&
+ rCommand) = 0;
+ virtual ~TestHook() { }
+ };
+ void SetTestHook(TestHook& rTestHook)
+ {
+ mpTestHook = &rTestHook;
+ }
+ std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject> StartCommandHook(BackupProtocolObject& rCommand)
+ {
+ if(mpTestHook)
+ {
+ return mpTestHook->StartCommand(rCommand);
+ }
+ return std::auto_ptr<ProtocolObject>();
+ }
+ TestHook* mpTestHook;
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreDirectory.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreDirectory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d06da34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreDirectory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory.h
+// Purpose: Representation of a backup directory
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "BackupStoreDirectory.h"
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "BackupStoreException.h"
+#include "BackupStoreObjectMagic.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// set packing to one byte
+#include "BeginStructPackForWire.h"
+typedef struct
+ int32_t mMagicValue; // also the version number
+ int32_t mNumEntries;
+ int64_t mObjectID; // this object ID
+ int64_t mContainerID; // ID of container
+ uint64_t mAttributesModTime;
+ int32_t mOptionsPresent; // bit mask of optional sections / features present
+ // Then a StreamableMemBlock for attributes
+} dir_StreamFormat;
+typedef enum
+ Option_DependencyInfoPresent = 1
+} dir_StreamFormatOptions;
+typedef struct
+ uint64_t mModificationTime;
+ int64_t mObjectID;
+ int64_t mSizeInBlocks;
+ uint64_t mAttributesHash;
+ int16_t mFlags; // order smaller items after bigger ones (for alignment)
+ // Then a BackupStoreFilename
+ // Then a StreamableMemBlock for attributes
+} en_StreamFormat;
+typedef struct
+ int64_t mDependsNewer;
+ int64_t mDependsOlder;
+} en_StreamFormatDepends;
+// Use default packing
+#include "EndStructPackForWire.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::BackupStoreDirectory()
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : mRevisionID(0), mObjectID(0), mContainerID(0), mAttributesModTime(0), mUserInfo1(0)
+ ASSERT(sizeof(u_int64_t) == sizeof(box_time_t));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::BackupStoreDirectory(int64_t, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Constructor giving object and container IDs
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreDirectory::BackupStoreDirectory(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t ContainerID)
+ : mRevisionID(0), mObjectID(ObjectID), mContainerID(ContainerID), mAttributesModTime(0), mUserInfo1(0)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::~BackupStoreDirectory()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for(std::vector<Entry*>::iterator i(mEntries.begin()); i != mEntries.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ delete (*i);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::ReadFromStream(IOStream &, int)
+// Purpose: Reads the directory contents from a stream. Exceptions will yeild incomplete reads.
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreDirectory::ReadFromStream(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout)
+ // Get the header
+ dir_StreamFormat hdr;
+ if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, Timeout))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // Check magic value...
+ if(OBJECTMAGIC_DIR_MAGIC_VALUE != ntohl(hdr.mMagicValue))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadDirectoryFormat)
+ }
+ // Get data
+ mObjectID = box_ntoh64(hdr.mObjectID);
+ mContainerID = box_ntoh64(hdr.mContainerID);
+ mAttributesModTime = box_ntoh64(hdr.mAttributesModTime);
+ // Options
+ int32_t options = ntohl(hdr.mOptionsPresent);
+ // Get attributes
+ mAttributes.ReadFromStream(rStream, Timeout);
+ // Decode count
+ int count = ntohl(hdr.mNumEntries);
+ // Clear existing list
+ for(std::vector<Entry*>::iterator i = mEntries.begin();
+ i != mEntries.end(); i++)
+ {
+ delete (*i);
+ }
+ mEntries.clear();
+ // Read them in!
+ for(int c = 0; c < count; ++c)
+ {
+ Entry *pen = new Entry;
+ try
+ {
+ // Read from stream
+ pen->ReadFromStream(rStream, Timeout);
+ // Add to list
+ mEntries.push_back(pen);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ delete pen;
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ // Read in dependency info?
+ if(options & Option_DependencyInfoPresent)
+ {
+ // Read in extra dependency data
+ for(int c = 0; c < count; ++c)
+ {
+ mEntries[c]->ReadFromStreamDependencyInfo(rStream, Timeout);
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::WriteToStream(IOStream &, int16_t, int16_t, bool, bool)
+// Purpose: Writes a selection of entries to a stream
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreDirectory::WriteToStream(IOStream &rStream, int16_t FlagsMustBeSet, int16_t FlagsNotToBeSet, bool StreamAttributes, bool StreamDependencyInfo) const
+ // Get count of entries
+ int32_t count = mEntries.size();
+ if(FlagsMustBeSet != Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING || FlagsNotToBeSet != Entry::Flags_EXCLUDE_NOTHING)
+ {
+ // Need to count the entries
+ count = 0;
+ Iterator i(*this);
+ while(i.Next(FlagsMustBeSet, FlagsNotToBeSet) != 0)
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that sensible IDs have been set
+ ASSERT(mObjectID != 0);
+ ASSERT(mContainerID != 0);
+ // Need dependency info?
+ bool dependencyInfoRequired = false;
+ if(StreamDependencyInfo)
+ {
+ Iterator i(*this);
+ Entry *pen = 0;
+ while((pen = i.Next(FlagsMustBeSet, FlagsNotToBeSet)) != 0)
+ {
+ if(pen->HasDependencies())
+ {
+ dependencyInfoRequired = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Options
+ int32_t options = 0;
+ if(dependencyInfoRequired) options |= Option_DependencyInfoPresent;
+ // Build header
+ dir_StreamFormat hdr;
+ hdr.mMagicValue = htonl(OBJECTMAGIC_DIR_MAGIC_VALUE);
+ hdr.mNumEntries = htonl(count);
+ hdr.mObjectID = box_hton64(mObjectID);
+ hdr.mContainerID = box_hton64(mContainerID);
+ hdr.mAttributesModTime = box_hton64(mAttributesModTime);
+ hdr.mOptionsPresent = htonl(options);
+ // Write header
+ rStream.Write(&hdr, sizeof(hdr));
+ // Write the attributes?
+ if(StreamAttributes)
+ {
+ mAttributes.WriteToStream(rStream);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Write a blank header instead
+ StreamableMemBlock::WriteEmptyBlockToStream(rStream);
+ }
+ // Then write all the entries
+ Iterator i(*this);
+ Entry *pen = 0;
+ while((pen = i.Next(FlagsMustBeSet, FlagsNotToBeSet)) != 0)
+ {
+ pen->WriteToStream(rStream);
+ }
+ // Write dependency info?
+ if(dependencyInfoRequired)
+ {
+ Iterator i(*this);
+ Entry *pen = 0;
+ while((pen = i.Next(FlagsMustBeSet, FlagsNotToBeSet)) != 0)
+ {
+ pen->WriteToStreamDependencyInfo(rStream);
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::AddEntry(const Entry &)
+// Purpose: Adds entry to directory (no checking)
+// Created: 2003/08/27
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *BackupStoreDirectory::AddEntry(const Entry &rEntryToCopy)
+ Entry *pnew = new Entry(rEntryToCopy);
+ try
+ {
+ mEntries.push_back(pnew);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ delete pnew;
+ throw;
+ }
+ return pnew;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::AddEntry(const BackupStoreFilename &, int64_t, int64_t, int16_t)
+// Purpose: Adds entry to directory (no checking)
+// Created: 2003/08/27
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *BackupStoreDirectory::AddEntry(const BackupStoreFilename &rName, box_time_t ModificationTime, int64_t ObjectID, int64_t SizeInBlocks, int16_t Flags, box_time_t AttributesModTime)
+ Entry *pnew = new Entry(rName, ModificationTime, ObjectID, SizeInBlocks, Flags, AttributesModTime);
+ try
+ {
+ mEntries.push_back(pnew);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ delete pnew;
+ throw;
+ }
+ return pnew;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::DeleteEntry(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Deletes entry with given object ID (uses linear search, maybe a little inefficient)
+// Created: 2003/08/27
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreDirectory::DeleteEntry(int64_t ObjectID)
+ for(std::vector<Entry*>::iterator i(mEntries.begin());
+ i != mEntries.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if((*i)->mObjectID == ObjectID)
+ {
+ // Delete
+ delete (*i);
+ // Remove from list
+ mEntries.erase(i);
+ // Done
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Not found
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldNotFindEntryInDirectory)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::FindEntryByID(int64_t)
+// Purpose: Finds a specific entry. Returns 0 if the entry doesn't exist.
+// Created: 12/11/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *BackupStoreDirectory::FindEntryByID(int64_t ObjectID) const
+ for(std::vector<Entry*>::const_iterator i(mEntries.begin());
+ i != mEntries.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if((*i)->mObjectID == ObjectID)
+ {
+ // Found
+ return (*i);
+ }
+ }
+ // Not found
+ return 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Entry()
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : mModificationTime(0),
+ mObjectID(0),
+ mSizeInBlocks(0),
+ mFlags(0),
+ mAttributesHash(0),
+ mMinMarkNumber(0),
+ mMarkNumber(0),
+ mDependsNewer(0),
+ mDependsOlder(0)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::~Entry()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Entry(const Entry &)
+// Purpose: Copy constructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Entry(const Entry &rToCopy)
+ : mName(rToCopy.mName),
+ mModificationTime(rToCopy.mModificationTime),
+ mObjectID(rToCopy.mObjectID),
+ mSizeInBlocks(rToCopy.mSizeInBlocks),
+ mFlags(rToCopy.mFlags),
+ mAttributesHash(rToCopy.mAttributesHash),
+ mAttributes(rToCopy.mAttributes),
+ mMinMarkNumber(rToCopy.mMinMarkNumber),
+ mMarkNumber(rToCopy.mMarkNumber),
+ mDependsNewer(rToCopy.mDependsNewer),
+ mDependsOlder(rToCopy.mDependsOlder)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Entry(const BackupStoreFilename &, int64_t, int64_t, int16_t)
+// Purpose: Constructor from values
+// Created: 2003/08/27
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::Entry(const BackupStoreFilename &rName, box_time_t ModificationTime, int64_t ObjectID, int64_t SizeInBlocks, int16_t Flags, uint64_t AttributesHash)
+ : mName(rName),
+ mModificationTime(ModificationTime),
+ mObjectID(ObjectID),
+ mSizeInBlocks(SizeInBlocks),
+ mFlags(Flags),
+ mAttributesHash(AttributesHash),
+ mMinMarkNumber(0),
+ mMarkNumber(0),
+ mDependsNewer(0),
+ mDependsOlder(0)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::TryReading(IOStream &, int)
+// Purpose: Read an entry from a stream
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::ReadFromStream(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout)
+ // Grab the raw bytes from the stream which compose the header
+ en_StreamFormat entry;
+ if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(&entry, sizeof(entry), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, Timeout))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // Do reading first before modifying the variables, to be more exception safe
+ // Get the filename
+ BackupStoreFilename name;
+ name.ReadFromStream(rStream, Timeout);
+ // Get the attributes
+ mAttributes.ReadFromStream(rStream, Timeout);
+ // Store the rest of the bits
+ mModificationTime = box_ntoh64(entry.mModificationTime);
+ mObjectID = box_ntoh64(entry.mObjectID);
+ mSizeInBlocks = box_ntoh64(entry.mSizeInBlocks);
+ mAttributesHash = box_ntoh64(entry.mAttributesHash);
+ mFlags = ntohs(entry.mFlags);
+ mName = name;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::WriteToStream(IOStream &)
+// Purpose: Writes the entry to a stream
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::WriteToStream(IOStream &rStream) const
+ // Build a structure
+ en_StreamFormat entry;
+ entry.mModificationTime = box_hton64(mModificationTime);
+ entry.mObjectID = box_hton64(mObjectID);
+ entry.mSizeInBlocks = box_hton64(mSizeInBlocks);
+ entry.mAttributesHash = box_hton64(mAttributesHash);
+ entry.mFlags = htons(mFlags);
+ // Write it
+ rStream.Write(&entry, sizeof(entry));
+ // Write the filename
+ mName.WriteToStream(rStream);
+ // Write any attributes
+ mAttributes.WriteToStream(rStream);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::ReadFromStreamDependencyInfo(IOStream &, int)
+// Purpose: Read the optional dependency info from a stream
+// Created: 13/7/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::ReadFromStreamDependencyInfo(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout)
+ // Grab the raw bytes from the stream which compose the header
+ en_StreamFormatDepends depends;
+ if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(&depends, sizeof(depends), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, Timeout))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // Store the data
+ mDependsNewer = box_ntoh64(depends.mDependsNewer);
+ mDependsOlder = box_ntoh64(depends.mDependsOlder);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::WriteToStreamDependencyInfo(IOStream &)
+// Purpose: Write the optional dependency info to a stream
+// Created: 13/7/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreDirectory::Entry::WriteToStreamDependencyInfo(IOStream &rStream) const
+ // Build structure
+ en_StreamFormatDepends depends;
+ depends.mDependsNewer = box_hton64(mDependsNewer);
+ depends.mDependsOlder = box_hton64(mDependsOlder);
+ // Write
+ rStream.Write(&depends, sizeof(depends));
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreDirectory.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreDirectory.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0dfe6422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreDirectory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory.h
+// Purpose: Representation of a backup directory
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "BackupStoreFilenameClear.h"
+#include "StreamableMemBlock.h"
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+class IOStream;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: BackupStoreDirectory
+// Purpose: In memory representation of a directory
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BackupStoreDirectory
+ BackupStoreDirectory();
+ BackupStoreDirectory(int64_t ObjectID, int64_t ContainerID);
+ // Copying not allowed
+ BackupStoreDirectory(const BackupStoreDirectory &rToCopy);
+ ~BackupStoreDirectory();
+ class Entry
+ {
+ public:
+ friend class BackupStoreDirectory;
+ Entry();
+ ~Entry();
+ Entry(const Entry &rToCopy);
+ Entry(const BackupStoreFilename &rName, box_time_t ModificationTime, int64_t ObjectID, int64_t SizeInBlocks, int16_t Flags, uint64_t AttributesHash);
+ void ReadFromStream(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout);
+ void WriteToStream(IOStream &rStream) const;
+ const BackupStoreFilename &GetName() const {return mName;}
+ box_time_t GetModificationTime() const {return mModificationTime;}
+ int64_t GetObjectID() const {return mObjectID;}
+ int64_t GetSizeInBlocks() const {return mSizeInBlocks;}
+ int16_t GetFlags() const {return mFlags;}
+ void AddFlags(int16_t Flags) {mFlags |= Flags;}
+ void RemoveFlags(int16_t Flags) {mFlags &= ~Flags;}
+ // Some things can be changed
+ void SetName(const BackupStoreFilename &rNewName) {mName = rNewName;}
+ void SetSizeInBlocks(int64_t SizeInBlocks) {mSizeInBlocks = SizeInBlocks;}
+ // Attributes
+ bool HasAttributes() const {return !mAttributes.IsEmpty();}
+ void SetAttributes(const StreamableMemBlock &rAttr, uint64_t AttributesHash) {mAttributes.Set(rAttr); mAttributesHash = AttributesHash;}
+ const StreamableMemBlock &GetAttributes() const {return mAttributes;}
+ uint64_t GetAttributesHash() const {return mAttributesHash;}
+ // Marks
+ // The lowest mark number a version of a file of this name has ever had
+ uint32_t GetMinMarkNumber() const {return mMinMarkNumber;}
+ // The mark number on this file
+ uint32_t GetMarkNumber() const {return mMarkNumber;}
+ // Make sure these flags are synced with those in backupprocotol.txt
+ // ListDirectory command
+ enum
+ {
+ Flags_EXCLUDE_EVERYTHING = 31, // make sure this is kept as sum of ones below!
+ Flags_File = 1,
+ Flags_Dir = 2,
+ Flags_Deleted = 4,
+ Flags_OldVersion = 8,
+ Flags_RemoveASAP = 16 // if this flag is set, housekeeping will remove it as it is marked Deleted or OldVersion
+ };
+ // characters for textual listing of files -- see bbackupquery/BackupQueries
+ // convenience methods
+ bool inline IsDir()
+ {
+ return GetFlags() & Flags_Dir;
+ }
+ bool inline IsFile()
+ {
+ return GetFlags() & Flags_File;
+ }
+ bool inline IsOld()
+ {
+ return GetFlags() & Flags_OldVersion;
+ }
+ bool inline IsDeleted()
+ {
+ return GetFlags() & Flags_Deleted;
+ }
+ bool inline MatchesFlags(int16_t FlagsMustBeSet, int16_t FlagsNotToBeSet)
+ {
+ return ((FlagsMustBeSet == Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING) || ((mFlags & FlagsMustBeSet) == FlagsMustBeSet))
+ && ((mFlags & FlagsNotToBeSet) == 0);
+ };
+ // Get dependency info
+ // new version this depends on
+ int64_t GetDependsNewer() const {return mDependsNewer;}
+ void SetDependsNewer(int64_t ObjectID) {mDependsNewer = ObjectID;}
+ // older version which depends on this
+ int64_t GetDependsOlder() const {return mDependsOlder;}
+ void SetDependsOlder(int64_t ObjectID) {mDependsOlder = ObjectID;}
+ // Dependency info saving
+ bool HasDependencies() {return mDependsNewer != 0 || mDependsOlder != 0;}
+ void ReadFromStreamDependencyInfo(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout);
+ void WriteToStreamDependencyInfo(IOStream &rStream) const;
+ private:
+ BackupStoreFilename mName;
+ box_time_t mModificationTime;
+ int64_t mObjectID;
+ int64_t mSizeInBlocks;
+ int16_t mFlags;
+ uint64_t mAttributesHash;
+ StreamableMemBlock mAttributes;
+ uint32_t mMinMarkNumber;
+ uint32_t mMarkNumber;
+ uint64_t mDependsNewer; // new version this depends on
+ uint64_t mDependsOlder; // older version which depends on this
+ };
+ void ReadFromStream(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout);
+ void WriteToStream(IOStream &rStream,
+ int16_t FlagsMustBeSet = Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING,
+ int16_t FlagsNotToBeSet = Entry::Flags_EXCLUDE_NOTHING,
+ bool StreamAttributes = true, bool StreamDependencyInfo = true) const;
+ Entry *AddEntry(const Entry &rEntryToCopy);
+ Entry *AddEntry(const BackupStoreFilename &rName, box_time_t ModificationTime, int64_t ObjectID, int64_t SizeInBlocks, int16_t Flags, box_time_t AttributesModTime);
+ void DeleteEntry(int64_t ObjectID);
+ Entry *FindEntryByID(int64_t ObjectID) const;
+ int64_t GetObjectID() const {return mObjectID;}
+ int64_t GetContainerID() const {return mContainerID;}
+ // Need to be able to update the container ID when moving objects
+ void SetContainerID(int64_t ContainerID) {mContainerID = ContainerID;}
+ // Purely for use of server -- not serialised into streams
+ int64_t GetRevisionID() const {return mRevisionID;}
+ void SetRevisionID(int64_t RevisionID) {mRevisionID = RevisionID;}
+ unsigned int GetNumberOfEntries() const {return mEntries.size();}
+ // User info -- not serialised into streams
+ int64_t GetUserInfo1_SizeInBlocks() const {return mUserInfo1;}
+ void SetUserInfo1_SizeInBlocks(int64_t UserInfo1) {mUserInfo1 = UserInfo1;}
+ // Attributes
+ bool HasAttributes() const {return !mAttributes.IsEmpty();}
+ void SetAttributes(const StreamableMemBlock &rAttr, box_time_t AttributesModTime) {mAttributes.Set(rAttr); mAttributesModTime = AttributesModTime;}
+ const StreamableMemBlock &GetAttributes() const {return mAttributes;}
+ box_time_t GetAttributesModTime() const {return mAttributesModTime;}
+ class Iterator
+ {
+ public:
+ Iterator(const BackupStoreDirectory &rDir)
+ : mrDir(rDir), i(rDir.mEntries.begin())
+ {
+ }
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *Next(int16_t FlagsMustBeSet = Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING, int16_t FlagsNotToBeSet = Entry::Flags_EXCLUDE_NOTHING)
+ {
+ // Skip over things which don't match the required flags
+ while(i != mrDir.mEntries.end() && !(*i)->MatchesFlags(FlagsMustBeSet, FlagsNotToBeSet))
+ {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Not the last one?
+ if(i == mrDir.mEntries.end())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Return entry, and increment
+ return (*(i++));
+ }
+ // WARNING: This function is really very inefficient.
+ // Only use when you want to look up ONE filename, not in a loop looking up lots.
+ // In a looping situation, cache the decrypted filenames in another memory structure.
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *FindMatchingClearName(const BackupStoreFilenameClear &rFilename, int16_t FlagsMustBeSet = Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING, int16_t FlagsNotToBeSet = Entry::Flags_EXCLUDE_NOTHING)
+ {
+ // Skip over things which don't match the required flags or filename
+ while( (i != mrDir.mEntries.end())
+ && ( (!(*i)->MatchesFlags(FlagsMustBeSet, FlagsNotToBeSet))
+ || (BackupStoreFilenameClear((*i)->GetName()).GetClearFilename() != rFilename.GetClearFilename()) ) )
+ {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Not the last one?
+ if(i == mrDir.mEntries.end())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Return entry, and increment
+ return (*(i++));
+ }
+ private:
+ const BackupStoreDirectory &mrDir;
+ std::vector<Entry*>::const_iterator i;
+ };
+ friend class Iterator;
+ class ReverseIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ ReverseIterator(const BackupStoreDirectory &rDir)
+ : mrDir(rDir), i(rDir.mEntries.rbegin())
+ {
+ }
+ BackupStoreDirectory::Entry *Next(int16_t FlagsMustBeSet = Entry::Flags_INCLUDE_EVERYTHING, int16_t FlagsNotToBeSet = Entry::Flags_EXCLUDE_NOTHING)
+ {
+ // Skip over things which don't match the required flags
+ while(i != mrDir.mEntries.rend() && !(*i)->MatchesFlags(FlagsMustBeSet, FlagsNotToBeSet))
+ {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Not the last one?
+ if(i == mrDir.mEntries.rend())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Return entry, and increment
+ return (*(i++));
+ }
+ private:
+ const BackupStoreDirectory &mrDir;
+ std::vector<Entry*>::const_reverse_iterator i;
+ };
+ friend class ReverseIterator;
+ // For recovery of the store
+ // Implemented in BackupStoreCheck2.cpp
+ bool CheckAndFix();
+ void AddUnattactedObject(const BackupStoreFilename &rName, box_time_t ModificationTime, int64_t ObjectID, int64_t SizeInBlocks, int16_t Flags);
+ bool NameInUse(const BackupStoreFilename &rName);
+ // Don't use these functions in normal code!
+ // For testing
+ void TESTONLY_SetObjectID(int64_t ObjectID) {mObjectID = ObjectID;}
+ // Debug and diagonistics
+ void Dump(void *clibFileHandle, bool ToTrace); // first arg is FILE *, but avoid including stdio.h everywhere
+ int64_t mRevisionID;
+ int64_t mObjectID;
+ int64_t mContainerID;
+ std::vector<Entry*> mEntries;
+ box_time_t mAttributesModTime;
+ StreamableMemBlock mAttributes;
+ int64_t mUserInfo1;
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreException.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreException.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..981dfa60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreException.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreException.h
+// Purpose: Exception
+// Created: 2003/07/08
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compatibility
+#include "autogen_BackupStoreException.h"
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreException.txt b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreException.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ece772c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreException.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+EXCEPTION BackupStore 4
+Internal 0
+BadAccountDatabaseFile 1
+AccountDatabaseNoSuchEntry 2
+InvalidBackupStoreFilename 3
+UnknownFilenameEncoding 4
+CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream 5
+BadDirectoryFormat 6
+CouldNotFindEntryInDirectory 7
+OutputFileAlreadyExists 8
+OSFileError 9
+StreamDoesntHaveRequiredFeatures 10
+BadBackupStoreFile 11
+CouldNotLoadStoreInfo 12
+BadStoreInfoOnLoad 13
+StoreInfoIsReadOnly 14
+StoreInfoDirNotInList 15
+StoreInfoBlockDeltaMakesValueNegative 16
+DirectoryHasBeenDeleted 17
+StoreInfoNotInitialised 18
+StoreInfoAlreadyLoaded 19
+StoreInfoNotLoaded 20
+ReadFileFromStreamTimedOut 21
+FileWrongSizeAfterBeingStored 22
+AddedFileDoesNotVerify 23
+StoreInfoForWrongAccount 24
+ContextIsReadOnly 25
+AttributesNotLoaded 26
+AttributesNotUnderstood 27
+WrongServerVersion 28 # client side
+ClientMarkerNotAsExpected 29 Another process logged into the store and modified it while this process was running. Check you're not running two or more clients on the same account.
+NameAlreadyExistsInDirectory 30
+BerkelyDBFailure 31 # client side
+InodeMapIsReadOnly 32 # client side
+InodeMapNotOpen 33 # client side
+FilenameEncryptionKeyNotKnown 34
+FilenameEncryptionNoKeyForSpecifiedMethod 35
+FilenameEncryptionNotSetup 36
+CouldntLoadClientKeyMaterial 37
+BadEncryptedAttributes 38
+EncryptedAttributesHaveUnknownEncoding 39
+OutputSizeTooSmallForChunk 40
+BadEncodedChunk 41
+NotEnoughSpaceToDecodeChunk 42
+ChunkHasUnknownEncoding 43
+ChunkContainsBadCompressedData 44
+CantWriteToEncodedFileStream 45
+Temp_FileEncodeStreamDidntReadBuffer 46
+CantWriteToDecodedFileStream 47
+WhenDecodingExpectedToReadButCouldnt 48
+BackupStoreFileFailedIntegrityCheck 49
+ThereIsNoDataInASymLink 50
+IVLengthForEncodedBlockSizeDoesntMeetLengthRequirements 51
+BlockEntryEncodingDidntGiveExpectedLength 52
+CouldNotFindUnusedIDDuringAllocation 53
+AddedFileExceedsStorageLimit 54
+CannotDiffAnIncompleteStoreFile 55
+CannotDecodeDiffedFilesWithoutCombining 56
+FailedToReadBlockOnCombine 57
+OnCombineFromFileIsIncomplete 58
+BadNotifySysadminEventCode 59
+InternalAlgorithmErrorCheckIDNotMonotonicallyIncreasing 60
+CouldNotLockStoreAccount 61 Another process is accessing this account -- is a client connected to the server?
+AttributeHashSecretNotSet 62
+AEScipherNotSupportedByInstalledOpenSSL 63 The system needs to be compiled with support for OpenSSL 0.9.7 or later to be able to decode files encrypted with AES
+SignalReceived 64 A signal was received by the process, restart or terminate needed. Exception thrown to abort connection.
+IncompatibleFromAndDiffFiles 65 Attempt to use a diff and a from file together, when they're not related
+DiffFromIDNotFoundInDirectory 66 When uploading via a diff, the diff from file must be in the same directory
+PatchChainInfoBadInDirectory 67 A directory contains inconsistent information. Run bbstoreaccounts check to fix it.
+UnknownObjectRefCountRequested 68 A reference count was requested for an object whose reference count is not known.
+MultiplyReferencedObject 69 Attempted to modify an object with multiple references, should be uncloned first
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd62b7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1559 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFile.cpp
+// Purpose: Utils for manipulating files
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <new>
+#include <string.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+#include "BackupStoreFile.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFileWire.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFileCryptVar.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFilename.h"
+#include "BackupStoreException.h"
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "Guards.h"
+#include "FileModificationTime.h"
+#include "FileStream.h"
+#include "BackupClientFileAttributes.h"
+#include "BackupStoreObjectMagic.h"
+#include "Compress.h"
+#include "CipherContext.h"
+#include "CipherBlowfish.h"
+#include "CipherAES.h"
+#include "BackupStoreConstants.h"
+#include "CollectInBufferStream.h"
+#include "RollingChecksum.h"
+#include "MD5Digest.h"
+#include "ReadGatherStream.h"
+#include "Random.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFileEncodeStream.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+using namespace BackupStoreFileCryptVar;
+// How big a buffer to use for copying files
+#define COPY_BUFFER_SIZE (8*1024)
+// Statistics
+BackupStoreFileStats BackupStoreFile::msStats = {0,0,0};
+ bool sWarnedAboutBackwardsCompatiblity = false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::EncodeFile(IOStream &, IOStream &)
+// Purpose: Encode a file into something for storing on file server.
+// Requires a real filename so full info can be stored.
+// Returns a stream. Most of the work is done by the stream
+// when data is actually requested -- the file will be held
+// open until the stream is deleted or the file finished.
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<IOStream> BackupStoreFile::EncodeFile(
+ const char *Filename, int64_t ContainerID,
+ const BackupStoreFilename &rStoreFilename,
+ int64_t *pModificationTime,
+ ReadLoggingStream::Logger* pLogger,
+ RunStatusProvider* pRunStatusProvider)
+ // Create the stream
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> stream(new BackupStoreFileEncodeStream);
+ // Do the initial setup
+ ((BackupStoreFileEncodeStream*)stream.get())->Setup(Filename,
+ 0 /* no recipe, just encode */,
+ ContainerID, rStoreFilename, pModificationTime, pLogger,
+ pRunStatusProvider);
+ // Return the stream for the caller
+ return stream;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::VerifyEncodedFileFormat(IOStream &)
+// Purpose: Verify that an encoded file meets the format
+// requirements. Doesn't verify that the data is intact
+// and can be decoded. Optionally returns the ID of the
+// file which it is diffed from, and the (original)
+// container ID.
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreFile::VerifyEncodedFileFormat(IOStream &rFile, int64_t *pDiffFromObjectIDOut, int64_t *pContainerIDOut)
+ // Get the size of the file
+ int64_t fileSize = rFile.BytesLeftToRead();
+ if(fileSize == IOStream::SizeOfStreamUnknown)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StreamDoesntHaveRequiredFeatures)
+ }
+ // Get the header...
+ file_StreamFormat hdr;
+ if(!rFile.ReadFullBuffer(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read header
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check magic number
+ if(ntohl(hdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V1
+ && ntohl(hdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V0
+ )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Get a filename, see if it loads OK
+ try
+ {
+ BackupStoreFilename fn;
+ fn.ReadFromStream(rFile, IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // an error occured while reading it, so that's not good
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Skip the attributes -- because they're encrypted, the server can't tell whether they're OK or not
+ try
+ {
+ int32_t size_s;
+ if(!rFile.ReadFullBuffer(&size_s, sizeof(size_s), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, StreamableMemBlockIncompleteRead)
+ }
+ int size = ntohl(size_s);
+ // Skip forward the size
+ rFile.Seek(size, IOStream::SeekType_Relative);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // an error occured while reading it, so that's not good
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Get current position in file -- the end of the header
+ int64_t headerEnd = rFile.GetPosition();
+ // Get number of blocks
+ int64_t numBlocks = box_ntoh64(hdr.mNumBlocks);
+ // Calculate where the block index will be, check it's reasonable
+ int64_t blockIndexLoc = fileSize - ((numBlocks * sizeof(file_BlockIndexEntry)) + sizeof(file_BlockIndexHeader));
+ if(blockIndexLoc < headerEnd)
+ {
+ // Not enough space left for the block index, let alone the blocks themselves
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Load the block index header
+ rFile.Seek(blockIndexLoc, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ file_BlockIndexHeader blkhdr;
+ if(!rFile.ReadFullBuffer(&blkhdr, sizeof(blkhdr), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read block index header -- assume bad file
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check header
+ if((ntohl(blkhdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V1
+ && ntohl(blkhdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V0
+ )
+ || (int64_t)box_ntoh64(blkhdr.mNumBlocks) != numBlocks)
+ {
+ // Bad header -- either magic value or number of blocks is wrong
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Flag for recording whether a block is referenced from another file
+ bool blockFromOtherFileReferenced = false;
+ // Read the index, checking that the length values all make sense
+ int64_t currentBlockStart = headerEnd;
+ for(int64_t b = 0; b < numBlocks; ++b)
+ {
+ // Read block entry
+ file_BlockIndexEntry blk;
+ if(!rFile.ReadFullBuffer(&blk, sizeof(blk), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read block index entry -- assume bad file
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check size and location
+ int64_t blkSize = box_ntoh64(blk.mEncodedSize);
+ if(blkSize <= 0)
+ {
+ // Mark that this file references another file
+ blockFromOtherFileReferenced = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This block is actually in this file
+ if((currentBlockStart + blkSize) > blockIndexLoc)
+ {
+ // Encoded size makes the block run over the index
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Move the current block start ot the end of this block
+ currentBlockStart += blkSize;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that there's no empty space
+ if(currentBlockStart != blockIndexLoc)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check that if another block is references, then the ID is there, and if one isn't there is no ID.
+ int64_t otherID = box_ntoh64(blkhdr.mOtherFileID);
+ if((otherID != 0 && blockFromOtherFileReferenced == false)
+ || (otherID == 0 && blockFromOtherFileReferenced == true))
+ {
+ // Doesn't look good!
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Does the caller want the other ID?
+ if(pDiffFromObjectIDOut)
+ {
+ *pDiffFromObjectIDOut = otherID;
+ }
+ // Does the caller want the container ID?
+ if(pContainerIDOut)
+ {
+ *pContainerIDOut = box_ntoh64(hdr.mContainerID);
+ }
+ // Passes all tests
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodeFile(IOStream &, const char *)
+// Purpose: Decode a file. Will set file attributes. File must not exist.
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFile::DecodeFile(IOStream &rEncodedFile, const char *DecodedFilename, int Timeout, const BackupClientFileAttributes *pAlterativeAttr)
+ // Does file exist?
+ if(EMU_STAT(DecodedFilename, &st) == 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, OutputFileAlreadyExists)
+ }
+ // Try, delete output file if error
+ try
+ {
+ // Make a stream for outputting this file
+ FileStream out(DecodedFilename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL);
+ // Get the decoding stream
+ std::auto_ptr<DecodedStream> stream(DecodeFileStream(rEncodedFile, Timeout, pAlterativeAttr));
+ // Is it a symlink?
+ if(!stream->IsSymLink())
+ {
+ // Copy it out to the file
+ stream->CopyStreamTo(out);
+ }
+ out.Close();
+ // The stream might have uncertain size, in which case
+ // we need to drain it to get the
+ // Protocol::ProtocolStreamHeader_EndOfStream byte
+ // out of our connection stream.
+ char buffer[1];
+ int drained = rEncodedFile.Read(buffer, 1);
+ // The Read will return 0 if we are actually at the end
+ // of the stream, but some tests decode files directly,
+ // in which case we are actually positioned at the start
+ // of the block index. I hope that reading an extra byte
+ // doesn't hurt!
+ // ASSERT(drained == 0);
+ // Write the attributes
+ try
+ {
+ stream->GetAttributes().WriteAttributes(DecodedFilename);
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("Failed to restore attributes on " <<
+ DecodedFilename << ": " << e.what());
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ ::unlink(DecodedFilename);
+ throw;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodeFileStream(IOStream &, int, const BackupClientFileAttributes *)
+// Purpose: Return a stream which will decode the encrypted file data on the fly.
+// Accepts streams in block index first, or main header first, order. In the latter case,
+// the stream must be Seek()able.
+// Before you use the returned stream, call IsSymLink() -- symlink streams won't allow
+// you to read any data to enforce correct logic. See BackupStoreFile::DecodeFile() implementation.
+// Created: 9/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream> BackupStoreFile::DecodeFileStream(IOStream &rEncodedFile, int Timeout, const BackupClientFileAttributes *pAlterativeAttr)
+ // Create stream
+ std::auto_ptr<DecodedStream> stream(new DecodedStream(rEncodedFile, Timeout));
+ // Get it ready
+ stream->Setup(pAlterativeAttr);
+ // Return to caller
+ return stream;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::DecodedStream(IOStream &, int)
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 9/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::DecodedStream(IOStream &rEncodedFile, int Timeout)
+ : mrEncodedFile(rEncodedFile),
+ mTimeout(Timeout),
+ mNumBlocks(0),
+ mpBlockIndex(0),
+ mpEncodedData(0),
+ mpClearData(0),
+ mClearDataSize(0),
+ mCurrentBlock(-1),
+ mCurrentBlockClearSize(0),
+ mPositionInCurrentBlock(0),
+ mEntryIVBase(42) // different to default value in the encoded stream!
+ , mIsOldVersion(false)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::~DecodedStream()
+// Purpose: Desctructor
+// Created: 9/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Free any allocated memory
+ if(mpBlockIndex)
+ {
+ ::free(mpBlockIndex);
+ }
+ if(mpEncodedData)
+ {
+ BackupStoreFile::CodingChunkFree(mpEncodedData);
+ }
+ if(mpClearData)
+ {
+ ::free(mpClearData);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::Setup(const BackupClientFileAttributes *)
+// Purpose: Get the stream ready to decode -- reads in headers
+// Created: 9/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::Setup(const BackupClientFileAttributes *pAlterativeAttr)
+ // Get the size of the file
+ int64_t fileSize = mrEncodedFile.BytesLeftToRead();
+ // Get the magic number to work out which order the stream is in
+ int32_t magic;
+ if(!mrEncodedFile.ReadFullBuffer(&magic, sizeof(magic), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, mTimeout))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read magic value
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, WhenDecodingExpectedToReadButCouldnt)
+ }
+ bool inFileOrder = true;
+ switch(ntohl(magic))
+ {
+ mIsOldVersion = true;
+ // control flows on
+ inFileOrder = true;
+ break;
+ mIsOldVersion = true;
+ // control flows on
+ inFileOrder = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // If not in file order, then the index list must be read now
+ if(!inFileOrder)
+ {
+ ReadBlockIndex(true /* have already read and verified the magic number */);
+ }
+ // Get header
+ file_StreamFormat hdr;
+ if(inFileOrder)
+ {
+ // Read the header, without the magic number
+ if(!mrEncodedFile.ReadFullBuffer(((uint8_t*)&hdr) + sizeof(magic), sizeof(hdr) - sizeof(magic),
+ 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, mTimeout))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read header
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, WhenDecodingExpectedToReadButCouldnt)
+ }
+ // Put in magic number
+ hdr.mMagicValue = magic;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Not in file order, so need to read the full header
+ if(!mrEncodedFile.ReadFullBuffer(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, mTimeout))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read header
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, WhenDecodingExpectedToReadButCouldnt)
+ }
+ }
+ // Check magic number
+ if(ntohl(hdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V1
+ && ntohl(hdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V0
+ )
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // Get the filename
+ mFilename.ReadFromStream(mrEncodedFile, mTimeout);
+ // Get the attributes (either from stream, or supplied attributes)
+ if(pAlterativeAttr != 0)
+ {
+ // Read dummy attributes
+ BackupClientFileAttributes attr;
+ attr.ReadFromStream(mrEncodedFile, mTimeout);
+ // Set to supplied attributes
+ mAttributes = *pAlterativeAttr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Read the attributes from the stream
+ mAttributes.ReadFromStream(mrEncodedFile, mTimeout);
+ }
+ // If it is in file order, go and read the file attributes
+ // Requires that the stream can seek
+ if(inFileOrder)
+ {
+ // Make sure the file size is known
+ if(fileSize == IOStream::SizeOfStreamUnknown)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StreamDoesntHaveRequiredFeatures)
+ }
+ // Store current location (beginning of encoded blocks)
+ int64_t endOfHeaderPos = mrEncodedFile.GetPosition();
+ // Work out where the index is
+ int64_t numBlocks = box_ntoh64(hdr.mNumBlocks);
+ int64_t blockHeaderPos = fileSize - ((numBlocks * sizeof(file_BlockIndexEntry)) + sizeof(file_BlockIndexHeader));
+ // Seek to that position
+ mrEncodedFile.Seek(blockHeaderPos, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ // Read the block index
+ ReadBlockIndex(false /* magic number still to be read */);
+ // Seek back to the end of header position, ready for reading the chunks
+ mrEncodedFile.Seek(endOfHeaderPos, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ }
+ // Check view of blocks from block header and file header match
+ if(mNumBlocks != (int64_t)box_ntoh64(hdr.mNumBlocks))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // Need to allocate some memory for the two blocks for reading encoded data, and clear data
+ if(mNumBlocks > 0)
+ {
+ // Find the maximum encoded data size
+ int32_t maxEncodedDataSize = 0;
+ const file_BlockIndexEntry *entry = (file_BlockIndexEntry *)mpBlockIndex;
+ ASSERT(entry != 0);
+ for(int64_t e = 0; e < mNumBlocks; e++)
+ {
+ // Get the clear and encoded size
+ int32_t encodedSize = box_ntoh64(entry[e].mEncodedSize);
+ ASSERT(encodedSize > 0);
+ // Larger?
+ if(encodedSize > maxEncodedDataSize) maxEncodedDataSize = encodedSize;
+ }
+ // Allocate those blocks!
+ mpEncodedData = (uint8_t*)BackupStoreFile::CodingChunkAlloc(maxEncodedDataSize + 32);
+ // Allocate the block for the clear data, using the hint from the header.
+ // If this is wrong, things will exception neatly later on, so it can't be used
+ // to do anything more than cause an error on downloading.
+ mClearDataSize = OutputBufferSizeForKnownOutputSize(ntohl(hdr.mMaxBlockClearSize)) + 32;
+ mpClearData = (uint8_t*)::malloc(mClearDataSize);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::ReadBlockIndex(bool)
+// Purpose: Read the block index from the stream, and store in internal buffer (minus header)
+// Created: 9/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::ReadBlockIndex(bool MagicAlreadyRead)
+ // Header
+ file_BlockIndexHeader blkhdr;
+ // Read it in -- way depends on how whether the magic number has already been read
+ if(MagicAlreadyRead)
+ {
+ // Read the header, without the magic number
+ if(!mrEncodedFile.ReadFullBuffer(((uint8_t*)&blkhdr) + sizeof(blkhdr.mMagicValue), sizeof(blkhdr) - sizeof(blkhdr.mMagicValue),
+ 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, mTimeout))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read header
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, WhenDecodingExpectedToReadButCouldnt)
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Magic not already read, so need to read the full header
+ if(!mrEncodedFile.ReadFullBuffer(&blkhdr, sizeof(blkhdr), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, mTimeout))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read header
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, WhenDecodingExpectedToReadButCouldnt)
+ }
+ // Check magic value
+ if(ntohl(blkhdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V1
+ && ntohl(blkhdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V0
+ )
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the number of blocks out of the header
+ mNumBlocks = box_ntoh64(blkhdr.mNumBlocks);
+ // Read the IV base
+ mEntryIVBase = box_ntoh64(blkhdr.mEntryIVBase);
+ // Load the block entries in?
+ if(mNumBlocks > 0)
+ {
+ // How big is the index?
+ int64_t indexSize = sizeof(file_BlockIndexEntry) * mNumBlocks;
+ // Allocate some memory
+ mpBlockIndex = ::malloc(indexSize);
+ if(mpBlockIndex == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ // Read it in
+ if(!mrEncodedFile.ReadFullBuffer(mpBlockIndex, indexSize, 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, mTimeout))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read header
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, WhenDecodingExpectedToReadButCouldnt)
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::Read(void *, int, int)
+// Purpose: As interface. Reads decrpyted data.
+// Created: 9/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ // Symlinks don't have data. So can't read it. Not even zero bytes.
+ if(IsSymLink())
+ {
+ // Don't allow reading in this case
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ThereIsNoDataInASymLink);
+ }
+ // Already finished?
+ if(mCurrentBlock >= mNumBlocks)
+ {
+ // At end of stream, nothing to do
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int bytesToRead = NBytes;
+ uint8_t *output = (uint8_t*)pBuffer;
+ while(bytesToRead > 0 && mCurrentBlock < mNumBlocks)
+ {
+ // Anything left in the current block?
+ if(mPositionInCurrentBlock < mCurrentBlockClearSize)
+ {
+ // Copy data out of this buffer
+ int s = mCurrentBlockClearSize - mPositionInCurrentBlock;
+ if(s > bytesToRead) s = bytesToRead; // limit to requested data
+ // Copy
+ ::memcpy(output, mpClearData + mPositionInCurrentBlock, s);
+ // Update positions
+ output += s;
+ mPositionInCurrentBlock += s;
+ bytesToRead -= s;
+ }
+ // Need to get some more data?
+ if(bytesToRead > 0 && mPositionInCurrentBlock >= mCurrentBlockClearSize)
+ {
+ // Number of next block
+ ++mCurrentBlock;
+ if(mCurrentBlock >= mNumBlocks)
+ {
+ // Stop now!
+ break;
+ }
+ // Get the size from the block index
+ const file_BlockIndexEntry *entry = (file_BlockIndexEntry *)mpBlockIndex;
+ int32_t encodedSize = box_ntoh64(entry[mCurrentBlock].mEncodedSize);
+ if(encodedSize <= 0)
+ {
+ // The caller is attempting to decode a file which is the direct result of a diff
+ // operation, and so does not contain all the data.
+ // It needs to be combined with the previous version first.
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CannotDecodeDiffedFilesWithoutCombining)
+ }
+ // Load in next block
+ if(!mrEncodedFile.ReadFullBuffer(mpEncodedData, encodedSize, 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, mTimeout))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read header
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, WhenDecodingExpectedToReadButCouldnt)
+ }
+ // Decode the data
+ mCurrentBlockClearSize = BackupStoreFile::DecodeChunk(mpEncodedData, encodedSize, mpClearData, mClearDataSize);
+ // Calculate IV for this entry
+ uint64_t iv = mEntryIVBase;
+ iv += mCurrentBlock;
+ // Convert to network byte order before encrypting with it, so that restores work on
+ // platforms with different endiannesses.
+ iv = box_hton64(iv);
+ sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry.SetIV(&iv);
+ // Decrypt the encrypted section
+ file_BlockIndexEntryEnc entryEnc;
+ int sectionSize = sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry.TransformBlock(&entryEnc, sizeof(entryEnc),
+ entry[mCurrentBlock].mEnEnc, sizeof(entry[mCurrentBlock].mEnEnc));
+ if(sectionSize != sizeof(entryEnc))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BlockEntryEncodingDidntGiveExpectedLength)
+ }
+ // Make sure this is the right size
+ if(mCurrentBlockClearSize != (int32_t)ntohl(entryEnc.mSize))
+ {
+ if(!mIsOldVersion)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // Versions 0.05 and previous of Box Backup didn't properly handle endianess of the
+ // IV for the encrypted section. Try again, with the thing the other way round
+ iv = box_swap64(iv);
+ sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry.SetIV(&iv);
+ int sectionSize = sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry.TransformBlock(&entryEnc, sizeof(entryEnc),
+ entry[mCurrentBlock].mEnEnc, sizeof(entry[mCurrentBlock].mEnEnc));
+ if(sectionSize != sizeof(entryEnc))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BlockEntryEncodingDidntGiveExpectedLength)
+ }
+ if(mCurrentBlockClearSize != (int32_t)ntohl(entryEnc.mSize))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Warn and log this issue
+ if(!sWarnedAboutBackwardsCompatiblity)
+ {
+ BOX_WARNING("WARNING: Decoded one or more files using backwards compatibility mode for block index.");
+ sWarnedAboutBackwardsCompatiblity = true;
+ }
+ }
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // Check the digest
+ MD5Digest md5;
+ md5.Add(mpClearData, mCurrentBlockClearSize);
+ md5.Finish();
+ if(!md5.DigestMatches((uint8_t*)entryEnc.mStrongChecksum))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BackupStoreFileFailedIntegrityCheck)
+ }
+ // Set vars to say what's happening
+ mPositionInCurrentBlock = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT(bytesToRead >= 0);
+ ASSERT(bytesToRead <= NBytes);
+ return NBytes - bytesToRead;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::IsSymLink()
+// Purpose: Is the unencoded file actually a symlink?
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::IsSymLink()
+ // First, check in with the attributes
+ if(!mAttributes.IsSymLink())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // So the attributes think it is a symlink.
+ // Consistency check...
+ if(mNumBlocks != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::Write(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: As interface. Throws exception, as you can't write to this stream.
+// Created: 9/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CantWriteToDecodedFileStream)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: As interface. Any data left?
+// Created: 9/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ return mCurrentBlock < mNumBlocks;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: As interface. Always returns true, no writing allowed.
+// Created: 9/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream::StreamClosed()
+ // Can't write to this stream!
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::SetBlowfishKey(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: Static. Sets the key to use for encryption and decryption.
+// Created: 7/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFile::SetBlowfishKeys(const void *pKey, int KeyLength, const void *pBlockEntryKey, int BlockEntryKeyLength)
+ // IVs set later
+ sBlowfishEncrypt.Reset();
+ sBlowfishEncrypt.Init(CipherContext::Encrypt, CipherBlowfish(CipherDescription::Mode_CBC, pKey, KeyLength));
+ sBlowfishDecrypt.Reset();
+ sBlowfishDecrypt.Init(CipherContext::Decrypt, CipherBlowfish(CipherDescription::Mode_CBC, pKey, KeyLength));
+ sBlowfishEncryptBlockEntry.Reset();
+ sBlowfishEncryptBlockEntry.Init(CipherContext::Encrypt, CipherBlowfish(CipherDescription::Mode_CBC, pBlockEntryKey, BlockEntryKeyLength));
+ sBlowfishEncryptBlockEntry.UsePadding(false);
+ sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry.Reset();
+ sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry.Init(CipherContext::Decrypt, CipherBlowfish(CipherDescription::Mode_CBC, pBlockEntryKey, BlockEntryKeyLength));
+ sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry.UsePadding(false);
+#ifndef HAVE_OLD_SSL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::SetAESKey(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: Sets the AES key to use for file data encryption. Will select AES as
+// the cipher to use when encrypting.
+// Created: 27/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFile::SetAESKey(const void *pKey, int KeyLength)
+ // Setup context
+ sAESEncrypt.Reset();
+ sAESEncrypt.Init(CipherContext::Encrypt, CipherAES(CipherDescription::Mode_CBC, pKey, KeyLength));
+ sAESDecrypt.Reset();
+ sAESDecrypt.Init(CipherContext::Decrypt, CipherAES(CipherDescription::Mode_CBC, pKey, KeyLength));
+ // Set encryption to use this key, instead of the "default" blowfish key
+ spEncrypt = &sAESEncrypt;
+ sEncryptCipherType = HEADER_AES_ENCODING;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::MaxBlockSizeForChunkSize(int)
+// Purpose: The maximum output size of a block, given the chunk size
+// Created: 7/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int BackupStoreFile::MaxBlockSizeForChunkSize(int ChunkSize)
+ // Calculate... the maximum size of output by first the largest it could be after compression,
+ // which is encrypted, and has a 1 bytes header and the IV added, plus 1 byte for luck
+ // And then on top, add 128 bytes just to make sure. (Belts and braces approach to fixing
+ // an problem where a rather non-compressable file didn't fit in a block buffer.)
+ return sBlowfishEncrypt.MaxOutSizeForInBufferSize(Compress_MaxSizeForCompressedData(ChunkSize)) + 1 + 1
+ + sBlowfishEncrypt.GetIVLength() + 128;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::EncodeChunk(const void *, int, BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer &)
+// Purpose: Encodes a chunk (encryption, possible compressed beforehand)
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int BackupStoreFile::EncodeChunk(const void *Chunk, int ChunkSize, BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer &rOutput)
+ ASSERT(spEncrypt != 0);
+ // Check there's some space in the output block
+ if(rOutput.mBufferSize < 256)
+ {
+ rOutput.Reallocate(256);
+ }
+ // Check alignment of the block
+ // Want to compress it?
+ bool compressChunk = (ChunkSize >= BACKUP_FILE_MIN_COMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE);
+ // Build header
+ uint8_t header = sEncryptCipherType << HEADER_ENCODING_SHIFT;
+ if(compressChunk) header |= HEADER_CHUNK_IS_COMPRESSED;
+ // Store header
+ rOutput.mpBuffer[0] = header;
+ int outOffset = 1;
+ // Setup cipher, and store the IV
+ int ivLen = 0;
+ const void *iv = spEncrypt->SetRandomIV(ivLen);
+ ::memcpy(rOutput.mpBuffer + outOffset, iv, ivLen);
+ outOffset += ivLen;
+ // Start encryption process
+ spEncrypt->Begin();
+ #define ENCODECHUNK_CHECK_SPACE(ToEncryptSize) \
+ { \
+ if((rOutput.mBufferSize - outOffset) < ((ToEncryptSize) + 128)) \
+ { \
+ rOutput.Reallocate(rOutput.mBufferSize + (ToEncryptSize) + 128); \
+ } \
+ }
+ // Encode the chunk
+ if(compressChunk)
+ {
+ // buffer to compress into
+ uint8_t buffer[2048];
+ // Set compressor with all the chunk as an input
+ Compress<true> compress;
+ compress.Input(Chunk, ChunkSize);
+ compress.FinishInput();
+ // Get and encrypt output
+ while(!compress.OutputHasFinished())
+ {
+ int s = compress.Output(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+ if(s > 0)
+ {
+ outOffset += spEncrypt->Transform(rOutput.mpBuffer + outOffset, rOutput.mBufferSize - outOffset, buffer, s);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Should never happen, as we put all the input in in one go.
+ // So if this happens, it means there's a logical problem somewhere
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, Internal)
+ }
+ }
+ outOffset += spEncrypt->Final(rOutput.mpBuffer + outOffset, rOutput.mBufferSize - outOffset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Straight encryption
+ outOffset += spEncrypt->Transform(rOutput.mpBuffer + outOffset, rOutput.mBufferSize - outOffset, Chunk, ChunkSize);
+ outOffset += spEncrypt->Final(rOutput.mpBuffer + outOffset, rOutput.mBufferSize - outOffset);
+ }
+ ASSERT(outOffset < rOutput.mBufferSize); // first check should have sorted this -- merely logic check
+ return outOffset;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::DecodeChunk(const void *, int, void *, int)
+// Purpose: Decode an encoded chunk -- use OutputBufferSizeForKnownOutputSize() to find
+// the extra output buffer size needed before calling.
+// See notes in EncodeChunk() for notes re alignment of the
+// encoded data.
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int BackupStoreFile::DecodeChunk(const void *Encoded, int EncodedSize, void *Output, int OutputSize)
+ // Check alignment of the encoded block
+ // First check
+ if(EncodedSize < 1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadEncodedChunk)
+ }
+ const uint8_t *input = (uint8_t*)Encoded;
+ // Get header, make checks, etc
+ uint8_t header = input[0];
+ uint8_t encodingType = (header >> HEADER_ENCODING_SHIFT);
+ if(encodingType != HEADER_BLOWFISH_ENCODING && encodingType != HEADER_AES_ENCODING)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, ChunkHasUnknownEncoding)
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_OLD_SSL
+ // Choose cipher
+ CipherContext &cipher((encodingType == HEADER_AES_ENCODING)?sAESDecrypt:sBlowfishDecrypt);
+ // AES not supported with this version of OpenSSL
+ if(encodingType == HEADER_AES_ENCODING)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, AEScipherNotSupportedByInstalledOpenSSL)
+ }
+ CipherContext &cipher(sBlowfishDecrypt);
+ // Check enough space for header, an IV and one byte of input
+ int ivLen = cipher.GetIVLength();
+ if(EncodedSize < (1 + ivLen + 1))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadEncodedChunk)
+ }
+ // Set IV in decrypt context, and start
+ cipher.SetIV(input + 1);
+ cipher.Begin();
+ // Setup vars for code
+ int inOffset = 1 + ivLen;
+ uint8_t *output = (uint8_t*)Output;
+ int outOffset = 0;
+ // Do action
+ if(chunkCompressed)
+ {
+ // Do things in chunks
+ uint8_t buffer[2048];
+ int inputBlockLen = cipher.InSizeForOutBufferSize(sizeof(buffer));
+ // Decompressor
+ Compress<false> decompress;
+ while(inOffset < EncodedSize)
+ {
+ // Decrypt a block
+ int bl = inputBlockLen;
+ if(bl > (EncodedSize - inOffset)) bl = EncodedSize - inOffset; // not too long
+ int s = cipher.Transform(buffer, sizeof(buffer), input + inOffset, bl);
+ inOffset += bl;
+ // Decompress the decrypted data
+ if(s > 0)
+ {
+ decompress.Input(buffer, s);
+ int os = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ os = decompress.Output(output + outOffset, OutputSize - outOffset);
+ outOffset += os;
+ } while(os > 0);
+ // Check that there's space left in the output buffer -- there always should be
+ if(outOffset >= OutputSize)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, NotEnoughSpaceToDecodeChunk)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get any compressed data remaining in the cipher context and compression
+ int s = cipher.Final(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+ decompress.Input(buffer, s);
+ decompress.FinishInput();
+ while(!decompress.OutputHasFinished())
+ {
+ int os = decompress.Output(output + outOffset, OutputSize - outOffset);
+ outOffset += os;
+ // Check that there's space left in the output buffer -- there always should be
+ if(outOffset >= OutputSize)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, NotEnoughSpaceToDecodeChunk)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Easy decryption
+ outOffset += cipher.Transform(output + outOffset, OutputSize - outOffset, input + inOffset, EncodedSize - inOffset);
+ outOffset += cipher.Final(output + outOffset, OutputSize - outOffset);
+ }
+ return outOffset;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::ReorderFileToStreamOrder(IOStream *, bool)
+// Purpose: Returns a stream which gives a Stream order version of the encoded file.
+// If TakeOwnership == true, then the input stream will be deleted when the
+// returned stream is deleted.
+// The input stream must be seekable.
+// Created: 10/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::auto_ptr<IOStream> BackupStoreFile::ReorderFileToStreamOrder(IOStream *pStream, bool TakeOwnership)
+ ASSERT(pStream != 0);
+ // Get the size of the file
+ int64_t fileSize = pStream->BytesLeftToRead();
+ if(fileSize == IOStream::SizeOfStreamUnknown)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, StreamDoesntHaveRequiredFeatures)
+ }
+ // Read the header
+ int bytesRead = 0;
+ file_StreamFormat hdr;
+ bool readBlock = pStream->ReadFullBuffer(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), &bytesRead);
+ // Seek backwards to put the file pointer back where it was before we started this
+ pStream->Seek(0 - bytesRead, IOStream::SeekType_Relative);
+ // Check we got a block
+ if(!readBlock)
+ {
+ // Couldn't read header -- assume file bad
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // Check magic number
+ if(ntohl(hdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V1
+ && ntohl(hdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V0
+ )
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // Get number of blocks
+ int64_t numBlocks = box_ntoh64(hdr.mNumBlocks);
+ // Calculate where the block index will be, check it's reasonable
+ int64_t blockIndexSize = ((numBlocks * sizeof(file_BlockIndexEntry)) + sizeof(file_BlockIndexHeader));
+ int64_t blockIndexLoc = fileSize - blockIndexSize;
+ if(blockIndexLoc < 0)
+ {
+ // Doesn't look good!
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // Build a reordered stream
+ std::auto_ptr<IOStream> reordered(new ReadGatherStream(TakeOwnership));
+ // Set it up...
+ ReadGatherStream &rreordered(*((ReadGatherStream*)reordered.get()));
+ int component = rreordered.AddComponent(pStream);
+ // Send out the block index
+ rreordered.AddBlock(component, blockIndexSize, true, blockIndexLoc);
+ // And then the rest of the file
+ rreordered.AddBlock(component, blockIndexLoc, true, 0);
+ return reordered;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::ResetStats()
+// Purpose: Reset the gathered statistics
+// Created: 20/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFile::ResetStats()
+ msStats.mBytesInEncodedFiles = 0;
+ msStats.mBytesAlreadyOnServer = 0;
+ msStats.mTotalFileStreamSize = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::CompareFileContentsAgainstBlockIndex(const char *, IOStream &)
+// Purpose: Compares the contents of a file against the checksums contained in the
+// block index. Returns true if the checksums match, meaning the file is
+// extremely likely to match the original. Will always consume the entire index.
+// Created: 21/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreFile::CompareFileContentsAgainstBlockIndex(const char *Filename, IOStream &rBlockIndex, int Timeout)
+ // is it a symlink?
+ bool sourceIsSymlink = false;
+ {
+ if(EMU_LSTAT(Filename, &st) == -1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(CommonException, OSFileError)
+ }
+ if((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)
+ {
+ sourceIsSymlink = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Open file, if it's not a symlink
+ std::auto_ptr<FileStream> in;
+ if(!sourceIsSymlink)
+ {
+ in.reset(new FileStream(Filename));
+ }
+ // Read header
+ file_BlockIndexHeader hdr;
+ if(!rBlockIndex.ReadFullBuffer(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, Timeout))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read header
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // Check magic
+ if(hdr.mMagicValue != (int32_t)htonl(OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V1)
+ && hdr.mMagicValue != (int32_t)htonl(OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V0)
+ )
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ bool isOldVersion = hdr.mMagicValue == (int32_t)htonl(OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V0);
+ // Get basic information
+ int64_t numBlocks = box_ntoh64(hdr.mNumBlocks);
+ uint64_t entryIVBase = box_ntoh64(hdr.mEntryIVBase);
+ //TODO: Verify that these sizes look reasonable
+ // setup
+ void *data = 0;
+ int32_t dataSize = -1;
+ bool matches = true;
+ int64_t totalSizeInBlockIndex = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ for(int64_t b = 0; b < numBlocks; ++b)
+ {
+ // Read an entry from the stream
+ file_BlockIndexEntry entry;
+ if(!rBlockIndex.ReadFullBuffer(&entry, sizeof(entry), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, Timeout))
+ {
+ // Couldn't read entry
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // Calculate IV for this entry
+ uint64_t iv = entryIVBase;
+ iv += b;
+ iv = box_hton64(iv);
+ if(isOldVersion)
+ {
+ // Reverse the IV for compatibility
+ iv = box_swap64(iv);
+ }
+ sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry.SetIV(&iv);
+ // Decrypt the encrypted section
+ file_BlockIndexEntryEnc entryEnc;
+ int sectionSize = sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry.TransformBlock(&entryEnc, sizeof(entryEnc),
+ entry.mEnEnc, sizeof(entry.mEnEnc));
+ if(sectionSize != sizeof(entryEnc))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BlockEntryEncodingDidntGiveExpectedLength)
+ }
+ // Size of block
+ int32_t blockClearSize = ntohl(entryEnc.mSize);
+ if(blockClearSize < 0 || blockClearSize > (BACKUP_FILE_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + 1024))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ totalSizeInBlockIndex += blockClearSize;
+ // Make sure there's enough memory allocated to load the block in
+ if(dataSize < blockClearSize)
+ {
+ // Too small, free the block if it's already allocated
+ if(data != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(data);
+ data = 0;
+ }
+ // Allocate a block
+ data = ::malloc(blockClearSize + 128);
+ if(data == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ dataSize = blockClearSize + 128;
+ }
+ // Load in the block from the file, if it's not a symlink
+ if(!sourceIsSymlink)
+ {
+ if(in->Read(data, blockClearSize) != blockClearSize)
+ {
+ // Not enough data left in the file, can't possibly match
+ matches = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check the checksum
+ MD5Digest md5;
+ md5.Add(data, blockClearSize);
+ md5.Finish();
+ if(!md5.DigestMatches(entryEnc.mStrongChecksum))
+ {
+ // Checksum didn't match
+ matches = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Keep on going regardless, to make sure the entire block index stream is read
+ // -- must always be consistent about what happens with the stream.
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // clean up in case of errors
+ if(data != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(data);
+ data = 0;
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ // free block
+ if(data != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(data);
+ data = 0;
+ }
+ // Check for data left over if it's not a symlink
+ if(!sourceIsSymlink)
+ {
+ // Anything left to read in the file?
+ if(in->BytesLeftToRead() != 0)
+ {
+ // File has extra data at the end
+ matches = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Symlinks must have zero size on server
+ if(sourceIsSymlink)
+ {
+ matches = (totalSizeInBlockIndex == 0);
+ }
+ return matches;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer::EncodingBuffer()
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 25/11/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : mpBuffer(0),
+ mBufferSize(0)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer::~EncodingBuffer()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 25/11/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(mpBuffer != 0)
+ {
+ BackupStoreFile::CodingChunkFree(mpBuffer);
+ mpBuffer = 0;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer::Allocate(int)
+// Purpose: Do initial allocation of block
+// Created: 25/11/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer::Allocate(int Size)
+ ASSERT(mpBuffer == 0);
+ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t*)BackupStoreFile::CodingChunkAlloc(Size);
+ if(buffer == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ mpBuffer = buffer;
+ mBufferSize = Size;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer::Reallocate(int)
+// Purpose: Reallocate the block. Try not to call this, it has to copy
+// the entire contents as the block can't be reallocated straight.
+// Created: 25/11/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer::Reallocate(int NewSize)
+ BOX_TRACE("Reallocating EncodingBuffer from " << mBufferSize <<
+ " to " << NewSize);
+ ASSERT(mpBuffer != 0);
+ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t*)BackupStoreFile::CodingChunkAlloc(NewSize);
+ if(buffer == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ // Copy data
+ ::memcpy(buffer, mpBuffer, (NewSize > mBufferSize)?mBufferSize:NewSize);
+ // Free old
+ BackupStoreFile::CodingChunkFree(mpBuffer);
+ // Store new buffer
+ mpBuffer = buffer;
+ mBufferSize = NewSize;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: DiffTimer::DiffTimer();
+// Purpose: Constructor
+// Created: 2005/02/01
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: DiffTimer::DiffTimer();
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2005/02/01
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5bc1924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFile.h
+// Purpose: Utils for manipulating files
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <memory>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "BackupClientFileAttributes.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFilename.h"
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "ReadLoggingStream.h"
+#include "RunStatusProvider.h"
+typedef struct
+ int64_t mBytesInEncodedFiles;
+ int64_t mBytesAlreadyOnServer;
+ int64_t mTotalFileStreamSize;
+} BackupStoreFileStats;
+// Uncomment to disable backwards compatibility
+// Output buffer to EncodeChunk and input data to DecodeChunk must
+// have specific alignment, see function comments.
+// Have some memory allocation commands, note closing "Off" at end of file.
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: DiffTimer
+// Purpose: Interface for classes that can keep track of diffing time,
+// and send SSL keepalive messages
+// Created: 2006/01/19
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class DiffTimer
+ DiffTimer();
+ virtual ~DiffTimer();
+ virtual void DoKeepAlive() = 0;
+ virtual int GetMaximumDiffingTime() = 0;
+ virtual bool IsManaged() = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: BackupStoreFile
+// Purpose: Class to hold together utils for manipulating files.
+// Created: 2003/08/28
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BackupStoreFile
+ class DecodedStream : public IOStream
+ {
+ friend class BackupStoreFile;
+ private:
+ DecodedStream(IOStream &rEncodedFile, int Timeout);
+ DecodedStream(const DecodedStream &); // not allowed
+ DecodedStream &operator=(const DecodedStream &); // not allowed
+ public:
+ ~DecodedStream();
+ // Stream functions
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout);
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ // Accessor functions
+ const BackupClientFileAttributes &GetAttributes() {return mAttributes;}
+ const BackupStoreFilename &GetFilename() {return mFilename;}
+ int64_t GetNumBlocks() {return mNumBlocks;} // primarily for tests
+ bool IsSymLink();
+ private:
+ void Setup(const BackupClientFileAttributes *pAlterativeAttr);
+ void ReadBlockIndex(bool MagicAlreadyRead);
+ private:
+ IOStream &mrEncodedFile;
+ int mTimeout;
+ BackupClientFileAttributes mAttributes;
+ BackupStoreFilename mFilename;
+ int64_t mNumBlocks;
+ void *mpBlockIndex;
+ uint8_t *mpEncodedData;
+ uint8_t *mpClearData;
+ int mClearDataSize;
+ int mCurrentBlock;
+ int mCurrentBlockClearSize;
+ int mPositionInCurrentBlock;
+ uint64_t mEntryIVBase;
+ bool mIsOldVersion;
+ };
+ // Main interface
+ static std::auto_ptr<IOStream> EncodeFile
+ (
+ const char *Filename,
+ int64_t ContainerID, const BackupStoreFilename &rStoreFilename,
+ int64_t *pModificationTime = 0,
+ ReadLoggingStream::Logger* pLogger = NULL,
+ RunStatusProvider* pRunStatusProvider = NULL
+ );
+ static std::auto_ptr<IOStream> EncodeFileDiff
+ (
+ const char *Filename, int64_t ContainerID,
+ const BackupStoreFilename &rStoreFilename,
+ int64_t DiffFromObjectID, IOStream &rDiffFromBlockIndex,
+ int Timeout,
+ DiffTimer *pDiffTimer,
+ int64_t *pModificationTime = 0,
+ bool *pIsCompletelyDifferent = 0
+ );
+ static bool VerifyEncodedFileFormat(IOStream &rFile, int64_t *pDiffFromObjectIDOut = 0, int64_t *pContainerIDOut = 0);
+ static void CombineFile(IOStream &rDiff, IOStream &rDiff2, IOStream &rFrom, IOStream &rOut);
+ static void CombineDiffs(IOStream &rDiff1, IOStream &rDiff2, IOStream &rDiff2b, IOStream &rOut);
+ static void ReverseDiffFile(IOStream &rDiff, IOStream &rFrom, IOStream &rFrom2, IOStream &rOut, int64_t ObjectIDOfFrom, bool *pIsCompletelyDifferent = 0);
+ static void DecodeFile(IOStream &rEncodedFile, const char *DecodedFilename, int Timeout, const BackupClientFileAttributes *pAlterativeAttr = 0);
+ static std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreFile::DecodedStream> DecodeFileStream(IOStream &rEncodedFile, int Timeout, const BackupClientFileAttributes *pAlterativeAttr = 0);
+ static bool CompareFileContentsAgainstBlockIndex(const char *Filename, IOStream &rBlockIndex, int Timeout);
+ static std::auto_ptr<IOStream> CombineFileIndices(IOStream &rDiff, IOStream &rFrom, bool DiffIsIndexOnly = false, bool FromIsIndexOnly = false);
+ // Stream manipulation
+ static std::auto_ptr<IOStream> ReorderFileToStreamOrder(IOStream *pStream, bool TakeOwnership);
+ static void MoveStreamPositionToBlockIndex(IOStream &rStream);
+ // Crypto setup
+ static void SetBlowfishKeys(const void *pKey, int KeyLength, const void *pBlockEntryKey, int BlockEntryKeyLength);
+#ifndef HAVE_OLD_SSL
+ static void SetAESKey(const void *pKey, int KeyLength);
+ // Allocation of properly aligning chunks for decoding and encoding chunks
+ inline static void *CodingChunkAlloc(int Size)
+ {
+ uint8_t *a = (uint8_t*)malloc((Size) + (BACKUPSTOREFILE_CODING_BLOCKSIZE * 3));
+ if(a == 0) return 0;
+ // Align to main block size
+ ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned long) >= sizeof(void*)); // make sure casting the right pointer size
+ - (uint8_t)(((unsigned long)a) % BACKUPSTOREFILE_CODING_BLOCKSIZE);
+ uint8_t *b = (a + adjustment);
+ // Store adjustment
+ *b = adjustment;
+ // Return offset
+ }
+ inline static void CodingChunkFree(void *Block)
+ {
+ // Check alignment is as expected
+ ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned long) >= sizeof(void*)); // make sure casting the right pointer size
+ uint8_t *a = (uint8_t*)Block;
+ // Adjust downwards...
+ a -= *a;
+ free(a);
+ }
+ static void DiffTimerExpired();
+ // Building blocks
+ class EncodingBuffer
+ {
+ public:
+ EncodingBuffer();
+ ~EncodingBuffer();
+ private:
+ // No copying
+ EncodingBuffer(const EncodingBuffer &);
+ EncodingBuffer &operator=(const EncodingBuffer &);
+ public:
+ void Allocate(int Size);
+ void Reallocate(int NewSize);
+ uint8_t *mpBuffer;
+ int mBufferSize;
+ };
+ static int MaxBlockSizeForChunkSize(int ChunkSize);
+ static int EncodeChunk(const void *Chunk, int ChunkSize, BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer &rOutput);
+ // Caller should know how big the output size is, but also allocate a bit more memory to cover various
+ // overheads allowed for in checks
+ static inline int OutputBufferSizeForKnownOutputSize(int KnownChunkSize)
+ {
+ // Plenty big enough
+ return KnownChunkSize + 256;
+ }
+ static int DecodeChunk(const void *Encoded, int EncodedSize, void *Output, int OutputSize);
+ // Statisitics, not designed to be completely reliable
+ static void ResetStats();
+ static BackupStoreFileStats msStats;
+ // For debug
+ static bool TraceDetailsOfDiffProcess;
+ // For decoding encoded files
+ static void DumpFile(void *clibFileHandle, bool ToTrace, IOStream &rFile);
+#include "MemLeakFindOff.h"
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileCryptVar.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileCryptVar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e826de4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileCryptVar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFileCryptVar.cpp
+// Purpose: Cryptographic keys for backup store files
+// Created: 12/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFileCryptVar.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFileWire.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+CipherContext BackupStoreFileCryptVar::sBlowfishEncrypt;
+CipherContext BackupStoreFileCryptVar::sBlowfishDecrypt;
+#ifndef HAVE_OLD_SSL
+ CipherContext BackupStoreFileCryptVar::sAESEncrypt;
+ CipherContext BackupStoreFileCryptVar::sAESDecrypt;
+// Default to blowfish
+CipherContext *BackupStoreFileCryptVar::spEncrypt = &BackupStoreFileCryptVar::sBlowfishEncrypt;
+uint8_t BackupStoreFileCryptVar::sEncryptCipherType = HEADER_BLOWFISH_ENCODING;
+CipherContext BackupStoreFileCryptVar::sBlowfishEncryptBlockEntry;
+CipherContext BackupStoreFileCryptVar::sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry;
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileCryptVar.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileCryptVar.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..566813c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileCryptVar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFileCryptVar.h
+// Purpose: Cryptographic keys for backup store files
+// Created: 12/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "CipherContext.h"
+// Hide private static variables from the rest of the world by putting them
+// as static variables in a namespace.
+// -- don't put them as static class variables to avoid openssl/evp.h being
+// included all over the project.
+namespace BackupStoreFileCryptVar
+ // Keys for the main file data
+ extern CipherContext sBlowfishEncrypt;
+ extern CipherContext sBlowfishDecrypt;
+ // Use AES when available
+#ifndef HAVE_OLD_SSL
+ extern CipherContext sAESEncrypt;
+ extern CipherContext sAESDecrypt;
+ // How encoding will be done
+ extern CipherContext *spEncrypt;
+ extern uint8_t sEncryptCipherType;
+ // Keys for the block indicies
+ extern CipherContext sBlowfishEncryptBlockEntry;
+ extern CipherContext sBlowfishDecryptBlockEntry;
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileEncodeStream.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileEncodeStream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9d773f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileEncodeStream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream.cpp
+// Purpose: Implement stream-based file encoding for the backup store
+// Created: 12/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "BackupClientFileAttributes.h"
+#include "BackupStoreConstants.h"
+#include "BackupStoreException.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFile.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFileCryptVar.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFileEncodeStream.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFileWire.h"
+#include "BackupStoreObjectMagic.h"
+#include "BoxTime.h"
+#include "FileStream.h"
+#include "Random.h"
+#include "RollingChecksum.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+#include <cstring>
+using namespace BackupStoreFileCryptVar;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::BackupStoreFileEncodeStream
+// Purpose: Constructor (opens file)
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : mpRecipe(0),
+ mpFile(0),
+ mpLogging(0),
+ mpRunStatusProvider(NULL),
+ mStatus(Status_Header),
+ mSendData(true),
+ mTotalBlocks(0),
+ mAbsoluteBlockNumber(-1),
+ mInstructionNumber(-1),
+ mNumBlocks(0),
+ mCurrentBlock(-1),
+ mCurrentBlockEncodedSize(0),
+ mPositionInCurrentBlock(0),
+ mLastBlockSize(0),
+ mTotalBytesSent(0),
+ mpRawBuffer(0),
+ mAllocatedBufferSize(0),
+ mEntryIVBase(0)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::~BackupStoreFileEncodeStream()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Free buffers
+ if(mpRawBuffer)
+ {
+ ::free(mpRawBuffer);
+ mpRawBuffer = 0;
+ }
+ // Close the file, which we might have open
+ if(mpFile)
+ {
+ delete mpFile;
+ mpFile = 0;
+ }
+ // Clear up logging stream
+ if(mpLogging)
+ {
+ delete mpLogging;
+ mpLogging = 0;
+ }
+ // Free the recipe
+ if(mpRecipe != 0)
+ {
+ delete mpRecipe;
+ mpRecipe = 0;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Setup(const char *, Recipe *, int64_t, const BackupStoreFilename &, int64_t *)
+// Purpose: Reads file information, and builds file header reading for sending.
+// Takes ownership of the Recipe.
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Setup(const char *Filename,
+ BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Recipe *pRecipe,
+ int64_t ContainerID, const BackupStoreFilename &rStoreFilename,
+ int64_t *pModificationTime, ReadLoggingStream::Logger* pLogger,
+ RunStatusProvider* pRunStatusProvider)
+ // Pointer to a blank recipe which we might create
+ BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Recipe *pblankRecipe = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ // Get file attributes
+ box_time_t modTime = 0;
+ int64_t fileSize = 0;
+ BackupClientFileAttributes attr;
+ attr.ReadAttributes(Filename, false /* no zeroing of modification times */, &modTime,
+ 0 /* not interested in attr mod time */, &fileSize);
+ // Might need to create a blank recipe...
+ if(pRecipe == 0)
+ {
+ pblankRecipe = new BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Recipe(0, 0);
+ BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::RecipeInstruction instruction;
+ instruction.mSpaceBefore = fileSize; // whole file
+ instruction.mBlocks = 0; // no blocks
+ instruction.mpStartBlock = 0; // no block
+ pblankRecipe->push_back(instruction);
+ pRecipe = pblankRecipe;
+ }
+ // Tell caller?
+ if(pModificationTime != 0)
+ {
+ *pModificationTime = modTime;
+ }
+ // Go through each instruction in the recipe and work out how many blocks
+ // it will add, and the max clear size of these blocks
+ int maxBlockClearSize = 0;
+ for(uint64_t inst = 0; inst < pRecipe->size(); ++inst)
+ {
+ if((*pRecipe)[inst].mSpaceBefore > 0)
+ {
+ // Calculate the number of blocks the space before requires
+ int64_t numBlocks;
+ int32_t blockSize, lastBlockSize;
+ CalculateBlockSizes((*pRecipe)[inst].mSpaceBefore, numBlocks, blockSize, lastBlockSize);
+ // Add to accumlated total
+ mTotalBlocks += numBlocks;
+ // Update maximum clear size
+ if(blockSize > maxBlockClearSize) maxBlockClearSize = blockSize;
+ if(lastBlockSize > maxBlockClearSize) maxBlockClearSize = lastBlockSize;
+ }
+ // Add number of blocks copied from the previous file
+ mTotalBlocks += (*pRecipe)[inst].mBlocks;
+ // Check for bad things
+ if((*pRecipe)[inst].mBlocks < 0 || ((*pRecipe)[inst].mBlocks != 0 && (*pRecipe)[inst].mpStartBlock == 0))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, Internal)
+ }
+ // Run through blocks to get the max clear size
+ for(int32_t b = 0; b < (*pRecipe)[inst].mBlocks; ++b)
+ {
+ if((*pRecipe)[inst].mpStartBlock[b].mSize > maxBlockClearSize) maxBlockClearSize = (*pRecipe)[inst].mpStartBlock[b].mSize;
+ }
+ }
+ // Send data? (symlinks don't have any data in them)
+ mSendData = !attr.IsSymLink();
+ // If not data is being sent, then the max clear block size is zero
+ if(!mSendData)
+ {
+ maxBlockClearSize = 0;
+ }
+ // Header
+ file_StreamFormat hdr;
+ hdr.mMagicValue = htonl(OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V1);
+ hdr.mNumBlocks = (mSendData)?(box_hton64(mTotalBlocks)):(0);
+ hdr.mContainerID = box_hton64(ContainerID);
+ hdr.mModificationTime = box_hton64(modTime);
+ // add a bit to make it harder to tell what's going on -- try not to give away too much info about file size
+ hdr.mMaxBlockClearSize = htonl(maxBlockClearSize + 128);
+ hdr.mOptions = 0; // no options defined yet
+ // Write header to stream
+ mData.Write(&hdr, sizeof(hdr));
+ // Write filename to stream
+ rStoreFilename.WriteToStream(mData);
+ // Write attributes to stream
+ attr.WriteToStream(mData);
+ // Allocate some buffers for writing data
+ if(mSendData)
+ {
+ // Open the file
+ mpFile = new FileStream(Filename);
+ if (pLogger)
+ {
+ // Create logging stream
+ mpLogging = new ReadLoggingStream(*mpFile,
+ *pLogger);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // re-use FileStream instead
+ mpLogging = mpFile;
+ mpFile = NULL;
+ }
+ // Work out the largest possible block required for the encoded data
+ mAllocatedBufferSize = BackupStoreFile::MaxBlockSizeForChunkSize(maxBlockClearSize);
+ // Then allocate two blocks of this size
+ mpRawBuffer = (uint8_t*)::malloc(mAllocatedBufferSize);
+ if(mpRawBuffer == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ // In debug builds, make sure that the reallocation code is exercised.
+ mEncodedBuffer.Allocate(mAllocatedBufferSize / 4);
+ mEncodedBuffer.Allocate(mAllocatedBufferSize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Write an empty block index for the symlink
+ file_BlockIndexHeader blkhdr;
+ blkhdr.mMagicValue = htonl(OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V1);
+ blkhdr.mOtherFileID = box_hton64(0); // not other file ID
+ blkhdr.mEntryIVBase = box_hton64(0);
+ blkhdr.mNumBlocks = box_hton64(0);
+ mData.Write(&blkhdr, sizeof(blkhdr));
+ }
+ // Ready for reading
+ mData.SetForReading();
+ // Update stats
+ BackupStoreFile::msStats.mBytesInEncodedFiles += fileSize;
+ // Finally, store the pointer to the recipe, when we know exceptions won't occur
+ mpRecipe = pRecipe;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ // Clean up any blank recipe
+ if(pblankRecipe != 0)
+ {
+ delete pblankRecipe;
+ pblankRecipe = 0;
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ mpRunStatusProvider = pRunStatusProvider;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::CalculateBlockSizes(int64_t &, int32_t &, int32_t &)
+// Purpose: Calculates the sizes of blocks in a section of the file
+// Created: 16/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::CalculateBlockSizes(int64_t DataSize, int64_t &rNumBlocksOut, int32_t &rBlockSizeOut, int32_t &rLastBlockSizeOut)
+ // How many blocks, and how big?
+ do
+ {
+ rBlockSizeOut *= 2;
+ rNumBlocksOut = (DataSize + rBlockSizeOut - 1) / rBlockSizeOut;
+ // Last block size
+ rLastBlockSizeOut = DataSize - ((rNumBlocksOut - 1) * rBlockSizeOut);
+ // Avoid small blocks?
+ && rNumBlocksOut > 1)
+ {
+ // Add the small bit of data to the last block
+ --rNumBlocksOut;
+ rLastBlockSizeOut += rBlockSizeOut;
+ }
+ // checks!
+ ASSERT((((rNumBlocksOut-1) * rBlockSizeOut) + rLastBlockSizeOut) == DataSize);
+ //TRACE4("CalcBlockSize, sz %lld, num %lld, blocksize %d, last %d\n", DataSize, rNumBlocksOut, (int32_t)rBlockSizeOut, (int32_t)rLastBlockSizeOut);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Read(void *, int, int)
+// Purpose: As interface -- generates encoded file data on the fly from the raw file
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout)
+ // Check there's something to do.
+ if(mStatus == Status_Finished)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(mpRunStatusProvider && mpRunStatusProvider->StopRun())
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, SignalReceived);
+ }
+ int bytesToRead = NBytes;
+ uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t*)pBuffer;
+ while(bytesToRead > 0 && mStatus != Status_Finished)
+ {
+ if(mStatus == Status_Header || mStatus == Status_BlockListing)
+ {
+ // Header or block listing phase -- send from the buffered stream
+ // Send bytes from the data buffer
+ int b = mData.Read(buffer, bytesToRead, Timeout);
+ bytesToRead -= b;
+ buffer += b;
+ // Check to see if all the data has been used from this stream
+ if(!mData.StreamDataLeft())
+ {
+ // Yes, move on to next phase (or finish, if there's no file data)
+ if(!mSendData)
+ {
+ mStatus = Status_Finished;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Reset the buffer so it can be used for the next phase
+ mData.Reset();
+ // Get buffer ready for index?
+ if(mStatus == Status_Header)
+ {
+ // Just finished doing the stream header, create the block index header
+ file_BlockIndexHeader blkhdr;
+ blkhdr.mMagicValue = htonl(OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V1);
+ ASSERT(mpRecipe != 0);
+ blkhdr.mOtherFileID = box_hton64(mpRecipe->GetOtherFileID());
+ blkhdr.mNumBlocks = box_hton64(mTotalBlocks);
+ // Generate the IV base
+ Random::Generate(&mEntryIVBase, sizeof(mEntryIVBase));
+ blkhdr.mEntryIVBase = box_hton64(mEntryIVBase);
+ mData.Write(&blkhdr, sizeof(blkhdr));
+ }
+ ++mStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(mStatus == Status_Blocks)
+ {
+ // Block sending phase
+ if(mPositionInCurrentBlock >= mCurrentBlockEncodedSize)
+ {
+ // Next block!
+ ++mCurrentBlock;
+ ++mAbsoluteBlockNumber;
+ if(mCurrentBlock >= mNumBlocks)
+ {
+ // Output extra blocks for this instruction and move forward in file
+ if(mInstructionNumber >= 0)
+ {
+ SkipPreviousBlocksInInstruction();
+ }
+ // Is there another instruction to go?
+ ++mInstructionNumber;
+ // Skip instructions which don't contain any data
+ while(mInstructionNumber < static_cast<int64_t>(mpRecipe->size())
+ && (*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mSpaceBefore == 0)
+ {
+ SkipPreviousBlocksInInstruction();
+ ++mInstructionNumber;
+ }
+ if(mInstructionNumber >= static_cast<int64_t>(mpRecipe->size()))
+ {
+ // End of blocks, go to next phase
+ ++mStatus;
+ // Set the data to reading so the index can be written
+ mData.SetForReading();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Get ready for this instruction
+ SetForInstruction();
+ }
+ }
+ // Can't use 'else' here as SetForInstruction() will change this
+ if(mCurrentBlock < mNumBlocks)
+ {
+ EncodeCurrentBlock();
+ }
+ }
+ // Send data from the current block (if there's data to send)
+ if(mPositionInCurrentBlock < mCurrentBlockEncodedSize)
+ {
+ // How much data to put in the buffer?
+ int s = mCurrentBlockEncodedSize - mPositionInCurrentBlock;
+ if(s > bytesToRead) s = bytesToRead;
+ // Copy it in
+ ::memcpy(buffer, mEncodedBuffer.mpBuffer + mPositionInCurrentBlock, s);
+ // Update variables
+ bytesToRead -= s;
+ buffer += s;
+ mPositionInCurrentBlock += s;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Should never get here, as it'd be an invalid status
+ ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add encoded size to stats
+ BackupStoreFile::msStats.mTotalFileStreamSize += (NBytes - bytesToRead);
+ mTotalBytesSent += (NBytes - bytesToRead);
+ // Return size of data to caller
+ return NBytes - bytesToRead;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::StorePreviousBlocksInInstruction()
+// Purpose: Private. Stores the blocks of the old file referenced in the current
+// instruction into the index and skips over the data in the file
+// Created: 16/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::SkipPreviousBlocksInInstruction()
+ // Check something is necessary
+ if((*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mpStartBlock == 0 || (*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mBlocks == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Index of the first block in old file (being diffed from)
+ int firstIndex = mpRecipe->BlockPtrToIndex((*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mpStartBlock);
+ int64_t sizeToSkip = 0;
+ for(int32_t b = 0; b < (*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mBlocks; ++b)
+ {
+ // Update stats
+ BackupStoreFile::msStats.mBytesAlreadyOnServer += (*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mpStartBlock[b].mSize;
+ // Store the entry
+ StoreBlockIndexEntry(0 - (firstIndex + b),
+ (*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mpStartBlock[b].mSize,
+ (*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mpStartBlock[b].mWeakChecksum,
+ (*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mpStartBlock[b].mStrongChecksum);
+ // Increment the absolute block number -- kept encryption IV in sync
+ ++mAbsoluteBlockNumber;
+ // Add the size of this block to the size to skip
+ sizeToSkip += (*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mpStartBlock[b].mSize;
+ }
+ // Move forward in the stream
+ mpLogging->Seek(sizeToSkip, IOStream::SeekType_Relative);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::SetForInstruction()
+// Purpose: Private. Sets the state of the internal variables for the current instruction in the recipe
+// Created: 16/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::SetForInstruction()
+ // Calculate block sizes
+ CalculateBlockSizes((*mpRecipe)[mInstructionNumber].mSpaceBefore, mNumBlocks, mBlockSize, mLastBlockSize);
+ // Set variables
+ mCurrentBlock = 0;
+ mCurrentBlockEncodedSize = 0;
+ mPositionInCurrentBlock = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::EncodeCurrentBlock()
+// Purpose: Private. Encodes the current block, and writes the block data to the index
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::EncodeCurrentBlock()
+ // How big is the block, raw?
+ int blockRawSize = mBlockSize;
+ if(mCurrentBlock == (mNumBlocks - 1))
+ {
+ blockRawSize = mLastBlockSize;
+ }
+ ASSERT(blockRawSize < mAllocatedBufferSize);
+ // Check file open
+ if(mpLogging == 0)
+ {
+ // File should be open, but isn't. So logical error.
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, Internal)
+ }
+ // Read the data in
+ if(!mpLogging->ReadFullBuffer(mpRawBuffer, blockRawSize,
+ 0 /* not interested in size if failure */))
+ {
+ // TODO: Do something more intelligent, and abort
+ // this upload because the file has changed.
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException,
+ Temp_FileEncodeStreamDidntReadBuffer)
+ }
+ // Encode it
+ mCurrentBlockEncodedSize = BackupStoreFile::EncodeChunk(mpRawBuffer,
+ blockRawSize, mEncodedBuffer);
+ //TRACE2("Encode: Encoded size of block %d is %d\n", (int32_t)mCurrentBlock, (int32_t)mCurrentBlockEncodedSize);
+ // Create block listing data -- generate checksums
+ RollingChecksum weakChecksum(mpRawBuffer, blockRawSize);
+ MD5Digest strongChecksum;
+ strongChecksum.Add(mpRawBuffer, blockRawSize);
+ strongChecksum.Finish();
+ // Add entry to the index
+ StoreBlockIndexEntry(mCurrentBlockEncodedSize, blockRawSize,
+ weakChecksum.GetChecksum(), strongChecksum.DigestAsData());
+ // Set vars to reading this block
+ mPositionInCurrentBlock = 0;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::StoreBlockIndexEntry(int64_t, int32_t, uint32_t, uint8_t *)
+// Purpose: Private. Adds an entry to the index currently being stored for sending at end of the stream.
+// Created: 16/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::StoreBlockIndexEntry(int64_t EncSizeOrBlkIndex, int32_t ClearSize, uint32_t WeakChecksum, uint8_t *pStrongChecksum)
+ // First, the encrypted section
+ file_BlockIndexEntryEnc entryEnc;
+ entryEnc.mSize = htonl(ClearSize);
+ entryEnc.mWeakChecksum = htonl(WeakChecksum);
+ ::memcpy(entryEnc.mStrongChecksum, pStrongChecksum, sizeof(entryEnc.mStrongChecksum));
+ // Then the clear section
+ file_BlockIndexEntry entry;
+ entry.mEncodedSize = box_hton64(((uint64_t)EncSizeOrBlkIndex));
+ // Then encrypt the encryted section
+ // Generate the IV from the block number
+ if(sBlowfishEncryptBlockEntry.GetIVLength() != sizeof(mEntryIVBase))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, IVLengthForEncodedBlockSizeDoesntMeetLengthRequirements)
+ }
+ uint64_t iv = mEntryIVBase;
+ iv += mAbsoluteBlockNumber;
+ // Convert to network byte order before encrypting with it, so that restores work on
+ // platforms with different endiannesses.
+ iv = box_hton64(iv);
+ sBlowfishEncryptBlockEntry.SetIV(&iv);
+ // Encode the data
+ int encodedSize = sBlowfishEncryptBlockEntry.TransformBlock(entry.mEnEnc, sizeof(entry.mEnEnc), &entryEnc, sizeof(entryEnc));
+ if(encodedSize != sizeof(entry.mEnEnc))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BlockEntryEncodingDidntGiveExpectedLength)
+ }
+ // Save to data block for sending at the end of the stream
+ mData.Write(&entry, sizeof(entry));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Write(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: As interface. Exceptions.
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes)
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CantWriteToEncodedFileStream)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::StreamDataLeft()
+// Purpose: As interface -- end of stream reached?
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::StreamDataLeft()
+ return (mStatus != Status_Finished);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::StreamClosed()
+// Purpose: As interface
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::StreamClosed()
+ return true;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Recipe::Recipe(BackupStoreFileCreation::BlocksAvailableEntry *, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Constructor. Takes ownership of the block index, and will delete it when it's deleted
+// Created: 15/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Recipe::Recipe(BackupStoreFileCreation::BlocksAvailableEntry *pBlockIndex,
+ int64_t NumBlocksInIndex, int64_t OtherFileID)
+ : mpBlockIndex(pBlockIndex),
+ mNumBlocksInIndex(NumBlocksInIndex),
+ mOtherFileID(OtherFileID)
+ ASSERT((mpBlockIndex == 0) || (NumBlocksInIndex != 0))
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream::Recipe::~Recipe()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 15/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Free the block index, if there is one
+ if(mpBlockIndex != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(mpBlockIndex);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileEncodeStream.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileEncodeStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..023994af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileEncodeStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream.h
+// Purpose: Implement stream-based file encoding for the backup store
+// Created: 12/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <vector>
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFilename.h"
+#include "CollectInBufferStream.h"
+#include "MD5Digest.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFile.h"
+#include "ReadLoggingStream.h"
+#include "RunStatusProvider.h"
+namespace BackupStoreFileCreation
+ // Diffing and creation of files share some implementation details.
+ typedef struct _BlocksAvailableEntry
+ {
+ struct _BlocksAvailableEntry *mpNextInHashList;
+ int32_t mSize; // size in clear
+ uint32_t mWeakChecksum; // weak, rolling checksum
+ uint8_t mStrongChecksum[MD5Digest::DigestLength]; // strong digest based checksum
+ } BlocksAvailableEntry;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: BackupStoreFileEncodeStream
+// Purpose: Encode a file into a stream
+// Created: 8/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BackupStoreFileEncodeStream : public IOStream
+ BackupStoreFileEncodeStream();
+ ~BackupStoreFileEncodeStream();
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ int64_t mSpaceBefore; // amount of bytes which aren't taken out of blocks which go
+ int32_t mBlocks; // number of block to reuse, starting at this one
+ BackupStoreFileCreation::BlocksAvailableEntry *mpStartBlock; // may be null
+ } RecipeInstruction;
+ class Recipe : public std::vector<RecipeInstruction>
+ {
+ // NOTE: This class is rather tied in with the implementation of diffing.
+ public:
+ Recipe(BackupStoreFileCreation::BlocksAvailableEntry *pBlockIndex, int64_t NumBlocksInIndex,
+ int64_t OtherFileID = 0);
+ ~Recipe();
+ int64_t GetOtherFileID() {return mOtherFileID;}
+ int64_t BlockPtrToIndex(BackupStoreFileCreation::BlocksAvailableEntry *pBlock)
+ {
+ return pBlock - mpBlockIndex;
+ }
+ private:
+ BackupStoreFileCreation::BlocksAvailableEntry *mpBlockIndex;
+ int64_t mNumBlocksInIndex;
+ int64_t mOtherFileID;
+ };
+ void Setup(const char *Filename, Recipe *pRecipe, int64_t ContainerID,
+ const BackupStoreFilename &rStoreFilename,
+ int64_t *pModificationTime,
+ ReadLoggingStream::Logger* pLogger = NULL,
+ RunStatusProvider* pRunStatusProvider = NULL);
+ virtual int Read(void *pBuffer, int NBytes, int Timeout);
+ virtual void Write(const void *pBuffer, int NBytes);
+ virtual bool StreamDataLeft();
+ virtual bool StreamClosed();
+ int64_t GetTotalBytesSent() { return mTotalBytesSent; }
+ enum
+ {
+ Status_Header = 0,
+ Status_Blocks = 1,
+ Status_BlockListing = 2,
+ Status_Finished = 3
+ };
+ void EncodeCurrentBlock();
+ void CalculateBlockSizes(int64_t DataSize, int64_t &rNumBlocksOut, int32_t &rBlockSizeOut, int32_t &rLastBlockSizeOut);
+ void SkipPreviousBlocksInInstruction();
+ void SetForInstruction();
+ void StoreBlockIndexEntry(int64_t WncSizeOrBlkIndex, int32_t ClearSize, uint32_t WeakChecksum, uint8_t *pStrongChecksum);
+ Recipe *mpRecipe;
+ IOStream *mpFile; // source file
+ CollectInBufferStream mData; // buffer for header and index entries
+ IOStream *mpLogging;
+ RunStatusProvider* mpRunStatusProvider;
+ int mStatus;
+ bool mSendData; // true if there's file data to send (ie not a symlink)
+ int64_t mTotalBlocks; // Total number of blocks in the file
+ int64_t mAbsoluteBlockNumber; // The absolute block number currently being output
+ // Instruction number
+ int64_t mInstructionNumber;
+ // All the below are within the current instruction
+ int64_t mNumBlocks; // number of blocks. Last one will be a different size to the rest in most cases
+ int64_t mCurrentBlock;
+ int32_t mCurrentBlockEncodedSize;
+ int32_t mPositionInCurrentBlock; // for reading out
+ int32_t mBlockSize; // Basic block size of most of the blocks in the file
+ int32_t mLastBlockSize; // the size (unencoded) of the last block in the file
+ int64_t mTotalBytesSent;
+ // Buffers
+ uint8_t *mpRawBuffer; // buffer for raw data
+ BackupStoreFile::EncodingBuffer mEncodedBuffer;
+ // buffer for encoded data
+ int32_t mAllocatedBufferSize; // size of above two allocated blocks
+ uint64_t mEntryIVBase; // base for block entry IV
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileRevDiff.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileRevDiff.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..509eef61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileRevDiff.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFileRevDiff.cpp
+// Purpose: Reverse a patch, to build a new patch from new to old files
+// Created: 12/7/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include <new>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "BackupStoreFile.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFileWire.h"
+#include "BackupStoreObjectMagic.h"
+#include "BackupStoreException.h"
+#include "BackupStoreConstants.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFilename.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFile::ReverseDiffFile(IOStream &, IOStream &, IOStream &, IOStream &, int64_t)
+// Purpose: Reverse a patch, to build a new patch from new to old files. Takes
+// two independent copies to the From file, for efficiency.
+// Created: 12/7/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFile::ReverseDiffFile(IOStream &rDiff, IOStream &rFrom, IOStream &rFrom2, IOStream &rOut, int64_t ObjectIDOfFrom, bool *pIsCompletelyDifferent)
+ // Read and copy the header from the from file to the out file -- beginnings of the patch
+ file_StreamFormat hdr;
+ if(!rFrom.ReadFullBuffer(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 0))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, FailedToReadBlockOnCombine)
+ }
+ if(ntohl(hdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // Copy
+ rOut.Write(&hdr, sizeof(hdr));
+ // Copy over filename and attributes
+ // BLOCK
+ {
+ BackupStoreFilename filename;
+ filename.ReadFromStream(rFrom, IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ filename.WriteToStream(rOut);
+ StreamableMemBlock attr;
+ attr.ReadFromStream(rFrom, IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);
+ attr.WriteToStream(rOut);
+ }
+ // Build an index of common blocks.
+ // For each block in the from file, we want to know it's index in the
+ // diff file. Allocate memory for this information.
+ int64_t fromNumBlocks = box_ntoh64(hdr.mNumBlocks);
+ int64_t *pfromIndexInfo = (int64_t*)::malloc(fromNumBlocks * sizeof(int64_t));
+ if(pfromIndexInfo == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ // Buffer data
+ void *buffer = 0;
+ int bufferSize = 0;
+ // flag
+ bool isCompletelyDifferent = true;
+ try
+ {
+ // Initialise the index to be all 0, ie not filled in yet
+ for(int64_t i = 0; i < fromNumBlocks; ++i)
+ {
+ pfromIndexInfo[i] = 0;
+ }
+ // Within the from file, skip to the index
+ MoveStreamPositionToBlockIndex(rDiff);
+ // Read in header of index
+ file_BlockIndexHeader diffIdxHdr;
+ if(!rDiff.ReadFullBuffer(&diffIdxHdr, sizeof(diffIdxHdr), 0))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ if(ntohl(diffIdxHdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V1)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // And then read in each entry
+ int64_t diffNumBlocks = box_ntoh64(diffIdxHdr.mNumBlocks);
+ for(int64_t b = 0; b < diffNumBlocks; ++b)
+ {
+ file_BlockIndexEntry e;
+ if(!rDiff.ReadFullBuffer(&e, sizeof(e), 0))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // Where's the block?
+ int64_t blockEn = box_ntoh64(e.mEncodedSize);
+ if(blockEn > 0)
+ {
+ // Block is in the delta file, is ignored for now -- not relevant to rebuilding the from file
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Block is in the original file, store which block it is in this file
+ int64_t fromIndex = 0 - blockEn;
+ if(fromIndex < 0 || fromIndex >= fromNumBlocks)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, IncompatibleFromAndDiffFiles)
+ }
+ // Store information about where it is in the new file
+ // NOTE: This is slight different to how it'll be stored in the final index.
+ pfromIndexInfo[fromIndex] = -1 - b;
+ }
+ }
+ // Open the index for the second copy of the from file
+ MoveStreamPositionToBlockIndex(rFrom2);
+ // Read in header of index
+ file_BlockIndexHeader fromIdxHdr;
+ if(!rFrom2.ReadFullBuffer(&fromIdxHdr, sizeof(fromIdxHdr), 0))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ if(ntohl(fromIdxHdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_BLOCKS_MAGIC_VALUE_V1
+ || box_ntoh64(fromIdxHdr.mOtherFileID) != 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // So, we can now start building the data in the file
+ int64_t filePosition = rFrom.GetPosition();
+ for(int64_t b = 0; b < fromNumBlocks; ++b)
+ {
+ // Read entry from from index
+ file_BlockIndexEntry e;
+ if(!rFrom2.ReadFullBuffer(&e, sizeof(e), 0))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // Get size
+ int64_t blockSize = box_hton64(e.mEncodedSize);
+ if(blockSize < 0)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
+ }
+ // Copy this block?
+ if(pfromIndexInfo[b] == 0)
+ {
+ // Copy it, first move to file location
+ rFrom.Seek(filePosition, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ // Make sure there's memory available to copy this
+ if(bufferSize < blockSize || buffer == 0)
+ {
+ // Free old block
+ if(buffer != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(buffer);
+ buffer = 0;
+ bufferSize = 0;
+ }
+ // Allocate new block
+ buffer = ::malloc(blockSize);
+ if(buffer == 0)
+ {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ bufferSize = blockSize;
+ }
+ ASSERT(bufferSize >= blockSize);
+ // Copy the block
+ if(!rFrom.ReadFullBuffer(buffer, blockSize, 0))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, FailedToReadBlockOnCombine)
+ }
+ rOut.Write(buffer, blockSize);
+ // Store the size
+ pfromIndexInfo[b] = blockSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Block isn't needed, so it's not completely different
+ isCompletelyDifferent = false;
+ }
+ filePosition += blockSize;
+ }
+ // Then write the index, modified header first
+ fromIdxHdr.mOtherFileID = isCompletelyDifferent?0:(box_hton64(ObjectIDOfFrom));
+ rOut.Write(&fromIdxHdr, sizeof(fromIdxHdr));
+ // Move to start of index entries
+ rFrom.Seek(filePosition + sizeof(file_BlockIndexHeader), IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
+ // Then copy modified entries
+ for(int64_t b = 0; b < fromNumBlocks; ++b)
+ {
+ // Read entry from from index
+ file_BlockIndexEntry e;
+ if(!rFrom.ReadFullBuffer(&e, sizeof(e), 0))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // Modify...
+ int64_t s = pfromIndexInfo[b];
+ // Adjust to reflect real block index (remember 0 has a different meaning here)
+ if(s < 0) ++s;
+ // Insert
+ e.mEncodedSize = box_hton64(s);
+ // Write
+ rOut.Write(&e, sizeof(e));
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ ::free(pfromIndexInfo);
+ if(buffer != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(buffer);
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ // Free memory used (oh for finally {} blocks)
+ ::free(pfromIndexInfo);
+ if(buffer != 0)
+ {
+ ::free(buffer);
+ }
+ // return completely different flag
+ if(pIsCompletelyDifferent != 0)
+ {
+ *pIsCompletelyDifferent = isCompletelyDifferent;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileWire.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileWire.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49e94aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFileWire.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFileWire.h
+// Purpose: On the wire / disc formats for backup store files
+// Created: 12/1/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "MD5Digest.h"
+// set packing to one byte
+#include "BeginStructPackForWire.h"
+typedef struct
+ int32_t mMagicValue; // also the version number
+ int64_t mNumBlocks; // number of blocks contained in the file
+ int64_t mContainerID;
+ int64_t mModificationTime;
+ int32_t mMaxBlockClearSize; // Maximum clear size that can be expected for a block
+ int32_t mOptions; // bitmask of options used
+ // Then a BackupStoreFilename
+ // Then a BackupClientFileAttributes
+} file_StreamFormat;
+typedef struct
+ int32_t mMagicValue; // different magic value
+ int64_t mOtherFileID; // the file ID of the 'other' file which may be referenced by the index
+ uint64_t mEntryIVBase; // base value for block IV
+ int64_t mNumBlocks; // repeat of value in file header
+} file_BlockIndexHeader;
+typedef struct
+ int32_t mSize; // size in clear
+ uint32_t mWeakChecksum; // weak, rolling checksum
+ uint8_t mStrongChecksum[MD5Digest::DigestLength]; // strong digest based checksum
+} file_BlockIndexEntryEnc;
+typedef struct
+ union
+ {
+ int64_t mEncodedSize; // size encoded, if > 0
+ int64_t mOtherBlockIndex; // 0 - block number in other file, if <= 0
+ };
+ uint8_t mEnEnc[sizeof(file_BlockIndexEntryEnc)]; // Encoded section
+} file_BlockIndexEntry;
+// Use default packing
+#include "EndStructPackForWire.h"
+// header for blocks of compressed data in files
+#define HEADER_ENCODING_SHIFT 1 // shift value
+#define HEADER_BLOWFISH_ENCODING 1 // value stored in bits 1 -- 7
+#define HEADER_AES_ENCODING 2 // value stored in bits 1 -- 7
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilename.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilename.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72cd1acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilename.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename.cpp
+// Purpose: Filename for the backup store
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFilename.h"
+#include "Protocol.h"
+#include "BackupStoreException.h"
+#include "IOStream.h"
+#include "Guards.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::BackupStoreFilename()
+// Purpose: Default constructor -- creates an invalid filename
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::BackupStoreFilename(const BackupStoreFilename &)
+// Purpose: Copy constructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreFilename::BackupStoreFilename(const BackupStoreFilename &rToCopy)
+ : mEncryptedName(rToCopy.mEncryptedName)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::~BackupStoreFilename()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::CheckValid(bool)
+// Purpose: Checks the encoded filename for validity
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreFilename::CheckValid(bool ExceptionIfInvalid) const
+ bool ok = true;
+ if(mEncryptedName.size() < 2)
+ {
+ // Isn't long enough to have a header
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check size is consistent
+ unsigned int dsize = BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_GET_SIZE(this->mEncryptedName);
+ if(dsize != mEncryptedName.size())
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ // And encoding is an accepted value
+ unsigned int encoding = BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_GET_ENCODING(this->mEncryptedName);
+ if(encoding < Encoding_Min || encoding > Encoding_Max)
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Exception?
+ if(!ok && ExceptionIfInvalid)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, InvalidBackupStoreFilename)
+ }
+ return ok;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::ReadFromProtocol(Protocol &)
+// Purpose: Reads the filename from the protocol object
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilename::ReadFromProtocol(Protocol &rProtocol)
+ // Read the header
+ char hdr[2];
+ rProtocol.Read(hdr, 2);
+ // How big is it?
+ // Fetch rest of data, relying on the Protocol to error on stupidly large sizes for us
+ std::string data;
+ rProtocol.Read(data, dsize - 2);
+ // assign to this string, storing the header and the extra data
+ mEncryptedName.assign(hdr, 2);
+ mEncryptedName.append(data.c_str(), data.size());
+ // Check it
+ CheckValid();
+ // Alert derived classes
+ EncodedFilenameChanged();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::WriteToProtocol(Protocol &)
+// Purpose: Writes the filename to the protocol object
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilename::WriteToProtocol(Protocol &rProtocol) const
+ CheckValid();
+ rProtocol.Write(mEncryptedName.c_str(), mEncryptedName.size());
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::ReadFromStream(IOStream &)
+// Purpose: Reads the filename from a stream
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilename::ReadFromStream(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout)
+ // Read the header
+ char hdr[2];
+ if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(hdr, 2, 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, Timeout))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // How big is it?
+ unsigned int dsize = BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_GET_SIZE(hdr);
+ // Assume most filenames are small
+ char buf[256];
+ if(dsize < sizeof(buf))
+ {
+ // Fetch rest of data, relying on the Protocol to error on stupidly large sizes for us
+ if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(buf + 2, dsize - 2, 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, Timeout))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // Copy in header
+ buf[0] = hdr[0]; buf[1] = hdr[1];
+ // assign to this string, storing the header and the extra data
+ mEncryptedName.assign(buf, dsize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Block of memory to hold it
+ MemoryBlockGuard<char*> dataB(dsize+2);
+ char *data = dataB;
+ // Fetch rest of data, relying on the Protocol to error on stupidly large sizes for us
+ if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(data + 2, dsize - 2, 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, Timeout))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)
+ }
+ // Copy in header
+ data[0] = hdr[0]; data[1] = hdr[1];
+ // assign to this string, storing the header and the extra data
+ mEncryptedName.assign(data, dsize);
+ }
+ // Check it
+ CheckValid();
+ // Alert derived classes
+ EncodedFilenameChanged();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::WriteToStream(IOStream &)
+// Purpose: Writes the filename to a stream
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilename::WriteToStream(IOStream &rStream) const
+ CheckValid();
+ rStream.Write(mEncryptedName.c_str(), mEncryptedName.size());
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::EncodedFilenameChanged()
+// Purpose: The encoded filename stored has changed
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilename::EncodedFilenameChanged()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::IsEncrypted()
+// Purpose: Returns true if the filename is stored using an encrypting encoding
+// Created: 1/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool BackupStoreFilename::IsEncrypted() const
+ return BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_GET_ENCODING(this->mEncryptedName) !=
+ Encoding_Clear;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename::SetAsClearFilename(const char *)
+// Purpose: Sets this object to be a valid filename, but with a
+// filename in the clear. Used on the server to create
+// filenames when there's no way of encrypting it.
+// Created: 22/4/04
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilename::SetAsClearFilename(const char *Clear)
+ // Make std::string from the clear name
+ std::string toEncode(Clear);
+ // Make an encoded string
+ char hdr[2];
+ BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_MAKE_HDR(hdr, toEncode.size()+2, Encoding_Clear);
+ std::string encoded(hdr, 2);
+ encoded += toEncode;
+ ASSERT(encoded.size() == toEncode.size() + 2);
+ // Store the encoded string
+ mEncryptedName.assign(encoded);
+ // Stuff which must be done
+ EncodedFilenameChanged();
+ CheckValid(false);
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilename.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilename.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80db9516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilename.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename.h
+// Purpose: Filename for the backup store
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <string>
+class Protocol;
+class IOStream;
+// don't define this -- the problem of memory usage still appears without this.
+// It's just that this class really showed up the problem. Instead, malloc allocation
+// is globally defined in BoxPlatform.h, for troublesome libraries.
+ // Use a malloc_allocated string, because the STL default allocators really screw up with
+ // memory allocation, particularly with this class.
+ // Makes a few things a bit messy and inefficient with conversions.
+ // Given up using this, and use global malloc allocation instead, but thought it
+ // worth leaving this code in just in case it's useful for the future.
+ typedef std::basic_string<char, std::string_char_traits<char>, std::malloc_alloc> BackupStoreFilename_base;
+ // If this is changed, change GetClearFilename() back to returning a reference.
+ typedef std::string BackupStoreFilename_base;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: BackupStoreFilename
+// Purpose: Filename for the backup store
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BackupStoreFilename /* : public BackupStoreFilename_base */
+ std::string mEncryptedName;
+ BackupStoreFilename();
+ BackupStoreFilename(const BackupStoreFilename &rToCopy);
+ virtual ~BackupStoreFilename();
+ bool CheckValid(bool ExceptionIfInvalid = true) const;
+ void ReadFromProtocol(Protocol &rProtocol);
+ void WriteToProtocol(Protocol &rProtocol) const;
+ void ReadFromStream(IOStream &rStream, int Timeout);
+ void WriteToStream(IOStream &rStream) const;
+ void SetAsClearFilename(const char *Clear);
+ // Check that it's encrypted
+ bool IsEncrypted() const;
+ // These enumerated types belong in the base class so
+ // the CheckValid() function can make sure that the encoding
+ // is a valid encoding
+ enum
+ {
+ Encoding_Min = 1,
+ Encoding_Clear = 1,
+ Encoding_Blowfish = 2,
+ Encoding_Max = 2
+ };
+ const std::string& GetEncodedFilename() const
+ {
+ return mEncryptedName;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const BackupStoreFilename& rOther) const
+ {
+ return mEncryptedName == rOther.mEncryptedName;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const BackupStoreFilename& rOther) const
+ {
+ return mEncryptedName != rOther.mEncryptedName;
+ }
+ virtual void EncodedFilenameChanged();
+ void SetEncodedFilename(const std::string &rEncoded)
+ {
+ mEncryptedName = rEncoded;
+ }
+// On the wire utilities for class and derived class
+#define BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_GET_SIZE(hdr) (( ((uint8_t)((hdr)[0])) | ( ((uint8_t)((hdr)[1])) << 8)) >> 2)
+#define BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_GET_ENCODING(hdr) (((hdr)[0]) & 0x3)
+#define BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_MAKE_HDR(hdr, size, encoding) {uint16_t h = (((uint16_t)size) << 2) | (encoding); ((hdr)[0]) = h & 0xff; ((hdr)[1]) = h >> 8;}
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilenameClear.cpp b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilenameClear.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e529d8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilenameClear.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear.cpp
+// Purpose: BackupStoreFilenames in the clear
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "Box.h"
+#include "BackupStoreFilenameClear.h"
+#include "BackupStoreException.h"
+#include "CipherContext.h"
+#include "CipherBlowfish.h"
+#include "Guards.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "MemLeakFindOn.h"
+// Hide private variables from the rest of the world
+ int sEncodeMethod = BackupStoreFilename::Encoding_Clear;
+ CipherContext sBlowfishEncrypt;
+ CipherContext sBlowfishDecrypt;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::BackupStoreFilenameClear()
+// Purpose: Default constructor, creates an invalid filename
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::BackupStoreFilenameClear(const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Creates a filename, encoding from the given string
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreFilenameClear::BackupStoreFilenameClear(const std::string &rToEncode)
+ SetClearFilename(rToEncode);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::BackupStoreFilenameClear(const BackupStoreFilenameClear &)
+// Purpose: Copy constructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreFilenameClear::BackupStoreFilenameClear(const BackupStoreFilenameClear &rToCopy)
+ : BackupStoreFilename(rToCopy),
+ mClearFilename(rToCopy.mClearFilename)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::BackupStoreFilenameClear(const BackupStoreFilename &rToCopy)
+// Purpose: Copy from base class
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BackupStoreFilenameClear::BackupStoreFilenameClear(const BackupStoreFilename &rToCopy)
+ : BackupStoreFilename(rToCopy)
+ // Will get a clear filename when it's required
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::~BackupStoreFilenameClear()
+// Purpose: Destructor
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::GetClearFilename()
+// Purpose: Get the unencoded filename
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const std::string BackupStoreFilenameClear::GetClearFilename() const
+ MakeClearAvailable();
+ // When modifying, remember to change back to reference return if at all possible
+ // -- returns an object rather than a reference to allow easy use with other code.
+ return std::string(mClearFilename.c_str(), mClearFilename.size());
+const std::string &BackupStoreFilenameClear::GetClearFilename() const
+ MakeClearAvailable();
+ return mClearFilename;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::SetClearFilename(const std::string &)
+// Purpose: Encode and make available the clear filename
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilenameClear::SetClearFilename(const std::string &rToEncode)
+ // Only allow Blowfish encodings
+ if(sEncodeMethod != Encoding_Blowfish)
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, FilenameEncryptionNotSetup)
+ }
+ // Make an encoded string with blowfish encryption
+ EncryptClear(rToEncode, sBlowfishEncrypt, Encoding_Blowfish);
+ // Store the clear filename
+ mClearFilename.assign(rToEncode.c_str(), rToEncode.size());
+ // Make sure we did the right thing
+ if(!CheckValid(false))
+ {
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, Internal)
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::MakeClearAvailable()
+// Purpose: Private. Make sure the clear filename is available
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilenameClear::MakeClearAvailable() const
+ if(!mClearFilename.empty())
+ return; // nothing to do
+ // Check valid
+ CheckValid();
+ // Decode the header
+ int size = BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_GET_SIZE(GetEncodedFilename());
+ int encoding = BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_GET_ENCODING(GetEncodedFilename());
+ // Decode based on encoding given in the header
+ switch(encoding)
+ {
+ case Encoding_Clear:
+ BOX_TRACE("**** BackupStoreFilename encoded with "
+ "Clear encoding ****");
+ mClearFilename.assign(GetEncodedFilename().c_str() + 2,
+ size - 2);
+ break;
+ case Encoding_Blowfish:
+ DecryptEncoded(sBlowfishDecrypt);
+ break;
+ default:
+ THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, UnknownFilenameEncoding)
+ break;
+ }
+// Buffer for encoding and decoding -- do this all in one single buffer to
+// avoid lots of string allocation, which stuffs up memory usage.
+// These static memory vars are, of course, not thread safe, but we don't use threads.
+static int sEncDecBufferSize = 0;
+static MemoryBlockGuard<uint8_t *> *spEncDecBuffer = 0;
+static void EnsureEncDecBufferSize(int BufSize)
+ if(spEncDecBuffer == 0)
+ {
+#ifndef WIN32
+ BOX_TRACE("Allocating filename encoding/decoding buffer "
+ "with size " << BufSize);
+ spEncDecBuffer = new MemoryBlockGuard<uint8_t *>(BufSize);
+ sEncDecBufferSize = BufSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(sEncDecBufferSize < BufSize)
+ {
+ BOX_TRACE("Reallocating filename encoding/decoding "
+ "buffer from " << sEncDecBufferSize <<
+ " to " << BufSize);
+ spEncDecBuffer->Resize(BufSize);
+ sEncDecBufferSize = BufSize;
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::EncryptClear(const std::string &, CipherContext &, int)
+// Purpose: Private. Assigns the encoded filename string, encrypting.
+// Created: 1/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilenameClear::EncryptClear(const std::string &rToEncode, CipherContext &rCipherContext, int StoreAsEncoding)
+ // Work out max size
+ int maxOutSize = rCipherContext.MaxOutSizeForInBufferSize(rToEncode.size()) + 4;
+ // Make sure encode/decode buffer has enough space
+ EnsureEncDecBufferSize(maxOutSize);
+ // Pointer to buffer
+ uint8_t *buffer = *spEncDecBuffer;
+ // Encode -- do entire block in one go
+ int encSize = rCipherContext.TransformBlock(buffer + 2, sEncDecBufferSize - 2, rToEncode.c_str(), rToEncode.size());
+ // and add in header size
+ encSize += 2;
+ // Adjust header
+ BACKUPSTOREFILENAME_MAKE_HDR(buffer, encSize, StoreAsEncoding);
+ // Store the encoded string
+ SetEncodedFilename(std::string((char*)buffer, encSize));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::DecryptEncoded(CipherContext &)
+// Purpose: Decrypt the encoded filename using the cipher context
+// Created: 1/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilenameClear::DecryptEncoded(CipherContext &rCipherContext) const
+ const std::string& rEncoded = GetEncodedFilename();
+ // Work out max size
+ int maxOutSize = rCipherContext.MaxOutSizeForInBufferSize(rEncoded.size()) + 4;
+ // Make sure encode/decode buffer has enough space
+ EnsureEncDecBufferSize(maxOutSize);
+ // Pointer to buffer
+ uint8_t *buffer = *spEncDecBuffer;
+ // Decrypt
+ const char *str = rEncoded.c_str() + 2;
+ int sizeOut = rCipherContext.TransformBlock(buffer, sEncDecBufferSize, str, rEncoded.size() - 2);
+ // Assign to this
+ mClearFilename.assign((char*)buffer, sizeOut);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::EncodedFilenameChanged()
+// Purpose: The encoded filename stored has changed
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilenameClear::EncodedFilenameChanged()
+ BackupStoreFilename::EncodedFilenameChanged();
+ // Delete stored filename in clear
+ mClearFilename.erase();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::SetBlowfishKey(const void *, int)
+// Purpose: Set the key used for Blowfish encryption of filenames
+// Created: 1/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilenameClear::SetBlowfishKey(const void *pKey, int KeyLength, const void *pIV, int IVLength)
+ // Initialisation vector not used. Can't use a different vector for each filename as
+ // that would stop comparisions on the server working.
+ sBlowfishEncrypt.Reset();
+ sBlowfishEncrypt.Init(CipherContext::Encrypt, CipherBlowfish(CipherDescription::Mode_CBC, pKey, KeyLength));
+ ASSERT(sBlowfishEncrypt.GetIVLength() == IVLength);
+ sBlowfishEncrypt.SetIV(pIV);
+ sBlowfishDecrypt.Reset();
+ sBlowfishDecrypt.Init(CipherContext::Decrypt, CipherBlowfish(CipherDescription::Mode_CBC, pKey, KeyLength));
+ ASSERT(sBlowfishDecrypt.GetIVLength() == IVLength);
+ sBlowfishDecrypt.SetIV(pIV);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Function
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear::SetEncodingMethod(int)
+// Purpose: Set the encoding method used for filenames
+// Created: 1/12/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void BackupStoreFilenameClear::SetEncodingMethod(int Method)
+ sEncodeMethod = Method;
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilenameClear.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilenameClear.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4c45701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreFilenameClear.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear.h
+// Purpose: BackupStoreFilenames in the clear
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "BackupStoreFilename.h"
+class CipherContext;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: BackupStoreFilenameClear
+// Purpose: BackupStoreFilenames, handling conversion from and to the in the clear version
+// Created: 2003/08/26
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BackupStoreFilenameClear : public BackupStoreFilename
+ BackupStoreFilenameClear();
+ BackupStoreFilenameClear(const std::string &rToEncode);
+ BackupStoreFilenameClear(const BackupStoreFilenameClear &rToCopy);
+ BackupStoreFilenameClear(const BackupStoreFilename &rToCopy);
+ virtual ~BackupStoreFilenameClear();
+ // Because we need to use a different allocator for this class to avoid
+ // nasty things happening, can't return this as a reference. Which is a
+ // pity. But probably not too bad.
+ const std::string GetClearFilename() const;
+ const std::string &GetClearFilename() const;
+ void SetClearFilename(const std::string &rToEncode);
+ // Setup for encryption of filenames
+ static void SetBlowfishKey(const void *pKey, int KeyLength, const void *pIV, int IVLength);
+ static void SetEncodingMethod(int Method);
+ void MakeClearAvailable() const;
+ virtual void EncodedFilenameChanged();
+ void EncryptClear(const std::string &rToEncode, CipherContext &rCipherContext, int StoreAsEncoding);
+ void DecryptEncoded(CipherContext &rCipherContext) const;
+ mutable BackupStoreFilename_base mClearFilename;
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreObjectMagic.h b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreObjectMagic.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ee600a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/BackupStoreObjectMagic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: BackupStoreObjectMagic.h
+// Purpose: Magic values for the start of objects in the backup store
+// Created: 19/11/03
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Each of these values is the first 4 bytes of the object file.
+// Remember to swap from network to host byte order.
+// Magic value for file streams
+// Do not use v0 in any new code!
+// Magic for the block index at the file stream -- used to
+// ensure streams are reordered as expected
+// Do not use v0 in any new code!
+// Magic value for directory streams
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/Makefile.extra b/lib/backupstore/Makefile.extra
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc807fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/Makefile.extra
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+MAKEPROTOCOL = ../../lib/server/
+GEN_CMD_CLI = $(MAKEPROTOCOL) Client backupprotocol.txt
+GEN_CMD_SRV = $(MAKEPROTOCOL) Server backupprotocol.txt
+autogen_BackupProtocolClient.cpp autogen_BackupProtocolClient.h: $(MAKEPROTOCOL) backupprotocol.txt
+autogen_BackupProtocolServer.cpp autogen_BackupProtocolServer.h: $(MAKEPROTOCOL) backupprotocol.txt
+MAKEEXCEPTION = ../../lib/common/
+autogen_BackupStoreException.h autogen_BackupStoreException.cpp: $(MAKEEXCEPTION) BackupStoreException.txt
+ $(_PERL) $(MAKEEXCEPTION) BackupStoreException.txt
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/RunStatusProvider.h b/lib/backupstore/RunStatusProvider.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89f361ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/RunStatusProvider.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File
+// Name: RunStatusProvider.h
+// Purpose: Declares the RunStatusProvider interface.
+// Created: 2008/08/14
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class
+// Name: RunStatusProvider
+// Purpose: Provides a StopRun() method which returns true if
+// the current backup should be halted.
+// Created: 2005/11/15
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class RunStatusProvider
+ public:
+ virtual ~RunStatusProvider() { }
+ virtual bool StopRun() = 0;
diff --git a/lib/backupstore/backupprotocol.txt b/lib/backupstore/backupprotocol.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..011458e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/backupstore/backupprotocol.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# backup protocol definition
+Name Backup
+IdentString Box-Backup:v=C
+ServerContextClass BackupStoreContext BackupStoreContext.h
+ClientType Filename BackupStoreFilenameClear BackupStoreFilenameClear.h
+ServerType Filename BackupStoreFilename BackupStoreFilename.h
+ImplementLog Server syslog
+ImplementLog Client syslog
+ImplementLog Client file
+LogTypeToText Client Filename \"%s\" VAR.GetClearFilename().c_str()
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Session commands
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Error 0 IsError(Type,SubType) Reply
+ int32 Type
+ int32 SubType
+ CONSTANT ErrorType 1000
+ CONSTANT Err_WrongVersion 1
+ CONSTANT Err_NotInRightProtocolPhase 2
+ CONSTANT Err_BadLogin 3
+ CONSTANT Err_CannotLockStoreForWriting 4
+ CONSTANT Err_SessionReadOnly 5
+ CONSTANT Err_FileDoesNotVerify 6
+ CONSTANT Err_DoesNotExist 7
+ CONSTANT Err_DirectoryAlreadyExists 8
+ CONSTANT Err_CannotDeleteRoot 9
+ CONSTANT Err_TargetNameExists 10
+ CONSTANT Err_StorageLimitExceeded 11
+ CONSTANT Err_DiffFromFileDoesNotExist 12
+ CONSTANT Err_DoesNotExistInDirectory 13
+ CONSTANT Err_PatchConsistencyError 14
+ CONSTANT Err_MultiplyReferencedObject 15
+Version 1 Command(Version) Reply
+ int32 Version
+Login 2 Command(LoginConfirmed)
+ int32 ClientID
+ int32 Flags
+ CONSTANT Flags_ReadOnly 1
+LoginConfirmed 3 Reply
+ int64 ClientStoreMarker
+ int64 BlocksUsed
+ int64 BlocksSoftLimit
+ int64 BlocksHardLimit
+Finished 4 Command(Finished) Reply EndsConversation
+# generic success object
+Success 5 Reply
+ int64 ObjectID
+SetClientStoreMarker 6 Command(Success)
+ int64 ClientStoreMarker
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generic object commands
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GetObject 10 Command(Success)
+ int64 ObjectID
+ CONSTANT NoObject 0
+ # reply has stream following, if ObjectID != NoObject
+MoveObject 11 Command(Success)
+ int64 ObjectID
+ int64 MoveFromDirectory
+ int64 MoveToDirectory
+ int32 Flags
+ Filename NewFilename
+ CONSTANT Flags_MoveAllWithSameName 1
+ CONSTANT Flags_AllowMoveOverDeletedObject 2
+# consider this an object command as, although it deals with directory entries,
+# it's not specific to either a file or a directory
+GetObjectName 12 Command(ObjectName)
+ int64 ObjectID
+ int64 ContainingDirectoryID
+ CONSTANT ObjectID_DirectoryOnly 0
+ # set ObjectID to ObjectID_DirectoryOnly to only get info on the directory
+ObjectName 13 Reply
+ int32 NumNameElements
+ int64 ModificationTime
+ int64 AttributesHash
+ int16 Flags
+ # NumNameElements is zero if the object doesn't exist
+ CONSTANT NumNameElements_ObjectDoesntExist 0
+ # a stream of Filename objects follows, if and only if NumNameElements > 0
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Directory commands
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CreateDirectory 20 Command(Success) StreamWithCommand
+ int64 ContainingDirectoryID
+ int64 AttributesModTime
+ Filename DirectoryName
+ # stream following containing attributes
+ListDirectory 21 Command(Success)
+ int64 ObjectID
+ int16 FlagsMustBeSet
+ int16 FlagsNotToBeSet
+ bool SendAttributes
+ # make sure these flags are synced with those in BackupStoreDirectory
+ CONSTANT Flags_File 1
+ CONSTANT Flags_Dir 2
+ CONSTANT Flags_Deleted 4
+ CONSTANT Flags_OldVersion 8
+ # make sure this is the same as in BackupStoreConstants.h
+ CONSTANT RootDirectory 1
+ # reply has stream following Success object, containing a stored BackupStoreDirectory
+ChangeDirAttributes 22 Command(Success) StreamWithCommand
+ int64 ObjectID
+ int64 AttributesModTime
+ # stream following containing attributes
+DeleteDirectory 23 Command(Success)
+ int64 ObjectID
+UndeleteDirectory 24 Command(Success)
+ int64 ObjectID
+ # may not have exactly the desired effect if files within in have been deleted before the directory was deleted.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# File commands
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+StoreFile 30 Command(Success) StreamWithCommand
+ int64 DirectoryObjectID
+ int64 ModificationTime
+ int64 AttributesHash
+ int64 DiffFromFileID # 0 if the file is not a diff
+ Filename Filename
+ # then send a stream containing the encoded file
+GetFile 31 Command(Success)
+ int64 InDirectory
+ int64 ObjectID
+ # error returned if not a file, or does not exist
+ # reply has stream following, containing an encoded file IN STREAM ORDER
+ # (use GetObject to get it in file order)
+SetReplacementFileAttributes 32 Command(Success) StreamWithCommand
+ int64 InDirectory
+ int64 AttributesHash
+ Filename Filename
+ # stream follows containing attributes
+DeleteFile 33 Command(Success)
+ int64 InDirectory
+ Filename Filename
+ # will return 0 if the object couldn't be found in the specified directory
+GetBlockIndexByID 34 Command(Success)
+ int64 ObjectID
+ # stream of the block index follows the reply
+ # returns an error if the object didn't exist
+GetBlockIndexByName 35 Command(Success)
+ int64 InDirectory
+ Filename Filename
+ # Success object contains the found ID -- or 0 if the entry wasn't found in the directory
+ # stream of the block index follows the reply if found ID != 0
+UndeleteFile 36 Command(Success)
+ int64 InDirectory
+ int64 ObjectID
+ # will return 0 if the object couldn't be found in the specified directory
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Information commands
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GetAccountUsage 40 Command(AccountUsage)
+ # no data members
+AccountUsage 41 Reply
+ int64 BlocksUsed
+ int64 BlocksInOldFiles
+ int64 BlocksInDeletedFiles
+ int64 BlocksInDirectories
+ int64 BlocksSoftLimit
+ int64 BlocksHardLimit
+ int32 BlockSize
+GetIsAlive 42 Command(IsAlive)
+ # no data members
+IsAlive 43 Reply
+ # no data members