diff options
authorArtur Malabarba <>2016-04-30 17:09:37 -0300
committerArtur Malabarba <>2016-04-30 17:12:18 -0300
commit54933ddd2bd1ca92fb10c3ac49e0b284278df0e3 (patch)
parent1e95f720c31520d36d01afb291af6bd074038891 (diff)
Move dictionary manipulation to its own file, nrepl-dict.el
A lot of .el files have to manipulate dictionaries, so this forced a lot of files to depend on nrepl-client.el. These were muddy waters if we plan on supporting SocketREPL.
11 files changed, 198 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/cider-apropos.el b/cider-apropos.el
index 9a87f452..01a6abc6 100644
--- a/cider-apropos.el
+++ b/cider-apropos.el
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
(require 'cider-client)
(require 'cider-popup)
-(require 'nrepl-client)
+(require 'nrepl-dict)
(require 'clojure-mode)
(require 'apropos)
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ and be case-sensitive (based on CASE-SENSITIVE-P)."
(let* ((label (capitalize (if (string= type "variable") "var" type)))
(help (concat "Display doc for this " (downcase label))))
(cider-propertize-region (list 'apropos-symbol name
- 'action 'cider-apropos-doc
- 'help-echo help)
+ 'action 'cider-apropos-doc
+ 'help-echo help)
(insert-text-button name 'type 'apropos-symbol)
(insert "\n ")
(insert-text-button label 'type (intern (concat "apropos-" type)))
diff --git a/cider-browse-ns.el b/cider-browse-ns.el
index 592a1cce..14c81c64 100644
--- a/cider-browse-ns.el
+++ b/cider-browse-ns.el
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
(require 'cider-client)
(require 'cider-compat)
(require 'cider-util)
-(require 'nrepl-client)
+(require 'nrepl-dict)
(defconst cider-browse-ns-buffer "*cider-ns-browser*")
diff --git a/cider-common.el b/cider-common.el
index e074316f..4d99e7b6 100644
--- a/cider-common.el
+++ b/cider-common.el
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
;;; Code:
(require 'cider-compat)
-(require 'nrepl-client)
+(require 'nrepl-dict)
(require 'cider-util)
(defcustom cider-prompt-for-symbol t
diff --git a/cider-debug.el b/cider-debug.el
index 0cc808af..a3da0e09 100644
--- a/cider-debug.el
+++ b/cider-debug.el
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
;;; Code:
-(require 'nrepl-client)
+(require 'nrepl-dict)
+(require 'nrepl-client) ; `nrepl--mark-id-completed'
(require 'cider-interaction)
(require 'cider-client)
(require 'cider-util)
diff --git a/cider-doc.el b/cider-doc.el
index 8527fe02..9228c3f7 100644
--- a/cider-doc.el
+++ b/cider-doc.el
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
(require 'cider-popup)
(require 'cider-client)
(require 'cider-grimoire)
-(require 'nrepl-client)
+(require 'nrepl-dict)
(require 'org-table)
(require 'button)
(require 'easymenu)
diff --git a/cider-grimoire.el b/cider-grimoire.el
index 3e9f1160..0616b207 100644
--- a/cider-grimoire.el
+++ b/cider-grimoire.el
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
(require 'cider-compat)
(require 'cider-popup)
-(require 'nrepl-client)
+(require 'nrepl-dict)
(require 'url-vars)
diff --git a/cider-popup.el b/cider-popup.el
index 46e18104..7c235f8b 100644
--- a/cider-popup.el
+++ b/cider-popup.el
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
;;; Code:
-(require 'nrepl-client)
(require 'cider-compat)
(define-minor-mode cider-popup-buffer-mode
diff --git a/cider-resolve.el b/cider-resolve.el
index 5da11383..b8094a90 100644
--- a/cider-resolve.el
+++ b/cider-resolve.el
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
;;; Code:
(require 'cider-client)
-(require 'nrepl-client)
+(require 'nrepl-dict)
(require 'cider-util)
(defvar cider-repl-ns-cache)
diff --git a/nrepl-client.el b/nrepl-client.el
index c93f5d04..2792212c 100644
--- a/nrepl-client.el
+++ b/nrepl-client.el
@@ -249,15 +249,6 @@ PROJECT-DIR, HOST and PORT are as in `nrepl-make-buffer-name'."
;;; Utilities
-(defmacro nrepl-dbind-response (response keys &rest body)
- "Destructure an nREPL RESPONSE dict.
-Bind the value of the provided KEYS and execute BODY."
- (declare (debug (form (&rest symbolp) body)))
- `(let ,(cl-loop for key in keys
- collect `(,key (nrepl-dict-get ,response ,(format "%s" key))))
- ,@body))
-(put 'nrepl-dbind-response 'lisp-indent-function 2)
(defun nrepl-op-supported-p (op connection)
"Return t iff the given operation OP is supported by the nREPL CONNECTION."
(with-current-buffer connection
@@ -286,144 +277,6 @@ Bind the value of the provided KEYS and execute BODY."
-;;; nREPL dict
-(defun nrepl-dict (&rest key-vals)
- "Create nREPL dict from KEY-VALS."
- (cons 'dict key-vals))
-(defun nrepl-dict-p (object)
- "Return t if OBJECT is an nREPL dict."
- (and (listp object)
- (eq (car object) 'dict)))
-(defun nrepl-dict-empty-p (dict)
- "Return t if nREPL dict DICT is empty."
- (null (cdr dict)))
-(defun nrepl-dict-contains (dict key)
- "Return nil if nREPL dict DICT doesn't contain KEY.
-If DICT does contain KEY, then a non-nil value is returned. Due to the
-current implementation, this return value is the tail of DICT's key-list
-whose car is KEY. Comparison is done with `equal'."
- (member key (nrepl-dict-keys dict)))
-(defun nrepl-dict-get (dict key &optional default)
- "Get from DICT value associated with KEY, optional DEFAULT if KEY not in DICT.
-If dict is nil, return nil. If DEFAULT not provided, and KEY not in DICT,
-return nil. If DICT is not an nREPL dict object, an error is thrown."
- (when dict
- (if (nrepl-dict-p dict)
- (if (nrepl-dict-contains dict key)
- (lax-plist-get (cdr dict) key)
- default)
- (error "Not an nREPL dict object: %s" dict))))
-(defun nrepl-dict-put (dict key value)
- "Associate in DICT, KEY to VALUE.
-Return new dict. Dict is modified by side effects."
- (if (null dict)
- (list 'dict key value)
- (if (not (nrepl-dict-p dict))
- (error "Not an nREPL dict object: %s" dict)
- (setcdr dict (lax-plist-put (cdr dict) key value))
- dict)))
-(defun nrepl-dict-keys (dict)
- "Return all the keys in the nREPL DICT."
- (if (nrepl-dict-p dict)
- (cl-loop for l on (cdr dict) by #'cddr
- collect (car l))
- (error "Not an nREPL dict")))
-(defun nrepl-dict-vals (dict)
- "Return all the values in the nREPL DICT."
- (if (nrepl-dict-p dict)
- (cl-loop for l on (cdr dict) by #'cddr
- collect (cadr l))
- (error "Not an nREPL dict")))
-(defun nrepl-dict-map (fn dict)
- "Map FN on nREPL DICT.
-FN must accept two arguments key and value."
- (if (nrepl-dict-p dict)
- (cl-loop for l on (cdr dict) by #'cddr
- collect (funcall fn (car l) (cadr l)))
- (error "Not an nREPL dict")))
-(defun nrepl-dict-merge (dict1 dict2)
- "Destructively merge DICT2 into DICT1.
-Keys in DICT2 override those in DICT1."
- (let ((base (or dict1 '(dict))))
- (nrepl-dict-map (lambda (k v)
- (nrepl-dict-put base k v))
- (or dict2 '(dict)))
- base))
-(defun nrepl-dict-get-in (dict keys)
- "Return the value in a nested DICT.
-KEYS is a list of keys. Return nil if any of the keys is not present or if
-any of the values is nil."
- (let ((out dict))
- (while (and keys out)
- (setq out (nrepl-dict-get out (pop keys))))
- out))
-(defun nrepl-dict-flat-map (function dict)
- "Map FUNCTION over DICT and flatten the result.
-FUNCTION follows the same restrictions as in `nrepl-dict-map', and it must
-also alway return a sequence (since the result will be flattened)."
- (when dict
- (apply #'append (nrepl-dict-map function dict))))
-(defun nrepl--cons (car list-or-dict)
- "Generic cons of CAR to LIST-OR-DICT."
- (if (eq (car list-or-dict) 'dict)
- (cons 'dict (cons car (cdr list-or-dict)))
- (cons car list-or-dict)))
-(defun nrepl--nreverse (list-or-dict)
- "Generic `nreverse' which works on LIST-OR-DICT."
- (if (eq (car list-or-dict) 'dict)
- (cons 'dict (nreverse (cdr list-or-dict)))
- (nreverse list-or-dict)))
-(defun nrepl--push (obj stack)
- "Cons OBJ to the top element of the STACK."
- ;; stack is assumed to be a list
- (if (eq (caar stack) 'dict)
- (cons (cons 'dict (cons obj (cdar stack)))
- (cdr stack))
- (cons (if (null stack)
- obj
- (cons obj (car stack)))
- (cdr stack))))
-(defun nrepl--merge (dict1 dict2 &optional no-join)
- "Join nREPL dicts DICT1 and DICT2 in a meaningful way.
-String values for non \"id\" and \"session\" keys are concatenated. Lists
-are appended. nREPL dicts merged recursively. All other objects are
-accumulated into a list. DICT1 is modified destructively and
-then returned.
-If NO-JOIN is given, return the first non nil dict."
- (if no-join
- (or dict1 dict2)
- (cond ((null dict1) dict2)
- ((null dict2) dict1)
- ((stringp dict1) (concat dict1 dict2))
- ((nrepl-dict-p dict1)
- (nrepl-dict-map
- (lambda (k2 v2)
- (nrepl-dict-put dict1 k2
- (nrepl--merge (nrepl-dict-get dict1 k2) v2
- (member k2 '("id" "session")))))
- dict2)
- dict1)
- ((and (listp dict2) (listp dict1)) (append dict1 dict2))
- ((listp dict1) (append dict1 (list dict2)))
- (t (list dict1 dict2)))))
;;; Bencode
(cl-defstruct (nrepl-response-queue
diff --git a/nrepl-dict.el b/nrepl-dict.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6c77bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nrepl-dict.el
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+;;; nrepl-dict.el --- Dictionary functions for Clojure nREPL -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright © 2012-2013 Tim King, Phil Hagelberg, Bozhidar Batsov
+;; Copyright © 2013-2016 Bozhidar Batsov, Artur Malabarba and CIDER contributors
+;; Author: Tim King <>
+;; Phil Hagelberg <>
+;; Bozhidar Batsov <>
+;; Artur Malabarba <>
+;; Hugo Duncan <>
+;; Steve Purcell <>
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Provides functions to interact with and create `nrepl-dict's. These are
+;; simply plists with an extra element at the head.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defun nrepl-dict (&rest key-vals)
+ "Create nREPL dict from KEY-VALS."
+ (cons 'dict key-vals))
+(defun nrepl-dict-p (object)
+ "Return t if OBJECT is an nREPL dict."
+ (and (listp object)
+ (eq (car object) 'dict)))
+(defun nrepl-dict-empty-p (dict)
+ "Return t if nREPL dict DICT is empty."
+ (null (cdr dict)))
+(defun nrepl-dict-contains (dict key)
+ "Return nil if nREPL dict DICT doesn't contain KEY.
+If DICT does contain KEY, then a non-nil value is returned. Due to the
+current implementation, this return value is the tail of DICT's key-list
+whose car is KEY. Comparison is done with `equal'."
+ (member key (nrepl-dict-keys dict)))
+(defun nrepl-dict-get (dict key &optional default)
+ "Get from DICT value associated with KEY, optional DEFAULT if KEY not in DICT.
+If dict is nil, return nil. If DEFAULT not provided, and KEY not in DICT,
+return nil. If DICT is not an nREPL dict object, an error is thrown."
+ (when dict
+ (if (nrepl-dict-p dict)
+ (if (nrepl-dict-contains dict key)
+ (lax-plist-get (cdr dict) key)
+ default)
+ (error "Not an nREPL dict object: %s" dict))))
+(defun nrepl-dict-put (dict key value)
+ "Associate in DICT, KEY to VALUE.
+Return new dict. Dict is modified by side effects."
+ (if (null dict)
+ (list 'dict key value)
+ (if (not (nrepl-dict-p dict))
+ (error "Not an nREPL dict object: %s" dict)
+ (setcdr dict (lax-plist-put (cdr dict) key value))
+ dict)))
+(defun nrepl-dict-keys (dict)
+ "Return all the keys in the nREPL DICT."
+ (if (nrepl-dict-p dict)
+ (cl-loop for l on (cdr dict) by #'cddr
+ collect (car l))
+ (error "Not an nREPL dict")))
+(defun nrepl-dict-vals (dict)
+ "Return all the values in the nREPL DICT."
+ (if (nrepl-dict-p dict)
+ (cl-loop for l on (cdr dict) by #'cddr
+ collect (cadr l))
+ (error "Not an nREPL dict")))
+(defun nrepl-dict-map (fn dict)
+ "Map FN on nREPL DICT.
+FN must accept two arguments key and value."
+ (if (nrepl-dict-p dict)
+ (cl-loop for l on (cdr dict) by #'cddr
+ collect (funcall fn (car l) (cadr l)))
+ (error "Not an nREPL dict")))
+(defun nrepl-dict-merge (dict1 dict2)
+ "Destructively merge DICT2 into DICT1.
+Keys in DICT2 override those in DICT1."
+ (let ((base (or dict1 '(dict))))
+ (nrepl-dict-map (lambda (k v)
+ (nrepl-dict-put base k v))
+ (or dict2 '(dict)))
+ base))
+(defun nrepl-dict-get-in (dict keys)
+ "Return the value in a nested DICT.
+KEYS is a list of keys. Return nil if any of the keys is not present or if
+any of the values is nil."
+ (let ((out dict))
+ (while (and keys out)
+ (setq out (nrepl-dict-get out (pop keys))))
+ out))
+(defun nrepl-dict-flat-map (function dict)
+ "Map FUNCTION over DICT and flatten the result.
+FUNCTION follows the same restrictions as in `nrepl-dict-map', and it must
+also alway return a sequence (since the result will be flattened)."
+ (when dict
+ (apply #'append (nrepl-dict-map function dict))))
+;;; More specific functions
+(defun nrepl--cons (car list-or-dict)
+ "Generic cons of CAR to LIST-OR-DICT."
+ (if (eq (car list-or-dict) 'dict)
+ (cons 'dict (cons car (cdr list-or-dict)))
+ (cons car list-or-dict)))
+(defun nrepl--nreverse (list-or-dict)
+ "Generic `nreverse' which works on LIST-OR-DICT."
+ (if (eq (car list-or-dict) 'dict)
+ (cons 'dict (nreverse (cdr list-or-dict)))
+ (nreverse list-or-dict)))
+(defun nrepl--push (obj stack)
+ "Cons OBJ to the top element of the STACK."
+ ;; stack is assumed to be a list
+ (if (eq (caar stack) 'dict)
+ (cons (cons 'dict (cons obj (cdar stack)))
+ (cdr stack))
+ (cons (if (null stack)
+ obj
+ (cons obj (car stack)))
+ (cdr stack))))
+(defun nrepl--merge (dict1 dict2 &optional no-join)
+ "Join nREPL dicts DICT1 and DICT2 in a meaningful way.
+String values for non \"id\" and \"session\" keys are concatenated. Lists
+are appended. nREPL dicts merged recursively. All other objects are
+accumulated into a list. DICT1 is modified destructively and
+then returned.
+If NO-JOIN is given, return the first non nil dict."
+ (if no-join
+ (or dict1 dict2)
+ (cond ((null dict1) dict2)
+ ((null dict2) dict1)
+ ((stringp dict1) (concat dict1 dict2))
+ ((nrepl-dict-p dict1)
+ (nrepl-dict-map
+ (lambda (k2 v2)
+ (nrepl-dict-put dict1 k2
+ (nrepl--merge (nrepl-dict-get dict1 k2) v2
+ (member k2 '("id" "session")))))
+ dict2)
+ dict1)
+ ((and (listp dict2) (listp dict1)) (append dict1 dict2))
+ ((listp dict1) (append dict1 (list dict2)))
+ (t (list dict1 dict2)))))
+;;; Dbind
+(defmacro nrepl-dbind-response (response keys &rest body)
+ "Destructure an nREPL RESPONSE dict.
+Bind the value of the provided KEYS and execute BODY."
+ (declare (debug (form (&rest symbolp) body)))
+ `(let ,(cl-loop for key in keys
+ collect `(,key (nrepl-dict-get ,response ,(format "%s" key))))
+ ,@body))
+(put 'nrepl-dbind-response 'lisp-indent-function 2)
+(provide 'nrepl-dict)
+;;; nrepl-dict.el ends here
diff --git a/test/nrepl-dict-tests.el b/test/nrepl-dict-tests.el
index 5b0a5c3a..787dbe9a 100644
--- a/test/nrepl-dict-tests.el
+++ b/test/nrepl-dict-tests.el
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
;;; Code:
(require 'buttercup)
-(require 'nrepl-client)
+(require 'nrepl-dict)
(describe "nrepl-dict-merge"
:var (input)