diff options
authorWei "pw" Peng <>2014-12-29 12:12:47 -0500
committerWei "pw" Peng <>2015-01-07 11:44:43 -0500
commitef645cfa14ca7c0f9374d38849005923b84e6526 (patch)
parent0454e5c0698722f461221b42401ffddc5079aa9f (diff)
[Fix #930] Explain in README how to use local JVM API doc over the online version on Oracle's site.
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 83161acc..c57115dc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -382,6 +382,20 @@ helpful for identifying each host.
(setq cider-known-endpoints '(("host-a" "" "7888") ("host-b" "7888")))
+* If you are targeting the JVM and prefer a local copy of the JDK API documentation over Oracle's official copy (e.g., for [JavaSE 8](, per nREPL's [`javadoc-info` logic (accurate as of 29 Dec 2014)](, you can arrange your project to include the **root** path of the local API doc (i.e., where the `index.html` is located) to be included on your classpath (i.e., where the doc HTML files can be located by ``). For example, for Leiningen, with the local API path being `/usr/share/doc/java/api/`, put the following line in `project.clj`:
+:dev {:resource-paths ["/usr/share/doc/java/api/"]}
+**or** the following line in `$HOME/.lein/profiles.clj`:
+:user {:resource-paths ["/usr/share/doc/java/api/"]}
+More detail can be found [here](
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